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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 6 Jul 1893, p. 1

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. Keeps constanfly on hand alarge stbck of Far- niture of all kinds. '1hree large showroom No trOuble to show goods. Manufacturer 0! the Excelsior Washlnt machine. The best in the m ‘ World’s Fair Kpute ! LEAVING ‘ ' ‘ 7.50 A.7M. arginghjcago 9303f. A131, _ Through HVE TRAINS FROM TORONTO. . The above is the title of a. very useful book Just ublished, a copy of which can be seen at the. ‘. 'l‘. R. town ticket ofiice. Millbrook. It is certainly a complete work. as it_ furnishes a list of families In Chlcagolwho wxll accommodate 1 visitors during the periogl of the “'orld’s Colum- blan Expositiox}, also a 1151: of the hotels in the city. Chicago is plainly show}: m sections by map. Those who mtend vismng the great fair should avail themselves of thxs opportunity of posting themselves, as all necessary arrange- ments as to rooms. etc.. can be maglc before leaving home. The use of this book 15 offered free to all. JOHN GILljpTT, Vol. XXXVI. ARCHIBALD ”WOOD, ISSL’ ER OF 1! BLAGE LICEN: SE5. Millorook, On: Hâ€" N C. MCKIXNQN.M. D,, C. 1L, (SUCCES o 301: to Dr. Nddne) Toronto and Victoria Umversxtfies. Lxccntiate Royal Colloge Sur- geons, Edmburgh, Member College Pa 'sicians und Surgeons, Untano. Orficc at . T. ‘ Xiott‘s dxjng store. Afper office hours at. Mr. Wm. mahardsou’s resxdence. King 81'... Millbrook, J. A. V. Prestoxy Barristers, Solicitors. ’ .Ofiices, \\ 00d 8:. Kens‘ block, Mill- the 2d and 1th ney to loan at. ___________â€"â€"â€" ,, SMITH PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .O brook. Ont... and Bethany on Mondays in every month. Mo low est. rams. 36 ,___________.____ ____________â€"â€"â€" A. WARD. BARRISTEE, . ATTORNEY- “ L_a.w, Solicitor, etc. mce m Ontario Block, ‘V alto» Street. Port HOpe. Money to Town and lend on the sccgrity 91 rcai estate. , __.._ A- "r. n mu. vu a..- .-vâ€"â€" 7 m property for 58.18. _____.__.._â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" RIDDELL. ARMSTRONG NESBITT Barristers. Solicitors. bomies, etc" Co bong and Brighton. W. R. ridden, B. A. A. J. Armstrong, B. A. “v. Ii. \esbm First- class loan 1.an Money loam: and Ainvested. Mex-can e collectiomm can W'. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON. J o omce and residenge, Baillieboro, Ont. Will be at Queen’s Hotel, Mfllbrook, every Saturday. uâ€".__rvfi S W o ”1191‘“? Joy-V" . v o uttenuon glven to the preservatxon of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas for the pain- less extraetion of teeth. Good work wuaranteed. Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th310nda;s or each month. Pontypool lst and 3rd Mon4ays. :. Mum-U l'"' “ V 7' London, Upper Kensingtou Louie, Annnaumvu ---_ ._ - LY are res cttull informed that Thos. Pemberbon, Pro essor o Mum, and late Band Master 0 Rosa). School of Infantry. Toronto, is now prepare to gecen’e upils, vocal or instru- mental, acme resxdence, ‘enter Street. Private instruction at any hour. Orders for music and Musical instruments or my and every class promptly attended to. LY are respectfull ___ - PU BLIO GENERAL int formed that Thos. \l’ug-n and 111'9 “and =â€"_____._’â€"â€"â€"â€", 7 7 T B. COLLINS 8c 00.. BANKERS. MILL- o BROOK. Farmers’ and other good notes discounted. Dgafts lssued on all points of Can ads and the Umteq States at lowest rates. The collection ofsale and other notes a. specialty. Loenamade on'real estape. No commission lunged. Office. pox-tn uncle of King Skeet. Beta-on 7 1’. “‘ATI’ RD. ACCOUNTAA'J: Any assignee. ooks ppened and. closed. Ac- counts collecped, Assngnments taken in charge and all details completed. S cial attention given to book-keeper's work w ere services of â€" “mm...“ hmk-keener are not required. VG" yv vv ,5. -_ ~- 3 permaxgent book-keeper are Commumcatlons from 'neighbor oeive prong); attention and se: 7~~ - “Ad “9990441? a permaneuu an’avvr'- V“, 7 Communicatlons from'neighboring towns re oeive prompt attention and services in such places Sgdormed moderatetly and satisfacâ€" ory. ce: 379 water street. Address, Post omce box 125, Petcrooro, Out. 7 -6m J W. BLAND, VETERINAR; nunynuu. ; o (Successor to T. H. Ha§sard.) Reglstercd and Hon. Graduate ovantano Veterinary Col- 1 e, Toronto. Late V. eterinary Surchn North est Mounted Pohce. Calgary. Attended Clinical Lectures, Royal Veteqinary Cone e, LondomEng. . Dennstry a. speclalty. All 0. mesticated ammals treated accordmg to latest scientific methods._ Office on ng-st., opposne Dominion hotel. Mxllbrook. 91y. M finest and MSeIected Stocks In Town, Consisting of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Ca 3, Fresh Groceries, c. Cheap for cash. A kinfls of produce want- ed and 'the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. __________________._..â€" DEAFNESS AND NOSUSS Ln ‘Lnn HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutely genuine system. The most extraor- dinary asses have been successfully treated. Full particulars, with copies of ' testimonials post free. Herbert Clifton, 51, w-â€".â€"1r....;mmm Lm‘e. London, S. E. 6-1y MARRIAGE LICENSEE CLARKE. L.D.$., DENTIST SPECIAL ._.-.___- 5:-.. “C 51‘“ CABINET MAKER: PROFESSIONAL Agent G. T. R‘y. Millbrook. . LEACH. MUSIC. ACCOUNTANT ‘ A251} NOSIES IN 'IIHE Fresh Portland Cement. . Grey and White Li Having just purchased one half of a. million very superior XX Pine Shingles, I will be in a. position to supply all in need of a. really good article at a moderate price. I can also supplv XX Pine Shingles at $1.50 per thousand and a good Barn Shingle at $1.00 per thousand. These S shingles are excellent value. I have also Lumber, Timber and Dimension Stuff on hand. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Dressed Lumber of every description. A ____4 Aâ€"- Why Not. Paris \V'c have knocked down the 1)] Green from 40c. 11 pound last year yeah Thu: is; £110 humbugâ€"pure one J V“‘ ' _ " 7 ' for 25c. 21 pound. Office and yard at Railway station. Guaranteed Purest English Manufacture The undersigned is prepared to highest cash price for any quantity Cardingdone on short notice. Y2 nels, Tweed, Fullcloth, Horse and Bed Blankets given in e'xc wool. Walsh Kg Clarke AT ONLY SHENGLES, - SHINGLES, Stock Now Complete. DRESS GOODS, All the leading lines in all col- ors. See our Spring Dress Tweeds at 37%,- cts. ‘ Are selling fast but a good assort- ment still on hand. W’hite and Grey Cottons, Shirtings. Gin hams Cottonadcs. Muslims£ Tabge Linens. Nap 'ns. e c.. e c. OUR SPECIALTY THIS WEEK IS PRINTS, to which we havesgaid special attention and have personally ected a. lme number ot_ suit lengths m all the leadmg colorings. A 1 Value in Worsteds uni. Pantinzs. Come and see them before purchasmg elsewhere. ABSOLUTELY PURE Boys Suits at all Prices. Felt: Hats in new styies; Rock-bottom prices Opposite The Druggist- TWEEDS, ‘. ELLIOTT: WOOL WOOL Dominion Hotel, Millbrook. WOOL NEW J v“- pure Phrié Green axed to pay the Luantity of wool. ice. Yarn, Flan. Horse Blankets in exchange for A POUND. MILLBROOK. price cf Paris u- to 250. this _. PAY N E, Positive Fact ! Wishes it to be distinctly un- derstood that his announce- ment of a Clearing Sale is all wool and a yard wide. He is positively going out of busi- ness, and as his 512ch of Grocer- jies must be disposed of, he is offering them for less than they cost him. Don’t make a mistake, this is a CITY BARBER" Sum)! . THEXTON. One door East BUGGIES, WAGUNS, THE FINEST IN THE DOMINION. ' and they are ofl'erod at low prices And don't you forget it. THE BAIN WAGGON 18 Due 115nm» luuuuds, an... .. ice. It 13 a. model of strength and. (IEâ€"agility. 1tsgears are soaked in boilingto oil. expelling ell moxstm-e and imparting great toggd'm lmees to the wood. The patent ttruss axle the value of the w on. I control the sale of thiswagzonin the ownshipe ot Conn and yithgyghtest running. and. is a. general favor- _ _ ...-A-I -4 command-h and dumbilitv. Manvefi: All Kinds of Repalring has arranged to sell the Brantford Carriage Co.’s Rm LWOH am 20 CARRIAGE PAINTING 0NT., THURSDAY. JULY 6, 1893. JOHN GILLOTT, . DEYELL Best of Testimonials can be given. . H. BRYANS q‘ GFNUINE CLEARING SALE, AND OARTS. Buggies, and Carts of Mr. Lang’s store Sugars as Cheap as even We beat the world in Teas. DISTRICT HAPS AND MISHAP‘S Serious Runaway Accident. On Saturday Mr. Johnston, of the 13th concession of Gavan, met with what may prove to be a. fatal accident. He was draw- ing a load of shingles when one of the bund- les fell off on the horses’ heels and caused them to run away. Mr. Johnston was thrown off and severely injured. His nose was badly 0th and he received interal injuries which are considered very serious. flow to get u “ Sunlight” Picture. Send 25 “ Sunlight ” Soap wrappers (wrap- pers bearin r the words “ Why Does a Woman Loot 01d Sooner Than a Man") to Lever Bros, Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a. pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy we. ' to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market ‘ and it will only cost 10. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the end open. Write your address carefully. 1 left. Mr. Miles Hut last week among his native place. Mount Pleasant. Our roads are so bad on Queen-st. that it is little wonder they are the topic of dis- cussion on every side and that many are the enquiries as to who was path-master this year. The road in its present state is a fair pattern of an Indian cemetery. The pro: ‘ perty-holders on Queenâ€"st. feel that they 1have been “ dug out” and that they must go to work and bridge over this great chasm to get into their places of abode. Had our path-master not been asked to desist from such a. course we would not feel so indignant ‘ as we do; but when a man in spite of repeated and re-repeated advice persists in having the town torn up, simply to raise riot, then we say persecute such a. spirit of landlordism. We have had grassy streets cut up and mud strewn around, deep ditches cut, and our ravel road obliterated for a distance all ecause this tyrannical path- . ~ L-J - 1mm rinhi‘. to do as his own ‘ Lotion. '9 A. LEACH- cut, and our firavel road obliterated 101‘ a. distance all ecause this tyrannical path- master hada legal right to do as his own narrow-minded sense of right dictated. Now we have mud roads which, if not gravelled before the rainy season arrives, will then present a beautiful strip of deep adhesion. We would like to. know which one of our municipal officers appointed such ‘an egotistic path-master ; if we knew him: we’d be sure to give him a “ plumper” nexti January. Why can we not have men ap- pointed who know something of road con- struction? We would consider it a great service if our council would employ men and teams to replace the mould in the “ yawn- ing path ” and leave us our good gravel road to drive on again- .. . a, - _ ....4...mnR {irnm Dakota comm: KNDGKED HlGHER THAN mum's KITE av The Leading Grocer Who Is now offering It to you for to drive on agum. ' med from Dakota. after an 8 or 10 months’ sojourn. in Port Hope. Mr Charters 0 Rev. John Ewing. tizens spent Dominion day {Toronto is a guest of the W. VANCE. ________.._._.f â€"Itch on humans, horses and all annuals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’a Sanitary .13-- mm: never fails. Wamntgduby W. VANCE. Hutchinson of Millbrook spent {0112 the friends and scenes of Centrevillc. never wavauville. The anniversary of the Methodist Sunday school here was celebrated on Sunday last, when appropriate services were held. On Monday afternoon an enjoyable picnic was held in Mr. Prltphard’s grove Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the sys- tem effectually, yet gently, when costive or: billions, or when the blood is impure or slug- gislh, to permanently cure habitual constipa. tion, te awaken the kidneys and liver to a- health y activity, without irritating or weak- ening them, use Syrup of Figs. Cobourg Post 7 7011 Thursday last Mr. Morn-ice, District Superintendent, and M r. A. White, District Freight; Agent, G, T‘ R. Toronto, visited Cobourg, and in company with Mr. R. Buck, General Manager, went over the Harwood road. The trip was made for the purpose of inspecting the sidings at the Dickson mill. with a view to increasing them to ac- commodate Mr. Hazlett. m day --Mrs. Edward Sanderson, of Bridge- north, county of Peterboro, who was on a. of the visit with Mr. John Dunnett, of Cramhe, died on Tuesday afternoon lost without. a moment’s warning. Heart failure was Ithe animals cause. Deceased wasabout 35 years of age unitary and leaves a. husband and three children. ted by The remains were taken home on Wednesâ€" 11-13 day for interment. ‘Vorth Ten ”filial-s a name. Any person who has used Polson’s Nervi- line, the great pain cure, would not be with- it if it cost ten dollars a. bottle. A good thing is worth its weight in gold, and Ner- viline is the best remedy in the world for all kinds of pain. It cures neuralgia in five minutes; toothache in one minute; lame back at one application ; headache in a. few moments; and all pains just as rapidly. Why not try it to-day? Large bottles ‘25 cents, sold by all druggists and country dealers. Use Polson’s' nerve pain cureâ€" N erviline. â€"Have you seen Epldermia. the great; skin cure, for Eczema, Sa‘lb Rheum, Ste. For sale by A. LEACH. 16- T. Gillbard. treasurer of Cobourg, resigned last. week and has been succeeded by Alex. ‘. vy- â€"â€"Epidermia as a beautifier of the com- plexion has no equal. Try it. At- A. LEACH’S. 16- â€"-â€"Durin the thunderstorm on Monday of last wee ', Mrs. Henry Fisher, of Cobourg was struck by lightning while standing at the gate and scrioulsy injured, her mind being afl'ected. Her body was partially paralyzed. She is recovering her reason. -â€"â€"Get a box of Dr. Root’s Red Regulat- ors, the best blood builder. Price 500. For sale by A. LEACH. 16- ors, Lne DEED ”LUV“ Flu-â€"«_â€"V For sale by A. LEACH. 16- from Brighton, was fined $510 and costs oby Police Magistrate Gordon on the complaint; of the district inspector of weights and measures for using a. fraudulent steelyard. It was a scaley trick. -â€"Dr. Ruot’s Red Regulators are the best bills for a blood tonic. A. LEACII sells m- pills them. _' NV. w“--- took the bronze medal ’and stood. nrsn in English and second in strgtegy at the graduâ€" ating examinations in the Royal Military College, Kingston. He will accept a com- mission in the Royal Artillery. â€"-Neuralgia must gc a. case that “ Harper’O s not relieve at once. LEACII. â€"â€"\Ir. John Routh has sold Out his inter- est in the Cobourg woollen mills and intends to take a trip to the old countryfiaccompan- led bv Mrs. Routh. We understand the value of his stock was $37,000, which is now held by Mr. Wm. Rosamond, president 0E the Ontario'Woollen Man. Co. (limited). ma}: -â€"English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Sprains. Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one bottle. Warranted by A. Luca. 11-1 â€"-At Port Hope on the 12th of July the following lodges from Rochester will be present: No. 8, “ Ladies’ ” L. O. Lodge, Mrs. Hummel, W. Mistress. No ‘29, Abraham Lincoln True Blues, ‘W. Emisee, W. M. No. 128, “Flower City” L. O. Lodge, E. I. Gregory, W. M. No. 168, “ Rochester” L. O. Lodge, Wm. Morrison, Railway Men at flax-wood. pl‘OOf pOSlDIVe buuv uuv n-.._v_,_ are out of order, and nat relief. A bottle of Membray’s Kidney and Liver Cure will remove the cause of all this trouble. Try it. Sergeant H. To Dispel Colds. District No! es. Hollingshead of Cobourg medal and stood: first -in go! $5.00 reward to: t’s Arabian Balm” will :8. \Vamranted by A. 16- ‘ 11-lu unit] nut; his inter- No. 27 reward f0}; 16-

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