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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 26 Jun 1958, p. 1

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L..OI. No Imam .g â€"‘ upport and attendâ€" eir Annual Church Parade on Sunday, , the annual service 9 31113088, 51190 the rum bands for their ithout which no Ide would be com. N3 COURTICE, hEN, HAMPTON, ORONO, TY. .ttrvactive way to 5', selling experi- fi'ary. “'rite for 119 to T. Gardner, 1’- 58, Station 0, -Q- 3t Specialties . Open- our surroundings; thank L.0...,BA -T-.B,andL.._0L. YOU SAVE yde Mares, sound .500le and up. YEAR the Fall. But due coal' at t Wood Mow- er Tire Wagon. H. Armstrong, Millbrook. 1t al’ rt Heard, RR 1, bone 2759. 3: .'nd Winn: OPTHANKS ’lants ND SA VE USE L37 GEORGE STREET PBTERBOROUGH We have made a free parking area for our customers at the back of our building. (Entry off Brock and Chamberlain Streets) mil-fllllflfllflllzlHIHDDEHIIIIIIHHIHMmmuflflflmnfifllfl‘l (4th. LINE OF CAVAN) Sunday; 29th June, 3 p.m. SPEAKER zâ€"DR. H. B. NEAL MUSIC :â€"CHRIST CHURCH (BAILIEBORO) CHOIR A little Cocker Spaniel dog laying against the curb in the suzi on Thursday morning. \Vhether he heard of idle pe-o- p10 frving an egg on the hot 1) H 911mm or not is the question and i. so was trving to see if it would vook him. i Seen On King Street During The Week A young lady sitting in a car Saturday morning nursing a Guinea Pig on her lap. Oh, boy just to be a Guinea Pi“. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY 98th. Year. No. 25. Cut Flowers in Season. Give Us a Trial! For Your Choice of Annuals PanSys, Various Kinds of Petunias, Tuberous Be- gonias, Calandus, Twinkle, Phlox, Globe Phlox, ’Mums, (new colours); Dwarf Merigolds, diffirent varieties, etc . , etc. SIEVENSON’S GREEN H0335 Parking! 'I'HE GERTRUDE SHOP, PHONE 1'36 Memorial Service St. Paul's Cemetery IIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PRETTY COTTON DRESSES, SKIRTS AND For Fun In The Sun {II-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll-IIIIIIIIII BLOUSES SHORTS, SLIM «HMS, JEANS, T-SHIRTS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllflfllmmmIMfl n. a: unfli- 5| WOOL ONTARIO )Iillbrook stores \\ 111 be all {dosed Tuesday, Dominion Dav“ ? [ Birth I‘rxendshm and Truth ‘ Mr. and Mrs John Homer, ciplos (If Odd Fellows: I’untypool, Ontario, are pleased the members present th to announce the birth of tlieirlfef‘lin" to be members dauwixter at Petm‘borough Chic:l £111 order that includes H(\])1le on Monday, June lfii,' Obligatian “\Ve nan 19:18. (Clu :yl Ht (111191), jFIII- “'9' 01113:,“ 11110 “0 __.___ [honest men.’ and 1m] GRACE LADIES’ AID The Ladies’ Aid of Grace Prssbytorian Church will meetlm at the hem? of M15. FarrowlL. St. for their July meeting onlm Wednesday, July 2nd, at 2.30 N« o’clock in the afternoon. 2+ in Coulter Bros. ltd. Now is the time to get your Baler Twine. Special PRICE 0n quantity lots i E New 1 McCormick Hay Baler 51250800 PHONE 3 MILLBRoox .. ONTARIO \Vhethor Mr. Olan “ill re- build the mill or not, is not known but it is hoped he (1095‘, as this mil] gave employment to a number of our citizens. Fire Cheifi Douglas Sheppard and his men are to be congratu- lam! on their snlmldid work and quick 19001186 to the augs'm_ A light North wind blew the heat of the fire and smoke a- cross king Street thus elimin- ating to a meat extent the danger to other small buildinws around the mill. The cause of the fire is un- known. It was discovered by Mr. Olan in the east end of the ‘building when he looked out of his bedroom window to see if all was in order. Mr. Olan estimates his lose at $35,000 for‘ the mill and $40,000 for the. lumber lost, on which there‘ was a small amount of insur-I ance. I to end, having shavings and other material to feed on ELBROOK, ONTARIO, GANADA THURSDAY, 'l‘.=i< Quint. little village had » .'111é1111':' disturbed about 7 31.151. Sa‘1111'1l1'11'11111111i11g whom the siren 11:11'11 11'21111i1111 of 11 l1:11-11Al1111k out of 11111 11i111lo11' px111111i this 11'11 s 1111 false 211111111 as ‘1111 11111 111011' of the conflarg- z1ti1111 111111111 be 5111111 from 11111 1.111 of 11111 \'il‘2111_1'.11 P1111 ii111-‘ 1111111 111111111 110011 1311111 1'11 1'1a111’1-l in" the fire 11'l1i1-h 1111111111 10; 111: Stan ()lan’ s $1111'mill,b111 the 11011111121 51111121111: with all it. contents was 011 firei’rom end, “v. uv us Neal for his excellent message at (rrace Presbyterian Church. lDr. Neal’ 5: address on Love, Friendship and Truth, the prinâ€" (iplos of Odd F0110\vs:oave all CLAN SAWMILL BURNS -_v .n\ principles of our Friendship and truth to our floll'o‘wmen. "k _ ‘uunu, guvt‘, an the members present that proud feeling to be‘members of such an order that inoludos in their obligation “’We nan be Odd Fell-“'81 only, while we act like honest man,” and uphold the At the business session it was decided to hold the annual Decoration Day Service early in September. AppreciatiOn was expressed on the fine performance of the‘ Legion Bugle Band at the am] nual church service and to Dr. I SPECIAL Members of the Millbroo'k I 4 Lodge conferred the Initiatorfi‘ Degree upon two new members ’1 on Tuesday evening, June 17 th. } Mr. Wm. Smillie and Mr. Ed- i1 ward Quibell were welcomed as 7 members of the Lodge by Noble I Grand Walter Seward. L TWO NEW MEMBERS INITIATED INTO I.0.0.F. LODGE NO. 308 MILLBROOK N 0 TRADE INS 1" I'TTIMATED $75,000.00 and!l Millbrook girls were defeat- ‘<"d 17 to 15 in ()rono last Fri- 3 un-f’day night before a very small 1 I ‘ .FAIRMOUNT CENTENNIAL , The Fairmount I nited Chum n ’Ciutennial Garden Party will be held Tuesdav, JulV 1st. Turkey Supper with alad anii Strawberries commencing 5. 30 p. m. Musical Program. Adults: $1. 25 Children 50c. 17.30 p.111. ”Guest speaker 11111 1119 Rev. F. C. 51:92:11,1’2131. Grand Chaplain. and present. member of Duke of Manchester L. O. L No 5O,Peterbor011g11. ">1 et11an1 Band,a1s0 F‘dllis' Line Band, 11111 lead the procession to and from the Cl'.1111(11 Spe- .1111 1111181( 11i11 be rendered by the choil Plan to attend this] wu'iee. Ul‘i‘a Staples, County Muster \Vm. VViltsh'ire, G0. Marshall Nathaniel Belch, Co. See’y. f The Members of the Orange Lodges of East Durham \\ ill at- ’Tondc Di\ine \Vmship at (mate lI’xesbvtmian Church. Mill- jbronk, 011 Sunday June 29111 at ()rono ....... 7 5 2 Courtice (x).. 6 4 1 Millbrook. 6'7 3 3 Newcastle (x) . 6 (x) Result [of game between Newcastle and Courtil-p June 20 not known at mesa Time. and fourth innings tying the score, at 10 all, but were held to 5 runs for the balance of the game, while Orono nicked up 7 Standings up to June 20th. NOTICE TO ORAN GEMEN H-..w;-. ‘crowd This “as Millbmok’ 3 second straight loss and mOStlv due to their very p00r showing in the second innng in which ()rono scored 10 runs. Mill- brook recovered in the third‘ 1 Courliw Girls Softball 11111111 ,( (L11I'1111111d \Ii]ll11'1(1(1.i\ “his 7 ’10 1 \VHHH‘MHM', 1111111 18111 :11 13111 101121] idil‘ Grounds Tuis was 3:3'Iillb1011k >5 first loss in four {2111111113. MiHbI'or1k 31111 of to 11 1111(11‘ 1111'1 (111111311111 4 111m in the first i1111i11(1,b11t holdinu (0111'- rive ~11(11'(11(1ss 101' 11111 next four 1C1;111ti((1 scured (11111 1'1111 in the isixth (111(1 111 (1 in 11111 5111' 1111111. Millbrook . 011131 run 331% (“0111(1 by 111(1 smallmf plz13'1'11 im1 the 11111111,L\'11d1(1 H0111. “33116111 hit a doublv in the fifth iinningr from which she stole 11bird and went home 011 a ! Courti-ce 1'11'1'01'. Orono Oakes the Cake - 1 Mrs. Pearl Hunter has re- turned to Detroit after visiting [her sister and brother-in-law, .Mr. and Mrsu R'. A. Wood. ‘IMrs. Wood motored to Toron- ; to with her and visited her ‘ brothers, Mr. Jack and Thomas 'IArmstrong. Miss Henrietta‘ ' Wood and Mr. R. A. Wood I motored to Toront on Sunday, {‘Mrs. Wood returned home with "LI, i e - MIL‘LBROOK GIRLS SLIP A RUNG OR TWO Wood and motored to NIPS . Wood tllem. it. Mr. Alfred Hooper of New Liskeard, Ontario, visited with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-[ lmot Horner a-t Manvers Sta-; ti'on during the weekend. I SATURDAY ONLY. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith [and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- gdonald of Port Hope called on ,‘Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foottit‘ I'last Saturday evening. We are {pleased to note that Mr. Smith” ‘is much improved in health. I.) Won Losf i, 1958 ita-i' I reâ€" The Year! mg 1 Engagement Mr. and Mrs. W'ilfred Mm.I Mr. and. Mrs. Charles R. " w J, P011typ001,j(}‘ar( fvwr. Mfilbrmk, announce znlir'w'loe the engagement of;: the engagement of their daugh- thvir eldest daughter Mary “M ; tvr, Lois Loreen tn Lm Albert, Mr. Russ Du‘beau, sun of MIN. [Es-on of Mr. and Mrs. Marshgll Edith Duhouu and the Eat.) Mr. :Fallis‘, Millbrook. “redding to Duboa'u, of ()rillia. The wedd.j take place Saturdav. July 19th, in}: will take place - Saturday 41958, at 2.30 p.111. in St. An- July 12th, at 3.30 in St. Paul’ Sidron I'nited Church, Mill- Anglican Church, Bethany. fbrmlc. A ms; rmss Uubeau Edith Dulwuu and Duboa'u, of ()rillia in}: will fake nlat Mr. and Mrs. W'ilfred MOW Minn, R.R. NO. 1, Pontypool,g ann-mnure thv engagement: ufj their (Aldust daughter Mary t'); M":‘. Russ Dubeau, sun of Mrs 11 =~ ' I -‘ 7T1) ESTIMATES 01" Iron Firemen Forced-Air Oil Furnaces, Conversion units, or complete installations 1 Year FREE Service Guarantee CALL Friday, SPECIAL AND WEDNESDAY v Really Great Pictures; in Color "Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison’ ' fi . Speaker: . Harold Winch, M.P. f9 Vancouver East Former cCF Leader of Official Oppc-zition in 3.0. Legislature ’ECIAL INVITATION TO THE LADIES! With- G-regory Peck “THE GUN THAT WON TE and Jane Wyman ~ (Co-operative ARTHUR T. TRICK Engagement Question Period to select a nid am for Durham at P Vincial Election AT 278 MILiLBROOK $.50 a Durham CCF Riding Auscciation Commonweaflh FedéEation) 21, 1958 "Teacher’s: Pet" and Deborah Kerr WON THE WEST” With Dennis Morgan and Paula Raymond With Clark Gable and Doris Day

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