rches School hip Service. Evangelistic :al Church )2 organiSt ctor. 5' School Worship ner “What is‘ meant in er. School Worship . ommunion . IAVAN GS ‘orship’, 'orship. Prayer . Lbrook " FOR i’ainiing and 5‘ . gig-decmaimg PHONE Millbrook 214r6 ' IIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIE} 5 3; GENERAL REPAIRS E = PHONE Millbrook 2141'32 : "‘ I i Enabling legislation to per- mit passing on the right in cer- tain circumstances was enacted in 1957, but the need for close study before action was taken was recognized. Limited ’egis- letion, effective May 26th.-al- lolws passing on the right when (a) an overtaken vehicle is making or has signalled a left turn. (b) Within a city, town or village on a street or h1g.h- Way of two or more lanes 1n The controlling action of “Yield Right of Way†signs has been changed from prohibit- ing drivers entering a “Yield†intersection at a speed greater than 15 m.p_.h., which in some circumstances was foumd to be excessive, to require motorists to slow down to a reasonable Speed for existing conditions and to stop if necessary. Legislation tame into effectivehicle up on Monday, Mav 26th whichinay witho iim- ;ll'((‘.l‘ new controls and: protection for drivers and ped-r e.~-t1-ia11.~~ alike. The dangerous pedestrian practice of crossing against red- signal lights is now prohibited. : Either while the red light of the combined green and am? her lights are facing a pedes- trian at a signal- controlled in- tersection, he‘ ‘shall not enter the roadway until a green light is ‘thownâ€. Similarly, with nor enter the roadway except when the “\Valk" signal is facing him. that it wil anyone els on the tra: is necessai passengers A demei under clos partment 0 which con cords are sistant viol moved frm ‘ sary. Um "Wait. Walk‘ ’ Signals, he must; tion the 0 was respor tion of th ! circumstam HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT AMENDMENTS IN FORCE (me of those small model cars becoming common on our roads just now, sitting up (in the side- walk on Sunday. It. is report- pd it was lifted there by some pranksters. However, it mov- ml 011' with its own power when The driver was ready to go. A pretty bird with light olive green back and white ._ breast, larger than a sparrow, yet, smaller than a. robin, sitting in a doorway, either Sick '_0r in- jured. It was taken and put in a box given some bread mdl water and left to recover 01! pass on. It made the grade and flew away about two hours later. I Fred Gardner Cavan, Ont. FOR Brick Block Work A number of bricks knocked out of the lower corner .of the law office. At first it was surmised a car backed into it, Thi< was found to be out, so the next conclusion was that birds trying to make a hole to nes: in Were" the culprits,. this seemed ridiculous for a bird couldn’t rmnove bricks, so the last resort w-x xurmi's‘ed, and that was that youngsters were enjoying themelves apocking them out. ; This too, may be‘ ‘.phoney†‘ Seen On King Street During The Week PHONE Pete: Lodewyks Cavan, Ont, Thursday, May 29, Cavan United Church Male Voice Choir made its debut at the church service last Sunday morning. The choir number- ing 15 voices, was trained by Mrs. Milford ByerS’. Mr. Fraser, .C-arr. presided at the organ. Two anthems were sung. ‘ ’The Church in the \Vild- woodԠand an arrangement of ‘ ’Fight. the Good Fightâ€. g The extent and character of new building in areas previous-. ly rural in natuer presents a problem in speed control Cities, towns, villages, police villages and “built-up†areas have speed limits, subject to municipal by-laws, of 30111. p. h. The designation “built-up’ which ref-ers to areas outside cities, towns and villages, de-, pends upon the number of} ibuildings over certain distances ‘ 'on one or both sides of the, highway. The modern trend towards [wider lots in new build- ‘ ing developments often leaves them unable to qualify as; “built-upâ€. The law now in-l cludes a new category, “urban; area†described as one requir-( ing a building at least every' 1.00 feet for a distance of a quarter of a mile outside cities, ‘ towns. villages, and police vil- . ages. In such areas, appropri-h ately marked, the speed limit is i 40 m.p.h. I may a driver go off the road- way to pass. E New legislation recognises the hazard of vehicle doors beâ€"’ ling opened carelessly or left' Eopen, by making it an o fence 1to Open the door of a motorE ivehicle upon a street or high-E ixxay without first making sure Ethat it will not interfere DwithE ‘anyone else, or to leave a. doorl on the traffic side longer thanE is necessary to load or unload. A demerit point system is under close study by the De- partment of TranSport, through which continuous drivers’ re- cords are to be kept and per- sistant violaters checked or re- moved from the road if neces- sary. Under previous legisla- tion the owner of the vehicle was responisble for the opera- tion of the vehicle except in circumstances where the vehicle was being operated without his knowledge or consent. To keep accurate drivers’ records it is obviously necessary to register any convictions for moving violations against the driver ; who may not necessarily be the1 owner. The driver, whether‘ owner or not, under the new legislation will be held respon-. sible for moving violations: under the Act. MEN ’S CHOIR AT CAVAN each direction, or (c) on one‘ wav streets. In any r1 u-ht- hand passing drivers must be sure it is safe to do so, and In no case Jn order _to speed up "it-eight the sists of trans-ports Loaded on flat satisfaction. Above shows a m In order to M‘elgnt the railroads have started a “piggy-back†service. This con- ‘ded on flat cars-and swished away to Monteral or Toronto, w1th much shows a tréin made up of this kind of freight. p.111, with Orono. Come out! you parents, and support your' boys and cheer them on to a Saturday they defeated 01'0- no in Orono 3 to 2.; this was a 4.118.113 game. On Monday at home they lotvt to Port Hope 6 To 4 in a close contest. The next home game will be, on Monday, June 2nd., at 6.30 After a first-game jitters, losing to Courtice 12 to 2, they turned the tables on the same team in a home game 5 to 3. The local boys are making a fine showing in the Minor Lake- shore Baseball League under the able coaching of Vince Crough and Elmer Hogg . ‘ ’PIGGYBACK’1’I TRUCKING The Lady Lion-s held their regular monthly meeting at the {home of Mrs. W. O’Brian on 3 Monday evening. During the pleasant sociali hour refreshments were served by Mrs. O’Brian, Mrs. Nattress and Mrs. McMaster. Several games of Bingo werei played and prizes awarded the! winners. I The cup and saucer was won. by Mrs. H. Lancashire. Mrs. Payne gave a detailed report of the final plans for the Garden Tea and Bake Sale to be held at the home of Mrs. Lies‘emer on Wednesday, June 25th., from 3 to 5 o’clock. Ad- mission 35c. The President, Mrs. E. Liese-' mer, conducted an active busi- ness session and extended con-; gratulations to the nominated .officers for 1958~9 who are as follows: ' ' ‘. Presidentâ€"Mrs. Lawrence Win- ‘SJOW Vice-Pres . â€"-Mrs. E. Nattdess Secretaryâ€"Mrs.-H. Lancashire Treasurerâ€"Mrs . A . Payne .. The June dinner meeting Will be held on June 16th. at which time we zwill hear 2a full report on the convention, and ‘an in- stallation ceremony for the 1958-59 directors. ‘ The regular monthly business meeting will be held on Mon- day, June 2nd .in the Waiting Room at 8.00 p.m. A good turnout is requested. A number of Lions and their wives will attend District “Aâ€. Convention being held in North Bay June 1.. 2, 3, and 4, as well as the. offcial delegates whoI will remain for the entire (011- } vention A few carloads are planning journeying up for thei big parade on Sunday. ! MINOR BASEBALL â€0% NOFES m mammmnm, mums, g at theT The bridge over Baxter’s irian On'Creek on Distillery Street, is [fast taking shape and from all 3. Liesegiappearances the Durham Con- 1 NEW BRIDGE IS INEARING COMPLETION g Trappers meetings have been iheld at various centres through- tout the Winter, with Depart- iment officials emphasizing the importance ofl this part of the ibusiness, and with old-timers demonstrating the best methods iof skinning animals and “our- ing†the skins. Officials emphasized there’s a big difference in the prices (paid at the various fur auctions for good pelts and bad ones. Attend the Church of your Choice on Sunday. it géve way, When done it will be a splendid contribution to the locality of? the War Veteran’s Hall, and already gives the neighbourhood a new look. CARE IN PROCESSING LPELTS PAYS OFF {IN BETTER PRICES struction Co. of Port Hope, the builders will soon have the job :compsleted, {notw'itM-ttand- iggï¬ minor yumishap about twq Weeks ago when some’pal‘t'of ouuw men, ' The Department of Laiids pictures 0 and Forests, 1n co-operation family as‘ with the Ontario Trappers’ As-ggroup in c sociation, has intensified itslTV Stlldi_0- efforts to educate trappers in Y9 Ed_1tc better preparation of their furs porter IS for the market. youngsters Ye EditOr of the Mirror-Re- porter is an uncle of these youngsters parents, and great uncle of the featured children. A double spread in Satur- day’s Toronto Globe magazine section featured “The Bustling- Barringer Brood of Junior Showmen,†and has several pictures of members of the family as well as a family group in colour, taken in the Hospitality has been offered to ten delegates to Conference in the Millbrook district. . BARRINGE’R’S IN LIMELIGHT The Bay of Quinte Confer- ence will be held this year in Trinity Unted Church, Peter- b-orough, from June 3rd. to 6th. Ministerial and lay delegates will come :irom as far as Pem- broke and Pickering. Mill- biook-Cavan Pastoral Charge is represented by Rev. Francis Chisholm and Mr. Wilfred L. Elson,, with Mr. Wm. J. Robinson, Gavan as alternate. Members of the public are in- vited to the Ordination Service on Wednesday. June 4th. at 8.00 p.m. in Trinity Church, when. candidates Will be or- dained to the Holy Ministry; the address will be given by the President of the Confer- ence, Rev. W. F. Banister, CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN PETERBOROUGH New supply of Counter (heck Books just arriv- ed at the Old Price at- Telephone collect E Keene S3w1, if no answer : Peterborongh Ri-2-4330. : : I: I i' E Burrett Fur Far- .â€" Although most of the time has been sunny yet quite cool for this time of year, there was a frost heavy enough Monday morning to make the tomato plants and other delicate items if set out yet, as well as the Strawberry and apple blossom say “uncle". It is hoped the berry crop and the tomato plants did not suffer too much from the punch of the familiar “Jack Frostâ€. The regular meeting of the Town Group of the W. A. will be held in the Church Hall on Tuesday, June 3rd., at 3.00 o’clock p.m. Port Hope, Ont . Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for 0ch horses. Dead Stock! The Weather NOTICE