I DAY. R’S RE- Aftor If. I- Alma-c leaks to: hrs. ’68 about :kvllle, Is s in the be spring Lil lyrd the move: he he reflects {weakened Iymnd to :u’nl he ny pun Is: that be For), was : undiâ€" :IleII but llL'h son! F- be LIC< lwithcut km their not, I'm-L I“: of the limits ha uniy fell 1 became l‘\\‘ (in no {It In lrIt [ misery I. f giving friend I tlm Ilsa rmd to ~-‘. thrcv ‘iiigt‘ ill .I “(41“ His lifr- n-sults. wclght .‘k‘l’lI to the in- y while W able 2:, and only a . Will- rtuniry :he ro- o~ hone» tired, v'umli- ne as a other 'c who illm «I! found . . loco- v lysis, . -. loss ‘nronic also a the to aritics, female effect hon) . sea of ills are s trade ink) direct ‘Iliclnc hum-c- boxes unto. -I. :2. .‘<'.:v‘<i‘:-’ ' .- hu. ~ - J‘s“. D sing FF i, 02' ~59 l I“? . Millbrook, - - \ \ . \ \ \\\\ ‘ v . \ “'le to re “es: f . her or citi- nns of Mill mokmzrï¬gffï¬m- Butch- or bgisinlgu, was)“ n e c business all e o stem , in“ utter 890mm than ever tom: {bill‘rngld reputation. IV. on call and becmï¬nced that â€can supply you with the chemo". (Mo to be had in wwil. LANCASHIRE SCOTT W\. 7/ f t W. s cS \ S \\ , \ Jrï¬m. \_ / 81.01- PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. ' SITI‘ETIES. MILLBROOK cu Aniaï¬ 5.. .5 Ci-ECL ~ ' 1.20m!†Keils block.“ 5 So. u. fleets the second Honda Home Circle Room. No o’clock sharp. R. ilcil {HON Lander . J, ll. IOUNG [NIL-300. 7 â€"â€"v' r \__if, in ever; R. E S PANTON COURT IVANHOE. N0. 32:7 1.0. 1'" Meets third loudly in each month 13‘1“â€; ' strangers we ' looms over Leach 3 drug ï¬tnrc, come. 0. FsLL S C R, 7/ “\- 0. Loni. csvsx LODGEâ€"CANADIAN DER or constant)â€. me“ Home Circlc room, King-5L. M“ oi muting. a o'clork. 'r .e henna“ oi this 543: "I are Worthy the consaflmnn of m rry p Information Illl’nished on application. secret“?- [1 VI: '-',t;il.l.l)'l‘T.R~~"- OR- the _ . . th in the third Nesdny evening of 0.31.1] [Examâ€"hour .0“. v ' ‘ 'X ,‘A N J08. T803} 0‘ E, .\.G. G. 1“ gecnmry .- ,3, d ‘ lo 0. 0' 1‘ ' Millbrook Lodge 5'0- 305' INDEPESDENT ORDER OF ODDI-‘ELLOWS Ems EVERY reason EVENIN‘G‘siih: R thaw hall overthe new Post ofï¬ce- In: Brctiircn welcome. ll HAMPTON, NJ} W D. LEACH. Sscreinry. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. - RCHIM WOOD. lssi'ER or MAR KI {GE ICENSES, mllu. oknlnt.’ PROFESSION AL. "" ROBERT BUDDY; XIILLBROOK. - - - BARR'SI‘ER. SIILIPITHR. Nor IRI‘ PUB- iic. Etc. new Post Office Money to 1. ill). ON 'I'. I mice-8 0ch N. C. McKinnon,M.D. ,C.M. succsssou 'ro Ivlr. smoim». . MILLBBOOK. - - 051‘. £0er and Victoria. ['nivcisities. Li ccntiate R)_\«'ll l‘ullere Surgeons, burgh. 7 no, oniario. idcnce Annie Street. Edin Memicr ('o‘lcgc I'll}sit‘i3ns and Sur- «mice at -\ L- ach‘s drug store L. LAPP, B.A., M.D., C.M. scccrzsson To DR. i‘liiLLll'S‘. PONTYPOOL. - - ONTARIO. RINITY UN VERSITY. MEMBER 01" the l‘ollcre of Physicians and surgeons, Ontario. H. A. “'ARD, PORT HOPE. - - ON 'I‘ A if IO ARRISTER, ctc. rcsi estate. Olicesin Untarlo Block, -- alum street Attorney ’A. A. SMITH,“ ’ IILLBBOOK. - - ARRIS'I‘ER, Solicitor. Notary Private and ("ompaii the lowest rates at Law, N-llcltol", Money to lcnd on the security of Town and Farm I‘rorcrty for sa'r: ON I'ARIO. Public. ctc Funds to I an at NEW In \ 'm d 8: Kclls' block. A: Bethany on 2nd and 4th Mondaysof every month. 8: 'W. CLARK, L.D.S. ONTARIO. HILL-BROOK. - ' DEN FIST. preservation of tie natural "i‘ecth .\'l Special attention given to thc trons Oxide Gas for the painless extraction oi teeth. l‘mod work gutll‘fliilev‘tl. Will he at Bethany the 2nd and .uh M-mdsys of each month. Hincmve ist .\l Inlay and Tim \"cdncz- day of each month. JAs. SEAGEE. 11.1) ,C.M. GEN FBEVILLE. - 05 ‘I‘ARIO. L‘EEN‘S L'niverSItI. lx'inuston JAs. D. ï¬EvAIIWs. II LLBBOOK. - - cu according to laws: scientiï¬c mcihous Particular attention ï¬llv‘cll to Equine Dentistry. esulcncc and “dice Ki: g Charms mulcrnie st., opposite old Western 8.1.1:. DR. H. C. LESLIE, Veterinary Surgeon BETHASY. - - ONTARIO LL DOMES rIC \TED ANIMA Ls TREAT so according to latest scientiï¬c memo, -I Particular attention given to liquii e Dentisuy. Charges moderate. L'alis by t Icui’clph prompt iv attended to. T. H. HASSARD, vs, HILLBBUOK. - - 0N IARIO. r VRADUATE 08' THE oxramo \‘E’l‘LR l “ - S. GIVEN, inary College. Direlï¬eï¬ It Iluinesilcalr' Animals treated on Scirnilï¬clli’lLt'lplcS i-unm. Dentistry a 3}» cialty. Registered in accordaii-r with the V etv rinary Act. “Ricoâ€"Opposite Dominion Hon-l KtSidI-LCI' Klnc Si. WQTIWJGREEN, 1‘5 HUNTER 81‘. PE I‘ERBOIIOL‘GH. ERCH \ NT 1' Hi“ lR Huge Lit-v-nsc-s. ES>URER 1 )1" MAR Barristers, PCB I‘ HOPE. - . ONE" to loan at 5 per cent. on gilt edge security and at 7.; anti :‘3 pm cent on lesser security. 1 ex ms to suit bm rou H‘s. RANNEY s; INNES, rk'i'nnnono - . ox um“ lVlL EXEIXI-zi-zks, 1 Lyman) i..\.\'D sun. View His. twin J. H. GARDINER, PEBBYTOW N . - - ONT ABIO AUCI‘IONEER FOR THE (‘I'IUXI‘Y 0F Durham Sales oi all kinds promptly at tend d. Datc Mid terms mrangwd at the III'ORTXR uiiicc BANKS. '1‘. B. co‘iii“1v*‘c61 BANKERS. M‘librook. - - Ontario. A A ___._ .‘I‘ARMERS‘ AND OTHER GOOD NOTES discounted. Draiis issued on a»! points in Canada and the L'mteu States at Iowa: ates Ran The Collection of Salo- and other notes a at crisi- ty. Loans don charged. (â€Pylonâ€"North s‘de of Klng St. Referenceâ€"Canadian Bank of Commerce. WOOD KELLS BANKERS, Ontario. mm a general Banking business, in- eluding collecting and discounting Far- mer’s .‘I'otrs {or any time during welve months. is received and interest allowed at mm current nits. Drab lust! and collections made at All poi-ll on most favorable urns. one: Hours from o m. 1041).â€. _ Mini-er of the l' liege of i'. )sicians :IIIri Suns-oils. UN FARIO. LL DOMESTIC {TED ANIM I LS TRl-Z \T- made to Reai Estate. No com his- 7 O l l l l l l l l I l REMOVED I am now better prepared than ever to accomodate my _ ONTARIO. new ones. who will favor me with a call. Special value in Stet. from $2.99 up. Cimplete line of Silverware at hard time prices. BELOW ARE SOME OI" HIS LEADERS . . . in Wood Cook “The Dixon Steel Cook,†(the best on the market, every stove guaranteed to be perfect baker). “ The Original Cock,†“ The Maple kaJI’ “ The Oxford Cook.†H The S )chnir Range go," “ The Oxford Coal Rang Sultana." “ The Oxford Art Countess,“ both powerful double heaters and perfcct bakers. and a Full Line of llousei’urnishinzs in Table Cutlery and Granite Ware Best Brands at American and Canadian Coal Oil by the Gallon or Barrel, ALF. KIN WATERPROOF HORSE AND WAGGON- COVERS,-ITLIIGS, BUNTING, ETC. r things are going. X Shingle, a good Shingle - - - XX Shingle. Cedar “ â€" - - - “ Coarse Pine Lumber - - - - u and “'hite Lime. Please call and inspect bifore placing your (rderr. 001cc and Yard at Railway Station. Agent, MIL LBROOK. “EPA [RING PROMP‘I’LY 1895 ADAM HALL BUILDING... MATERIAL This is not. an auction sale not yet a sherriff’s sale, but, a. general 10' 0F... oriccl CLEARING OUT SALE in (rdcr to meet the demands of the tlmes, and of the building public. I quote a, few prices, that you may know how Ioderagood . . . for $1.00 per M. 1.25 “ 6.00 “ E erything at. the sums ratio of troï¬tl. I havt also . . . Land Salt $5.75 per Ton. Grey Land Plaster, the b:st on the market, without doubt, also Grey Inn) bound to sell. Dimension stuff cut to order, price away down. Mrtterial deliver- ed anywhtre in town. or country when required, Yours truly, W. THEXTON. Miilbrook, March 23, 1895. Assets Over $14,000,000. THE OANADA llFE ASSURANCE OD. ESTABLISH ED 1347. ‘ LEADS ALL Canadian Companies W'HYITLEADS--- 1. Because it. is. the oldest, largest, most popular and economical sud gives the best results for the least money. 2. Bacause in 1893 it increased its assets by 81,236,513â€"a sum exceed- ing the increase of any other two Canadian Companies, and more than double of any one company. 3. Because it has a. larger surplus, above all liabilities, than all th other Canadian Companies together. 4. B~cause the net Proï¬ts paid on its Life policies during the last 20 years are not: cq'inll'd by any other Company in America. R. .J.DOAK, .J- L. IRWIN, PORT HOPE GEO. A- 8: E. W. COX, MANAGERS EASTERN ONTARIO. TORONTO- “Standard†Life ,Hssurance co. Established 1825. At the 69th Annual General Meeting of THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE i’OMPANY. held at Edinburgh. on Tuesday the 5th March. 1895. the following results for the year cndcd 15th November. 1894, was reported 3â€"- 4029 Policies of LifeI Assurance were issued, assuring - $8,723,836 The Total Existing Assurances in force at 13th Nov-om , ber 1801 amounting to - - - - - < $113,274,360 The Claims by Death or Maturcd Endowments which arose durin the Year amounted. including Bonus Additions, to - - . . - The Annual Revenue amounted at 15th November, 18.94, to < - - - - - . - - - - The Accumulated Funds at same date amounted to - Being an increase during the. Year of 38121005. - - - - 32.941073 35.138, 161 - 330,353,822 Investments in Canada : Government and Municipal Bonds - 556.820.0017 Mortgage. over Real Estate, 1st lion - 3900.000 Real Estate - < - - - - 300.000 Sundries - â€" - - â€" - - 15205100 $11,165,500 IV. M. RAMSEY, Manager. J. J. HANRATTY. District Inspector, PETERBORO. Agent. MILLBROOK. T0 Old Bast Office Building Having removed to the above commodious stand std put in a. fresh stock old or w: ' and all ‘ Watchcs Great Reduction in B. Laurance Spectacles. Best Quality. J- STEEL OLD POST OFFICE AT I'ENDED T0 STAND. FALL AND “'INTER 1895 “AS NOW ON HAND HIS FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF . . . OOAL AND WOOD BOOK STOVES ..ALSO.. COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES “ The Souvenir Cook," “ The St. James Cock,†In Coal Ranges ,†(the best. coal range in the country). “ Tho Stewart Goal 9." In (â€cal Base Burners “ The Stewart Art 407 GEORGE STREET, - PETERBORO’ .â€" 6§EIIIE . AWNING-S, TENTS, SAILS, CAMPING GOODS. sacrum mm, PETEIIBOIIO’, our. Week’s Commercial Summarv. Twenty-two failures in the Dominion last. week. Nine less than previous week and 13 less, than same week last year. Tho continued increases in railway earnings is a good omen, as indicating a. freer movement of merchandise. For the third week of J unc, the Canadian Paciï¬c increased 33,000, and the Grand Trunk $6,133. The wool market is very ï¬rm, with a. shipment: of about one-quarter million pounds of fleece to the United States. A better demand is noted for cheese with sales at. Ontario Creumcries at 8 and?)- 16. to 8 7-8c., slightly higher prices. Montreal advices would indicate that. the trade movement is assuming a. quiter soasonable phase, more particularly in heavy goods, such as metals, paints, oils, etc. Sugars, too, are dull, but there are indications that the large stocks laid in just. prior to the rise are getting low, and rciinem and jobbers expect more activity shortly. Cheese has improved half a cent since last week, an advance which does not. seem warranted by the state of the Eng- lish limrkct; butter remains dull and weak. The crop prospectsin Quebecpro- Vince are generally favorable ' the re- cent rains have improved the hay and pastures, though in some sections pens have suffered from over moisture. The hay crop is said to be poor west of Toronto, but the yield will likely be large in the cast. A good yield of coarse grains is expected in Ontario, but wheat will not. be a. large crop and probably smaller than last; year. Advices from Manitoba are very cheering, and the largest crop of wheat. over harvested seems to be expected. There is no particular activity in any department of trade at Toronto just now. The holiday season has begun. There is a largo cfllux of citizens to summer rc- sorts, and travel appe its to be more oneml than usual. Business is leftto itself pretty much, but. the wise men are. making preparations for the expected. activity which usually sets in about the end of August. Dry goods retailers report satisfactory business for several weeks past, and July and August payments are being anticipated in some case. Travelers also report county dry goods stocks are mov- ing off very fairly, and some of them pro- fess to ï¬nd an inclination on the part, of some of their customers to buy the bulk of their fall goods earlier this year. than for several years past, due partly to the expectation of a. better state of trade, and partly to the belief that higher values may prevail. Here and There. A ton of steel is worth more than its weight in gold when made into hair springs for watches. x x x _ Of the twenty-six barons who signed the Magma. Charts. three wrote their names and twenty-three madc their marks. x x x An alloy that adhcrcs so firmly to glass that it may be used to solder pieces together is made by a. French chemist. x x x The flute took its name from tho Hutu, an ccl caught in Italian waters which has seven spots like ï¬nger holes on its sides. X X X The Japanese method of Iacquering is said to be at. least; 2,000 years old. Pieces mndc ten centuries ago are still cxhibite l. x x x Tlic Roman father had unlimited pow- er ovci‘ his children, and could put them in chains, sell them into slavery or kill them at will. X X X The ticker telegraph is being intro- duced into many big apartment, and flat houses in London by the owners for the beneï¬t of the tenants. X X X The eight flowers most prized by the Japanese are the morning glory, apricot chci'i'y, wistnria, peony, iris, lotus and Chrysanthemum. x x x it is said of the fur seal of Alaska. that. there is no known animal on land or water which can take higher physical rank or which exhibits a. higher order of instinct. x x x A horse, 3|} years of age, with a. rc- markablc fondness for whisky, died re- cently at Reading. Pa. The animal fre- quently drank a pint of liquor in a. pail of water. A Noliio Ambition. "\Vlicn lleft Oakvillc, IVoWed I would not be contented till 1 had sent, one hund- rctl persons there. It, may take tcii years, but. [ will do it." The foregoing is unex- tract from a. letter received from an old patient residing at. London,0nt., and will afford to the interested reader, a. fair indication of the spirit. that actuates the large majority of those who have exper- ienced the beneï¬ts of the treatment at "Lnkehurst Sanitarium†Oakville, for alcoholism. Victims of this fearful appetite usually get the credit for being selï¬sh and vicious. Any course of treat.- ment. which will produce men whose highest ambition is to save others, must be regarded as little short. of perfection itself. Every man suï¬cring from an appetite for stimulants, should take this trciilimnt and give his true manhOod a. chance to develop. The result. will be gratiiying alike to himself and to every- one who knows him. Full information and pamphlets at :28 Bank of Commerce Chambers, Toronto. Concerning Marriage. “Why should a. man marry?" he im- patiently exclaimed. “There is nothing in it for him.†“That is true." die gazed gloomily into the gathering Ill 1:. 5"I‘imt is true, Edwin.â€slie rejoined. “I don’t. beleive [would have married if there had been nothing in it for me except a. ten-socond wait at the chancel §ndâ€u chance to answer three questions. 0. Take Notice. I, Malcolm McBain,merchant tailor 31 Queen St. West, do certify that Dr. Carâ€" son’s Stomach Bitters cured me of dys- pepsia. I believe it. to be the best medi- cine for all Stomach and Liver troubles. At all Druggists price 500. “Rule Britannia "’ is usually credited to James Thompson. It ï¬rst appearcd in a. play entitled “Alfred,†by Thompson and Mallet in 1740. The air was by Dr. Thomas Arne. A no in Floyd County, Geor is, dressed. imself in a. sheet a. few ays ago, and started out at dusk to "scare the life out of†a. white woman. inst whom he had 9. grievance. He inter- cepted her as she was returning to the house from the well and she came near ' beating the life out of him with the iro bucket she carried. 7 The trunk line presidents in New York signed a. resolution pied ' g themselves to absolutelymnintnin e full published tariï¬s of cast-bound and westâ€"bound freight rates on 31] classes of trafï¬c. Ten days notice for withdrawal isrequircd: duty 0'1 m- g ‘ Lost H is Sight I crisscross"... .33: full line ofgassesandisiiobefound I1? The Turner Drug Co’s Stores, two doors east of Post ofï¬ce. Lug TURNER DRUG 00.7 â€"â€" CANADIAN NEWS NOTES. VHQUSEIOF' COMMONS. THE WEEK’S HAPPENING. Interesting items and Incidents. ini- portnnt and Instructlvc. Gathered from nil the Provinces. Brockvillc has 15 harbors. Trenton has passed the curfew by-law. Brighton is to have an electric plant. _ It has cost $215,000 to survey Georg- ian Bay. The Windsor Bicycle club has 30 mem- bers. Port Cobornc cued . South Leeds has a. now post-ofï¬ce called Bowel]. . Berlin has 0,000 volumes in its public library. . Oxfoid county constables ask for many reforms. t‘ Atcold storage factory is to be built in .13. , The Fort William curfew rings at 8.45. _In Sarniatlie wheelinen register their bicycles. Conncaut men and boys go fishing on Sundays. Tho I. O. 1%, Brockvillc, are building a. new llhll. NVinnipcg has votch $135,000 for school buildings. A Methodist. college is to be built near Vancouver. Last; year Essex county- Schools cost “N â€97.85. .....,. .. harbor is being deep- nightly County Treasurer Stock, \Vcntwortli, has resigned. Stratford has not a. single case of con- tagious disease. Peter Stuart, Ingcrsoll, has a, broom plant ill blossom. 'l‘lio new Baptist church at, Port Elgin has been opened. Welland will have a. ï¬reinen's demoti- stration August lith. > There are 1,130) men working on the Parry Sound railway. The Meganetawan locks arc closed while being repaired. Digby, N. 5., is supplying itself with water by gravitation. The C. P. R. station at MacLeod. N. \V. T.. has been robbed of $1,000. The c. T. R. intends to build a line up- town station in Hamilton. Guelph‘s electric street railway will be in operation by August. 1st. A mumbcr of Danish families have set- tled in Ottawa. this spring. Ten thousand members of the I. O. F. will be in Guelph August 20th. Dr. David Robertson has been pointed coroner for Halton oonnty. a p- A Blenheim man is under arrest. for_ selling cancerous beef in Chntliam. There are nearly ‘_’l‘0 members connectâ€" cd with the. “'oodstock Bicycle Club. Onc day last. week 93,5300 feet of lum- llcr wct’u cut. at the Huntsville mills. There is talk of establishing :1 Colâ€" lcgiate Institute at Portage la, Prairie. Windsor merchants want, the compul- sory six o’clock closing by~1nw quashed. 3 A now Masonic lodge called “Algon‘ quiu Lodge," has lIcI-n instituted at. EIIISllilIC. Kingston wants tho (1'. T. R. shops that are now located at Bellcvilie and Brock- ville. i Hiirlbei't‘s shingle mill, Sprucedalc. recently destroyed by ï¬re is to be re» built. The colored people of London hiivc formed an “Independent. ('lrdcr of Hood] Samaritans.†In the Ncnrl'liturc. “A strong healthy man like you ought not to bc out. of work " “l‘m willin' to work. ma‘arn. but I can't get notliin‘ to do at. my trade. Raw niatcrial's all gone." "What’s your triulc 1’" "Blacksmith." "Surely, there’s plenty of iron.“ “ch’m, but I‘m a. horseshoer. ain’t, no horses." There Silo “'oultln't 'l'roublc. Him. Wife â€""My dear, I need a. little mom» of this stuff and some trimming to match. I wish you would drop into Blgg. Sale (\3 (‘ofs and got, it.†Husband (it smart, fclloII'Iâ€"“Lct in.- see. Oh, I know. That‘s the store wlici‘o they have so many pretty girls. isn‘t, it 2’" \Vifc--â€"“Y-c-s." Husbandâ€"“Yes. I remember. That, blond girl at the_ trimming countci' knows your tastes and will doubtless sv- lcct just the sort. of trimming you waiit~ I mean the girl with the golden hair. alabaster skin, blue eyes and swcct littleâ€"†\Yifeâ€"J'Thei‘e are a. number of things [want down town. Never mind, dear. I’ll go and got them myself." (‘nniuln‘s (i rcnt ll‘nir For 1895. The Toronto Industrial Exhibition. which is to be held from the 2nd to tho I 1011 of September, will no doubt. b.) tlic greatest fair of tho present; year, and In)!" present. indications it. promises to excel all others. both in point. of exhibits- mid in attendance of visitors. The grounds have been vastly improved since last year, and already most of the spacc in all the buildings has been applicd for. All entries close on the 10th of August. A good programme of special attractions, both novel and interesting, will be 1)]‘0‘ Vldetl its usual. it is only a. little over it month to the time of the fair, and our readers cannot choose a. better holiday trip than this offers. Cheap excursions will as usual he run on all railways at mics in keeping with the times. This great. fair has now become one of the best and most popular educational and entertainment enterprises on. this con- tinent, and attracts visitors each_ycnr. not only from all parts of the Dominion. but from the United States as well, and those who have never been there would be surprised at its magnitude and at:- tractivcness, being almost like a. VVorl l's Fair, only on a. smaller scale. Industrial Items. The glass industry is growing very rapidly in Russia. Over $1,000, .1 is invested by South- ern electric railway and light com- panics. Iceland manages to do all her news- paper and job work with only ï¬ve print- ing presses. , Pcctoria. Pcctoria. Pcctorin. Areyou sufl'erin from cough or cold on your in . As you druggist. for Factor-15,119 take no other. J ust try and sec for yourself how soon Pcctoria. will cure you. Send to Allan . 00., 53 Front. at“, Toronto, Proprietors. 25 cents a hot- 9. . The Spanish Chamber of Deputies rc- Jccteds proposalto abolish 1like export Pubilo Expenditure, Mr. Mills. on motion that the House again go into Committee of Supply, mov- ed in amendment that; â€This House dcclares that since 1880 the public ex- pcnditurc has increasd, is increasing. and ought to be diminished †The expendi- ture, he contended, was far out of propor- tion to the wealth and resources of the country. The public debt; had grown from $93,046,000 in 1867 to $808,248,000 in the present year. The growth of taxation had been excessive compared with the growth of population. Mr. Daly likened the hon. gentleman to Rip Van Winkle. Some sixteen years ago the hon. gentleman had presided for a few months over the Department of the Interior, and concluded that. the depart- ment had not progressed since then. The statements and arguments of the hon. gentleman contradicted the policy of the Government of which he was a member. In Ontario there were now only three Indian superintendents, whereas in the hon. gentleman’s term of ofï¬ce there were five. In a like manner the number of other Indian officials in other provinces had been reduced or remained stationary. The condition of tho Indians in the prov- inces in 1878 and in 1894 was compared, showing a vast advance in prosperity in the latter your. Ho called the hon. gentle-Inn’s uttcntion to the fact. that whereas the expenditure upon Indians in British Columbin in 1878 was $47,407, or $8.74 per. head, it was now only $4.60 per head. In conclusion he had proved that, the cost to-dny for managing the Indians in the North West. and British Columbia was less than in 1878. In furnishing the Indians with implements form instruc- tors. and oxen the ticparl-incnt was on‘y carrying out. the policy cnunciatod by the hon. gcntlcinnn hinisclf in 1578. and lli(‘ cxpcndilum upon tho Indian schools was but. pursuing the inggt-slion of Mr. VIII) Kouglinct, cinbmlicd In It report In 1878. and laid on the tablc by the lion. gciilic- IIInn hiiIIscif. In (ItiIcri-cspects ilic depart mom was carrying out the policios in- augurated under the Mnckcnizc chiinc, and mom than that, tiny Government, Reform or Conservative, was bound to continue these policies. Militia Department. Mr. Macaonuid (l'luron) desired to con- demn tho blundcring administration of the Militia Dcpziziiiiunt. which succeeded not. only in spending money, but. accom- plished no satisfactory result. H0 con- tended that instruction to the militia was being imparted by men who wore incap- nbic of pcrfori. "Ig the duty. The ex- penditure on legislation, the mounted police, public works, superannuation. and immigration, and quarantine was in excess of what it was under the Mac- kenzie regimc. The House divided, and the amend- ment was defeated by 87 to 57. anr Hook. Sir Richard Cartwright, on the item of $4,000 for printing the your book of Canada. 1 boing an increase of 3600, said the your 1 book was a partisan publication and ; worthless for obtaining reliable informa- ; tion. He moved that the item be struck out. Mr. Montague said that the increase was due to the great demand that was made|for extra copies of the book by school teachers and others, and the extra amount. was largely for printing additional copies Messrs. Flint. McMillan and Casey supported the motion of the hon. member for South Oxford. Mr. Foster said that the increased vote was asked to fill the requests for the book from other countries. ' Tho hon. member for Brunt. (Mr. Paterson) and other lion. gentlemen opposite had asked for the in- crease. , Messrs. Sproule and Hughes said they had constantly many rcquests from teach- ers and others. including Reformers. for the year book. I The motion was lost, and the item was I carried. Franco-Canadian Treaty. Mr. Foster, in reply to Mr. Larvergnc, ‘ said the Franco-Canadian treaty would be mtiï¬cd and put into operation directly after legislation pending should have passed. Inspector of Stores. Sir Adolphe Citron. in answer to Mr. Mills (Bothwcll), said liicut. Col. John Gray was appointed inspector of stores by the order-imCouncil of January 315t,1895. ‘ ‘ He was appointed superintendent of ‘ stores in August 222ml, 1893. His duties 1 as superintendent wore to'tuke charge of ' all military stores at the headquarters of I his military district, lining held respon- , siblo for all rcioipts and issue. of clothing ; and stores, and for the proper discharge , of all duties assigned to tile storcmcn and ‘ laborers under his control. and to make ,' such returns as were called for from time , to time by tho department. His present ' salary was $1,200. He rcccivcd also lodging , allowance and $1, per dicni. Sugar Islmul. Mr. Duly, in nnswcr to Mr. Grieve, said Sugar Island, in tho Thousand islands. about six miles east of Gnnauoquc. was sold on July 2th, 1894, to Alexander Ferugsou for 8900. Bishop (irnvoi‘s Letter. Mr. Foster, in answer to Mr. Hughes, said the attention of the Government had ‘ not been drawn to the recently published communication of Bishop Grave], of Nicolas. II. was not the intention of the Canadian Govciirniciit. to direct. the atten- tion of the Government of Great. Britain and Ireland to the communication, neither did the Government propose to ascertain how for Bishop Gravel, the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, and Cardinal Vaughan were successful in their endeavor to improper- ly influence the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council of Great Britain a'nd Ireland. Seizure of Seniors. ‘ Mr. Davies directed the attention of the Government to the seizures of Cana- dian scaling vessels in Behring Sea by the Russian authorities in 1892. Ho had been informed that the loss to the owners reached at least $50. 0000. Sir Charles H. Tupper said the circu m- stances were familiar to him and very distressing. The seizure bore heavily on the seniors. who had contravened no law. An investigation by a. commission. ap- pointed by the Russian Government, had cleared four of the vessels, then; not being sufï¬cient evidence in their opinion to warrant the retention of the vessels. Finding that the British Government; was dealing with the seal ï¬sheries bill recent~ ly. so far as Russian waters were concern- ed., the Canadian Government hastened to press upon that Government their views that no concessions should be made to Russia under the circumstances. unless there was reason to bclievc that. some con- clusion would be reached respecting the settlement of these claims for damages. Negotiations were now proceeding. Remedial Order. Mr. M’Carthyâ€"I wish to us): the lender of the House whether any answer to the remedial order as been received from the Manitoba Government yeti . Mr. Fosterâ€"No, not yet. The South Shore Baiiwny. Mr. White (Shelburnc)resumed the dc- bate on Mr. Filnt's motion for papers regarding the Coast Line Railway. He said the So th Shore Railway was the first in tho subsidy, and therefore should bcIaliowcd to to proceed with the construction 0? a rail- way from Yarmouth to Shelburnc un- mama. Sir. Charles ,‘ 33le . Tum said the "Io, , ' some of cholatcst Engliih.medioall’works d. and the ï¬rst to secure a as being to rheumatism what. quinine is I ment that: the Coast Line or narrow gauge railway was a political railway. and that those interested in it were fur- , shoring the petty. party motives of the Nova Scotin Government. True. the Dominion had been committed to the South Shore railway to the extent of granting it a subsidy, but what. the Gov- ernment desired to see was the cons'tru lion of a. standard gauge railway. ' South Show Railwuv. Mr. Cameron continued the debate in regard to the South Shore railway, and argued in favor of the Dominion and Nova Scotiau Government combining to support. the undertaking. Mr. McIsaac contended that the South Dililm ruiilway Company was regarded in Nova Scotia as dead when the Coast Line Company was chartered by the Legisla- cure. Mr. Borden condemned the Govern- ment for proposing to sacriï¬ce the Coast Line Company which had shown its good faith and its ability to construct this road. , Mr. Kaulbaoh moved the adjournment of the debate. North-West Territories. . ' Mr. Duly ' introduced a bill further to amend the Act srespcctlng the North-West Territories. which was read a ï¬rst time. Exchange Hunk. Mr. Foster, in answer to Mr. Lander- kin, said the amount guaranteed by Mr. Ogilvie on account of the Exchange Bank was $100,000. No portion of that amount had , been paid. The. sum re- maining unpaid was $33,25, exclusive of interest. The correspondence had been placed in the hands of the Department of J usticc, but it was only fair to state on Mr. Ogilvie’s behalf that he entered an objection to the payment by himself on account of some question connected with the general distribution of receipts St. Louis Case. ' Mr. M’Mullen called attention to the postponement of" the St. Louis case in the Exchequer Court. and asked whether this had been done at. the instance of the Government. . Sir Charles H. 'I'uppcr said the case had probably been adjourned, to enable the judge to keep other appointments on his circuit. The counsel for the Crown had neither requested nor obtained special in- structions in the case. Public Buildings. On the item of $5.000 for the Marysviilc public building, , Sir Richard Curt-wright enquired whats the amount was intended to make pro- vision for. Mr Ouimet said it was towards a build- ,ing that would cost about $7,000. Sir Richard . Cartwright said there was no more useless waste of money than to stud these little “two-penny villages with public buildings. " Every one of these would require a. caretaker, and would involve an .annual expenditure of from 81.400 to $2,000 whereas 3150 would be real- ly sufï¬cient to provide ample postal facilities. This was direct bribery, pure and simple. Mr. Foster replied that this was an ex- ceptional case. There was an unique state of aï¬airs at Marysvillc. One of the largest cotton mills in the country 'was located there. also a lumber mill and a 21-33(1): yard. The population was about Toronto Ii arbour. Mr. Mulcck. on tho item of $40,000 for the Toronto harbour. nskod what were the terms of contract. . . Mr. Ouiinet said the contract had been given to Messrs. Clcvcland and Murray. and was arrangeilnccording to a schedule of prices. The nature of the Work was excavation and filling with stone fnv- a. 'oundntiou l CHURCH OF THE ASPENSION. HAM- ILTON. Rev. \\'. H. Wade. Rector of Hamilton's Leading Episcopal Church. Endorses I Dr. Agnew's Cntarrlinl Powder. ' A‘lcitdcr of'tzhe Epicsopal denomination l'l Canada. is the Rev. W.H, Wade. rector of the Church of the Ascension. Among r-ho members of the church arc numbers of the most wealthy and fushionablo people of IhI- Ambitious Citynnd beloved indeed is Ilicir rcctor. In the family lic has used Dr. A gncw's Cabarrhnl Powder, and beg ' Inorc than pleased with Ilic good results (Ibtaiiicd. The satisfaction has hccn such I that- ovcr his own signature 110 has frankly l said to the people of Canada that this 1 modicine is a good thing, and gives the relief that is claimed for it. 1 ()nc short puï¬ of thc brcath through the Blower, supplied With cat-ii bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal pass- ages. Painless and delightful to usc,lt rc- licvcs in ten minutes, and porniancntly cures Cumrrh, Hay Fever, Colds. Hond- nclic, Sore Throat, Tonsilltis and Dczlf-‘ iicss. till cents. Sample bottlcaiid Blow- er sent on receipt of two tiircc-ccnt stamps. 5.6. Dctchon, 44 Church street, Toronto. HEART DISEASE YIELDS AN IN- TENDED VICTIM. ’l‘hc “'ife of Capt. Clins. Muggcr Rad- ically Cured of Heart Disease of Four Year's Standing by Dr. Ag-' ncw's Cure for the Heart. , Mrs. Chas. Muggcr, Sydney, NS. “ For over four yours I was afflicted with scvcro heart. trouble. Smothering and clicking sensations. mvclledfect and, ankles. and pain in loft side were my symptoms. I doctoral constantly, without bencï¬t, and in fact had dcspalred of ever again being \chI. Dr. Agncw’s Cure For rho chrt was-at. last tricd audio my astonishment gavc relief inside of an hour. I havc now uscd three bottles and am completely cured. No one can use too strong language in recommending this remedy, as its pchrs to cure are truly wonderful.†THE SUFFERING OF OLD PEOPLE. Finds Simple and Quick Relief In the Use of South American Kidney Cure. The suffering from kidney trouble on- dured by men and women who are scribing a little up in yours is often exceedingly distressing. The annoyance and incon- venience caused by a derangement of the kidneys is only too plain to all who have been troubled in this way. How keen the distress is at times from what is knownu prosaic troubles in the old, such as en- largcm cm, inflammation and ulceration of the prostate gland. Without: any present or after unpleasant cfl‘oqts South Ameri- can Kidney Curc givcs immediate and lasting rclicf in such casesh It. is a won- derful medicine for kidney trouble of whatever kind. It. is essentially a kidney curc, and boasts of nothing more. But It is king here every time. It is absurd to try to cu‘re rhoumctism wit-h arsnparillasand the o.dinary adver- tised compounds which are recommended for the cure of almost every disease to which the human flesh is heir. This dismso, as all know, is caused by an acid. poison in the blood, and can only be quickly and effectually removed by the use of an internal remedy, which will neutralize it. and thus destroy its irritat- ing properties. The ingredients of South American Rheumatic Cure havc not been long known, but are rcopmmcndod. by agile, an absolute speciï¬c. The ï¬rst dose of the remedy glva‘s perfect rtdicfmnd it. at. once btxgins the ch wniicsl prbocss neutralizing the acid of, oily cums ...TIIE. .. FASHIONABIE TAILOR Is now showing tho NEWEST SPRING PATTERNS AND cLO'riis r03 801111le AND TROI'SEBINGS AND \VIIJ. Iii-2 PLEASI‘JI) TO HAVE A CALL FROM \'()l'. Full lines of GENT’S FURNISHINGS 389 George Street. PETEBBOBO. ,,A._.r..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ sailors PHOTOGRAPHS ARETHE... BEST, TRU EST, AND... mos-r . ARTISTIC. His enlarged Portraits in Oil or . 'Water Colors, India Ink, Sepia or Cray ons, have no superior on this Continent All work imperishsble. 170 CHARLOTTE 811. - PEPEBBOBO Ground floor Studio. No Stairs to climb ]. Elliot 5 Son, PRACTICAL EMBALIIEIIS Best of rriSI’IIIIlOIIIRIS can be given. “'15 KEEI‘PHIIEIRIIIIV on lmIIrl slur?» ' stock of F."".’-iiurc of all kinds, Our stock is well assorted and displayed in thrcc lai‘Irc slion’ rooms. No trouble to show goods. We are Iilln manuiccturen 0f tlic Excrlsiur Washing Machine. Best in the Marla-I. .. MILLBRODK LIVERV . . If you require a good livery turnout. fast and gentle horses. comfoitable rigs and everything clean and tasty. Try! Lang 8: Lear-men ..FIRE.. THE DOMINION MUTUAL FifCl-I INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. THE BEST ANDCHEAI’ST FOR FARMER It. is the only coin} any issucing Four Y. or Blankct. l’ul'cy. IIA'IESIARE “FLY Alilll‘T ONE HAL HF [‘IIA'I‘ CHARGED BY STOCK l CUMI’ INIFS. I F- r {ulthtr information apply to A. I‘. )IAYCOCK. General Agent. 12-3 'll ! Remember - - SCHNEIDER’S .3 \thn in town, Itr Diamonds. Watches. Jewellery, Etc, REPAIRING IN ALI. BRANCHES. ALL \VORK GI'ARANTEEII F. S. SCHNEIDER, \Vutchmakei' Jeweller, 3.01 owner. STREET, l’E'l‘EttBUHUUGH. - ()NT ‘ J. T. STINSON, - - DEALER IN - - Boots and Shoes I’ETERBORO‘ WE BUY FOR CASH Asn SELL FOR- CASH The Buyer Reaps the Beneï¬t. Call When' In Town. 364 George St .-_. A Real Man this Time. Doughtcr (dolightedly)â€"“And (â€DI really consent?" Fatherâ€"“Consent? My stars! on" to. The man demanded your W highwnyman healing up a coach. cont? My goodness gracious! I- from the way L: looked and would have knocked me .. hadn‘t." _ Daughterâ€"“Oh? it. can’t. . , ‘ rp'a. ‘ this 'must have been rimming. he I cut. I :0 IOmeMMIIJ l. B -x 3‘21. Bailieimru. O"