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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 1 Jun 1893, p. 1

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R’S. ES Silver rden Come; SS .1er DEAFNESS AND NOSIES IN THE HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutely genuine system. The most extraorâ€" dinary cases have been successfully treated. Full particulars, with copies of splendid testimonials post free. Herbert Clifton, 51, Upper Kensington Lane, London, S. E. 6-1v ‘ consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fresh Grc Cheap for cash. All ed and the highest kin'ls of pm price in ca Eggs at- the shop or on the road. Desires to inform the public that of the Finest and Best Selected Stocks In Town, he has one W'. BLAND. VETERINARY SURGEON o (Successor to T. H. Hassard.) Registered London. Eng. _ Dentxstry a specialty. All o~ mesticatcd animals tregted according to la‘cst scientific methods. Office on King-st., opposite bominion hotel. Millbrook. 91 y. x om'cé box .123; "a u ~opened and closed. Ac. counts collected. Assignments taken in charge ana all details completed. Sgecial attention given to book-keeper‘s work w ere services of a. permazgent book-keepey are .not required- g moderatetly and satisfac-i ory. Office: 379 water street. Address. Postl office boxJZS, Petermrn n.» , ,W...“ “1.1.0,, DENTIST SPE Do nttention given to the preservation ( natural teeth. ’ Litmus Oxide Gas for the lvevsg extraetion of teeth. Good work arm be at Bethany the 2nd and 41:11 A onda each month. Pontypool lst and 3rd Mon ‘ J W'. FISHER, VETERINAI 0 Office and residence. Bailii he at Queen‘s Hotel, Minbrook. vuyvu. .vgcx g; kéieiral LBW buslness, .uuuAL I. a“. summers. Solicitors. Notpfies,‘ etc.. Co bourg and Brxghzon. \V. R. Ridden, B. A., LLB. A. J. Armstrong. 8. A. \V. H. Nesbitt, B. A, F inn-class ioans placed. Money loaned 3nd Invested. Mercanmu collectxons made and general Law huglnnaa HA. W'ARD. BARRISTER, ATTORNEY at Law, Sofieitor. etc. Oflice in Ontario Block. “'altou Street. Port _ Hope. Money to lend on the sccunty of real estate. Town and farm property for sale. SMITH PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .0 - J. A. V. Preston) Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, 8m. Oflices, “'ood : Kclls’ block, Mill- -brook, Ona, and Bethany on the 2d and 4th iJgondays in every month. Money to loan at N C. MCKINNON. L . D,, C. MI, (SUCCES 0 so: to Dr. Universities. goons, Edmb ngug score. Mddrie) Toronto and Victoria Licentiate Royal College Sur- urgh. Member College Ph and Surgeons, Ontario. Office at A. T. After offing hnnm 0* 7" t's A RCHIBALD “'00 RIAGE LICENS ES. ,, _ _ -"n-‘hn, Keeps constantly on hand a large stock 01' Fur- niture of all kinds. Three large showroom No trOuble to show goods. Manufacturer of the Excelsior Washing Machine. The best in the Mt. h JOHN Gm 12135149; Agxsmifi sh‘ certain}; a Cpxnplepe Work. a.“ "_ fur 0f; .famllges "1 Chicagniu'hn nun .. _ uuuzu.’ me pubnc that of the and Best Selected Stocks In Town, of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots and ts and Caps, Fresh Groceries, c. cash. All kinis of produce want- ze highest price in cash paid for e shop or on the road. \ ‘ESS AND NOSIES IN THE 1 I‘mn n'on I- In I... ..-:l 1, , he has one .. 'ca 0 8.00 A M. Parlour Car to Port Huron. fi‘ _ hrough Wagner Car Port Huron to Chicago. Through coach Toronto to_Detr01t. 2.50 P. BL. arrgve at Chicago 8.00 A. M. Pull- Lumber man Drawmg-rOOm Car to Detroit. Through W'agner Car and Coach Hamilton to Chica- Dining Cars Hamil , ofl‘erj go. _ . ton to “r Indsor. 11.00 P. l\ .. arrive Change 4.50 P. M. Throu h Wagner Carsand Coach Hamilton to C i. cago. 11.30 P. M.. arrive .5 . .M. Through Pullman Cars and Coaches Chicago. “ HOMES FIVE TRAINS FROM LEAV‘I\G )VARD. MARRIAGE LICENSES Ens, Ontario. Office at A. T. ‘ lioit’s 9. After office hours at Mr. Wm. tn’s residence, King st... Millbrook, Vol. XXXVI. CABINET MAKER PROFESSIONAL 5 FOR vxsrf'ons TO THE WORLD’S FAIR.“ >. Oh’t. v. v. n. as u 1Lul‘nxsl’les a. list Chicagp}w ho will accommodate the net-ind n? Hm “ - ‘ “ Agent G. T{ lRlNARY SURGEON Bailiieboro. Ont. wni brook. every Saturday. '. ISSUER 0F 1 3. Millorook, On: UDUIJ'L fiice. Millbrgok. It is has it furnishes ailist n‘l-:1â€"~‘ very ugeful book {nk n.\ .. 5 R')’. Millbrook. BEES: '5 "31' Mon ayg. ' y NESBI'IjT. 7 -6ni TORONTo. I Another Cap of ‘the ~- vvvn be. ‘seeg at; Ask your local agent fc to any point on N. Y. C.. E Valley. \Vest Shore. R. W. B R 8: P . . ..\V. N. R, Checked Through. C. F; GIEQERSLEEVE. Returning. leaves Charlotte at 11.1.? p. m.. except Tuesday at 9.45 a. 111., on armving at Port Hope at 6.30 a. m., (Saturda at 9.00 .. m.) \Vill call at Colbornc on Wednes a and day at 4.00 a. m., and Brighton on onday and W'ednesday at 2.00 a. m. On and after Monday, May 151; Cobourg at 8.00 a. . ., Port H on arrival of G. T. R T lotte at 2.30 p. m. N EW, FAST AND ELECTRICâ€"LIGHTED DAILY FORRCHESTER. Lake Ontario Steamboat Company Millbrook, BIay 16th, 1893 . um court; or Licvision for the Township of .l Gavan will hold its first sitting in the Town Hall. Millbrook, on Thursday, the 1st day of June, 1893, at the hour of 10 o’clock, a.m., sharp. Immediately after the closing of the court the council will meet for the transaction of other business. By order, I THE Court of Revision for ther Cavan will ham :4». ahL GOURT 0F REVISION ALFRED RYLEY, To ownehip Clerk. Bethany, Manvers, May 13th,1893. , - .__ _ v. -u. - AOIUII l 1 Manvers will be hclci Bethany, on Monday. the 5 at the hour of 10 o'clock, 8.21 “NORTH KING” THE Court of Revision for the Manverg \"l‘l kn LA} I.) .‘L LI k Best Bread Heep Iren-elad Milk ban D0 D0 Dreamers E1 Quart flippers. . . 53.110 7-, - - I Undertaker and Practical Embalmer. ‘1? Beat 0! Testimonials can be than ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Sold éy all Zemz’zmr dealers M76 _. v‘ ‘AV‘ UltL'lllO U1" 1 LARDINE MACHINE 01 '11 L vvvi Sent! 5157?? your orders i0 wéere you écwe dealt éefln’e and 2 2 Quart Dihhers ending 2': l/ze Céampz'mz Gold Medal 02'! our Q'lz'na’er 02.120le wear [072.06% mm’ A JOHN GILLoT-r, [filing-Lâ€"I I_A , STEAMER vv- :4, L' mber of every description, also Dressed Lumber i offering a, good door for $1.60, Shingles, $1 per M correspondingly low. A call gnh'n ,..w_, ._,u. H u: AUnVU ‘. m., bet Hope at; 9.45 a. m., 7. R. Trains. Arrives at Char- ve nothing less as a. 16 do with it- ertilizer. Bu; to be tned to be annrem‘ NOTICE. 115 for Throu 11 Tickets C..Pcnn.§1_..Lehigh D “I.‘ 11-“ SOLE 111A NU FA 0 T U REES 01" 'v', THE ONLY AND ALL OTHER ’u and haâ€"V-e H. NICHOLSON, Gen. Pgsst égt , GEO. SOOTHERAN Township Clerk ep Cap Load of Sack and ARRIVED. Fresh Lime, Poptl: Wetter Lime, Plaste Shmgles, Sash. nnnne for the Township of i at the Town Hall, 5th day of June, 1893. .m. Byordcr, ’ass. A Port ope. J ;. yijl leave Zion be given. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT AND OTHER 11N E UI L HIGH CLASS OILS. '2 Gold Medal 02'! of t/ze Domingo” (2720’ wear longer, mzdgz've éefler salzsfac- Mam (my 0M6? 02']. 32m AMINTION am 1'0 CARRIAGE PAINTING. FOR MCCOLL’S OILS Mmzag/éom‘ Me cozmz‘ry. All Kinds ofRepairing _ “-nw TINWARE bHEAP FOR GAS H ‘Itso the lightest running, and is a general favor- n . It is amodel or strength and durability. 1ts gigs are soaked in boiling 011, expelling 111015 8.11 e 1almd imparting great tou glass to the e 5e.(1fl Quart Pails 106/14 Quart Pails HUGHES, WAGUNS One door East of Mr‘ Imam: 1N THE DOMINION. and they are ofi‘ered at. low prices Desires to return thanks to his many customers for past favors and to in- form them that; he has removed to new quarters, one door east- of Lang’s general store, where he will be pleased to meet them and at- tend to theirtonsorial requirements. Buggies, and Cam FINEST IN Tm: 1 , 25 gallons 30 gallons has wanted to sell the Portland Cem ent Doors 9 Frames, ‘-- bl. v 5 $1 per 1W. and A call solicited. ~H-BRYAN5 - TH EXTON . AND GARTs. Barrel Salt GENUINE In great ‘. Lang’s store 15-6111 16’) Human, unng along your gristing and u L chopping to the Cavanville mill THE “ REPORTER” from now Till Jan. ’94 for 60¢. V fiiwvv‘. VAAV ALL“ Conauater Bundle, whc 1y injured last fall report Friday for the first time si evening of last week. It, was found to be a slight fire at the residence of Mr. Wm. Douglas, Gavan-sh, audit was extinguished before any serious damage was done. The Port Hope lacrosse team has reor- ganized for the season, and on the 24th the boys defeated the Kingstons. rim": “ ' quad-Au- D--~ $3. 50 $3. 75 75c 12% - “av vu L' l. Lufl A fire alarm was sounded on evening of last; week. It, was 1 slight fire at the residence ( Douglas, Gavan-sh, audit was before ally serious damage was H ...v awful. UUL'C Ul [He mother. ' Mrleodge has been ill for long period A public temperance meeting was St.John’s _school house on Fridav pvnn Mary Louisa Laing, wife of Mr. J. N. G. Lodge, Baldwin street, was the eldest daugh- ter of the late Mr. Alfred Laing, W’indsor. Ont. She was born in the city of Toronto, on the 25th M ay. 1847, and on Thursday last her birthdayâ€"died at her home, Baldwin street. She was married to her now bereaved husband, in the city of London, twenty-six years ago. Two sons and at home, mourn the departure of the loving mother. Mrs. Lodge ham km- :11 1:, n‘ sand in )y renders and needs JUST The celebration of Her Majesty,s Birthday in Port Hope was very quiet yest number attended the horse race letic sport-s at the town park, the majority of our people took‘ advantage of the cheap; rates and fine day to visit the neighboring. J towns. _. .. 1,wa ur uaney were offering, although the latter were quoted at 60c for small and 640 for ‘ mummles. On the market butter sold from 18c to 2223 and eggs at 100 and Me. In poultry chickens were scarce at from 400 to 700 and turkeys from 750 to $51.50. PDI‘k sold at 7c to Sc per lb and veal from 50 to l 60. Potatoes were quoted at from 700 to 80c and apples from 75c to $1. There was afair market? Saturday morn- ing. In graina few loads of wheat were offered, spring selling at 670. One load of oats sold for 360 but this was on a. “ run. They were quoted at 340 to 350. N o peas or barley were offering, although the latter were quoted at 60c for small and 640 for mummles. On the market butter sold from 18c to 2223 and eggs at 10c and llc. In poultry chickens were scarce at “M“ m" From the Review‘ Mrs. Fee is in Essex visiting he who is very ill. ‘ Mrs. J. W. Hamilton left on f, ‘spend a week with her parents. A team belonging to M r. Geo. away last week, but; no damage re The Sunday school anniversary plage 01} June 4th. ' u is wuu smcere regret we have to an- nounce the death of Mrs. Robert Byers, which took place on Friday, May 19th. Mrs Bvers (who was a. daughter of the late Robert Pue of South Monaghan) had been ailing for some time, but her death was un- expected. The bereaved husband has the sympathy of a. numerous circle of friends. ‘ The funeral, which took place on Sunday was one of the largest that has been seen for many years. Foot ball practice on Cure. between the Shoulders, Headachce, etc., when you can get relief by using this valuable medicine ? Procure a. bottle without delay. For sale ByA. LEACH, ‘ M illbrook. ‘ Immediate relief if you wil of Membray’s Kidney a Why suffer with Back ache between the Shoulders, C Farmers, bring along your chopping to the Cavanville mi well receive in exchange for 1 N0. 1 crude 0f flnnr our! 1...--- - DISTRICT HAPS ANILMISHAPS l’eterboro Market is in Essex visiting her daughter 11 lacrosse team has reor- son, and on the 24th 1e Kingstons. e, whose foot was severe- reported for duty last ‘1me since the accident. Port Hope v--. Vuv. uLUWU but; no damage resulted ]_A-’l You Can Get Bewdley isit- the neighboring: , wife of Mr. J. N. G. was the eldest daugh- ed Laing, W’indsor. he city of Toronto, and on Thursday last her home, ‘Baldwin L-L-, Cavanville. Zion. anniversary will take Thursday evenings. 1893. '. Geo. Brown ran Saturday to 8. very _ There WEIâ€"Yb}: 3mm ' in the Presbyterian church bo-night This is a. _.--. “sucLu Dyers or Umemee, paid a visit to his brother, Mr. J. Byers, Merchant, last woek. Mr. J. Tait has made a decided improveâ€" ‘ ment in his handsome residence by giving it: a. fresh coat of paint, which was administerâ€" ‘~ ed by Mr. Chas. Homan of Millbrook. The Rev. Mr. McKenzie, late of the North ‘West, preached two very interesting ser- mons in the Presbyterian church last Sub. bath. Mr. McKenzie will occupy the same pulpit on Sntgnday next. mg. and the Rev. Mr. McKenzie made a few pgropriate remarks. uitc afnumber of the Centrevilk Court, a I. O. F., were at the dedication of the new hall of Ivanhoe court. Millbrook, on Tues~ day night. Mr. and Miss \Valker of Welcome, spenfi Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Geo. Fair. Mr. Albert Byers of Omemee, paid a. visit: to his brother, Mr. J. Byers, Merchant, last woek. Mr. J. Tait has maria o ,ln-::_ .1 . The Rev. Mr. Bloodsworth of A moderator of this session; called a. tional meeting here last Honda.) ‘Presbyterian church. which was 11: in favor of giving a call to the I Cattanach, of Queen’s college, and now busy getting signers to the cal will be handed in at the presbytery to be held in M illbrook on Tuesdav Most of our fun-seeking citizens spent the 24th in the romantic town of Millbrook and were highly pleased with the sports provid- ed during the day and the exceedingly well rendered amateur dramatic entertainment; at nigh L. wu Auwncl . Mr. D. {\vaest is recuperating under parental shelter. Messrs. David and James Petty have re- Most of our fun-seeking citizens spent the 24th in the romantic town of Millbrook and were highly pleased with the sports provid- ed during the day and the exceedingly well rendered amateur AnnmnuA "A . - Mount Pleasant. Death has invaded many a happy home , this spring in this vicinity. This week Mrs. Robert Henry was called away at the good old age of sixty years. Her sons, \Villiam Handley of Peterboro’, Thos. Handley of Seaforth, J tunes Handley of Millbrook, and her daughters, Mrs. McBride and Mrs. Henry were all happily permitted to see her before her life closed. She died very peace- who was confined to his bed duri part of his wife’s illness of her burial. We hope stored to health. Our cheese factory is booming again under the genial and ' - Chas. Rutherford. Mr. Young of Lakefield. has been engaged as maker. ng the last: and also at, the time he will soon be re~ l Is a tantalizing admonition t this season feel all tired out, appetite and uiscouraged- l which Hood’s Sarsaparilla tired frame and gives a go: really wonderful. So we say: and it will brace you up.” Senior III'â€"Li1a Graham, Violet \Vatt, Jennie Vance, Wilma Coe, Hanlan Sisson. . . )Iadys Henderson, Willie Touchburn eorge Howden, Cassie Bul- MeKnight, Elva. , 'a equal, Annie Twam- lev, Laura. Coe, Harrv Bigelow. Highest-Eda ily at-uefidance during the week, fifty-fl ve. T. W. MCLEAN, Teacher. K Junior IV" lier. Senior IV,_ Essie Cook, A Fred. Cathcart The following is the rank ed from last W eek’s exam. i Gavan :â€" ‘ Ascension day, the annual collection was taken up in Christ church for the Domestic Missions of the Church of England. The Ven. Archdeacon Allen preached an eloquent sermon, in the course of whieh he feelingly alluded to the serious illn ' congregation was as sual and the collection was good. 'I‘L - 7 " Ccntrevillc. um mom to those who at. ed out, weak, without Iaiscouraged- But the way in 1’s Sarsaparilla builds up the and giVes a. good appetite. is x.."..1 0‘ 'n“ a last Monday in the . which was unanimous call to the Rev. Mr. '. â€"M aggi )llege, and they ‘5 to the call, w] is booming again under management of Mr. Ir. 'oung of Lakefield (‘avanvine‘ .0 ' r‘ :83? ‘ance, EYE Coe. , -vwrvuclullluy L missionary Bishop. A1- her was unfavourable the as large as usual and the I ll a happy home This week Mrs. ‘ay at the good. sons, \Villizun )s. Handley of bullds lipâ€"the 0d appetite, is ,’ (I Take HOOd,§ Millbrook“ con grega- , which meeting 0f pupils glean- ! S- S. No. 5, confio

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