â€"â€"Rebecca “'ilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind., savs : “‘I had been in a. distressed con- dition for three years from Nervousness, \Veakness of the Stomach, DyspePSia ‘and Indigestion until my health was gone. bought one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy. I con- sider it the grandest medicine in the world.’ A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant ed by A. LEACH ll-l3t. If you desire a. beautiful complexion, abso- lutely free from pimples and blotches, puri fy your blood by the use of Ayer’s Sarsapar- illa. Remove the cause of these disï¬gure ments and the skin will take care of itself. Be sure you get Ayer’s Sarraparilla. TATEâ€"At 37 Rolyat-st... Toronto. On Saturday‘-I May 27th. the wife of W. A. Tate. of a. son. Sammy Snagrr gs (at the dinner table)â€" I wish I was tuins. ' Mr, Saaggsâ€"Why, Sammy? Sammyâ€"So I could get; two pieces of pie. Snooperâ€"Will you have some oysters, colonel? Col. Blood (of Louisvil!e)â€" Thanks. no. Oysters are 90 per cent. water, sir. Aighâ€"Bingley’s wife doesn't prove to heal! that he fancxed she was. Beeâ€" Very likely; he got her at a bargain counter. Egbeltâ€"VVhere are you working new? Cholly â€"Gweat heavens! I’m not owohk- jug._ I’m employed in me fathah’ s “Ten dollars for stealiu’ dat chicken ‘3†cried Rastus . “whv, jedge, hones now, I cou1d a bought dat hen for two dol- “After all, it is only a. matter of taste,“ remarked the surgeon, as he cut off poor old Jones palate. Papaâ€"“’hy, May you ate too big a. girl to plav with dolls. Mayâ€"Oh, no, papa. Tins is a big dull. Humanity will Le gre atly beneï¬tted when there is some cure for the man who uses his I _ tor) sï¬adily. "Tints another of your disagreeable slams." said the dooras the wind went “'hlatll'l 3.: throu :11. “How did you get such 21 handsome suit of clothes. “" "The tailor who made it is a little lame. ’ The matrimonial race is often begun at a rattiing gate. “Did you go on the stock exchange '3" “Not quite. I went under it.†“How nice it is to see the green trees again." "Yes; it is a great yeleaf.†“He was struck by‘ the child’s peculiar head."â€"-Life. " Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c 00., Lowell, Mass» an effort for me to walk. consulted the doctors, but kept sinkin ower until I had given up all hope 0 ver being better. Happening to be in tore, one day, where medicines were so , the proprietor noticed my weak a (I si y appearance, and, after a few ques 'o as to my health, recom~ mended me to try Ayer’s Pills. I had little faith in these or any other medicine, but concluded, at last, to take his advice and try a. box. Before I had used them all, I was very much better, and two boxes cured me. I am now 80 years old; but I believe that if it had not been for Ayer’s Pills, I should have been in my grave long ago. I buy 6 boxes every year, which make 210 boxes up to this time, and I would no more be with- out them than without bread.â€â€"H. H. Ingraham, Rockland, Me. Every Dose Effective Horse senseâ€" A 1 ability to say neigh. and have induced many to use it. “Ayer’s Cathartic Pills cured me of sick headache and my husband of neuralgia. We think there is which is Ayer’s Pills. Purely vege- table, sugar-coated, easy to take and quick to assimilate, this is the ideal family medicineâ€"the most popular, safe, and useful aperient in phar- macy. Mrs. M.’ A. BROCKWELL, Harris, Tenn., says: In time to any irregularity of the Stomach, Liver, or Bowels may prevent serious consequences. 7 Indigestion, . costiveness, kfl headache, nau- [55‘ sea, bilious- /g ness, and ver- 54 tigo indicate K \ certain func- tional derange- ments, the best 1‘ e m e dy f o r ’n No Better Medicine, AYER’S PILLS Attention The trade. 3. The said debentures shall each bear date upon the date hereinafter ap ointed for the coming into force of this Ey-law, shall be payable at the end or expiration of nineteen years eleven months and twenty- seven days from the date on which this by- law takes effect, with interest at the rate of ï¬ve per cent. per annum, payable yearly on the twentieth day of December in each and ‘2. That for the purpose aforesaid it shall and may be lawful for the:reeve of the said corporation (and he is hereby authorized and empowered so to do) to cause debentures of the said municipality of the township of M anvers to be made, executed and issued, to the amount of seven thousand dollars, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each, which said debentures shall be signed by the reeve of the said corporation for the time being and countersigned by the treasur er for the time being of the said corporation, and shall be duly sealed with the corporate seal thereof, and the interest-coupons at- tached thereto shall be signed by the said Treasurer. (c) That there shall be built, erected and completed a. proper and suitable way station on the line of railway at Yelvert-on, or at that point on the line of railway nearest or most convenient to Yelverton. But these conditions are not to prejudice or in any way effect a. sale of the said debentures. V‘ W _ _e_ v ..-v ...uv u.“ UL u LIL), LOWU. â€" -â€"- ~-- -~ .r (b) That there shall be built, erected, and completed, a. propor and suitable station on the line of railway at or in the village of Janetville, or at that point on the line of the said railway (when it is constructed) nearest or most convenient to the said village of J apetviile. (a) That the construction of the said rail- way from the town of Lindsay to the Cana- diam Paciï¬c Railway shall actually be com- menced on or before ï¬rst day of July, 1894, and the same fully completed and in running order on or before the ï¬rst day of JulytlSQG: /I\ M) I. It shall and may be lawful for the cor- poration of the township of Manvers to grant by way of bonus to the Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Pontypool Railway, which is to be constructed upon, over and along the route hereinbefore indicated, the sum of seven thousand dollars upon the conditions follow- 1ng:â€" - Therefore: the mu-nicipal coï¬ncil of the corporation of the township of Manvers en- acts and ordains as follows: And whereas it will be requisite to raise annually during the currency of the said debentures, upon all ratable property lying within that- portion of the said municipality hereinbefore described by lots and conces- s:ons, as aforesaid by special rate, the sum of $561.75, in order to form a. sinking fund for the repayment of the said debentures within twenty years from the (late thereof, and interest thereon payable yearly at the rate of ï¬ve per cent. per annum: ,._ _V-,.â€" .. vl-v rattan; v; wuw,uau. .' ' ) And whereas the said township has no existing debenture debt, nor is there any existing debenture debt whatsoever upon any part or portion thereof. And whereas the amount of the whole ratable property of and in that said portion of the said township of Manvers herein above described by lots and concessions, according to the last revised assessment roll, being for the year 1892, is the sum of $354,895. Anrl' whereas, for the said purpose it is necessary for the said corporation of the township of Manvers to create a debt to the extent of seven thousand dollars, and to issue debentures therefor in the manner hereinafter appearing and payable as there- in provided. And whereas, in pursuance of the applica- tion of the said Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Pontypool Railway and of the request of the said petitioners as expressed in and by the said petition so presented as aforesaid, it is expedient to grant such aid to the said railway. A And whereas, in pursuance of the statute in that behalf made and provided, a. petition enth day of April A. D. 1893 presented to e council of the said Town- ship of Manvers, duly signed by not less in number than ï¬fty freeholders resident in that portion of the said Township of Man- vers hereinafter more fully described by lots and concessions, each of whom so sinn- i ing was then and is now a duly qualiï¬ed voter under and by virtue of the statute in that case made and provided, and which said petition expressed the desire of the petitioners so signing to aid the said railway, and stated furthermore that the aid so desir- ed to be given was and should be by way of bonus to the extent of the sum of seven thousand dollars and furthermore that deben- tures should: be issued therefore Epayable in twenty years, with interest at ï¬ve per cent., and furthermore deï¬ning the, portion of the Township of Manvers to he charged by lots and concessions, which said portion is described as follows; that is to say :â€"Lots one, two, three, four and ï¬ve inclusive in the ï¬fth concession of the said Township ; Lots one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six. seven, eight, nine, and ten inclusive in the sixth concession of the said Township ; Lots one, two, three. four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight, nine and ten inclusive in the seventh concession of the said Township ; Lots one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight, nine and ten inclusive in the eighth concession of the said Township; Lots one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen inclusive in the ninth con. of said Township; Lots one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight, nine ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, ï¬fteen and six- teen lnclusive in the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth concessions of the said township. Whereas the Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Pontypool Railway have made application to the corporation of the Township of Man- vers, asking that a grant be made by way of bonus towards the construction of the said railway, leading from the villa e of Bob- cavgeon in the County 0 Victoria through and over the Township of Verulam in the said county to the said Town of Lind- say, thence on through the Township of Ops in the said County, thence through the Town- ship of Manvers and Cartwright in the Coun- ty of Durham to Burketon or to a place near or within ten miles westerly of Pontypool, upon the line of the Canadian Paciï¬c Rail- way, to the extent of seven thousand dollars in debentures. BY- LAW N 0. BYâ€"LAW TO GRANT A BONUS OF SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS TO THE LINDSAY, BOBOAYGEON PONTYPOOL RAILWAYIN DEBEN- TUBES OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WEBS- Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed by-law, which has been taken into consideration and which will be ï¬nally pass- ed by the council of the corporation of the township of Manvers in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one month from the ï¬rst publication in the MILLBROOK REPORTER the date of which publication was the eighteenth (lay of May A. D. 1893, and at the hour, day and place therein ï¬xed for taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held. Dated this eighth day of May, 1893. 13. The fourteenth day of June, 1893, at the Clerk’s ofï¬ce in the village of Bethany, at twelve o’clock noon, is hereby ï¬xed as the time and place when the Clerk of this council shall sum up the number of votes given for and against this by-law respect- ively. 12. The tenth day of June, 1893, at the Clerk’s ofï¬ce in the village of Bethany, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, is hereby ï¬xed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the various polling places and at the ï¬nal summing-up ot the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting, or opposing, this_ by-law: respectiyely. Polling division number seven, at James Hobbs’ hall, in J anetville. Frances Fanning, Dep_ut3_‘_Return_ing Oflieer; Pollingvdivision number two, at, J mnes N. Johnston’s house, lot ten, concession eight, in the township of Mam’ers. Deputy Re. turning Ofï¬cer, said James N. Johnston. Polli'ng Division number six, at the Tem- perance l,ia.]l Lifl'ord. Deputy Returnimr Ofï¬cer, J ames Dean. A x EAR ! I undertake to briefly tench any fairly intelligent person of either sex. who can read and write. and who, after inetruction.will work industriouely, how to earn Three Thousand Boilers 1 You-in theirown lorelities,wherever they liveJ will also furnish the situation oremploymont,at which you can earn that amount. No money for me unless successful as above. Enailyand quick! learned. I desire but one worker from each district or county. have already taught and provided with employment as In a number, who are making over 88000 a eareaelx. It's NE and SOLID. Full olden FR E. Addreu at once, E- C. ALLEN. ox ‘80, Augusta. Maine. 11. The votes of the electors of that portion of the municipality of M anvers des- i crihed as follows, that is to say zâ€"Lots one, two, three, four and ï¬ve inclusive in the ï¬fth concession of the said township; Lot-s one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight, nine and ten inclusive in the sixth conces- sion of said township; Lots one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight, nine and ten inclusive in the seventh concession of the said township ; Lots one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight, nine and ten inclusive in the eighth concession of the said townsnip; Lots one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen inclusive in the ninth concessiOn of the said township; Lots one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, ï¬fteen and sixteen in- clusive in the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth concessions’of the said township, shall be taken on this by-law on Tuesday the thirteenth day of June, 1893, from 9 o’clock in the forenoon until 5 o clock in the afternoon of the same day, at the following places ; and the followingr persons shall be deputy returning ofï¬cers to take the votes at the respective places :â€" l l Polling division 1fumber one, at the school house, Lotus. David G. Ferguson, Deputy Reigugpingpffioer. 10. That this by-Ia.w shall come into force on the 20th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety- three. 9. All'interest coupons attached to the said debentures falling due before the day of the completion of the said railway from Lindsay to the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway shall be detached from the debentures and returned by the said trustee to the Treasur- er of the corporation of the township of Manvers from time to time as the same be- come due, to be cancelled. S. In the event of the said company fail- ing to commence or complete the said rail- way within the time hereinbefore mentioned and provided for, the said debentures and coupons attached thereto and the proceeds thereof shall at once be returned by the said trustee to the Treasurer of the corporation of the township of Manvers to be cancelled and the council may at once pass a by-law repealing this by-law. 7. That, subject as hereinafter mentioned, the said debentures and proceeds thereof shall be delivered and paid by the said trustee to the said Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and I’ontypool Railway Company upon comple- tion of the said line of railway from the town of Lindsay to the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway. provided the same is commenced and completed within the time. hereinbefore mentioned and provided for: 6: That the said debentures shall be de- livered by the said Reeve for the time being of the said corporation to Robert Ross of the town of Lindsay, banker, as the trustee appointed by the said corporation and the said Railway Company, who shall not dis pose of the same or convert the same into money except as hereinafter mentioned. v- ._.,.-.. -v "_“"“‘I’ , ‘4qu WHO, UWU, uurce, four, ï¬ve, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen inclusive in the ninth concession of said township ; Lots one, two, three, four, ï¬ve, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, ï¬fteen and sixteen inclusive in the tenth, eleventh, twelth, thirteenth and fourteenth concessions of the said township, the sum of $561.75, which said sum shall be sufï¬cient to include a sinking fund for the repavment of the said debentures when the . same become due and payable, and interest there- on yearly at the rnte eforesaid. NOTICE. ALFRED RYLEY, Township Clerk. g1v1ng egg gatherers “ the shake,†as we guarantee In Great Variety and of the Latest Patterns. and Examine Them. They Can’t be Beaten. BPQTS AND SHOES We have just received our stock of Sprin‘ for Ladies and Gentlemen. In qualit anc‘ this stock is equal to any city store an our are right. See them before purchasing} REPAIRING A:SPECIALTY. Best Make 0f Watches in Gold And Silver Scott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, Golds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemia and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting In chlldren. Almost as palatable as milk. Get. only the sonulne. Prepared by Scott 4; Downs, Belleville. Sold by all Druggists, 50 cents and $1.00. IF YOU WANT A SET OF REAL Watches and Jewellery. and give you Are you all run down? 56012": Emu/- 522m of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will build you up and put flesh on you AT GARDINER’S. Fence Wire, Field and Garden Seeds, Wall Paper, Carpet Felt c. That is well worth your attention. WALL PAPER A Fine I ‘. R. Ticket Ofï¬ce, BAILIEBURO MARKET. WE HAVE ALSO RECEIVED A VERY LARGE STOCK OI AND YOU WILL BUY THE CHEAPEST. JOHN STEELE ;SPEGIALTY. :LARGE STOCK OF SPECTAGLES OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, MILLBROOK. GOOD HARNESS . B. JENKINS At GARDINER’S. our attention. They are made by the best makers and are sold at rock-bottom prices HAS ON HAND A FINE LINE OF CALL good appetite. Gen'tral Telephone Ofï¬ce. 1; Hats ‘ style prices consisting of Drv G1 Shoes, Hats and Cal Cheap for cash. ed and the highes Eggs at the shop or DEAFNESS A HEAD permanent lately genuine sys dinary cases have I Ful! particmrs, Upper Kensington Desires to- inform t Finest and I) o (Successor to T and Hon. Graduate ( lege. Toronto. Laui‘ West Mounted 1’ Clinical Lectures. 1 London. Eng. _ Dcnï¬ meiucatou ammals I scientiï¬c methods. ‘ Dominion hotel. Mill or)’ Ofï¬ce: 379 w Oï¬ioebox 1.0,Petcrl 1’. “narrow assignec. Boole counts collected. A ana all details com given to book-keepe a permanent boo]; Communicatxons fa ccivc promm attcn places performed 1 T B. COLLIEI 9 BROOli- fi‘d‘ discounted. Draft: ada and £1.. = Uni£ec collection oi sale an made on rea I LY are mailed Pemberbon. Prmess Masher C Rove.) Sch now preparea to rec mental, at his rcsid< instruction at any 1: Musical ir ‘u-umen: promptly amended l ARENTS AND LY are manor Do ctbention give natural teeth. Nit less extraction of be Will be at Bethany each month. Pom: d 0 Ofï¬ce and rés: be at Queen's Hove IDDELL AE Barriszers hb‘: Egg“ and Brig Arm: B. A. FirsL-class u and invested. \icx general law buslne A. WARD. 4 at Law. Soï¬a Block. “'altozz bit! lend on the securi‘ lam property for T C. MCKIX)‘ o sor to Dr. .\ Umversitics. Li< geons, Edinbur h and Sat 'eons, n . snore. An. dson's resi< brook. 02;, an Mondays m cm lowest macs. RCHIBALD RIAGE LlC MITH 5: PR 5 J. A. V. P yomries. 8zc. 01m 08! Keeps consmm‘y nizure of ail Ln No mubx :0 .m Manufaczurcr < Machine. The map. Those wh ï¬muld avail the: posting themsvl: meats ac to r001 leaving home. '1 tree to all. 1 just Vuï¬lis‘n'ck‘xï¬ the . T. P. tov.‘ certainly a com of families in < visitors during 1 bian Ex' sition city. C_}_1icago 1:2 x5; BLAXD. man Drawi: W azncr Ca ngining 11.00 P. M" arri Wagner Ca cage. 11.30 P. M. arri Pugman C Clucago. 1.00 P. 31.. FIVE TH LEAV IXG 7.50 3231- : “ HOMES wjxsaga, The abo :- World Tomnto to