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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 27 Jun 1895, p. 2

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Groceries. Flour, Feed. Breakfast Martians, Dmkery, Glassware, Goal 0i], Uattie Food OF ALL KINDS. ()UR SPECIALTIES ARE: Teas, fiofl’ees, Sugars, and General Smeris, Oil-cake and Herbageum. l“!v. Verbal applications were then made by George McCartney stating that he appeared on behalf of the ladies of Bethany, for aid towards support of Mrs. (hkcs, indigent. if Thomas Ball for cutting brush on road , wance, Con. 4, East. of Lot No. '2. B): Willhm Magili. for grant of money to repair roads between lot. 10 and 11, Cons. 10 and 14, and N. 3., East of lot. No 10. By Gra- ham Bros. for liberty to close the allowance rod in front of part of lot 19, Con. 8. and lave to put. stones in the old gravel pit on averted am By Richard Gillis, assessor, in: pay (or extra services, and by Samuel for grant, of money 50 purchase iron for water trough on Ward’s Hill, Like alflimcle Consumption-“Lowv. Condition Wondertul Results From Taking Hoad’ s gaysaparflia. “Four years ago ..0 1:: ms nu rLuuu, (England ). my duuglm‘r Hannah “as; sent from the hnspiml. 2.1 a. very luv; somatic: with consumptiaa oi the lungs and tam-:91. . an. weak action 0! thehrzzrt. he trip na‘russ (TL. waxcr ta this country aa-scmcd to make her he hem-r10? a. while. Thou size hogan tn g:-' 3205?.an tor H arc-‘14:: she was uuul‘h‘ {a p- ot! m:- bed. 5?“- grow worse {or five month: am lost. the use 0.“ he: 2;le and lawer part of body. and 1; she 53: 1:; m [val had to be propped up mm piliows. Pny'sizclazxs said Sh: Was 9ast All Relp and wanted me to Sam “cunt-X953 But I 33‘.- my hand up she about togive her Hood's Samaparmn. Sin: ‘5 gem": 330“" walks armmJ. {:2 on: doors ever} ..,.. has an "name with her throat and no co and Mr hr'vrt seems who auright again. .. mm 3 Ms: n-hss‘ :tppctlh‘. “c re‘mml he: mm as muthlm: shut: n! a. miracle." W. \VYATT. 89 Marion saves. szrhdale. Toronto. Ontario. Wfr.‘r” 'Hoeé’swfimg Facts 2 We Lead, OUR LEADERS ARE: “Our Own Blend” of Llack Tea. at 501;; Our Own Importation of Japan st 25c and Our Own Blend of Coffee, The council met in Bethany, on Monday, 10th June, 1895, as a Court of Revision to revise the assesment rolls of the Township of Manvcrfi for the present year. Members all present, who made the requisite oaths before the clerk. The assessment rolls were then produced and the following appeals were then heard and determined zâ€"Samuel Thompson, overcharged on land, assessment reduced $l00 -, Thomas Cally, overcharged on land, assessment confirmed; Thomas Stacy, overcharged on land, assessment re- duced $200; Robert McGill. overcharged on land, assessment. reduced $100 : William McC-ill, oVerchnrgcd on land, assessment re- duced 3‘00; Alex: Bmlburn, overcharged on land, assessment- reduced 524»; Albert} Sutton to have John Sutton assessed for N. 3 \V. quarter. Lot '21, Con. ll, Mam-ere, 50‘ acres, instead of himself, granted: Henry‘ Hart, overcharged on land, assessment re- duced $200: Hermon Hart, land under- valued, confirmed; Edward Moore, land undervalued, assessment confirmed : Samuel McCullough to be assessed for Lot. 4, Con 3, 200 acres, instead oi non-resident, altered as requested ; Adam Hamilton to be assessed as tenant for house owned by Mrs. A. Lee, instead of property owned by T hos. Leonard, granted: Edward Bigelow, over- 6 ed on land, assessment reduced $100 on .\ half, Lot 2, Con. 4: James Clmmhers, overcharged on land, assessment reduced SKI): G. W. Sissou, overcharged on land, WM reduced $100. Thechanges Were then made on the assess- ment rolls as ordered. by the clerk. Moved by Mr. Stanton, seconded by Mr. Vance, and resolved that the assessment rolls of the township of Munvcrs its revised this day, be the revised rolls of the town- ship of Manvers for the year 1895, and that the clerk certify the same. Carried. The court then adjourned xiue die. The council then met for the transaction of business pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were then read, approved and signed by the charged on In \,lmlf Lot overchargedo $100 : n. w. _ Reeve. (the millbrook Reporter. Our Prices in all Lines are at the Bottom. A man may hacan honest hem-t, Though poortithe hourly stare him A man may wk 3 nee‘uor's part, Yet. hue nae cash to smote him. J. A. VANCE. THURSDAS, 1L'\ 12-7 , 1895. V811 by M r. Stamou, secunded by Mr. doc, that the case of )1 rs. (uses, indi- be reconsidered and that this council at her the sum of $2.00 per month 3 plenum. of council. Carried. ' the application of Thos. Ball thher consideration. ‘ Stanton, seconded by Mr. ‘ p'ication of “'m. Magi]! ‘ owance. lots 10 and ll, 14, be referred to Deputy- ‘ ms. Carried. ‘ Mr Mclndoo, seconded by Mr. ‘ resolved that this council will ' filmthia year to the Fisher gaunt the sum of 810 the aid N. B. line of .d be c. 10, Manvers provided d'Onnmt a like amount to We Never Fellow. 31;] N FEES ('0!’.\'CIL. 017 R v “A Le: to the ‘Humo {or I 3.1.:133 long as I could hold rhould no: go. We then began 3:0 purely vegetable and Ham V-v dr'lw'fiufc. 250. ARE old grave! pit nn'said diverted road be referr- ed to the overseer of the road division in which said gravel pit is situated. Carried. Moved by M r. Stanton, seconded by Mr. Vance, that the asscsmr be allowed $5 for extra. services. On motion mhe caunzil went. into commit- tee of the whole re Mr. Gillis’ application. Mr. Headers in the chair. Moved in amendment by Mr. Mclndoo, seconded by Mr. Preston, that the assessor ; be only paid amount. of salary as fixed. by The amendment. was put and carried and the original motion lost. The reeve in the chair. On motion application of S. (Hines for grant. of money to purchase water pipes was laid over for furth‘gr consideration. Mr. William Ridge, jr., overseer, verbmlly xtatqd that. he had not. enough statute labour of his own to expend m superintending the road work in his division. but, had some money in his hands from last year’s taxes from defaultcrs and asked what, he should do in the matter. ,Â¥ _ >‘ uv n- mu. “um”-.. On motion Mr. Ridge was instructed to expend the same in such way and nmnner as he thinks most. advisable. . . . 1 ul; Illluna lllvuu u‘.~...â€"_-v. Communications were then received and read from Mr. Fox, Deputy-Reeve of Ops, stating that he had let a job of building at culvert 0n the N. B. to Mr. \Vm. Skuue, and asking this council to grant some money to repair N. B. known as Fisher‘s road. From My. J. R. Mauve. stating that his father, Mr. Wm. Magee, was own;Y from home and consequentlv could not attend this day as required at last meetin v re 15. Magill's bridge. From inspector of .iccnscs, E. 1)., enclosing report and cheque for $10.12. second distribution fund. From Ileury Mugill claiming compensation for land used as u diverted road on lot :25, Con. 13. From Division of Forestry re planting trees. From Thus. U. Davey, Sec.-'l'reas., S. 3. So. ‘3, Hoovers, asking this council to loan said trustees $85 to pay a. portion or the teachers salary. On motion re matter of B. Mugiii‘s bridge was laid over until next, meeting and the clerk was instructed to write .\lr. Wm. Mugee to that. effect. The application of Henry )laigill was ordered to lie on the table. The communication of Division of Forestry re planting, and from inspector of licenses were received and ordered to be tiled. The application of Mr. '1‘. G. Davie was not entertained as the trustees have power by statute to borrow money from the Banks or any priilite person. ‘ n 7.,1 ”'V" "-V r" "l Deputy-Reeve Headers verbally reported that he had examined the mm! H Con. , Wes: uf Lot 5, and could no: see his way to ex- pend any money thereon «luring the present year, also that he had examined the new road opposite lots S, 9 and 10, Con. 12, and “uuld recommend the council to expend the sum of $30 to improve the same. ‘ v On motion reports were received and adopted. A. i An, A: mur" 7V Bylaws to rearrange the township of Mann-rs into polling sub-divisions and to authorize the borrowing of a sum of money to meet. amount. expenditures were then in- troduced, read first, second and third times, signal and sealed. \Lh motion the following orders ou the ireasrier were signed by 1.1)» Reeve : W. J. llagill. cutiing Out stump and re-fi n.) 'uioé'iliié L'z'n'xfcfi'ff". 7.7T ' sax Richard (:ilh'c‘. salary as assessor. 158.) :60 00 “in. Morrison. seniug notices mum of revision ............................. .. 3 00 On motion council adiourncd until Satur- «lav, 6th July next at the hour of l o «- :lock There was no improVemeuL in the tone of the market at the western cattle yards to- day. In some lines as drop in prices was re- corded, notably lambs and calves and com- mon butchers‘ cattle. Buying wan; not quite so active. Offerings were pretty heavy, (is car-loud, which included 88 calves, 1,100 hogs and 2.870 sheep and lambs. There were l6 car-loads of export cattle went through to Montreal and about 9 cur-10ml of butchers‘ cattle. 'I‘here‘ are 6 car-loads of export cattk: to be sent through to-morrow. "u ,. ,r ,1 I ’ .1 Export cattleâ€"T he feeling was only stemlv l 10-day. Dealers were not operating with, much vim, but still everything was sold be- fore the close of the (law. There were quite a few poorer qualit y cattle in to-uay, which accounts for the low prices paid in some cases. The ruling figures were from 43c to Sc per lb, with extra. choice cattle touching are per lb. Sales 2â€"One ear-load, 1,200 lbs average, 45c per lb; one car~lozul cattle, one car-loud cattle, 1,300 lbs average, 5c_pei lb; 36 cattle, 1,350 lbs average, 5c per lbs: '26 cattle, 1,240 lbs average, 43¢ per lb; one car-loud cattle, 1,260 lbs average, $5.10 per ewt : one ear-load cattle, I,l'_’t) lbs aver- age, 42c per lb: one car load cattle, very choice, l, l25 lbs average, $4.75 per cwt. Butchers’ cattleâ€"Thu: was quite a. little activity in tlie betzer class of cattle, but poor and common Were weaker and oft" in price. as 10 v as 3e per lb being paid for some to-day. There Were too many poor cattle in, which was a chief factor toward depressâ€" ing the market. Best butchers’ cattle brought from 4c to 41¢ per lb. Sales :- ,Two cows, 1,250 lbs average, sold for :ch per lb ; 2 choice steers, 925 lbs average, 45¢ per ll): 6 stall-fed cattle, 1.000 lbs average, 1$i90 per ewt; :20 cattle, 990 lbs average, ‘33 oer 1‘3; 5 cattle, 975 lbs average, 3$c per lb : one car<load cattle, 1,025 lbs aver- ‘44\ I ‘I I t.’ , ‘I,, ,,‘, - l 1 age, $40 per head, less $3 on the deal; 2‘ cattle 975 lbs average, 834 per heath-1 cattle, 1.050 lbs average, 43:0 per lbs; t' cattle, 1,020 lbs average, $3.74) per cwt; '3: cattle, LOOO lbs average, $37 each v; one cat" load cattle, L000 lbs average, «to. per 1b. Hogsâ€"This market, was barely steady, re- cedin finally about 5c per cwt from last Tues ay‘s quotations. Choice long lean hogs were selling at xrom $4.25 to $L30 per cwt. weighed ofl'the cars : thick hogs, $4.25, and stares about; the same. Sheep and lambsâ€"Shipping sheep were a little easier toâ€"day, and were selling at from 333‘,- to lo per lb for ewes and wethere and 3c to 3,l;c per lb for bucks. Demand was only moderate. Butchers’ sheep are not. wanted at any price. Spring lambs were lower in price, selling at. from $2 to $3 per head most- ly. They are off a dollar per head since a week ago. Calvesâ€"There were lenty in to-day to supply the demand an quotations dropped somewhat. Good to choice calves sold at. from $4 to $5 per head, with one or two ex- tra fancy veals going at. $6.1’ocr stull‘ will not sell at all. Stockersâ€"Therc was no trade done in this line 10-day, but. there was some inquiry about :he 1i vht smokers which are required by Messrs. alligan Rodgers aoout. July 1. Prices nominal at from 3c for light stock- crs m {c for good fgedcrs: )fiich cows and swingersâ€"There was hardly any sale for these to- day y. One or two head were disposed of at. from $20 to $30 per head. .An extra choice cow brought. $38. ‘y While pills and pnrgatives only relieve “bilioneneas and react, leaving their victims 'more prone to sluggishness of the liver, FOR SALE BY Eleljny’a Liver Lozenge cure positive! and fluently. The only cases in whic this J not appear to be the result. are those "81-0" FAIR where errors in diet renew the complaint. , Eseljay’s Liver Ipzenge must. then again be Hardware Merchants. resorted to. They are sold at all drug stores - ‘ (:25 cents a up: 5 boxes for a dollar, K. D. 0. Pill; cure chronic constipation: Fall Wheat red or white. . . .3 Spring Wheat. .............. §arley .................... Oats ...... Buckwheat Ry e ...... Potatoes“ Blll0l§§ FROM CHILDHOOD. Rev. Benjamin Hills, Pugwash, N. S., writes: “In a word I may say that K. D. C. has helped me more than anything else I have eygrlnsed. I had been bilious ,from childhood ; for several yams had rare] pass- ed a. week without a severe attack of ilicus colic, with' intense pain at. the back of the head. These attacks usually followed my §ungay_w_ork. Since_ I beggm to use the K. Butter D. (3., I have scarcely had any return of biliousnees and the attacks have been very light. I have had grented freedom from sufi’ering since I began the use of K. D. C. than for years past. I believe that the occasional use of a bottle of K. D. C., will keep me compmuvely free from the old trouble. I thank you for calling my atten- tion to K. D. C. Had I tried it. long ago it might. have saved me years of suffering. I am glad to recommend it. to fellow Sunerers.” \i'Bbx L1 Vb' STOCK )IJRKETS unllmpok Markets. A RELIEF. A (WEE. put and carried and TORONTO, June 21st 95 to $1 00 97 to 40 to 6?. to 40 to 40 to 45 to 40 to 14 to 8 to 17 to Cheese Board, tAO‘ There Were 5.798 Boxes Bonnie-l null Nearly all 50ch. At. the mectin§ of file Petcrborough Cheese Board, to- :Ly, the following buyers were present, viz : Messrs. Wright/an, Cook, Hmlgson, Moore, Jones Madden and (flux- ton. ' . r tumumon- (luau! Lou. A letter was tend from Inspector Grunt. saying that he Would be in this section next. week to inspect those factories desiring his services. The following factories hu.\'e sig- nified their desire fnr inspection: Warsaw, Otonabee Union. Ormonde, Lang, Lakeview, Bensfort, Central Smimh, Millbrook, Mau- chescer, \Vesuvood and Maple Leaf. 9.) 18 [\eene ............. Wax-minister. . . . . Shearer ........... (‘cntral Smith. . . . . North Smith ..... Cheny Grove ...... Warsa ‘ .......... \Vestvfgd... . . . . . . Oukdulc ........... Missing Link ...... Norwuod ......... Maltese Abbey. . . . Lakefieltl, ......... Pine G rovc ........ l’ctcrborongh ...... ()tonabcc Union. . . Maple Leaf ........ Myrtle ........... Ormonde ......... Young‘s Point” Lnn" ............. F mac-n ille ....... Manchester ...... North Dummer. . . Bobcaygcon ....... LnkeView ........ Treewcrn ......... Bcnsfun ......... Ccdzu‘dale ...... Stony Luke ...... Ida. .............. )Iillbrook ........ Mount Pleasant. . Pcvrytown ...... Uluckstnck ...... Daisy 1). ....... F lcetw ood ....... Lrookh n. . Darlinglon k men (‘ enevn ......... Orono ........... Newtom‘ille . . . ‘ Hope ............ Port Perry ...... The bidding was opened by M 1‘. Madden who offered 7 7-Sc. for selections Mr. Cnnk raised i: to Sc. and Mr. Mzulwu raised in to SAC. Mr. \Vrighton hid S 3-16c and Mr. Hodgson raiscdib to 8,}0. and named I‘inc(‘-rove. Treewcm, “'unninster, Noth Smith, Keene, Warsaw, Ccut‘ral Smith. Peturbomugh. ()tonabcc Union, Ornnmdc, Lung, Shegrcr. Hope, Perr'town, Drona, and Newtonville, an of \Vlich accepted. Lukefichl, Norwood, Westwcotl and (Mk- dule refused. - . . \v I'ETERBOTO‘ \Iu'y .‘ "NV”. The bidding was started again by Mr. Hogson at Sfc , Mr. Cook raised it to 3 5-161; and named \Vestwood, Dal-(dale, Maple Leaf, Frusvrville, Fleecwood and Darlington Union. all of which accepmd, Norwoo'd and Lakefield winging. . .A. 1| 1 A. WI‘~-. .“ . - _ Mr. Cook wrai; opened at 8k. for further selections, am was raised to S .‘rch. by Mr. Jones, who named Cherry Grove, Lnkeficld, Bobcaygeon, Manchester. Btooklin, which accepted, Norwood still refusing. _ . .. . A. . A . , .n , ,1...:..... l â€" ‘ ' ' \I Mr. Cook offered Sc. fun further selections. M r. Hodgsou raised to Sic. and M r. Cook want. another sixteenth and named Missing Link. Melrosc Abbey, Daisy 1)., Beusfort, Blackstock. Port Perry, Ida. Mount Hens- ant, and Geneva, all of which accepted. Young‘s Point sold at Me. to Mr. Hodg- SOD Mr. Cook offexed 8c. for further stlcgtions, S l-ch. was bid by Mr. Jones and Mr. Hodgson raised to S l-Sc., Mr. Jones raised $08 3-160. and picked Stony Lake, Cedar Dale, Lkeview, all of which acgcptcd. uuu', Lnncucw, nu u. "my” “Hwy"... Mr. Jones offered 8c. for the balance, Mr. Cook raised toS l-ch. for selections, Mr. limlgsmi S l-Sc. for selections and chose North hummer and Myrtle, which accepted. Mr. Jones offered 7 T-Se. for the balance of the board, but none of the remaining fuc- turics were willing {.0 sell at this price, and ihe board auljouni'ed‘ KELLS, FOWLER 80, Kool Suits, Straw Hats, Nice Shoes, White Vests, Balbriggan . Underwear, Ladies Vests, Hosiery and Gloves, Cream Parsols, Sailor Hats, Orange Ribbons. Prices the lowest. Kelis, Fowler, TREW’S CABLE FENCE WIRE ‘Get your supplies from Church’s Potato Bug Finish, For the coming celebratic-n. Pure Paris Green, " (WIRES!) BOARD, Grass Scythes, flay Rakes, Hay Forks. nuxm .215 1:10 2| 3 ‘ NO 220 ‘ $5 . 156 00- ...-~) .186 .135 .201) .158 .200 . 9t) .12!) . 84 .188 280 70 260 102 It»: , 103 ll iv)" 4!) ll!) 130 80 1.30 1-15 113 150 12!) Ht) 65 100 100 Church’sflug Finish, Paris Green, CGOE * Things! DUCK SUITS 9320239 snianrings, UHAMBBEY SUNS, .iflack and blue. SHIRT WAISTS and BLBUSES, SUMMER SILKS, UHALLIES, LAWNS. FINE WASH DRESS GflfiDS, GGTTON STUFFS, fanny. GREPUNS, levely. iGU‘JGAMS, dainiy. MUSLENS, may. Geidien Anvil Swings into another week with as many points of interest as at the outset. Ladies have stopped won- dering HOW such prices can be~â€"they simply buy and buy and are happy. R. H. Keiig 8; Ca. No. 368 GsorgeStPeet. JUDICIAL SALE URSUAN’I‘ to the Judgement, and Final Order fm‘Sulu in thu High Court annsticc. Cmmunn Pleas Division. in John 'l'hm'n vs. Ilcm‘y Tool. and with the approbation of Char- Ics‘ Alexander \anu'. Esq.. Master at, Pemr- bomugh. more will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 6th Day of July. 1895, Queen's Hotel in the Village of Millbrook, in the County of Durham. by Isaac Needham. Auctioneer. that, certain parcel or trlact, of land and premises situate lying and bcmg in the Township of Manx-cm. in the County of Dur- 1mm. containing by mlmwmurcmcm eighty- cightncrcs. be me same more or less. being composed of part of Lot number twenty-one, in thcllth Cnncrwinn of the mid Township of an'cvs. and more parlliuuluxl ’ dcncribcd in u mortgage from Henry Tool 1.0 Villinm Thorn. which will be Aprgdqccd :A My: Eimc of sale. -ul -LA“. mum. W ”WWW _..- _, 7, The soil is“. light lomu and there are about 18 acres cleared. There is a quantity of good Ccdsu‘and Wood on the balance and it is ox- ccllcnt paulurc land. being watered by a. spring gmd‘l’igcon Creek COlll':CH through a part, or the 15nd Iilll‘l. The property is in the viginit)‘ of Fuirs’Mills. and is situate about six mllcs from the village of Omcmcc and abouc Lwo~und~a~halt miles from Flectwogd. WW \ a,» 4.”: A- A\,. 1' “Jun u gun. The sale ls subject to a reserve bid and b0 the standing Condiuons and Rules of Court. TERMS OF SALE. Ton per cent. of the purchase money will be required to be paid at t‘he‘t‘imc of sale and as to the balance the terms “'11) be made known on day of sale. Thu further and other condi- tions of sale will be made known at time of sale. For further particulnrg apply to «1103!:ch Runny, Barrister. etc" Mlllbrook. R. RUDDY . Millbrook. Vendor‘s Solicitor. "C A WEI LEN. A -_-¢Y)~: , .4-..‘ Dated at Petal-borough this 5th day of June. 11 JUNE SALE FARM PREFERTY E fHECflOKs 3531mm at L.vo o‘clock in the afternoon SIGN OF THE FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. UabinetmakeméUndertaker 33‘ Showrooms King-st, Millbrook. mos. GILLGTT, NS. CASKET . and all kinds of Undertakers' Gpoda. Bedroom, Ifgu‘lor,‘ Dmingroom and all other kmds of Furniture, hand-nude, at lowest prices. Kce on hand a 1n e stock of 001$! rg PERERBORO. THE GREAT ._.oy_. Binder Twine. Mintâ€"c}; at I’c’Lcrborvo . at, (he Now For Work Having: completed my new Carriage Sin) 1 I nm now prov wrod to receive orders for all flames: of work in my line. 1 represent the Tim SAND ISLA) )S CARRIAGE (30.. Grnanmlno. ()ul. on whom,- work it is need css to comment. as they are known fax-and near as the greatest. (lar- iia «2 Builders: in Canada. ‘l'heir suhfimntinl and stylish work is the foundation of their succem, um I would ask these requiring anything in this line to giye me a call before purchasing. In Il().\iE-1\rlADE \VORK I run prepared mhuild anything from a \Vheelharrow to a Ken- sinuton. and the workman-ship and material will be such that. it “’1“ he sate to give a written guarantee. In the repairing line you can act {our work done more promptly and better work than you have previously received in Mil brook. With all the conveniences oi'a firstclass Carriage shop. 1am prepared 10 do repainting in first-class style. This is an important. departmont in which 1 have had #1111113! experience, 50 if you want a rip: renainiod or trimmed give me a call._ To these who favored me with their orders before ready to do the work I wish to return ihanks and ask for n. continuance of their favors. WHENIszzz TUl’l’Elx’ STREET. :zzzPETERBORO DBBP IN AND SEE OUR BABY BARRIAGES. See our Prices and we will open your eyes in Bar- gains in Trunks, Valises, Summer Rugs, Dog Carts, Riding Saddles, Foot Balls. Wagons, Harness, Lacrosse Sticks Dog Collars. All other Goods in our line we keep in stock and will sell you on the smallest margin of profit. B. SHORTLY, A line, in Lhrce shades, 1:") yards for 75 cents. AH \Vool Delnines in in Light and Dan-k Shades, price 37.1. . cents, and 40 com, for 20 cents. liolzxincth, 17 cents for 12.1. cents, and 12;, cents for 10 cents Our Books are Manufactured specially by the Exâ€" aminer Printing Co. Lt'd., tor the Peterboro’ Bookâ€" store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the Binding is guaranteed to lest with ordinary care BUY YOUR giankfiookssfiflffi â€" "*' "fl” O (.1 until the book is used. If you want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS or STATIONERY, write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest. I run agent for the above I’ntont. Rail Fence f0rCm'nn. Nnr‘nh and South Monughan, and um prepared 1050,11 rights to farmers. or build fences for them upon their farms. This i“ the hestfunccflml, was over “Hunted, won‘t sag. won't [can goingdnwn hi ls. ’l‘ukcs only one pound of wire to the rod. Satisfaction guar- unwed. THOS. llARKNESfi. __ A Wartman’s Patent Fence ! This Week wa Draw yaur Attention To a Few Good Bargains. A DIAMOND RING, splendid value, at $4 50 A Beauty in TURQUOIS at $2.50. A Gent’s “ALL GOLD " Collar Button, $x Our reputation for Wedding Rings in ”thirty ye: beaten. All I etter Orders filled promptly cunts GOLIG, camps, enouann, BIABBHOEA, IIYS EPJ 1' El“! GHOLERA M03308, GHOLERA INFANTIJM and all Summer Complaints and Fluxes ofthe Bowcls. It is Safe and reliable for Children or Adnl:s. Peterbom Bookstore WALSH 8i CLARKE Sul'nlner Dress Crcxxls XN'ALSI I ck CLELRIKE n vnuvau .- MECLELEKN D’The Jeweller, For Sale by all Daalers. EEWILE HARRY DUNSFORD, A. H. STRATTON 8: CO. ' and z I Gcor c Street. l’cterborou h. / Jr f4 g AT GREATLY REDI’CEI) PRTCES 388 George Stréet, Peterborough. Cm um inc 1’. 0 ARE ()FFE D I an! n9»: 911121 AT THEâ€"- Office Supplies 373 GEORGE STREETS. No One T00 Rich [1P T00 Poor These are the pefipic we are looking for \cstcrday , to- den and Lo- morrm}. Will 5:611 be Ex money sawcr.’ If so come and buy : R {\C- VTRYED FROM LOT 17, CONCESSION 6, Mnnvcrs. on or about lhc middle of May, cl ht head of young cattle. {our stcvrs one your 01( . all red : one site: two yours old. red: two heifers two years old. red. one heifer very (lurk red with large slur on face, white belly, and white on legs. Any l’creon giving information lhab willlcml to their recovery w ill be liberally rhfirdcd. COBOU RG , - - - ONTARIO. All returnishcq nnd overhauled. The nest $1 per day house m Ontario, County Council- lors. J urymcn and others Visiting: Cobourg will find the Balmoral the best house to stop at. ('rystul Block. OprSiLe Exmnincr Oflice. George Street. , Peterbopough DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, HOSIERY, - (:LOV IS, PRINTS, TO\\'ELLIN( }8, TABLE LIN INS, SHEETIN 1S, STRAW HATS. 21-3 Miss Rudkins THE BAL‘VIORAL HOTEL, Sign of the Horse at the Door. (“mummy THE HURTUS not'su) To Save a Dollar. 1’. J. LIGHTBURIE. Proprietor. STRAY CATTLE. [WILL/318 00K. ROBERT TIIORNDYK E. Bethany 1’. O. years cannot be cents for ONTARIO. "EIGHT WEIGHT SUMMER CLOTHING. Unlined Suits, Unlined Coats and Vests. Unlined Coats and Pants White Coats Unlined Coats. Coloured Coats, Blazers, Duck Pants, with inde- structible crease. Light-weight Trousers. Light weight Suits of every description. Light Merino Underwear. Balbriggan Underwear. Fine Cotton Underwear. Negligee Shirts. French Cambric Shits. Collars, Cuffs and Ties. Boys‘ and Children’s; filming. ri- thnUIvgg-vv- SIGN or- THE HORSE SHOE. GEORGE STREET. - PETERBBRGUGH. H. LeBRUNéECO. ls selling: all the 424 George-st, You may need a. Bible Or a Prayer Book! It will pay you to Buy now, As the Discount wiil be at Least Twenty-five per cent. Mergerst, We believe the Pairpoint Manufacturing Co’s. goods are generaily recognized as the best in Lhe mmket. We keep a full line and have control of their goods for Port Hope. If you want a nice WED PRESENT, BIRTHDAY PRESENT. c., c. give us a call. Our prices are riuht. No trouble to show you our gem s. JABEZ MILLER, See Our Window. WHAT YOU WANT To harvest your short, Pea crop, i‘ genuine Tolton Pea Harvester the only 1’03. Harvester that gives per- fezt. satisfaction. no sending away of Cuttm‘ Bar, all fitting done at, this shop. Call and examine. A large stock always on hand. “ There’s nothing so good as the best." -AN D INâ€" SiLVERWARE :clling all the latest designs in Art Silks for 75¢ per yan‘, worth $1, also great reductions in child- S AILSBURY’S MISS MELVILLE and V. the Value Knocked Off. . R. Armstrong. MISS MELLVILLE, Jeweller â€"â€" Port Hope. rcn's Summer Bonnets NO DELAY BOOKSTORE. You can’t save money Easier. ThelBlbleshave the new helps for Teach ers, and the Discount is worth saving. Peterhoraugh, Pcterboro If you want a nobby set of Harness to show off that hand- some driver of yours when visiting Millbrook on tho, Gilorious Twelfth, leave your order at once with where you are sun; ’* the best workman‘ best material and pric the hard times. We can fit you out nicely for $10 and if you want something real nobby you can get it by going a little higher. tar Agent for the J. and J. Turner Tent, and Awning firm, Peterboro. ATTENTION ! UABLESS’ Photo Studio, EYES FRONT, FORWARD, MARCH 2 And get a damn of his auEerb Cabinet- Photos, which for Finish, ikena-s and Durabihty. cannot be excelled. We dc‘ fy competition. Our work is all guar- anteed. Su'isfaction our highest aim. We make views of Residences, live stock, etc., very reasonable. Call and inspect our work. No troub!e to Show our voods. We pay special attention to the ’hotography of babies. Don’t for- gab the placeâ€"op;wsile the Dominion Hotel. Call and see our window when WOOD’S PHOSPHODIN E The Great Engi.‘ ' " 55!. Si: Packagw .. uamntaed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Fink-7458s, L‘misxiumfipml- arorrhra, I m polarity and all (facts of Abuse or games. ‘ ,7 v V Mrnlal Warrumzcrmivam of Tobacco, Opiumor Sunn- Before and Afler. tank, which soon lead to I’- flmity, Insanity, (‘0ij): ion and an curly gram. Has been pn- scribed over a: 3mm: in woman or m town. cases: In the only Reliable and Rona: Medicine known. Ask drugglsttor “'ood'l Pholpho‘he: I! heoflcm some worthless medlclne In place of this. Inclom price in loner. and we will send by return man. Price. one package. 81; 31;. 85. OM out pumctxu-Wcure. Pamphleutrcetonnym The “'ood Company, Windsor. Ont. Canada. Sold in Millln'ook and everywhere by all dmggists. Now is your time to order your Pen. Harvester, Alsikc Table, Binders, Mowers, Horse Rakes and Ploughs. I give below :1 number of names of those who used our Pun. Harveswr last year. It is impossible to give a full list of names or testimonials as space will not pcrmit. I therefore refer you to the following 2â€",. J. L. Fair. S, Klzght, John Lightfoot, “'m. Robertson, Stewart Hall, Mrs. Brown, Jas. Fair, John Lcll'u, Gordon Williamson, Bob: Walsh, Allie F allis, Isaac Larmer, Albert thllis. John Mitchell, Thos. Belch, Robt. Fallis, Richard I‘allis, Mrs. Morton, Robt. Patton, J 05. Thorndyke, Maxwell Henry. Jolm Mun-anus. J as. Hutchinson and others. The A mrricau C onslimtion, (110 A mn'i- cau Idwa, (In: Anwrican Spirit. T/wse first, lasl, and all [7w time, fin'ever. Daily, by mail, - - - $6 a year Daily and Sunday by mil ~ 8 a year The Weekly, - - - - l a year One good second hand top buggy and road cart 1104er he“ {01 5.1.10. As there xsa rem adxame in the price of lather and I we onh hm set. of harness on hand. They will be sold at old time prices. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. THE FIRST 1)!“ AMERICAN NEWSPAPER; . J. Garless Is the Greatest Sunday. Newspaper in :hc Millhrook Meat Market Frcsh and Salt Meat almys on hand, also Fresh Fish in season. If you want a choice cut. give me a call and I guarantee satisfac- tiion. Everything Fregh and Clan. 0r- FARMERS dens prompily deliyered go any psi-ta wia’ Price So. a Capy. By Mail $2 mare“ I'll-1 srs. New“ TIIE SUN: PHO T OGRA PH 151? . BATESO HARRY NATTRASS, A BOON TO THE MILLBROOK, The Sunday Sun For Sale bv A. LEACH. (Ills. A. llANA.â€"â€"EI)INI. I'ROI’RIE'NB. A. PAYNE. We can f S10 and (@etepboP Bugir-y PET ERROROCG H. 01‘ COURSES IN BOOKrKH-Zl hand. Amhmcxic. Wriu‘ writing. Trv a three months” at Wilma: For Icnm wrizc And School of S _-\Vm. Tucker of km: on a visit. â€"-â€"'Mr. T. B. Collins we and other \Vestem puin‘ â€"Mrs. J. Preston of ( is the guest of M rs. H. 3 --Miss Laura Vsnoo" school for tho hoiidays am on Saturday night. day. â€"-Mr. and Mm. Ah-x. Millbrook worv in Pun I“ the millbrooh -â€"Dr. Tilley ix huldir midsummer examinations this week. â€"Mr. \V J. (var-diner by last “68k at the CL Lndies’ College. 4100,000.00 (If priv loan at 5 per cont. Gm‘ â€"Mr. Geo Fuulor lr-f Company at Camp. King: 11de night. w Millbrook: properties 5:1“ and sec GEO.SOOTIIEP.A.\‘. ”â€"MSSI‘S. S. )‘I'prrimux son 0f Lindsay. “'0?!" in " 0f days this week. â€"Mr. “'. C. Mohawk and Ltifi Hid-KS of POI'th at, Mr. Sam Eakins. â€"Mr. McBain of tho firm, Tororm and Winui; visiting at the Messrs. Dz â€"â€"Mr. J. .k. l'k-yvll. of lege, has been spending a town the guest of J. D. I Watch thi' â€"Both Mr. and Mrs. H have been ill for a few (3 are informed they are mu Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Elli mdLouie, and Mr. J. F. Hampton, were in town } tending the wedding. â€"The Ven. Archdmxm out to Omno on Moudnv in a. church gathering t1). â€"-David Faiiis left on trip to Boston on bugiwm “on with the estate of m. â€"We axe obliged to in balance of Counties Cuun-ri until next week on accou: forspace. -Mr. and Mrs. Lot'xo} ' arethe guemsof Mrs. -X‘ W remaining dux: season. \Ir. Left-0; goiu; ' duties m cry morning. -â€"â€"We beg to welwme oorrwpondenoe columns McLean of Mount P'isz home for his holidays fm tune for the Blind, Brand â€"The Rev. Mr. .‘lcCa: his car of household gout Perry on Tuesday lnornin; Camus, the Elisa»: Sulif children going yesterday. â€"â€"Rtv. Dr. Annstmn: on his way home from :1 at. London, spent Sunday home 'ith his father and the Pnesbybcriar church -Mr 1). Chambers w‘ >' on Tumia}: TBURFDAY. J USE â€"Mr. \V. \‘V. Need} what m'gi}: ve been a dent Inst ' ‘w Ewiuz.’ ‘ his rig, L-uv \u ”re pk a that, nothing mun than resulted â€"In c )mprmy with M the editor drm‘v buck c Hall's new brick-yard 31 property, Inst week. sud a pica-mm to see the m Harry goes about the m tint. staple article. Ev like clock-work, only a. Mr, Hall has just finishe it being in mum of bl our visit, but we didn't 4; to get “ Johny’s” hair si K. D 0 is mind. a; mm P" TOWN T mat burg; gnu I W )I

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