tercourse and egulating the nstruction of whisk cros. ourse situate efore provid- rsons or cor- bstruct any se situate on peed . Any . I [charge snall : constructed rer a drain or me highway, make appli- k of the Cor- ting and if Igineer shall y in directing I of construe. on or pub- t, avenue, '. square, ct or tres- used by r the pas- en‘ such is absence of of the Bridges rt or Bridge date be en. may be re. r section of considered 5ngineer. wstem >r bridge re- r of the Cor. rture repairs on ocupying my such high. of having a rt or bridge. the construc. me by the itimated cost be deposited :, before any ncil at the the County .y of June, iin or water. Public High- 1'7 by the carried out ', and at the 'poration. at this By. to a convic- Imary Con- 3y be liable fling $50.00 E the Village «re enacts as nibit the Ob- .in or Water- as â€on 33 eted, by the part of le of Con- Victoria and Grey ' Trust Company 437 George St. unnonouon mm 2.044; Passâ€"Marten Broekstra, J Oan’ Cannon, Ronald Fallis, Jo Ann Friar, Gail Gibbs, Murray Gib’ lis, Robert Hamilton, Bernie Hancock, Donna Lord, Marionl Luna, Cameron Porter, Frances Conditionalâ€" Glenda Bain, """ Sharon Bremner, Joan Manley. JUNE 3cm Grade 10 to 11 8.8. No. 15 Honoursâ€"Joan Porter, Nancy‘ Powell, Gail Laww'son Passâ€"Elmore Crowley, Glenn Grade 8 1 Earle, Alan Fowler, Joyce Lunn, William Am Gordon Martin, Ann Patton,‘ [gonna Todd Gloria Raper, Peter Stuart. ' Grade 6 Conditionalâ€"David Raymes. Everett Patt Grade 11 to 12 Earl Todd, S Honoursâ€"D ia n e Kinsman,’ P (frag? 4 tqo Barbara Hutchison. ‘ '9“ .V - :01: ee (Names in : Passâ€"R o g e r Armstrong, Sharon Ball, Ed Bobee, Sharon Cannon, David Challice, Gary Hopkins, Ralph Lang, Brenda Lunn, Bradford Medd, Ted Nat- tress, Jane Onellette. Note 2.â€"â€"Conditional promo- nonâ€"weak in some subjects, and must show by October exams ability to keep up with the class or be demoted. Grade 9 to 10 Honoursâ€" Norma Earl, Ban, bara Young, Bernard Ingrham,l David Brackenridge, Judithl Reid. [ Note 1.â€"Na'mes of students obtaining honpurs are in order of‘. merit. All others are in‘ alphabetical order. } Miflbrook High School Promotion Repott Grade 12 to 13 HOnoursâ€"Judith H'obbs and Pansys, Various Kinds of Petunias, Tuberous Be- gonias, Calandus, Twinkle, Phlox, Globe Phlox, ’Mums, (new colours); Dwarf Merigolds, different varieties, etc., etc. Cut Flowers in Season, Give Us a Trial! STEVENSOWS GREEN HOUSE MORTGAGE LOANS J- I. Swinger, hunter. THE GERTRUDE SHOP, PHONE 136 PRE’l'l'Y COTTON DRESSES, SKIRTS AND For Fun In The Sun SHORTS, SLIM HMS, JEANS, T-SHIRTS For Your Choice of Annuals First Mortgage Loans on Town and Farm Property. We have Money Available for ENQUIRIES INVITED The M11†k ° Revorter I Grade 2 to 3â€"Mary Patton, lMary-Jane .Sewatd, Kathleen {Vamos Gordon VamD-am. j Grade 4 to 5â€"Wayne Morton, Betty-Lou» Seward, Paul Wood. Grade 3 to 4â€"Glen Morton, g Earl Patton, Helen Todd, Jacob tV’anDam. Grade 1 to 2â€"Joyce Todd, Judith W'ood Gabriel Vamos. (Mrs.) Irene Ferguson, Teacher. Grade 6 to Tâ€"Terry Allenï¬ Everett Patton, Sandra Seward,‘ Ea_rl Todd, Shirley VanDam. .' (Names- in alphabetical order) Grade 8 to 9â€"Ix‘inda Allen, Will'iam_Aï¬llen, Wilma Patton, JUNE SCHOOL REPORT 8.8. No. 18, CAVAN Graduation Diplomas (Completed four years of high school) Don Earle, Judith Hobbs, George Hu‘bbeard, Patricia Pee-b195, Barbara Ann Seward. (Completed first two years of high school) Elia-ore Crowley, Glenn Earle, Alan- Fowler, Jo Ann Friar, Georgina Kennedy, Gail Law- son, Joyce Lunn, Gordon Mar. tin, Joan Porter, Nancy Powell, Gloria. Raper, Wayne Rapez‘, Peter Stwpa‘rt. ‘ Grade 13 results will not be available until the second week Pansâ€"Don. Earle, Carol Go- 123m, George Hubbeard, Bar- bar-x Seward. Patricia Peebles equal; Paterson. ONTARIO Intermtdiate certificates Grade5t06 Armstrong, J oan. Hon. ArmstrOng, Julie. Hon. lBuckham, Merilea. Hon Farrow, Ma'rilynne Fowler, Margaret. Hon. Graham, Valeria. Hon. Hamilton, (Bordon ‘ ’Lieseime‘r, Mary. Hon. McMaster, Bill. Hon. Medd. Victoria. Hon. Olan, Carol R.eyll(vl'd<,.David. Hon. Sr‘illi‘. Raymond Smillio. Victoria. Room 4â€"Grade 6 to? IAbbott. Carol. Hon. lBland. Billy i fill-wett, Diana. Hon. Blewett, Linda. H‘on. Edwardï¬, Janice. Hon. Farrow; Murray. Hon. Hard, Janet Nelson, Gaile. Hon. . Ouelilette, Pa-ul. Hon. lPowell, Robert 'Quibe-ll‘, Rodney Imam, Bax-ham. Hon“ Sanderson, Barry Scott, Ronald Skitch, Betty. Hon. Smith, Gloria Sloan, Reginald Stoeten., John. H‘on. Trick, Wayne. Hon. Westlake. Roy White, N orma VVil‘liston, Clarence. Promoted to Grade 8 Bland, Georg; Berzins, George. Hon. Blencowe, Bonnie (,“hallice, Roger ( :Iihs'on, Gordon . Hon. Medd, Barton Nattress, N ancy.- Hon. Raper, Betty. Hon Sheppard, George. Hon. Thomas, Linda Thompson, Larry. Hon. {Br-oekstra, Sjoukje. Hon. Coulter, Robert ~ Crough’ James ‘ Fallis, Glenn. Hon. ' Hawkins, Melbum Hobbs, Patricia. Hon. McDowell, Roderick. Eon. McMaster, Ashton. Hon. Olan, Gail ' Orr, Diann Powell, Karen. Hon. Reid, Donald Sanders, Gail Scott, Yvonne Stoten, Margaret. 1 1 PROMOTION RESULTS OF MILLBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL Promoted to Grade 9. m man-REPORTER Authorized as and aim in . E. Hamilton, Principal . ', GANADA THURSDAY, JULY 3, A bus will leave Pontypool for Bowmanville on July 12th, at H .00 a.m~. Anyone wishing to take in the “'Gloriouq Twelf- th†please. get in touch with‘ Jack Payne, Pontypool. Fare for trip only $1.00. Promoted to Grade 3 Agnew, Allan. Hon. ‘Bremner, Peggy Lee. Hon. BrookS, Howard. Hon. Blair John. Hon. Blewxett, Dwight. Hon. Cou‘lter, Mari-on Challice, Larry ChaFlice, Conrad Farrow, Edward. Hon. Fallis, Nancy Fo-ottit, Gloria Fawcet’r, Deborah. H‘on. Gibson, Janice. Hon. Godfrey, Kirk. Hon. Guthrie, Arnold Grade 2 to Grade 3. Hard, Kathryn. Hon. Hopkins, Douglas. Hon. Jensen, Mary. Hon. ,Kellett, Larrz Larmer, Marie Martin, Eward. Hon. Meidd, Stephen. Hon. Nelson, Temple. Hon. ‘Ol'an, Bryon Reynolds, Cynthia. Hon. Rowland, Rosalyn Sanderson, Sylvia Skipp, Margaret. Hon. Scott, Claudia ‘ Thomas Leon (Recommended) Todd, Bonnie. Hon. Trick, Donna. Hon. Tinney, Margaret White, Charles. Hon. Grade 3 ho Grade 4 Berzins, Andrew Bland, Allbert (Recommended) Bland, Elsie. Hon. Brock, Donna. Buck, Kathleen Challice, Dale _ Cutmore, Stephen. Hon. Falwcett, James F‘oottit, Diane. Hon. Graham, Donna. Hon. Guthrie, Barry Guthrie, Ronald. Hon. Jewison, Judith. Hon. Kellett, Fern Larmer, Patricia. Hon. Larmer, Penny. Hon. Orr, David (Recommended) Sanderson, Brier. Hon. States, Freda. I-I'on. F Trick, Barbara. ] Trick, Nancy Wgsblake, Dwight, (28 names.) (10 honours (2 recommended.) J. L. Bumham Teacher . . J. Stuart, Teacher St. Andrew’s Sunday Schoozf Picnic will be held to day Cobourg Beach. Children tnave I bv bus meeting at the Church at 1.30 p. In. All our Churc?‘ families are invited to come. Bring a pionk supper. â€"â€"â€"..._.--â€"â€" I Miss Margaret Smith recenthr of Barrie, spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith this week. Miss Smith is leaving Barrie for Montreall Where she will be with Wesley] I I I I I I 3 United Church . 2 Insulin-IIII-I-II-n-Inllll Daw‘ on and his daughter Marg- a’ret, and Miss Dench‘, of Toron- t0. W. Davenport and two child- ren of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allin .on Sunday. Also, Mr. George Mr. and Mrs. J. Barringer spent the weekend with their daughter and son III-113W Mr. and Mrs. Floyd A‘bnams Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Stillaway and their _three children, and Mrs. Mrs. Crowley Sr. ,.Mr and Mrs. J. T. Crowley son and daughter, Peter and Elinore, motored to Perth for the week- end and visited with the form- er’s son and daughter-in-Iï¬aw Mr. and Mrs. Crowley. Friends of Mr. John Finne- more will be sorry to hear he was taken to a. Peterborough hospital on Tuesday. We hope â€co see him home again in the near future. Mrs. Neave who recently turned from Scotland; her niece and nephew Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Watkins and two ehild- ren .of Bridgemort'h. Vi‘Sitors Witthr. and Mrs. Clifford Allin and Mr. Thomas Allin on Friday evening were lequite Plumbing Heating Phone Builioboro 39 Phone Hillbrook 8712 Mr. Arnold Armstrong .01? La- Prairie, Quebec, was a visitor with his mother over the holi- diay. PROBLEMS $â€"â€"â€"! $â€"â€"!$â€"â€"â€"â€"! If you haVérst'eady employment and would like to budget your th'zbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application today. - ' â€"v~.â€".ca. V VI- Lakefield were visitors in the village on Friday last. MrS. Cheshire has taken a position on the Sutton High School staff as all French language teacher. ‘ ‘ The Rev. Francis P. Chisholm, M.A., B.D., and Mrs. Chisholm and three little daughters, left on Monday afternom for their new home -at Port Dalhousie. ESTIMATES ON Iron Firemen Forced-Air Oil Furnaces, Conversion units, or complete installations We now ham a plan that shall take care of your .8. PICNIC TODAY Attention Ham? Builders ARTHU R T. TRICK Plumbing and Heating Year FREE Service Guarantee $.59 2: year in m: to 11.34. AT 278 MILLBROOK â€"_... ._â€"..- _._ â€"â€"..~_.--- - 0A8!fordeMorcrippl- almmcm. Top price for old horses. Telephone collect Keene s3w1, it no answer Potaborough â€3-4330. Barrett Fur Farm won by D. R Garland, RR 4, (‘-o'bourg. The Winning numbor was 268. The draw conducted by the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Cana- dian Legion Branch 304, was made on the holiday and was HOPE CHEST WON BY COBOURG HAN Renew your subscription Travel Film “SAMOA†Dead Stock! Circus Novelty “LITTLE BIG-TOP†Shows at 6.45 and 9.00 WALT DISNEY’S ’ All-Time Greatest Cartoon Featum 1 ,3 AND THE 1 DWARFS A Treat for the Whole Family 1‘ “‘. -.-:1