k! «St or hand- when int-chat the low ing ’(‘ry shit ‘.:1 ï¬t ,ztd if A ’1)!))' littlv stinet i0!) to I. for- ninfon when [er Tent ,PERS. 0W 1‘ Ir Pea the vour 1H! ldifl, :et live full i. p â€"In company with Mr. J. A. Vme the editor drove back to Mr. Harry Hall’s new bricbyard at the Mansion property, last week. and it was indeed a. pleasurt to see the methodical way Harry gm about the manufacture of that staple article. Everything goes like clockwork, only a. little faster. Mr, Hall has just ï¬nished his ï¬rst kiln, it being in course of burning during our visit, but we didn’t. go close enough toget “ Johny’s †hair singed. children going yesterday. â€"Rev. Dr. Armstrong of Ottawa, on his way home from the Assembly at London, spent Sunday at the old home with his father and pre1ched in the Pmbytcria: church. â€"I want to buy agood younglheavy draught horse. One car each of fr grey and white lime and land Mar to hand this week. Shingles galore, prices away down. W. THEXTON. 21 â€"\Ir. “7. W. Needler met with what migbg ve been a serious acci- dent last = by being pitched out of his rig,_but we are pleased to know that nothing more than a few bruises resulted. â€"The Rev. Mr. McCamus left. with his car of household goods for Port. Perry on Tuesday morning. Mrs. M c Camus, the Misses Smith and the â€".\Ve beg to welcome again to our correspondence columns Mr. T. W. McLean of Mount Pleasant, who is home for his holidays from the Insti- tute for the Blind, antford. -Mr. and Mrs. Lefroy of Port Hop e are the guests of Mrs. A. y.Wood They purpose remaining during the hot. season, Mr. Lefroy:3 going down to his duties every morning. â€"-We are obliged to hold over she balance of Counties Council proceedings until next week on account of pressure for space. â€"David Failis left on Tuesday for trip to Boston on businm in connec tion with the estate of the late Robb. Fallis. â€"The Ven. Archdeacon Allen went out to Orono on Monday to take part _in a church gathering there that even- Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Elliott, Arthur and Louie, and Mr. J. H. Elliott of mepton, were in town yesterday at- tending the wedding. â€"Both Mr. and Mrs. H. McCartney have been ill for a. few days, but we are informed they are much improved. â€".\Ir. J. A. Deyell, of Trinity 00]- Iege, has been spending a few days in town the guest of J. D. Deyell, V.S. â€".\Ir. )[cBain of the grain-buying rim), Tororto and Winnipeg, has been visiting an the Messrs. Dawsons. ï¬rsumo great bargains in xjfliage properties call and see list \(ï¬â€™same. GEO. Smut-mm. 44 â€")les<rs. S. Morrison and G. Bate- son of Lindsay, were in town a. coupla of days this week. â€".\Ir. \V. J. Gardiner was in Whit- by last. week at the closing of the ladies’ College. «Mr Geo. Fowler left to join his Company at Camp, Kingston, on Sat- n: u).- 111'!va â€".\Ir. ‘V C. McIntosh 6f Montreal, ant. )Iivxs Hicks of Perth are ï¬shing at. Mr. Sam Eakins. â€"Dr. Tilley is hulding the usual midsummer examinations at the school this week. â€"â€"$100,.00000 of private funds to loan at 5 per cent. GEO. SOME}: yt, Millbrook. â€"Miss Laura Vance closed her school for the holidays and came home on Saturday night. â€"Mr. T. B. Collins was in Toronto and other \V’eatem poinm last .veek. â€"â€"-Mrs. J. Preston of Grand Valiey is the guest. of Mrs. H. McCartney. â€"-Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ferguson of Millbrook were in Port Hope on Mon- day. râ€"VVm. Tucker of Rochester is home on a. visit. â€"â€"Mr. D. Chambers was in Peter- boro’ on Tuesday. l'I-I'l'ERBOROUG H. OXTA RIO. L'RSES IN BOOKK EEPISG. SHORT- hand. Arithmetic. Writing. and .Tv‘pe. writimz. a three months‘ course this 1-3.]! or \VinLcr. or terms write And School of Shopthancl, @etepbepo’ Bfléil‘2855 . @ollege Watch this space next weak. Ebc millbrook Reporter. THURS‘DAY. JUNE '27. 1395. TO‘VN TALK A. BLANOHARD, cg, l‘rinéipal. K D 0 brings prompt relief to uniform from mdlï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬o n â€"â€"Don’t forget the Methodist Sab- bath school excursion on July 9th to Jacob’s Island and Chemong, via Str. Columbian. This will be one of the most enjoyable excursions of the seas- on : no overcrowding, not a slavish day’s work, but a nice pleasant sail and a pleasant shady retreat for picnic~ ing. You also get home in good time. See large posters. â€"-}Iis Lordship, Bishop of Toronto held conï¬rmation services in St. Thom- as' church on Sunday evening last and at Builicboro and the back church in the morning and afternoon. A large number of candidates Were conï¬rmed at each place. The service in St Thomas’ church was attended by a very large congregation. A Boo. and a Blessing. A boon and a blessing to mankind is Hag- yard Yellow Oil, the great. pain destroyer and healing remedy for external and inter- nal use. Yellow Oil cures all aches and pains, rheumatism, l-lme back, sore throat, croup. deafness, cramps. contracted cords and lameness. -â€" Lord Rosehery’s retirement again calls to mind the prediction he is said to have made concerning himself when he was a. schmlboy. He then declared that he would marry the richest heiress in England, win the Derby and become Prime Minister. He, in 1878, married Hannah (deceased 1890), only daughter of the late Meyer dc Rothschild, who was then the richest heiress in the country. In 139-1 he won the Derby with his horse Ladaq and repeated the victory this year with Sir Vista, and he has ï¬lled the otlice of Prime Minis- ter for a little over ï¬fteen months. Lord Rosebery is only forty-eight years old. -â€"VVe beg to congratulate Misses Eyres and Nugent upon their success- ful standmg at the Whitby Ladies’ College last. week. Miss Eyres carried off the Governor Geneml’s Silver Med- al and Miss NJgent, although only a. short time there, came out second in vocal music. Severe Diarrhea Cured. DEAR Sms,â€"I was in a. very lnw condi- tion thh Diarrhea. when Dr. Fowler’s Ex- tract. of “'ild Strawberry was given me. One hot Lle cured, and I cannot praise it too highly. ISAAC TAYLOR, Rothsuy, Ont. -â€"Oddfellows‘ Decoration Day in Pcterboro’ on Tuesday was a great success, the town takinga half holiday and everybody turning out to lay a flower of remembrance upon the graves of departed friends. A large turnout of visiting brethren joined the proces- smn. â€"“ Our Grandmothers †drank good tea years ago, why should we not use the best? Thq Mamwatee is the ï¬nest Ceylon Tea grown, beautiful flavours in packages at 400., 500., and 60c. per 1b. ALI-1x. ELLIOTT, sole agent, 353 George-st, Peterboro. â€"A very interesting social event tmnspirml yesterday afternoon in St. Thomas’ church, it being the marriage of Miss Annie Vance and Mr“ A. T. Elliott. but as our forms arc- about ready for press we must defer further mention until next week. In the meantime congratulations. Mothers Should Read Dr. Low’s Worm Syrup cures worms of all kinds in children or adults. No cathartic is required as it both destroycs and cxpels the worms. -â€"â€"Armngemonts have been com- pleted for the (kldfellows and King’s Daughtm‘s excursion to Niagara Falls, on July lSLh. This will be a. grand opportunity to visit, the great cataract, have a sail across the lake and a. ride upon the electric railway. See large posters for tune-table and rates. Captain Sweedv U. S. A.. San Diego 031., says: “Shiluh‘s Catarrh Remedy is the ï¬rst medicine I have ever found that would dome any good.†Price 50 cents. Sold In; A. LEAP.“ â€"\Ve beg to thank the committee for the receipt of a. press badge for the Dnminion Day sports at. Port Hope. Tim pronmm is such that the whole country side may be expect-ed to be diawu thereon tlint (1m and Millbrook will send its reasonable contingent. â€"Green peas in the pod are reported 60 be ï¬ve dollars a quart and pit-k them Yourself, at Inns: that is the rendered accnunt to SOIIIP uf our young men \\ ho strayed into a. farmers ï¬eld the other day. Bottor make your bargain before hand next time, boys. Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Number-g, 01m, Independent, says : “ I was suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Trouble, I took a few bottles of Shiloh‘s Vimlizer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it.†Sold In; A. LEACH. â€"â€"Cn.mpl)cllford cricket team will play )Iilllwook on the Agricultural grounds here, on July lst, Dominion Day. Game to begin at, 1.30. Let those who desire a quiet: afternoon’s leisure spend it at the grounds. â€"I. E. Neodham is prepared to take charge of auctiun sales of all kinds at shortest notice and lowest terms, satis faction guaranteed. He is now in a. better stibion than chr to supply you with a. piano or organ. â€"1{ev.Mr. Kilgour of Cau'anville preached an excellent sermon in the Methodist church here on Sunday night Inst. He exchanged with the Rev. Mr. Mchnus, who was holding anniversary services in Cavanvillc. SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient, Consumption. IL is the best. Cough Cure. Only one cent, a dose ; ‘25 cm. 50cm. and $100 per bottle. Sold by A LEAH" â€"Thc posters are out for the 12th July celebration. Don’t. fail to road them :(lon’t fail to come to town on that. day, as every ()rnngeman, and his wife and childron, or his sweetheart. and friends will be on lmml. That. scrofuluus mint. which has been in your blood for years, will be ex polled by taking lluod' s Sarsaplrllla, the great blood puriï¬er. m am“ others. “e hope he will ge‘t, after some of the cows at the east end of the ï¬ling. â€"The pound-keeper is no respecter of persons, but. takes in the Reeve’s or Councillor Butcson’s horse as readily '1' â€"The law. Mr. Phelps and family arrived on Tuesday night and are the guests of Mr. 1;. “7. Clarke, for a day or two whxle putting the Manse in order. â€"Upward of 100 c farms from ‘50 acres up to 300 W at prices and upon term It. the times. 030. Soonn-zmx. Millbrook. 44 Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of Wild Strawberry cures Diarrhwn, Dys-enterv, Cramps, Colic. Cholera Morlms, Cholera. fufantum, and all looseness of the lmwels. Never travel with- out it Price 350. Monday, Mn 6th, leave his own stable, Millln'ook, an proceed to Garden Hill for noon, thence to Noble Brown’s, Rossmount, for night. Tuesdayâ€"Will proceed to Kent’s Hotel, Bcwdloy, fer noon, thence to Fox's liotol, Bailieboro, for the night. Wednes- dayâ€"Will proceed to Mr. Dodd’s. Bensfort, for noon, thence hv way of \Vallncc's l’oinc Bridge to John A. Stewart’s, Otonabee, for night. Thursdayâ€"Will proceed to Gavan augh’s Hotel. Peterboro’, for noon, thence to Sam. Donglnss’, Smith, for the night. Fridayâ€"Will proceed to Sam. Ferguson’s, for noon, thence nlon llth Con.,‘ Gavan. to McKinuon’s _I:I_otel, gBetflnmy, __for night. Saturdayâ€"Will proceed t0; Hutchinson Hotel, Cawanville, for noon. thence to his own stable, where he will remain until Monday morning. T. H. HASSARD, v.s. Owner. The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdile Stallion Monday, May 6th, \Vitl leave the Cavan augh Hotel, I’eterboro, and proceed to D. McRoberts’, Scott’s Corners. for noon, thence to Sam. Ferguson’s, Ida, for night. Tues- dao, will proceed to R. Hutchinson’s, Gavan ville, for noon, thence to Millbrook tor the night, where he will remain until Wednes- day afternoon. Wednesday, will proceed by wayof Robert Shaw’s to Fox’s Hotel, Baillie-horn, for night. Thursday, will pro- ceed to Rossin House, Ccntreville, for noon, thence to John A. Stewart’s, Otonabee, for the night. Fridayâ€"will proceed by way of the base line to Robert. Jackson’s, for noon, thence to Pcteboro‘. for night, where he will remain until Monday morning. The property of Gus Pipe and Pipe Fittings nlways in stock. Call on, or write 0. WALTER GREEN, MILLBROOK. )ALL AND SE 3 MY NEW IDEAL FORCE AND LIFT PUMP. I ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK 0F SPRAY PUMPS. The above cm represents the best, W ind- mill m the market. If vou want to see one at work call on John F.Lllis, Richard Fullis. Georg e Campbell llootnn Bros. , 13 Con. Cantu. Alc\ Hunter. The Brantford Windmill is now Galvanized. Pumps. Lewie Gordon, I \vx-{tc you becausa I Emitâ€"5;“. it should be generally known what 13.3.13. can accomplish in cases of indigeétioh. I have also used it for my wife and family. and have found it the best thing they can take, and from past experience I 1;;ch every pleasure in strongly recom- mending 13.33. p. to all lny_f_ri_end_s. Repairs for Peter Hamilton Machinery and all kinds of Plow Points The Thoroughbred Stallion, Em 31a Cured. n9. awn. . . 61b Via His 1? BRIT-GIST. - 3 I’I'I'I‘l'lllll0k0. G100" QUALITY. Cardulncia and Right Prices are our Mntmm m nnnmn u, Rudder than being plainâ€"to have been pretty ; Sndder than being scornedâ€"to have been loved ; And sadder than being unknownâ€"to he for- gotten.†Those who ï¬nd comfort in the " law 0f compensation,†or who. like Ln. Rochefon- cnnhl. “ï¬nd something: not unpleasant In the misfortunes of even our best friends, ’ will also be touched by the following rather remarkable collection of uphorisma recently inscribed in a. French album :â€" Sm’m. â€"On Sunday June mm. the “ ire of Mr A. A. Smith. B.A.. Barrister. of a daughter â€"Ga.rden Parties and Excursions are the order of the day now and if Jack has hard work he also has some play. The Presbytermns of Ballydufl' hold a. Garden Paroy at. Frank VVm-d’s ‘on July 5th. The bills were get out. ‘for Dominion Day, but it: has been pOStponed to July 5th. St. Mary’s church, Manvers, have also a Garden Party at Wm. Hanna’s on June 285b, and St. Alban’s at George Bradbum’s, near J anefville, on Wednesday, July 3. The E. L. and C. E. of Cuvan excurt on June 29th from Chemong to Lind- say. Cheap fares from Millbrook and Frazer-ville. Don’t forget. these dates and take a. day off to attend. .«ms and butter taken m exchange HASSARD, GRANDY 8:. SHAW. GEORGE READ. Sherbrooke. Que. China Hall “ TYRONE.†R0 UTE FOR 1895. ROUTE FOR 1895. -V._-. v“.\,-t Prices are our Mottoes. . MCCARTNEY B. B. 3.. GURED II‘IE. it, is to hai'}: chn rich; NEW D1\NFR SETS TEA SF 'S,I‘ TOILF' l‘ SE’JS AND FANCY GOODS. CROOKS ICREAU CROOKS BUTTER CROOKS, GROCERIES SMOKFD \1 EATS NEW CHEESE â€"\'0l.' \\' ILL FINDâ€"- J. NUGENT. THE (IRA "L E. â€".-\'1‘ THE I write you to say that for some time I had been suffering from acute indiges- tion or dyspepsia, and of course felt very great incon- venience from sumo in my general busi- ness. I thereupon decided to try Bur- dock Blood Bitters, 'Ln (1 after taking wo bottles I found I was quite another man, for Drpm SIRS,â€" 389 Gcoï¬ze-VAEVVé 's sending up some pupils to write on the Mr: W. Stacy; ou'r pubiié school teacher, 1 ea’ving gxgmigations. Plank has been received to be used in te- pairing our sidewalks. The walks have been in an unsafe condition fox some time and pedestrinnism was risky after the dusk of ewning fell, as our gas supplv. though abundant, is not the proper kind for illum- inating the strcegs. 'l‘hfli‘vrcstors hold their annual picnic on Thursday next in a grove adjacent to the village. The programme of sports, consist- ing: of baseball and football matches, races. etc, should delight the most fastidious. A hearty invitation is given to all, the only stipulation being the necessary basket of lunch. Mr. C. H: Shield of Norwood has return- ed to the land of his nativity and we hope to_e_njo_y__hi§ company as_o_i_ yorg. Mr. George Preston, painter in the foun- dry, left. last. Fridzw for another sphere of labor. He intends t0 return and we predict, for him a. welcome whenever he does. Our township Council, in n. body, inapect- ed the 14m concession where it extends across the Long Swamp with the view of de. hating on the advisability of opening in for summer travel. We hope it. may be found cvpedient. to open this near Way to Peter- bore. GENTLEMEN,-I have used Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry and ï¬nd it. a. certain cure for all Summer Complaints. It is worth its weight in gold, Miss Mabel Dean 0! Gtuden Hill is the gusst, o_f heriis‘tcr‘, Mrs S._ I) ‘Qasey. 7PM milk supply in our cheese factor has overrenchcd ten thousand pounds per iem, and everything bodes well for a. successful Mr. Edward Courtney and family were favoured with a. visit. by Mr. \Vesley Court.- nconf Newbnr-gh 13.31, wec_k. Rev‘.’ John Ewing returned recently from a. visit in Toronto. School closes this week for 9. long holiday. Concurrent. with the vacation comes a. gleeful and active convalescence of the pupils, whom we wish may have a. pleasant time. as we also wish their teacher, before the happiest. davs of their lives quickly . Qtntnfn lalmr “ms the nrr nr- lag}. man]: can! n Service will be held next. Sabbatï¬ eve ' in the Presbyterian church. The folloï¬zg Sunday at 10.30 a..m., the sacrament will be di§p_cnse(_l_.. ‘ :- The Presbyterian friends have made a grand improvement on the grounds of their manse in the way of terracing and putting up a. beautiful fence. Statute labor was the 5raer last. week and we must add that. a decided improvement was made on the middle road in the swamp to the right. oLus Misses Maggie and Mamie Argue of Gavan, are calling on their friends here. Mr {ma Mrs. S. Casey spent Sunday at Garden Hill. Mr. T. W. McLean, of Brantford 0. I. B. is llolidjtying at_h9me. _ Our fo'undi-y is booming these days. An extra. amount of repmriug, coupled with thexr Iar e orders for fruit cleaners, has Mr. Wm. l’endric ,or Minb'roolé, a. ï¬rst- class carpenter, is ï¬xing a barn for Mr. J. J. Fair. Mr. Jai'mes Paul is off on drill with the militia. Mr. Samuel Jamieson of Millbrook. has made quite an improvement on the appear- ance ot his farm house near here in the way of the ndmmistra‘tion of a: man of paint.‘ Ml. William Tuler of Rochester, a form- er resident m this art, passed through here last, week.1{c 100 3 well. - Our Presbyterian pastor. Rev. James Cnttannch, returned hmnc last, Thursday after attending the General Assembly in London and visiting friends in_ other parts. \I u‘v-u- m Mr. Geo. Elliott of Mlllhrook has put, a. ï¬ne new burn on his farm, in place of the one that was destroyed by lightning last year. The hay crop is very light this year, and from present prospects stmw will be scarce also, The members of Court, Ccntreville, I 0.F., will attend divine service here next Sab- huth morning, when the Rev. Jaw. Catam- m-h will preach :m appropriate sermon to Lhcm. Mr. R. R. Elllot, High Court. In- spector, l. 0. F., was Mu. meeting of Court ()cnlrcvillc last. week. The l’resliyleriuns of lï¬xlly'tliifl', purpose holding a. garden party at Mr. F. \Vard‘s, on Friday, July 5th, and as it is drawmg ‘ near the close of the season a good time is anticipated. Although the lst ofJuly was looked upon by the l'reshyterians as their annual out, but owing to a. lawn party at Mr. Hanna's in the vicinity a few nights previous and in order to procure a ï¬eld for the football and other mnusements it was deemed wiser to hold there garden party on the 5th of July this year. The Bethany brass band has been secured for the evening and thiernmneis enough to know that a very pleasant evening will he spent, at least as far as musical talent is concerned, al- though it is seriously regretted by many that Mr. Wilson, the old favorite cannot be se- cured this year. However it might possibly be that under some professional name he may come again this year and gladden the Presbyterians by singing for them some of his favorite glees. Mr. R. 'l‘hormlyke has let 9. large cnntmcb of stumpiuv nu his farm, while Mr. Kinkade not being content, with machinery for the sole extraction of stumps has secured dyna- mite and fear is expressed that Hilbert may become an expert at 115' 1g thq bomb shell. CENTRAL DI: 'VERS. Rain is much needed for the crops not- withstanding that the crops in this vicinity are looking airly well considering the dr) time. The church at Horeh was re-opcned last. Sunday. The church was taxed to its utmost capacity and great. numbers could not. get in 9nd 11m} to leave. S'L. Mary‘s plirpose haviï¬v a garden p‘arty on the grounds of Mr. \ . Hanna. We wig}; thgm eycx-y ggccegs. T179. road work has commenced this week. \Ve hope to have good roads. Lnat Wednesday the three Methodist. Sunday schools united and had an excursion from Mngill’s Lnndin to Bobcny eon. There wnsahout three undred and tï¬irtv on board. Capt. Crandell of Lindsay, sent down his beautiful bout withzevery acommo- dacion and all seemed to have enjoyed the sail down the river. Our volunteers left for the Limestone Ci: y op_Tue}sday undef' Cfspt. J. H: Staples. The annual picnic was held at Franklin last Saturday. A very large gathering assembled to cake in the sports of the day The p.incipal amusements were lacrosse and baseball playing, each one takinn a. lively interest in the game, all apparently having cnioyed lemselges. Items of interest. forwarded by Tm: REPORT Inc‘s own Correspondents. J AS. T. C. LANG, General Merchant, - Gentreville‘ The Centreville Merchant. Is now receiving his Spring Stock and his customers will have an opportun- ity of selecsing the many articles re quired for spring from a. carefully sel- ected and nobby stock of goods. He has, without doubt, the ï¬nest stock over shown in Centrevllle and as his motto is “Quick Sales, Good Value and Small Profits,†you are sure to re- coivr‘. satisfaction. Jas. T. 0. Lang Beautiful Goods FOR SPRING. CORRESPONDENCE. “'0th [Is “'clght in Gold. MO UNT PLEASANT. CENT]: 1’} VI LLE. SPRING SPRING LI FFO RD. ', Ottawa, Ont. Iï¬ï¬‚a “ I cannot attribute it in reasonable logic to anything but the merits of the pills. For, consider, in France, which I have just been opening up, it cost in advertising somewhere between thirty- ï¬ve and forty francs to sell every 31; franc box of pillsâ€"ï¬rst sales that is. Now, it is obvious that if all our sales were ï¬rst sales, that is sales direct from the advertisements, we should be los- ing ’from six to ten dollars on every box sold. It is because the people who have used Pink Pills once use them again, and recommend them to others, that we begin to see day-light there; and the case is the same the world over.†“Huw do you account for the way Pink Pills have ‘jumpcd’ the English market then 2†“Yes, I think we have had a. record there. The head ofa. leading advertis- ing in London to whom I showed my ï¬gures told me that no business of the Wind ever reached the same dim- ensions in England in as short a time ; for though we have only been working in England two years, there are but two medicines there that have as largo a. sale as Pink Pills, and one of these is over thirty years old, while the other has been at work at least half that time.†“Through the press. The newspa per press is the greatest educative in- fluence of the day. Where do you suppose the culture of Brockville would be without the Recorder-'2 Now, it’s not the two cents a. copy lhat pays for all the interesting and valuable matter that IS gathered from the ends of the earth' in a newspaper it is the adver- tisements that pay the blggest part of the bill for news and literary matter. I suppose I have spent about .half 5,, “ But your advertising has been very extvnsive 7" “ Oh, certainly. But exactly for that reason we could never afford to do it if we had to depend on ï¬rst sales alone. It is the sales on recommenda- tion of those who use the pills that pay, and if the recommendation were not there I would be bankrupt in a. very short time, All the same, the adver- tising is a big item, and I consider the Pink Pill business a public education department on that account alone.†The reporter wanted to know where the education came in. “ Does Great Bntain do its share in the business?†asked the reporter. turned out into a heap, and a person set to count them, working ten hours a day, and six daysa week, the job would takeâ€"I have reckoned it-â€"4 years? days, 6 hours and 40 minutes, counting at the rate of 100 per minute. Or reckoning it another way. it means about a hundred and ï¬ftyâ€"seven pills for each minute of the twelve months occupied selling them. Or, if you want further statistics, it is somewhere ‘ about two pills a head for the combin- ‘ed adult population of Canada, Great Britain, Ireland and the United States. If the pills sold last year were made up into necklaces of ï¬fteen inches lone there Would be a necklace for every woman in Canada, and leave some con- siderable pills over. And very pretty necklaces they would make, if you stop 3 to think ef it,†said Mr. Fulford, with the air of one who contemplates an ar- tistic triumph in the jewellery line. The reporter stopped to think of it, while Mr. Fulford added, "I don’t give these ï¬gures to glorify the business, you will undsrstand, but to enable you to make the facts tangible to an ordin- ary reader.†“ It is the best twelve months’ busi- ness yet. Look for a. minute what the ï¬gures mean. If all the pills were “That is a pretty large order, isn’t it; I", “ Pretty good. We have sold in the past twelve months a little over two milllion, three hundred and sixty thousand boxes of Pink Pills,†“ Well,†he said, in reply to a ques- tion on the status of the Pink Pill business in France, “ of course it isn’t altogether an casymntter to introduce a foreign article into a. strange market, especially where there is as much con- , servatism as there. But I don’t think we can complain of the progress made, on the whole, and it is gratifying to report that some, at least, of the Paris doctors are open to recognize a. medi- cine of which the intrinsic merits can be demonstrated to them, One of the best of themâ€"at Versailles, the Paris suburb where the Emperors used to keep their courtâ€"has given favourable testimony through the press of quite wonderful cures through the use of Pink Pills in his practice ; and the Religiouses, an order of Nuns like the Sisters of Charity, have also made an extensive use of Pink Pills in their charitable work, and given strong tes timonials as to their good effects.†‘How do you flï¬d business all round?†’ Mr. G. T. Fulford, who is under- stood to have been doing big things in _Paris during the past winter and spring, introducing Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, reached home on Friday last with his family. Mr. Fulford has taken Mrs. Field’s handsome residence in the east end for the summer, and was found there on the evening of his arrival by a Recorder reporter, and asked to give‘ an account of himself. ‘ A Recorder Reporter's Interesting Inter- Wilh nilâ€"Some Statistics and Informa- tion oi General Value. From the Brockvmc Recorder. ME G. T. PULPORD’S RETURN FROM THE WORLD’S GAYBST CITY. A WINTER IN PARIS. “ After I acquired the trade mark I saw that if the thing was to be made a success it was imperative that I should have the best tonic pill that I should have the best tonic pill that could be gotten up. Consequently I obtained the advice and opinion of the most noted men in medicine in Men- treal and New Yorkâ€"and expert ad- vice of that kind comes high. I made the changes in my formula suggested by these medical scientists, and the favor with which the public has receiv- ed the medicine, demonstrates that it; is the most perfect blood builder and _ nerve tonic known. However, I was anxious to still further improve the formula,, if this could be done, and have since spent a great deal of money with that end in view. On going to London two years ago, to place Pink : Pills, I went into into it again, with with the best medical men there. and, as you know, the medical expert is not too friendly to proprietary medicines ,' and least of all to a good one ; and I don’t blame the doctors either. It isn’t good for business if a man can get for ï¬fty cents medicine that will do him more good than $50 in doctor- ing. COnscquently advice came high, but I obtained the best there is, not only on this continent but in London and Paris. If I were to tell you whom I consultedâ€"but that was an honorâ€" able condition that I shouldn’t divulge the names on account of professional etiquetteâ€"you would recognize them as ï¬rst-rank men, men whose names are famous all the world over, and talked of by every one. \Vhen I went to Paris last winter I placed my form- ula and a supply of Pink Pills in the hands of one of the mOst noted doctors in that city for a three-months’ trial in his practice, with a view to getting suggestions for improvement 3 at the end of that time his answer was ‘leave it alone, it cannot be betteled. You ‘ now have a perfect blood and nerve , medicine.’ This opinion cost me 10,000 francs, but I consider it money well spent, as it determines the fact that ' the formula for Pink Pills is now as perfect as medical science can make it. And coming back to the question of substitutions and imitations; what I have just told you will shew what a 'p‘oor’thing it is for a man who goes to a store for Pink Pills to let something else be pushed on to him in place of themé-more especially if it is a worn out thing like Blaud’s pillsâ€"a formula in the French pharmacopmia, that has been a back number flu years until a few storekecpers tried to push it on the strength of Pink Pill advertising. You can take it from me that a store- keeper who tells anyone that Blaud’s pill (which is not a proprietary at all, anyone can make it that wants to) is in any way a. substitute for Pink Piils is an ignoramus and never ought to be trusted to sell medicineat all. A drug- gist as ignorant as that certainly isn’t ï¬tto put up a prescription, and will poison someone one day.†PhWU’UUJW u) ran-I At this juncture the Island City band put in an appearance to serenade Mr. Fulford and family, and the re- porter drifted out among the crowd that had followed to listen to the sweet strains of music. Painting and General Repairing a Specialty! 818' Our PATENT STEEL HARROWS have had a big run bub we have still a num- ber in stock. Give us a call, CAVANVILLE GARRIAGE WORKS We have in stock and are still manufabtur ing a. large number of New Bu aims, Wag- gons and Road Carts. \Vc ave also in stock a number of Second-hand Buggies and Democrats. wwl. TINNEY ing I 2" “No, not a. bit of it; 3 that is the worst. feature of the fraud. No retail- er can possibly know what; is in Pmk Pills ; and if he did, he couldn’t pre- pare them in small quantities to sell at a, proï¬t. They are not common drugs, and by no means cheap to make. I suppose I have spent. anywhere from ten to twelve thousand dollars, since I ï¬rst; took over the trade mark, in try- ing if the formula. could be improved, and spenta. share of it for nothing.†K. D. C. Pills tone and regulate the liver. “ But what do the substitutors doâ€" do they duplicate your formula. under some other name?†“ Can’t grumble, except in one Way. There’s a certain amount ’of substitu- tion in some retail stores, and there is a man in Manchester, England, that. I have had to prosecute on the criminal charge for it.†I The reported was silent in the pres- ehce of this educative ‘ miracle ’ but re- quired further information as to the state of trade. Was everything lovely he asked, or was there any crumpled rose leaves in the couch ? l million dollars in advertising last year. How much education do you suppose that sum has paid for ?†“ What do you mean by ‘for hoth‘ 8!. SONS, J. ROBINSON YOUNG. Have you seen our nice Jim and Jelly in 7 lb. Pails, very cheap. Do you want a Violin, Autoharp. Mouth- organ or J ewsharp ? Go to YOUNG’S. ‘rood square Lunch at any hour 15c. dur Sodas and Fang; Cake-s are al- ways fresh, up no date and the price is right We have in stock Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Danes and Figs. Don’t stay outside, and have a drink Cool, Refreshing, Héalthy. - Fresh Confectionary and Fruits ar- riving every week. DUSTERS ! DUSTERS. ‘ DUSTERS. ' DUSTERS. ' DUSTERS. ' DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! DUSTERS ! Donjt forget, me if you reqmre a nice vansc m any )_c1nd. I have themchcapcr than anywhere else m mwn. I can proyc to you that I mn doing better work and at prices 35 per mm». bciow any other shop in the district. MT I will not be undersold in any branch 0'! the bunmcsa and my worknmnship is guumnn- med Give me :1 call W. _ STRAIN, Gaze right into YOUNG‘S Confec tionary \Vindow and see his THE BEST ILLUMINATINGfOIL IN THE WORLD. It gives a. brilliant, soft, steady ligh’ti, no‘lsmelllyno smoke and no explosiongi This Oil is not merely a. fancy brand g-Qtten up' by a. local dealci' to hoc- goods but is a SPECIAL OIL made by tlnx STANDARDKOIL go. oiï¬ei’ York, and sold by them all over the 33: brand only. _ _ . « 7r c . ' .r’J Selling Hats alongside of Clothing and Boots andb‘hoesâ€" cuts down er and makes prices less. That’s the plain fact of the matter. Can you catch on? ALWAYS GOOD AT (i017 éll K. The Larger. Hatters, Clothiers and Men’s Furnishers. The \Vonderful Cheap Men. Look BEHOLD ! You were never made for the Hat you know. The Hat'was made'for' you. If you like to be abreast with the times, replace that old head block with one of our Leaders for 1895. bought from the best factories of England and Amer- ica. Our Hats are ALL NE‘V. Latest in shape and colour : soft and stiï¬'. Qualities are grandily generous ~â€"scarce]y a sort that you’ll ï¬nd missingâ€"he- cause we have the biggest Hat Store within miles of Peteroorough. It has geen acknowledged tor years as i For sale in Millbrook by Don’t hunt for anything wrong in them. There's nothing there. Tho price has nothing to do with the quality. The man with $2 can command as good a. Hat from GOUGH‘S as 83 can command elsewhere. Our position in a. little peculiar. \Ve don’t have to flu: of? Hats alone. \Ve’re not bound to any tiaditional notions of big proï¬ts. The difference which makcw it so isâ€" we buy direct from the makers. That’s why we got such a. grip on Give that old " Buck Number †a Resting ‘Place and buy one of the “ Latest Spring Styles †from Our styles have never been pret- tier, our prices never more moder ate than they are just now. Re- member every dollar saved Will buy another'dollar’s worth. Hall, Gilchrist Ask them if they ever saw such var- ieties and such values in summery things, particurarly Muslins, Crinkle Cloths, Zephyrs Fine .Ginghams, Shirt Waists, White Embroidered Lawn Waists, White Suitings, Duck Sult- ings, Laces, Ribbons, Fancy Parasols, Silk Gloves, Kid Gloves, and Ladies White Skirts. Opposite J ohu Gillott Son’s Cabinet Warerooms. Millbmok. ‘ Soda Fountain, Ask The Ladies Gough Bros. Ihe Best flgt‘ï¬jade‘in Pgtgrborough. WHERE DID YOU GETJTHAT 130, 132 AND 134 SIMUDE-S’R, PETERBflBflUGH IN REPAIRING but come right in which is an cncn w Invigorating am; This isthc season for Dusters. and I have them in abundance in the lawn fashion and me nicest goods that can be procured. I have also a n_icc shock ,of Rubber Rugs. all oflwhich .u'c going fast at my gremly reduced prices. Don't forget that although leather has gone away up in rice that! can szill umish you with har- ncss of any kind at my usually low prices. HAT ? They Know ! Have just received a large consxgnment of English and American Fur and Wool Hut: for this Spring's trade, in all the leading styles and colors Our stocl: is oompletd and acknowledged to be the lamest andbmt assorted in the lawn of Pcterboro‘ “'hm in mm: give us a call and be continued that w: can suit you 'both in style and prime: fleorge Street, Hats ! BURDOCK PILLS tct gently yet thoroughly 0- thc Stomach, Liver and Bowen. mssrapsm, . ism swan, ceNSTIPA'I-Ion, KIDNEY TEQUBLES, HEABAGHE, Bluousnsss. all impunucs from the system from a. com pimple to the worst scrofulous sate. MILLS BROS. 8.8.8. unlocks all the secretiqns mam EURDOCK BETTERâ€"S MILLS BROS. PETERBORO’ L6 uhder tbi 051 1;; the ivorldl