If you are interested in reli-I This fine policy is enabling able refrigerators freezers them 1'0 take a leading position ranges, automatic washers and 3111071" auto dealers of? Port drvers or well- known names in Hope and surrounding com- television, you will find this munities We are very pleased store your shopping mecca. lto recommend this auto Sales In the service depï¬iment at ,and Service to our readers. This very fiiie store featui‘es‘ everything to make home mak- ing really Dlea-sant. We S'L‘lg- gest that you visit their store in Port Hope and see for yourSelf, the many labour sav-1 ing devices that are available for The IRS)? housewife andl mothért... ..... . l BISSBT APPLIANCES LTD. 47 Walton St.,'Phone TU 5-4543 we are pleased to recomfnend this store to all our readers. and older children. Every de- tail has received their very special attention, particularly price markings They are, as we observed well withm the family budget. You would do well to see their display on your next trip to Port Hope as The management of this shopi an honoured name in the auto» “Chris†and Helen Hagerman motive field and are well known have been careful to includefln Canada and the United softness and delicate tones f0r States. It is sufficient to say in am 3 wear and the deeper,ithat inany scientific and en- more striking colours for tots' gineering advances 1n the auto- and older children. Every deJmobileD industry have been tail has received their ver' ‘made by General Motors. They are available in mix or in match themes, embodying l the newest styles. t The smart mothers 0f the ful and painstaking work We area haVe "00d reason fors'hop-i are pleawd to recommend this ping at this popular store inifirm for all your cleaning: prnb~ P011 Hope T1113 Shop has 191m. This firm also does my everything £10m blankets to and upholstering (leaning .. ‘ bottle warmbi‘s â€"â€"3 bea‘uï¬fal' .V treasures for your mosW ~ 1;:- 0-“; ~ -. ous bundle, your baby. EVery KING EDITORS ! imaginable article for the in- Pontiacâ€"Bmckâ€"GMC Trucks. fant is carried in a Wide selec- 79 Peter Strbet TU 5-4552 ttion for boys and girls 1n sizes. It is not the purpose of this; tots to teens. iari'irip fn 1’0“ n‘nr rpnflare uhnné- 17 Queitm St. Ph.‘ TU 5-5449 Preserve your eyesight far all time. Make your appointment as soon as possible. We are pleased to recommend Mr. John T. McCreery for the care of your eyes. He has practised the profession of Optometry in Port Hope for the past many years, andvhas built a. practise that is a credit to the community. It must. be remembered, too, that styles in frames and rim- less mountsnigs have changed greatly in the last. few years. Glanes have become more and more a part of one’s drezvs and it is only natural that one should have a little more time in the selection of frames or mountings, and a varied selee- 1 tion from which to make a: I chnice The Optometrist devotes his entire time to the care of the†eyes, specializing in the Exam- ination and Refraction of the eyes and prescribing lenses or‘ vision -training for the relief and improvement of the many‘ defects of the eye. If lenses‘ are prescribed, glasses should receive the closezt of attention in fitting and adjustment. : Mr‘. John T. McCreery, Optometrist in Port Hope of- fers such a service. \ 60 Walton Street W 5-2956 'l‘o-day more than ever before it is imperative that'those who require eye care, avail themsel-j ves of an Optical Service thet' has proven reliable through the use of the ï¬nest len’ses and materials obtainable, and thr- ough the careful and painstak- ing‘eare 1n the examination and re‘lraction .of the eye. Businesses : j. ofesswns In Port ' Hope PAGE TWO JOHN '1'. MCGREERY ' ,this. store you will find only Optmï¬etï¬st - ' fart-Dry trained technicians 'to' FaltonStreet TU 5.2356331“ you tjï¬e ’typepf seï¬iqe . f t at you W1 apprecxa-e. err ffgxmï¬e thaPFe-vglrb-e-fwé’jfï¬endly experienced salesmeni Imperative that thee? w11°iwi11 be glad to demonstratel Lire eye care, ayail th?m531‘g their merchandise for you. You of an Optical .Sérvicei‘thhtiwill find- that they can assist-l prov'en reliable mid-high the you With your-proplems in' the of i the , ï¬nest l'eï¬se‘s and electric appliance ï¬eld. CRISELEN ’S TWO "cm was .rl . - :""A""’l Hz". Thpy are not just interested in quick sales, but to know that all customers are completely satisfied. z» - Here, they carry at all times? One? of the largest stocks‘ of parts so that their customers: Will not be dfmrivpd nf their! car for any great length of; time. repairs and adjustments. Ef‘me concern maintains a coup; Mr. 'H. C. Hersey, who 'with tplete service department which - years of experience in the busi- ‘enagbl'es them to give the fastest, ness and in. dealing with the service possible. Staffed by .’.publie, makes himself a. very capable mechanics and modernicongenial host on your visit to equipment in order that their£their eâ€"‘tablishment. customers Will be efficiently. After paying a visit to Her“ taken care of in the. matter ofllsey Motor Service Ltd., you} Instead, this story is abvut King Motors in Port Hope.This Fine concern maintains a com4 plete service department which it is not the purpose of this article to tell our readers about Pontiac, Buick cars and (}.M.C. Trucks because they have been an honoured name in the auto» motive ï¬eld and are well known in Canada and the United States. It is sufficient to say This i% a business that 16': quires Ieprrienlce,a11d Lake. Shore Cleaners and Dyers only practical help is Pinployedxt Assistantg are all able and efâ€"; ficient workmen who know, their line thoroughly and thus: you are assured the most care-f £111 and painstaking work. We: are pleased to recommend this firm for all your cleaning prob-I lems. This firm also does r11- 1 and 11phelstering cleaning,_ 5 The fact that Lake Shore Cleaners and Dyers are aVail- able to take clothing that needs" cleaning and pres-sing and turn it out so that it looks like new,‘ has saved many a high priced purchase. [ AND DYERS , 101 Walton St. Ph TU 5-5623 (Next to Eaton’s Order Office) 7 University E. in Cobourg. Phone FR 2-7382 ' The economy of taking ad- vantage of a regular cleaning} and pressing service is. not con-i fined solely to the pleasure of] having clean and spotless, frocks, alsn includes the ad- ditional service from each gar-- ment. Dirt I'Uts fabrics amh the finer the fabrie the more! essential it is that it be elennmlE regularly. i I LAKE SHORE CLEANERS to recommend this fine firm to you. ‘ These many advantages cer- tainly merit your inspection, so why not stop in and see for yourself why Bisset Appliance Ltd. is appliance headquarters in Port Hope; We are pleased One of the many advantages of shopping at Bisset Appliance Ltd. is that you buy this qual- ity merchandise at prices that will certainly please ~ you. 1933‘ REVIEWOE‘FHE? 97 mm Mr H. (‘1. Hersey has: a and professional concern whiehtthe friendl me 1t policy of having his staff â€is right ableast of the times :Jean Ferr who also have a Wide expeii- and to those who desire any-lI at the t1 nee in servicing the public, Work thing 111 up- -to- the- minute drugs 5.1., businesa pl in great. harmony. They are it is suggested that you visi In this1 not .111 st mere employees but a“ Brandon-Lamb-Birch Ltd. in gressive h part of thiq great. service centre; Port Hope Who have many Port Hope that is; a distinct credit to the satisfied patrons throughout refer to th Chrysler Motor Corporation. i the a'..rea ‘ treaders. will understand why tlhis is the place where :s..atisfied owners come again and tell their f'riemk about it. They are not just interested in making a quick sale, but to know that you are, well satisfied, and are Wt ll equipped to give you the finest se1'\i( in". Sales and Sei'vié'e' for Chrys- ler and PlymOu-th . cars and Fargo Trucks, this firm de- serves preminent mention We are pleased to giVe com- mendable mention to Kennedy- Vos‘burgh Home Fu‘rn‘iehings, and wish them many years of continued succesu and we know that a visit there will find you becoming another of their many hundreds of satisfied customers. 5 Mill St. rhbina TU 5-2103 1 Kennedy- Vosburgh H o m e Furnishings has a Wide exâ€" ilperieme in the furniture line and in servino the public, and their knowledge of present day need»: places the modern art of furniture craftsmanship of beautifully and comfortable furniture, as well as lamps; complete interior decorating service, draperies and accessor-‘ ies, carpets and floor coverings; at the peOpie’ s comzmawnd This firm are also expentmn uP-i hoI-astering'. i HERSEY MOTGR SERVICE as the leading furniture storex‘ in Port Hope. furnislhings. You will find here dresses, Month after month, our peo-I coals, suits, skirts, blouses and p119 have found great values at’spxor’rswear for every occas‘inn. this fine progressive store 3 Their collection excells‘ in varL: which has become well knownlety and distinctiveness anzll KENNEDY-VOSBURGH HOME FURNISHINGS 86 Walton St. TU 5-4054 Since the first time, many years ago, that this iiirm was established, they have continu- ally given every consideration to the public needs in house f11r11i>£hings. \Ve feel that we would be far amiss if we should fail to count this firm under the persiona] direction of Mr. Schroter, a distinvt credit to Port Hope. With the great multitude 0? sati<'fied customers We wish in this review to highly recom~ mend this firm. Fair prices for the many hun- dreds of [pieces of good'qual‘ity merchandise s-tI‘ch' es'suï¬erlastic tires, tubes, morepower batter- ies, power tools, auto accessor- ies, electrical appliances, sport- ing goods, and many mher kinds and types of small items necessary and hamiy around your auto or home. CANADIAN TEE- GORPO'R; ATION ASSOCIATE STORE 64 John St 21mg 131; 5-5454 Few if any‘3 busmess firnis have atttained the prominence that is awared they Canadiani Tire Store in Port Hope: This firm haVe built their blisiness and incrteased {their number of friends and custo- mers, through their policyâ€"a good service, courteous atten- tion, and satisfaction above all {‘0 all. 3 This professional concern has ' always given an exceptionally rigood service at all times. In keeping with modern policy, - they have kept up-to-date on all new items on the market to- day. Thie Pharmacy is staf- ..-fed with“ efficient people where :you get personal attention. I'This store has been completely 'remodelled in the past year†“making it the smartest Drug StOre in Port Hope. Hort. nope who have many.Port Hope. we are pleased to satisfied patrons throughoutjrefgr to this; fine Shop: to our VVe are glad f0 compliment thii‘fl modern store as a, busineSs énd professional concern which is 'righ’r abreast of the times, and to those who desire any- ‘ BRANDON, LAMB, BIRCH LTD., PHARMACISTS 68 Walton St; - TU 5-2077 TU 5-5883 This pOpular Pharmacy in Port Hope, at their modern Location '68 Walton St., carries a complete line of Imported Perfumes, Colognes, Toilet- Waters, Cosmetics and a Wide variety of Medical Supplies, I also a large stOck of photo-i graphic supplies. I I , Reisler’s Ladies’ Wear know the value of a satisfied} patron and would prefer not to make ?a issale~ than nip-t to have their ‘customer .s'atj‘sfiai’ "With their !purchases. ‘ ' We take great pleasure inl commending this up-t/o-datel store and Suggest you make] flhis stgreyour style headquar-J tel-s in Post Hope. ‘ Their style experts are a]- Ways alert to every new fash- ion trend and in constant touch with the mode of the moment. For your inspection you will find a mabiiificent diSplay of authoriative fthiones from the foremost designers. they are always moderately!g priced. . This is one of The foremust Women’s fashion centrvs in this; part of the province. REISLE'R’S :LADIES’ WEAR 22 Walton Phone TU 5-5496 We take pléasure in recom- mending this reliable building supply house to the penpie throughout this region. Firms such as Beaver Lum- ber Company Limited have not been serving the public for over 50‘ years without taking an interest in their patrons, in giv- ing full Value and in seeing that they have the best. in lumber and building materials. New materials are coming in- to the building trade and this fhnn.vvfll be only too- giad. to give you full infbrmation con- cerning hem. The Port Hope branch is only one of 56 in On- tario and.over 300 bran(he< n1 Canada. This dependable firin, enjoys ian enviable reputation by vir- ltue of over 50 years of honest business dealingslwith the pub- lie. With their modern and complete supplies of lumber and building materials they are equipped flo finish anything thet is available in the line of good lumber, doors, plywood, trim and all kinds of material. This IS a Build- Itâ€"Yonrself cen- tre. They have their own Home Improvement Loan available. I BEAVER LUMBER 00., LTD. Mer 81:. - Phone TU 5-4555 In this review of the pro- gressive business h-OuFes in Port Hope. we are pleased to Hats in every size, suitable, to your own particular person- ality, as: well as your own pocketbook, are displayed and the friendly attitude shown by Jean Ferrah places this store at the top of Port. Hope’s busines-Q places. ito many .of our readers TheI I! management follows the market' lclosely, and anything new in‘ !style, charm and grace will be' found at Jean Ferrah’ s Mil-l linery Shop and she is con-1 stantly on the alert for new. ideas so her many patrons will be among the ï¬rst to enjoy an; the new and latest creations: 1’ also Orion Sweaters, different! styles and sizes are featured here. Also Blazer (ostume Jewellery and Gifts. I. Hats in a Wide variety of styles will be found at this very flourishing Millinery S‘hop located. at 2 Queen St. in Port Hope. This shop is well known In thic Special review we are pleased to recommend Long bros. to all our readers. JEAN FERRAH’S HAT SHOP 2 Queen St. Phone TU 5-5711 ‘ This: is the reason we recom- ‘mend the services of Frank, Herb, and Tom Long, because you will receive courteous profffpt and friendlv service. Their Real Estate department assures satisfaction whether buying: or selling, so we suggest‘ you consult Long Bros at this office. Mortgages may be ar-l range through this office. i Fire, theft, wind-storm, burg- lary, auto, accident liability and all kinds of insurance on tobam-r), such as Ihale, frost and fire insurance can be had at his reliable firm, and rates are- equal to any other insurance firm. 7 Offering the pepole a (-0211- pléte insurance service, Long Bros. invite the people 0f this district to drop into thvir 0?- fice at any time you may be in POrt Hope. '._____, i LYALL N. CARR LTD. . MEN’S a; BOY’ AR LONG BROS-â€" INSURANCE 66 Walton St Phcfe‘Tvg5-2910 AND REAL ESTATE I ' 33 Walton St. TU 5.5505; A .11otable example â€1' sub- 1. _ , , shm‘ual gmmh and stvaag'l pi H- ’1 11s rehabh Insurmne and are mad ossibh bx M311. )1 _r Real Estate firm 011 33 Walton S i p 1 qualitv merchandim a1 semihb 1 SW†PU†HOP" desem 0‘ prices is Lyall X. Ca1r s Mon s wry i’ine comment when re-. boy 8 ‘1‘ ear Viewing the better bu~inex< This popular 111911 5 and box 5 places 0f Port HOPP- ;“ nj‘r- oh ,. 110111....“1 . 1 -1211 LONG BROS.â€" INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE 33 Walton St. TU 5-5505 farm trade agent, “Doug†Raby, who serves the public in an excellent manner. \Ve sug- gmt you contact “Doug†Baby and let him supply you with these quality products which are used by more Canadians than any other. That Imperial Oil Products have gained such recognitiOn in fhiw area; is, in. a large meas- ure due to the efforts of their Recognizing this fact, the Impeial- Oil Co. Ltd. ,through its many dealers and distribu- tors, offers the people gasoline, oils, lubricants, fuel oils, stove oils and greases that will meet all requirements. With. the new high compress- ion ‘engines used and with the increasing use of .oil and gas products, the services of'la dis~ tributor such as “Doug†Raby has come' into great demand. There has been no time when! the necessity for preper gas} and lubrication products hasi been greater than to- day. ; Im-pe‘rial Oil Farm. Trade Agent 19 Lynn St. -'~ TU 52548 R. D. “DOUG†RABY To our Port Hape readers we suggest you visit the Happy Home Bakery at. 14 Ontario St. today. “’9 are glad to recom- mend Happy Home Bakery 10 all those in search of better baking. This bakery pays particular attention to sanitation and uses every precaution in the making of their products to see that they are pure and fresh at all times. They are Bakery specialists in wedding, birthday, and party cakes and cakes of the better Th‘is popular Bakery cordi- ally invite all the people of this section to visit this store. Manufacturers of the fine home- If you shop at this store you will understand why more and more people every day speak of their products as “every bite a delightâ€. made pastries; you may rest assured you will find their service ideal. 1 means-mos. LTD. HAPPY HOME BAKERY 14 Ontario 81:. Phone TU 5-5264 As the old saying goes, “THE CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN†We know that the well dressed man in the county has found shopping at this modern store a, pleasure. Nationally advertised lines are carried here, which aesures our people of real value for their purchasing dollars. Their slog-an is “Where Clothes Are Renowned For Their Fit. â€. As the. old saying goes. “THE 1 This popular men ’s and boy's 3 wear store has always met with great approval by our male population in the county. They carry only finest lines of mer- chandise in Men’s Clothing. Haberdashery and furnishings in NAME BRANDS that could only represent the quality that this firm has associated their good name With. I No car goes without first j having a thorugh cleaning, and if necessary, an overhaul. We are pleased to recommend fhis fine business to our penple fur dependable transportatin. 1' See them now and you will ‘receive eburteous and friendly help in making a selection from a wide variety of makes and moded‘s. Their Reputation? Well, this is the place where satisfied customers come again and tell their friends about it. You Will find it pays handmmely to purchase a good used car for less money. Here you will find ears for every puree. all in tip-top condition and equip- ped to suit your needs. (‘Top Mty Used cars?! 23 Mill St; TU 5-5869 Mr. Edgers, -the friendly owner .oitha's used car buSiness Who has ‘been- host to many hundreds of satisfied customers in this region still leads the field with his top quality used cars. ' ~ - ~ 1 ‘ (Continued on Page 3) equlj 1958 Review Of Businesses and h PROPRIETOR Gavanâ€"Morning worship a 9.45. Guest. minister T!“ :e Rev Dr. Harry G. Tuttle Sunda School combined service. Mr. Stan Northrop, organ. and choir director. Sunday, J uly 6th, 1958 “O Come, Let Us Worship’ Millbrook, morning worship 11.15. Guest minister '1‘] Rev. Harry Tmttle, M.A., B.I D.D., Toronto. (During July and August t1 School will worship with U congregaton. PHONE COLLECT: Peterboronh 2-2080 Cobourg 1787 Nick Peconi Dead Stock Removed Thle. United Church of C: 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Semi 7.30 p.m.â€"Great Evangelii Service. Sunday Services 10 minâ€"Sunday School 24-Hour Service HIGHEST PRICES PAID Zion Pentecostal ’Chu tion for integrity awure‘g of complete satisfar-iion. management invites you come in-and look over 2 extra large stock. Wah-h» leading makes in ladie<' men’s styles are always on play, as well as a pleaving This popular Jewellery S has but one idealâ€"Ts; SEE FAITHFU LLY. Their rm» This-is certainly one of finest. Jewellery Stores in Section of Ontario. Where You Buy With . Confidence. 76 Walton St. TU 5‘ We are pleased to give mendable mention to thi~ which has made. every e to meet the demands of customer with the fine: a ty a116, service at all ti] They deliver anywhere and are pleased to recommend 1 services to all our readers.1 By employing only 6: enced, help and by keepix‘ with the latest de’velopmm production methods, they able to lead this region prompt Service which is s sential to the building ind‘ of today. pE-odmiction of ready mixec‘ crete to meet the deman their customers with the 1 service . In this business and indu review of the pragres‘ achievement of this section well established firm des favourable mention . They equippegl their plant 1“. The Churches 1 SUNDAY, JULY 6, 19581 Victoria St. N. Pentecostal Assemblies (Contim PORT HOPE READY; MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Past-or. HAROLD CHURCHLE CREDIT JEWELLERS