Some years ago when a. gentleman called 1; “’himier on one of his birthday anni- Wl‘saries at Oak Knoll, Dauvers, the poet £83 an interesting incident coanected with *m; Lucy Lareom. Sue had been callingon him that. forenoon and while she was there a very etfusive min- ister, a. stranger to Whittier, called to pay his respects to him. He recited quite dramatically selections from Whistier’s writï¬ingspud ï¬nally said : “Bur. I think the most. beautiful thing you have ever written was “Hannah Bind- ing Shoes,’ †and then proceeded to speak of it. as one of the ï¬nest. poems in the lan- â€"Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, 1nd,, save: “ I had been in a. distressed con- dition for three years from Nervousness, \Veakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indi estion until my health was gone. I bong. 1; one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy. I con. sider it the grandest. medicine in the world.’ A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant ed by A. Luca: ll-lst. a “Yes,†said Whittier, “I think myself it is a beautiful thing. I always admired it.†Thus encouraged the minister recited sev- eral stanzas of the poem in a. very dra- matic manner As he concluded, Whit- tier, mobiouing to Miss Larcom said: “Al- low me to introduce you to the author of that: 1396173.,“ _____.. 1 . 1-.1- “I think,†said Whittier, as he told the story afterward, with a. quiet laugh, “I never saw a man who so much desired to sink through the floor as did that minister.†â€"-â€"Bcston Herald. ’Twa yesterday the violets came pcepin’. creepin' out, An’ the sweet wmds were a-blowin' 3.21 the blossoms roundabout; An’ the bird no as were a-ringin' loud from every rumpled t.e,re An‘ the ï¬xers were a-singing as they splashed to- wards the sea. ' wear, An‘ we jumped into the duster for the balanm o‘ the year; An’ the stray: ha: 0' last summer come a-tuznhlin’, . rumblm’ down, An' the feller wnh the ice cart wpnt a-gallopin' through town. a “Sabbath observance†meeting. The miserable man was the Roman Cathoic Archbishop, a peaceful and devout cleric, and the blasphemy consisted in stating that. in his judgment there was no harm in tak- ing a. quiet. walk in the Botanic Garden at Edinburgh on a Sunday afternoon. This awful supplication was uttered, Within my own knowledge, iess than thirty years ago. I fancy that. my reader will have no diï¬i- 'Eulcy in deciding which indi 'idual was the mzsenble m3n.â€"â€"Longman’s Magazine. Twas s'cskenlay the flannel was too izchersome to A vulgar Puritan, udering a discourse which he presumably thought, wasa prayer, thus expressed himself : “Have mercy on that miserable man who was lately pouring fourth blasphemies against Thee. It. was at “I wish." said the embarrassed-looking man. who had tried to dance, “that it wasn‘t so hard to catch a train at the depot and so hard to miss it in a ball- ’9 _AAM S. P. SMITH, of Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken ,down, is cured by Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. He writes: “ For eight years, I was, most of the time, a. great sufferer from constipa- tion, kidney trouble, and indiges- tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con- dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock-work. At the time I began taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, my weight was only 129 pounds; I now can brag of 159 pounds, and was never in so good health. If you could see me be- fore and after using, you would want me for a. traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla to be the best in the market to-day.†Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aye:- Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others,wil| cu re you Ayea’s “ SARSAPARILLA m the} x e kinder changed the bill, For the weather†3 got, a. chill; [13' we’ re hunting for the flannel An' the ï¬re :1: to kill! For its' .rceze, Ezeeze, freeze, Witt: the 3311-. in yopr knees; For Sthex (17» say snring‘ s a “ oman, An'1z‘e s mxghtv hard to pie eeas â€"Atlanm Constit‘ But they've kinder changed the bill, For the weather‘s got a chill; he violets gone back to sleep An’ the birds 3.. e smi! An i. 5:: ecze, freeze, freeze, how the mountains to the seas, For the) say that spring†3 .. woman, An‘ sue s mighty hard to please. ' A Change in The Bill, He Met the Author, The Vulgar Bigot. beautiful Ehing STRONG NERVES LONG LI FE a,“ tLJon. An Estimate of the Expense of a stay at the World’s Fair. Nearly every one is interested in know- ing something about. the probable cost. at a trip to the fair, and a little information on that point will no doubt be of service. “How much will in cost no live in Chicago?†is a. question that is just now agitating a. great. many mznds, and yet the answer is so simple as to almost: suggest. itself. Briefly in may be put. in these words: “‘As much or as litLle as you please." Tuere is no reason why anyone should submit. to extortion of any kind, and those it he come with ready made plans and have their rooms engaged in advance will ï¬nd no difï¬culty in keeping within any reasonable limit. they may set themselves. sons ............................... :. to 4 00 Double bedded rooms, two beds, three pexsons ............................ 2 to 6 00 Double bedded rooms, twgo beds, four persons ........................... 2m 8 00 These prices of course do not include board. That. can also be arranged for if the applicant desires, but- most people will ï¬nd it more convenient to ta'n e rooms and eat wherever they may happen to be at meal hours. Otherwise they may ï¬nd they are paying for meals that they cannot eat without a. great deal of inconvenience. The bureau of public comfort will tarnish information about rooms. board, transpor- tation and anything else that. may contri- bute to the Convenience of visibingstrangers and will assign to them rooms :f they so de- sire at any price they may stipulate and 1n any sectxon of the city they may desire. The prices of rooms will range from 50 cents a. day up. Here is the schedule the bureau sends out. to those seeking informa- tion : Single room, one bed, one person ..... . . .$1 to $2 50 Double room, one had, two persons ...... 1 to 4 00 Double bedded room, two beds, two per- _ _ “In 18.30,†says The Medical Times, “there was one criminal in 3500 of our population, but in l890 there was in 786.5, a. terrible increase in 40 years. The repubo lie is young. Reckoned by the age of nations, it, has hardly yei- cast aside its swaddling cloths, and yet in energy, in prosperity, in health and strength, it stands as ancient Rome stood, a giant among the powers of the world. There must be some way to stay this mad rush of crime ; some remedy for this bacteria, which is poison- ing the fountains of moral and physical héélth.†â€"-Epidermiu as a. beautiï¬er of the com- plexion has no equal. Try it. At A. LEACH’S. 16~ Distrlct Notes. â€"Peterb0ro wants iron smelting works. â€"Dr. Root’s Red Regumtors cure to st: cured. Ask A. LEACH for a box. 16- -â€"Chemcng park has opened for the sea- son. The announcement that) me Duke of Sumeriand hopes to let Dunrobin and the shooting that appertain to the castle at a rent: of £7000 for the seasonâ€"the highest, rent. on record-reminds the London corre- spondent. of The Manchester Guardian 0! other cases where large sums have been paid for a. season‘s shooting. Sir A. Borth- wick has paid £4500 at Invercauld, Lord V’imborne £4500 at. Achnaecheilach, Lord Burton £3000 at Glenqnoich, the Bradley- Marcins £2700 at Balmacaan, and Sir Charles Mnrdnunt £2500 at Glenfeshie. The rent. of Blackmount is £4000, of Glen- muck and Bachnagaim £3000. It Was con. sidered a tolezably high price when Baron Hirsch paid Lord \Vashington £4000 for ï¬ve weeks’ tenancy of Merton hall, with its shootings. â€"â€"V\7estminater Gazette. In the mountains of Northern California, at an altitude of 2000 feet, there is an extinct crater, eight, miles in circumference, and at a depth of 800 feet there is a. lake of fresh water, with an island in the center. â€"-Dr. Ruot’s Rex} ’cgulatoxs are the best 3.111s. ion a. blood tonic. A. LEACH sells them 1. . 16' â€"â€"-A house belonging to Mr. V» m. Score was burned at Centreton last week. â€"-â€"-Mr.Ja,s. Brown of Peterboro died on Friday, aged 86. â€"â€"Get a. box of Dr. Root’s Red Regulat- ors, the best blood builder. Price 500. For sale by A. LEACH. 16- â€"â€"(a.1' at Leach’s drug store and got a bottle of Harper’s Arabian Balm. Best linimeut sold. 1'3~ â€"â€"A nail factory is among the industrial probabilities in Port, Hope. -â€"Ha.\'e you seen Epldermia the great skin cure, for Eczema, Saib Rheum, c. For sale by A. LEACH. 16- -â€"James Drake was drowned near Lake- ï¬eld on Friday, while huntmg frogs. -â€"Jerry Caddigan, son of Michael P. Caddigan of Peterboro, was drowned on Saturday. -â€"Neura.lgia. must go ! $5.00 reward for a case that, “ Harper’s Arabian Balm †will not relieve at once. Warranted by A. LEACH. 16- â€"According to the World of that town, “ Cobourg has a. real ghost, which has taken up its quarters it} the old Presbyterian Kirk, ___‘-- . I ‘1 ‘I, ._ 1:--1-..- “I? "" ‘1""' †_ on William street, and the children living in the vicinity gather round theold ruin and with bated breath tell each other of this wonder- ful phantom’s visitations to the place Where prayer was once wont to be made. The Chief Constable tried to get an interview with his ghostship on Sunday. but the shadow would not come from its hiding place. Perhaps it was afraid of being arrested.†â€"â€"English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemiahes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Rin Bone, Sweeney, Sprains, Sore and Swo len Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one bottle. V‘Varranted by A. LEACH. 11-1 â€"â€"Port Hope is preparing a. grand pro- gramme of sports for Dominion Day. -â€"Itch on humans, horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Warranted by -- .n A. Luca. Crime in the United States. ‘ci'hac Britons fay for Sport, WHAT WILL IT COST? California Curiosity. 2to 11-13 a, y PUMPS ! Manufactures all kinds of Pumps and can satisfy you both in style and price. \Ve make a specialty of the now well known EUREKA PUMP, which, wherever used with its latest improvement culls forth wonderful praise. It is the only pump on the market that can be changed so as to throw either a light or heavy stream of water. You should see it before purchasing. ._4___ A I V'M l l 1 W'e manufacture six different styles of wooden pumps and handle every de- sign of Canadian and American iron pumps. 1 0 1: Wish your 3! sum â€murmur, m man man be White 1' If you are in need of a pump cal} and see us before purchasing. It will pay you. If you Linen to as Snow, Miilbpook, will do Sunlight Soap it. NEW? HARNESS SEW. HIbcg to announce that I am prepared to givct cfarmers 12Ibs of rolled oat meal and lilbs of standmd meal fox each bushel of oats. Either qualities ofmcal xx x11 be sold for $2.50 per 100 lbs. 21â€"41: G. McIVOR. HE highest cash price xlmid for any quantity of good clean W001. have a lar e assort- ment of Yarns, Tweed. Flannnels, R01 5 85c. for exchange. Agent for R. Parkcrs 8.: Co.. Dyers, Toronto, and Peter‘ooro' Steam Laundryâ€"goods sent Tuesday of each week. D. CHAMBERS. sou mans M m me- Six Boxes of Axle Grease for 250. This Grease is the best in the market, Bateson’s RUBBER LAP BUGSâ€"$2. Grasp this opggfgté’nggpas the price is Everything else equally , low at BATESON‘S Harness Emporium. evsavsonv was A Pï¬MP. Next door to the Dominion Hotel, Millbrook. WEBB HALTERSâ€"ZOO. MILLBRGUK GATMEAL MILL ! WOOL E WOOL E . W. GREEN ~. W. GREEN, J ustlthink of it. Because SUNLIGET SOAP is perfectly pure. and canteens no {mun- ope Chermcels to Insure exther your clothes or your hands. Greatest care is exercised in in mannfepture. and i 1;: quality IS so appreciated by the public that: it has the Lea-gee: Sale of any Seep m the World. Can on test this? If you ave never tries! SUNLIGHT SOAP, ask those who use it what they thmk of it,then try it for yourself. The re- sult will lease you, and your c othes will be washed in far less time, with Less Labour Greater Comfort, and will be whiter than they have ever been before. when you used ordmery Is not the best wa to de- cide the motter First ‘by enqumgg what the experience 15 or those who already use _it. Secondly, by a. fair trml ‘yourself. You are not committed in any way to use the 508 ; all we ask is: Don't elay, try it the next washing day. begs to announce that he has opened a. new harness shop 'in the store next door to R. Deyell’s, wxere all work in his line will be performec'é‘ at low rates. W. STRAIN Special attention paid no collars and repairs. Why, nmxxms, man's, HALTERS, 8:0. That How. PUMPS ! On'tapio AT THE BAILIEBORO MARKET. - to make room for new stock. You ca them almost at your own price. Boots For A" Ages. AT GARDENER’S. c. P. R. Ticket Ofï¬ce! Fence Wire, Field and Garden Seeds, Wan Paper, Carpet Felt 8m. !F YOU WANT A SET OF REAL REPAIRING AISPEOIALTY. Best Make 6f Watches in ï¬eld And Silver BUY THE BEST Clearing Sale BOOTS. AND SHOES, That dreaded and dreadful disease! What shall stay its ravages? Thousands cry Scott’s Emulsion of pure Norwegian ~â€" cod liver oil and hypophosphites. of lime and soda has cured us of consumption in its ï¬rst stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption? Make no delay but take Scott’s Emulsion cures Caughs, ’ Colds. Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemio and Wasting , Diseases. Prevents Wasting in Children. Almost as palatable as . mus. Get only the scanned Pre- ' pared by Scott a Bowne, Bellevtlle. Bold ‘ by all Prussian, 50 cents and $1. 00. Scott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemia and Wasting Diseases. Prevents Wasting in Children. Almost as palatable as mm. Get only the summed Pre- pared by Scott Bowne, Bellevllle. Sold by all Dmggists, 50 cents and $1. 00. A Fine Line of Platedwave at Lowest Prices. We are just now holding a great AND YOU WILL BUY THE CHEAPEST. BOOTS! JOHN STEELE :SPEcIALTv. gLARGE STOCK OF SPECTAGLES OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, MILLBROOK. GOOD HARNESS . B. JENKINS HAS ON PIA-ND A FINE LINE OF CALL ON Cenira! Telephone Ofï¬ce. M. PARKE R. BOOTS BOOTs, BOOTS, BOOTS. Vol. XXXVI. World’s F F IVE TRAINS LEAVING 7.50§._M. zit-3332}? 7.50 A. M. arrive Chica: Pullman Bufl'et 09.11 1.00 P. 111.. arrive Clue Car to Port Huron. ‘ Port Huron no _ ‘ Toronto to Den-ott- 2.50 P. M“ arrive at Cb man Drawing 4139?; l ["5 aw ' ‘ inst ubh5he‘L a 00-9 ‘ the B. town no c of (am visiwï¬ ant?! 'tio A! b'fv Eégioggo IS plain city. cums-$0 w P.""" map. Those who mtc: should avail: enlsclw posting themselves. :1 menga as to male. 07 \eava home. The In :freetoall. ~‘ HOMES RCHIBALD W00 BuGE LICENSE 930F157 ~â€"â€"‘â€"â€"_â€"_-‘_~ N c. MCKINNON. . so: go Dr. mad: «Umveï¬iqes, Liccxnj n‘eons, Edmburgh. Me n? ' a 0-- “My": )ll‘il m constantly on of an kifldï¬. nature 330 trouble to show rmmufactugar of L Pullman Chicago- mguï¬féonï¬ 03"“ .dnuz snore. Aft-0r HA. WARD. BA at Law, Soliciu Block. VValwn .5ch lend on the security (arm property for s: W. FISH ER. Y ‘ . Oflicc andfmli“ be at. Queen's 11mg“ 1 W. CLARKE. L.‘ o «Mention given natural teeth. Nitrc leap extraction of tee? ‘Wlll be at Bethany t each month. Ponm PARENTS AND ' LY are res : Pemberwn. Pro as»: Master 0 Ito ‘al Sch now preparq. w re< mental. at. bus rcsid« lnstrpcmon at, any I Magma} max-age? yu- ~WORLD 8109‘? i5. the ti“? .. Ann" T B. COLLINS é o BROOK. Far discounwd. Draft: ada ant} Lhz- Unwed collection of sale a: Whistle on re: hat-god. 0330c. r. Macawâ€"Canaan I’. “1790 assignec. Boo countscc-llcctod. . mm. all details can given to book-keep a pennanem boo]; Communicanons f1 oeive prompt aUct places performed ory. Ofï¬ce: 379 1 oflice box 12:. Pete: IDDELL. w. BLAND. 1 o (SECWHSOI‘ m and Hon. Graduau lege. Toronto. La! W est. Moun Clinical Lectures, London, Eng. Del nlcflicatod animal scientiï¬c methods. Dominion hotel. M :.. 21;in 0"†Desires 00 info1 Finest and consisting of Drv Shoes, Hats and Cheap for. cash. “BRIAG éi aid the hi: Eggs at the she; DEAFNESS HEAD perman' 111wa genuine : dinary cases .113: Full paptigular Upber Kensi "the best 1‘ e .end‘ PRES