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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 6 Jul 1893, p. 4

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The Cheese Board met on Tuesday at. Petetboro’, when 5354 boxes were boarded. The buyers present were Messrs. Cook, Clux- IT is exceedingly gratifying to learn that in the whole province of Ontario, after the most persistent convassing, only about $600 could be scraped up to buy a. present_for_Pripcess George and M. P., of Lisgar, will be the next Ineutenantâ€"Governor of Manitoba. They’ll do. ton, Fitzgerald, Bird, Russell, \Vrighton and Bower. The factorlcs boarded were :â€" FACTORY. No. OF Boxns. Keene ........ . ............................ 218 ‘Warminster ............................. 181 Shearer .......... . .................. 214 Central Smith ............................ 156 Cherry Grove .............................. 57 Warsaw .................................... 175 Westwood ................................. 235 Onkdple .................................... 162 Missmg Link .............................. 130 Norwood .................................. 220 Melrose Abbey ............................ 130 Lakefleld .................................. 160 Pine Grove ................................ 140 Peterborough ....... ‘ ....................... 1 12 Otonabce Union .......................... 93 Maple Leaf ............................... 1§§ A Good Board and the Bidding and Sales R. R. ELLIOT. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR THE Dominion government has rc- fused to pardon Brass Dog Arnoldi, and the Dominion government has done quite fight. Princess May: of Teck to prove Cana. da’ 5 loyalty to Geordie’ s grandma. The people have done well in sitting upon such toadyism. CHARLEY MACKINTOSH, M. P. of Ottawa, will beoome Lieutenant-Gover- nor of the Northwest, and Alex. Ross, cerfi;e‘<‘i’.t 0., fi°§§§é€n§€x6 _bâ€"i‘dw6c:‘£.ޢ'1 E3. cured‘Central Smith, Missing Link, Peter- boro and Lang. Mr. Fitzgerald then offer- At Death’s Door but was entirely cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. After talkin with Mr. Smith, I concluded to try Hood’s parilla. When I had taken two bottles I felt ve much better. I have tontinued takingit, an am now feeling excel- lent. I thank God, and Total .......... ‘ ' ' ' .......................... 5,954 ”Mr. \Vrighton started the bidding with Sic. Mr. Cook menu a. sixteenth better, Mr. Fitzgerald made it 8§c. Mr. Wrighton raised it another sixteenth and Mr. Cluxton offered the even 9c. Keene, W'arminister, Shearer, North Smith, Pine Grove and Lak‘efield Sold at. this figue. Mr. Cook then bid”9c. for further selections and Westwood, Oakdale, Norwood, Melrose Abbey, North Dnmmer, Ormonde and Blackstock sold. Mr. Wrighton ofi‘ered 9c. and Fraserville, Bensfort, Lakeview __a.nd Cherry Grove ac- HOOD’S PILLS do not purge, pain or gripe, but set promptly, easily and emciently. 3c. : Could Scarcely Walk 1 had a very bad speupf paralysis of the throat some time ago. My throat seemed closed and I could not swallow. The doctors said it wag. caused by heart failure and gave medicine whrch I took according to directions, but it. dui not seem to do me any good. My Wife ur ed me to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, telling me 01 r r. Joseph . Smith, who had been “1 Thank God and Hood/s Sarsa- parilla for Perfect Health.” “ Gentlemen: For the benefit of suffering hu- manity I wish to state a. few facts: For several ears I have suffered from catarrh and heart xlure, getting so bad I could not work and Hood’s Sarsaparilla ,Catarrh, Heart Failure, Pa- ralysis of the Throat the millbrook 1keporter. 1d my wife for my restoratién t_o perfect saith.” HARVEY HEED, Laceyvxlle, O. THURSDAY. JULY 6. 1893. THE CHEESE BOARD. Mr. Harvey Heed Laceyville, O. In February last Abram J. VanIngen was seized with paralysis which, after many fluctuations, ultimately proved fatal on June 25th. Deceased was born at Schenec- tady, N. Y., in 18:28, and was the eldest son of the late \Vm. VanIngen. He was educated at Cobourg and followed mercantile pursuits here for several years. He then became mail clerk on the G. T. R. between Toronto and Kingston, and afterwards went into the auctioneer business in this district. For the past seven years he has been Col- lector of Customs at Newcastle. For 1:2 years he was Major in the 40th Batt. He has been elected several times Grand Sec- retary of the Loyal Orange Lod e for On- tario East, fand was a member 0 St. John’s Lodge, No. 17, A_.‘F. and A. M. The fun- eral took place here on Wednesday, June 28th under Masonic auspices. Services at the grave were conducted by the Rev. Can on Spragge and Rev. W. H. A. French of Grafton, Masonic chaplain. The following representative Orangemen were present at the funeral :â€"-Rev. J. I. Halliwell, grand chaplain, VankleckEHill; Past- Grand Master '1‘. B. Collins, Millbrook ; W. M. Johnston, Belleville; past grand lecturers, James Evans and R. H. Holland, Port Hope; County Master John Hughes, Newtonville ; District Master E. J. W. Burton, Port Hope, J. J. Preston, Manvers, and J. R. Reid, Clarke. A beautiful tribute from the Orange Grand Lodge was laid on the tumb. Major VanIngen had hosts of friends who extend their heartfelt sympathy to his bee reared wife and surviving brotherâ€"Mr. \V. H. Xanlngen, Collector of Customs at \Vood- stoc . Cobourg W'orld and North Verulam, Dunsford, Downev- ville, Cambray, Mariposa, Fenelon Falls and Star sold. \Ir. Flav elle offered 8§c. and Lornex 111e, Manilla, Reaboro and Derry1ille sold. \1 r \V righton took Stoney Lake and )Iillhrook at 830. This offer by Mr. Cook was refused by Newtonviile, Ormonde and Perrytmm The Magazine of the Future. The July Cosmopolitan will mark the most radical step ever taken in periodical literature. With that issue the magazine, unchanged in form, in fact, one of the best numbers of the Cosmopolitan ever issued, will he put on sale at twelve and one-half cents per copyâ€"$1.50 a year. The cutting in half of a price already deemed low for an illustrated magazine is the result of an m- tention long since formed, to give to the public an illustrated monthly of the very highest class at such a price as must bring it within the reach of all persons of intel- lectual tastes, however limited their incomes. There are more that ten million readers in the United States and less than eight hun- dred thousand magazines are printed to supply their demands. More than four years have been spent in reaching the organ- ization necessary for the production of the Cosmopolitan at this price. a figure hith r o undreamed of by the reading world. Each department of the work has been slowly perfected until with January number of this year one hundred and fifty thousand copies of the magazine were. prepared upon presses and machinery of the most improved form, built with a. view to producing the finest results at the minimum of expenseâ€"the the only establishment in the world, it is believed, devoted exclusively to the printing of an illustrated monthly magazine. [To establish a magazine upon such a basis at the outset was impossible. Only the rapid growth of the Cosmopolitan’s edit-ions, almost unprecedented in magazine records, has reduced the conditions which make this epart-ure from established prices pos- sible. ‘ The Cosmopolitan promises to make the year 1893 the most brilliant in its his- tory. No other year has seen such an array of distingu'shed names as will appear on its title page during 1893. De Maupassant, Mark Twain, George Ebers, Valdez, Shiel- hagen, Francois, Coppee, Flammarion, and Paul Heyse, are some of the authors whose work will appear for the first time during this year in the pages ot the Cosmopolitan. Among the artists whose work will decorate its pages for the first time durin 1893 are Laurens, Toussaiut, Vierge, ochegrosse and Schwade. William Dean Howells will be a regular contributor during 1893-94. A feature of the July number will be triple frontipicces by Rochegrosse and Guillonnet. ed Séc. for further selections and Mr“ Cook raised it a. sixteenth, and Bobcaygeon, Maple Leaf and Ida. accepted. Mr. Cook took Brooklin at 90. and Mr. W'righton offered sgc. for further selections. This was accepted by Warsaw, Trewern, Fleet- wood, Mount Pleasant and Otonabee Union. Mr: Eitzgerald bid 85c. for further selections, The Poor House. The Campbellford Herald thus refers to the propOSal of the counties council to erect a house of refuge for the different munici- palities comprising the united counties : “ It is encouraging to know that the councillors of these united counties are falling into line with the movement towards the establish- ment of a home for the poor. At the late session of the counties’ coungil in Cobourg, a resolution was passed by a vote of ' 21 to 19, appointing a committee to report upon the advisability of erecting a house where the aged and crippled and the unfortunate ones in the great struggle for bread, might find a place in which to rest the remainder of their days. Perhaps the chief objection of some of the council to this movement is that of expense ; but smce it has been shown that the cost to each municipality in the main- tenance of a house of refuge would be less than the yearly indigent fund, there ought to be a general feeling in favor of this land- able work. It is to be hoped the more generous, humane representatives of our counties’ council will prevail over the pen: urlous, stony~hearted fags, and erect this monument of good-will and love somewhere in N orthumberland and Durham.” â€"Rheumatism Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at“ once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dcse greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by A. LEACH, Druggist. Major Vanlngen’s Death. Cobourg Post On Monday afternoon a, severe thunder storm visited Cobourg, but although no Serious damage was done, there were some narrow escapes. During the storm Mr. Martin Pender was working in Mr. House’s barn, when a flash of lightening struck the flag pole, splinteringr it considerably and send Mr. Pender “ all in a heap,” and rend- ered him insensible for some little time. One of Mr. Crossen’s horses was also knock- ed down, and for a short time affairs were pretty busy about the office. A soft, fair skin is the result; of pure blood and a. healthy liver, to secure which, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. is the Superior Medicine. Ladies who rely upon cosmetics co beautify their complexions, should make a note of this, bearing in mind that they can’t; im- prove upon nature. In old times it seemed to be thought that a. medicine must be nauseating to be effect ive. Now, all this is changed. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, one of the most powerful ‘alteratives, is agreeable to most palates, the flavor being by no means medicinal. Tame to the premises of the 1 dersigned on or about the middle of May, 1 3. one yearling heifer and one yearlin bull. oth small-sized. The owner is requeele o ove property, pay charges and take them x y. ES PRAY HEIFER. Strayed u on the nremise‘ f the undersign- ed, lot 17, 5t Con. of Mn ers. on Thursday, June 22nd. a heifer. T owner will please prove prove prOperty, p charges and remove 11 er. 27-3t RODERICK GRAY. Strayed upon the premis of the undersi ned on or about the 1st of une, two year in heifers, one is a good 0. Also two smal heifers came to the > e premises about the midd}e of June. Th owners w111 pleasecomply with the usual provisions and take them away. . JOHN S. RICHARDSON. 27-3: - / Bethany P. 0. â€"Camc to the prem es _ the undersigned on or about the first of n 1893, a small plg. The owner is requested t rove property, pay ex- penses and take it away. ' E. RICHARDSON. 25-3 Lot 6, Con. 8. Gavan. It has become an estab- !ished fact that S. BATE- SON sells the best single harness in this district. By using that far famed “ Union Oak Tan " Leather he defies competition. As he is the only one here handling this wonderful harness leather you will consult your own interests by placing your order with him. To the Public! BATESON’S harness em- porium, Milleook. ., fowl/OED 0N MERIT THOMAS GILLOTT, Gabinetmaker “356‘ Undertaker, I “Sllllllfifl'l'” PILLAR 3 Do not fail to call and see him, My. Kee' s on hand a lar e stock of COFFINS. CA KETS and :11 kinds of Undertakers’ 21-. GéfiésirrirBedroom, Parlor and all other kihds of Furniture. hand-made, at lowest prices. r63 “ x 9,1 SPECLAL Rom \fi‘i'ggfito her Wiesgée Mi 0; RISUL'I tABGES? STRAY CATTLE. STRAY HEIFERS. STRAY PIG. The Fiery Fluid at Cobain-x. CLEANSINGfi PURIFYINGf ixchENCE Eff Siam fl WEN ,. MATCHETT. Lot 6, Con. 7, Gavan. NEW HARNESS SHOP. THE highest cash price aid for any quantity of good clean wool. have a lar re assert,- ment of Yarns, Tweed, Flannncls, R01 5 c. for exchange. Aflcnt for R. Parker‘s: 8; Co., Dyers, Toronto, and T’eterboro’ Steam Laundryâ€"goods sent Tuesday of each week. D. CHAMBERS. Best Broad Hoop Iron-elad Milk Sam, 25 gallons Do Do 30 gallons Creamers . 1 Quart Rippers 2 Quart flippers The finest High Grade Engine Oils are Manufactured by We start of!“ this week with a double head of steam to make things boom in Clothing. Our prices are simply irresistible. They will make you buy in spite of yourseif. We carry on our series of Bargain Day sales, and we make We can’t LChange the Weather but we can Change our Prices. 3° that our Country Customers can have the benefit of the FORCING THE SEASON We'mfge all buyers of Clothing to come in and see what v offer on Bargain Day. We quote below a. few of the prices that tell the tale of how well we will sell on Bargain Day Every Wednesday Bargain Day 100.pairs Bovs’ Knicker Pants, lined 500 Blouses for boys, washable ..... 89 Blouse Suits, blue ............. 38 Bovs’ Pleated Suits ............ 1'25 Halifax Suits, all sizes ........ Next door to the Dominion Hotel, Millbrook. ‘USE LARDIN E IFTASENF TIN WARE WOOL! WOOL ! The Wonderful cheap Men, McCall’s Oils Champion Gold Medal Oil of the Dominion. McCOLL BROS. 8:. CO., TORONTO. Mecoms UYLINUL‘K UIL wm. wear twice as long as any Other make‘ flippers . . 56. I10 Quart Pails >. flippers . . 106 ! 14 Quart Pails . AND An. OTHER TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH. a... :4. x. H; .S.-PICKUP SPECIAL REDUCTIONS. begs to announce that he has opened a. new harness shop in the store next door to R. Deyell’s, where all work in his line' will be performed at low rates. W. STRAIN Special attention paid to collars and repairs. vs CYLINDER OIL BLANKETS, warps, . HALTERS, 5:0. opportunity on Market Day. CHEAPER THAN EVER AT 800 Suits from $350 down, for ...... 100 dozen ‘Flannelette Shirts ........ 200 dozen F our-in-hand Ties, Silk, 5 i 500 dozen Knock-about Hats- for, ARE THE BEST. WITH For sale by all leading dealers in the country n-hand Ties, Silk, 5 for. . . . about Hats, for .......... Lindsay and Peterhorouzh- Q» $3.50 $3.75 758 156 I) And th

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