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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 9 Jul 1959, p. 4

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PAGE POUR New Minister Inducted At St. Andrew’s Following tHe service a so- (eial hour was spent in the ('hurch hall. The Rev. \Valtcr ~United Church, in St. Andrew’s Church on Tuesday evening, June 30th, 1959. The in« duction service was conducted by the Rev. Gordon S. Maxwell of Trinity Church, Peterbor- ough. Chairman of the Peter- bOrough Presbytery. Assisting him were the Rev. A. W. (hborne, B.A., of Lakefield, who gave the Scripture read- ings and the Rev. L. J. Hardy, There was a combined choir from Gavan and Millbrook, who sang the anthem “The Lord is in His Holy Temple” under the direction of Mr. Stanley North- rop. The Rev. Stanley E. Snow- den, B.A., B.D., formerly of fiancroft was inducted as minis- ter of St. Andrew’s United Church Millbrook, and Cavan uwnuy , uoâ€"o, v- «If. “‘0' AAVI luv -u... “a -vw“ kuâ€"vâ€", “vfi Following the act of indutr welcoming Mr. and Mrs. snow- tion Mr Snowden was escorted den to the communiwty The to his new pulpit from which welcome of the Session and the he pronounced the benediction. . charge as a whole was expi eSSed There was a combined choir by Mr. B. E. Ingham, clerk ofl‘ from Cav an and Millbrook, who the Session at St. Andrew s,l sang the anthem “The Lord is with William Robinson, Clerk in His Holy Temple” under the ofisiession of Gavan, saying a direction of Mr. Stanley North- special welcome from that con- rop. Egregaition. The Rev. Dr. H. Following thle service a so‘ 8. Neal acted as chairman. F 11 t ..A ' over me lrans-uauuua. new v.1.“ M 1:1? ,IiiVngneupfigagieg the of CBC radio, the Craig fam11y sermon from the text in Acts (elDbrat ted its 90th tannn ersary “Take heed thei efore unto: .____â€"â€"/__-_.__ yourselv es, and to all the flock Patterson retired minister of -0\ er which the Holy Ghost hath *he Presbyterian Church; the made you overseers to feed the Church of God” Rev Gerald Graham the pre. ' The steps relating to the call sent minister and the Rev. J ’ were given by the Rev. A. E. Edgar M. Palfrey of St. Thbm-: Larke, B. A. ., of Spring'ville. ias’ Anglican Church, all spoke Following the act of induc« welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Snow- B.VA., of Bridgenorth, who of- fered the prayer. ‘IIIIIIIIIIIII Plumbing and Heating PROBLEMs $â€"â€": $-â€"â€"!$â€"â€"z If you have steady employment and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application to-day. We now ham 3 plan that shall take ears of your Lequire Plumbing 8 Heating “A fill-OPERA MRS INSURANcE ASSOCIA TION Sponsored by the GPA Offices in Tomb. Lmdon, Windsor, Hamilton. Ottawa, Owen W Attention Home Builders National Farm Safety, Week my JULY 19-25 Safety was a word to Jim, Aimed at others, not at’him. William, on the other hand, Prcctised safety on his land. Jim drove his tractor like a iet, Certain he would not upset. William drove his with great care- Of its dangersâ€"well aware. Jim was aiways having falls ‘ 0n broken ladders, pitchforks, walls. Will was healthy, careful, wise‘ On safety he' d not compromise. Jim left this world the sudden way While blowing up some stumps one day‘i -Wise Wiliiam' 5 living out his days Because he knows that safety paysl. / Men of the congregation as- sisted in serving refreshment} Dean Hughes, creator of The Craig's of Braidwood Farm looks back on a mountain of scripts he has written over the years for this oldest of Cana- dian radio serials. Broadcast} over the Trans-Canada network of CBC radio, the Craig family celebrated its 20th anniversary TWENTIETH ANNIVERSTRY Monuments and Family Memorials 73 Ontario St., Port Hope, Ont 1 Phone Tamer 55m but only on extra base hits, this is one department in which Bowmanville is weak, they are as good as any team in this league defensively but just don’t seem to have the hitting power. we still figure Bow- manville is the team to watch in ‘his league. so don’t under- estimate them girls. It’s good to see Alan \Vright back to help 011'? in the coaching department. The girls have won 10 out of 12 games with Ernie Steacy coaching, but we figure rtwo heads are better than one especially since the girl»: will be entering playoffs in another week or two. These two fellows did a fine job to« g‘ether last year and it is hoped they will be as successful this year. Bowmanville was held to 1 run in the second, 1 in the third 1 in the seventh, while Mill. brook Scored 1 in the first, a home run by Edith Carl, 3 in the third and 1 in the fourth off a triple by Dorothy Gillis. Dorothy Gillis was the winn- ing pi'cher and received very good support from her team mates allowing only 5 hits in vex'en innings while allowing 2 bases on balls. This was the fourth meeting' Girls Bunny Hopâ€"lst. Bar- Of these two teams and all f0111',bara Trie'k: 2. Glenda Blewett; games have been closely played 3. Debbie Faweett. wi‘h very few errors, ’Millbrooki Ball Passâ€"2 teams. boys and having won 3 of the 4 games. girls, won by the girls. SUCCESSFUL PIANO PUPILS 0]? MRS. L. H. WINSLOW Piano pupils of Mrs.. Louis H. \Vins‘liow who passed the Toronto Royal Conservatory of Music Examinations are: Millbrook girls defeated Bow- mamville girls 5 to 3 at the local Fairgrounds Monday night, in a close game which was a crowd pleaser from start to finish. Grade 6â€"â€" Barbara Young, pass. Decoration Day Serviqes were held at Fraserville Ceme- tery on Sunday, July 5th, the Rev. A. E. Larke of Spring- ville conducting the service. A very {fine turnout- was. present) for the occasion. RUTTER GRANITE CO. LTD. DOROTHY GILLIS PITCHES LOCALS TO 5-3 VICTORY TUESDAY EVE Grade 2â€"Stusan Williamson,‘ Mr. and Mrs. Gec first-class hionors; Sylvia Stew- mes and Mrs. H. R. Mt, honors. ivisited with Mr. Ra: Grade 5â€" Sharon Cannon,‘ ter, Mrs. McMillan, h'OIIOI‘S- [Perry 611 Sunday. pile-pared by tile W.A. under the direction of the president, Mrs. Wilfred L. Elson, to the meeting which filled the hall. -â€"Examiner. on av 1st this year. ovividly Boys hax Dean Hughes por rayed the Medd: day-40 day“ life of the Craigs Kirk G that many listensers both in (”41S Canada and the United S‘ate1 Stares believe that the characters exist Debbie in real life. Hughes lives at Girls ‘he original Briarwood Farm Duffy iust outside Toronto. { B038 1'33 ERROR-“PORTS; ELI-BROOK, oumo FRASERVILLE Boxs Runnv Hopâ€"lst Sim en Mead '2. Dwight B10“ ett 3, ‘gKirk (odfrey. Girls Bunny Hopâ€"1.5T. Bar- ,bara Trick? 2. Glenda Blewett; *ESOCIAL â€" PERSONAL I‘2. Hn'da Blvwett and Victoria gM.eddi 3. Carol Abbott. and Dianna Pylewett. ; Boys 8 and 9â€"1st Sfieven Medd: 2, Dwight Blewell; 3, iKirk Godfrey. ; Grils 8 and 9â€"lst. Marion l Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larmer? and family Have moved fromj Gavan to South Monaghani thfere they will occupy the 3 Presbyterian Church manse . Miss Sharon-Anne Bremner who is attending Oshawa School {of Hair Dressing, was home for the weekend. She, was given, a surprise birthday supper on iSalturday night which was at- ltended [by a number of her lfrienfls. ST. THOMAS’ 8.8. PICNIC HELD AT RIVERSIDE PARK PETERBOROUGH 5 Mr. and Mrs. George Rap ‘mes and Mrs. H. R. Edmunds ivisited with Mr. Rayme’s sis- ‘ter. Mrs. McMillan. at Port St. Tho-mas’ Anglican Church Sunday S’chood held their pic- nic last week to Peterborough where the pupils of the school enjoyed themselves to the full. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Morton and family motored to Kings- ton on Sunday June 28th, cele- brating their sixth wedding anniversary. 'While there they saw Queen Elizabeth‘ and Prince Philip . Boys 3-Legged Raceâ€"lst,‘ Dwight Blewet' and Toni Q11i« hell; ‘2 Gordon Hamilton and: Ronald Challice; 3, Craig Pal- rey and VVax- :19 Trick. : irl's 3- Legged Raceâ€"lst,‘ June Quibell and Marian Stares: - Tu'g-of-W-ar, 2 teams, boys and girls, girls winning. Boys race 10 to 12 yearsâ€"lst Craig Palfrey; 2nd, Wayne Trick; 3rd, Ronald Challice. A number of races and other events were run off, the results of which are given below: Girls rare 10 to 12â€"131; V ic- toria Medd;9 ., Barbara Trick 3, Diana Blewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Laswrence UouL‘ter [have moved to their new [home in Port. Hope. Th‘ey have disposed of their westend thome to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinsman. Shoe Kick, Girlsâ€"15’s, Bar- bara Trick; 2, Victoria Medd; 3, Marian States. Shoe Kick, Boys 18f, Dwight Blowett: 2, Craig Palfrey; 3, Gordon Hamilton. Wheelbarrow Race, Boysâ€"â€" lst. Craig Palfrey and Wayne Trick; 2, Gordon Hamilton and Ronald C-hallice;' 3, Charles Wh ite and Kirk ' Godfrey. Girls Wheelbarrow Race- 1st, Victoria Medld and Linda Blewet’r‘; 2, Marian Stares and June Quibell: 3. Norma White and Diana Blewutt. Boys and Girls 5 and underâ€"â€" Cindy Dufty; 2, Robbin God- frey: 3, Johnny White. Mrs. M. MCDOWell who has been with her daughter Mrs. Reg. McKnight at 0ri11ia., is visiting wifh her 9:011 and daugh- tef-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ted McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Vorgil Olver and family of Hastings were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Olver Brock on Saturday. 33-1. _______________________ Mr and Ms Floyd Abramsl ___________ and children of Port Hope, we1 e! \isitors with Mr. and Mrs. J . WILLMOTT IRVINE H. Barringer on Sunday. Barristers, Solicitors, Hm fen Mr. and Mrs. Oh’as Fletcher Telephone 9, Millbrook Mrs. Ada Fletdher, Garry and: A. Roy Willmofl, Q.0. ' James A. Irvine, H.£. ‘ I 8 and 9â€"lst, Marion 2, Glenda Bl-ewett: 3, Fawcett. '6 and 7â€"1st, Lianne ‘ m-ent, modern, self cvntained, Ioil eating, immediate possess. 5ion. Pone 207r14 Millbrook. DEAD, OLD and GRIPMD FARM STOGK REMOVED FREE OF GHARGE Immediate 24 Hour Service ASK YOHR OPERATBR FOR ZENITHâ€" 66550 Np Toll Charge Barbara of Hamilton, also Mr. and Mrs. Ross- Gibbs and Bar- bara of Port HOpe; Mrs. Ann: Thasher, Buffalo: Mr. and Mrs. i William Welsh of Hillside, and] Mrs. Ashby and daughter ,JPam of Whitby, were visi‘ors Withi Mrs. R086 Gibbs and her s01“ Gemge, over the holiday. I For Rentâ€"3-Be'droom Heated Apartment, centrally located. Apply Don Spicer, phone 259 Millbrolok. 3t For Rentâ€"2 Self- contained 4 room apartments; one heat-f ed. Apply IvanL. H. Gray, Millrbrook. 3t Reliable man with traetor wants Work by day, week or month. Apply at Reporter ®ffice,f phone 19. 3t 1* _ "vâ€"~\ v ----~-V-l v-~â€"-~,~-vâ€", Mr. an‘d Mrs Bruce B! Millbrook, Ontario. Dawson 'lororr‘o, were visitors in the village on Saturday and Wan edâ€"Live Poultry- high called on a number of their price paid. M. Flatt, RR 1, friends, , I Bethany, phone 7-r-13 col- Mrs. Burr Walker of New! lect. My 30 For Rentâ€"2 Bedroom Apart- Mrs. Burr Walker of New! 16°" le 3” "u’ York is spendng a (30111)1e Of‘Wantedâ€"Three Thousand Dol- weeks with her mother, Mrs.; lars to develop a community Alf- Coulter. « project by a responsible resi- Ms. A. W. Carkner and, dent. Please reply to Box little daughter Deybxjatgf Ot‘a_-§ 100, care Reporter OiEice 3t; Ms. A. W. Carkner and little daughter Debra, of Ot‘a- wa, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. ()lver Brock. Good Reading for the Whole Family - News Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. I year $18 E] 6 months $9 [10 3 mohths $4.50 :1 The Christian Science Monitor Om Norway St, Boston 15, Moss. Nick Peconi - Facts - Family Features Farm Service PETER-BOROUGH FOR RENT NGTIGE Zone w'511'111; g; Eor Saleâ€"Collie Pups. Mother _; excellent cow dog. ‘Phone 217r6 Miltbrook. 2t may, July 9,, 19m iWantedâ€"Meter reader, musa I l i i 1 I I be willing to accept instrucâ€" tion, be courteous to public and cusiomers, have equal to Grade 9 or 10 education, this is strictly a part time job. Appy to Secretary, Millbrook Public Utilities Commission, Millbrook, Ontario. For Staleâ€"400 three-months old Leghorn Pullets, will sell reasonable; also 9 young Lanâ€" drace‘ Sows, and 1 Pure Bred Landrace Hog. Phone Peter- bororugh Ri 28282. 2t. Lumber Rough or Dressed, also Hard and Seft Wood Slabs PHONE 70-w MILLBROOK, ONTARIO WWHHVWW For Saleâ€"Now is the time to order your winter supply of good slabs. Apply Stan Olan, Phone 70W Mill-brook. For Saleâ€" 1952 Chevrolet De Luxe, also a 1953 Pontiac. Sedan. Priced righ’t, Radio in both cars. S'.. G. Boyles, RR N0. 1, Gavan. 3t CONTACT CLIFF ROSS for haulage far SAND, GRAVEL, FLAGSTONE AND TOPSOIL For Saleâ€"An 6 H.P. Empire Garden Tractor in good con- dition with? cultivator disc. and plough. Priced reason- able. Phone H. V. Kent, Millbrook 111. It For Saleâ€"21 Pigs 8 weeks old. Apply Sam Kinsman, phone 10)7w21 Millbrook. It Wantedâ€"One large or 2 small rooms for light house keep- ing with use of conveniences, ground floor preferred, on quiet street, Phone 19 Millâ€" brook. 2t Wantedâ€"General prpose man, capable of taking charge of local ele-ctnic distribution system, and small wafer sys- tem, education equal to Grade 9 or 10, must be willing to accept insfrurtions and be able to carry on all minor operations pertaining to elec~ trio operation. Please state qualifications and salary ex‘ pected. Millbrook Public Utilities Commission, Millbrook, Ont. Gr. F. Harrington, Secretary. STAN OLAN MILLBRO 0-K 24-w Notice FOR SALE All Members of T and Members of ti uxiliary of the Legi vited to come to P Onfario, on Sunday, to assist the Legion i the crowd for Her The Queen’s visit to ing Service at S Church, Port Hope, i! with Prime Phillip 3‘ nor General Vincent 99th. Year. No. The Legion have 1) ed a great honour in are the only organiza‘ allotted two police a: route on Queen Streo: royal car will be b2 ing. A bus from Mi been chartered and the Legion Hall at on Sunday, J uly 26? Berots and Medals. DATED SEPT Lt Sovereign Gral Total Inmbership. . Relief Paid Out. .$4 Total Funds Invested ..... 59 Value of 1.0.0 1". Homes ...... $11 Invested Funds Belonging to the Homes ...$1‘. IIIIIIIIIIIIII FOE Legion N The Indepe Wallace Order U 000 FELL REPOB‘ BA‘ Picnic Tables G. 1. (Jerry) Goacht Stock GLEEM Will g’i‘ Pick Up I The I Reg. hkap

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