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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 3 Jul 1958, p. 4

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“:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII \n-v-v amt" w 5 ‘ R 119 i ' . Northnmberland Dnrllam S can riti es Phone Tu-5-4588 'Albcrt Waxer 3-1 Walton St. Sole owner Port Hope DIRECT WIRE TO TORONTO Member Brokerâ€"Dealers’ Associ- ation of Ontario ""1." 8â€"Conrtice vs Millb'rook' ville "I“!Y 11â€" Courtic-e vs Orono, \ lcr Presidentâ€"Roy Iarmer ---â€"_ Oshawa Sm .-'I‘ze:as. â€"Margaiet Dasxson, stones f Baifieboro The Cayan Townszhip Council! Picnic In 1959 to be held at will meet on Thursday, July 10,. Cream of Barioxy Park Row- --t 1 30 p 111 Members please-‘manville, third week of June. note. I AHIOHQ ("If n? ann mlgfnran July 4â€".\'ewca,stie vs Millbrook July 4â€"01-0110 vs Courtice July 8â€"Conrtice vs Millbrook ‘ July 11â€" Courtice vs Orono. FOR Painting and Re-decorating PHONE Millbrook 2141-6 J LV three years of, ministry. Youngest childâ€"~49 month's Mrs. Stanley Northrop ogjol’d daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter-borough mas guest soloist ‘Akan Hutchison. and the junior choir sang the} Longest married coupleâ€"Mr. :wcond verse of hymn 218. [and ‘Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mill- _ The congregation was well represented7 with friends from some of the other churches of the village in attendance for this special occasion. ‘ The presentation .of a well? filled wallet on behalf of the congregation was made by Messrs. B. E. Ingham and Herbert. Patton, in appreciation to Mr. Chisholm and family for their services through near. [y three years 01", ministry. c 3' The Scripture reading of Acts, Chapter 1, verse 8, was .' ' r given by Mrs. Eakins. Sunday “0'1““! LARMER “WON HELD Mrs. Patterson led in prayer‘ AT RIVERSIDE PARK Mrs. John. M Thompson was J21 At St. Andrew’s SATURDAY,JUNE213t charge of. the §¢udv boqk, the »\ Christian nussmn working to- The Rev. Francis P. Chis- App‘mximately 1% relatives getherâ€"a tqta’,‘ church: called holm, M.A., B.D., preachedfmet at Riverside park Peterbor- 3:: 35:11} mdgglznd‘iisrhtstigaidgl his farewell sermon in St. An-{oughfi’ for the Larmer Reunion i‘ques-tionaire. ‘ ‘ ' 1‘ (1’9sz Church on "Séundfiy [Pie-mic. i Those taking part were Mrs. [J 1 Mme ems» M W Mrs- MMMMM . . - -. IMrs. John Tho so ' line, He chose as the. subJect of his:ll}g of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wat. 'of Mpg horn Fifrovtv 331013;: sermon “Saved to Serve” anllggns' and Mr. and Mrs. Gegeldl'a‘bsent- e M ,r for his text “I am not come ml mex‘l‘, ran 0 a group 0 1n-‘ -. ‘ , call the righteous, but sinners teI'eS-Tlllé,’ races, relays and (301).]f O'ffemnz‘! “’38 takenfind (hf- m repentance ” The ScripturelteStS which added much fun'Pe’WQEY trailer We: vaenSh 1v; ‘ ° - ’ reSI en . . . k M lessons were found 1n lst Peter,«'=1nd pleasure to both. contest- Reiom” was :figg 9:131 0211‘: 11:8 and St. John 3_ I ants and onlookers ,. With prizes wasbanswered with a verse fmm I, _ The congregation was well'glVen for same. i - M Peter lodewyks Cavan, Ont." PAGE PHONE If these dates are not, agree-1 able managers can make mutual! bro-0k July 17â€"0.:obo-urg at Port Hope. July 19â€"Mil‘lbrook at. Cobourgg July 19â€"Port Hope ab OronO- I Hope July ITâ€"Bowmanville at Mill- bourg July 14â€"â€"Cobourg at Courtâ€"ice July 15â€"- Millbrook at. For Ville July 10â€"Mill'brook at Crono July 12â€"Courtice at- 0rono July 12â€"Bo~wmanvi.lle at C \ille July 8â€"-Cobourg at Orono July IOâ€"Cobourg at Bowman- brook July Tâ€"Millbvook at Orono July 7â€"Port Hope at Bowman- ville .June 30â€"Bowmanville at Cour- * tice July lâ€"A.M. Cobourg at Port Hope July 3â€"Cou-rtice at Port Hope July 3â€"Orono at BOWmanvilla July 3â€"Cobourg at Millbrook‘ July 5â€"Bowmanvifl‘e at Mill- Balance Bantam Sshedule 1958 June 26â€"Cob-ourg at Bowman- Baseball Schedule 1 Toronto, Oshawa, Lambeth, 0a meron. Bowmanville. Black- --t0( k Burketon, Manitoba, \Tillbr-owok Peterbonough and [11 n dS-ay. Among out of tOWn relatives attended above picnic from Slate.- of officers for 1958 be- ing as follows: Pres.-Keith Larmer, Fraser. the Bible ed‘: a purse toVMr. Chisholv-m‘on f-Childrens Photogreghs Wanted. ' ’ - " ~ behalf of the congreaation and} $500 up any acre for adver- . - - - Minutes: of last meeting were- 1‘ ’ ’ ’ f’ ’. ‘ . [zit dgvn Xteggfycfogga: 21:21:: read and approved and tlleglit/I/[rj (Yin; lNewvelti presentfd1 3:31;; o: Mgglalzigo Songs, buggiess eriod was held Keith-lTreasurer’sreport given. J uly' f rlt' b ' 115 f0 m “g h“? it” ,a ‘ 1 (1)de 5:1 t "1‘ en tar“, ue ‘r" m ti); 'd t .s'd'd is to be birthday month and the mu ow r-om t.e .. . and comp e ‘, e‘ais on req es“ iMrmIerW egresl en {med}: riJll'V meeting will be. in the thethoxr, as a sight token. of EHEQDORL ‘BRADY, Mini; Legion. of theaimufigff‘iggofv. iflorm Of a pot luck dinner t0} 1311981: siteiiiier Arnold Allen iiflficggrngl‘IzihntiogCagig:- iPrizes were given to the eldest"be held at the. home 0f Mrs. readoan address to Mr Chis ’ I" ' ‘ - . . in, L, Armstrong on Wednes- 7 .‘ '7 Build a fine business! Full time 333? 01125111: $3.3)“; aggfzgg 3;: day 16th of. July. The Presi-Umlm who took muth ln'terestf About 5.00 p.m. everyone a , - ‘ work with numerous advant- voars idem extended a word of thanks 111th: £388 2:331 R'liilljardb 85:5" ages. Learn how you can . Younoest childâ€"~49 months to Mrs- Gerald Armstrong, and ISttEreknerfer W "a r "egsell 250 household necessities Old [daughter of Mr. and Mrs. closed the meeting in prayer. M r Ighishoi thank d v r I and farm specialties. Open- Alan Hutchison. M one sincerelv fglr their gifts :nTi‘! ings in your surroundings: Longest married coupleâ€"Mr. GUEST MINISTERS FOR ' . . ‘ .‘ i BURKETON, COURTICE, . ' for their kindness to Mrs. Chis- ENNISKILLEN HAMPTON End Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mlll‘ JULY AT 8T. ANDREW/’8 ‘holm, their family and himself ! ' ’ ’i rook, 44 years. ' ‘ Y Y - M' iduring his pastorate. KLADAL’ ORORO, TY Greatest distance to ' mg. m. - yl- vavuk‘l. l Th 'd Idb c t BUTTER GRANITE Co. .9 para ewas e y oun y Max-shall Wm. Wiltshire, who PM Home, Ont. Box 62 married the f’lag. followed by: Monuments, markers’pm‘“ the Bethany band. The Fallis] P03“ and WNW”- I [‘ Dr. Tuttle has occupied some PRIVATE SALE FURNITURE! of the great pulpits of our 1 Ivory coloured. buffet $ 20.00‘ r, churches and' is known through- 1 Radio, Crosley, long iou‘t the church as an outstand- and short wave ...... 50.00 1’ ing‘ preacher. l 1 Silvertone TV ((5 mon- The Rev. James Fraser has ths prepaid service). .200.00 ' held many important pastor-ates 1 (‘hestert’eld 2 chairs 45.00 ‘ in the Maritimes. 1 Standing Tri~light. . .. 7.00 Dr. Neal Interim Moderator 1 Vacuum and Attach- , :1 At a recent meeting of the ments ..... . ........ 1 5.90, l’eterbo-rough Presbytery Ex- 1 Kitchen Suite ...... 35.001: : ecultive The Rev. Dr. Harold 1 $19317. Dlé?’ 3 burner 45. 00! -P.-. Neal was: a. ointed the 4 9" “0 0V9 ------ ~ 3 ’ Interim Moderatofgf Millbrook 1 Washing Machine 30.00 ‘ -(‘avan Pastoral Charge until a 3 Bedroom Lamps - - ”6°00: new minister is called. 2 Ivory Coloured Chairs 6-00 _.._. fl 1 Bed, Mattress, Spring .' 1 : ' and 2 Pillows ...... 30.00: [FINE WEATHER FOR 1 Highboy ............ mom -CHURCH SERVIGE, 1 Wall Mirror ........ 1.503 iLARGE NUMBER PRESENT I2 Large Rugs, (each) .. 15.00; -_.__ 3 Small Rugs, for lot. . . 7.00" i The Orange Lodges of East 1 Lawn Mower ------ 4-00- {Dun ham held their annual Apply Mrs. J- Jensen, OPPOSitO: ‘ehurch parade service on Sun.,P9n11 Restaurant, ng .St- W-: dav evening to GraCe Presby- Sale from July lst to July 8th,] terian Church where Rev. F. C. Any hour ‘Of d3.“ Sunday “1‘. H0329? of Peterborough, PastICIUdedo ‘ 1'5 n..-» ‘l n‘ ‘ ' A day evening to Graee Presby- terian Church where Rev. F. C. Beazer of Peterbomough, Past Grand Chaplain, was the guest preacher. » The Orange Lodges of East Dmham held their annual church parade service On Sun. " The Rev. Dr. Harry Tuttle :of Toronto will occupy the pu]. "pit of MillbrOOk énd Cavau Ichu‘rches on Sunday. July 6, 13 iand 20: while The Rev. Jamesl glV‘mser, B.A., also of Toronto, iwll be the special speaker oni :Sunday. July 27th. ' . PreSId.<:nt van “Jesus Shall'the 0 Reign” was sung, Roll (all.hadc was answered with a verse from' Mr Ithe Bible led" a The Prairies, the Rockies, the B.C. vemi bvlb'mg reg-rem at losing them from uq Sh‘ail i the Church, where Mr. ChishOIm 3611 call} had done such fine w0rk. ‘ V 1 ? fro , Mr. Fred Byers t-heh present.l se m ed‘: a purse to Mr. Chwh-ol-m on .- mg _w e}, e i Efihfialf affhe angxzt‘agatmn, and} 3 The ladies of the congrega- 3 tion Served lunch and a pleas»- "(ant social time was enjoyed. (mung hiv<r pastorate. D-r. Neal of Millbrook, spoke of the splendid work Mr. Chis- holm had done. :r' Gavan congregation: of the '21 United Church met in Church 1: Hall on Thursday evening to d honour Rev. Francis P. Chis- n helm and his family prior to d {their departure for Port Dal-1 ’housie this week. Rae Stewart; (“was chairman for the program a 1' during the evening. An address was Km to Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm and family by Mrs. Stanley Sharpe, expres- ........ QUEEN ST W. (At Strachan Avenue) TELEPHONE EMpire 3-3681 TORONTO. ONT. '. Centennial. _. . daily trains. om Wantedâ€"A used set of Canvas. '1 was for a Massey-Harris 7 ft. m binder. (Eveo. Martin, phone n L, 212-r-12 Millbrook. If; “x l . "“" on .' Chlldrens Photographs Wanted. J~l\n l - I! W. ~"‘-'““““‘S°' M i BURKETON, COURTICEJ For Saleâ€"1 uged Refrigerator ENNISKILLEN, HAMPTON! 71/; cubic ft., good conditiox KENDAL, OR-ONO, TY- $85.00. 1 used Rangette, new BONE. Attmtive way to condition $35.00. Clendoz make money, selling experi- (’hallice, phone 183-râ€"Il Mill: ence unnecessary. Write for! brook. n free catalogue to T. Gardner, Dept. S, GP, 58, Station C, For Saleâ€"McClary’s Kitchen Montreal, P.Q. 3:} Range, reservoir and warm- Nâ€" ' i‘ng‘ closet, burns wood or CARLEY' STANDISB, CLARKE! coal. Also large Kitchen CARL!” ‘ LEG“ l Cupboard, five shelves; and Barristers and 50mm" Hall Rack. Apply Miss Mary 425 Water Street . l Pitt, Phone 145 Millbrook. “removes, ONTARIO l- , . J. Carley QC. (1896-1 8. 0. Standish 9,0. '1'. E. Clarke. EA. R. H. Garley B. Com. W. C. Lech B.A. Wa ntc Oil Furnacesiakâ€"ahed and sei- viced $7.00. Phone 278 any- time. Arthur; T. Trick, B-A Products; 9* Found~A Scotchâ€" éotllie D73» Owner please phone Leonard Kennedy at 1-56 Millbro-ok. DUO, up, any age, for adver- tising on Magazine Covers, Billboards! Calendar-S, etc., complete details on request. THEODORE BRADY, MAIL: SPECIALTIES, 309 Highâ€"l field Rd. ., Toronto, Canada. I Me [fill/It'll]! If not called for in a reason- able length of time same will be disposed of. It NOTICE :.1953) 4130-1" Saleâ€"Dinette Suite, dark 3, polish, 6 chairs with white leatherette seats. Table has n. jack-knife extension board, buffet priced for clash$40. ..._ Porcelain Chrome Kitchen set, extension table, 4 chairs, ES sell for $25 cash . The above. are in excellent condition. Phone Millbrook 121 after 6 DENT p.m., or 68j Millbmok anv- 2t For Saleâ€"McClary’s Kitchen Range, reservoir and warm. ing‘ closet, burns wood or coal. Also large Kitchen Cupboard, five shelves; and time. For Saleâ€"Quantity of Buck. wheat. Apply Jas. JohnstOn RR 1, Bailieboro, or phon ll-r-22 Bailieboro. 22 For Saleâ€"Anyone interested in a new Deep Freeze contact Ray Bothwell; Fraservile, Ontario. 30 k For Saleâ€"Ten acres of Alfalfa standing ,or baied. Clare ‘Ninslow, Ida, Ont. 1! For y'a- Saleâ€"Hay Apply ence Ball, Millbrook. iFor Rentâ€"Immediate possess- ! ion; self cOntained apart. ments. Two fo-ur room (two bedroom. apartment; Two three room (one bedroom) «apartments. Apply Gray’s Drug Store .or phone 79 or 37 Millbrook. «1t or Saleâ€"1 used Refrigerator, 71/2 cubic ft., good condition $85.00. 1 used Rangette, new condition $35.00. Glendon (’hallice, phone 183-r-11 Mill; brook. it For Rentâ€"3 BedrBOm self con- tained Apartment in Min- brook. Phone 259 Millbmok. )r Rentâ€"Modern 2-bedroom self contained apartment, oil furnace . Phone 207-r-14 Milbbrook. 3t F03 SALE FOR RENT It A baking sa'le is to be in the Mill‘hrook Waiting 1 on Saturday, August. 26. u the aufipiees of Grace Pu torian Church hadies’ Aid BAKING SALE COMIN‘ Mrs. H. Lvoder of couver. daughter of Mr. I Kent. Millbrook. whu wa~ for the. family reunion. I on Friday for England v she will visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frafier T of Clawwn. Mink. and Charles White of Royal Mic-11.. are visitors with and Mrs. John Blair thi< ‘ Miss Gail Gibbs~ has 137 position with The Tm Dominion Bank. Millhrod Mr. J. L. (‘oulter a1 Weldon of Millbrook. panied by Mrs. Slack of ton, Mr. Coulter’s dal motored to London and a 9d the Coulter annual 1' held at Springbank Pa Sunday. In anonto Ounser Music exams. held rece: l’eterborough. Helen I obtained first alas» 1mm Grade 8 singing. She pupil of Mrs. \Villiamson Mr. and Mrs. CliffmJ mer and family, and Mrs.l Eakins spent Sunday wi and Mrs. Jack Eaki family at their cottage a}! dale, Haliburton. J '98th. Year. No. 29. SHORTS, 81.. THE GERTR For Inserted by Eric Pallis, Or the old 11 and sets the POLLS OP. This is the of hogs in( 5. Buyers 1 6. All hog: across Om 7. Your sa markets am press and r1 9. Your 2. Your ag light Saws 3. Hogs a: ing perceni 4. Settlsm 301d to th1 For your i

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