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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 29 May 1958, p. 4

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The Ladies" Aid of Grace Presbyterian Church held their May meeting on Friday, May 9th. in the Church Hall. The gathering opened with prayer by the President, Mrs. Lorne Farrow. Hymn “0 Master, Let Me Walk Hith Thee” was sung and the Apostles Creed was said in unison. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Eight. ladies answered to the roll call. The Treasurer’s report was given and business discussed. WThe meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. GRACE CHURCH LADIES’ AID MEETING I'nder the auspices of L.0.L. Lequire Fuels Phone Bailieboro 30 Phone I Pump Repairs Trenching and Digging Plumbing 8: Heating Lequire Furnace and Oil-Burners Eavestroughing and ATTWOOL SHEPPARD Millbrook, Phone 6-w PAGE FOUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR NOW IN EFFECT ON} DRIVE SAFELY Rememberâ€"this week and every week â€"it is the duty of everyone to THIS WEEK-END TODAY fuel prices ate at thei: lowestâ€"not next Fall. 50 fill your bin with 'blue coal’ now! The sooner you order, the more you save. COME IN OR PHONE US TODAY éAvel LET us FnI YOUR 3w TODAY rn “E H . . U "9 'VU ' The followmg communica- UK SH EPPAR tions were received and read :i Counties Clerk re two indigent' Phone 6'w patients in Peterborough Civic Hospital; Consumers Gas Co. -a LO W - COS T HEA T 1'? certificate from the Ontario ' WEATHER WISDOM Fuel Board, Several requests from Grader Manufacturers fOr'FeSt'Ooned \‘Vith weather-statis. tender forms re purchase ofltics ticker tape is wae Horns- i Coming Event 119W grader; N- and D- Healthitein, a meteorlogist with the l l'nit. monthly report; DGPt- 6f Dominion Public Weather Of- ‘Municipal :Affairs re inff’lmfi‘. fice, Halifax who discusses . Plan to attend the Gala tron regardlng the authority of; 7 . ‘ ._ . _ .Rotary Street Fair on Friday a Municipality to authOrize the weather tom.“ each Sunday eveningJune 20th, at the Town‘pulling down or repair of nn- lllght 111 111% 1‘11le bI‘OHd‘JaSt, Hall Park in Port Hope. Games'desirable living quarters; Also Ask the Weatherman, on the of chance and prizes galore. lthe authority Of a. Municipality CBC Trans-Canada network. aRuy =51 bOOk 0f tickets: and getito impose a 4% penalty ourall'Mr. Hornfitein explains meteor- a chance on some wondertulidue taxes after December lot}?! ological phenomena for the lay- prizes. In case of, ram, June In the case of the Township 0"inran, and suggests how listen- -) ' '1‘ Manvers- (“reen ‘r0 5 Prc -- ,1 IS the day ' ° ’ ' C s 3 I ers may make a hobby .of watch- ducts, price list re brush killer.ing the weather and illtel‘fn‘ct» . and weed spray; Ewart Huyckel in" its vauaries . NOTICE correspondence regarding as-i ° " L“ V ' E The Cavan District L.O.L. sisting our new Arfit‘ssfil‘, Mr. District Meeting will be held Johnston and others. selection was arrived at. tin Carmel Orange Hall, CArmelH By-law No. 1348, appointing. On motion of Jakeman and ;011 Tuesday, June 3rd, at 8.30_Mr. Alfred Jgohnton, Assessor,Brown» the rate for tractor jp,1n, ifor the Township of Manvers'pperatvor on grading or dragg- aNormnal Earle. District Master ’was given the three necessary 111‘; work henceforth to be $2.00 Willis Cuningham, Rec.-Sec’y.lreadings, signed, sealed and P0P hour. Rate to be retro- 1111111Jn‘pd, fat'tlYJ t0 Junuaxy lst, 1958. I Moved by Jakeman, seconded Carried. thy Malcolm that the Township Moved by Malcolm, seconded Eof Manvers ask for an arbitrat’by Jakeman that the 1957 roll fition with the Victoria County he accepted from the Collector lDistrict High School Board in and the arrears amounting to gaccordance with the Secondary $115252” be entered in the ifikxhools and Boards of Educa- tax arrears ledger. The 1957 :tion Act 1954. Chap. 87, sub, tax roll amounted to $104,022.- isec. :33 (o). Carried. trio. Carried. oâ€"_a 'â€" â€"_ - lllfllli III-III Hall Park in Port Hope. Games of chance and prizes galore. Buy a book of tickets: and get ‘a chance on some wonderful prizes. In case ofv rain, June ,21 is the day. 3t 'v . rx .f. .Lr : ., _ z . t». , . ‘ 6 3x ‘3 _ is?! . . . 2. R. A. Bly.,thCo Toronto Ont. Crushing and deliV ering anywhere within the Tounship: on a flat rate basis .76( per cuiLyf . $5040.00 cheque enâ€"i closed.“ . l 3. Russell Kerr, Bethany, Ont. Crushing and delivering anywhere within the Township on a flat rate basis at .72c per cu. yd. $300.00 cheque en- closed. ‘ pcr cu‘. id. and .0715. per cu. Ewart Huycke, assist- yd. per mile on overhaul 01 cr ing asses5 or ........ 6 miles. Crushed 0*rax e1 off Municipal World Ltd. belt .44c per cu. yd. No $f-.§00 gsupplies ............ depo it received. Cecil Bulmer, Warble 2. R. A. Blyth CO., 'l‘orontO, F13 spraying ........ Ont.Crusl1i-r1g and deliVering Ross Daiidson, balance anvwhere within the Tounshin' of tax collectors sal- ()11 motion of McGill and Mal- colm the tender of Russell Kerr was accepted at .72c per cu. yd. as per call of tender. Car- ried. Moved by Jakeman, second- ed by Brown that the tenders for the supplying of a new motor grader be opened. (far- vied. - Bethany, Ont., May 6', 1958. â€"The regular monthly meeting of the Manvers Municipal Coun- cil was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Argue in the chair. Mmed by Br01111, seconded Mm 11 bv l\1e(xill, seconded} b1 McCill that the Clerk open 111 \Idlt 01111 that the Ree1e and} the tenders for the supplying Treawmei be authmized tol of arm e1 as per call of tende1 sign cheques for the following, in the Daily Commercial Ne11s.aec0u11.ts; l Carried il‘ illléldillll State 31112111. i The £011011i11g tenders 11e1e assessor ad .......... $ 2. 97 recei1 ed [United Counties of N. 1. Frank S. Coyle, La '2 D.. hospitalization 129. 63 field.,- Ont. Crushing and de- Health Unit, plumb- ' livering up to a 6 mile haul .750 ing fees ............ 7.50; 2. Sawyer-Massey. Austin- Western 99-L. 3. Dominion Road Machin- ery. Champion. 4. J. D. Adams. 5. W. L. Ball-entine Co. Ltd. Galion Model 118. The following tenders were received:â€" As per specifica- tions called. 115. , 4 JOHN PAYNE ' Representatives of the vari-i Pontypool _. Ontario 0115 Manufacturers interviewed“LicensedAuctioneer. Durham the (‘mmeil and explained the . County, is now available to con. various features of the maâ€"‘duct sales anywhere in County. chines they proposed to semi Your patronage respectfully No decision on the purchase! solicited MANVERS TOWNSHIP AWARDS CONTRACT TO BETHANY MAN 6. Compressed Air Equip. meu’t Ltd. Huber Warco 4D- 115. 1. Geo. W. Crothers Ltd. C‘at'erpullar Model No. 12. The minutes of the April regular meeting and a special meeting on April 12th, 1‘358, Were creafd and iapproved on motion of Malcolm and Brown. ,Carried. THE MIRROR-REFORM. MILLBROOK, ONTARIO WEATHER WISDOM better. ”â€"Canadaink. :Festooned \‘with weather-statis. _______,__, ltics ticker tape is Rulbe Horns- WANTED tein, a meteorlogist with the Dominion Public Weather Of- fice, Halifax who discusses weather topics each Sunday menoe July lst. Address apâ€" night in his radio broadcast, pliea‘tions to Mr. D. R. Ask the Weaith-erman, on thej Fowler, Chairman, before UBO Trans-Canada network! ilne 5th, 1958' _ 2‘ 'Mr. Hornstein explains meteor-; FOR SALE - ‘ ological phenomena for the lay- For Saleéh‘resh pickedm iman, and suggests how listen- Phone ll‘i-flMillbrook It i ers may make a hobby of watch- - ..____l._ _. .. ' iing the weather and interpret- [For Saleâ€"3 Yorkshire Sows Q ing its vagaries. } due soon. Also started pig-s. ___..‘ a- ___._,__ : Stanford Brown phone lel- awning“- m men“: at l brook 224-r-21. 1t 'Wantedâ€"By Millbrook P1113132 School Board, Secretary- Treasurer, duties to com- ary, 1957 ............ Ross Davidson, on sal- ary account . ....... Federation of Agr’l, balance of 1957 levy. . Twp. Treas. for trans- fer, road voucher No. 6 .................. 1943.79 Moved by Jakeman, seconded by Brown, that the meeting adjourn until June 3rd, 1958, D.S‘.T. at 1.30 p.m. Take notice that a by-law for raising $50,000.00 under the provisions of: The Tile Drainage: Act, Will be taken into consider-l ation by the Council of the? Municipality of the Corporation \ of the Township of Cavan at a, special meeting of the Council? on the 20th day of June, 1958,! at the hour of 8 o’clock in the ! afternoon. . I : Uluun 4411-41. selection was arrived at. _______ 3- 00 p. m. (E. S. T. ) , Thurs- On motion of Jake-man and For Saleâ€"3 Clyde Mares, sound day, June 12th, 1958, for the Zella. M. Bentley, Clerk. R.S.O. 1937, C72, Form 3. Notice of Meeting To Consider By-law Ross Davidson, Clerk. 1-50 . 00 282 . 77 10.0.00 For Saleâ€"A Chrome Kitchen Table arborite top and four matching Chairs. Table 21x30, 30x38 extended $15. Kitch- en Range, Electric, apart- ment size $50. The Angli- can Rectory,‘ Mill'brook, phone 73. 1t The old maid-s were discuss- ing men. Asked one: “Which would you prefer most in a. husband . . . brains, wealth or appearance?” ' the ' ' , ” rephed “Apaeargncsfie sooner the other, an. daink, better. ’ ’â€"Ca.na Wantedâ€"By Millbrook Public School Board, Secretary- Treasurer, duties to com- mence July lst. Address apâ€" plications to Mr. D. R. Fowler, Chairman, before June 5th, 1958. 2t For Saleâ€"An 8-piece walnut, finish dining suite; 2 com- plete metal single beds, wal- nut finish? 1 oak finish dres- 501': 1 quarter-cut oak den table; baby carriage, in new condition; couple of odd chairs. Apply 11. M. Fallis, phone 152 Millbrook. 1t recent election of a member to serxe in the House of Com~ moms of Canada held in the ab we -mentioned electrical dis- "iriCt, \1 hich said return is on file at my office and may, on payment of a fee of twenty cents, be there inspected and ex- tracts taken therefrom at any reasonable time during the six months next after the 17th day of May, 1958, being the day upon which the said return was furnished to me. Dated at Port HOpe, this 17111 (lax of May 19; 8. Carroll Nichols, Returning Officer. SUMMARY or RETURN OF ELECTION EXPENSES or PERCY VIVIAN Receipts,. contributions, etc,” $1714.95 Promised unpaid contributions, etc. Nil There is below set out, as required by Section 63 (5) of THE CANADA ELECTIONS ACT, a summary, signed by the of. fieial agent, of the return of election expenses made to me by him on behalf of Percy Vivian, one of the candidates at the Candidate’s personal expenses. Postage ..................... Telegrams Petty claims ....... . . . Payments Hire of premises ............ S-x-erces Amount $ 525 . 00 212 . 89 Nil Nil 220 .00 190.66 vehicles . . . . Goods supplied . Advertising Total .............. $2239 .95 Delayed undisputed claims ................ Disputed Claims. 013'.) o:o o 0‘01 ‘1. ........... Dated at Port .pre, this 17th day of May,1958. s i . w. n. Bonneville, Official Agent. 1 .31". v1 Travelling- expenses and hire 0? Renew you! subscription. '6tthQavljfiia‘yvi4; i953 and right; 1500 lbs and up. Apply Herbert Heard, RR 1, Port Hope. Phone 2759. 3t Summary of Return of Election Expenses Receipts Ins-cocunao-ocoooog. SDIOIOOODOOOCIUIOCU m5 ounce-QQIOIOIIIO premises............ ..... ...~o¢oou.'¢c~0. THE CANADA ELECTIONS ACT ELECTRICAL DISTRICT OF DURHAM Total. . .. .......... $1714.95 rb ' Buildings Throughout The 1‘3 : Province of Ontario ‘VS "Sealed Tenders advdres'sed to the p gundersigned and endorsed as fl: above, will be received in the It office of the Secretary until .- 3:00 p.m. (E.S.T.) , Thurs» Thm'sday, May 29, 1958 [renders For The Supply of iCoal, Coke, Fuel Oil And Pro- pane Gas For The Federal Tenders Will not be consider‘ ed unless made on the printed forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. supply of coal, coke, fuel oil and propane gas for Federal Buildings throughout the Pro. Vince of Ontario. Forms of tender with specific- ations can be obtained from the Chief of purchasing and Stores, Department of Public. \Norks, Garland Building, Ottawa, and the District, Architect, De- partment of Public Works, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. NOTICE The Annual Convention of Gavan and Monaghan Branch of Ontario Council of Christian Education (will be held in Cavan United Church on Thursday, May 29th. at 7-00 p.m. Rev. B. K. Cronk, B.A., of Port Hope, will be guest speaker. Subject will be “New Method of Bible Study”. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Chief Administrative Services, and Secretary. Department of Public Works, Amount 189.85 901.55 Nil Number of persons from whom received One Number of persons paid Nil Nil Bailieboro ['nited Chum crowded to the doors and could not get- in for th nual 14.0.L. No. 853 ¢ parade, held in that Yill: Sunday, June 8th. The L composed of L.O.B.A. bers, Juvenile Dodges; Loyal True Blues of Port paraded to the chure Orangemen headed by 'I flute and drum band \v'hi Lady Dodges were head‘ the. Fallis Line flute and .band. LODGES ATTEND W¢ AT BAILIEBORO CE The serviCe at? .30 p. Millbrook, Frida Given by Mrs. Fred Bee Wee and Small I Shotise: tap and twi All mothers intereste in hit dances please FOR WORKI THE GERIR VARIE Will be

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