â€"-R. J. Doak offers the follow mg seasonable goods in large assortment: Gram Cradles, Soy thes, Snaths, Forks, Fork Handles, Turnip Hoe Car load of Binder Twine at rock ttom prices to cash dealers. Pe e , re Machine Oil and pure English ris Green are his specialties. 27 â€"Mr. J. G. Elliot of Port Hope, for- merly a. member of THE REPORTER staff, was in town on Sunday, accom- panied by his sister, viï¬gw their brother. â€"The missing link is cluseï¬ and trains are now running via Bethany, as in the early days of the Midland. â€"-Mr. M. Ferris, county jailer, died on Sunday. Fc'n‘ty-eleven applications for the position have already been â€"Mz. John 0100“ or of the Dominion hotel has been taking 1n the. sights of the W'm‘ld’s Fair :t Chicago for the past- few days. â€"-â€"Next Monday and â€Tue ill be bargain. days at Kells, Co’s store. Read their mammoth ad- vertisement in this isaue and proï¬t thereby. «s â€"â€"Rev. W. J. Barkwe‘xl of Toronto will preach in tne Methodist church on Sunday next. â€"-Mr. W'm. Ferguson, son' (if Mr. .J¢1<ep11P‘ex'guSr»xx, a. former resident «if Minn-00k, is in town on a. visit. â€"â€"Poutypool lodge No. 296, I.0.0.F., will hold a. meeting on Friday evening next, when its ofï¬cers will be installed by the oflieers of Peterboro lodge, No. 11 1. â€"-Askfor I. X L .mgle harness at Jenkins’. - 26-? â€"â€"-Miss anie Collins is home from Toronto for the summer vacation. â€"-â€"Mr. and Mrs. 8. Hunter of Toron- to are spending their holidays under the parental roof. â€"-Mr. T. B. Collins was in Coboul‘g last week attending the funeml of the late A. J. VanIugen. â€"A man down east has just. died from excesaive tobacco chewing. The music at his funeral should not have been a diz‘fle, but an overchewer. ' â€"â€"-Mr. John Fair spent a. few days in Rochester during the past week. -â€"Mr. Rohtnd Foster spent a. few days at home the early part of _the week. â€"â€"Mr. A. T. Elliot returned from Hampton on Tuesday, having spent several days at his old home there. â€"Miss Mamie Cochrane has arrived home from the east, acet'nnpanied by her cousin, Miss Maud \Vinter. â€"â€"A meeting of the village council was to have been held on Monday evening, but, on account of the absence of the Reeve on county business, it was post- poned. â€"â€"L. O. L. 79 w 111 meet toâ€"night- «naval: council met on Monday. -â€"â€"Prof. Pemberton is in Rochester. ~'â€"Mr. W. Turner was home over Sunday. A r'râ€"w- - , Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure. it promptly for any one W 0 Wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iyer and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem eflectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, rompt in 'its action and truly bene cial in its effects, prepared onl from the most healthy anuagreeab e substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. .34... _._ f... “1‘11‘ :u â€RA .- SAN FBAN 01500. CAL. LOTT "VII-U8. KY: NEW YORK. 7‘7. Yo CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP 00., DIVE ENJOYS T0‘VN TALK â€"The Presbyterian Sunday school excursion was held on Wednesday, but owing to the very wet weather which started in at an early hour of the morning, the attendance was not large. â€"â€"Ali people like favorable netice in‘ their local newspaper. Take this warn- ‘ ing: If you have frequent headaches,l dizziness and fainting spells, accom- panied by chills, cramps, corms, bun- ions, chilblains epilepsy and jaundice, ‘ it is a. Sign you are not “$11,. “but are-: liable to die any minute. Pay yourl subscription 2. year in advance and thus make yourself 36mg; 7.). - gmnl obituary notice. ‘5‘ ‘ -â€"The Sourish Mann," J’laimZea/er says 2 “ Robert 33351-wa Brandon, and a. f«.n'1.ner resident OM‘RII, 01113., has come to Souris to live. He has purâ€" chased some land a. little east of town and intends embarking in the poul- try business. He will make use of an incubator which he has made, tested and used successfully. We know Robert well and can prophesy prosper- ity for him, if industry counts for any- thing.†. “W hat. queer times we live in to he sure! Look at this, for instance: As green onions are now on' the market we give here a. new gameâ€"sir girls stand in a row while one bites a chunk off an onion and a young man pays 100 for a. guess as to which one it was; if he guesses right he kisses the other ï¬ve ladies. If he does not he is only allowed to kiss the girl with the onion scented breath. The tariï¬' is extremely reasonable and we predict that this will be a. popular game as most of the boyswill be disposed to go it once even if they lose. â€"Here is a. brain twister that is puzzling people about town. A man gives a boy 20 cents and instructs him to purchase '20 lead pencils, sonic at four cents each, some at half-aâ€"cent each and some at a quarter of a cent- each. How many does he buy at each price. â€"-The proprietor of the Kingston Whig has been suing delinquent sub- scribers in the division court, and has won every case. There is a. special statute providing for the collection of newspaper accounts; and nothing but the forbearance of editors, keeps de- linquents out of “the courts. Do U. â€"Mr. Im Nattrass has a. beautiful black team nowâ€"a. team that it is a pleasure to look upon. They ar 6 large, strong animals, and will doubtless be bourrht up soon. For phzeton or hearse work they are of the ideal build. ~Don’t miss the Methodist Sabbath school excursion to J acob’s Island and Bobcaygeun on J uly 18th special train and Steamer Col bian, the largest and ï¬nest ste- 1 on inland waters. No scow. N delay at Peter- lmro. 26-2 -â€"~The Sunday schools of St. Thomas’ church, Millbrook and Christ church, Bailieboro will have a. grand excur- sion to Bualeigh Falls on Tuesday, July 25th, 1893. Passage by through train has been secured to Lakeï¬eld, thence by steamer “ Golden City †with her palace scow “ VVavecrest,†through Katchawanooka, Clear and Stoney Lakes to Burleigh. Several hours’ stay at this beautiful resort will give time for boating and ï¬shing. The steamer has been chartered for the day, so that close connection with the train at Lakeï¬eld will be made. Trains leave Millbrook at 8.20 am. and Frazerville 8.31. There will be no delay at Peter- boro’. Fares from Millbrook and Frazerville, adults, 750., children un- der twelve, 400. ‘ ---Look out for the Methodist Sal) bath school excnrsion to J acob’s Island and Bobcaygeon on J uly 18th. Seven hours ï¬shing at J acob’s Island and ï¬ve hours at- Bobcaygeon. 26-2 â€"â€"The potato-bug is said to have an enemy in the shape of a long black fly with blue wings. A man up north who has been taking the insect’s record says he saw one kill seventeen bugs in thirty seconds. -â€"L. O. L. No. 79, with members of surrounding lodges, will march to St. Thomas’ church on Sunday morning next, when the annual sermon will be delivered as usual by the Ven. Arch- deacon Allen. â€"â€"A garden party was held at the rectory on Thursday evening last, when a. pleasant time was spent. The band was in attendance and rendered some beautiful music during the evening. â€"-Mr. Fred. Pendry, the genial head clerk in the dry goods department of the Kells, Fowler and Co. establish- ment, spent a few days in Rochester this week visiting his brother and tak- ing in the sights of the flower city. â€"Cou1t Ivanhoe, N0. 327, will atâ€" tend divine service at the Presbyter- ian church next Sunday afternoon, when an appropriate sermon will be delivered by Rev. Mr. Bloodsworth. -â€"A number of our citizens spent Dominion day in Port Hope and took in the sports. The crowd in the park was very large and the programme might have been worse. The Times, we observe, gives an extended report of the proceedings, and the report is illustrated, too, and most prominent among the illustrations are the pic- tures of a, couple of persons who took Hood’s Sarsapnrilla at the close of the day to relieve them ot kidney com- plaint and heart failure. The enter- prise of the Times in securing these pictures is very commendable. â€"â€"The annual excursion and picnic in connection with the Methodist Sun- day school, Millbrook, will take place to Jacob’s Island and Bobcaygeon on Tuesday, July 19th,1893. The trip has. been arranrred 1 ia Ur. T. R. to Che- 1110110113 special t ain, thence bv the 111211r11iï¬ce11t steamer “Columbian, †to Bobcay,D "eon, calling at J 210011 Island goin“~ and cominO. This \1 ill be a grand trip. The stean1e1 “ Columbian†is the largest and fastest steamer 011 the inland wate1s, 21fl'11rdin1r ample room £01 all who 111aygo, without the use of a scow, and will make the trip to Bobcaygeon in two hours, passina through Chemong and Piueon lakes 111 full view of the aIndian village, Oak Orchard, J acobs lsland and other beautiful scenery. No better ï¬shing "1 ounds can be had than those about Jacob’s Island and to those who wish toenjo3 the sport about seven hours will be given at this point. The citi- zens’ band will be in attendance. Trains will leave Garden Hill at 7.53, 0.111.; Summit, 8; Millbrook, 8.10; Frazerville, 8.21. Fares from all points 7513., children under twelve, 400. â€"-Thc announcement in our last is- sue that a resident of South Monaghan had cut and stocked some of his fall wheat has occasioned a great deal of discussion throughout the county, but we don’t see anything very wonderful about it. The man wanted to move his barn, and he simply out enough grain to make room for it. Don’t You Know That to have perfect health you must have pure blood, and the bes‘. way to have pure blood is to take Hood’s Sarsaparalla, the best blood puriï¬er and strength builder. It expels all taint of scrotula, salt rheum and all other humors, and at the same time builds up the whole system and gives ,nerve strength. ‘ Hood’s Pills may be had by mail for 25c. of C. I. Hood Cu., Lowell, Mass. - â€"Rebecca. Wilkinson, of Brownsvallcy, Ind., says : “ I had been in a. distressed con- dition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indi estion until my health was gone. I boug t one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life'. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remed . I con- sider it the grandest medicine in t e world.’ A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant ed by A. LEACH ll-l3t. RICHARDSONâ€"In Manvers on Thursday. June 8th, the wife of John S. Rxchardson. of a daughter. ‘ . Says HENRY HUDSON, of the J ames Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, " Pa., who certi- ï¬es as follows: “Only the Scars Remain,†- ago, at the age of 18 years, I had '- swellings come 'â€" on my legs, r- which broke and b e c a m e r u n - ' n i n g s o r e s . Our family phy- . sician could do me no good, and“ it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the some healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has done .me. I now Weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer’s Sar- saparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas- ure in telling what good it did for me.†Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c 00., LodeMaas. Curesother.s,willcureyou ~Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Mother Urged Me'- The Cradle. “ Among the many testimoni- als which I see in regard to cer- tain medicines p e r f o r m in g cures, cleansing the blood, etc., none impress me more than my 0 w n c a s e . Twenty y e ars The best medium priced harness offered in this district. Our own manufacture throughout. Bound to satisfy. BuyaSet of Single Harness till you have seen our AT THE BAILIEBORO MARKET. DO N Ot@»@»».. to make room for new stock. You can get them almost at your own price. Watches and Jewellery. AT GARDINER’S. Best Make 01‘ Watches in Gold And Silver Fence Wire, Field and Garden Seeds, Wall Paper, Carpet Felt c. REPAIRING A:SPEGIALTY. . P. R. Ticket Ofï¬ce, Clearing Sale BOOTS AND SHOES, Prevent- wuï¬ng in children. Al- most as mutations milk. Get only the genuine. Pmpamd by Scott Bone, Bollovillo; Sold by all M, no «at: and 81.00. N0 Doubt: _- past experiment. about the curative effects of Scott’s ,Emulsz’on of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda in the ï¬rst stages of consumption. Many remedies are still on trial, but Scott’s Emulsion has been tried so effectually and so frequently as to be A Fine Line of Platedwape,_at Lowest Prices. Scott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, BOOTS! JOHN STEELE are just now holding a great :SPEcIALTY. . {LARGE STOCK OF SPECTAOLES OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, MILLBROOK. . B. JENKINS. At GARDINER’S. Boots For All Ages. HAS 0N HAND A. FINE LINE 01“ Geniral Telephone Ofï¬ce. M. PARKER. BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS.