Gibson Auto Body, Millbrook, Ont. In Canada the term per‘ dollar invested is higher on sheep ‘han any other farm animal. Sheep are the only farm animals producing a prime prcductâ€"mool â€"- from gz-ss alone. CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. ‘ Telephone collect Keene S3w1, if no answer Peterborough Bi-2-4330. .IIIIIIIIMIFW\wflllllllllm PAGE YOU! Ebrams’ 11’ lower ‘Ebop mom mm 55796 .3 (A. c. summon, new Pmprietor) Dead Stock: Barrett Fur â€Farm Weddings, the sick room, funerals. Wind- Tunnel Whirlwind out mows them all! Daring -“X†Test proves new Whirlwind rotary will outcut any other. Wind- tunnel under the housing creates powerful vacuum to freeze every blade of grass upright for a sharper, crisper cut. See this revolutionary new Whirlwind today. 0 Ends clumping 0 Easy terms 0 Bags clippings , ._ O No extras 0 No sculping _0 Trims close Opposite the Ca'pitol Theatre, Port Hope Proved Best in the “X†test Ordinary mowers clump. skipâ€"leave messy clippings. New Toro cots evenly. deans up other clippings as well. Rbrams’ flowerï¬bop (19’ Whirlwindâ€"only $10.00 down) ‘ Ask about the “X†test at $99.95 21 Queen Streeg Mrs. L. Farrow expressedi HOST 0F NE' her th nks to hostes for meet- , , , a éHiost for Cl’ C radlo s new semes, ing, the next to be held at Mrs. Haw S on June 2nd Meetin‘b FEST. IV al In Sound, 15 Clyde Gll closed with Mizpah benediction mour, newspaper columnist Hotess served a cup of tea. national!) known for his syndi- I I I cat-ed movie and record an lows l i IIn Festival in Sound, he will apresent some of Canada’ s top lvmalists and ins ‘1'nmentalistS Grace Church Ladies Aid Grace Presbyterian Church; Ladies’ Aid held their May? meeting at the home of Mrs. Eakins on Wednesday, May 6,: with twelve members and or. visitor present. ‘ .‘ Mrs. L. Farrow opened the meeting with prayer; Mrs. Haw gave the Scripture reading of Psalm 26. Roll called and minutes of last. meeting read and adopted. Treasurer gave her report, and business was discussed. fouï¬d ‘° 3 ’, ' 10n was sung. with bog, chute “The churches 0110 Sunday Morning At St. Andrew’s 2nd Prodigal in his decisions. ‘ \Ylicn he saw the reStless dis ‘ content of his younger son. and his irritation with the be- haviour of the older brother; aefter warning him of the com (litions he would find in the cities and townsz .110 grants 'him his request. ' The senior choir contributed an anthem. and Mrs. Lawrence Winslow the s‘ol-O, “Stranger of Galilee.†Tho Scripture lessonâ€" Luke : 15:11-32. The parable of the: prodigal son, but dealt in 'his' sermon with “The prodigail faihér,†under the following points; The father. lst Prodigal in his provision, able to grant the yimnger son’s request, for his share in the protection in ad- vanco. 3rd. Prodigal in his pationve with his two was. God pleads with u:~'. "Dome and let us rear «on toguthcr, saith the Lord.†Isaiah 2:18. 4th. Prodigal in his passion- ate low for his wayward son. Luke 15:20. God has made provision for all his children. but the abund- ant supplies are not properly distributed. That. is human responsibility. - 6th. Prodigal in his pleasure, great feast of rejoicing in wel- come ’00 his returning repentant sou. Luke 22 :24. ‘ May 14th, Rev. Dr. Steed in ch'arge. 5th. ondgi al in his forgive- n-vs<. ‘ Luke 1529‘). Closing prayer, “Lord make TEE macmnxroxm mil-BROOK, ONTARIO HOST OF NEW RADIO SHOW 1 Mrs. Douglas Logan A resident of R.R. No. 1, l’rontypool, near Manvers Sta- :tion, Mrs. Douglas hogan, the former Olive Nancy Northro‘t, 'passcd awav in Peterborouwh .(i\i( Hospital on Saturdav, May 9th 19 )9, age 59 vears. George F. Harrington, Millbrook, Ontario. Reeve Mm. lgogian was a native of Lakefield and was educated there and in Peterborough from which city she graduated fï¬om Normal School. She taughf at Carsmdden‘s schmd, P<mtypool and 1"1'asouvillc pro- vimxs f0 her marriage. SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked TruCk and Hoist, will be received by the undersigned at the address below until noon WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1959 for one truck and hoist as per specifivations belmw: S’tandard Cab and Chassis, hea- Mrs. Logan was taken sud- denly ill on Friday night and was taken {.0 Pet-erb’oro-ugh where she failed to recover. hoist. 6 o 71rd c apacity. Wheel Base approximately 156†Signal Lights Clearance lmghts. 3 on Cab? .“y‘w loavos to mourn her pass- ing. her husband. and two daughters and two sons: Mrs. John SLark (Dlmothy) ‘of New- 3 on Bear; 1 on each Comer. F1 out Shocks Extra Leaf 111 Front Springs. Approximately 150 Horse POW- er, 6 Cylinder Mofor, A- proximately 260 cu. in. Truck to be turned in. Lowest or any tend-er not necessarily accepted. . us worthy servants of Thine, and reflectors of the grandsome of Thy character. in *he popular music field-5 in- cluding artists such as Phyllis Marshall, Phil Nimmons, Sylvia Murphy and Moe Koffman. This new program is broadcast twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday evenings, over the Trans-Canada network of CBC radio. ter and defroster. 2 Speed Rear Axle 5 Speed Transmission Heavy Duty Rear Springs Hydro-vac. 91/; inch long stroke Oil Filter Air Cleaner, 1 qt. capaei‘y Outside Rear View Mirmrs 925x20â€"1‘2 ply Tube Type Tires *011vi110: Mrs. \Vvsloy (iilb'ank (Joyce) of BaHyduff: Murray Logan. Manvers. and John at home. The funeral took place from her late residence on M‘onday May 11th. at 3.30 p.m. ‘With the Rev. R. R. R-nnsteel of Bethany eondue‘ing .the ser- vice. (5 with lugsâ€"2 without) Combination Box 12 ft. and Interment was in Fallis (â€vmotorï¬v. Tender For Truck and Hoist MILLBROOK, ONTARIO Obituary l \ This is the type of home you can move into without having; to do a single thing. Three bedrooms, plenty of closet. space; big modern kitchen, aftractive: living room, 4-piece bath, full basement, laundry taps, furn-i are. Double garage, 2 townl lots. Make an early appoint-i ment. (wall. ‘ Gordon Trick l Lumber Rough or Dressed, ( also Hard and Soft Wood Slabs' PHONE 70-w i MILLBROOK, ONTARIO I BY Milbrook Public School Board The REGISTRATION of BF- (‘rINNERS will take place at the Legion Hallâ€"Mrs. Ouelâ€" lette’s room, on May 29*h, from 3.00 to 4.3-0 P.M. Each par- ent must†bring birth certificate or christening certificate Show. ing/prO‘of of age. Please be advised that each child must. reach the age of six years, on Ul‘ hcfnro December 31$t, 1959. Also handles a large amount. of new auto parts. Prloperty including 86 acres, 2 houses and buildings; good fishing creek runs through farm; 'sui‘able for tourist cottages. Reason for selling ill health. Earl Lee, Lee Auto Wreckers, Garden Hill, Ont. 4t PETER FEDDEMA Real Estate Broker Wantedâ€"General Farm, Pasture Farms, Small Acreages, Waste Land. We have customers- anxious to buy inyour district 189 “eugog Street BOWMAVILLE, ONT. Phone Ella 3-3644 III-“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $1000.00 Down 1 Mortgage $49.58 MONTHLY ON THE $5300.00. FIRST MORTGAGE STAN OLAN at 255, representing Bowes Cocks Limited. Phone Bailieboro 30 PROBLEMS $â€"â€"â€"! $â€"-â€"l$â€"! If you have steady employment and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application to-day. . Roy Willmott, Q.G. James A. Irvine, M.A. Wrecking Businessâ€"â€" Notice We now have a. plan that shall take care of your Lequire Plumbing 8: Heating Attention Home Builders Plumbing and Heating Barristers, Solicitors, Nata 'es Telephone 9, Mfllbrook WILLMO'I'T IRVINE Thursday, May 21, 1959 1Interior and Exterior Decorat- ing barns and metal roofs sprayed etc. Thirty-six col- ours of Roxatoue. All types 'of stippeled and sponged ceil- ings. All work under guaran- tee, and free estima-tes.. C. D. Sanderson, phone 115-w M illbrook . 3t “ï¬g-on.- .- ‘For Saleâ€"14 Acres .or more of A- 1 Land for building lots. Five minu es walk from the school aï¬d post office. Phone 133 Millbrook ï¬or particuâ€" lagrs. 313 “s...â€â€" Row Tilling Done. Phone Mill. brook 226-r-21. 3t blur Sale 1953 Counsel; 195-3 Ford with 1957 motor: 1954 Pontiac Sedan delivered; 19-19 Hudson $125.00: Tractor; a quanfity of 700x15 Truck Tires, new. for Wagons $10. (’aPll; Rebuilt Transmissions, up to ’56; Rebuilt Gener- ators; Rebuilt Starters; New and Rebuilt Fuel Pumps: large quantity of Spark Plugs flor old model cars at 50(- each; large quantity of New and Used Parts: quantity of ’7' inch Spikes; also a quan- tity of Paint. Apply Lee Auto \Vreekers. Gard-en Hill, Ontario. 4t Free Fill, unlimited quantify, come and get it. K. C. 'Doms R.R, 2, Millbrook. Phone D-Iillbmok 223r-â€"13. 3t For [Rentâ€"Heated 4-room Apt. For Saleâ€"Senator Dunlop anQ Brandy Wine Strawberry Plants. Apply Fred C-hallice phone 116W Millbrtook. 2t Self c0n‘ained, private ena trance; King Street West. I. Hatherly, phone 71-W Mill- brook. bf Lostâ€"Mexican- Silver Braclef, near Anglican Church on Sunday, May 10th. Finder please éall Miss Muriel Smith at 41 Millbrook. Reward. For Rentâ€"3- Bedroom Heated Apa_r meat, centrallv located Apply Dbn 9pm er phone 259 Millbrook 2t Wan-‘edâ€"Live Poultry: high price paid. M. Flatt, RR 1, Bethany, phone 7-r-13 c01- lect. My 30 Phone Embrook 87:2 FOR RENT FOR 'SALE NOTICE LOST 99th. Year. .No. WHY Stevens All Boxe. 35: ea Side Pork ...... Sausage and Vi Smoked Smoked Side Gummer’ per box. We a; nials, Sweet Wi St one 8X1 Mr. affa