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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 1 Jun 1893, p. 4

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Headaches and Fevers, to Clea tem effectually, yet gently, whe billions, ”when the blood is impure 0r slug- giéh,.to permanently cure habitual constipa- tiong-"tggmken the kidneys and liver to a. 'healthy'activity, without irritating or Weak- ening them, use Syrup of F igs. Re Cannot Find llis Son. The Port Hope Times Says:â€"~“ Mr. S. R. Sampson is a farmer who resides in Hope, about four miles town of Port Hope. On Sunday night last (May 21st), his son, Richard, mysteriously took his departure from home and his father has been unable to learn anvaord of him since. The boy, who is fourteen years of age, was dressed in a cottonade working suit of speckled grey . e is short of stature and very stout, with a. light complexion and hair of a reddish tint. Any information as to the youth’s whereabo uts will be thankfully received by his sorrowing parents. His mother is at present confined to her home through illness ' from the were sung (mung the evening by Brag. Dyer and Wilson of Garden Hill. The proceedings were brought to‘ a. close by singing “Auld Lang Syne” and “ God Save the Queen.” Excellent and well rendered comic were sung during the evening bv 1 nu-.. “ The Learned Professions” were defended by Bros. A. A. Smith, Dr..Montgomery and Dr. McKinnon. - “ Municipal Institutions ” was res nded to by Bro. Bateson. po “The Educational Interests” brought up Bros. N ngent, Leach and Hampton, “ The Ladies ” were alluded to by Bros. 3 Vance, Geo. Burnham, \V. Leach, and H. . _--vnv.l.Ut. “ Our (fivn Sufeet Selves!” responded to by Bros. S. W. C] J. Gardiner. “ Neighboring Court}, ” b feet Chief Ranger Donaldsoxiooufgla Ch_mf Ranger Callendar of Garden Chlef Ranger Tape of Port 1- ope. “ lh‘lr n“... 0--.--A n 1 v_ v' -vv.vuuâ€"e. “ Our Expanding Order ” to‘bÂ¥_B_r9.A R. R. Elliot. The High Court. was next splendid addresses were deliw Whale and Barclay, 1n the con they fully discussed the excel estry and pointed out why in head of iiisuranee societies. ful dedication ceremony of the order. The members of the Garden Hill, Centreville and Mauvers Station courts were invited to be present as the guests of the Millbrook breth- ren, and they responded by turning out in large numbers, there being present during the evening upwards of 1'25 F orcsters. At the conclusion of the ceremony an excellent supper was served, Chief Ranger A. T. Elliott, presiding, and Vice Chief, S. \V. Clarke. acting as vice-chairman. \Vhen the inner man had been fully satisfied, the health of the Queen was drunk, the entire company joining in singing the National anthem. Court lvanhoe’s New Quarters Dedicated by High Court Officers. For some months past the members of Court Ivanhoe, I. O. F., have been engaged inmaking arrangements for the fitting up and furnishing of their new hall in Mr“ Leach’s block. They had determined to fit it up in elegant style, and they communi- cated with the manufacturers of lodge furni- ture in dlflerent parts of the country, with the result that they are now possessed of perhaps the finest hall in respect to appoint- ments that can be found in this part of the country. It was fitting, therefore, that on Tuesday evening; last it should be opened with erlat, and to that end 1 “at?“ Tnmnnnfip... “TL_1A- a 7'. . A AMI-cu :1 Gold m R. R. ELLIOT. EDITOR AN D PROPRIETOR (the milibrooh 1keporter. To Dispel Colds I'ORESTRIC DEDICJ TI 0) THURSDAY. JUNE 1. 1893. Jourts” brought to their Donald dson of Centerville, ‘_Jâ€"â€"A .ngements for the fitting up ; of their new hall in Mr. They had determined to fit 1; style, and they communi- manufacturers of lodge furni- Jext toasted, when delivered by Bros. 1e course of which excellences of For- ‘ ’ was suitably '. Clarke and W. was responded stood at. the -- 'v‘ VLAAC, Hill, and songs - V uuuuuflcc man 1 am prepared to giv 1:3 farmers 12 lbs of rolled oat meal and 141 ‘ stapdard meal for each bushel of oats. Eit auahtles of meal will be sold for 82.50 per 19Q lbs. 214i: ._-_~-~, VJ uuc prem- aent. 8.15â€"Paper. “ What mak S. S. teacher,” by Rev. D. P J anetville. 8.35â€"Discussion of the above. 8.55â€"â€"Address, “ Discouragements and Encouragements of the S. S. Teacher,” by Rev. Wm. Bennett, Springville. . 9.40â€"Address, “ The home as a. factor in S. S. work,” by Rev. T. S. McKee, Ponty~ 001. p Bij‘Lets for tea will be provided for dele- gates remammg for the/exenmg sessmn. ‘ a. , ~___..... v. .uvullud Ulug 00m- mitteee. 3. 05â€"Reports from schools. 3.30â€"Report of nominating committee and introduction and address of President elect. 3.45â€"Conversation on Sabbath school work, by Mr. F Galbraith. 4.30â€"Conference, “Sabbath school Man- agement,” by Mr. R. W. Clarke, Millbrook. 1 5' ]R_r‘lnm'“~ 0 Adams. The Sabbath school convention for the township of Manvers will be held in the Methodist church here on \Vednesday, June 28th, when the following programme will be presented :â€" 5.15â€"Closing . Obituary. When the late Henry Fee was laid to rest in the old graveyard of St. J ohn’s church, Cavan, on Sunday, May 9th, one more of the . old original settlers of this township was re- moved, of whom scarcely any now remain. Mr. Fee emigrated from Ireland to this‘ after spending some time in the United and finally settled in Cavan, in the neighborhood of Cavanville, on afarm of two hundred acres, which he long tilled with toil and profit and on which he built a substantial dwelling and exten- sive outbuildings. He had for some years - before his death resided near Cambray, in ' Fenelon township, on a small property with his second wife, who survives him. He leaves behind him beside his widow, four daughters, Mrs. Larmer, Mrs. F. Mulligan, Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Fee, and three sons, Henry, Alonzo and Thomas Fee, all child- ren of his first wife. Mr. F hearted, kindly man ; his temperament, like many of his countrymen,‘ was impulsive, while at the same time he ever evineed an affectionate disposition. By honesty, in- dustry and frugalty he acquired considerable means, and thus was enabled to help the members of his family to start with advan- tage in the race of life. He was an attached member of the Church of England, and sel- l: dom or never was he absent from his pew in St. John’s church. by whose walls he now A takes his final rest. EVENING SESSIOV. Iâ€"Devotional exercises, b The nip of a. poisonous snake is but a slight remove from being more dangerous than poison of Scrofuia in the bl‘r on. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla purifies the vital fluid, expels all poisonous substances, and supplies the ele- ments of life, health and strength. Couro Beech, Manvers, Independent order of Foresters, is progressing very rapidly and this is to be expected as It Is composed of good material and has ex* ‘ which to_work. Mr. Ridge of Pontypool is here visiting bis friend. Mr. w. L0“'es.w}1nhna'k¢mn for the péét Blur months ’â€"-Appointment of \Vhile taking in the sports at Pontypoo] on the 24th of May, Mr. A. Potts of this place roceived a kick from Mr. ‘ R. Hamil- ton’s horse which might have proved fatal, but happily it didn’t, and we hope soon to see him on the war path again looking for a football. ‘ ‘ Couro Beech, Manvers, Independent order of Foresters, is progressing very rapidly and this is in be pvnnnéml M. :4. ;_ A - A “'1 engaged in the erection of a handsome build~ ing on the north-east corner of the Coulter Perrin lc t. May success attend his efforts. Mr. J. Richardson of Bethany, who lately purchased Mr. Matthew Staples’ grist and shingle mill. is busily engaged loading shing- les here. Mr. Richardson is a. pusher and is sure to make a. success of his new undertak- l ing. The masons have completed their W. Porter’s new store, on stat-ion st we hope ere long to announce that 0 has started dealing out groceries, et the new building. Mr. R. Wilson, carpenter, is engaged in the erection of a h ing on the north-east corner .Perrin lot. at of the BIILV Snr‘nnca aid»... ,1 L:_ The AFTERNOON S ESSION‘ B . .‘KETS, . WHIPS, HALTERS, 8:0. ‘ Special attention paid to collars and repairs. Bethany. begs to announce that he has opened a. new harness shop in the store next door to R. Deyell’s, where all work in his line will be performed at low rates. W. STRAIN ntial dwelling and exten- He had for some years ’esided near Cambray, in ‘, on a small property with who survives him. He Manvers Station. G. MCIVOR. bypool is here visiting Low es, who has' been i1 nomina ting com- -_ v--.v A. “AC quesfion was by far the the sports at Pontypool ‘, Mr. A_._Po§ts of this i: by the presi- announce that, our friend out groceries, etc., from ., on stat-ion street, and ;ua,y 19, at- lance. The lgfhy Speech 11, while our Byers, aired Baillieboro, May NEILâ€"1893. HE OURT 0F REVISION on the Assess- m t Roll of the Municipality of South Mon- . for the year 1893, will beheld in the H Balllieboro, on FRIDAY, the 26th f 4 _.‘ at 10 a. In. All run-HAc :nuâ€"n‘ - COUBT OF REVISION com 0F REVI§!DN. _ _-_.... A 3 an 10 a m ' All t'é ,' Utuu final u: ma '.' . . ar 1 s m .eres e notified to attend. p ‘~ e 5“ A. DAWSON, Township Clerk. lininhnrn Ma» Inn. .M- at present corner of {Rec 5 on hand a1: 39A ‘ KETS and new 5 on nand a large stock of COFFINS, ICA KETS and ( 1 kinds of Undertakers’ oods. Bedroom, Parlor and all other kinds of Furniture. hand-made, at; lowest; prices. 32:? Do not fail to call and see him, l-ly. yTHO s GILLQTT; Walker . , we Undertaker, and vicinity that; he has opened a Photograph Gallery in the village and will be pleased to receive orders for all kinds of l’ll0’l‘0GRAl’llS. CARTES DE VISITE. CABINET, etc., in the best style of the art‘andunt" gogkiogggggricss. i“... -.~ - HE subscriber he s to announce to the residents of Mill rook work at, to which we have paid special attention and have personally selected a large number of suit lengths in all the leading colorings. A 1 Value in Worsteds and Pantings. Come and see them before purchasing elsewhere. White and Grey Cottons, Shirtings Cottonades, Muslims, 'l‘abtle Linens etc., o c. OUR SPECIALTY THIS WEEK IS Are selling fast but a good assort= ment still on hand E curt; of Revision for the V brook will hold its first sittin Hal], Millbrook. on Monday. 51: 183?, at4 the hour of 7 o’clock .. Ahr n.- Boys Suits at all Prices. Felt Hats in new styich Rock-1:31 PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, Stock N ow Complete. ' Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand Will rocure it promptly for any one W o wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP 60., SAN muzwxsoo, CAL. u_.nrrr.sv:LLE. 1m NEW yam: 14: v. _ w._â€"vâ€"â€"vâ€"ou to all and havé madeâ€"it the 2:081; popular repogdy known. ~ Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and a ts gently yet promptly on the ' eys, Liver and Bowels, clea s the sys- ‘ tem efi’ectually, dis 3 colds, head- aches and fevers (1 cures habitual constipation. rup of Figs is the only reme of its kind ever pro- duce , pl sing to the taste and ac- cept b1 to the stomach, fiprompt in its 'on and truly bene cial in its enlists; prepared only from the most healthy ano agreeable substances, its manyexcellentqua'iit; ‘9 commendit TWEEDS L 1893. ONE ENJOYS ARTIST, ‘ \AAAR ‘ .‘m ‘,\\ my ,- f NEW YORK. U. WEEK IS LTURNER, Village Clerk, Rock-Ffitom prices the Village of sitting in the ’élock, D. 111., irtings, Ginghams Linens, Napkins, Ontogm. Goods at Wholesale ‘Prices and Below. Shop to let as soon ammo FROM BUSINESS. as stock is disposed of. â€"Dr. :RUOfs the best pills f men sells th ‘ _“'e (11' e "‘1 Harry “00d ha a!) law school e: â€"â€"It is an ; Jenkms keeps 1n t0‘VD. â€":‘fl'. ‘IOhn here last, Thurs - JIrs. I. \‘a ‘ in Peterborol1 â€"Keep V011!“ gains in fine foe are the Principal. A thorough Bu school. Com pet: ver Medals. Th. mailed free. Gcc 4‘- Blanghard. Ch Drug S' 1e 0011110 will be Heme Have ‘ scienti‘ TO V '. Jury "‘4‘ .5; y A, I» A»

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