the friendly I ear bminess st to many ied customers 511 leads the ‘quality used ery cordi- people of his store. ine hOme- may rest ' d their md you will and friendly electiOn from . value for iar». Their flothps Are r Fit. ’ ’. ,ioes. “THE {I}: MAN†E911 Jressed Fhas found ï¬eru store '2:rr's Men ’5' and party 9 better rge pat~ ,tion and arity of are con- and modâ€" pply the {:pecialists t? Well, this ere satisfied rain and tell It it. You handmmely I used car 91'? you will y pures. all z and equip- rithout first leaning, and -rhau]. We mmend this tised ï¬nes ith as antes 9 readers 19 Happy {ratio St. {0 recom- Lakery to of better .R LTD store you more and lay speak IS “every >artieular ‘ and uses 9 making see that r<h at all ’ Pf“! 'tatin that could Itality that ated their 'e 3) )H TU 5-2910 an met with um- male and ’, Centrevil‘le Church 10.00 a.m.â€"C‘hurch School 11.00 a .m .â€"Divine Worship PRESBYTERIAN Centreville and Millbrook Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A.s Minister Emeritus. Grace Church. MilIbrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10. 45 a . m . 9.45 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. (Evanâ€"Morning worship atier, Marg. Snowden for the last 9.47). Guest minister The Rev. ltwo innings to hold Miilbro‘o-k Dr. Harry G. Tattle. Sunday'scoreless. Courticet scored 3 Sqrhool combined service. {runs in th'e sixth inning :off five QMillbrook errors. to end the - 7 to 5. PRBSBYTERIAN Wm" . Standm u to June 27th. Centrevflle and Millbrook l ertice gs p 7 6 1 Rev. Walter Patterson, M'A"30r,ono 8 6 9 lIinister maxim. WTiHbI'Oéii- . i . 7 3 2 9’?“ Cï¬mh’ mm Newcastle 8 0 8 During July and August the: S« hool will worship with the congregaton. i Sunday, July 6th, 1958 “O Come, Let Us Worship’. Millbrook, morning worship at 11.15. Guest minister The Rev. Harry Tulttle, M.A., B.D.,~ D.D., Toronto. The United Church of Canada. Millbrook â€" Gavan Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-Hour Service PHONE COLLECT: Peterborouh 2-2080 Cobourg 1787 Nick Peconi PROPRIETOB Zion Pentecostal Church MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Pastor. Sunday Sentes 10 a.m.â€" School 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"Worship Serviee. 7 . 50 p . :11 .â€"Great Evangelistic Service. 3mm"~ styles are aTW'ayS on dis- play. as Well as a pleating as- 76 Walton St. TU 5-5160 101' Congeniality and friendl . _ ness. .. “‘1‘ \ 1911ai111) one Of the; “'0 take pleasure in recon 1111 \7 11111111111 810195 in this Illf‘mdillg‘ this excnllent hote WT“? viitnoit1111:)11111191‘1» Store I11'111'111 <1; crate» 111111011 118911919 C '1', 1:: ]_T,, \r-KK 11- the Ontario 1iq11or Contn h“ M“ “J Zuvf’d rmr . . - 1- Board and to .2111 our friend 3-i\ THrI_1.-.I\ 11111 191111 “‘1 â€(11111112110111 1"“? C111trict we (1 i111 11.11 integnitv a~s11rés szu| not hesitate to suggest you Vis: 1' 9111111111 ati>falfio11.. Tagithis p 11111-11 stopping place th gnaw-1110111 invites ‘ 011 1 11 ext time 1011 are in Port HOp1 11:;11 in and 100k mer their! ‘â€" ~~.\"1'a Luge stock. Watches 1n; Evading makes in 1adie<’ andéHOMERS BY ,HUTC'HINSON Srvnon ( This F has but FA'ITHF rinn for Hf (1.91111)? Where You Buy With Confidence. 76 Walton St. TU 5- We are pleased to give .c-OmJ mendahk mention to this firmi! which has made every effort to meet. the demands of each. mmomvr with the finest qualis 13' and. service at all times.,’ They deliwr anywhere and we; are pleased to recommend their :erviees *0 all our readers. 5 By employing only experi- enced help and by keeping up u 11h the latest developments in plurlmtion methods, they are able to lead this region with wompt serxice which is so es- wmial to the building industry 0f toaay. l service. In this business and industrial review of the prOgress and avhieveinent of this section, this, well established firm deserves fawurable mention They haVej equipped their plant for the! produt tion of ready mixed con-‘ (rifle to meet the demands of their customers with the finest The Churches SUNDAY, JULY 6, 1958 1958 Review Of The Outstanding: Businesses and_ Professions in Port Hope (Continued from page 2) PORT HOPE READY-MIX isg'r’mnt of Bluebird Diamonds, ' LIMITED , . Silverware, Clocks, Goldenware ‘ toria St. N. Welcome 2566-and everything else that per- VIC -'ta'-‘t d d~ It In this business and industnal "“5 0 a mo ern, an -9°mP e e reVit‘W of the prOgress and sto_ck pf Jewellery. Pentecostal Assmblies of ' Canada HAROLD CHURCHIEY CREDIT J EWELLERS 'I'hursday,..3'lly-3, no: I A party of nearly 70, niostly'itllll here they toured C-flh'al Despite a heavy rainfall the pupils, occupied two Burley [401113, 311d dld 591119 ShoPPlnglattentlnnve was excellent and ’buses for a three-day edut-a- at the “Golden Mile†sll<"pl)1112‘;zill members wish to extend '«1 timal trip around Lake ()iitzil'io'CPlltre- lhearty thank-you to the many ilzzst m-ek. At Kingston they. _Th9 party aI‘I-ivml hmne injfriends, neighbours and relay item-ed the Royal Military (Afiil-lMllleOOk ElbOUt 8 P-m- Thur‘-'ti\'e>‘- who supported our project. slege and Queenl. l'niversity,’(13),"- , The' dullness of the day was gland had luneh in the Dark. In The students were ElCt‘.()lll-3S.1H)l)fï¬l'glï¬tml upon entering ï¬the afternoon they (-rossetl overi panied on the trip by the Prin-lthe waiting room where bou- it“ New York State and spentieipal, Mr. Goheen and Mrs. quets of summer blooms blend- ;1he evening and night in RochesWGoheen, Mr. H. Williams. and 'ed beautifully with the bright] ter where resrvations had beentMr. and Mrs. B. E. lngham. that-s and gay chatter of the! ‘ings of the season. Courtice. picked up one run in the first. inning, but Dorothy Hutchinson | tied it up with a home. run in the third. Co-urtiee scored one ‘ run in the fourth to lead 2 to l .; at the end of the fourth, but Ruby Hudson tied it up in thej f flifth when she came h.ome on a 'Esi-n-gle by Elaine Bain, a single ' I I lby Lynda Hogg left two run- ners on base when Laureen 'IGuthrie name. to bat. Coach sAlan Wright called her from lth'e box to give her last minute i instructions and Laureen pro-1n- lptily knocked a home run to ideep centre field. (Laureen lclaims Alan told her to hit :1 {Home Run). This was Laure- 1' en is third homer of the season, 'and the Store :at the end of 5th. gwas 5 to 4 for Millbrook. The gMillbi-ook girls had no trouble ihitting the pitching of K. Or- mistuon ï¬or the first. five inn- iings but, she was replaced by their left handed fast. ball ptch- ‘er, Marg. Snowden for the last] LAKE ONTARIO CIRCLED BY H.S. STUDENTS l “'e take pleasure in recom- 3111e-ndiug this excellent hotel. I whieh operate» under lieetme of ‘tlLe Ontario Liquor Control él-ioard and to all our friends ltl'si'eitghout tl‘P di‘trict. we do , not hesitate to suggest you Visit lthis popular stopping- place the next time you are in Port HOpe. Millbrook girls were defeated 7 to 5 in Courtice Last Friday night, in one of their best show- I The Queen’s Hotel is viewed jwit'h favour by the travelling public and (0mmereia1 trade, fall of whom partak- with keen enjoyment. of the luxurious and ;11pâ€"To-d.ate facilities of this lm-odern hotel. Mr ~Wm. and 'Mic'hael Ladvka, the f1iendlv prOprietors. and staff strive at 1 all times to please their guests ‘ and are widely recognized and acknowledged for their super- ior congenmlih and fiiendli- ness. AND GUTH’RE FAIL TO WIN GIRL’S GAME This hdtel lbéat'e'd 'in Port Hope is noted throughout On- tario for its fine service and excellent appointments. QUEEN ’S HOTEL ‘ 81 Walton 812., Phone TU 5-5737 We do not hesitate to suggest that you pay Harold Chumhley Credit Jewellers a visit and avail yourself of some of their quality merchandise with easy budget termsp - ~'~ .1 Particular attention is given to fine watch repairing Ex- perts will suggest what can be done and will do the job oflr. specialist at a moderate price. 1" On their way home they atay~ ed at Niagara Falls over night and had the opportunity of viewing the new: illumination 0'! the falls. They also had a stop over in Hamilton where they viewed the famous rook gardens. Toronto was the next stop. here they toured Casa previouslv made. EiiE-i’CTTR‘ICI‘TIV-"boEs so LADY LIONS TEA AND BAKE SALE SUCCESSFUL DESPITE RAINY ~WEATHER The Lady Lions held a very suveexvfn] tea and bake sale last Wednesday anternoon, in the waiting: room. â€ya. v.7. Aux . A. R. Pay119,l\Irs. L. VVinle“ M1“. R. Palmer, Mrs. W. Haw, Mls. H. Kerr, Mrs. J. \Io Mastm and Mrs. E. Nattress. Retiring President, Mrs. E. Liesemer poured tea at the at- tractiw tea table arranged with lace (210th, centre-piece of Spr- illg‘ flowers and pale green tnporsla'nd assisted by: Mrs. Mrs. A. R. Payne was con- \ener of all the arrangements which male so capably plamled in everv detail. ladies‘. MUCH. 1,. Ray Willmott, Q.c. James A. Irvine, ILA Barristers, Solicitors, Nata res Telephone 9, Millbrock you will be a happy homemaker . . . a popular hostess, with c WILLMOTT IRVINE ‘1 Mrs». D. .Lunn assisted in the :kitch'en. FF??? Mrs. C. Brackenridge wel- comed the guests at. the-door. Mrs. P. Hamilton and Mrs. H. Lancashre were in charge of the baking table and Mrs. W. O’Brian and Mrs. S. Snelgnove were in charge of the candy table. Attend the Church of yOur choice on Sunday. PAGE '3"