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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 28 Jun 1894, p. 1

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S I HAVE of the BUTCHER b _ from Messrs Lancasliirc I Will personally superintend each dc thereby guaranteeing to my Satisfaction. Only Fresh Fish, Fowl, etc. in season. {’30 public patronage solicited. 1H AED III. 1.115 Mittltcn $1.60 PER ANNUM I SOCIETIES. Mi I.Pflllt()(,)l{ CANADIA .\ IIOMI‘I (‘IIICLI'I o. :3. Meets the second Mon lay in every month in Woolf-Circle Rooms. \\'ood K. Kells block. at 5 o‘clock sharp. ‘ \V. AICCIIl-III. Leader. J. It. YOUNG. l-‘inun'cc. G. \V. II. ANDERSON. Secretary. ill-uni.“ i.‘ In? i and .\ cu rulxla I OYAI. (‘.\V.\N LO]NH‘ZJ‘ANAIHAN ()1? J “HI: OI" Ollllli‘l‘ZlJAHVh'. meets thir-l 'l‘itt~<tl.i_\' melting of each month the Home ('irelc rooms. King-st... .‘Illllil‘tlllk. hour of meeting. 3‘ o‘clock. 'l‘be bent-ills ot this Society are worthy the consideration nt’ ever) person. Information furnished on application. \l'. ARCHER. N. ii. U l-JO. lll'Nt'A N. Sec. llit‘. inl nlmrm. Head - :i.;l'Il Ill. tt~ ti ' ‘.l t "2'1‘ .-u z I , , _ , \ )IARRIAGE LICENSES. .tix.‘ , i i \.. uni-phi i liiorul. k, L . It't‘llll2\l.l) womb. isst'i-zn or .\l.\l\’ lil.\f5l'1 l.lt'i£.\‘.\‘l“..\'. Millbi‘ouk. Ont - 1‘] l(' ll)‘.l.’l\ i'nnuiiuui or villa l‘ul' I l Tablets. PROFESSIONAL. N. C. McKINNON, M.D.. CM. (stew-:ssi'ut To Do. Niobium Huntsman. 0.\'l‘.\lll0. 't \Ln \\ SI l'l'li \h:5\( \. Kin-Limo \t. \\ . st. run-onto. l 7 ‘Olfl'Vl‘O and Victoria I‘nivei‘sities. l.i-’ eentiate Royal Collette Surgeons. lidin-' burgh. Member (‘ollegc Physicians and Sui- geons. Ontario. Ollice zit .\. lzeach sylrut: store. After nttim- hours at Mr. “m. llicliurdsons residence. King street. h__ L. LAPP, B.A., M.D.C.M. [Sl't'cMSSUR 'ro UK. ”nun-s.) ' I'i!\'l‘\ PONIL ”Ham-v ONTARIO. "l‘lthl’l‘Y t'.\‘l\'l~2l:>‘l'l‘\’. HENRI-2|: or r I the ('ollegc of l'hysieiuns and Surgeons. Ontario. 9” 0990”,.“00 3 ‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘Sr 1 H. A. WARD, 0511mm. PORT "0PT.. l).\lllll>"l'l‘lli.\ Attorney at Law. Solicitor, ) etc. Moncy’to' lend on the security ot real estate. 'l‘ownand Farm Property for sale. Ullicc in Ontario Block. \Valton street. M- A. A. SMITH, )Illllilofllfl. 0511‘ RI" , 13 I .\lllllS'l‘l-Ilt. Solicitor. Notary Public. etc. . l , t .. .v , l’rivate and Company Funds to loan at ‘ ‘ " U" "‘-‘h"-‘ the lowest rates - ' \Voodxlx'ells‘bioek. '1' i. w 5.. all c' .' a; - At Bethany on 2n and lth Mondays of every M ‘ ' month. bl. VOLI III-IS z in“. and m, 1 S. W. CLARK, L.D.S. itl‘t- 1;: ‘ Ni) “3th- Mlulfilofllfl, QDNTARIID. DENTIST. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural Teeth. Ni- trous Oxide Gas for the, painless extraction of teeth. Good work miamntced. “'ill be at Bethany the 2nd and lth Mondays of each month. Omemce 1st Monday and 3rd Wednes‘ day of each month. ' ' ‘ R DISCDJII‘OKT 'ain the mastery. 2‘ Il‘ JAS. SEAGER, MD, CM ly small sum the 7e A t‘EN'l'RlZ"ll.l.lI. _ _ 4 251mm. (Ii-tirx‘s ['niversilg'w‘Ki-iiuston. of the College of Physicians v1 ltcly crib iica'ed. ST NEVER FAILS <c inh'wled. “'lCIl"‘.l' .izg the digit - That. is wur recur-i. SITARI ['31 st of the kind In Call situated on. the shore- 'ust the place for a. {m ( Member and Surgeons. numb-{1‘ JAS. D. DEY Mltllillflok. ‘ Ll. DOM ESTICA'I‘KD 2“ XIRIA IA Till-EAT- J ed according to latest scientific methods. Particular attention given to .quinc Dentistry. Charges mmicrate: liesidencc and otlice King st... opposite o.d \\ estern Bank. ELL, V.S. «nun», “HO. 71in: is located. is moi .vto and Hamilton, 'I: 'ail wa v. DR. H. C. LESLIE. "clerluary Surgeon. I , r ONTA RIO. BETHAXY. \IJ. DOMES'I‘ICATED {ANIMALS Tl: MT 4’ ed according to latest M methods Particular attention riven to Equine Dentistry. Charges moderate. ‘alls by telegragh prompt ly attended to. Kâ€" G. C. BROW RIDGE, V. 5., full information at! "f .l I: Y. (Imminent Um", ' {ONTO ONT-Ulla; L. A Milk PONTY L. O RIO. (‘ RADUATE 0F ONTARIO VETERINARY ‘ I ,(Tollege. Toronto. Office and residence first door west of post ollice. of domestic _ammals by veterinary science. M... H. HASSARD, V.S., l‘reats all diseases latest principles of T. th nah thebill d,- 1 1., ., ifgdmslmté even ister anything to say in explanation ‘2” . ° .' "’ v f " 5-» ° “0 00!"? Sir J hn Thom you re ilicd that on- Vllllbrook. - *- Ontario. PPlceS nght and GOOdS Guaranteed' into 2': rec except by the proclamation of 1,111 \v'isusimply to £11113, the treaty. ' . the Provincial as well as the Federal r~ 1 5 .. 1 . . .. ' 1- -~_ --.“ RADUATE 0F TILE ONTA VETER- : . . _ 40" t: r" . 5”ch Pcterboro’. lhc ull paved t to nist .rcat mg. #:1an Goggle“. jwicsgcatcd D0" ‘ forgo the I"Me ’ eo 0" ' Glelignbillclniii's 1 th c x d i' 1 Sir Adolph Caron, replymg to Dr. Lan- Anin strcat on Helen i cprincip cs. .qumc ,- fl _ Jo-..” Wm, _ . sum . use '01 real in!" am i, . .' , ‘ . 1 1 s ' ‘ Dentistry aspccialty. tegistered in accordance ' i * " '* " moi ' the committee stun-o, and stood for aatliird i(.)tikin;;said1 phat. the 'iltlsl'lil'l?te‘l‘ hip If with the gol‘lnnltw‘ lAct. KQtticc â€" opposite h o M k d D ! readino a IS‘fliin .§iint retatme \t..(};ii1l l. aLuaiyd . ‘ ' ate. .‘it -uc- in'st. w ' r" .‘. l. .o a mu men a. icon ma 0. Dmmmon c‘ L L b ver ’ t lng ar e O n Mr. Coatsivortli moved the House into Tho 0111“, “5:1,, charge. of the deputy of committee to consider his bill to make the late postmaster. r. WA'I'FOKD. ACCOUNTANT AND further provision as to the prevent-ion of These public bills were read a third ”Sign”- Books “ed and Clo§°d' Ac- And if you want. anvthing in the \Vatch, Clack orJewellcry line cruelty to animals and to amend P110 01‘1"" time; Sgnfilcgggilgdcorfik gun-1e Specililn $3355: A b V AY ' you will strike it rich by calling on us now. Our stock is large innl code of 1892. The hillprovnles pun- Sir 01,311.19,l HibbcrtTupperâ€"TU amend giveii to book-keepers work where services or “."d we must make room for afresh and new stock, which will con fitment fogcrtéelty by beaitin'g, starvmg. and consolidate . the Acts relating to the a permanent. book-keeper are ."OE required. DOW . s'st of the handsomest, nobbicst and most unique dcstgns for .morg- a an “mils. an carrying 11’ harbor commisstoners of Montreal. (Jo-"3T“"lg“:ofl’t‘tggignnifii‘flgvficgomliux Wedding presents ever brought into Millbrook. When you are crowded cars. The bill also provides that On Hon. Mr. Ives’ 1,111 to amend and Sights pmrft‘irmcd moderatctly and satisi'ac- in town give us a call, we will be pleased to show you our stock and _W(: are certain our the police may-destroy disguised animals consolidate 1110 Acts respecting the North- -ory. 1.083%: giftew'ater airyct- J\dd1933;1’3$t present low prices will surprise you. In spectacles we inept a IIOSltlon to suit you. vhen l'cmlltte‘l by “'0 J‘lStlces 0‘ the west. mounted police, there was conSidcr~ office x H’ e rooro. n ° ‘ ' m ‘ ..--o‘" I‘ - 1’93"“ - ‘ able discussion on the clause appointino -w , ..-- _ #4 REM I'llIBERâ€"we fre‘ll'outltl to dtéja‘i‘bou'trour present stock and if you need any. Col. 'yigdale proposed an amendment Mr. White, comptroller of mounted 1,0110: BANKS. thing in our line you have .t tuance to get a arguin now. pegqngtllng'fgmmrg out 0f tfimfi' 1 to the. rank of deputy minister. at position ‘ ‘r “ ”I ‘ ompson “FPO“ t oamem ‘ which he has practically filled for "ears « l I KFOBD WATUH mot-t He said it was a mi 'erablo un “k ' J - ‘ " ‘ ‘ ~‘ . ' under order in council. The dance was T, B. COLLINS 00- SEE OUR WATT‘HA CS, ELGIN AND BUB ES. manly sport to shoot pigeons from a trap. adopted on a. division. __ J' STF E I E Ho trust-ed that the amendment would be A number of items under the head of - ted down. . ' ' .1 1 . -. d . J , vo . coast gamma and 11;, it iouses 3 cm passe . BANK S ’ Mr. Haslam said that the people who , - a - ° . . - ‘ in ‘ 1* ti .‘ b The Jeweller, - King-st., Millbrook, were in bind the bill w 5“ ““1 “‘“ml ‘0“ 3“" ““1“ 0f “‘ , ..., Millbrook, Ontario. TAKEN ENTIRE CHARGE usiness recently pur- par: customers good the choicest Meats supplied. A share of IRA NATTRASS. =â€"~â€"â€"â€" N ADVANCE. i A R. J. DOAK, MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO HAVE FOR SUMMER. BOYS' SUITS made to order at, Chinese make and wool sttits. pcrcht the sake of the boy down to 3:." The newest things out in ’l‘ics Dairy Milk Aradiators, Scott, merit, KEEP ? ABREAST VWTH THE THWES! A Good i Shingle X for $l.00 Per M. Clear Slilqgle Please call and inspect a .tarllliliY LIME Klill'l‘ 1N N'l'tN‘K. Millbt‘ook, lune ll, IN”. 7\ L. L'A'Y'AIILIb'IlIz'l) 1347. LEADS ALL MNADIAN GOMPANIES. an “easier Hinge Emporium IS AT MILLBROOK! l DOWN THEM ALL FOR QUANTiTY, QUAL- ITY AND PRICE. â€" A Good Shingle XX $1.50 per M. XXX for $2.53 per M. nd be convinced for yourselves. W. THEXTON. The Gum FE imam G0. l. liccause it is the oldest, largest and gives the best results for the least, money. :3. lit-cause in 1893 it increased its assets by SLL” exceeding the increase of any other two more than double of any one company. 3. lit-cause it has a lar other Canadian Companies together. i. Ill-cause the net Profits paid on its Life last 20 years are not equalled by any othe , most- popular Agent, Millbrcok. GEO. A. and E. W. COX, Managers Eastern Ontario, Toronto \* adg. PETEéflMONS make up into Suits NOBBY SUIT I over. small prices sell for 10 or 1.3 cents. and are closely imitated l_v made. \Yc'rc great on boy ‘s suits and Well cut and the lou'cst notch ot‘ smallness. ADAM HAL Pails, PETERBORO" Milk Bans, STOVE Pails, AND Milk Pans, ' TINWARE EMPOPIUM. “DIXON STEEL COOK” IS THE LEADING STOVE ON THE MARKET. CALL AND SEE I PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. WHY "TH-m, afu‘lbmipmical 56,513,41 sum Canadian Companies, and ger surplus above all liabilities than all the policies during the r Company in America. J. L. IRWIN, Port Hope. \Vc have placed in stock a stylish lot of New Tweeds in Suit lengths, which we ‘ttll FROM $IO UP. Come and see them before they Also a choice line of Black Worstcds. . not shoddy or pa “'1‘ suits glued like what the 13' some Canadiansâ€"but all- squeeze the prices tor . Collars. Cutl‘s. Shirts. Suspenders. Gentlemen's Hosiery. 416 GEORGE STREET, PETERBOR0,â€"0pposite the Examiner Office. L. an lTEWAllE, A“summit coat smvss. the key to the Situation: of the freight rates at in Ulil’t LAWMAKERS IN {‘(llli’CIli Proceedings of The Senate and House the debate of Commons New Bllls Introduced . ' . ~ . . , ' . Time saved is not apblcssmg if and I lie Budget Debate Continued. is p“ 1' to igtioble uses. Sir Charles II. Tuppcr introd bill to amend the Fisheries Act. Sir John Thompson, answering a ques- tion, said that the Government. were con- sidering tho advisability of removing the military school from St. John’s, I’.Q., to llloutreal. Sir Adolphe Caron. answering Mr. Ca- sey, said that the postmasterol' St. Thomas did not. receive the box rents. Dr. Sproulc moved for an order of the House for a return of all correspondence, reports, instructions or other communi- cations between the Government and the railway companies, and between the Gov- ernment. and their inspectors, regarding the regulations for carriage of liVo stock over said railways from any point in the United States through Canada to any other point in the United States. He said that a newspaper published in Western same provisions as did his bill years ago, and which was all stand, because. he was called France on the Behring The chief feature of the gard to the lobster fishery. tho this year. The bill provided for a system for canning lobsters. At injustice was being done bona fi< ners because of violations 0 season. It provided that be used for salmon fisbin Fundy under license. Mr. Gillies said that. before season was fixed. it Would be w Government to consult. Sou. arbi g in the with fisher] . . . . well as officials. OllIéll'lU had in its issue of Any 1 made Mr. Forbes said that; the 1,111 ”mm.“ "‘“f”"°“"~7 . “'1?“ 101010319” it“ meant that the lobster packers u Amciicanmttle passing :liiotwh Lanai u. be taxed, since they It charged that. the Innglisi embargo for licenses. The bill received its first reading M r. Borgin introduce the Act respecting Railways and Canals. that the hours of labor not exceed [2. The bill received its Sir Charles Hibbcrt aw" gainst Canadian cattle had resulted bo- causc the Canadian Government had al- lowed discasod cattle to enter Canada. without inspection. It. was charged that the inspcctois at Sarnia and Windsor were permitted to pass cattle at night, and a. number of other Equally iidiculous changes were made. He said that these charges were the result of the dismissal on canals first, read ing. The bill provid shall pay a tax not exceeding ten for every ton gross spection. The motion was carried. Sir Charles II. ’I‘upper moved the ond reading of his bill to r respecting the safety of deals with the restric- sliips carryincr deckloads. Sir Charles . 'l‘uppcr moved the and reading of his bill to amend the respecting certificates to masters mates of ships. instead of the fee»; provided by the respecting certificates to masters mates of ships, the (lov'eriior in con may establish a scale of lo for such certificates; lishcd the fees to be following: For a certificate toncy as master, >315; competency as mate of n. sea-going $1 $8; for a certificate of competency mate of a ship waters of Canada, or on the of Canada. or on coastin for a certificate of scrvic fora certificate of service as mate 0 sca‘going‘ ship, $5 of st‘l'vit'e as mate the inland w minor waters Voyages, $l.” The bill was read a set-mid time. Iloii. Mr. Daly moved the sec might, be officially refuted llo proved fix in documents in his possession, includ- ing letters written by Dr. \Vi-ight himself, that \Vright had demanded $2,500 in cash, $200 per month and a permanent pass over all lines controlled by the Grand Trunk Railway from Sir J esoph Hickson, president of the G.T.It. Wright threat.- oned that unless all his demands were satisfied he would write letters to the press and make statements which would ruin the cattle trade of the railway. When the. facts were. reported to the Gov- ernment \\'right was dismissed, and then published his articles, which formed the basis of the article in question. He trusted that, when all the papcis were laid before the House that the editor would see fit to place the matter in its proper light before his readers. Mr. McMulIen was glad that the mat- ter had been brought before the House. It Would have the effect of clearing up a question which had evidently been greatly misunderstood by Canadian farmers. lie was pleased that Dr. \Vright had been dismissed, but he blamed the Government for not having dismissed “ the black- mailcr ” long befoxe they did. He trust- ed that the Government would succeed in soon getting the English embargo re- moved. The motion was adopted. Mr. Perry moved a resolution which gave him an opportunity of speaking for two hours in favor of the l'iincc Edward ships. ”“113 im of con l ll. re picked it stood prohibited the l li-,)iiicstca(ls passed in the laturcs coming into effect Until the A was repealed the Northwest Territori council could not act. The bill was read a second time. Sir John Thompson moved the secoi Government to make provision for a bet.- tcr mail service between the island and ' the mainland in the meantime. He said it would take at. least ten years to com- plete the tunnel. and in the meantime a better mail service should obtain. Mr. Davies said thas the tunne cost at least from $1 000. Mr. Edgar, after recess. moved the sec- ond reading of his bill to reduce from twelve to seven the number of the grand jurors necessary to find a. true bill in any province. where the jury shall not lc composed of more than thirteen jurors. Sir John 'l‘hnmpsou said that he was in favor of abolishing the grand jury system altogether. but would not. move in that direction because of the great difference of opinion with reference to the subject. Mr. McCarthy wanted to kt iow what Sir John thought about the constitution- ality of the bill. As for himself, he was in favor of the present system of grand I games. 5111' John Thompson aws relating I Would 5,000,000 to $20,000,- amiuation of witnesses on with by tl Senate and House of Commons. The motion carried. lion. Mr. Ives moved the second real force. suretacnt-zxrnuv ESTIMATES. Sir John Thompson presented the sin pleuieiitaiy estimates, w liieh provide 82, The total cstiin ate is 31.227.456. ing a certain treaty between Her Britan T ILI'CFORE French Republic. ARMERS‘ AND 01‘“ Eli GOO!) NOTES F discounted. Drafts issued on all points in Canada and the United States at lowest rates. The Collection of Sale and other notes a spectat- - ty. Loans made on Real Estate. ;\0 commis- sion charged. OFFICEâ€"North side of King-st. w- Reterenccuâ€"Canadian Bank of Commerce. ‘WMmd, Kemm BANKERS, Millbrobk, ntario, from oliefmth Comparatims nwtor to hthe n for gmfling orks furni‘n: a unis. In flung r we“ vou ' work to ”(Toms sh all Sula-mic." xipul nevfiry to -ocxogl . and “ Him-c. Transact a general Banking business, in- cluding collecting and discounting Far- mer’s Notes for any time during twelve \uths. ,, ‘ am.._ usual itself. , A “SUN t-fla‘ "Q he Mercantile " - don Assurance ‘l Life Assuranceflo. or Canada iNCOMn...... ASSETS ...... . ........... . ASSURANCE IN FORC The Company has been able during the past year to and to its accumulations more than fifty-five per cent. of the Life Premiums reconfiguring-3g the yearâ€" . .............. . .......... $1.240.483.12 ............ $4,001,776.90 E. . .. . . . .$27,799,756.51 a fact which speaks for .. NIES ARE REPRESENTED: ere principally He thought that; good by refusing to than by prohibiting good~naturcd ladies. they could do more wear bird feathers shootin from traps. Hon. 'r. Ives thought that too many laws were passed. both by the Provincial Logislatu res and the Federal Government. He said that new crimes were being cre- ated every year simply by the passage of resolution. which he said had already the ' consent of the Crown: "That it is ex- pedient to proVide that the Governor in council may, as soon as an agreement is reached between the Governments of the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, as to the manner in which the fund hereinafter referred to is to be divided and distribut- ed between the said Provinces, or as soon . . . , as the manner of the distribution thereof 333:0 “fiffigffmtf 6111;): [mfgfizectl’g is determined by the arbitrators appoint- ,. . . . a a . 019 was the. best judge as to the amount- of whipping they rcq ' 'iired. He did not think any man, from a. financial stand- point. would ill use his cattle. Messrs. Davin, Metcalfe, Amyot and Sutherland spoke, and the committee rose without reporting the bill. Mr. McMullen. in the absence of Mr. Mulock, moved the second reading of the bill respecting ocean freight rate; on cut- tle. He quoted a. lot of figures showing Ihe importance of the cattle trade to Can- ada. The exportation had been decreas- ing in recent years. The object of the bill was to prevent the steamship comps:- nies from squeezing the exporters as to rates. Every facility should be given by the Government to secure the exportation of cattle, which formed an important in- dustry in this country. There must be some reason why export steers in Buffalo bound for Europe were worth 30 cents per hundred more than in Montreal, which was an ocean port, while Buffalo is not. Canadian exporters did not know what they were going to be charged for carrying their cattle across the Atlantic. no no: “ram ed under the authority of chapter 6 of the statute: of 1891, should the question of the distribution thereof be referred to and determined by such arbitrators, pay to and divide between the said Provinces in the proportions agreed upon or deter mined by arbitrators, and in full dis charge of any further 0in ation or lia- bility on the part of the oniinion, in respect to the said fund, the principal of a certain fund held by the Dominion in trust for the said Provinces, and known as ‘the common school fund,’ and that such payment shall divest the Dominion of the said trust, and of any further lia- bility or obligation in any way connected therewith or relating thereto.” Dr. Landerkin, on motion to go into supply, took occasion to protest a. ainst the appointment of Mr. H. B. Hen erson as postmaster of Georgetown. He said that the late postmaster, Mr. Goodenow, had been dismissed while ill to make a. place for the son of Mr. Henderson, M.P. He thought that Mr. Goodenow had been most cruelly treated. He moved, “That in the opinion of this House» Mr. Gondo- nnw’n (“cruising-ll an... «... ...-a:n-1,1, 1â€"..-â€" Thc changing tervals to suit. the ship owners disorganized the cattle trade. The ship owners were really cut- ting their own throats by doin this. Mr. Rowand also supported t 0 bill. Mr. Forbes moved the adjournment of that the bill contained substantia a way to bill was with re- Evun should bill pass. it would not be enforced f the. close drift nets might any close 011 for the simply would have to pay d his bill to amend the Department of The bill provides Tuppci- mchd the es that steamboat; owners tonnage for in- cvise the Act The bill poSt-d upon The bill provides “that cs to be charged and until so estab- chargcd shall be the for a certificate of trading on the inland minor waters g voyages. :3“; c as master, $53; and for a certificate of a ship trading on titers of Canada, or on the of Canada, or on coasting ond read- provincial legis- rcadiug of his bill to provide for the 0x- ing of his bill to consolidate the Act ic- spectiug the Northwest Mounted Police 389 for Owen Sound harbor improvements. Sir John Thompson introduced and moved the first reading of a bill respect me Majesty and the President of the Hon. Mr. Laurierâ€"“Has the First Min- strong wines, before the do. the most cle sense and hygiene. not only the body the mind has its share in this fati the vivid emotions versation, moncr in frequent om plt :y The, the time 0n n uced his He said lly the of two owed to Sir Clia to the the Tom tratioii. A flit-1' supply [ license present. meaning lc can- couut for “CH 0.15 A ct. era to breathless shall «w. . . ,, , ll second reading of his bill to further 1“”‘1’0-‘WN’ of 1;”- "Ugnb “.l’ t’h" (“’Vm‘m‘m‘t' U amend the Steamboat Inspection Act. desired the return that. the charges made cents burning hi , with both . cc- . . ‘ chill of it. day. sec- the f Act and lashed anot man’s shirt Act, and ncil moonlight. pellets or 1 been his jaws wer 111“ run dry, Ill. junk and sin tip, as to suffer the cold sea glitz the moon. min-like in of water ab = The speed fa ing sun. ital low bill it: Lb ing of his bill to repeal the Homestead limdl If“ ‘ 3111'“ ““Od' 151mg tunnel. Exemption Act. He said that. the law as 1’11”“! was grtcn. ‘" Mr. “'ood (Westmoreland) advised the L0 ct C5 man thought lieartiest time id to flapping shirt 1_ her ft m: it Jot. cd her painter which he jumn ,- of the water. stumbling. he ing was in sig of the white sh blue haze of lax mosphcrc in staggering gatit neat was tcuriu the white sand, ward into the f: wood. wading undergrowth, red shields, and Shown Greeks and Rom gymnastics tha ism. can be called ing in the open have decided merits. of balls given in overheated by the with the atmosphe- by thc very causes cannot be brilliant. y necessary to refer to the It is scarce] dust of all kinds, crobes that the the air, nor need 1y strain imposed at a time when it on the contrary, greater mistake than the midnight sup- per, at which the most things are eaten and drunk bolt in a very short tim generally heavy and washed down with and this is scarcely over ncing is resumed. against mentary rule It is quite usual the action of the heart shows traces of fatigue, particularly women who comp] tion of uneasiness, and are, in a. word, i tion that is not healthâ€"much nc latter. ' Diseases ; Sir Riclia (ioodouow of the Government or Mr. Henderson. Sir Adolphe Caron said that motion was thirty-six. House we On the American sailors c instance, of “'itshington. inland revenue st-rvi the discussion, Mr. I‘ poured in the II. Corby for 1 The Controller Bay of matter up, as be Mr. Eda incur. Wit. would stein t two of the ct'lipsing brightness of the was full of sheets of the close. to the The moonshine w The sea li painted circle ar recesses. a midsummer ditch tinctly visib the land. and l growth as of the breeze was now very light; the sun had eaten it up, as the Spaniards s waterfall. and the sight in and as strong pulled down his tWo blades ove the boat along. reeling out of lll‘t' on to th Sort of bush that It, was an uiiiiiliabite film or delicate needles, whitedtot. tures, finger-long re and spider-like bun The art. o” dim cinrr esteem, regarding it right eminently suited to deve “'43 must confess. howev our times this art majority of cases. majority of cases and 11 music and flowers. rd Cartwright asked cd by Mr. Henderson. lotion of lion. Mr. item of me rles Ii. Tu ppcr paid a high Tut‘lmtu station. He so. would invari ‘Ilbll reports it: recess. tilt: I isscussed til cc. of an itie auditor’s report as j methylated spirits. could not oil- tlic charge. "or remarked that if th to Mr. Corby, 31 but there had been a 3' made mm_ Athirst on the Ocean. Black in the wake heart of the trcmbli splendor, floated a I) out. The high ; beyond the moon th stars. beside him. From tin time he groancd, and after he had sitting for an l raised his head and lifted u the moon. and cursed the :our as though den 5 throat, then s} hands in the water for her oar, from which hung 8. She looked dry as piercing and coat. in that At the feet of the le, were umps of 1 man. tw0 or threat- Ii 0. now lock s sailor’s teeth. blunted p bread, could bite no in moisture out of the {moment of stuff had cut off his back. h. it is dread agony holding a v ast breast ed into the be :tuty of ice and while hearing the foun- iirmur and refreshi wide! of the c mids guinea grass. ay. he saw the sparkle of ‘7 in tll and coat, and fiiu r be In a quarter of an hou grounded on a coral-whitt- bench tlnttsWept round a v the foam of thi- breaket I and secured it to an we. led into and th Went up the beach. ht upo iiiiiig sea. id in ging arms and . searched for water. Thl‘ l; the sunshine blazed in and seemed to strike up- icc in during and tingling He went toward the painfully on his trembling legs through the guinea grass and chick With toadstools in it like astir with armored crea- ptiles of glorious hue. chcs of jewels. MODERN DANCING INJURIOL‘S. Its P-rnlclous Effect on Young “'mnen ln Many \Vays. g, as practiced by tlu- ans, was a useful form 0! t they held ' lop the organ- cr, that in has degenerated, and healthy in the great I say in the great 0t in all. as danc- air in the daytime may This is never true rooms filled with people. quantity of lights. and re thoroughly imisoncd without which a hall [Ill to the innumerable mi- danccrs send flying into we speak of the untime- on the organism which. ought to he at. rest. i over cxdtnd. Q. What unwholcsomc ? The guests e food that is s of all common l\'0r is this all; it is that is concerned. as no by produced by thge con- alter a. ball to find that in delicate young ain of a. vague sensa- sadness and even pain it a peculiar condi- yet di is held her position by authority at the pleasure of lost by eighty-eight to Foster, nt into committee of supply. teorological Qset'vicc, louse in committc of c estimates for the In the course of udgar enquired the ill of $1,552 which ap- promiscd to look the degree. hand ac- .l’., it Independence of Parliament of the moon, in the ng spread of white verge of the A man sat in the stern- . boat motionless, with his chin on his breast and his arms in p his eyes to thirst that was iiftcd his figure gunwale, over which lie I as nigh as bright as no ran firm as a sweep of through the silver mist in All car was stopped as a mast in the boat, and athwart it ‘ag. which he had chewing throughout the day; ed, the saliva had > of thirst, the froth. the baked and cracklinglip. the strangled throat, while be ng ripple boat quickly raised :y noon. under the. roast~ uy within a mile. It was one of the Bahama; Gaysâ€"a flat island with a tuUf it. to the right of The rest of the 'ith some sort of tropic The The ado him mad at hour as in his He sprang from his seat. queer fabric of our and giiig the lit his back and drove mint clear of ‘. and the man. e shore, grasp- a thickness ofsome grew close to the wash en, rocking and d island, itiid_not-h- n the whole circle saving the dim the north, and alike discoloration of the at:- the southwest. . The man. with rounded back and ban west, lives with her grandson, Harry Albion street. and has been _c~ melancholia for some mills Harry arose Tucsdav‘ ‘ 6.15 he procccdc ‘ he was surpriscf ) lying on the ' from car to moncd Wou 1. main CANADIAN I if Illlss she was Interesting Items and Incident-I. the lantle to the Pacific. Hon. Billa Flint died at Ottawa tribu te id that iitcring Buffalo, for 339‘! ninety. ably enquire for preference to those (1 Burton Huger, aged 1Menty-tWt ay escaped irom Coboui‘g jail. l twenty-five years in pcnitcntiu: y. Burglar: stole four chests: of IA Mills’ store at Sliannonvillc “'ed night. In the case against Erastus \‘Vii was found guilty of forgery in the )aid to was given six months hoist in the 0. pa. y. Friday. The jurors at Three Rivers have .J. R. Hooper guilty of attcinpti drown his wife. The condition of St. Boniface, causes much anxiety. viola- A new postoflice has been open l’ort \\ hitby, South Ontario, and an at Dudley, in East Simcoc. Mr. James G. Ilud promoter, arrived day from Eliglal: l. \Vi ls e sky life- ic to been d be men in Brockviile. died alysis of the heart 0 aged sixty-two. On Saturday niglitllilyard Irwin. suddenly 01' Shelburnc, Ont. Robert Loancy, drowned while 1 “3': the aged twentymnc. at Elora on Fri was at ltivcrvicw. The Vulcan Iron “7 will go into the hands of a receiver. liabilities are $70,000, with assets in 0659 of that amount. Edward McLaughlin, of Toront some clothes after he \‘l’ (I. 5 dis- ttl" tral for six months. but . . tier, of Fort Eric, C common betting house, by 7 . agreement of the jury. OI‘L‘ " T "‘50 did i ‘ " " he The house of Mr. Thomas Treleavcn. the #21:}.11}, mi, .1" -. toga: ful move of Beaverton. “in “midi b." light” i5 means: in.- ‘ .iuugli t0 ning Sunday. damaging one end 01 it. “1,01, ,1“. pack contents but the family 05931‘0‘3- and she iuigii . ., " At the U! The steamer Siberian, uliicli arrived a! close Mrs. llayti. 3 - tiered bail by Halifax Friday, night from Liverpool. brought, 250 Still i‘ercnt troops in Halifax. At \Vinnipcg a woi Stanley mmmittod hiinscli in the loft of kltiuli named .lo suicide by liangi a burn. a widow and ‘.\\'o children. The opening oi the luterculotllal Ct antiimdcaii delegates at VanCouvcr. a thefts. Samuel Haigh evidence. A tileiiibcr of the Port Colborlie Fie Battery named Clark. was on kicked by a horse which he in St. Catharines and so Severely injun that his life is despaircd of. Sixty thousand petitioned the Bi! U‘tulllt't‘ Ill The Ski similat to those 115.,- lug oi salections u! l‘ d it; Toronto. (:onsis Scripture. Donald Morrison. the Idagan‘. was removed from St. Viilccn Penitentiary Tuesday to the Rt i'ia Hospital in Montreal. and after reaching the latter institution. to provide shelters for the morormen. the company fails to do so the city ma provide the shelters and tax the compan for the expense. The civic assessment of “'inniieg ;, laid shows the total value of the prw pcrty in the city to be $222.WI.33U. wi'i exemptions of 51.424.330. I'I‘Ilt‘ popula- iion of the city is placed at :illlfrl. 'l‘hc new Zion. Evangelical church at Berlin, Ont., The edifice cost $23,000, and is oomph-H in every detail. The subscripions an: cash donated on Sunday amounted r. $10,000, placing the church out of debt. Gait Council, having decided to dis- miss Chief Constable Ahern, althougl charges against him were not sustained. a mass meeting of citizens was held. which resolutions demanding that be it returned to his old position were adorned. ... u E. J. \Valker, alias Barber. has beer. - v 1 arrested en route to Rainy Lake (my. Ul; ‘1 a charge of embezzlement of $6.0” :11 Hoshen, Indiana. \Valker was fleecin- panied by a woman whom he passed 0d as his wife. The ' submitted to arrest, and have agreed to go back without. ex- tradition. Shortly after dinner Monday a 511'ng man named Gordon “'ornek ax; two younger brothers were chopping thorn a tree on lot 20', D line. Anzb' ‘aiiouta mile north of Hepwortli. In 1' mg the tree struck a. stub, which broke Uzi, strik- ing \Vornch on the back of the head, causing injuries which resulted in death in about two hours. The fourth annual Culn't‘lllltlll of the it Ontario Deaf Mute Associaiii 1;; was open- ed in the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, on Saturday evening. President Nurse presided. and Superin- tendeiit Matliison gave the convention a. hearty about 170 delegates in attendance. address of Welt-ohm. Them are At an early hour Tuesday morning Mrs. Mary Long, a resident 91’1”qu This 0: ‘ attempted suicide. Mrs. ‘ 9 'I‘Ill'l WEEKS’ HAPPENINGS. ant and Instinctive. Gathered from the Various Provinces from the Atâ€" . It. Hooper has boon. sentenced to Mr. Charltxvn’s Sabbath obszrvance bill. Senate [ litul been (i Archbishop Tachc, of shows no improvement and dart, the steamship in N cw York on natur- d on his way to Ottawa, Patrick Daley, one of the oldest hack- n Saturday morning. twenty, was drowned, through the upset-V ting of a boat. in Sheppard’s pond. near .iathing in the mill pond day evening. His home orks of “'inni peg . stole arrived in Kingston a few days ago, and was sent to the Con- At \Velland the case against .l. P. For- ltarged with keeping it ended in a dis- iicrs, drafts for the dif- H c lea Yes i'crcncc at Ottawa has been postponed till June 2h", owing to the illness of one of the Daniel Forsyth and Frank Elson. well- knonn farmers, were committed for trial Friday at Stoutlvillc for a number of lifts turned Queen Sunday was leading pct-pic in Chicago have and m Education to in- inois a reading book ic outlaw, t de Paul . :yal Victo- 'l‘iu died jus‘. A by-law has been prescnuad in Hand. ; ton to compel the street. railway company 1 l: 11.. in ..z’e now frequent and general _\ nur i;_:.n:.' Manitoba and flu-Nnrtliwest. y uni Iv - grospects for a very bountiful harvest \. ere never brighter. l ‘ l was dedicated on Sunday. l ! TURNER’S DRUG STORE. F you want anything in the Book or Sta. Lionaiy line, give fins :1 call. “'1: have 4,-vcry1hing in cheap and fancy Station- tiiy and tulttuil material of all kinds. Don’t neglect to try lli. Illaud’s C. I’. H. Liniment for Homes and Cattle. Turner‘s "rostilene lul' the hands and fawc. 25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. N‘â€" N0. ’25 TFMS‘ called flit-re 121.1 in} morning but. did not “ " remain. The ~‘.Ltilt‘ evening he called there again and asked tor a room. It was given him ' he. was not seen again until found d Mrs. Kin-hing learned early Saturday evening that Benton was still in his room. and about six o’clock she went to the lit-f r but could not get in. , Listening sin: l. ix! the man breathing heavily and (lHJviwl to call a policeman. Patrolman Smith came to the house shortly b. for“ on {Trim-it. and after hear- ins: the iat'vs be to. lie open the door. Benton was lu'JI'l lying il.‘ bed. but life was extinct. ()l.‘ :: table was lulllldu’lllub‘ tin: lain-ll, morpl ... v. hit-b had been put up by a. drug ilrm in Budalo, and it is supposed that Benton inultadose oi the poison. The dead man evidently had city. as there Were been vorking in that several IILAV'Zi th'lii'fa from there in his Import- 1 Friday. !. Mt n- ‘u. from nesday pockets. llw le“ no note to explain his 1111“ 11“ action. and Co. - Beatelicr was called second Vtill\'1‘~lfl,';illi‘lll a rathvr l‘llk‘Cht‘i‘D‘l session bl . Benton has had caret-r. While in pos~ the hotel at I‘li'dgeway. which wncd by his father. he gotiiito trouble about two years ago and he left. fouxxl there it ill; his mother for Grand Rapids, 3,, ,1, where they Vx'tll‘llt'd as cooks. It is be- ° licved that his iilothcr now lives at Con.- bcr. Ont. Benton had a wife and one child, but their whereabouts have not yet been learned. Mrs. Hartley and Ling were arraigned in the 1’. lice Court at Brantqud on Tues- day morniig charred with urdcr of Mr. Hartley. Mrs. llat'tlcy‘fi" ed at other heavily attired in mouriiiig and were a deep veil. through which it (-atcha gleam of a white lookingiace. Her general bearing was very (minimscti. When she was placed in the duck she sat in a three-cornered position. with her back as far as possible towards the crow d. and she seemed anxious to escape the scores of eyes which were turned 1114.1; her. The hired man. Ling. look. ' jaunty, and he was spruced u} style, with a white cellar and tie. was a. dead silence when the police tram read over the chargi- to tl oniously and of malice wort-thou , dcring one Caleb Hartley ii. the 'l or. i of Burford. To the awful each replied, ”Not guilty." spouse could be hear-i. l Hartley was ain .. important new (Winencl' “as Hartley. who swure that at" ago Mrs. Hartley a~k~~. $171110 ' was possible to pa r- aged “'35 magis- .lL‘ll. L»: it'l- ind The CX‘ ILli e "rough on rims " iv rats “Illlt'llri‘he said V-l,‘l'«‘ '. b‘hc asked llllll whet.- i.» rm: , the package to lib oi ... got Lllt‘}>\ll>'"ll. and 3;“. up to the amoui; refused and the .- Mi’. Ito but it was .. ‘1 r. w} for the Can- adian l'ai..liw v 1. :.,‘.~ ~: ....t the winter in ’\\'asliii.gtoi n" .219 ,~ ' Detroit lint.- duy night. I ' ‘ied that the measures Lovij, ~ 1‘ ' which have been introduu ' ;. fail of enact- ment. The : ;, .venscnt. that of Clilf'Ki‘l u: predation against Canada ii. ' ' 2 unfriendly action l.ll l..‘_' Ill- after the ~ ' '1 i I he Canadian Soc Canal. m 2.. fall of lt> own weight. ing‘s bill authorize:. the Pro: , timinttc when the Can- ni uniairly discriminates " m. VI'SSCIS using the “‘01- :~::<-li all at: was passed dur- ~ :. .-‘.di.~iinistrati0n, but it : 'htâ€" President. to impose '2..:; vessels pus>ing through a 5 id ~d "‘ Marie Canal. l'terldcht .Xt'llist'i that. power. Mr I l proposes to gigc the -; -i 1. wcxs of retaliation be- ;msing tolls on Canadian “1.; through the Sault Ste. - it does not, seem probable t'tiss. t, :Lre steamers Visitor and .. seized about four weeks ..‘mrstburg for infringements of v laws. have been bonded and :1 'l‘ NUMlUrliy, the home of the owners. giuduating Class at the Ontario t div ~‘ L‘ullege, \\ hitby. numbers twenty- " '1 gear, the largest in the history 1 institution. . Australian statesmen en route to a ll nial (:e-lllOlL‘L'Ce will be banquctcd \ii.nipeg commercial men on their .1711 3.1 there. l 1 . l I n 1 Mr. J. \V. Murton. formerly a coal iner- i:;.n‘., has been app dim d to succeed tit.- .10 lion. A. Mclx'ellar as slierifl of Went- h'ul‘lill County. Sir Louis Napoleon Cus-‘ault. newest knight. was Iquebec bar Mond l-‘rontcuac. It is ascertained that the in tempted suicide 1 t v A Quebec’s Inlliiiiltlkd by the ay night at the Hotel an who atâ€" it l‘t-rt (.‘l‘ldl'. on Saturâ€" ay was Evangelist Built-ville. of Hamil- T1021. Archbishop Tachc under“ cut a. critical surgical operation Monday, and is sci f to have stood ii. \\ oil. The water is rapidly falli in F rascr River Valley. and no’.furthcr (11.14.- age is anticipated. The Fraser River has now read. 1 >13 feet, and trains are being sent out any“ on the C.I’.k. Archbishop Tachc died at “'inni, v- vi. Friday morning at 15.10. K It Might Have Been. There was an old,- raw-bon.~:' knock-kneed horse, attached a, a :2 old waggon, standing on Grove six. . other morning, while the col-red i!“ L. / who owned the outfit was. saluting urmmd for junk. A white boy ulmu'. “\th yeais of age took advantage of the “35' picious occasion to “ peg ” , from the i i he; 5N1“ 5”“ hard arr ’ ll “Jul. came 0‘“ “f"; (II. [hail-ISO 1" dun know he - tested the

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