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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 8 Jun 1893, p. 5

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{alums 'ailnns KUP r. F edoras, an d there is ats almost 5 that are re stylish ; many Hats r Hats to Lindsa y} Pails lP FOR CASH. TS Pails Oils leading dealers in the country then make. MACHINE . . OIL. . . Le Dominion. )l L WILL fitters. ’ORONTO. rter from all for they Popular, .ntee that wearing Drd, Kings. TS. year for $3.50 $3.75 756 12; 156 â€"Giant Prolific Sweet Red Cob Ensilage Co Ensilage Corn, als c wheat for sale at -Mr. Geo. S. McCartney, who has been residing in Guelph for some time past, is home on a visit. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Webster spent Sun- day in Peterboro with their daughter, Mrs. J. Smytb. â€"-It is an acknowledv fact that Jenkins keeps the s wearing boots in town. 20-3 â€"Mr. and Mrs. S. Eakins were visiting relatives in Toronto a. few days last week. ‘â€"Mr. Jos. Armstrong 21: Hassard of Pet-erboro, were i this week. â€"Keep your eye 0 er for bar gains in fine foam 18 -â€"Court Ivanhoe, I. O. R, will hold a. special meeting to-m'ght. â€"VI r S. W. Clarke retnrned from his westward trip yesterday. â€"J. B. Hall lodge, A. F. and A. M., will meet this evening. â€"Division court will be held here to-day by Judge Ketchum. A thorough Business and Shorthand trainin school. Competition yearly: for Gold and S' - ver Medals. The 70 e Illustrated circular mailed free. Geo. S, ean, B. A., L. L. B.. and A. Blanchard. Chartered Accountant 01' Ontario are the Principals. Drug Store on the above dates. CONSULTATION FREE. Mr. J. H. H. Jury, the Optician, will be here again on the above dates. Remember the dates I June 19e20 Have your eyes examined scientifically, Free of charge and secure a pair of spec- tacles adapted to your sight. '. Jury will be at TO‘VN TALK . T. ELLIOTT’ PETERBURU BUSINESS COLLEGE in town â€"â€"-“\'Iaster Stanley Buchanan, son of Rev. Wm. Buchananr of N orwood, who has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Pendry, for some time, returned home on Saturday last. Miss Emma Pendry accompanied him to Peterboro, where a. few days were spent visiting friends. ‘ x I â€".Just arrivec a. R. J. Doak’s, the largest pretties and cheapest stock of wall paper ev 1‘ shown in Millbrook- See this st 1: before buying. Rem. nants of st year’s stock sold at great sacrifice. Buy early and secure the plums. 10 L â€"â€"We were pleased to receive a call yesterday from the Rev. H McQuaid formerly of Pontypool, but now of Ameliasburg. The rev. gentleman was here 01121 visit to friends on his re- turn from conference at Oshawa. ‘ â€"The sacrament of the Lord’s supper will be dispensed in the Pres- byterian church on Sunday afternoon next at three o’clock. Preparatory services will be held on Friday after- noon, when a sermon will be preached by the Rev. Dr. Smith of Port Hope. . â€"All members of the lacrosse club are requested to he at the grounds to night for practice, after which the team will be chosen for the match with Lindsay on Satuaday. â€"Jenkins 1s aft-e t-lhe m in fine boots this and Congress ots are the ‘1 in town. â€"Mr. A. Payne is advertising an- other auction sale, to be held on Wed- nesday, June 14. This is the last sale he will hold this season a are likely to be plentiful. nd bargains -â€"Mr. Jerome Larmer, son of John Larmer, a former resideJ Millbrook and now of California: been visiting friends in this vi< for the past few weeks. m . ' betore makmg purchases. â€"The Millbrook troop of under the command of Capt. will go down to camp at Kin; on Tuesday next. we Sucoub u; .Lvu's. Doocn’s father, Mr. John Clarke. ‘ -â€"â€"A large fire recent-1y occurred in Saginaw, Mich, in which Mr. S. G. 'Sing, a former resident of Millbrook was one of the sufferers. â€"\V. Archer has just finest line of Iadi " SI ever shown in Millbrook. fail to see them before making Durrehncpa on ived the â€"The Rev. A. L. Adam of Slum-J, â€"-The Rev nonville, formerly of the Cavan south I on PMS CIPL‘Ui 3 circuit, was in town on \Vednesday. ed 1n the Me! , last. â€"Mrs. Bloodsworth and .MISS . Holmes left on Monday on a Visit to *A 1119?“! their old home in Caledonia. . Gavan agricu. in the town 11 â€"-Mr. and Mrs. Booth of Toronto, at two o’clock are visiting friends in town. They are the guests of Mrs. Booth’s father, Mr. -â€"Farmers, TALE n1 A , 1 ~â€"â€"Rev. Messrs. Young and Mr. R. W. Clarke re conference yesterday. â€"â€"\‘Iiss Minnie Kerr of Toronto been visiting her parents here for past few weeks. mrook troop of cavalry, umand of Capt. Sutton, to camp at Kingston on nent of the Lord’s ispensed in the Pres- on Sunday afternoon o’clock. Preparatory :eld on Fridav after- Ft-e the men’s trade ‘ ason. Men’s Don- , Dongola. Balmoml ‘ts are the best value 20-3 s. Young and Clarke, Clarke returned from former resident of ', son of Mr. Llifornia, has this vicinity »nto has for the Treasurerâ€"WV. Coombe V Herald_â€"E. Chambers ‘Guardâ€"VV. Kerr Sentinelâ€"J. Bradley. â€"The travelling dairy sent out 7 from the Guelph agricultural college - by the Minister of Agriculture, Will I hold meetings under the auspices of the . East Durham agricultural society as follows zâ€"Garden Hill, Friday, 16th ‘ June; Port Hope, Saturday, 17th ‘ June ; Millbrook, Monday, 19th J une; Janetville, Tuesday, 20th June ,- Beth- any, \Vednesday, 21st June; Mt. Pleasant, Thursday, 22nd June. The meetings will all be held at two o’clock in the afternoon. The deputation, con- sisting of W. L. Carlyle, B.S.A., and J. A. McT: vish, will exhibit diary utensils, make butter, test milk and deliver lectures on the management of milk and cream, the feeding of cows, churning, working and packing butter. ,The Babcock tester will be in opera- ‘ ‘ tion and those furnishingabout two cup fuls of milk may have it tested and be privately informed of the result Every person having anything to dowith butter making should attend the meetings as many useful hints will be given in that direction. H I W P. S. C.â€"S. Bateson S. C.â€"â€"T. B. Jenkins V. C.â€"Miss Aggie Hampton Chaplainâ€"Miss Mina Bateson Recording Scribeâ€"“7. W. Gillot-t Financial Scribeâ€"Mrs. W. \V. G Iott â€"â€"Millbrook council, Royal Templers of Temperance, held their regular weekly meeting on Friday evening last. when the following officers were elected :â€" - -â€"The annual excursion of the Pres- byterian Sabbath school here will take place on July 4, instead of June 20, as announced in our last issue. The change was made in consequence of the school examinations. â€"The annual tea in connection with Zion church will be held on \Vednes- day next from four o’clock until eight. After ten Rev. J. Kilgour Will deliver his popular lecture entitled “The Curious.” v--.-.u;u LI ) U110].- ing th fire est and most attractive stylei a es’ fine Oxfordshoes, Theoâ€" dc- -re Ties and Button shoes to be found in town. 20â€"3 all kinds Zicmm at the Ca. m 111e Miller. ._~------,, - DLVC .yU flour 1n exchang/for wheutu .t --A meeting of the directors of the Gavan agricultural society will be held in the town hall on Friday afternoon at two o’clock. â€"-1ne Nev. Mr. Cragge, who was on this cirzuit thirty years ago, preach- ed in the Methodist- church on Sunday last. â€"-Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. have returned from a two with friends in Toronto. â€"-The Rev. Mr. Cragge‘ to-morrow (Friday) o’clock. â€"â€"14‘armers, we/gfl you a No â€"Remember the An open 39 -et. Jenkins is offer- fin-8e grain for 60. perag, .311, '1‘ A U’ mills. J. CALDWELL, cricket actice afternoo. at 4 Richardson 3 weeks’ visit nut} grind Gil- . . v..- a . “A. vvuo The court then adj‘ourned till eight o’clock in the evening. ’When the court of revision met again an appeal was presented from Mr. S. J amieson against the assessment of his income at $1000. He contended that he should‘ not be assessed so high, though he was not prepared to show that he was not in receipt of the amount sworn to by the assessor. On motion of Conn. -â€"-On Sunday morning last Lam- s- bert Robert, son of Mr. Alex. Strain, ll breathed his last, after a somewhat e lengthened illness from consumption. 3. The funeral took place on Monday e afternoon, and it was largely attended by relatives and other friends and 's acquaintances of the deceased. A r firing party, in uniform, from N o. 4 >. company, 46th Batt., marched in front e of the hearse, accompanied by the band, which played suitable music along the route. The pall bearers were also in the uniform of the regi- ment, deceased being a member of the corps. The burial took place in the Presbyterian cemetery. -â€"-The court of revision for the Vlllage cf Millbrook was opened in th council chamber on Monday morning last at ten o’clock. There were pre- sent Reeve Ferguson and Couns. Camp- bell and Elliot. Mr John Horner appealed against his assessment of $400, and showed that the places of equal value in his neighborhood were assessed at from $200 to $250, and his was accordingly reduced to , 8250. The assessment on Mr. Clarry’s car- riage shop had been raised $200 by the assessor, and as it did not seem to a have increased in value to that extent, it was put back to the old figure. Mr. Thos. Bryans appealed, against his'assessment for the barber shop in the Mulligan block and asked to be put on the roll for the shop he now occupies in the Gardiner block. Thomas showed that he had moved Within the prescrib- ed period and his request was granted. -â€"-The annual tea in connection with the Methodist church, Ballydufi', will be held in Mr. John Gainor’s grove, on Saturday, June 10. At two o’clock in the afternoon a gan'ie of lacr(’)sse will take place between the Lindsay and M illbrook teams. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. T. S. McKee and others. Music will be furnished by the choir. A very large number of people generally attend these entertain- ments at Ballydufi", and this year is not likely to be an exception, as the com- mittee are sparing no pains tofurnish amusement and make this affair a great success. â€"â€"On Monday night last a citizen residing in the east end was somewhat disturbed in his slumbers by hearing a rumbling noise, and after rousing him- self and becoming satisfied that his conscience was all right, he commenced to look around, and located the noise in close proximity to Mr. A. Payne’s wood-pile, which occupies a position3 near the corner of King and Mill-sts., on the east side. \Ve understand the party engaged in this kind of midnight work is known and will given only a few days in which to make good the de- ficiency in the woodâ€"pile. Wm harmâ€"At; Garden Hill, on Thursda . June 1, Margaret Leith, in the 52nd year 0 her age. MADILLâ€"In No b Mon ban. on Manda June 5th, 1893, yohn Mad? e 5” PORTERâ€"(n Manvers. on Friday. 1893, David Porter fifth son of THORNEâ€"In Gavan. on Sunday. Jun wife of Mr. Geo. S. Theme, of a so DUNBARâ€"In Gavan, on Sunday, wife of Mr. Frederick Dunbar e 4th, 21. June 4th, ota son. Immediate relief if you will only get a bottle of Lvlembray’s Kidney and Liver Cure. Why suffer with Back ache, Indigestion, Pain between the Shoulders, Constipation, Sick Headachce, etc., when you can get relief by using this valuable medicine '3 Procure a. bottle without dela. . For sale By A. LEACH, M illbrook. TRAINâ€"In Millbrook, on Sunday. 1893, Lambert Robert Strain, second son at Mr. Alexander Strain, aged 16 years, 10 month. ' and 8 days. bytery, and, we are pleased to ‘sai, signified his attention of accepting the call when it should be presented. â€"â€"A special meeting of the Presbytery of Peterboro was held in the )Iillbrook Presbyterian church on Tuesday after- noon, the Rev. J. Mc‘Villiams of Peterboro, moderator, presided. A call from the Centreville church to Mr. J as. Cattanach, of Queen’s college was presented and sustained by the presbytery. The Ordination and in- duction of Mr. Cattanach to the charge will take place at the Centreâ€" ville church on Tuesday, 27th inst. at half-past two. The Rev. Dr. Smith of ‘ Port Hope will preach the sermon. The people will he addressed by the Rev. Mr. McWilliams of Peterboro and the pastor by the Rev. Mr. Hay of Co- bourg. The Rev. J. Andrews of Keene will deliver a lecture on “Church Polity.” Mr. Cattanach was com- municated with by telephone at the conclusion of the meeting of tne pres- bytery, and, we are pleased to sav â€"At a meeting of the town council on Monday, the Reeve and Coun. Elliot were appointed a committee to act with a similar committee of Cavan council in guarding the interests of the two municipalities in the purchase of the new fair grounds. The Reeve reported that Mr. Medd had made an Offer in connection with the sale of his land for the new street in the west end. He was willing to accept $150 for the land provided the council allow him $150 for fencing. The offer was not accepted and unless better terms be offered the arbitration will go on. A number of accounts for work per- formed during the past month were were paid and Mr. S. J amieson was allowed $3.85, being the amount col- lected from him over and above Wh'lt the roll called for. The council adjourn- ed till the evening of the 20th inst. Elliot, seconded by Coun. Bateson, the assessment of Mr. J amieson was confirmed. Mr. Vane: applied for a reduction in the assessment. of his proâ€" perty on account of its having been vacant for a long period. The matter was laid on the table for consideration, and the court adjourned till Tuesday evening, June 20th. The Cradle. You Can Get, Tomb. 3: the the

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