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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 21 May 1959, p. 1

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CVERATION of BB- will take place at EalLâ€"JII'S. Due}.- ' on May 29th, from RM. Each par- ng birth certificate g certificate show- I“ age. Please be t each child must e of sh: years, on cember 3lst, 1959. tumbles is to Public nlimited quantity, get it. K. C. 'Doms Millbrook . Phone 9221---13 3|: 1%, 1959 ~tice Exterior Decorat- and metal roofs :: Thirty-six col- ;atone. All types and sponged ceil- >rk under guaran‘ ‘e estimates. . C. on, phone HES-w 3t pie Syrup. Apply nedy, phone 223-3 Acres 0‘: more of or building lots. walk from the t Offive. PhOIB k for particu. rater Dunlopwand Fine Strawberry .ply Fred Challic-c Millbmok. 2t .- of Louis Henry 9f the Vinage of ;the County of '9d Farmer, de- having claims Hem-y Winslow the 3rd day of are required to the same to the fore the 20th "9, after which will be distri- regm'd Duly to undersigned lbrook this 23rd ~43 Phone MilL in Irvine, .k, Ontario . 3 With one exceptionâ€"Double Petunias which are 506 per box. We also have a large assortment of Peren- nials, Sweet William and Cam erberry Bells. ,____._â€"â€" 'â€" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .. , __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" LOSES TOP 01-" SECOND FINGER on LEFT HAND While cut-ting grass with a‘ power mower last week Mr.§ Merton Thexton, Zion line, had DEAD, OLD and ORIPPLED. FARM same]; i REMOVED 1 FREE OF CHARGE Immediate 24 Hour Service ASK YOUR OPERATQR FOR N O T I C E WHY PAY MORE? Stevenson’s Green House All Boxed_Plants maybe had 35: each or 3 for $1.00 Nick Peconi . n. Ban-Eager, Publisher- vlwâ€"vvâ€"r 7, Know ONTARIO BETTER a . Central’Ontax-{o is a land of gay resorts and sparkling lakes. Here you can golf or laze by the blue waters, with every ‘ comfort within easy reach. Friendliness is in the air and there’s a welcome mat out for everyone. Have fun here yourself this year. PETERBOROUGH No Toll Charge __..â€"-.â€" III-IIIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIII‘ You CAN mu mo A DAY Ill ourhmo can» nonucns’ MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS Just like milk butter belongs on your family fable! 3:1 am the first to undertake isueh a study‘of the origin and ""““"'E“""""" ficontribution of Huguemt‘s to , I EUanada, there are no records the misfortune t0 have the top; available to discover such per- of his first finger cut so; sons. In my study so far I badly that it had to be removed’y have found many but they at the nail base. Mr: Thextlbn have no appreciation of what “'35 making some adgustmentsf wonderful people the Hugue- when his f00t slipped on the nets were and What contribu- damp grass, and put out his,tions they have made to hand to save himself, and in; Canada. some manner it came in contact; I would therefore request With the mower blade. A“ that such persons advise me of odd feature of this mishap is: their backgnound and provide Th9 fa“ that a glove 13â€"" had on: me with what fiacts they have at the time was not even cut. 1 concerning it. Only in this mt erberry Bells. Mr. Wes Saunders we under- stand, alsb had two or threepf his finger badly cut by a mow- or too. CORRECT \\'at- as four wheels 10nd flies Garbage truck! Cathcart. Minister C ELI-BROOK, ONTARIOLGANADA THURSDAY, MAY 21, , I would therefore request what such persons advise me of ,their backgnound and provide :me with what fiacts they have l,concerning it. Only in this L way will I be able to give credit ,whero orodit is due. Such in~ {formation will be included in §1ny forthcoming book THE ‘TRAII. OF THE HUGUENOT Seeking Information Editor Millbrrook Mirror-Reporter Millbrook, Ontario Dear Editor : \\\\\ ~vv---_-D __..- , V . ‘ I am making a comprehensive! King Cole” every day. l 1\ study of Hugueno s (FREQ? â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ibor Protestants) in Canada and find f that a large number ‘of per- GRACE AND CENTREVILLE 0 M sons in Ontario having Hugue- CHURCHES GIVE CALL 14111:; not blood in their veins. Sincei _â€"-â€"â€" 1 hbl Will you please print the fol- lowing at your convenience: :hat a large number {of per- ungypynuu Unmlflimuv‘uuu' ‘ y 0 sons in Ontario having Hugue-i omens GIVE CALL 1341115 (ind firs-Pct; 9a P6921; not blood in their veins. Since! , l hkilidaayug er 32““ ,on e [ am the first to undertake' A call was given last week by' _ , ' ' . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Crowleyi such a studywof the origin and! Grace Church, 'MillbrOOk’ and visited with Mr. Crowley’s 3ontribution of Hugueihts to! ., . Uanada, there are no recordsfientrewhe Presbyterian Church; brother and his “rlfe, in Perth available to discover such perâ€"i South Monaghan, at a meeting’ over the holiday. sons. In my study so far I; of the members an adherents of: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills have found many but theyithe two churches to Gerald Eflof Brampton ’Were guests of have no appreciation of Whatt Gmaham, B. A., a young man Mr. and Mrs. R. Northey overi wonderful people the Hugue-v of Renfrew. These 2 churches the holiday weekend. i HMS were and what eontribu-i have been without a. permanent Mr. and Mrs. Basil Stephensi tions they have made t07 minister for over a year now. land daughter (Jail of Agincourt,? Canada. i Mr. Graham recently gradu-f Mr. Terry Stephens of Guelph; I WORM therefore request: ate-d. from Knox College, Uni-‘Miss Doris Pellett and Mr. M. lhat SUCh persons advise me_0f. versity of Toronto, previously J. Covey of Toronto, also Mr. their backgnound and P'I‘OVIde. getting his B.A. from Carleton~ Chas. H. Barringer, Mr. and me With what 521C135 they ha‘fei‘l’niverSity, Ottawa. He will Mrs. Douglas Barringer and concerning it. Only in $11.31; be ordained this month in Ren-‘ daughter of Peterborough, were way Will I b(‘ able to give Cred“, frew. The induction service Sunday visitors with Mr. and where (‘N‘dit is due. Such iP‘iiias been set for June lst. ers. J. H. Barringer. formation Will be included in; Mr. Graham was born in Col». my forthcoming- bOOk THEfdon, Ontario, thirty-five years HE TRAIL OF THE HUGUENOT, ago where he received his Pubd WariHF'yEffir thRe south CROSS. ' élie and High School education. ' mad I 5:}qu ltlliindertorms Thanking you for Your (“0'- ”t“ was in the RCAF and served ( . e no ' l . t . l . b ’ .. - - . -. . 7 _ . 'whieh hit this district Tuesday Ol’t‘ldtlon 111 thlb matter. {(n'vrseas for a year during the .ft ' (1 1r W di t YOUI'S truly, iSei-ond World War. “1 ernooii an ear 3 9 1 es- : day morning which were quite G. Elmore Reamon Ph.l). E T er "ilht Qinith of . 7 ' 114‘ U' ' er " severe. The rain was warm University Of \Vaterloo Wt Giles’ Church Peterbor- . . . ' M ' ’ 7 ' ’- ' i "th the sunshine 1n the \Vaterloo Ontario.‘ « .. . , - 1m moderâ€" and .in ,, . , tough. “as tln lniLI' «lavhmo thine-s could be liter- The June meeting will be" lheld Friday, June 12th at the: liming of Mrs. T. Harkness.§ l | The programme was "Agri-i {culture and Canadian Indusfi ' try,” with papers read by Mrs. ! H‘. Blakzely and Mrs. J. J l Imnn. Canada. has many im-; porlanf induflries~Fishing in.‘ British Columbia and forests'; from which we receive fuel,'g building materials, and also? serve as habitats for wild lifezl Railways; oil fields are alsos important. Canada ranks 2nd‘ in gold production, :and alsioi has great hydro generating! : plants, the first one being built; The regular monthly meeting' TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION 1 of the VVomen’s Institute wasl PLAN JUNE PICNIC 3 held at the home *of Mrs. T'hos. ‘_ __4____. Harkness. Mrs. Am“ Fallis, The BMW meeting hf the Mill- presidufi, opened the meeting brook avid Cavan‘ Teachers’ and eleven‘ memlmrs answered; Association was held on Friday the “on call “Farm New”- _ i clféernoon, May 15th, at Mount ..-\., ‘__ Minutes of Annual Meeting and financial stafiement were. read_ It was agreed that. we would not sponsor a Short Course this year. v The Disti'ict Annual was held a? Rosqmo-unt ‘on Wednesâ€" day, May 20th. 7'7 \ ears ago. 3 Agriculture is another indm-t try. The most valuable asset on farms is soil. Other ele-: ments are necessary for pro-5 ducfibnâ€"proper drainage With' 2a% water and 25% air being N0 SHORT COURSE 1 ing, May {1st, 1939, (111 i after the evening service. necessary . 9' MeetingO chased with "God Save The-0 ueen. ” Lunch was served by hostess and com- mittee . L‘\ vv\ v~_~_ .1 A accordion selection by \Irs . Thos. Harkness was en- joyed by all_. ‘ '-1 I’l'flAJ ST. THOMAS’ CHOIR All choir members are/asked to be present at a special choir“1 meeting to be held in St. : Thomas’ Church Sunday even-f: ing. May 3lst, 1959, directlyI m ERROR-REPORTER Authorized :3an 0M mail Waterl‘oo, May 12, 1959 v--v --w wvr‘r w... i in the Repor er being taken to Mr. and Mrs Ken Foottit its new home. land family accompanied by j Miss Alice Hawkins motored to Homer Ouellette behind his London flor the weekend, to ‘ desk in his neW Insurance Of- visit friends there, also in fie,e looking more like “Old Ingersoll. E I f 77 ghing Cole every day i Mrs Gr. H. Peebles of _C_ol- ‘TimRev. :ilbert Smith of St. Giles’ Jhurch, Peterbzor- ‘ough, was the interim moderâ€" ator and presided at the meet- ing which was preceded by a service of worship. A large colony house being' trmmsferred some-where. Likely; one that was advertised for sale; in the Reporter being taken to‘, its new home. i Seen On King St. During Week worth~while film on nutrifion , was shown. Folders and pos- lkérs were distributed to the 4 teachers. TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION ‘2 PLAN JUNE PICNIC j Th'e guest speaker was Mrs. Lyle Nattress, the Public Heal‘h Nurse. A most interesting- and worthwhile film on nutrifion Pleasant, School Where M1 Hubert Lewes is the teacher. Plans were made for the June picnic to‘be held at MrsQf Cyril Fulton’s cottage on Lake Chcmong. i Attend the Church of your: Choice on Sunday. = ; SALE REGISTER . ‘5 An Auction Sale of Household Millbnook Lodge No. ' 308 ;Furniture, Ete., the pmperty'“. will afiend Divine 10f Miss Mabel Challiee w111 be' Worship at St. Andrew‘s Unit. I {held in the Village of Befhany: , ‘ :2 011 Saturday, Mk}? 23rd, 1959,‘ ed Church, Mfllbrook, Sunday, :7 tric Washing Machine as good; please meet on the church lawn {as new, Will be SOId- Terms: at 11.00 am. for service at ’10ash. ‘ " R- J- ’Peyne, £11.15 a.m. conducted by The ‘ ‘ ' Aufitwneer. :Rev. Dr. Steed. .. 1‘ f- ,‘ i All Lodge Members are urged .; An Auetron Sale 0132 Short; to attend if possible. Mrs. G. H. Peebles of C01- borne and Miss Marion Peebles of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watt 'of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Hartlieb dur- ing the weekend. SOCIAL - PERSONAL THE WEATHER . Warm air from the south? made poSsiblc thunderstorms which hit this districl Tuesday afternoon and early Wednes- day morning which were quite severe. The rain was warm and with the. sunshine in the daytime, things could be liter- ally seen to grow. An Auction Sale ofl2 Short- horu Cows, M.H. Seeder, Hay, Grain, Implement, Heintzman Piano, 2 Studio Couches, Dining Room, Bedroom and Kitchen Furniture, Dish’es, etc, the pro- perty of Mrs. W'. H. Arm; smmug. 21/; miles west of South Monaghan, on the Fourth line of Gavan, on Saturay, May 30, at 1.30 p.m. -A nvui Traffic accidents and fatalities in your community can be reduced by the activities of a Safety Council. Many Ontario communities now have local councils. The facts prove they are serving effectivelyâ€"and saving lives. To show the “why” and “how” of safety council organization, the award-winning film “THE BROKEN DOLL” is now available {dany civic-minded individual or organization in your community. Produced by the Attorney General of Ontario and recognized by the National Safety Council as the best ........... 1711th nm Murray C. Noble, Auctioneer. LUvaub-Avu NJ v.-_v 7 7,, film of its kind, it can help yofi organize your own local safety council. If you wish to obtain the film “THE BROKEN DOLL" for showing in your community, write to HON. A. KELSO ROBERTS AUORNEY GENERAL Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario This award-winning new film is now available to help your - community organize its own safety council $1.75 a year in advance; to U.S.A. Post Office hep: ' ' Westward Ho The Wagons" With Van Heflin, Tab Hunter, and Kathryn Grant “GOING STEADY’ ’ With Molly Bee and Allan ‘Reed, Jr. NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF I. 0. O. F. No. 308 Strawberry Coffee Party, to be held in basement of Christ Church, Bailiebom, Wednesday, June 24th. Supper from 7.30 pm. on. Short. programme.. Admission: Adults 500: children 1350. Come one, come all. 3!; THURSDAY and FRIDAY In Technicolor MON, TUES and W2! Adult Entertainment In De Luxe Color "GUNMAN’S WALK" ' ' LONG HOT SUMMER" With Fess Parker and Kathleen Crowley “THE BIG BEAT” With William Reynolds and Andra Martin With Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward “CHASE A CROOKED SHADOW” With Richard Todd and Anne Baxter SATURDAY ONLY Alltl‘echnicolor Show HERE IT IS ! W. Seward, N. G. M. Larmer, R. S. and WED.

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