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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 21 May 1959, p. 2

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Fromâ€"Hydro Electric Power Commission, applications for service. N. and D. Health Unit, report for March, also and nual report. K. Symons, min- utes of meeting of April 20th.. of Reeves and Clerks at Co- bourg, to meet Mr. Chapman of the Welfare Dept. also repre- sentatives from Ontario Hospi- tal Commission H‘aines, Thomp- son, Rogers, Howie Freeman: re questionare re Meyers. Plan- ning and Development, re am- endments re zoning By-laws, etc. Township of Darlington, re resolution passed re the; Township~ of Darlington peti-l tion the Counties Council to:! pass a. By-law detaching the. Township of Darlington from‘ the Durham County H.S .1? district. Town of Bowmanx 111e, enclosing the same resolutioni as passed by the Township of. Darlington. Durham Countyl District Hs, Board, re ap ‘ proval K-f the issue of deben-; tures for Darlington and Millâ€"; brook High Schools and the Clarke H.S. when a suitable' site has been decided on. ! Township of Car wright re; restrictions with regards to construction of buildings The} Millbrook Public School Board; requesting the two Councils of Millbrook and Cavan to pass By laws to unite the South Area of Cavon Public Schools and' the SS. No. 11 Millbrook 1n:o‘ one area. Welfare Officers As- sociation. re Convention June.I 15-16 at the Sault Ste. Marie,‘ and urging that representative; ‘be sent. Canadian Mental! Health Association, soliciting‘ donation. Canadian Cancer! Society, soliciting donation. Dept. of Public Welfare, re legislation. Dept. of Munici pal Affairs re requirements re grants to be printed on tax bills. Dept. of Agriculture, re «Oinpensation re rabie losses. Dept. of Plan fine and De\ elop- ment 1e nice inn to be held in Peteiboioiigl. Mar 26th.;111d enclosing cri’iluitial for 1epre spiltative 0 Nike In T“? I'll??? inn 1)?“ Tt‘itphOllP C0..r r9: iploohor e exchange group rat? i11s_-s, D0111i11io11 Bureau of. Sizltisil‘kS. re municipal pziyrc 1211‘ “£01 195; DEPT. CL -1Illlt‘S £31: ii Tee l1'111i1211 Sui“. <>_'-..'s re e11< ‘iosn ' 1113p \xitii he 1‘1 1pl1ce-211211k: ed 11110-1 t‘z 1" plan to dill t‘1 iS t ! t i l Mrs. Brayley addressed the Gouncil re taxes on Pt. Lot 13, Con . 14, as same hand the build- ing listed, and building was reâ€" moved in 1957. The Reeve told Mrs. Brayley that the tax roll was compiled in 1957 for 1958 taxes, and same could have been taken off if she had of appealed it at Court of Revision in 1957, but now she would have to pay the taxes, and then Council could give. her a re- fund re same. The following correspondence was read: I \“VUI‘ IVWIIUIIIP ‘V~UII\?I I I on mo+i0n 0f Councillors I Burns and Farrow that corres- Millbnook, May 6th, 1959. â€"' summer. Ontario Municipal pondence be received and filed, Cm an Councl met on above' Board with approval of appch ICleIik to answer any not already ‘ aticn to purchase Aust in' deat with. Carried date in regular- eSSion at 1b.00 Wes ern Motor Grader modelI Mr. L. W. Smith addressed p.111. in m? Council Charo er, Ipa’ter 3C0 snow plow and wing. Ithe Council re a grant for the all nifmbers present, Reeve 11131110“. Chandlei, re tax eer iMillbrook Agricultural Society A. Hoottn in the Chair. Itificate Int, 11, Con. 3. Ont. Ifor the Spring Show June 10. Minu es Of last regular meet- Municipal Association request- On motion of Deputy Reeve 111g read, on motion of Deputy ing reservations be made earlyIBradbum and Councillor Stew Re e-ve Bradburn and Councillor for com ention City of Hamil-I art that thle usual grant of $200 Burns that minutes be adopt-ed ton, re relief Guy and AnnIbe given to the Agricultural as read. Carried. IDunlop. Mrs. F. Gwilliam, Society for 1959 show. Carried. I On motion of Councillors information re building. Mr. Mr. R. 1. Fallis addresed Bums-Farrow that Mr. Tray- \incent Jones, informing that. the Council as representative nor be paid for road through house on his property formelryI from Durham County H. S. I farm for year of 1958, and the owned by Wm. Johnston had Board asking for approval of Clerk to notify Mr. Traynor been removed April 21st, 1959.‘ issuing debentures for a High that same would be discontinu-I Peterborough City HoSpital, re School in Darlington Township,l ed, and he would receive no indigent Ione in Millbrook, and one in more pay for same. Carried. I On motion of Councillors' Clarke Township when site isI On mo 1011 Of Deputy Reeve Farrow and Burns that ReeveIdeUded on Bradbury-Councillor Stewart L. A. Hooton be the represent ' On motion of Councillors; the Clerk W33 to notify the ative to the Welfare Conven-I Stewart and Farrow that the purchasmg department 0f the tion, it unable to attend that Council of the Corporation of' Department Of Highways that the Cleik be the representative. Township of Gavan, approve of there was arrears of taxes Corried the building of two new Hjah: ”WIS ered againts the PTOPBI‘tY On motion of Deputy Reeve Schools. one in the Village of . 0f Pt- 141523 con 14 and ask Bradburn and Councillor Faiâ€" Millbiook and one in the Town ' 101' payment 10 be made for row that the Reeve and Cle1k ship of Darlington, and the] land sold to to be made at this be the representatiVes to the building of the Orono High office ‘ch apply on taxes. Car- ried. I I ‘F‘A GE TWO (avan. Township Council Vincent Jones, informing that‘t‘he Council as representative' The Reeve house on his property formelry; from Durham County H. S. I if they eve owned by Wm. Johnston had Board asking for apPI‘OVal 0f building of been removed April 21st, 1959.‘ issuing debentures for a High School for th Peterborough City HoSpital, re School 1n Darhngf on Townshipflsiderable disc indigent, [one in Millbrook, [and one in action taken 90H 2.24m filfifiwm WMQWWMmmmflm . n02mmfl<>=<m IO Years of Progress . Axum». ven Greater Progress Lies Ahead Ontario’s advances in health, education and welfare are unequalled. Investment in human betterment has risen from $104 million to $329 million a yearâ€" about half of Ontario’s total revenues. Personal income has risen much faster than living cost. On motion of CouncillorSEClerk be authorized to sign'fee for approval ,,,,,, 10,00 rognaglclc’lgi); 12: 3211116111038. Far- St‘ewart and Farrow that. theforder for new grader. {Millbrook Agricultural stomeet June 4th éthe 3 1.111011”; Council of the Corporation of; The following accounts were SOCiety, 1959 grant. , _, 200,.00: ' [Zella M fientlevp C lerk Township of Gavan, approve of. presented: {Village Millbrook., fire ; . , , - the building of two new HighDurham Telephones Ltd {nail} to Jae. Danfords, ! . Schools, one in the Village ofjrental and services. . . .$ 6.60 March 14th, 1959 ...... 200.005 well over 1,000 Canadiang, MillbI'OOk and one in the Town‘iThe Municipal World 1;L. A. H‘ooton. on road finest of them civil Servants, Ship 0f Darlingt’on, and the i Ltd, office supplies. . . 7.16; ins. with committee. . . 15.00z live permanently in the Arctic, building 01' the 01‘0110 HlglfiRelief ............... 20.00;}1. Bradburn, on road ,- Farm cash income in Ontario reached an all-time high last year. Great strides forward have been made in the orderly mar- keting of farm products. Price supports are a reality. issuing debentures for a High School for the South Area, c011â€" School In Darlmgf on Township, I siderable discusion followed, no one in Millbrook, [and one in action taken Clarke Township when site is? On motion of Councillors decided on. iS‘ewart land Burn-s that the Mr. L. W. Smith7addres-sed!Young and Gerald Armstrong the Council re a. grant for the’addressed the Council re nestolu- Millbrook Agricultural Society. tion passed at their meeting of for the Spring Show June 10. 'April 8th. requesting the Coun- On motion of Deputy Reeve oil of the Township of Gavan, Bradburn and Councillor Stew/'00 pass a By law by July 15?- art that the usual grant of $200 to unite the South Gavan School be given to the Agricultural Area and 8.8. No. 11 of the Society for 1959 show. Carried. EVillag-e of Millbrook into one Mr. R. l. Fallis addresedjarea. Ontario Municipal Convention. Carried . 90% of Ontario’s farmers now have power. Provincial grants HUMAN BETTERMENT totalling $100 million have increased rural power custom- ers from 220,000 to 473,000 In ten years. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AGRICUlTURE m mommim These last ten years, beyond all comparison, have witnessed the greatest development in the history of our province. In these ten years, Ontario’s advances in the development of resources, business expansion and human betterment have been unsurpassed anywhere. The dynamic economic creed of the Government of Premier Leslie Frost has beenâ€"and continues to beâ€" MORE PEOPLE, MORE INDUSTRY, MORE JOBS, MORE WAGES, MORE OPPORTUNITY, and from these MORE PRODUCTIVITY AND REVENUE TO DO THE JOB. Great as Ontario’s progress has been, under wise and sound Progressive Conservative policies, even greater progress lies ahead. Publzs/lé’d bv {Ire Progreficshe C onsem dun, Association of Ontario On motion of Councillors S‘ewart and Burn-s that the Clerk be authorized to sign order for new grader. School he kit in yabeyanee un-IG‘u W. Clapper, charge til the site has been finally back to Peterborough.... decided on. Carried. 'Ont. HOSpital Services A delegation consisting of' gNup ............... The Reeve asked the Board killed ............... if they ever donsideh'ed the L W snith, valuator Vigorous government action has C OM abated the acute housing shortage. PLETIONS In 10 years, 425,000 new dwelling units have been completed, a /64,000 record without equal on this continent. 1958 saw an all-time high of 64,000 completions. MUNICIPAL AID P-C Government policies have lightened the burden on every municipal taxpayer. Provincial aid has increased from $582 million to $310 million annually in ten years. HOUSING In ten years, Ontario’s invest- K04 ment in our vast provincial H'G highway system has risen from $65 million to $238 million a year. Road grants for the ./ improvement of municipal roads $65 are up from $15 million to MH‘UON $61 million a year. _ HIGHWAYS Premier FROST consolidated with at Jamieson’s ........ ECoulter Bros. disfeetin (warble fly) ......... lRegistrar of deeds. 'transfers to April 30.. , Ontario Municipal Bd.., :fee for approval ...... ‘Millbrook Agricultural 10,. 00’ On motion of Councillors Far- ' irow and Burns thaf we adjourn 200 00 to-meet June 4th, at 1 p.m. " ! Zella M. Bentley, Clerk. 30.00 a. .vv‘ 1 On motion of Deputy Reeve .00 BI adburn and Councilor Burns :thht the Reeve be authorized to 5 00 sign cheques for aboxe 30 counts. Carried. 72 The Clerk asked for permiss lion to close the office May 22 4 00 'and 25 if she uished to doy so {Permission granted. I A member of St_ Thomas’ ‘Woman’s Auxiliary will be in attendance at all morning ser- vices at St. Thomas’ in the 3 Parish Hall to look after cléil- ‘ dren 7 years of age and under of parents wishing to attend I the services. PRESBYTERIAN Gentreville and Millbrook Rev. Walter Patterson, ILA-a Minis‘er Ennvftac. Grace Church, Mill'r:~rook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 3.11:. 9.45 a.m1â€"Di\'5111? W! 11“!pr Centreville Church 10 00 a. m. â€"Churc- 1 Schoo 1 11110 a. m â€"Dixme Wormhp‘ CAVAN 9.45 a.m.â€"Worship Service Sunday School children with. draw during second Hymn of church serviec. Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. Dr. J. Arthur Steed in charge “0 Come, Let. Us Worship'. RELLBROOK 10.00 a. m.â€"S1mday School 11.15 a. :11. â€"Worship Serx 1ce MT. Stan The United Church of Canada Millhrook â€" Gavan TRINITY SUNDAY St. John‘s, Ida 9.30 a.m.â€"Ma‘.«tins ‘ Christ Church, Bailiebcro 11.30 a.m.â€"Mattins St. Thomas’ Church, Millbrcok 7.00 p.m.â€"Evemsong. Supervised Nurserv during hurch service. Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sun:d.ay School 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service . 7 . 30 p. m . â€"Even~ing Service 8 . 00 p . m . â€"W-edn.esday, Pray- er and Bible Study. 8.00 p.m.â€"â€"Friday, Young Pec- ples Meeting. Zion Pentecostal Church MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Pastor. Captain D. McNeiHy 3.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School in Legion Hall. inSpection with «1111.15.00 City of Peter-borough. relief Gordon Druce.. 31.07 Gummer’ s Store, relief Mrs. Treva (look 15.43 PARISH or CAVAN Anglican Church of Canada Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrey “A Welcome Awaits You. ” THE SALVATION ARMY Pentecostal Assanblies of Mirror-Reporter The Churches- SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1959 member of St -, May 21, 1959 E“tic. Phone Collect Bethany 1 LICENSED AUCTIO‘ Farm Stock, Furniture Estate. Sales conduc1 reasonable rates by expe austioncer. DIRECT WIRE T0 T0 Northnmberiand I Securiti cs Phone T115458! Albert Waxer 81 W Sole owner P Member Brokerâ€"Dealers ation of Ontario PHONE COLLECT Peterbomtgh :{i 7'- CARLEY. BUTTER GRANITE C‘ Monuments an Family Memori 73 Ontario St ., Port Hc p Phone Turner 3 As Mr. Heaslip i< u of the School Area Pu Council asked that he the Board tn make am to the Department of E * South M. ed battle must be $1 seeond time. 1 Mr. Melville Heaé foreman p-resemed vow 4 in the amount of : After due consideraiid accounts this was pa payment 1on moton by Fisher seconded by He Mr. Percy Good‘ ‘ inspector for the Unit ties of Northumberlzi Durham interviewed I] ciI in his official capd gave a report of his ri wtion of the Tuwn: explained how the Km ties will pay half of 1’: material for farmers buckthron and bay-be wise the Department ways will pay half 01' of material to the T0“ spraying roadsides. Mr. Harry Lamas: fly inspec‘or reported (1er and eighty-six . been sprayed f or warb advised that the go inspectqr demands 1h: The regular meetin; Council of the Tom South Monaghan was the 'Ibwnship Hall on ‘ 1959, at 8.30 p.111. All members were with Reeve Dean pres on moiion' by Concill son seoonded by Jay ton. Minutes of the previ‘ lar and special meelil read by the Clerk and Elm, Maple. Basswoo Ash and Pine Tim‘ STANDING PREFE Timber Wa South Monaghan. PHONE 22 BAII PETEBBOBOUGB. ON I‘. J. Carley Q C. (18! R. 0. Standish Q R. JOHN PA Licensed Auctions: P02 {TYPOOL ONT Sell Any‘ hing. Ann". Anywhere_ Stanley Mii AUSTEGNEE Hoy Lumb 3.11.031“; B 425 Water Stzec Y LH and Soul rbH

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