surance when you’re already laid up with accidental injuries or a serious illness. The time to buy accident and sicknses (A and S) insurance is while ygu are in good health. Your CIA representative will be glad to tell you What a CIA accident and sickness policy co 7ers and what it does not cover Or we will provide a specimen policy on request. See your CIA representative for the full CIA A and~ 9! protec tion picture â€" do it now, while ycu are in good health! MRS. SADIE McBAIN, RR 1, IDA, Agent Phone RI 5-8079 Just as you can’t buy fire insurance on your house when it is already burning so you can’t buy accident and sickness in. YOU BUY IT WITH GOOD HEALTï¬ Attend the Church of your choice on Sunday. W“ QUEEN" “€1.17. ‘ (At suachan Avenue) .TBLSPHONE EMpire 3-9661 _ rezone; one“, OAKLEY, STANmsn, 01 cm a men 425 Water Street PETEBBOROUGB, ONTARIO '1'. J. Carley QC. (1896-1956) B. 0. Standish 0.0. T. E. Clarke B.A. R. H. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech B.A. Dead Stock Removed 3mm PRICES um 24-Hour Service situation. 7 7 3rd. This was the birthday 2nd. The bewildered and frightened diSciples were now filled with the Power, and be- ing conï¬dent of the ultimate victory of the Kingdom of their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, they spoke forth with eIOquence PHONE 001.1.301“: Peterboronh 2-2080 Cobourg 1787 Nick Peconi PROPRIETOR lst. Pentecost Was the dawn of a new era. of life-giving power. pour out in those days of my Spirit, upOn all flesh and they shall prophesy, and whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be savedâ€. Acts 2:17-21. This was Whitsunday and Pentecost. Acts 2:1-4. “And when the day of Pentecost {was fully come, they, the 120 dis- ciples, were all with one accord in one place’ ’-â€"â€"The Lpper Room, where for ten days they had tarried in prayer, waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit to be fulfilled. “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitt- ing. And there appeared unto 1 them cloven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them, and the; were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance, so that the multitudes from the area around the Mediterranean Sea were able to hear in their own tongue the Gospel message which Peter preached unto them, and the same day there were added unto them about 3,000 souls. As Bethlehem was honoured with the Birth 0f { Saviour, Jesus Christ, so J ems- ‘ alem witnessed the birth-day of the Christian Church on this . glorious day of Pentecost in ' fulfilment of the prophecy of the prophet Joel 400 B.C. ] “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will; ‘ At St. Andrew’s CO-OPERATORS INSURANG E ASSOCIATION :Ag-rwo ‘ anu NVI‘OUI', .desus (11111513,! Qhe first half 0f the 195b :poke forth' mth eloquence; Bantam schedule has been outage, in a dangerous drawn up and is as follows: i011. p . . iMay 29 Cobourg at Courtice ’ T1)“ was the blrthdangay 29 Orono at Port Hope â€" June 2 Orono at Millbrook 31m 8 303133 ;June 2 Courtice 0t Port HOpe 1 MEAL SERVICES [June 2 Bowmanville at Cobo- warm k.» (urg 7 a. n ...._....____‘ June 5 Mill'brook at Bowman- ! _._.._.. I Sunday afternoon a I crowd numbering in the th nds assenlbled _at Bewc‘ J The Millbrook girls have entered their team in a league 6with Courtice, Newcastle, and . .. £3..§101‘01110f Which should provide 1 ~ ' loca ans with much interest- at“ meg‘ing recreation during the sum- mer months. It is not known at the present time Whether Sunday afternoon a large lthere. U Entries were from many' places in Ontario and the U. 8., all topâ€" n-otch race1s. Four oflf) th . [the contestants got a dunking 9 any will enter this league or not, but it is h0ped that the» [fin the cold \xa‘ter when their;do’ for a league Without thel g racmg craft upset. I l I _ ,Bethany girl-s w ouldn 1; seem 1 . _ lright. Come on Bethany, round' 1 New supp13 of Count ter 111p your beauty queens and put Check B0015 at The Reporter them in loose jackets, we need Office. No rise in price I .3 o 1: (11113311111 qualities. I __,____.. a -__-.â€"â€". I Millbr-ao 1k “.3 ill play their first gleague game in Courtice on 10D HEAL-[H 'I’rida3. May 30th.1 BOAT RACESVAT BEWDLEY DREW THOUSANDS June 9 Orono at Courtice June 9 Cobourg at Millbrook June 11 Courtice at Cobourg June 11 Port Hope at Orono June 11 Millbrook at BOWman‘. (ville. Games to commence at 6. 30 p. m. ,dead lme 6. 45 June 5 Cobourg at Orono‘ June 5 Port Hope at Courtice gune 9 Bowmanyille at Port Basebal! Schedule “The Hour of Power Scr- vice†for this week will he held at Mrs. Arthur Mulligan’ s home on F rldav evening at 8. 0-0 0 clock. queathed \Vith us to dwell". The senior choir sane a special anthem for Pentecost, ‘Our Blest Redeemer, ere He breathed His tender last farewell, A Guide, a Comforter be- of Brotherly Love. The great congregation frjom East and West, South and North, saw the Spirit descend on all flesh. and formed the promises: of peace and reconciliation and fellow- ship in the family, community and nations. John Clark is host and Roberta Maxwell is hostess on “Junior Magazine,†the popular child- ren’s she-W which is seen on the CBC-TV eonnected network' Words in 162 in hymn-d: JUNIOR MAGAZINE E.L.H. (Hope (ville “D0 V011 say your pravers 11101" 11131111, Trudy?†aka] the 1111111ste1' . “011 1111 211111111111' 9am them '1' 11- me, †1111‘“ erod Trudy. I“11dved, and What does she my?†he queried. “T nank God you :9 111 bed!†v.13“ 1119 prompt reply. ‘ The local girls team is com- posed of Mary McDowell, Glen- da Bain, Elaine Blain, Norma Earle Eileen Pow-911,, Helen Wright, Margaret Armstrong, (nee Guthrie), Lindna HO-gg, Dorot‘hy Hutchinson, Laureen Guthrie 'and Ellin'ore Crowley. Millbrook Ladies’ Softball team made their home debut at the local fair grounds last I‘hursd-ay evening, meeting the smart, Bethany team, which they defeated 1.0 to 8. Renew your subscription. LOCAL GIRLS WIN SOFTBALL GAME Our best wishes go to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and the three “J’s ’ (Joan, Judy, and John) in their new position. Upon taking up his new duties, Alex. will Start immedi- ately on detail :w-ork leading up to the opening of the St. Law- [Pllce Seaway and Power P10- ject which will be opened by Her Majesty The Queen in 1959. I Mr. Alex. Gilbert has resign- ed from his position as secre- i nary-111anager of Trenton Cham- ' her of Commerce. His resignaâ€" ;ticn goes into ei‘fect June 15th. when he takes a, similar posi- ,ti011 with the Cornwall Chan:- ber of Commerce. Alex is Well known in Millbrook Where he opeIated a food 111ark1ewt 1’1'1' lsome years. He is a chaiter [member and past president of :h:‘ Zlill‘i'ozsk and Distiict‘ Lhamber of Commerce 21 past president of the Millblouk’ Home and School Association, ‘1 and Millbrook Lions Club. His new position is a big step upj the ladder and is a Dresult of his great community spirit and‘ unfathomable energy. l ALEX. GILBERT FORMER LOCAL MAN GOING TO CORNWALL every week. Clark is starting- his third season with the show, while Miss Maxwell, who was the first apprentice at the Strat- ford, Ontario, festival this year, M'ill be making her d'ebut. mg woman-rm, m _-. Other schools Miss Harker at- tended included Central Public School, St. Mary ’s,‘ and Mitchell jHigh School, where most of her '. first year was spent. She mov- ' ed with her family to Millbrook ' in April of 1939. She attended L; Peterborough Normal School [on a Dominion-Provincial burs~ any. The schools in which she \' ) "taught before attending Uni-, versity were Cairo and Whit- (field Schools in Cavan Town- ;ship and Ontario Street school iin Bowmanville. .’ Grace Church, Embrook Nome i9.45 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. Centreville Church Add“ South Monaghan W 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. *3“â€" WILLMOTT IRVINE Barristers, Solicitors, Nata 783 Telephone 9, Millbrook 1. Roy Wilhnott, (2.0. James A. Irvine, HA. '_'_ A i When asked abouther plans fpr the future, Miss Harker said that after graduation next ‘ Miss Harker is the daughter of the late Rev. Michael Henry (Harry) H‘arker and the former Emma J. Grenke,‘ whohstill lives with her damgh'ter- and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Gillen, ;on the farm which the! Harkers moved, to after ill; health caused him to give up the ministry. , la small school. In fact, she thinks it might be an advant-g ge. Good students learn to] 9 independent working for’ gl1e111selxes while the teacher =011duet> another class. They are also able to learn from other classes conducted in their hearing. If they do feel the! need of indixidual instruction on any points she thinks per-l haps it is easier to get it in a small school than in a large one. Miss Barker is a graduate of Millbr'ook High School. She says she has never {found it a disadvantage to have come from Miss Harker was also a sch-0L: arship winner her firt two years at University. The first- year she won the Sir Wilfred Laurier Scholarship in oral French and shared the Susan Near Scholarship for written: I I French. The second year as well as a University Scholar- ship for highest standing, she won the Anne Adamson one in! psychology. } Wilda'Harker has recently «been announced (winner of three scholarships at the end of her third year in arts at Queen’H University. Their total value is $1,150. They are the Reuben Wells Leonard Suholarship fur highest standing in arts at the. end of the penultimate year; the Eliza Fitzgerald Scholar- ship for the woman student obtaining the highest standing at the end of the penultim at? ye ear; and a University Scholar- ship awarded to the student oiI each department ontaining the? tigheot standing. i Weddings, the sick room, funerals. WILDA BARKER OBTAINS HIGHEST STANDING AT QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY Emamg jfl mgr Ebop Opposite the Capitol Theatre, Port Hope Ebrams’ flawer Shop PHONE TURNER 55796 DAY; TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COIF‘ECT “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU†21 Qaeen Street ogy if she is able to get a fel- lowship. After that she might do ,work in child psychology, perhaps of a, clinical nature with emotionally disturbed children. During the summer last year she worked with Miss IsajbE]. Laird, professor of child psychology, testing babies and young childrenâ€"Examiner. ‘ year she would like to go on for her mash-r’s degree in psychol- Gcod Reading for the Whole Family - ï¬ews . Facts - Faméiy Features The Christian Science Monitor Gnc Norway St, Boston 15, Moss. Send yow newspaper for the time :hecked. Enclosed find my check or money order. I year $18 5 6 months $9 [I 3 months $4.50 D Used Machinery. PHONE 37122 GOLDSPRINGS. HASSON MACHINERY, (OLDSPRINGS 3 Plow Power Gas and Diesel Tractor Also the new Revolutimy Melroe Harrow new on display. Let’s make a Date to Demonstrate! Mirror-Reporter , . H. Barnngor, Publisher. COCKSHUTT 550 See The New [ r PRESBYTERIAN Centrevflle and Millbrook Rey. Walter Patterson, M.A Minister Emeritus. Grace Church, mm 9.45 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. Centreville Church South Monaghan 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. 9. 45 a. m.â€"Public Worship r Sunday School with Camp Cor- ner. With Camp Cornerr “W115; Church Camping has meant in my lifeâ€. THE UNITED CHURGE Millbrook Pastoral Charge ‘Rsev. Francis Chisholm, M .A., B.D., Minister. Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. “0 Come, Let Us Worship’z » , St. Andrew’s ’ ‘ 10.00 a'.m.â€"Sunday School 11.15 a.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship Whitsunday St. John‘s, Ida 9.45 a.m.-â€"Holy Communion. St. Thomas’ Church Millbrook 11.15 tumâ€"Holy Communion Christ Church, Bailieboro 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer. Zion Pentecostal Church MILLBROOK Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a . m . â€"Worship Service . 7.30 p.m .â€"Great Evangelistic Service . Thursday: lay 29, 1958 PARISH OF CAVAN Anglican Church of Canada Pentecostal Assemblies of . H. c. Quinn, B.A., Lth. Gavan FOR E Painting 9:; Re-dece nraé in g PHONE Millbrook 21416 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' =IIIIIIIIIIIII 'rznunmnmmmnm III-Illllflllllllllflfllmn‘r. "’ I .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE'I in 1957, but the need for close Ft'udy before aetiOn was taken was recognized. Limited 'eg‘:~- lation, effective May 26111 al- lows passing on the right when (a) an overtaken vehicle 55% making or has signalled a left turn, (10) Withina city. town 01‘ village on a street or high- way of two or more lanes in Enabling legislation to 9!- mit passing on the right in cerâ€" tain circumstances was enacted The controlling anion ‘- 5‘Yield Right of Way" sign: has been changed from prohibit ing drivers entering 3 “Yield’ intersection at a speed greatei than 15 m.p..h., which in sonu circumstances was found to in excessive, to require motorists to slow down to a reasonabh Speed for existing conditions. and to stop if necessary. The dangerous pedesrria practice of crossing against re signal lights is now prOhiblIH, Either while the red 13:! of the combined gram and :m her lights are facing: a pod» trian at a signal-controlled in tel-section, he “shall x101 enzal the roadway until a green ligh‘ is khownâ€. Similarly. with “Wait, Walk‘ ’ Signals. he :11th not enter the roadway em-ep: (when the “Walk" signal i: facing him. Legislation came into effw on Monday, May 26th whic introduces new confroh an protection for drivers and pec‘ estrians alike. HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT AMENDMENTS IN FORCE“- One of those small model ca becoming common on our roar just now, sitting up on the sid walk on Sunday. It is repoz 9d it was lifted there by son pranksters. However, it mo ed off with its own power Wht the driver was ready to £0. PHONE MfllbrOOk 214x32 A pretty bird with light 01 green back and white bre: larger than a sparrow, ; smaller than a robin, sitting a doorway, either sick or : jured. It was taken and I- in a box given some bread .; water and left to recover pass on. It made the gm and flew away about two 1101' later. Fred Gardner Cavan, Ont. ron Brick Block Work A number of bricks knoc] out of the lower corner of law office. At first it i surmised a car backed into this was found to be out, so next conclusion was that bi trying to make a hole to nesj were the culprits“ this seen ridiculous for a bird could remove bricks, so the last re» was surmised, and that v that youngsters rwere enjoyi themelves pecking them (1 This too, may be “phoney’fl Seen On King Street During Ihe Week PHONE Peter Lodewyfss Cavan, Qr‘gt