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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 8 Jun 1893, p. 4

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Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , was for years a. martyr to headache, and never found anything to give her more than temporary relief until she began to fiake Ayer’s Pills, since which she has been in the enjoyment of pexfect health. -â€"A blacksmith shop belon in to M . Eastman was burned at Mindenglagt. Frida; morning. “I: this hot enough for you '3” is a. silly question; but: if you meet a. man who com- plains of suffering from heat, ten to one you will find, on inquiry, that he does not use Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. to tone up his system and free his blood from imitating humors. ‘,__.‘ to, the grandmother 0 husband, we must confe understand. THIS business of soliciting funds with which to buy a wedding present for the Princesé May of Teck savers of a. good deal of flunkeyism and it ought to he sat upon by the Canadian people. We wish the young man and ¢ factoryâ€"indeed, hardly civilâ€"~and the ex-alderman of Toronto was committed for contempt of court. But just wait till he gets out again, won’t he make the welkin ring with speeches in favor of union with the American eagle’s screeches. So the annexation party is in jail, eh! Poor Macdonald! It seems Ernest Albert annexed another man’s cows, and when he appeared before the judge on a suit for payment, his answers to his honor were not satis- factoryâ€"indeed; hardly civilâ€"~and the -_ -1J-_,.-w 0 THE knighting of Hon. John ‘ ling is a. well-deserved reward for long public services. He has lab( for the public for about thirty ye land has a clean and honorable cal to look back upon. Sir John Car] sounds well. Let everybody turn in and yield ya point. Work should be started on the grounds at once if are to have a. good track. Wind it up. .Now let us get this agricultural ground business wound up satisfactorily. T,‘ ‘ ‘ SIR JOHN MACDONALD’S grave wa. decorated with flowers on Tuesday the second anniversary of his death. His is a memory that will long remain green in the copntry for which he did so much. ! IT seems as if Canada has the best of the Yanks in the Bering Sea case. R. R. ELLIOT. EDITOR AN D PROPRIETOR 3 HOOD’S PILLS are hand made, and are per- bct in composition, proportion and appearance. (the millbrooh Tkeporter. because of the wonderful good gt did my son." A3311: F. "BLACKMAX, 2888 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Get HOOD‘S. _-_ â€" Jumu old, and it left him very weakehd with blood poisoned with canker. His eyes became so inflamed that his suflerings were intense, and 101' seven weeks he Could Not Open _ His Eyes. I took him twice during that time to the Eye and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, but ”their remedies failed to do him the faintest shadow v.‘ _.A,‘ Now let us umomal 221 mg way you ch« ready to soun the praise of or. good. I commenced giving him Hood’s Sarsaparilla and it soon cured him. I have never doubted that it saved hi. night, even it not his very life. Yqu may gse this tes- flmnnio‘l 6n n... --.-__ -4-" ,,_ ___.. .w-, .uu. 1‘)“ may use U118 E68- timo m'al in an way you choose. I am always readv tn ann fhn nM:nl\ A: By Hood’s Sarsaparillaâ€"Blood Poi- soned by Canker. Read the following from a. grateful mother: “My little boy had Scarlet Fever when 4 years and A...) :4. ‘,.. . . >lA-loqq’s Sarsaparilla Boston Boy’s Eyesight Saved-Perhaps His Life THURSDAY. JUNE 8. 1893. 0“de Blackmafi prove our Dyan},y T of her future confess We don’t uonora. me career Sir John Carling He has labored . John Car- years, -â€"-Rheumatism Cured in a. Day. South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism ‘and Neuralgia. radically cares in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the gstem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by A. Luca, Druggist. his At about noon Saturday While some boys were playing'at the river near the station of the Light and Power Company, below Dickson’s dam, one of them, Jerry Cardigan, Chamberlain street, lost his life in the water. The unfortunate lad, who was about ten years old, was playing on a pier and the top being wet he slipped off into the water. The river at this point is very boisterous, land the current swift and of tremendous power. The boy was swept away at once by the angry waters, and seen no more. Search was at once begun for the body. The parents will receive much sympathy in their bereavement. Peterboro Review. A YoumaP Lad Loses his Life in bee River. 111‘. Den, the coronor, was notified but an inquest was not considered necessary. The remains were brought to Peterboro Saturday. His mother, who so recently was called up- on to mourn the awfully sudden death of another son was overwhelmed with grief when the news reached her. The deceased was a comparatively young man and was well known around town and among river‘ men. It appears that Messrs. Charles Guy, Jas. Drake and a man by the name of Freeborn had gone from town on a frog catching expedition. M1. Guy shipped the croakcrs to Toronto. Last night Drake and Freeborn were out in a. canoe while Guy was engaged on the shore. It is said that the unfortunate man Drake was seized with a fit and in falling overturned the canoe. The doctors say he was dead before he went into the sank beneath the water and rose no more. Fre‘eborn, the man who was in the boat with him was in the water for hours before his cries Were heard and assistance came to him and rescued him from the stump to which he was clinging. Search was commenced for the body of the unfortunate man and it was found Saturday morning. Dr. Bell, the coronor. was notifier? km an A sad accident occurred Friday night at Strickland’s point, near Lakefield, the un- fortunate victim in which was Mr. Jam‘es Drake, brother of the late Harry Drake, hackman, and the last remaining of the children of that family. Pctcrboro Review. James W ' ' “" VJ """ R. J. Doak, seconded by Mr. Wm. O’Briafi, that the firemen of Millbrook shall have the free use of the agricul- tural ground for sports, etc., upon - every 24th of May, when it shall not be required by the society for its own purposes. Mr. S. E. Ferguson moved in amendment, seconded by Mr. Robt. Walsh, that no restrictions be placed upon the directors of the society as to the control of the grounds on any day of the year. Quite a lengthy and animated discussion followed these motions. Messrs. R. J. Dcak, Alex. Ferguson, R. R. Elliot cont ended for the privilege asked for by the original mot-ion, and Messrs. \Valsh, Robert Vance, S. E. Ferguson and Donaldson opposed it, claiming that if the matter were left to the directors each year, the firemen would have no reason to complain. The amendment was de- feated and the original motion carried. Other details were then arranged and matters were adjusted satisfactorily, so that all that now remains is for the society to raise a balance of some $300, when the deed and lease will be executed and the directors will be placed in possession of the land. Joint Meeting of Committees to Arrange DetliISt A joint meeting of committees of the Millbrook and Cavan councils and Cavan agricultural society was held in the town hall on Monday afternoon to arrange the terms of the purchase of the new ground for the agriculturalJ exhibition. Mr..Alex.- Ferguson was appointed chairman and Mr. Jos. Thorndyke secretary. On motion of Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. \V. H. Lough, it was decided that the land shall be deeded to the municipalities of Cavan and Millbrook, each to have an interest proportionate to the amount invested. It was also decided, on motion of Mr. Elliot, seconded by Mr. S. E. Ferguson, that the land be leased to the Gavan agricultural society for a period of ten years at a rental of $1 per annum, that the society shall not have the right to sub-let it to other parties for a longer period than two consecutive days, that all moneys derived from the hire of the agricultural grounds shall be expended in making improvements upon the same, and that should the said society cease to exist before the expiration of the lease all i improvements that may have been ‘made upon the grounds, of whatever kind, shall revert to the township of ' Cavan and the village of Millbrook ‘ proportionately. On motion of Mr. Lough, seconded by Mr. Robt. W’alsh, . it was agreed that the cost of insuring l the building should be borne by the ] municipalities. It was moved by Mr. I p T “n-1, . ~ - â€"â€" ' Drake Overturns a Canoe Drowned Near Lakefield. '.~1LLED A "2-1 Y S U DDEN L Y. .4 BOY DROWNE’ . THE NEW GROUNDS. led with grief Hhe deceased man and was , among river the (”ana- notion of Mr. .Robt. Walsh, 0813 of msurinor borne by the and is use it, torit will eure you. If your child has :he Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, md relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, don’tfaz'l to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Drugg'Lst for SHILOH’S CURE, Price to cts., o cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or ad: lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. 25 cts. -u. “A MESH“ are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a. test that no other cure can successfully stand. [f you have a. Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has :he Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, gnd relief is sure. If vou dread thatincidinnc _ This GREAT COUGH CURE t‘ '5 ml CONSUMPTION CURE, is vémféutsgciae: fllel m the history of medicine. All druggist: IVA :nfl-‘nrhnA A»- n-" :L A“ _ ,,, Kee s on hand a lalr e stock of COFFIN S, ICA KETS and. 1 kinds of Undertakcrs’ Goods. Bedroom, Parlor and all other kinds of Furniture. hand-made. at lowest prices. a? Do not fail to call and see him, My. Gabinetmaker residents of Mill rook and vicinity that he has opened a. Photograph Gallery in the village and will be pleased to receive orders for all kinds of PHQD'I'OGRAPHS. CARIES BE VISITS, CABINET, etc., in the best style of the art and at rock bottom pricss. EH13 subscriber begs to announce to the to which we have paid special attention and have personallv seleoted a large number of suit lengths in all the leading colorings. A 1 Value in Worsteds and Pantings. Come and see them before purchasing else where. White and Grey Cot-tons, Shirtings, Gin; Cottonades. Muslims, Table Linens, N a; etc., CBC. OUR SPECIALTY THIS WEEK IS THOMAS GILLQTT, Are selling fast but a good assort- ment still on hand. All the leading lines in all col- ors. See our Spring Dress Tweeds at 37-3; cts. PRINTS, Boys Suits at all Prices. Felt Hats in new styies. Rock-bottom prices DRESS GOODS, Stock N 0w Complete. M~MM\~W‘ axe PHOTOGRAPH axe GALLERY. Walsh 2% CM CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP 00.. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. momsvnom. KY: NEW YORK. w. 1 . Syrup of Fiés is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure it promptly for any one w 0 Wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant ‘ and refreshing to the taste, and acts ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, fprompt in its action and truly bene cial in, its efi‘ects,. prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its man excellentqualities commendit to al and have made it the most popular remedy known. _ TYVEEDS, ..W PEACY, A “mvnm ONE ENJOYS ARTIST, 46 Undertaker, NEW YORK. W. I. . Ginghgms r, Napkms, 011103.19. The finest. High Grade Engine Oils are Dreamers 1 Quart flippers 2 Quart flippers Best Brood Hoop Iron-olao Mill: Can, 25 gallons Do Do 30 gallons ‘1 U LARDIN E From now until the end of the year LARDIN E f‘TASI‘EN.F: Champion Ggld Medal Oil of the Dominion. McColl’s Oils MOCOLL BROSIE 66., TORONTO. McCOL L’S flippers . . 106m Quart Pails . AND ALL OTHER TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH TIN WARE FIFTY CENTS, To New Subscribers. J, S. PICKUP CYLINDER OIL ARE THE BEST.‘ CHEAPER THAN EVER AT Manufactured by 50. For sale by all leading dealers in the country 10 Quart Pails 14 Quart Pails for ‘ $3.50 $3.75 750 ' 12% 15c Wheat for sale . â€"Mr. Geo. S. been residing in‘ past, is home on â€"Giant Prolifi â€"Mr. and M1 day in Peterbon Mrs. J. Smyth. â€"Mr. and visiting relativ days last week. â€"It is an a. Jenkins keeps 1 in town. Fâ€"Mr. Jos. Hassard of P6 this week. â€"Keep you; gains in fine f0 â€"Court Iva1 a. special meeti â€"Mr.b {\V his westward t- , â€"â€"J. B. Ha! M., will meet 3 â€"Divisiou today by Jud are the Principu schooL Compet: ver Medals. Tl» mailed free. Go: A. Blanchard. Ch Drug 4 thoropgh B? will be h Hemem J ur '. Jury Have y4 TOV .555 l JJfi'ji “n I)? \ ,9, E J)! 13%.: 4....A 33 v A ; FF» E

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