1 disease! ousands 'orwegian :s of lime its ï¬rst »r leading Prices. SPECTAGLES nd Silver PEST. ER’S. llery. Garden lrpet he Ofï¬ce. on can get nice. grea t KER. TS,' RCHIBALD WOOD, ISSUER OF MAR- RIAGE LICENSES. Millorook. 0n: DEAFNESS AND NOSIES IN THE HEAD permanently cured by a. new abso- lutely genuine system. The most extraor- ° cascsrhave been successfully treated. Full particulars, with copies of splendid testimonials post free. Herbert Clifton, 51, Upper Kensington Lane, London, S. E. 6-1y Finest and Best Selected Stocks In Town, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, c. Cheap for cash. All kinds of produce want~ ed and the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at. the shop or on the road. “Umversities. Licentiate Royal College Sur- geons. Edinbu h, Member College Ph sicians and Surgeons. tario. Ofï¬ce at A. '1‘. ‘ liozt's ï¬g store. Agar ofllce hours 3} Mr. Wm. n's reszdence. King an. Mfllbrook. ' C. MCKINNON. M. 1)., C. M., (SUCCES ,__ 0 so: to Dr: giddric) 'ljoronpo gag Victgria Desires to inform the public that he has one of the J \V. BLAND. VETERINARY SURGEON o (Successorto T. H. Hassard.) Registered and Hon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto. Late Veterinary Surgeou North “ est Mounted Police. Calgary. Attended Clinical Lectures, Royal Veterinary 00116: 0. London, Eng. . Dentistry a. specialty. All 0- mesticatcd animals treated according to latest scientiï¬c methods.. Ofï¬ce on King~st., opposite h-_:_:__ L-A_‘ ‘- “‘ . P. WATFORD. ACCOUNTANT AND assignec. B00ks opened and closed. Ac- counts collected. Assignments taken in charge anuall details completed. S ecial attention given to bookkeeper‘s work w ere services of a. permanent book-keeper are not required. CommuniCatxons from 'neighboring towns re: ceive prompt attention and services in such places performed modemtetly and satisfac- ory. Ofï¬ce: 379 water szreet. Address, Post ofï¬ce box 1:25, l’etcrooro, Ont. 7 -6m T B. COLLINS 8c 00.. BANKERS. MILL- o BROOK. Farmers’ and other good. notes discounted. Drafts issued on all points of Can ada and ths. United States at. lowest rates. The collection of sale and other notes a specialty. Loansmade on real qstate. No commission hanged. 03100. norm side of King Street. Referenceâ€"Canadian Bank of Commerce. I LY are res ectfull informed that Thos. Pemberton. Pro cssor 0 Music, and late Band Master 0 R0 '31 School of Infantry, Toronto, is now prepare to receive Emails. vocal or instru- mental, at. his resxdence, enter Street. Private instruction at, any hour. Orders for music and Musical instruments or my and every class promptly attended to. D J. A. V. Preston) Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. ;c. Oï¬ces, 'Wood 3: Kells’ block. Milk brook. Ont... and Bethany on the 2d and 4th Mondays in every month. Money to loan at lowest rates. 36 x .11 (it Law. Soiicitor,’ 9136. Ofï¬ce in’Ontario Block. W'alton Street. Port Rape. Money to land on the security of real estate. Town and term pmpert-Y for sake. IV Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries. eta. C0 ho and Brighton. ‘W. R. Ridden, B. A., LL. 4. J. Armstrong, B. A. \V. H. Nesbitt. B. A. ï¬rst-class loans placed. Money loaned and invested. Mercantile collectxom made and general law buslneas. W. CLARKE. LD.S.. DENTIST SPECIAL o attention given to the .preSetvation of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxxde Gas for the pain- less extraction of teeth. Good work mnteed. Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th ends. a of each month. Pontypool 151: and 3rd. Mon aye. PARENTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERAL LY are resnectfullv informed that 'rhm J W. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON o Oflice and residence. Baillieboro. Ont. wni be at Queen's Hotel, Minbrock. every Saturday. Pullman Bufl’et Cars and Coaches. . 3.00 P. M. arriVe Chi ~ 0 8.00 A. lyI. Panonr Car to Port Huron. ‘hrough “ ngner Car Port Huron to Chicago. Through coach Toronto to Detroit. V 2.50 P. M.. arriveat Chicago 8.00 A. M. Pull- man Drawing-room Car to Dot r01t. Through Wager Car and Coach Hannlton to Chica- 80. 'ning Cam Hamilton to “’mdsor. 711.00 P. M., arrive Chicago 4.50 P. .M. Thrall 'h “'agncr Cars and Coach Hamllton to C i- .1130 P. M., art-iv: Chzcago 4.30 P. M. Through Pullman Cars and Coaches Detroit, and Chicago. Keeps constantly on hand alarge stock of Fun mture of all kinds. Three large showrooms. m: .troutzle .to mucosa JOHN GILLOTT, " Manufabtiirer of die Excelsior Washing machine. The beat in the m HOMES FOR VISITORS TO THE' WORLD’S FAIR.†The above is the title of a_ very useful book just ublished, a copy of whlch can be seen at the . T. R. town txcket ofï¬ce: Millbrook, It is certainly a complete work. as 1t_ furnishes a list. of families .m Chxcagpiwho wxll accommodate visitors durzqg the per-10g! of the W'orld‘s Colum- bian Exposltxoxp. also a. hst of the hotels in the city. Chicago 1s p}axnly shown in Sections by map. Thoec who mtend vxsxting the great fair should avml themselves of thls opportunity of posting themselves, as all necessary arrange. ments as to rooms. etc., can be made befote leaving home. The use of this book is offered free to an. FIVE TRAINS FROM TORONTO. LEAVING 7.50 §-_M- arrive Chicago 9:342) P. AL ‘ Through *1, World’s iii Route ! mTH _PBESTON ‘(sUCCEsspga . o 190m ABMSTROXG a; NESBI'le. Vol. XXXVI. A. 57“an BARRISTEQL“ ATTOBNEY~ MARRIAGE LICENSES the ("Stubs/ooh 1Reporten CABINET MAKER, PROFESSIONAL . LANG A. LEACIâ€"i, MUSIC. Agent G. ’l‘. R'y. Millbrook. Ask your local cat for Tin-on 11 Tickets to any point on N. “Penn R. LLchvgh Valley. W est Shore R. \V. . 0. D. B.Bt..P. W. N. 8: P. and Have LBaggage Checked Through. C. F. GILDERSLEE‘VE, Gen. Manager. 0. Returning, leaves Charlotte at 11.15 p. 111.. except Tuesday at 9.45 a. m., on armvmg at Pay-t Hone at 6.30 a. m., (Sammie. at 9.00 .Im.) W111 cali at Colbornc on Wedncs ay'and day at 4.00 a. m., and Brighton on Monday and Wednesday at 2.00 a. m. 0n and after Monday. May lst. will leave Cobourg at 8.00 a. 111., Port Hope at 9.40 a. m., on arrival of G. T. R. Trains. Arrives at Char- lotte at 2.30 p. m. NEW, FAST AND ELECTRIC-LIGHTED. DAILY FORâ€"ï¬BanSTER. Lake Ontario Steamboat Gampany I have also Lumber, Timber and Dimension Stuff on hand. Sash, Doors, Blinds and ‘Dressed Lumber of every description. W . l H EX I ON. The undersigngrj is prepared to pay the highest, cash price for any quantity of wool. Cardingdone on short notice. Yarn, Flan- nels, Tweed, Fulleloth, Horse Blankets and Bed Blankets given in exchange for wool. HE updcrsigncd qtfexjs for sale a cqmplctcly equmpcd saw-null. m good condu-ion and .l equipped min-111111 in good condition and ready for operations. It contains a thxee block carriage to cut 30 feet. and saw frame complete with saws and belting. The engine is 10x12, with slide vah e. hai' mg; 30 horse power. The boiler is 50horse power being 12 feet IOng and 52 inches in diameter, containing 61 three inch tubes. Apply to 1’. B. COLLINS, . Ewing just purchased one half of a. million very superior XX Pine Shingles, I will be m a. posxtmn to supply all in need of a. really good article at. a. moderate price. I can also supplv XX Pine Shingles at $1.50 per thousand and a. good Barn Shingle at $1.00 per thousand. These $ shingles are excellent value. SAW-MILL FOR SALE. WOOL Fresh Portiand Cement. Grey and White Lime. A. PAYNE, 23 Opposite D(.l))i1)i01! Hctel, Hillbrook. “ NORTH KING †Ofï¬ce and yard at Railway station. WOOL STEZXMER WOOL WOOL WOOL 3. H. NICHOLSON. Gen. Pass. Agt. mama MILLBROOK. ONT.. THURSDAY; JUNE 22, 1893. Mil’lbrook. All Kinds of Repairing CARRIAGE PAINTING. Is the lightest running, and is a. general favor- ite. It 18 a. model o_t strepgth and durability. its gears are spaked 1.11 boning ml, expellmg all mo ture and mpartmg great togghness to , the wood. The ggtent truss axle ds greatlyto the value of t e was on. I control the sale of this waggonin the ownshipa of Gavan and Manvers. has arranged to sell the Brantford Carriage Co.’s Buggies, and Curt: THE FINEST IN THE DOMINION. THE BAIN WAGGUN GROCERIES, CROCKERY, 4. GLASSWARE, 6:0. AND IN EVERY LINE OF GOODS. 311331125, WAGUNS, 002.... 52mm qzmz. 9:... >20 mmm cm. 5. 5:... 1>< <oc. One door East of Mr. Lang’s store GREAT BARGAINS iN CITY BARBER Sam)! Embalmer. gm- Best 0! Testimonials can be given. R. IEYELL’S Undertaker and Mac-tidal Desires to return thanks to his many customers for past favors and to in- form them that; he has removed to new quarters, one door east- of Lang’s general store, where he will be pleased to meet them and at- tend to theirtonsorial requirements. and they are offered at low prices JOHN GaLLéTT, I’m ATTENTION am 10 STILL GOiNG ON. . H. BRYANS AND GARTS- TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, CHAMBER SETS, SALE OF R. DEYELL. The Clarencevllle Murder.†MONTREAL, June 19.-â€"The following ver- dict has been rendered by the coroner’s jury on the Edy tragedy at Clarenceville: “That the deceased came to their death at the hands of persons unknown.†Except for unforeseen accidental discoveries this may virtually be considered the last of the affair, and the Beech Ridge murders will go down in the annals of crime as the most myster- ous tragedy which ever occurred in Canada.†As a. blood-puriï¬er, the eminent; physi- cians prescribe Ayer’s Saraparilla. It is the most. powerful combination of vegetable alteratives ever offered to the public. As a. spring and family medicine, it may be freely used by old and young alike. Mrs. and Miss Powei‘s have been on a visit to Scarboro, returning home Monday evening. The név} White houses are going to pre- sent a ï¬ne appearance and are approaching cognpletion. Rev.Thos. Bfown will preach his ï¬rst sermon hege ppxt S_unday. _ Rev. W. E. Smith spent a. day this week with his brother, J. R. Smith. Mr. Dennis White was joined in holy wedlock to Miss Stonehouse from near Port Perry, 3. short time ago. Also his brother, Fredrick White, to Miss Ray, from Mari- posa, last week. We wish the happy couple much happiness in their married life. Hizabethville The Sabbath school tea came oï¬â€˜last \Ved. nesdey. Everybody enjoyed themselves. The children of the school gave us a. good programme both in singing, recitations and dialogues. The children deserve great praise for the way they acquitted them- selves. Iu the atternoon of the same day our base ball team played a game against the Canton club. It was a. good game, the score being 4 to 8, in favor of our team. The return match willbe played at Canton :1 Friday. The Orange picnic was a. decided success, The council let the contract for the build- ing of a. new bridge here last week. It was not before it was needed. Sugars as Cheap as ever. Zion. The annual anniversary tea. in connection with Gavan south circuit was held on Wed- nesday of last week. A friendly game of football brought out a. ï¬ne exhibition of the game. Other sports were indulged in and everybody seemed satisï¬ed with the well ï¬lled tables. After the inner man had been satisfied the Rev. J. Kilgour of Frazerville delivered his interesting lecture entitled “The Curious.†The subject was handled with marked ability, and showed a mastery of the curious and mysterious phenomena around us in nature. The Franklin annual picnic will be held on June 24th, in the same beautiful grove south of the village. As usual the sports will be interesting such as lacrosse, base-bull, foot tall, cricket. besxdes other small games of sports; horse racing, running jumping, and don’t you forget it there will be a. plat- form for speakers and another for dancing. Be it remembered that this picnic is got up to please the people in general in having a good days sport. The committee are no Ways selfish, they want to see every one go home well satisï¬ed that they enjoyed a. good day’s sport. Let all that can bring baskets, as the crowd will be large. Bethany. It is Wibll sorrow we have to announce the painful accident which happened to Master R. Vance, second son of Mr. John Vance. While leading a. horse to water, the animal turned rapidly around and kicked the little fellow, breaking his arm. He is getting along as well as can be expected under the treatment of Dr. Brcreton. DISTRICT HAPS AND MISHAPS We beat the world in Teasr W. VANCE. comma Kxccxen mam THAN Gilï¬ï¬‚Y-‘S KITE 3v The Leading Grueer Who Is now offering It to you for $1.10 per Barrel W. VANCE. ' The Grand flury brought in the following ï¬ndings :â€" Queen vs. Henry Yelland and Robert Jezvellrâ€"unlgwjul agsemply. True bill. Queen vs. Robert J ewelchoxhinon aseault. N0 bill. Queen vs. Henry Belland and Robert: Jewellâ€"demanding money with menaces. No bill. Queen vs. John N ewtou, unlawful assem. bly. True bill. Queen vs. Geo. McEvers and Fred Ough, un_1_§w£u1_ agsembly. True bill. The Judge announced that the Crown Attorney had decided to traverse all the petit jury cases to the Assizes and dismissed the petib jurymen. [n the case of Regina vs. Josiah Mulleti, the defendent pleaded guiltv to common as sult. It seems there had been a dispute about some land and Mallett, having heard that Dr. Corbett of Port Hope had. under- taken to fence in the said land, flew into a. violent passion and attacked the doctor with a stick. The Judge said that the defendcnt was from all accounts. a hardworking in- dustrious man, who had unfortunately lost control of himself on this occasion. He warned Mallett against thus losing command of his temper and told he should be thank- ful he had not inflicted more serious iniury thon he did. He sentenced him to pay a. ï¬ne of 325. Mr. J. W. Kerr was Crown prosecutor. Mr. White of Port Hope ups peared for M lett. , ' The Grand ury brought in the following At the spring assizes in l891, a true bill found in the case of Regina. vs, Manchester Buck, who was charged with seduction under the Charlton Act, The. defendant jumped his hall and skipped across to the States, but a month ago he was apprehended and lodged in goal. At the sessions of the peace on Wednesday he pleaded guilty to the chaxrre on which am indictment had been ' found against him. He said he had a Wife, achild and a. stepmother to support and that he went across the line because he had been informed that a certain person was going to shoot him if he did not get out. He createda. ripple of laughter by saying that this was the ï¬rst time he had been in court, and when he got out this time he never would be in again. The Judge said that seduction was until recently a civil offence, but it was a heinous offence against the morals of a community, and in this case was more than usually so, because the se duction girl was a. sister of the prisoner’s wife. However, owing to a. number of niligating ciicumstances, not the least among which were the reports he (Judge Benson) had heard concerning the character of the girl, he would be lenient with the defendant and sentenced him to only three month’s imprisonment in the county goal. Buck was very profuse in his thanks to the Judge and seemed overjoyed at being dealt with so leniently. Centrevfllc. Messrs. W. Martin and W. Kerr met with an accident last week which proved serious to the former. While driving to- gether their horse t-ook fright while passing the Millbrook hearse and ran away. Mr. Martin was thrown out and had his collar bone broken and received a. cut on the head. Mr. Kerr scrambled out behind and escapql wipii an injured ï¬nger. M iss Efï¬e Larmer returned home from Ottawa last week, where she has been attend- ing (the Normal school, studying for a pro- fessxonal certiï¬cate. Quite a. number of the members of Court Ivanhoe, M illbrook. came over here last; Sunday morning and joined Court Centre- villc, I.0.F., and they afl marched in a. body to the Presbyterian church, where the Rev. Mr. Niven of Sin Catherines preached to them. The Rev. Mr. Haig of Hyde Park will oc- cupy the Presbyterian pulpit, here nexL Sab~ bath morning. DEAR Fumxn.â€"â€"A.s you have gone from amongst us to reside elsewhere, we have taken this opportunity afforded by your present visit, of manifestin that we appreciate the loss we have sustaine socially. You have at all times proved yourself apleasant companion and an entertaining hostess. \Ve lender you thiq ring; not only as a pledge of friendship but also as an expression of our best wishes for your welfare. MRS. LANG, MISS BROWN, [lb/IRS. BYERS. Miss Fair was very much taken by sur- p we andin a. few well chosen remarks thank- ed her friends for their kindness and good Wishes in her behalf. Signed Manchvsier Buck‘s Punishment for Seam-~- inz his Sister-in-Law-Dr. Corbett’s As- antlerâ€"Four True Bills Found against the Bagel-man's Corners White Caps. Cobourg W'orld Next Tuesday the Rev. Mr. Cattanach of Queen’s college, will be inducted into the pastorate of the Presbyterian church. Ser- vices commence at :3. 30 13.111. In the evening the ladies of the congregation 'will serve tea. in the agricultural hall, after which address- es will be delivered in the church by Revs. A. McGillivary and W. Hunter of Toronto, and the resident clergymen. Music will be will be furnished by the church chou‘ and Keene guartette. On Thursday evening last a. number of Miss Bella Fair’s friends took advantage of her being on a visit to her brother to ex- press their regard for her, which was done by presenting her with a handsome gold flog: Miss Brown made the preséï¬tatzcn and M153 Lang read the following address :~â€"- Miss Bella Fair, “It has cured others and will cure you†is true only of Ayer’s Sarsapnrilla. The motto suits the medicine and the medicine the motto. What better assurance could you have that a. remedy will cure you, than the fact it has cured such multitudes of others? Mr. Fred. Deyell of Souris, Man., was visiting with his uncle, Mr. Thomas Deyell, this week. (I!) UNTIES C0 CRT. No. 25 †Him 1‘32?) u Slim