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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 8 Jun 1893, p. 1

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H OES OF SPECTAOLES nf Sprin Hats 11:; an style [I , our prices hone Office. STOCK 01 rst Prices. best makers and N ESS And Silver fi©r(3fl 1d Soda on you Garden arpet PEST. ET. ER’S. DEAFNESS AND N OSIES IN THE HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutely genuine system. The most extraor- dinary cases have been successfully treated. Full particulars, with copies of splendid testimonials post free. Herbert Clifton, 51, Upper Kensington Lane, London, S. E. 6-ly Finest and Best Selected Stocks In Town, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, c. Cheap for cash. All kinds of produce want- ed and the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. Desires to- inform the public that he has one of the , , w. v _.-.....v-.v Vl- vuuu Lu V Ulcl'luul‘y bol‘ lege. Toronto. Late Yeterinary Surgeon North West Mounted Police. Calgary. Attended Clinical Lectures. Royal Veterinary Colle e, London, Epg. Dentistry 3. specialty. All 0- mesticateu animals treated according to latest scientific methods. Office on King-st., opposite Dominion hotel. Millbrook. 91y. , \V. BLAN D. VETERINARY SURGEON o (Successor to T. H. Hassard.) Registered and Hon. GmduapgrongAntqz-io Vgterinary Col- lmn "bun“.«A 1’ 'on: Ofliéé? ofl‘Ice box 125, 1’. WATER“). ACCOUNTANT AND assignee. Books opened and closed. Ac- counts collected. Assignments taken in charge ana all details completed. Sfiecial attention given to book-keeper‘s work w ere services of a permanent book-keeper are not required. Communications from 'ncighboring towns re- ceive prompt, attention and services in such places performed xnpdcrzitetly angl_ satisfac- nn- nmm... 0"“ â€"A7 _- -v_.â€"-_ua u. uv., pngnflflb, M11414- .l o BROOK. Farmers'and other good notes discounted. Drafts issued on all points of Can ada. and the United States at lowest rates. The collection 0: sale and other notes a. specialty. made m real estape. No commission harged. Ofiicehnorth aide of King Streeb. Reference-Cumin Bank of Commerce. _ __ . _ M-.. .. v uuu umn until; I LY are res ecttuii informed that Thos. Pemberton. Processor 0 Music, and late Band Master 0 R0531 School of Infantry, Toronto, is now prepare to receive pupils, vocal or instru- mental, at his residence, Center Street. Private instruction at any hour. Orders for music and Musical instruments of any and every class promptly attended to. ARENTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERAL LY. are resnectfnnv infnr-mna Hano- nu.-- . if, _ ..... ., ‘1‘.“ Jung; -UIDULAL Do Ittentxon mum to the preservatlon of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas for the pain- less extraetion of teeth. Good work aranteed. Will be at. Bethany the 2nd and 4th 1 onda s of. each month. Pontypool Is: and 3rd Mon ays. J W. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON 0 Office and residence. Baillieboro, Ont. VVifi be at Queen‘s Hotel, Millbrook. every Saturday. -vuvâ€"‘4 J n Barris Lets, Solicitors. Notaries, etc.. Co hour and Brig ton. W. R. Ridden, B. A., LL. A. J. Armstrong ,B. A. 'W. H. Nesbitt B. A. Frat-clam loans tfilmed Money loaned and invested. Mex-can a collections made and general law buslness. brook, om. and'B'ethzixii 3n the 2d and uh Mondays in every month. Money to loan at lowest rates. 36 a "3.'1."v.' "PFJsEJzif Rafiisvt‘éFsTEoiic’Iitdri Notarieg: c.Ofli‘cc§. Wood 8:. Ke_lls’ p10ok._Millâ€" I.-- -1; A. W'ARD. BARRISTER, ATTORNEY- at Law, Solicitor, etc. Ofl‘xce in Ontario Block. \Valton Street, Port HOpe. Money to lend on the security of real estate. Town and {arm property for sale. C. MQKINNON. M. D,, C. M., (SUCCES o 501' to Dr. Aiddrie) Toronto and Victoria Umversitics. Licentiate Royal College Sur- geons, Edinburrrh. Member College Ph 'sicians and Surgeons, (Smario. Otfice at. A. '1‘. 'llioLt-‘s drugstore. After office hours a}: Mr. W'm. Ric dson’s residence, King st... lelbrook. - ARCHIBALD WOOD, ISSUER OF I! RIAGE LICEKSES. Miilorook, On; SLIITH 8: PRESTON (SUCCESSOPS ’ J. A. V. Preston) Barristers Solici JOHN GILLOT’I‘, u HOMES FOR VISITORS TO THE VV'ORLD’S FAIR.” The above is the title of a very useful book just pu blis‘ned. a copy of which can be seen at the G. 'l‘. R. town ticket office. Milibrook. It is certainly a complete work. as it furnishes a list of families in Chicagolwho will accommodate visitors during the period of the “'orld's Colum- bian Exposition. also a list of the hotels in the city. Chicago is plainly shown in sections by map. Those who intend visiting the great fair should avail themselves of this opportunity of posting themselves, as all necessary arrange. ments as to rooms. etc.. can be made before leaving home. The use of this book is offered free to all. niture of all kinds. Three large showrooms. No trcnble to show goods. Manufacturer of the Excelsior Washing Machine. The best in the Met. CABQN ET MAKER, Keeps constant} y on hggd algrge. sage]: of Fur- ._:‘. U'VV “' """ ' V ' """av v-W I» o ;u.. lul‘Ullgn Pullman Buffet Cgrs and Coaches. 1.00 P. 31.. arrxve Chmafip 8.00 A. M. Parionr Car to Port Huron. . hrough “'agner Car Port Huron to Chlcago. Through coach Toronto to Detroxt. _ 2.50 P. 31.. arrive at Chxcag‘o 8.00 A. M. Pull- man Drawmg-room Car to Detroit. Through \Vagnor Car and Coagh Hamilton to Chica- go. Dining pars Hamxlton to “'mdsor. 11.00 P. M" arrn'e Chlcago 4.50 P. M. Through Wagner Cars and Coach Hamikon to Chi. cage. . _ 11.30 P. M.. arr-1v: Chxcago 4.50 P. M. Through Pupman Cars and Coaches Detroit and Chzcago. FIVE TRAINS FROM TORONTO. LEAVING 1509.91. arg‘inghjcago 930?. M. Through IQQELL AthsIRoxa a: NESBI'IIT- w. CLARKE. L.D.s., DENHSTfiéECIAL .ffnnfinn (fivvnn 9â€"; ‘LA -_._..hh World’s Fair Kpute ! inn/E11314? 8: CQ., BANKERS Vol. XXXVI. MARRIAGE LICENSES . LANG "G be 379 water streef. Eliâ€"dress. Post Petcrooro, Out. 7 -6m PROFESSIONAL A. LEI-30H, MUSIC. Agent G. T. R’y. Millbrook. B. 1;. ' P.. W. N. '82"P.','a'xid' 'im'v'e "ita'égéi Checked Through. C. F. GILDERSLEEVE. Gen. Manager, 0. H. NICHOLSON, Kingston. K Gen. Pass. Agt., Port Hope. Ask your local a eat for Throu h Tickets to any point on N. i’. 0.. Penn. R. ... Lehi h Xafiex. ‘Xesjfihgge. 3.3V. : 0.. D. L. \ ’.. 3.3;: '85 VPfifiHI‘réP" .azdvhfie “$23;ng flunk-a m-_-_ A V - _._ _ _ ._ v v vunnuouu. uuu. J: L in“ at 4.00 aim" and 'B'xzi-ghton on Ionday an‘ “’edncsday at 2.00 a. m. Returning. leaves Charlotte at 11.15 p. m.. except Tuesday at 9.45 a. m., on arriving at Poyt Htife at 6.30 a. m., (Saturday at 9.00 L2 m.) “‘11! ca at Colborpepz; Wednesday and nday AL Ann , 0n and after Monday. May lst, will leave Cobourg at 8.00 a. m., Port Hope at 9.45 a. m., on arrival of G. T. R. Trains. Arrives at Char- lotte at 2.30 p. m. NEW, FAST AND ELECTRIC-LIGHTED. DAILY FORRCHESTER. Lake Dntario Steamhaat Company I will hoid the last. of my series of saics for this season on “ream-«lay. June 11.- I have a large number of useful articles to offer. such as democrats. Road Carts. Harness. Furniture, Stoves, Dishes, ‘vVashing Machines. etc... etc. Any person 1‘<‘:(1uirin£.y a good road cart, should See one that. will be offered at this sale. It is new. of. 9.006. manufacture and will be sold at‘ a sacrifice. a; PAYNE: n“ I\ I I 7‘ - I YVOOL The undersigned is pr highest cash price for Carding done on $110 nels, Tweed, F u and Bed wool. ared to pay the y quantity of wool. notice. Yarn, Flan- cloth, Horse Blankets 3 given in exchange for ‘, , 7 -V- .l.â€".V “A vvuleLUA] 1 equipped saw-mil in good condition and ready for operations. L contains a. three block carriage to cut 30 f c, and saw frame complete with ‘53 ws a (1 :ing. The engine is 10x12, with slide v laving 30 horse power. The boiler is 50h e power, being 12 feet long and "2 inches in lametcr, containing 6; three inch tubes. Apply to T. B. COLLIN§L no HE updcrsigned Qfi‘y/or sale .. completely CtlulDDCd SflVf-Infl "nor? nnnrHH n“ and sawamu Fe Having ‘ust purchased one half of a. million very be in a position to supply all in need of a. really good also supplv XX Pine Shingles at $1.30 per thousand per thousand. These 5? shingles are exéellent value. Fresh Partland Cement. Grey and White Lime “ NORTH KING ” um 1:15 juSL purcnaseu one halt of a. million very superior XX Pine Shingles, I will .n a position to supply all in need of a. really good article at a. moderate price. I can #5111)pr XX Pine Shingles at $1.30 per thousand and a good Barn Shingle at $1.00 thousand. These 5? shingles are exoellent value. I have also Lumber, Timber and Dimension Stuff on hand. Sash, Doors, Blinds and ssed Lumber of every descriytion. AUGTION SALE. Oifice and yard at Railway station â€"7 Opposite Dominion Hotel, Mil}: mock SHENGLES, - SHINGLES, STEEXMER WGQL WOOL W0 "03d condition and Mil'lbrook. MILLBROOK. ONT... THURSDAY. JUNE 8, 1893 LE. CARRIAGE- PAINTING All Kinds of Repairing Is the lightest running, and is a. general favor- ite. It 13 a. model of strength and durability. lts gears are soaked in boiling oil, expelling all moxsturo and impartmg great togghness to the wood. The patent truss axle ds greatlyto the value of the wag'fon. I control the sale of gliis waggonin the ownships 01 Conn and anvers. Brantford Carriage Co.’s Buggies, and Carts THE FINEST IN THE DOMINION. THE BAIN wAncou One door East of Mr. Lang’s store my BARBER s! I I 0021-. 3â€"mm 41mg. 0):- DZU wmm CW. .4. <55: fi>< <OC. AND IN EVERY LINE OF GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS iN GROCERIES, CROCKERY GLASS ARE, as“; ‘1? Best of ff‘estillmfin‘fals can be given. -w_-u- “nunâ€"v I, Undertaker sung/42mg Embal er. Desi es * return thanks tohis many oust rs for past favors and to in- form them that he has removed to new quarters, one door east of Lang’s general store, where he will be pleased to meet them and at- tend to theirtonsorialrequirements. R. DEVELL’S and they are offered at low prices SPECIAL AWON GIVEN 10 Jae-m GELLQ . THEXTON. has arranged to sell the syn. some on. TEA SETS, INNER SETS, CHAMBER SETS, SALE OF RYANS . DEYELL. For a general family cathartic we confi- dently recommend Hood’s Pills. THE “ REPORTER ” from now Till Jan. ’94: for 50¢. “ Brace Up ” Is a. tantalizing admonition to those who at this season feel all tired out, weak, without appetite and discouraged- But the way in which Hood’s Sarsaparilla builds up the tired frame and gives a. good appetite, is really wonderful. So we say, “ Take Hood’s and it will brace you up.” Report ofqublic School examinatiOn.â€"- Subject, Arithmetic. Marks to be obtained. 100. W. Kennedy 92; A. McRoberts 83; V. Cain 83; L. Coulter 59; E. Eldridge 50. Subject, Literature. Marks to be obtained, 100. W. Kennedy 90; A. McRoberts 82; V. Gain (58; E. Eldridge 35; A. Fair 25. A foot-ball match will be played between the junior team of Bethany and Pan typool at Ballyduff on Saturday next the 10th inst A lacrosse match between the crack teams of Lindsay and M illbrook will also be played on the same ggoundsn In Mr. McKec’s absence, Rev. W. C. Windell occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sabbath last. IVCV. Thos. S. McKee has been attending conference In Oshawa this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Williamson of Lindsay, have been visiting at Mr. T. ' H. William- son’s. Mr. J. D. Windell arrived home from Toronto last week. â€" We understand that. our Cave millen'lill- er is about. to close a bawain with Mr. A Beatty for his cream trotter, “ Dollv. ” The Rev. Mr. Foster occupied the pulpit here on Sunday night and preached an 010- quent sermon to an_appreciative audience. Mr. Albert Elliott, section boss on the C. P. R.. is unable to attend to his duties on account of illness. M )58:33. \Veir and T‘. 'amley intend placing fifeir mill dam in a first-class state of repair this summer, wlnch it greatly needs. Messrs, John Beauty and :I. N. Morrow returned home safely after a. visit to their friends in Pcterboro’. Our enterprising blacksmiths and carriage makers, Messrs. Dunsford Fletcher and Mr. W. Tinney, are busily engaged turning out buggies, wagons and carts, which are a credit to the makers. Farmers can always rely on getting a good job done by these first-class mechanics. Messrs. \Veir and Twacljnley are running their saw-mill up to its fullest capacity every day in order to get through with the large amount of custom sawing they have on hand M 1‘. Samuel Biglow of Cavanville is their head sawyer and first-class work 'is being turned out ing their sheep, large droves being washed in the tail race below the Cavanville mill every day. While Messrs, John and Chas. Mel'ei] were engaged in this work on the 2nd inst, one of their large ewes died. ‘1' - ¢ Cavanvnle. The Patrons of Industry held a very suc- cessful pic-nic on the ninth line of Gavan on Tuesday afternoon. There was a very large number of people in attendance and the weather was delightfully cool. Two prom- inent grand officers of the order had prom- ised to be present and deliver addresses, but neither of them put in an appearance. A platform had been erected and a number of interesting speeches were delivered by Messrs. Acheson, R. Matchett, Isaac Pres- ton, S. E. Ferguson, Geo Campbell and Dr. '1‘, Cr. Brereton. Mr. Sisson occupied the chair very acceptably. A_ baseball match between Cavanville and Millbrook attracted a good deal of attention, but owing to the lateness of the hour at which it was com- menced, the game was not completed. The Mill‘orook brass band was in attendance and during the afternoon enlivened the proceed- ings with some very choice music. Farmers hercaboixts are busirlij: Engaged at- tending to‘the a1} important duty of wash- DISTRICT HAPS AND MISHAPS We beat the world in Teas. Sugars as Cheap as even W. VANCE. Who Is now offering it to you for $1.10 per Barre! CflMBINE KNDGKED HIGHER THAN GILRQY’S KITE BY The Leading Eraser W. VANCE. l’nntypool. The Ladies Delighted. The pleasant effect. and the perfect safety with which ladies may use liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleas- ing t6 the eye, and to the taste, gentle, yet gfiectlgal in acting on the kidneys, liver and owe ,v The Manvers Railway By-Law. We are informed that after all the rail- way bonus by‘law will not be voted on next Tuesday as advertised, the railway company having decided to drop the scheme on ac- count of the refusal of the Ops 'council ta submit the by-law there to a. vote. How to get a “Sunlight” Picture. Send 25 “ Sunlight, ” Soap wrappers (wrap. pers bearing the words “ Why Does a \Voman Look Old Sooner Than a Man ”) to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth fram- ing. Thls is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and is will only cost 10. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the end open. Write your address carefully. Junior Part IIâ€"Lambert Gibson. Johnnie Gilmour, Maggie Gardiner, Harry Gardiner. Senior Part Iâ€"Bruce Armstrong, Johnny Donnelly. Junior Part Iâ€"Mary J oneé, Johnny Lynis, Eva Lynis. SARA B. ELSON, Teacher. Senior Hâ€"Harry Armstrong, James Arm.â€" strong, Will Armstrong. Junior IIâ€"Stanley Armstrong, VValtet Dean. Senior Part IIâ€"Mabel Gilmour, Robbie Shaw, Chaddie Gardiner. Carmel. Following is the standing of the pupils of Carmel school for the month of May :â€" Junior IVâ€"Charlotte Gilmour. Senior IIIâ€"Bertie Strong, Lina. Strong, Hilliard Jones, Harry Shaw. 01w flimnc Cure for Toothache. Toothache, the most common and one of the most painful affections, is instantly cured by the application of Polson’s Nervi- line. Polson’s Nerviline is a combination of powerful anodynes, and it strikes at once to the nerves, soothing them and afl'ording in one minute total relief from pain. Mothers, try it for your children’s toothache, Ner- viline is sold in 10 and 25 cent bottles by all (h‘uggists. Garden Hill, It is our sad duty this week to record the 1 death of Miss Margaret Leith, who passed I away on Thursday last in the 52nd year of ‘ her age. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, when the high esteem in which ‘ the family is held throughout the county was amply shown by the large number of people who turned out to pay their last- tri- bute of respect- to the memor ' of the de- ceased lady. There were in the vicinity of I30 rigs in the cortege. Millbrook, Gavan, Manvers, Clarke, South Monaghan, Port Hope and other places all contributed their quota. The remains were conveyed to St. Paul’s church, l’errytov. n, where services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Rooney, at the conclusion of which, the interment took place in the burying ground adjoining the church. ___ --.- w -v.u.v' The Orangev lodges ihfiihis di~strict will hold a grand picnic at Oak Hill on Monday next, June 12th. A grand time may be ex- pected - _-----v y. “ya. oLqucx, 011D. J. D. F alhs, Kendall, “here services were conduct-ed by her former pastor, the Rev. Mr. Courtice; thence the funeral proceeded to the family burying ground. Deceased was well-known throughout the surrounding country, and was beloved by all who knew her. She was an active worker in the Meth- odist church here, where she presided as organist for many years. The funeral was one of the largest ever seen in this vicinity. FFL- (\“iu” 1 1 . .. . -. A H Kendall. On Saturday afternoon, May 27th, a deep gloom was cast. over the village by the news of the'death of Miss Mary Etta. McLean, one of the village’s fairest daughters. She was?! years of age, and a general favorite amongst her numerous acquaintances. Last Christ- mas, while on visit to her relatives in Port Hope, she was taken seriously ill, and after a long period of suffering died at- the resi- dence of her brother, Mr. James McLean. The funeral from Port Hope was attended by many citizens of the town. The body was brought to the home of her sister, Mrs. 1- wx _ Mr. J as. Peél Ilddflgfilouglxing bee on Fri- day last. ,,,,‘,-_- -w... ‘upqucfiy. Hutu a. unanimous call from the Presbyterian church here to the Rev. Mr. Cattanach was handed in, and we are pleased to note has been an- '~epted. The induction service wil‘ take place on the 27th June. Miss Wrighbvéf Amigo-(:1: and . Miss Arm- strong of Gavan, were the guests of Mrs. J ag‘nes I’Qrtgr on Sunday last. . -m'. Several of our Viifegfig'terian friends from this part were at the Presbytery meeting held in Millhrgok lags: Tuesday. when a. Mr. James Lang of Peterbom’ spent Sun- day with his brewer, Mr. R. Lang. Mr. and Miss Whittington spent Sunday at ‘the home of Mr. Isaac Larmer. Comravfllc. The Rev. Mr. McKenzie preached in our Presbyterian church last Sabbath and was highly appreciated by his many hearers. The Rev. Mr. Niven of St. Catharines will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. Mr. R. Tait; of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr. J. Tait. No.

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