1" ‘ . ,7--- --- nan; AAALLLC3L UL ‘YUI ""t’ -- .1 You will find (in duty at all good health. times experienced and'friendly .salespeqple, who will aid you CANADIAN TIRE CO‘RPORJ m making your selection and their «Dock i0 <0 laroe and TION ASSOCIATION STOR varied in price that HISRE we 238 George N" Phone RI 2428 know that you will be able to Few if any business firm find something: suitable for have attained The prominenc your needs. They are distribu- that is awarded the moder tors for Evenrade, Elto, Viking Canadian Tire Corporation As and Lawnboy pz'odm-ts and Pe- Sm'iafe Store in Peterborough terborough Boats, at 230 George St. N., phom PiIOn Marine Ltd. iv well known RI 2-4288- 2n the Water Craft headquar- The.“ have built their busi tors of this Countv_ John new and increased their num- Evans and Doug.r â€Mortimer be? 0f friends and customers, should be compiimented for the throngh their POHPX 0f Q'Wh'l need their busineég 11' f1flfi11i11g.$91‘V1C’t‘~ . ('Ollf‘TPOUS attemmn injhg‘cppnjy $193313}; pg; plea..s-.£.€‘;'Â¥hd. satirifscvml above an to ed {'0 recommend this fme store : 33- ‘ . ‘ . .120. .3111 our people. , . 7 . , l . Fair . I‘I-C'e“ for the manv ‘_ They carry the largest selev» tion of Outbqarfl Motors, Boa? A-ecescmies and complete line ,of general marine supplies. You will find on duty at all J. This is the most complete Water Craft Centre in the en- tire region which is very capa- bly directed by John Evans and Doug Mortimer and has been a distinct credit to Petera . i borough and surrounding com- munities. pu‘Dllc Without taking an inter-l est; in their patrons in seeing that they have the best lumber" 2321/2 Charlotte RI 5-4751I5f'iggf“; The Chiropractror’s office oflln’illllhll' today is a wonderfully welL,I “Te b‘ and building materials. -‘ .. (1 “Health†centr inret Ba 'Ilhis together wit. goodlequippe ‘ ,egpresiden' workman-ship assures the pub- where approximatley 30 mil-' . Ition Ass lie of buildings of permanence [lien people per year on the I deservin; and at: a cost consistent with North American Contment are'upon the the trends of today. mirlreclaimed. from “disease rowâ€lof Peterf; slogan “Build Right With Bil] .. and brought to a peak of health I loge Ltd‘ Dright†is very appropriate: [and Well~being. 30f learni So, Why not go ahead with? The office of Donald.G. Mc-ig your plans} for remodelling orfNae'bb, Dr. of Chiropractic is ful-_.W 0ND E" building and stop in at thislly equipped _t0 lee'a. (-oni-‘925 ' dependable firm and see howlplete diagnoois servrze, mclud- 4 Stew they can assist you in thisl{ng f1 thorough phymcahexam- The big respect. matron- and full x-ray faCIhtleS. ducts of . M NO stone is left unturned to get preciated to the bottom of your health! PILQN MARINE LIMITED {problem and to find out. who- Filly ‘ 176 Slmcoe St. “RI 2-4226lth'er or not yOu are an accept-,S'I3011-S’1b1111 This is the most completefabile Chirpractic patient. Ifith'em, We Weâ€... (tux. n . - ""â€"" I Ltd. ,have nbt been serving the public without taking an inter- est. in their patrons in seeing that they have the best lumber and building materials. 1/ require. Firms such as the Muttart Builders Supplies (Peterboro’) TL] ‘ ‘ '_ M ber, they are equipped to furn- ish' anything that is available in even the largest houses and are sure to be able to supply you with whatever you may This firm enjoys an enviable reputation by virtue of their honest business dealings with the public . With their modern done and will (1.0 the job of: ; fawctory trained technicians to specialist at a moderate price. give you the type 0f service They are the official inspection that you will appreciate. Their (lepot for C..\'.R, and C,P,R, ,‘friendly experienced salesmen employees’ watches. All wa-tc.h- Will be glad to demonstrate 93 are electrically timed. tfh‘eir merchandise for you or We do not hesitate to Suggest 0311 011 the telephone, you will: that, you pay Warne’s Credit ï¬nd that they can assist you, Jewellers in Peterborough a With your problems in the 9199" visit and avail yourself of some tric appliance field. of 111.93;- quality merchandiï¬e One of the many advantswes With easy budget terms. of shopping at Me(,‘»annan Elec~‘ {tric’which is owned and nperat-l MUTTACRT BUILDERS SUP-19d by No formn employees PIES (PETERBORO’) LTD.“ Dave W alker and Fed . _ :Vandenbosch is that you buy 4 Port Hope Highway RI 3-3553' Thie nxmm‘. “MAM-sh I A A Particular attention is given to fine Watch repairing. Ex- perts will suggest. what can be done and will do the job of? f specialist at a moderate price. They are the official inspection (hpot for C.N.R. and C.P.R.‘ employees’ watches. All watch- es. are electrically timed. We do not hesitate to Suggest that. you pay Warne’s Credit Jewellers in Peterborough a visit and avail yourself of some WARNE ’S CREDIT JEWELLERS 342 George Street N. Phone 'RI 5-5171 This popular Jewellery Store has but one idealâ€"TO SERVE FAITHFULLY. Their reputa- tion for integrity assures you _of complete satisfaction. The management invites you to come in and look over their‘ extra large stock. Watches inn leading makes in ladies’ and men ’s styles are always on dis-4 play, as well as a pleasing asp! sorbmtent of Bluebird Diamonds, Silverware, Clocks, Gouldenware and everything else that per-I tains to a modern and complete stock of Jewellery. This firm 2‘03 1'0 3 complete supplies of ’1qu ‘___ WARNES I, MCCANNAN ELECTRIC [hImdrpdq n'F Yn'mmo m? “rmâ€"J! Businesses 8: Professions In Peterborough Vatchesin} If you areinterested in 21‘ ,dies’ and toaster, iron, vacuum cleaner, Lys on dis-4 washer or dryer, or any other easing as, item that Will alleViate the Diamonds, work around the house, you, )ul'denware will find this store yOur shopp-‘ that per- ing mecca. You will like their} A___, A 12:.-- . Few if any business: firms have attained the prominence that is awarded the modem (anndian Tire Corporation As- sociate Store in Peterboroug‘h. at 230 George St. N., phone RI 2-4288. They have built their busi-f new and increased their mun-f ber of friends and customers ,; through their poliu' of «.3001 service ( ourteous attention 3 good health. I ~â€" r CANADIAN TIRE CORPORA-I TION ASSOCIATION STORE 23C George N, Phone RI 2- 4288 Fe“ if any business firms haxe attained the promimme .1 that is auardod the mndm-n’f “1' I Remember, you have not tried :at l everything- untii you have tried 1‘ brez Chiropractic. Chiropractic may? mos be the answer to your problem. 'loaf Telephone. RI 54751 today'tash ngI‘ a free consultation or write? a bi ‘dircetly for information reJWon garding your particular condi-} In tion in the interest of yourfmilk good health. I .aml you are not, you are referred to the pro-per health service. Dr. of Chiropractic 2521/2 Charlotte RI 5 These many advantages oer-j tainly merit your inspection, so] why not step in and see for yourself why McCannan Elec- tric is appliance headquarters in Peterboroughl We are.I pleased to recommend this firm] to YOU. this Quality Merchaildise at prices that will certainly please you. In the serVice depï¬r’rrnent at this store you will find onh fine display arrangements as well as the courféousl service accorded each custOm-er. This fine business featuresftires’, tun-best power tOO‘b‘, auto everything to make home mak-A accessories, electrical appliance, .ing really pleasant. We sug,‘sporting goods‘a'nd many other ‘ gest that you visit their store kmdS‘and types of small items in Peterborough and see forlnecessary and {handy around yourSelf, the many labour sav-IYOHI‘ auto 0r home. ling devices that are available , We feel that 'We would be Ifor the bUSy housewife and tar amiss if we should fail to‘ ,‘mother. ‘ .count the Canadian 'l‘im am DONALD G. McNABB McCANNAN ELECTRIC I hundreds of pieces of good 274 Geargp N_ 31 5- 5363 quality merchandise. such as . 9' . the many ; non . .._v“ ..... Fully recognizing the re? tccept- i sponsi-bility and trust placed: in It. If’th'e'm, Wonder Bakeries Ltd†ferred in Peterborough, backed by its“ ice. long and continu‘ed experiencel ttriediat baking an ever improved} :triei_l}‘bread, nbw are providing Tali c mayémost palatable and distinctive blem. loafâ€"a bread to please the today'taste of the discriminating, and ‘ writda bread to feed the hungryâ€"‘1 'n reJWOJIder Bread. ‘ :0ndi- In every loaf is the best flour, 1 yourfmilk, sugar, salt, 's‘hortening 1 1and the other essential ingredi-I ,ents. These are accurately and ORA-5' :,.cientfieally baked by means of 'ORE! the most modern .eqmpment, 4288;119er approyed salutary condi- ' ~i1nnS, by skilful bakers. ' ’irms In this review we compliment, eneel'tx’he management of thic firm t.( dernffor their foresight and ill-I I \ l s n n ’55 As‘- ; gunuity. [a] ugh; \Ve suggest you try the pt'n- ‘ «32 mneirlnct of the \Voznder Bakeries‘Ihz .‘LHL Call this broad z-mnmn‘w in ‘6 v.-.“ pJLyAILAAJIJÂ¥ uu‘dlï¬. (â€111d have their sales-1111111 call ll Tlsi11g' only the best in- ,nn V011 1:: 111l1e11rs in preparing the. ,5 ’We ~11g'2e511. you avail your-{1111111131112 are sure you Will be ‘sz‘lf of the fine prodmts of ,111 ore H1811 pleased and will fol- \\ 111(ler Bakeries Ltd. ,11‘hiral1’luw the crowd 1'11 natronizing I has 111111 with great fa1:011r bv‘ The Churchill Restaurant any,- f'1e larger Canadian popul.;a- time you may be in Peter- tion . {~,bc~r0ugh. ' , 1 iWONDER BAKERIES LTD. 1 I 225 Stewart St. RI 5-9164? The high quality of the ducts .of this: firm are we] preciated in. the area. 83 Mar g~ 3 We believe that E is past 'nret Battemby W‘h gpresident of‘ B1197 ass Educ'iJ [tion Associatio'n 0‘ Canada, is rde'serving of commendation, upon the continued reputation,I of Petexzborough' Business 00]..i lege Ltd., as ‘a' true foundation; of learning their foresight and iu-l you will get tas uity. and best of din: Fe 51120951 you try the pt'n- capable and effi' t of the \Vonder Bakeries have had years Call This broad c'runpany i11<-r'rokinga11(h): have their salesman cal) T’sing- only 7011. ggrodients in 1 PETERBOROUGH BUSINESS at COLLEGE LIMITED ‘9’ 358 George N. RI 5-4861 LO :e An institution of. our region‘ ir that has won Wide acclaim n throughout. this section of On- e‘tario is the Peterborough BuS‘i- Tiness College Ltd. Through its :iiefforts many hundreds of local ,iand out of town people have been launched upon a success- ,«Iful business career. 1 l l _‘ At the Peterbor'ough Busi~ . ncss College Ltd. the individual i ; method of instruction i»' used in] ? connection with special lectures l rand class-work. The courses'a ; offered are studies in Secretar-l't ial as, well. as regular business t courses. Their high standards c will lead the graduates into a 3 position of responsibility. In h flact the name Peterborough, Businees College Ltd., on your 1: diploma is one of the best assur-i g {ances of tacceptancg’by thexbet-‘ld 'ter business efltablishménts‘h ‘th‘r-oughout the province. 2 s1 The. facilitigl at this college ‘t: are of the finest and those inter-l ei eated s‘mjuld remember that tc you can “fromat any time as to final ex minatio‘fls‘ are held We feel that 'we would be far amiss if we should fail to ‘count the Canadian Tire Corâ€" [poration Associate Store under the personal direction of Mr. Waddell as a distinct credit to the great City of Peterborough and district. With the great mul-tï¬tude "of satisfied custo-l mers we wish in this review to, highly recommend this firm. i vb: x Under capable management, tial ingredi- Taking precautions by the thus firm renders a complete zurately and highest use of cleanliness and generator and starter repair by means of sanitary methods, the manage- service. Their business has equipment, ment of this popular restaurantfincreased t0 its present Size itary con-di- needs to be congratulated forlthrough a policy of~ good ser-I kers. [their success towards this goal. ; vice at LOW COSt- This is an; compliment, In‘recOnnnending this placelimportant factor in the retail" this firmjto eat, we can assure vou thatu'trade the pro- well ap- in <- rIoking and Drenarinq mealcz T sing; only the best in- gm dieurs in preparing the to eat, “9 can assure you that:I trade. you will pet tastv light lunches City Auto and best of dinners cooked by'speci-alizes in capable and efficient chefS, who; \ oltage reguI Fimst and Most Modern " a Restaurant in Peterborough. l l [I i In this review we feel that a k good place to dine While visit-I A ing Petenborou'gh needs men- T4 tioning. To this end we have} the the ure CHURCHILL RESTAURANT 394 George N. Phone RI 5-6126 The firm 'has established a ldependable service to retailers Ithmoughout a wide area and yOu need only stop at your favourite shopping centre! to get a bottle or carton of Canae da Dry, your favourite bever- ( 5 age . i _v -..-vvv“ “Canada Dryâ€. lt is a most modern and up- -to- date plant, with equipment that acsures the customer of a healthful drink, prepared under a. Special formula in a clean, ,sanitaryj plant. come a few that have met with your geod taste becoming a I 11011ng M word. shopping is a pleasure in Peter- ] Among one of the most popu- b . 0h 7h v 3111.. d Iar beverages Canada Dry has 01011†“ ere you “I m igained recognition and is in their quality always higher lfdemand. the year round. Ititihan their price. "has proved to be not juSt a In keeping with the growth} summer thirst quencher but all . of the Com an , the ' have ur- tasty, tangy beverage tzhatl p y 3 p I exterYone from the small child Bhased a warehouse on Me" to the elderlv enjoy. It- is well onald Street to be able to gl‘fe to have it at home at all times. :Ezgomtgter serwee to their, In this: area Candad Dry Bot- Th At ' . l . hl d) ; tlingv Co. (Petenb-nrough) Ltd. "is S ore ls mg y regar (d n - r are authorized processors andiby the people Of Millbrook and bottles of the famously known 1 dJStfmt anel IS very popular as Our readers find this one of the most popular stores where i CANADA DRY BOTTLING! leans as memy others: have been '00. (PETER-BOROUGH) LTD. pleased With the very favour- 9932 Mervin RI 22228 able jobs they have done m ‘ . " this district. I In the past year the public _ has been invited to try a thous- ‘aud. different t§ipes, kinds and. EATOES OF CANADA flavours ofâ€"‘beyerages Out (375311 George N' RI 55721 this thousand or more havelcomm' Charlotte. ’ W ""‘B Churchill Restaurant for excellence in dining pleas- As the old saying goes, “THE CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN’ ’ \Ve know that the well dressed man in the county has found shopping: at this modem store a pleasure. Nationally advertised lines are carried here, which assures our people of real value for their purchasing dollars. Tlheir Slogan is “Where Clothes Are Renowned For Their Fit. â€. This popular Men ’s W ear Store has always- met with great approval by our male; population in the county. Theyl carry only fin-est lines of mer- ‘ohandise in Men’s. Clothing. Haberdashery and furnishings in NAME BRANDS that couldl only repreSent the quality thati this firm has associated their good name with. SELKIRK MEN ’8 SHOP -] GOODFELLOW DOHERTY ‘341 George Stret N. f 188 Hunter w., Phone RI 5-5263 Phone RI 5-4944 1! Go-odfellow Doherty, is a A notable example .of sub-! . ,name of dependability and is stantial growth and steady pro-= V . . [of the finest. plumbing and gress made po-ss1b1e by selling: . 7 N . . ‘ A quality merchandise at sensible heatmg contractors in thls reg- . prices: is Selkirk’s Men’s .Shop.- ion, feature some of the better; of experience RIZZQZS amt ,WDS tney have (10110 in} Not. content with any P1â€- " " this district. lducts short of pm-i’e-ri:~. 1' the pubhc - [Canadian Pittsburgh l11(lU\TY‘l9< ‘ try a thems- s‘ l'ind< and EATOES OF CANADA [Ltdw have kept pace with wrv a, , 3 £5311 George N. RI 53721iad'vanc-ement 1n the paint line Des ( 1.†(3 lcomhtr Cï¬arlotte [for all uses . more have. .. . f It is our desire hero to (221] we. met w1th Our readers find this one Oflthe attention of all to the dis- becoming a the most popular stores Wheregtribution service by Canadian ? most popu- shopping is a pleasure in Peter-It lililtyteï¬urgh Inldustries Ltd, ,da Dry has borough where you Wm illldg“ 1c vse are p «used to recum- _ and its in their quality always higher'meDd to our readers. round. Itftihan their price. l Mâ€â€" .__. \mx- Modern test equipment en- ables the trained staff; To per- fnrm completely satisfactory work, and prices are raesnnablo at this dependable Auto Elev: trie firm. “*9 Suggest you{ visit this firm when in nt‘ed of their capable services. I Motorists would do well to akeep in mind the name of City -‘ tAuto Electric at 254 Brock St. (Through years of faithful ser- l l I e ï¬re, this firm has built up .l" ...-.11 \LLJKI voltage regulators, magnetos of all kinds, curburators and 9rflned:onle'tor’s repairs- cat-r facilities for service which well worth knowing. CITY AUTO ELECTRIC 254 Brock St. Phone 'RI 53760 Their quality and their prices are respomible for their high standing they now hold in this section of Ontario, and we are pleased to recommend Eatuons of Canada to all our pe-Ople. 1 Its friendly atmosphere, which predominates at all times, has placed this store in a class by itself, and it may be well term-ed the shopping headquart- ers for this surrounding dis- trict. Under This store is highly regarded by the people of Millbrook and district and is very p'Opular as a place where our people at once i’bel at home While in the city shopping. In keeping .with the growth of the Company, they have pur- chased a warehouse on Mcâ€" Donald Street to be able to give even better service to their customers . â€â€˜Iof the finest plumbing and 1,1 1’; heating contractors in this reg‘ ,.. ion, feature some of the better 1r known lines such as Pease Fur- h' naces, which are well known :for their dependability, plumb ing and heating fixtures and a ;-Vn11;'1111ber of Other items t1.‘1ati bear the name of quality and '5 service ability. 3' To anyone who has had or t ‘ now owns: property, the realiza- 1‘ tion 01 the importance of Plumbing and heating fixtures or equipment is quickly reco- gnize’d. It is true that it takes good dependable products such- as Peaso Furnaces to have the, * finest. heating system, but it is ‘ al$o important to haxe it prop- 1 erly installed by a firm such as .; G011dfello1w and D0herty,who11 have been identified with then tr de ilor many years. 11 w 3 i u EATOES OF CANADA 311 George N. RI 55721 comhtr Charlotte. We suggest you try this up- towdate organization for your plumbing and heating prob- Auto Electric Service repairs, et-rc. equipment en- fuel pump Whiicf am Telephone collect Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborough Ri-2~4,330. Barrett Fur Farm I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I We recommend their service to our readers without hesita- tion, and We feel a visit to Lillian’s Beauty Salon wi‘xl make You another one of their host 0f satiSfiPd {inefnnwnvu ficiency on the part of the operators are able to bring out those important qualititg «of youth, dignity and good groom- ing, which are so important and so necessary for the women of today to attain. They are Specialists in the Harper me- thod, and you are assured of every modern innovation on your visit to this highLV special- ized shop. ipatnons. The High state of of CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses amd Cows. Top price for old horses. -I 84 Hunter Street West ' Phone RI 2-1830 The name of Lillian ’s Beauty Salon, under the capable direc- ton of Miss Lillian Weiss, has 5 i long been known as one of Peterborougzh’s most outstand. ing Beauty Salons. Miss Weiss won 1st prize for Peterborough and district and 3rd prize for Ontario in a Hairstyling Com- :petiti-on held in February, this year, which attests to her abil. (ity in the latest creations in hair styling methods. They make a specialty of every field of beauty culture, using the Harper Method, and by making your appointment with Lillian’s Beauty Salon you will find your name added to a long list of completely satisfied 3 .I Dead Stock! of satisfied customers. (Continued on Page 3) The wonderful success of this organization, its growth and ox- pansion to its prevent reoogni- tion as one of the largest dds- t'i’ibutors of paint and varnislr products in this area, is due Ito the determination of its founders to handle only high quality products that pass all {tests for durability and lasting tendencies. These famous paint products will successfully with- stand the climate ravages. of summer’s heat and dews and winter‘s rains, snows and storms. 7v This firm with their brand: in Perterborough has enjoyed a [continuous uninterrupted mm- :taet with painting contravtnm dealers, home owners and llldlls: .tries throughout this Section , supplying them with the famous ‘Pittsburg paints, varnish and enamels, also painters supplies and a complete glass SGX'ViM'. Their ability to design and construct modern store fronts has greatly benefited busine~s establishments thruoghout County. the Centrevflle and Mfllbrook Rev. Walter Patterson, ALA Minister Emeritus. Grace Church. MiHbrook Sunday Selmaâ€"10.45 3.2:. 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Divine Worship. Gentreville Church 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine Worship Schv 01 A (‘hildrer 10.00 a. m. â€"Sunda} Sdnm 11.15 a. m. â€"â€"Fareuell Sam “Sent to Saw ’. Millbrook Pastoral Char-g. Rev. Francis Chisholm, M. B. D. ,Minister. Mr. Stan’ Northrop, organ and choir director. “0 Come, Let Us Worship PARIBH OF CAVAN Anglican church of Can: RevaGQmmbAl St. John" 3, Ida 9. 45 a. m. â€"Moming Praye Christ Church, Bafliebon 11. 15 a .m.â€"Hcly Comm: St. Thomas’ Church Mfllbrt 7.00 p.m.â€"Even1ng Praye H‘ower Service. Praise by Junior Choir. Sacrament of Bap-Linn. MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Pnstor. Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Suaday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Sen 7.30 p . m .â€"Great Evange] Service . Zion Pentecostal C Mr. \V. Seymour add the Council re putting chloride on road in from. On motion of Conn Thorn and Burns fhat 71.4 was to send a basket I} Bradburn when he (-ouid1 same . Minutes of last regu] special meetings read. tion of Councillors Tho Howden that minute: he ed as read. Carried. The Reeve and all m of Coum 11 were sorry :h Bradburn was canfinul hospital,bu1' hop ed M soon be back with us a; card wishing him a spee (:‘oxerv wag signed bv a mailed to him. Millbrook, June 5th. Gavan Council met in session on above date 81 all members present v exception of.‘ Denutv R Bradburn. whom “'33 hospital at the preï¬exj Reeve L. A. Hooton the chair. The Churche SUNDAY, JUNE 29. 1 PRESBYTERIAN Throughout the wee find many of your fri« this area shopping at lar S. S. Kresge 00‘ store at 359 George, E Thrifty women know offer bargains which a surpassed elsewhere. buyers tour the (-our folks may receive ï¬x things â€" articles esse good living at prices a ity that equal any oil chantil‘e enterprise. 1958 Review 1 Businesses and 359 George N. Phone (avan Towl Thursday, June