SOCIETIES. E v mum Hum; cmcr. : D. ‘Andu 11 em ry m0! th In yo 5: Kelbblmkï¬ï¬‚b d» m; 1:. E sms'rox nunâ€"h.-." $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. V01 A XXVIE . C0UR’1‘ IVANHOE. No. 327 i.“ : m1 flonday In each mover Lucb‘s drug 9n re. oil“, '3 ex. w."r. as. W -L cums moor. u;.\.«\L‘X.\.\‘ ‘ 1c DER 0F UUUFELUH s, mech the third l‘ucsdny evrn'vm: ot curb mount: in the Home Circle rooms Kingpsz. Millb wk_â€" hour of meeting. Bo’clm x. 'r .e beneï¬ts of thus s c!- 9'! Ire worthy the cunaxderntlon of awry per- â€I- lnlormtuon funushed on appï¬cauon. 30a THORXDY E. NB. 9. DC XQAX “it-nu T ls um’moss'r 080KB me ouuwmuows Mans EVERY Tex-15m»: 1-:\'l-:.\'1.\'G (N that ha“ over the new Post ï¬le-.2 Visit 13: Brethren welcome. ' RON m and Victoria Universities. L2- untiate Rug! Cane-2e Surgeons, Edln hutch. Member Cunege Phyicians md Sur- nou, Ontario. rnmceu A Leacn's drug store. L. LAPP, B.A., M.D., C.M. (SUCCESSUR To 91:. PHILLIPS). POR‘ITI’OOL. - â€" ONTARIO. RINI’I‘Y UN \‘ERSITY. MEMBER 0F ‘ tyne College or Pnyaicinns and burgeons. llLLBROOK. - - 0N TABIO. BARR STER S)l!cm r. Notary Public. etc Private and CJannv Funds 1.9 [an at BARRISTER. Attorney 1: Law. Solicitor. etc. Honey to lend on the security 0: rod sate. Town um Farm Property {or sale; Dace. In Dunno Block, w anon sireet. N. C. McKinnon,M.D. ,C. M. PORT BOPF. - - BARRISTER. Attorney 1 etc. Mgney to )egd ol W. D. LEACH. Secular! ARRESTER. SOLICITUR. X1)? - RY PUB- 11.. £12. Monev lo Loan. mums over ï¬s. SEAGER, M.D ,C.M. lit. Etc. Money to Loan. omces ova new Poo! ()flee. EN l'lST. Special attention given to the reservaï¬on of me natural Teeth Sr mu undo Gas flat the punleu extmtflon 01 teeth. Good work guaranteed. Will be at the 29d and 4th Mondays of each Bethany month. Omemeq m M many ands“: Wedgie:- â€"--_. --, v-_.---._ PrivKieuund Oompnhi Faith :0 Ian at the lowest :1: a mac. in Wu :1 s: Kella’ block. A: 89th., on 2nd and 4m Mondays of every day of mu xixuuth. ALL DOIESTIC LTED ASL“ th TRE {1‘â€" ea accordmg to latest scianmic methods Mutation Net: to Euuine Dentistry. Chars“ modern†dence and Uflice King 8.. appetite 010 Western Bum. Veterinary Surgeon MEASY. - - ONTARIO. LL BOXES l‘IC lLTED ANIMALS TREAT- ed morning to must mientinc methods Meow attention 51v en to Equine Dentistry. Chm mode-me. an: by ulexmph prompt- VRADUATE 0? TB}: ONTARIO VETER- imy College. Direuee (I Domesncazed Am nested ouScxentlï¬c principles Elaine Dentistry. duty. Reoszeredin acco with the culinary Act. Ofï¬ceâ€"opposte Dominion Hotel Residence King St, 145 HUNTER 81'. PEI'ERBOROUGB. â€" MERGE ANT 1' AILOR ISSURER 0? MAR- flase Licenses. CHISHOLM CHISHOLM, P08! HOPE. - - USTAIIIU. MONEY to loan at 5 per cent. on gilt edge security at :1‘. and 5} per tent on hater security. 'renus $6 an“ bonow era. IV IL ENGINEERS, ONTARIO LAXD SUR- VEYURS. 4 I on: UWIXG m n: um from 8.1311!!! number 0! cm- lens of Mill rook Longmn enter in the Butch- er business. we have purchased the business _ of the old mum} and “1e are now in a better tion than ever to suamm our old reputation. '0 us a call and beconvinced that. wecan supply â€I: win. [he choicest, cuts to be hrd In town. nail-in Buick FARMERS AND UT 'ER 6000 Norma disc uned‘ Dravlsiasued an all points u: Canada and the Emmi 5mm a: In-uatz-atwu The Culiection o! Sa'c and other n.olesaa;»ecla'- t1. Lows nude . n Real Estate. No commis- dop clpr‘ed 0 "or“: side of King St. “01 LC diam Bank of Commerce. rmm'owx. - - ON'I'AMU _â€" AUQHQXEEE_F:UR THE COUNTY OF .. -II Lina'n mmmntl' 81' LANCASHIRE SCOTT RCEIBALD wmm XSSUER «IF MAR - RIAGE LICENSE) Miubrook Um. ,UEES’S Universit . Kingston. Member i o! the College 0! nysic'uns and surgeons. CENTBIVILLE. - ONTARIO. T. H. HASSARD, V.S., I 1..“an - ON I A310. MARRIAGE LICEN SES. WOOD KELLS use: a general Banning ovum», ‘ eluding eollectingand discounting Far 13er Not» for my time during twelve months. THE PLACE TO BUY: ROBERT BUDDY, (3801328501! T0 DB. NIDDRIS). J. H. GARDINER, I mod and collections made point- on most kvonblo terms. ouceï¬omkomsmmto4pme Wet. J. R. YOUNG. Fin PROFESSIONAL. Anhle Street. A. A. SMITH, D. DEYALL. V.S. '. (.‘LARK, L.D.S. COLLINS 00. BER FUR THE COUNT! u;- |. Sula 01 all kinds promptly at- .» .mi Imus unlinked at the necked and Intact allowed niche: current nus. Jill] brook Lodge 30 808. Barristers. BANKS. 1- E l). HAMPTON, N G mon'h in their Strangers wel- .00D 80 â€â€˜33 m 3.1 poi“. .s u: at Ina-St all“ holes a 5' «mt ' 08 TABIO. 03 PABIO. Secremy. ONTARIO. ONTARIO. ON 'I‘ Alf-10 Ontario. Sect emf) ON '1‘. in‘ GREAT SALE BUILDING... MATERIAL 0F... This 13 not an auction sale not yet a. shexrifl's sale, but, a. general low priced CLEARING OUT SALE in crder to meet the demands of the times. things are going. I offer a. good x Shingle, a good Shingle XX Shingle. Cedar “ Coarse Pine Lumber - Grey Land Plaster. the best on the market, without doubt, also Grey and White Lime. P1611516 can and inspect before placing youurdets. I am bound to sell. Dimension stufl' cut to order, price away down. M .terial deliver- ed anywhere in town or country when required, Assets Over $14,000,000. THE CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE I30. LEADS ALL Canadian Companies n- L- COPâ€"Au L. _I. :MCSZ. mejr .SFFWMOOX. .903... 10.0†Established 1825. .\t the 69th Annual General Meeting of THE STAN DAR!) LIFE ASSURANCE {‘Ofoll'ANY. lu-ld at Edinburgh. on Tuesday the fun March. 1895. the following results for the your ended 15th November. 1894. war; reported =._ W. S. GIVEN, REMOVED :2 Hwing remove-i to the above commodions stand and put. in a. fresh stock I am now hater prepared than ever to nccnmodate my old customers, and all nuw or es. who will favor me with a, call. Special value in Stem-Wind Watches from $2 99 up. 0 .11: plot» line of Silwrwaro at hard tzme prices. ("lice and Yard at Railway Station. Millbnmk. March 28, 189.3. BELO‘V ARE SOME OI" HIS LEADERS . . ADAM HALL In Wood Cook “The Dixon Steel Cook,†(the best on the market, every stove guaranteed to be perfect baker). “ The Souvenir Cook," “ The St. James Cook,†“ The Original Cook," “ The Maple C .ok,†“ The Oxford Cook.†In Coal Ranges “ The Souvenir Range,†(the best coal range in the country). “ The Stewart 0011 Range,†“ The Oxford Coal Range." In ('oal Base Burners “The Stewart Art Sultana." “ The Oxford Art Countess,†both powerful double heaters and perfect wars, and a. Full Line of House-furnishings in Table Cutlery and Granite Ware. Beet Brand- of American and Canadian Goal 011 by the Gallon or Barrel. ALF. KIN GSGOTE . . . W ATERI‘ “Standard †Life ï¬ssurance E erything at the same ratio of proï¬ts. I have also . of the building public. I quote a. few prices, that you may know how REI'A [RING PRO ‘2 P'I‘LY AT I‘EN "ED ’l‘O 1895 4029 Policies of Life Assurance were issued, assuring - The Total Existinvfusumnces in force at 15th Novem- 4 The Accumulated Funds at same date amounted to - - $39,853,822 Being an increase during the Year of $812.9}i but 18!)! amounting t0 - - - _ - - a The (‘lnims by Death or Mann-ed Endowments which arum- during the Year amounted, including Bonus Additions“ to - - - - - - .. - - Investments in Canada: 1. go Bwause it ia the oldest, Ingest, most popular and economical and givea the best results for the least money. B;ca.use in 1893 it increased its assets by $1,236,513 â€"a. sum exceed- ing the increase of any other tuo Canadian Companies, and more than double of any one company. Because it has a- larger surplus, above all liabilities, than all the other Cmadian Companies together. Because tha net Proï¬ts paid on its Life policies during the last 20 years are not (quallcd by any other Clmpany in America. '4’67 GEORGE STREET, - PETERBORO’ Land Salt $5.75 per Ton. Great Reduction in B. Laurance Spectacles. Best Quality. Agent, >2Z.mef Jumzuï¬m. m>:lm. O>gn_zm QOOUm. 1T 344 WATER STREET, PETERBDRO’, ONT. (-uvemment and Municipal Bonds - $6,820.000 Mortrmg e. over Real Estate. 1st. lien - 3,500,000 Real 0114mm - - - - - - 555,000 Sundries - - - - - - â€" 450,500 MILLBROOK. GOAL AND WOOD 000K STOVES PROOF HORSE AND WAGGON COVERS, FLAGS, BUNTINGlETC. Annual Revenue mnounted at 15th November. 1894, GEO. A. 8: E. COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES W. M. RAMSEY, Manager. LI. J. HANRATTY. .\l\X:\(,H“.RS EASTERN UNIX-“(10‘ TORONTO. 01d BoSt Office Building - - - MANUl-‘ACI‘URER 0F - - - ESTABLISHED 1847. FALL AND “'IN'I‘ER - STEEL were issued, assuring - 38.723336 W. THEXTON. most popular and economical and HAS NOW ON HAND HIS FALL AND WINTER STOCK 0F . . . Yours truly, District Inspector, for $1.00 per “ 1.25 ‘ OLD POST OFFICE 8 [‘5 N l). PETERBORO. - $2,947.03 AND EAST DURHAM ADVOCATE. 31 13,274 .3430 'x/fl, ,0 4% $11,165,500 $5,138,161 1895 MILLBROOK. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JUNE 27, 1895. 6‘ The amount of wheat afloat. to Europe is 44,870,000 bushels, as compared with 41,520,wu bushels a. year ago. The gross earnings of the Canadian Paciï¬c for the ï¬rst week of June are $358M†an increase of $415“) as com- pared with the correspunding week of last year. . The losses by ï¬re in the United States and Canada for May amounted to only $7,761,600 as compared with $ll),777.8l)|) in May last year, and $10,427,1W the same month of 1892. Stocks of wheat continue to decrease The visible supply in the United Sta. to and Canada. is now 49,700.1h-U bushels as compared with 58,20 ,(MK) bushels a y‘ ar ago and (B.4i¢x},«xm two years 3.30. her \thflt is placed at 71.1 per cent. ,some- what. higher than speculators had antici- pated In May the conditiun was 81.9,1‘11 June last your 8.5.2, and in June 1893 i: was 75.5 per cent. The condition of spring wheat. is 97.81»: compared with 88 a. year ago. Here and There. A wmxi-sboueis now made of sawdust, cement and xnaguesta, whtch can be sawâ€" ed, planed m‘ borud llke natural wood. The UnitedState-s Guvenum-nt repgrt for June 'u issued. The condition of win- A rattlesnake, owm d by ArthurUayvs, of Erin, Tennessee, has no; tasted a par- tide of few! during the nineteen munthx of its captivity. At Red Cliff, Cnl.. a. woman candidate for mayur was defeated at a, recent eluc- cion largely by the votes of \vunwn. ' It, was said of both Athens and Rome that. so numeruus were the tempies and *tatues of gods it was earner tn ï¬nd a god than a. man. Lattuw was eaten by thu nnvicnts at the close ofmcals, as. from its cooling quality. it was uunsidered an antidote tn the heating emu-ts of wine. Electrical weaving mauhiyes are in use in Germany. Seamless sun-kings with double hwl." arx- ramtled nut 01' each mu.- ch'mv at the mm of ulevcn pairs an hour. The Rumba“ season has npouwl and now you will never 1mm :1, sul‘gmu uom~ plain of the times. A ‘vw additiunnl dullam give printed imp tance to any fool’s mm'unu‘ms. If \ ur bumness requires an apulug‘ 1-3 a. dxsgmco. It makus any mam dyspeptic to (\Lt his own words. In is reported that China. has settled down to tire 0 1t .l:1p.m. The human should mad the story of Charles Lam!- whcu he “'an walking with 9. viuww tiring his dog out. The joke Way's not. 011 the (Lug. “Be-gone Dull Care,†is over 3 0 years old. The melody “as formerly known as “"1118 Queeu‘i l iJig.†“The Campbells Arc Cumin‘ "’ is a very old Scottish air. Copiea of it date back to 1620 are known to exist. Authors of Some or the (‘u-e: utost uml Mont l’opulm-Son-m of the \\ nrhl. “One Bumper at Parting †is one of the best of eres convivialo son gs. The tune was called "Mull Roe in the Morn- ing.†“Bingcn on the Rhine,†was written by Mrs. Caroline Norton. The music was congosed by Judson Hutchxnson about “VV'no‘ll be King but. Charlie ‘2†comes from the peuof Carolina. Oliphant, The Lil‘ is from a (mllectiun of 01d Scottish ballads. “0, Boys, Carry Me Along,†was one of Fosters later songs. It. was written in 1331 and immediately attained a wide popularity. “VVake Nicodemus," a. popular song during the war, was written by Henry C. \V'o:-k,theauth01‘of “My Grandfather’s Clock.†"Those Evening Bells,†one of Moore’s most popular songs. was suggested by a melody entitled “The Bells ut‘ St Peters- “Cheer, Boys, Cheer,†was the work of Charles Mackny, the music being by Henry Russell. It. was the outcome of an evening of conviviality in 1813. “The Sword of Bunker Hill,†came from the pen of William Rms Wallace, 3. Kentuckian. The music was the work of Bernard Covert. “Come, Landlord, Fill the llowing Bowl,†dates from the time of Shakes- pearu. It. was introduced in one of Fletcher 3 plays, “The Bloody Brotner.†Are you suffermo- from cough or cold on your lunws. As ' your druggist for Pectoria,an3 take no other. J ust. try and see for yourself how soon Pecboria. will cure you. Send to Allan 00., 53 Front St. , Visitorâ€"“ Don‘t you xmss your little nephew very much, Freddie? ’ (whan nephew died the week before)â€""Yos,l miss him very much ; but l rather like to be the uncL: to an angel.†Savage Party (annoyed by yelping dog’ “ if I kick that dog in the ribs per- haps he’ll stop barking at me. ’ Yelpiug Dog's owner--â€"“ Perhaps he will. He never wants to bark when he’s got his mouth full. ’ tle. Edward Farr, who is charged with at- tempting to burn his wife and children in Winnipeg on the night of April 13th last, and who escaped from gnol on April 15th, has been arrested in Valium“.r and will be taken to Winnipeg. He Was" en route to the Sandwich Islands when he was captured. The Director of Customs reports that during the ï¬rst ï¬vq months of the Pre- sent year French Imports decreased two hundred. and forty million francs as com- pared with the corregponding period of the previous year,whllo on the other hand exports increased one hundred million francs during the same penod. Some refuruwrs try to polish bare feet, ed a. sensation in Woodstock 01113., a short time ago, was tried there on Thu'rs- day on a. charge of indecent assault, pre« ferred by her. He was found guilty,and sentenced totwo years in the pemtentiâ€" ary, andxm receive thirty-ï¬ve lashes. Solomon Portico. whose stories about the abduction of_ is__s_tep:daughteÂ¥ causâ€" Week’s Commercial Summary. “Oh,wastu1opport n.1ty. ' I heard her cry 111th rage ; “I’ve gotten a. divorce, acx’xd yet I he ’er went on the stave.’ Pectorlu. I‘ectorln. Pectorln. ,-_V ‘oronto, Proprietors. 25 cents a. bot- FAVOURITE SONGS. Interesting Items and Incidents. Im- portunt and lnstructlve. (lather-ed from all the Provlnecn. Kingston Military College has 54 ca- dew. Brantford has 8. Recreation Associa- tion. There is a demand for farm help about, Calgary. Poachers are netting trout; in Lake \"imcoe. ‘Quebec city has a. surplus of ovur $4,000. \Vindsor’s lighting system is to be en- larged. Passenger trafï¬c on the Muskoka. lakes is brisk. Victoria's B. 0., assessment is SL1,- 979,135. A. U. E. L. A. has bevn (ormvd at Montreal . Cnokstown ladies practice bicycling on the sly. Pm't Muicland has anew observamry 88 feet. high. Stratfonl pays $57 a. lamp for street lighting. v Mrs. \Voud is the new pnstmistrem‘ at I’urt. Rowan. An immense dry dock is tn be built. at Oman Sound. Berlin strictly enforces its early clus‘ ing by-lmv. The Marine Hospital at. Collingwood is to be (enlarged. The London I‘lh-ctric Railway i< being constructed London will have a monster demonstra- nun July 12th. \Vixmipeg wants Humlltun's 13th Bub talk-n baud fur a. week. At Broukvillo, a man aged 80, has just mux‘rwd a. woman aged :3“. The vaingville 1" lax 00., has declared a. dividend of :5†per cent. 'Imvs around Barrie have been dying by eutmg bmdex' twum. Uttawï¬ uses 49,000 incanclesm-nt, and 430 are lights. Vm-t-ical writinw has. been introduced mm the Drillia sci-1001s. Muskoka Falls is nmnufucturing large quuntmes of shingles. British Columbia collieries last year put. out 1, 012.893 tons. 7 A lighthouse will be built at \Yestem Island. Georgian Bay. '.l'x_a.mps are numerous in the nurthern sections of Ontario. Talk at, the Kingston dry duck have been reduced one-half. Kingsmn mwlors have formed a. club to luuk after pu‘aws. Hand catches of mackerel are being made 011' Halifax. Hamilton ï¬remen want 83'» amonch added to their salaries. An addition has been built to the Ladies College at, \Vhithy. St. Andrew’snew Presbyterian church, \V‘indsur, will cast 82:34} 0. CANADIAN NEWS NOTES. Belleville merchants have granted a. Friday half holiday to cmployes. Bruckville Toun Council has ordered an Invesmgatiuu 01 its police force. Bruckville Town Council has ordered an mvestxgation of Its police force. A new heating system is being put in- to the Bruncford. court. house. Joseph Dow,of Dunnville, was duporbed by Inspector l'e Barry at Bufl'alu. 'Bellcgville merclxaï¬ts have granted a Friday half holiday to employcs. Joseph bowwf Dunnville was departed by Inspectur {)0 Barry at Buffalo. An attempt, was recently made to de- stroy the Exehlr tannerv. Over 500 cars passed through the St‘ Clair Tunnel every day last wéek. The cornerstone of a. ï¬ne new hall has been laid at. Charlottetown, P. E. I; The annual picnic of the G. ’1‘. R. will be held at Urillia this year. The Renfruw gold mine, N. S. ,has been sold to James B., of Ne“ ) ork. Chatham citizens are being served with distress wax-rant by the tax collecu 1'. The London Ministerial Association is advocating the Saturday half holidzw. The Hamilton P.1’.A. lodge has disâ€" bunded,and the hall is sold to pay rent. The G.T.R. shops at Stratford will be closed the last two weeks 01 this month. Drummers say that there is a. markcd Improvement in the condition of trade. The London Ministerial Association is advocating the Saturday half holiday. Hamilton’s public library excludes the Patriotic American, the P. P. A. paper. The Port Huron and Lexington Rail.- way 20 miles long, is being constructed. There is talk of holdinga provincial exhibition at Monoton. N B.. next fall. Last year $18),457 duty was collectei'l on 390,946 pounds of Canadian grown to- bacco. Orillia’s population is 5,050. Dundulk has a. bicycle livery. Barrie’s assessment is $1,430,260‘ Work .118 been commenced on the Bal- sam Luke division on the Trent Valley canal. bicycle. Mr. L. Calvin Ennkmore. aged 96 is the oldest man in Canada. who rides a A new insurance company will be in- corporated at; Winnipeg, with SQUJMX) capital. A 42- -p0unr1 stulgcon was recently caug ht 1n the \[attawa river new Mey- Coll’s mill Work has been commenced on the 341- sam Lake division of the Trent Valley canal. On account of an epidemic of scarlet fever the school of Mitchell Square has been closed. Winnipeg City Council has deposed Chief Code. of the ï¬re department, and appointed the assistant Pchiof to the position. .Dominion Day celebrationq at; Chathnm W111 cost $2,000. The Council has made a gram of $80). :5. well-known character of Halifax ha: sold his body tor two city doctors and been paid for it. Mr. N Wilson, of the London Collegiafe Institute has taught in that. city for :30 consecutive years. Dominion Day Celebrations at Chatham will cost $2, OUUy. The Council has made a grant of $800. 'fhe Chatham water-works wants $147,- OOJ for its plant, and refused $125,000 ofl‘ered by the city. ' Sarina-is dividéd in opinion as to the callimv of steamers there and the selling of milk}; on Sunday. The Chicago and G.T.R..hnndled more freight last. week than in any age Week for the last three yeam. The body found drowned at Quebec on Sunday hays been identiï¬ed as that of Miss Matilda McCausland, THE WEEK’S HAPPENING. FIFTH SESSION --- SEVENTH PABL- lAMENT. The resumption of the adjourned debate on the motion for the second reading of Mr. Mulock’s hm prohibiting nwmbcrs from trawlling on passes was next on the order paper. When this Was rmwhcd the yous and nnys were deumnded. The House divided, and the motion was lost by 100 to 46. Mr White (Cm-dwell) moved the second reading of thohili removing certuin dis- abilities under which the Masonic body under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Quebec at. present labour. The bill trees this body from a prohibition contain- cdin a statute of the old Province of Lower Canada against the holding of meetings hymth-bound associations, in- fringexm-nt of which was punishable by severe pcnalites. The motion was carried. CONTRACTS TO ALIENS. Mr. M‘Lennzm moved the second read- ing of his bill to prevent the letting of con- tracts to aliens. Tim bill, he suid,propqs- ed to (10411 with contracts made by the Government 01’ Canada, and none but these would be interfered with. It did not marrow with alien labour coming into this country, nur with emigration. In the United Stun-s there were all sozts of drawbacks and difliculties in the way of outsiders 01ml. ning contracts. Mr. Huggart said the bill applied to aliens of every country, and the Govern- ment might not have the power to enact such legislation. "he hon. gentleman‘s remarks had been directed almost solely to aliens of the United States, and be doubted whether such a measure was ad- visable in the public nterest. Mr. Mzwleztn said the mover of. the bill spoke for a, large number of Canadian con- tractors. Canadians nuw found them- selves humssml and driven out of the United States, and unfairly treated in ï¬shery. labour, quurmntine, and other laws. Mr. Tisdale, whiin conceding the rights of the United Suites at individual States topass whatever hostile legislation they pleased, deprmtmud extreme measures. Hc favoured as far as possible the employ- ment of Canadian labour in Guardian works. Mr. Gibson thought the bill objection- able, asmbere might, be occasions when foreign labour wugld be: d DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Mr'. Macdonell chuught Canadian con- tractors could hold thier own with any contractors. Mr. Sproule said tho action of Mr. De- Barry at Buffalo, whose sole occupation seemed to be deportation of Canadians, sometimes nmdc it almost to be regretted that there was not sumo such law on the smtubesas that introduced by the hon. member for Glcngnrry. CONTRACTORS’ RIGHT TO VOTE. Mr. Edgar moved the second reading of a bill in mucndnu-nt of the Criminal Code of 1892, which prohibits unv oihccr or con- tractor ’of anv (ion Trillium subsidized rail- way contributing mum-v towards the elec- tion of any pariinnmnmrv c: mdiduw. Mr; ’Anint pointed uu'n that the clause 3% drafted applied only to contractors holding Fem-mg cogtructs. 811- Charles H. Tupper said the hon. gentleman‘s bill was apparently based on an mnendmvnt moved by the loader of the Opposition to the railway rumlutiuns last 36381011. Mr. Ouimut, in answer to Mr.Bruneau, said Public Sum funuruls had been given to Sir George Etienne Cautionto Sir John A. wadonnld, and to Sir John Thomp- son, at 3. cost respectively of $10,000, $6,- 938, and in the luttm‘ case the accounts were not yet mljustod. but the amount, it was expected, would ho about the sum vot- ed, $25,000. The Government paid. $295 on account of the f unuml of Thomas Darcy McGee. Mr. Costignn moved the second reading of a bill further to amend the Fisheries Act, which prohibits the pollution of water frequented by ï¬sh mentioned in the A« t under penalty, but provides for ex- emption by the Minister of Murine of cer- tain streams in which it may be in the interest of the public be permit the dump- ing of mill rubbish er sawdust. No such exemption, however, shall be granted till J unc 30th. Sir Charles H. 'l‘uppor remarked that this was not a new thing. Independently of politics, the lumln-rmcn had made out a. case to the satisfuclinn of the Minister, which he was now submitting to the House. Sir James Grant argued that sawdust in the Ottawa river had not proved injuri- ous toliealth. had not driven away the ï¬sh, and had not. seriously obstructed nangation. PROHIBITION COMMISSION. Mr. Foster, on the item of $800, further expenses in coxmemim with the Royal Commission on the liquor truflicï¬uid that, the amounts received by the individual members of the cmmnission wormâ€"Sir Joseph Hickson, cluiirnmn, $3,220; Mr. E. F. Clarke, $2,468; Mr. Giguult, $2,- 374; the Rev. Dr. McLeod, $6,918; Judge MacDonald, $3,918; Mr. Monaghan, secre- nary, $10,068. Mr. Flint. aid the large expenditure on the commission was to be regretted, and that. the information could all have been obtained in a. very small radius, and at much less‘ expense. “ï¬r. Bovioé‘énid the people looked upon the commission as a. farce. LADY THOMPSON FUND. Mr. Turte, on the item of 825,000 con- tribution to the Lady Thompson fund, said. the late Premier had a large enough salary to have provided for his family after his death. If he was rightly inform- oda. fund of $38,000 had already been misednvhich was quite sufï¬cient to main- .“-..v_ V min Lady Thompsbn in the circumstamces to which she had been accustomed. He thought a vote of $10, 000 or $15,000 would not be objected to. _ . .. 1 .L.,A uvu wv v~ Mr. llzniggiâ€"érï¬shared in the viw of thee member for South Oxford, thata sum should be voted to Lady Thompson. Duvulu v . -__V Mr. Mncdonuld (Huron) could not [or one moment agree in taking the earnings of a large number of people, who worked early and late in order to make ends meet, for the purpose of contributing to a second fund for the widow‘s beneï¬t. The family was not large, and there were two young man who would have to do as he (the speaker)â€"work for their own living by the “treat of their brow. ‘L A Government life saving station is to be established at Fort; Gratiot. Blagshard township, Perch county. is without a single liquor license. The harbor at. Collingwood is to be deepened Last year 21,000 tons of shipping was built in Canada. The ï¬rst girl in bloomers who rides a bicycle in Petrolea. will get a. prize of 850. A Woodstock policeman had a girl ar- rested for calling him “a. snoopy beggar." Much valuable timber in north-western Manitoba was destroyed by ï¬re last year- The Colonial Conference last summer cost $9 435. The resolution \vas__ concurred in QUEBEC FREEMASONS POLLUTION 0F RIVERS. RAILWAY PASSES. STATE F UNERALS. PURELY CANAmAN. the Past “'eek in Making the His- tory of the World. “'lmt Our Neighlmrqhave Done During It is estimated that there are 75,000,- 000 dogs of all kinds in the United States. The. coal production uf 1899. in the Uniï¬ed States was valuvd at 827,356,090. Uncle Sam has 4,767.17!) farms. America makes 400,000 crutches year. The per capita. Wealth of the United States is $1.03â€. ’1 he Atnicultural Department places the annual loss caused by weeds alt. $10, - 000 (n 0. A cob pipe factory, with a, daily out/- put, “1'8 «m pipes will shortly be put in 01K- ratiun in Vfl averly T« 1m. It is estimawd that two years are re- quired for the G: ull' water to travel from Florida. to the coast of Norway. Over $5150 MWOJ are spent. in main- taining the. churches of the United States and $4«)u,uuii,mm m running the Jails. Twcntyvthrce hundred and seventv- twu cmployesure engaged in handling the annual output of Chicago‘s post,- ()flicl‘. The deepvst guld mine in the World is at Eureka, Cal. depth, 2,2‘M feet : deep- est silver mine at. Carson ('ity, New, depth 25,240†feet. Horse mvat as an article of fond is not new to the people m Oregun. Theuld missiunuriv 5 1mm 182’ :5 tn )8“ used it as a. regular diet t. A telegram from Now York boAustralia has to go m-arly 20.1“.) miles, 15,1“) of which are by submarine cable, and it is handled by 15 operaturs. Houng Dong Sik 3 \st arxived in \Vash- ington h the ï¬xst of the young Gun-am 52m, b3 their Government, to 1x: educumtl in this country He w ill xemaiu ten yt‘ars. / Bishop Potter whn lm'ca to ride horse- Luck, is pout almost daily in \x w \ urk and takes 1 ia‘euguimt time. thnugh he is .~eldom m thu saddle mare than an hour. Ithas been riccufly calculated that during thv [8 years ending with June â€it! 18‘“ no tower than 1°82â€. poisons “ere killed in â€(101165 in thu l'nited States. In order to dive cm p103 ment to the h un- du-ds of idle men nuw in Sun I ranciscu. the merchants of that city are pushing forward a movement m pave all the “rec-ts. A number 6f families from L‘hlppewu and Euu Claim counties. \Visconsimhavc sulccmd a. site and are to establish a col- (my about 0110 hun'hml mile»: from New Orleans. Twenty-ï¬ve years ngu Junws J. Hill. president of the (in-at Northern Bail- mad. was a. freight clerk on the swam- boat, dunks uf St. l’aul,Minn.. m, a salary of 31‘.) a, month. The Brooklyn bridgn cars carrird 128.- 741 more passengers during Septvmber than the same monthiu 189:5. On account of the recent reductiun in fare the re- cuipts were $3.miH less. It. is estimated that the sealing waters (If the Arctic now contain 4lK',nuum' 4?» L- N†seals, which are all that. me left hum a herd uumbexing inilliom twenty wars 1.330, and L-‘hq, nepx-csem a total \alue of about, $11 mu «m. Two pious darkies in Mississippi were vngagcd in u (Bulltl'UVcl‘ï¬Y. One asserted that the Saviour rode an ass. the other dcnied the assertion. and was shot dead :or the denial. Then the shuoter was killed while x‘eslsbing arrest. Old \\ hipple. the Maine lumberman. \\ ho paid $1}; mm 101 a. gold bricl; says : “l’er‘haps ifl had lead“ less of 'lalmave 5 5L mums and more of the crimes gomg the rounds,l shouldhave been a leg: easy victim. General W. L. Barnes, the San Fran- cisco lawyer, who lost so much prestige and practice as leading counsel for Sharon in his famous divorce case has recently been complied to mortgage his library. in order m meet arrears 01 ofliue rem. James Milk Piexmce professor of mache- mutics at, Harvard ( ollege. has been a student and amateur of acting for may yunwa. He has seen all the great. acwm and :u- messes that have appealed in that; Lime and he has kuuu :1 many of them. Since the death of his wife. Allen G. Thurman, affectionately known as "The Old Roman." has become a strict recluse. He reads all night and spends the day 'asleep in his library in his house at Col- umbia. Ohio. He in" now 82 years old. \ woman of means at Del. has so cunning a. fashion of canning “11011, tomatoes raw that a. Philadelphia concern has already contracted with her H)!‘ her whole output of this season. which will be from 15,000 to 20.000 quart cans. worth from 3.800 to $1 200. The largest ï¬sh caughn in the Columbia. rim-r so tar this season was asturgeon measuring 11 feet :3 inches lung and weighing 755 pounds, which was landed at, linnppton, \Vasliingtun, a. short. time ago. The head alone weighed 15 pounds, and the flesh yielded 427 pounds of edible meat. WHAT UNCLE SAM IS AT. The best tea in Jal 11111 is raised 1n dis- tricts where snow often fails to the eaves of the houses. Many} nlantswill survixe under such snow that me not hardy cum in the Southern States, By the same rule some varieties of Japanese lilies will survxve Vermont winters that are not ha1dy 1n Missouri. The Appelabe Court of the New York M‘ tlmdist, Episcopal Conference on hear- ing the appeal as file case of Rev, \‘Vm. H.5Umss.†0: New York. who was expellâ€" ed 1‘) um the conference in April last {or alleged immoral conduct reversed the ï¬ndmgs of the lower court, thus vindi- u'tting‘5 Gross, who ls now reinstated. Dr. William Thornton, who has just died in Boston, was widely known asa. student of philosophy, and he was the author of several medical works of value. He was a friend and cub-Worker of the late l'rof. Kingdon Clifford, 01 England. who was regarded by many as the greatest intellect, since Sir. Isaac Newton. The Quarterly Board of Queen‘s ave- nue Methodist church, Lnndon, Ont", is still indisposed to accept, the appointment of the Rev. Mr. Cunningham, of St. Mary’s, as pastor. The leading membem of the London Conference and the Quar- terly Board are holding night sessions over the matter but so far neither has shown an inclination to yield. Itmexsnotwhethymmgoingtoworkondu farm. in the workshop, or ill: merchant's or man!†wrer's ofl'nce. you need I. thorough Businus Education in order to succeed welL Wri‘e fat-the Announcemm of on Northern Businestiolkge for full pnrdwlus. Addnesx -C. A. Fleming. Pï¬nupal.0wen$ound.0d- DOINGS OVER THE LINE. $1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE ABBY KENDALL will ï¬t glasses forany one whose 23' ht; is defective. He has a. full line of g asses and is to be found at The Tamer Drug Co’s Stores, two doors east of Past. ofï¬ce. THE TURNER DRUG GO. Lost His Sight 1 In now showing the NEWEST SPRING PATTERNS AND CLOTHS FOR SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS AND \\'H.L 1512 PLEASE!) TO HAVE A CALL FROM YOU. Full ling-u of MEREDITH 389 George Street. PETERBOBO. SPRDULE’S PHOTOGRAPHS His enl.rged Portraits in Oil or Water Coiora. India. Ink, Sept or my ya, have no supenor on tins Uonnuunt N All work imperishable. Gmund fl ml“ Saudio. Nu Stairs t a climb 170 (.‘HAIHflT'I'E S'l‘.. - PE I'EHBORO ii. Gillot § Sun,1 . . MILLBRUBK LIVERY . . If you require a good livery turnout, fast, and gentle horses. comfortable ngs and everything clean and tasty, Try! THE DOMiNIï¬N MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ASSLCIATION. THE BEST AXDCHEAI‘ST FUR FARMERS It is the only (:4 m] auy issumng Four Year Blanket Pul'cy. . RATES ARE â€XLY ABHL‘T “NF. HALF “F THAT CHARGED BY STUCK C193‘1‘AXIES. Fa nrthor him matiou apply to Remember - - 12-3 ‘n REPAIRING IN ALL BHANCHI'LS‘. ALI. 'WORK GUARANTEED W'hen in town, f: r PETE RBUROUGH. - ONT “'E BUY FOR CASH AND SELL FOR CASH Boots and Shoes WE KEl‘Il’t-uusmnuy on hand alarm: Muck"! Furniture uf all kinds. Utfl‘ dtuvk is W0“ :lSHIIl'lml and displayed in lhrw large ilmw runmï¬. Nu trouble to Show guuds. Wr :u'c nlsu mauufaclurem uf {he Exct-lï¬iur Washing Machine. Best in llu- Murkut. The Good /, Dye Young; " , / 364 George St and PRACTICAL EIBALIEQS But, of Tmtimouinls can bc gimn. R. P A RKEB 00's., AND . . . 787 and 791 Yonge 8:...Toro [stage]: onceqapd Agents everywhere ARE THE . . . H Y PAY 531-. per gallon for Oil {1 100.11] dmler. when ’vou can u Lang 8: Learmer. V local dealer when “you an lg: us. the heat oil on t‘bcmkm. at 30c. p: m lmrrcln. and 3:0. yer gallon in M‘ freight prepaid to your MR 011 «squad to Climax. PM or: , on, or no sale. ‘ Wholesale Grogerjd _ A [.3ng F. S. SCHNEIDER, Watchnmker Jeweller, 2:91 GEORGE STREET, J. T. STINSON, FASHIONABLE TAILOR The Buyer Reaps the Beneï¬t SCHNEIDER’S Call When In Town. Diamonds, \Vatches, Jeweliery, Etc. ..FIRE.. BEST, TRUEST, MOST ARTISTIC. MW MACHINERY OIL. ‘ l’ETERBORO’ UNDERTAKERS - - DEALER 1X - - Tunox'ro‘ G IZN'T’S FURNISHINGS That Is. do not luau-1‘ till it“ n worn cat was but. as soon as it. she ‘31 wear send it to PA CLEANING and DYL. done we“ if (1on M Generfl Agent. B )x 324, Bulleburu, Ont. A. C. MAYCOCK. NO. 23 ï¬asno.