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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 26 Jun 1958, p. 3

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h their brand has 91130de e 9m1pted eon i. varnish and nters supplies glass service. D design and 1 store fronts ited business Immghout the any pro- perfection, Industries with every paint line ere to can 'to the dis- Canadian ries Ltd” I" contractors nets and indus. this Section 'ith the famous. «39 vi :ueeess of this ”Wth and exâ€" ~"ent rewgni- .n ’3 Beauty >able direce Weiss, has as one of B omstand- Miss Weiss gerborough ‘, prize for fling Com. mar-y, this 5 her abil- bations in . largest dis- and val-Dis}- area, is due stion of its Fe only high ha? pass all 'and lasting amous paint ssfully with- 'hone RI 2.4213 ,- service .r hesita- ‘ viSit to On will of their r culture, tired, and aointment Salon you idea to a satisfied ate of. ef- of the ring out iitiegs (of d groom- nportant .9 women Phey are pm me- ;nred of Ition on 'special- “A m‘ ‘cialty of 3) ravages» of dews and tO recom- SALON and { -.--n u- orrvrlic. rralse 160’, 011 111011011 Of 0011110111018 3 Jumm‘ C1301!" , Puma and How-den that corres- ‘) 4 r l , A 7. ~ . “ “(mm nt “t Bapmm. pondence be recelved and filed. ‘J‘m‘ I . PRESBYTERIAN .9 Ga med“ _ . On motion of Councillvtyrs Centrevflle and Mfllbrook ’H I. , owden and Burns that the; Rev. Walfer Patterson, M.A-,;Clerk be instructed to gat the~ mester Emeritus. Enecessary By-Law forms to! Grace Church, MifibrOOk :limit amount of 10a ds to certain ' Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.m. limits. alsoprohibit full load: 9.45 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. on the 14th.. road (only half Centrevifle Church ‘ Joads allowed). , l 10.00 a.‘m.â€"Church School ; Mr. George Totten Cmmty; 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine Worshipg‘, Engineer being present, on‘ “MS” re a representative to at- THE UNITED CHUROH Itend meeting September 8th at Mi llbrook Pastoral Charge 8 p In. for open discussion, re Rev Francis Chisholm M A our Millbnook Scs'hool. Ontario B D Minister ’Municipal Association, re reso- Mr Stan Northro or anist lutions must be in Secretary’ 3 and choir dérfétor. g {office by Augusst lst, 1958. The; “0 Come Let Us Worship’ ,W 0 1' k m e n 3 Compensation] 31,3. Andrew’ 3 1Poard re compensation paid to 10 ()1) a m â€"-Sunday School“ {Jam _Meyers Willmott and ii. 1.) a. m. â€"Farewell SGIVi(9 IrVine, Soliiitors, re Seymour- “Sent to SaVe” Township of CaVan, re cheque to be paid into The Supreme Court of Ontario. Dept. of gMunidpal Affairs re tax arrears (ertifieates sent in i Gavan 9 43 a. 111,â€"Sunday School An- 11iV rer. av and (‘hildren 5 Km ‘1 An QA_-..' -A “- PARISH OF CAVAN ltion re tourists trade. Ontario Anglican church of Canada IHospita] Service Commission, Rev B 9 Q3133, B A Lib. gre a film which they would be Rector ‘glad to loan any groups or St J 0131;: Ida. organizations, re the fourth 9 4) a m #110ng Prayer Ecoming Hospital Insurance Christ :3] MM 1P1'an. Brunnerâ€"Mond Canada. }Sales, re change in name to 11 15 a m â€"â€"Holy Communion Allied ChemiZais .of Canada 81:. Thomas Church, Millbrook; Limitemd Mrs. D. Stevens, 7.00 p.111 â€"Even1ng Prayer. 5 programme convener of H. and. nivrersray and Chi] Flower Service. Prev by Junior Choir. Sacrament of Baptism. “â€"- ’.m 4 D. L. Johns, Pastor. Sunday Services 10 a.m.-â€"Slnday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service. 7 . 30 p . 111 .â€"Great Evangelistic from F. Zion Pentecostal Church.“I Geo L. Mr \V. Seymour addressed the Council re putting- some chloride on road in front of his On motion of Councillors Thorn and Burns that fire Clerk was to send a basket to Mr. Bradburn when he could enjOy same. The Reexe and all members « f Coum 11 were sorry that Mr. Bxadburn was confined to the hmpita] but hoped he would m n be back with us again, zl (”aid uishing him a speedy re- unerx was. signed by all and‘ mailed to him. Service . St. John's, Ida. £5 a.m.â€"Moming Prayer. Christ Church, Bailiehoro 15 a.m.-â€"Holy Communion Minutes of last regular and sperial meetings read, cn mo- tion of Councillors Thorn and Howdm that minutes be adopt- rd as read. Carried. MillbrOOk, June 5th, 1958.â€"!'farni and neighbours, also re‘ L'avan Council met in regu-lar’the Spraying of weeds. sexsion on above date at 1 p.m. The Reeve explained to Mr. - Sevmmir. that n on W'iShinO‘ all members present With the: ' a Y e a V v chloride in front 01'? their homes Denutv Reeve H. . could buy it» from the Township liradburn. whom was 1n the at $250 a bag, but the Town- hmpital at the present time. : ship could not put it on in front Reeve L. A. Hooton was in r of! homes Mr. Seymour quite} T310 Chair. I‘vi11inm1‘y «1...».-3 L \ exception of, The Churches SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1958 Pentecostal Assemblies of . . ave 11 themselves Throughout the. week you W111 swore. find many of your friends from I F01. those desi' this area shopping at the popu- we recommend t Jar S S. Kresge Co. Limited out {hesitation ar store at 359 George Street N. :- 934913 to YISI‘ ' ' Their slogan is Thrifty women know that they Store”. offer bargains which cannot be; S. S. Kresge surpaSSf‘d elsewhere. Theiribelieve in the bnvers tour the country thatiserves. Its Sta-1f fuiks may receive the wantedgare recruited frox thing-S __ articles essential to it- seves. 'We re mwd living at prices and qual- store to you as w it)- that equal any other mer- consideration. Tl vhautile enterpfise- t“ “WA “A“ 1958 Review Of The Outstanding Businesses and Prnfessions in Peterborough S. S. KRESGE CO. LIMITED 359 George N. Phone 'RI 33945 Thursday, Jan 26, 1958 Great Evangelistic (Continued from page 2) E. 1/2 Lot 4, Con. 10. Hydro Power Commission, application ifrom F. Hooton for power. 'Geo. L. Totten, re add in the ’Commercial News, tender for; ‘Close Bridge. Dept. of High- ways, approving $10,200.00 to complete the development road No. 476. N. and D. Health Unit, report for April, also re Rabies. Area Development As- sociation, re forming organiza- tion re tourists trade. Ontario l The following correspond- l enee was read: l \V. E. Bonneville, re tax cer- tificate Pt. Lot 20, Con. 11, W.H . Edgerton ’s property. Clerk of United Counties of , N. and D., re Cavan’s Levy f-Ori 19.58 was $19,799.47. Clerk off United Counties of N. and D.,] re resolution passed at April session now empowers the Clerk to accept full :or part payments of levy to the County in ad- vance, allowing same diScount' at prevailing rate that is paid} to the Bank. Hvdro Power Com-‘ mission, re amount 011 tax roll! in the Towmship. so the pupils could attend the Millbrook Agricultural Spring Show, almo the School Exhibit in the build- ing. The Reeve declared June 1] as a half holiday in the schools at $2.50 a bag, but the Town- ship c-ould not put it on in front of! homes Mr. Seymour quite willingly agreed to purchase 2 bags of chloride at the $2.59} per bag. ' to serve you. __r-‘.. are recruited from the territory it seves. 'We recommend this store to you as worthy of your consideration. They are happy Lu a.-.___r Out of town shoppers are ex- ;tended a cordial invitation to avail themselves a visit to this store. For those desiring real values we recommend this store with- out hesitation and we urge ouri readers to visit this store. I Their slogan is “The Friendly: Store”. . Kresge Co. Limited, the community it of salespeéple f The following accounts were:LI. W. Smith, valuat-ing presented: I sheep, Alwell’s, Lowery United Counties; of N. land Lacey’s .......... and D. debenture No. 2 ' vCouncil, fees $25, spe- P. H. iSchiooll ......... $46939 cials $15. ,,,,,,,,,,,, Hydro Power Comm., ‘VV. L. E19011, expenses arrears .............. 66.38am registratian Asses- United Counties N. and som convention ,,,,,,, D-, hospitalization 57.50iDe-1bert Ol‘an, Warbiaide t The Clerk reported taxes to the amount of $2707.43 had been paid in during the month of May. Also that the grant from the Province through the Department of Highways. for repairing road No. 7 from 115 to 28 Highway had been receiv- ed. ‘00. Tender for the Close Bridge ‘ It the unit bid price of $407 ) .004 (fourtv hundred and seventv t“ 0 dollars), providing it meets. ' With the approval of the Dist-l riot Enmineer. Carried. ! On motion of Councillors Burns and Howden that we ac- cept the Farrell Constmwfinn motion .of Councillors Thorn and Burns that. the Clerk open tenders for the Close Bridge. Carried. l A ,V............n}.«.zo:-a'.:_ group of more than 40 mem- l-aga, Naval Supply Centre; the bers of the Senate and HouselHaH'hX'baSed destroyer 9530” of Commons recentl‘v visitedeMC‘S Assunbmlle, warm}: , ‘ . All-entreal at the tune, and the unlt-s 0f the Roy £11 Canadlan ndwacommfif‘lsi‘oned. ,de-si‘royer NEWY at Montreal 33‘ guests Of, escort HMCS Restigou-c'he at the Hon. G. R. Pearkes‘, V.C.,!Canadian Vigkers Ltd. Minister of National Defence. Here, in the supply school at Units inelud‘ed HM-CS Hoche- HMOR nnnhahnn M» 'm-dr .. . so both are ‘iness prac- tice, it is a simple, straightfo ard process to arrange a loan from a c rtered bank. _ . Every day, in every part 0 Ca . - , the chartered banks are lendi -, . ey to farmers, fishermen, prod rs, manufac- turers, processors and other commercial customers, large and small...to meet pay-n L. W. Smith, valuat-ing sheep, Alwell ’s, Lowery ’s and Lacey’s .......... Council, fees $25, spe- ” ndnvbfcommfif‘lsi‘oned. ,de-si‘roycr ”fiescort HMCS Restigou-c'he at'] , -_ Canadian Vickers Ltd. l . Here in the supply school at'l HMCS Hochelaga, Mr. Pearkes: 1 {Relief account ........ 60.00 NW. L. Elson, on salary assesl.-,.or $100. (B. Cross ' deducted 17.10) ...... 82.90 lZella M. Bentley, salary fclerk $100.00 (B. Cross g'deducted $6.15 ....... 9.85 5 Zella M. Bentley, salary liTreas. 3 months ...... 150.00 l0ntari‘o Hospital Associ- 1 . ation, (ded. flr'om group) 74.55‘ [D011 La Fonte, spray cat- ;tle, 'Warble fly ........ 221.73 . Treas. .of roads, (trans- ‘fer) payroll and vouch- er No. 5 ............. 2203.52, Milton Lacey, 2 sheep killed ............... 35.00 J elm Allwell. 2 sheep ‘ killed ............... 40.00 Norman Lowery, 1 sheep killed ............... 9!) m manager 13 cc] 10 for Opportunities â€"fh9f’c 1116 Ink Dnu‘- ‘l 16.05 60 . 00 g powder 1248.555, impecâ€" e; the I quips with Senator Mrs. F. E. escortg'Inman of. Montague, P.E.I‘. hiring i Enjoying thejloke are PO J. J. ad the! McGowan of Victoria, B.C ,‘royerileft‘; and 'C‘md. Cmy. Officer 1e at'i Raymond H. Barringer of MilL: ibrook, Ontario, son of Mr. and! 001 atj'Mrs. J. H. Earring-m- ' c " 'als, market goods In ' de of financial needs. . manager isfconstantly on the look- go for opportunities to make such loans “â€"that’s his job. Bank loans re an essential part of the process th ovides the goods and senjees that: ma A ‘life;better for all Securities Phone Tu-54588 Albert Waxer 31 Walton St. Sole owner Port Hope DIRECT WIRE TO TORONTO Member Brokerâ€"Dealers’ Associ ation of Ontario Northumberland Durham BATES DODDS FUNERAL SERVICES 1 $123313 1 A. E. RAPER, PRESIDENT QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) VVovv Village of Millbrookgé months, expenses town hall 5Q% ............. 144.45 Durham Telephone 00 rental .......... A :n tor 286. 62, Imilewge 76. 60 ................ Fred Elliot 1 ewe and 3 lambs killed. 2 lambs and. ewe iniurml J. H. Barringer. (National Defence Photo) 286. 62, 'miléage Y‘bUR' Ed‘MMUNI’T? " . ...4917-| 85.00 I Address PO" omce Send FREE Literature and Road Map. On motion of Councillors Thorn and Howden that we ead- journ to the call .of the Rem e. Onvario Depomnem of Trove! 8. Publicity Hon. Bryon L. Cothcart, Minialer The Clerk asked permission to close the office June 16-18 if she wished to attend the Rebe- ka'h Assemblv in Toronto at that time. Permission was granted. However well you know Ontario, you’ll enjoy getting to know it better. M’ake a point this year of -ploring its highweys xfid ‘byways, visitin it? 1,0313}, 1 e’; and vacati nirig at“: one of its mode! resoft/él'eas . . . like that xxx-rounding Fort, W11113m and Port shown above. Take tm o step now, by fiflx gutâ€"and mailing the *co on" below- On motion of Councillors Howden and Burns that the Reeve be authorized to eign cheques for above accounts. Carried. permifg N:0s 646,647, plunbing inspections” 16.00 2 adds re meeting...‘ N. and D. Health Unit Municipal World, sup. . Peterbcrough Examiner .¢.. ONTARIO OE<hzo .OFZOGOP :meaJm .rzuidimui, «mm Ju><mk 0E<h20 do you know ONTARIO-e Check your knowledge by identifying this map o... .12... I: .o Zena M. Bentley, Cleric. u... ...... BETTER KHG‘ â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" mt,

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