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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 16 Jul 1959, p. 2

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1 71 Crescent Street Phone RI 57431 In selecting .a Family Me-l tion, the design being original morial this firm located in Peâ€"I and artistic, and they are ready tea-borough. can Show you me- at any time to submit designs morials built on a bases of and estimates for all classes of quality and durability They work. excel in all branches of me! The proprietor of this firm moriai work and adhere strictly is well- known to many of our to the MEMORIAL IDEAIJ readers. They have very latest WhiCh' i'iâ€" land most modern appliames, A monument built of enduring enabling them to produce the granite or.-marble, symbolic in finest grades of work. J. Pirie design and reverent in purpose, and son “Bob” can meet all resting in surroundings 0f requirements from the simple peace and beauty, a. tribute of foot stone to the most elaborate respect and honour to the dead, memorial. Their aim is to a constant source of inspiration se .fiSfV and they will figure with to the living. . you or help y0u select someth- As designers, they have ing that meets your desired achieved a well merited reputa-f needs. _ rating in surroundings of peace and beauty, a. tribute of respect and honour to the dead, a constant scurce of inspiration to the living. a SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 261 George Street North A Phone 281 5-8425 This reliable firm, established being specially offered at a! over a century ago, offers a reduced price. | wide selection of new Singer Their completely automatic and used trade- 1n sewing msac’h- machine does hundreds of em- ines. Mr. “Bill” Pollock, the broidery patterns. It h‘as a manager and his staff have static- free motor, and is an many years of experience at re- extra quiet machine, which is' pairing all makes and carries a moderately priced. Singer has complete line of parts for these th‘ree types of automatic mach- machines. The Singer, which ines, also their slant needle and is the finest sewing machine on' straight needle, and introducing the market today, does embroid-‘their new slant-o-matic, w'hich‘é ery, buttonholes, sews on 'but- is a fully automatic machine tons, etc. iwith slant needle advantages Singer also has a vacuum and a wide variety of modern; cleaner, which 1s well known in cabinets the U. S. A. and has been re- which to choose with Singer’s cently introduced into their easy budget plan available for stores in Canada. There are you. We suggest you visit this four different models to choose firm 1n Pet-erborough, whom wel from. in all price ranges, with are pleased to recommend to’ the Singer Economy Vacuum you. ! “or. no.3 The reason £0.1- the preference: daily diet. ment, to oner tne ImeSt maâ€" of ther products by thousands; In making this business re_ chine shop servce in the area. of patron is because Silver-wood' view we are pleased to com‘pli-1 They do general machine work Dairies 1111., With head office ment Silverwood’s on the.’and the superiority Of Their in London, Ont. and with bran-f superior quality of Their Ice! werk is well known throughout ches in principal cities realize Cream, Give yourself a real thls region. what the word “Quality”l treat by trying some today! .. Specialiaing in tools, dies, means in the fullest extent'.lRemember, ask for Silverwood’s‘llgS, Special machinery, make This firm founded with the'DeLuxe. Ice Cream. lspec'ia] parts for farm machine 375 Aylmer Street Silverwood Dairies Limited, ’ established. about 54 years, has' always been recognized for their; quality dairy products. The! bfanch‘ in Peterborough supplies; the area, with the famous “SILVERWOOD’S DE LU XE ICE CREAM” which is known for its distinctive good taste. I In every item is the best flour, milk; sugar, salt, shortening, and other essential ingredients. These are accurately and scientfically baked by means of gmzmg their responsibility to the public, as manufacturers of a food product, Hooper ’s Bak- ery Confectionery are provid~ ing, the freshest, tastiest baking prgfluets wh‘ich has enabled them to uphold the large pat- ronage they enjoy as quality The well known products of the concern are greatly appreci- ated in this area. Fully reco- 414 â€"â€" 601 George North 216 charlotte Street and s ce “'““ "“‘" '" _ V :7 80 years ago 1n ted to their customers. Th1s then hate built a world-wide firm founded on such great reputation for themselves. !principles is certainly worthy Essentially established as a of the highets recommendation, variety store, their large and and we would like to suggest varied selection of essential you always visit your Wool- items foe~ the home and family :worth Store in Peterborough have made their stores head~ for the finest selection of items quarters forreal pleasant shop {for your home and family on ping. Although this is prob- the market Congratulations ably the largest chain organiza-f are extended by us to F. W. tion of its kind, the sales staff Woolworth Co, Ltd. On their of each store is chosen from the 80th Anniversary and sincere immediate area, this combined wishes for many years of con- with capable managers in the. tinned success. F. W. WOOLWO'RTH CO. LIMITED George and Charlotte Streets - RI 5-6435 The firm of F. W. Wool-gstor’es, is responsible for the- worth 00., LIL, was establish-i‘plea'mnt atmOSpherez courteous ed 80 years ago and since and competent: servme extend- . . . ied to their customers. This then haVe built ‘a world'Wldeifirm founded on such great reputaiion for . themselves.{princip1es is certainly worthy Essentially established as a. of the high'ets recommendation, 1959 REVIEW OF OUTSTANDING BUSINESSES PROFESSIONS, PETERBORO’ HOOPER ’S BAKERY SILVERWOOD DAIRIES LIMITED J . rimsâ€"mom tion, the design being original and artistic, and they are ready at .any time to submit designs and estimates fOr all classes of work . Ice cream is not only helth giving but health protecting as well and people are beginning to realize the value‘of it in the daily diet. Phone '31 5-5751 word “Quality” deeply set in the minds: of their entire staff has been the assurance that their customers would always get the finest quality producs throughout the years. We suggest you avail your- self of the fine products of Hooper’s Bakery Confec- tionery which has met with great. favour by the larger population in this area. In this review we compliment, the management of this firm for their foresight and ingenu- ity. We suggest you try the products of Hoope’ r Bakery 5: Confectionery who are famous for weddings, birthday, and all‘ types of party cakes. the most modern equipment, under sanitary conditions, by skilful bakers. CONFECTIONERY RI 5-5915 Canada Dry has nained re-‘plant. cogni ion and is in demand the The firm has established a Year round. It. has proved to dependable service to retailers be not just a summer thirst throughout a Wide area and 11eneher but a testv,a-'15__*v you need only stop at your hev erae-e that everyone from few ourite shopping centre to the small child to the elderly get a bottle or carton of Cana- enjoy. I-t is well to have it at: da Dry your favourite bever- home at all times. gage. There is a reason why “Can-f ada Dry” has earned its name as the “Champaaign of Ginger. Ales” and the fact that their other flavours have met With your good taste. Through many1 years of research and develop! ment they have perfected theirl' prodm-ts to a point Where they. are Second to none. I Equipment are leaders in farm machinery design; supplying machines. that save a maximum of the fiarmer’s 'time; use a minimum all his effort for oper- a’rion, and help produce the finest resultant. crop, by being able to conform to all the meth-bds of to-day’s farming. To be properly sold, machines helped keep prices at their 10v must be properly serviced, and est possible level in the area. J H. J. PRECISION INDUS TRIES MACHINE SHOP i ‘pr Modern Plant on the Kin gsway Phone RI 5'7805i Serving Peterborough and repairs, etc., they employ in. ' 1 district for years this is one of II Lheiri plaitlinen all Okf whom fire! I ‘ . . .0 , t us , - d Machine 1:; )f s 1 ed wor men, "3 the best; equlppe lthis firm has the advantage 0:; IS’hops in this part of the pro'Hhework of men who have ;vinee. At teir new location, spent the better part of their: gon the Kingsway, they have a. lives at this trade. I llarger plant, with new equip- The H, J. Precision Indus-i iment, to offer the finest ma-ltries Machine ShOp under the; chine shop servce in the area: personal direction of “Doug”: :They do general machine work Hatton have proved to be one [and the superiority of their of the most valued additions to; ‘work is well known throughout this region and in this review? 3.1%. 3 Peterboruogh RI 2-7258 Today’s successfhlfarmingis‘Hmold Ball who sells Allis dependent on up to date, effici- Chalmers Farm Equipment and out machinery. New discov e- Malco P0P Up Bale Loader, an . . . ‘ . exclusive 1n the area, with-Har- r1es 1n farm chem1stry also 1n- Old Ball pride themselves on a crease 10-days C1'01) yield. To modern Service Department; take full advantage of these using trained mechanics for the advances often necessitates new repair up- -keep of the fine ma- methods and practices on the eh‘inery they sell and are al-! farm. [Ways interested in economy to' AllLlS CHALMERS Faun the farmers. ‘ Equipment are leaders in farm! They are equipped to give machinery design; supplying you se1vice on the farm or inl machines. that save a maximum the shop. These services savei of the fiarmer’ s time; use a you time and money when need-' CANADA DRY BOTTLING CO . (PETERBO'ROUGH) LTD. 932 Mervin Street RI 2-2228 There is a reason why “Can-f In. this area Canada Dry Bot- ple they serve. This top rated Stop inat this popular place, business firm has an enviable! acquaint younself with the ser- record, and has always met vices, facilities and products with great favour by the peo-I available here, and regardless pl‘e of this trade area. Iwhether you are buying or Through years of honest'not, you will be sure of being dealings, they have thus assured made welcome, as John Evans 1he public that they feature;and Doug Mortimer, the friend- only the finest in Runabou-ts, ly owners , always extend aj S’kriffs, Cabin Cruisers, Inboard cordial welcome to te people Boats, Canoes, Johnson Out~l of this area, we are pleased to 1 board Motors and everything, recommend this firm to all our1 in marine supplies. They are; people. i 176 Simcoe Street Phone RI 2-4226 This is one place in this sec- exclusive dealers for Peterbor- tion that the boating enthusiast ought Boats. They also handle can obtain the best. in supplies Evinrude, Elto, Viking, and and services and at reasonable Trawnboy Products; Tee-Nee prices, always maintaining an Trailers, Sporting Equipment, up to date busineSS for the ac- and have boat and motor stor-. commodation of the many peo-l age. ple they serve. This top rated Stop inuat this popular place, business firm has an enviable! acquaint yourself with the ser- record, and has always met vices, facilities and products with great favour by the peo-I available here, and regardless ple of this trade area. 'whether you are buying or] i i I I l l with over 32 years experience, I Remember! For anything in; in such a high class manne assisted by his son Robert ,Who auto top upholstering, sa fetylbee-n greatly appreciate aire qualified to do a complete glass, curved Window glaSS their many patrons who upholstering job on your car. carried 1n stock at all times for! their unequalled service Should you need new up- most makes of mode:,1s see L. This is a business th holstering or if you need the R. Groombridge Son, Auto'quires experience and 3,1317 springs reset, or cushions re-. :Upholsters first and you will son Cleaners Dyers only built or recovered you shillould agree that their prices, their tieal help is employed call L. R. Groombridge Son work and their service are, entire staff are efficient Auto Upholstering, Where youlthe best. i 464 Aylmer Street Phone RI 3-3231 At 1;. R. Groombridge Son; will be sure of satisfaction, as Auto Upholsfers, has ai‘fordedfall their work is ,gueranteed. a unique auto uphO-lstering and. .Spec1al attention is given to all , . Ilns ran 6 laims. glass serv1ce to auto dealers u c O . d h' . This firm has the largest an t 8 public for many years. stock of curved Windshields in This firm is owned and opera‘t-l the area, to fit most makes of ed by “Les” Groombridge cars. with over 32 years experience,l Remember! For anything in assastetd by his son Robert, who auto top upholmering, safety alre qualified to do a complete glass, curved Window glass, uph-olstering job on your ear. carried in stock at all times ’for‘ L. R. GROOMBRID‘GE SON AUTO UPHOLSTERS AUTO GLASS SERVICE HAROLD BALL FARM EQUIPMENT PILON MARINE LIMITED are au‘horized processors and ,thd., who are manufacturers of bottlers of the famously known the “DARK” which 1s Canada’s “Canada Dry”. It is a most number one economy car, have modern and up-to- da+e plant, been enjoying great success in’ with equipment that! assures Sales on their new model Me- the customer of a healthful Williams Motor Sales Whlch drink prepared under a special is capably direc ed bv Rav Mc-f formula in a clean, sanitary Williams enjoy an excellent“ plan. 1 reputation as representatix .es: ed, and assure you of the use of your machine wh'en you re- quire it. Our farmers would do well to keep in mind the name HAROLD BALL who has‘ helped keep prices at their low-’ The H, J. Precision Indus- tries Machine ShOp under the personal direction of “Doug” Ha‘tton have proved to be one of the most valued additions to‘ this region and in this review of the better businesses of this‘ part of the province we are glad to refer this relLable firm! to all our readers. This firm has the largest stock of curved Windshields in the area, to fit most makes of cars. ‘vr r- â€"'v~ wv yuvâ€"... avvv ble level in the area 1 01mm: Road Phone 31 24242 i This firmisSales and Service! This fine concern main ains ERBUROUGH) LTD for Studebaker cars and trucks a complete service department RI 242223 :which are an honoured name WhiCh enables them to give fastest s poss bl It s sarea Canada Dry Bot- in the automobile industry. staffed Engicfapablel nfechaninis (Peterborough) Ltd. Studeb-flkir- Packard of Canada and modern equipment in order iorized processors and ,thd., who are manufacturers of that their customers will be of the famously known the “DARK” which 1s Canada’ s efficiently taken care of in the 1 Dry”. It is a most number one economy car, have matter of repairs and adjus _ and up-to da‘e plant- been engoymg great success in ment. They also have a com- [uripmen-t thafl assures Sales‘ on their new model Mc- plete parts department and Dmer of a healthful erliams Motor Sales Whlch feature everything 1n Au 0 391-- nnnnnn I] -‘ugnu A ~_-A.°A1 :n -Au‘L'I-_ J_' -4- L, 1 ”I _-v_' V‘V-J rue-“e ‘u --u v IVV’ is ‘capably directed by Ray Mc-i vice from A to Z. Williams enjoy an excellent! They are not’ just interested reputation as representatives: in quick sales but to know that fOI‘ Studebaker, Web has en- all customers are completely abled; them to keep increasing satisfied. sales with satisfied customers,‘ This fine policy has enabled whom. they have served very ‘ them to take a leading position faitfully throughout the past' among auto dealers of the coun- years. They are also Sales and. try. We are pleased to recom- Service for the French 0211‘ mend this auto sales and service Renault Dauphine. {centre to our readers. Taking precautions by the highest use of cleanlines and sanitary methods, the manage- ment of this popular restaurant Henry L. Young, needs to be congratulated for his success “Exclusiv‘e but not Expensive’ ’ . There are very few stores[the summer. ethat cater to MILADY, thatisee these value 'have gained the prominence‘self many {that is awarded Lyda Telford quality merge} ‘ Shoppe . money . l ! 3 5 Located in Peterborough’fi finest modern shopping dis~ trict at 259 George below King S32, this shop carries a com- plete assortment of dresses, suits, coats, and evening wear, in sizes for petite Miss and also the woman who is hard to fit Especially interesting just now with this season’s shopping uppermost, are the bargains for If you are interested in aied by “Dave” Walker is that toasfer, iron, vacuum cleaner, you buy this Quality Merchan~ washer or dryer, or any other, disc at prices that will certainly item that Will alleviate the? please you. work around the house, you[ These many advantages cer~ will find this store your sh‘oppfi tainly merit your inspection, so ing mecca. E‘Why not 5 op in and see for In the service department at yourself why McCannan Elec- this store you will find only trio is appliance headquarters factory trained technicians to in Peterborough. We are give you the type of service pleased to recommend this firm that you Will appreciate. Their, to YOU. This fine, business features friendly experienced salemmen everything to make home mak-i “Lin be ' glliadd t0 dfemonstraie . ft eir mere an ise or you or . V . - . mg really pleasant ‘ e sug call on the telephone, you Will gesf that you visit their store find that they can assist you in Peterborough and see for‘wyh your problems in ”the yourself, the many labour sav-i electric appliance field. ing devices that are available] One of the many advantages for the :busy housewife and; of shopping at McCannon Elec- mother. 1 tric wtich‘ is owned and operat- If you are interested in aled by “Dave” Walker is that toasfer, iron, vacuum cleaner, you buy this Quality Merchan~ This is a business that re- quires experience and at Fergu- son Cleaners Dyers only prac- tical help is employed. Their 261 Charlotte Street RI 3-3682 128 Hunter Street East RI 5-8752 Each year, we find this well sonnal in dry cleaning, Who known firm, making even. know their line thoroughly and greater improvements in the thus you are. assured the most dry cleaning field, that was nOt: careful and painstaking work. thought possible, as their reput-g The economy of taking ad- ation for perfection has always. vantage of a regular cleaning lefit this good impression their and pressing service is not con- ability to process our clothingfined solely to the pleasures of in such a high class manner hasl having clean and spotless been greatly appreciated by‘clothes but also includes the their many patrons who valuezadditional service from each their unequalled service. [garment 274 George Street North LYDA TELFORD SHOPPE 259 George Street N. P]: FERGUSON CLEANERS DYERS McWILLIAMS MOTOR SALE SILVER MOON GRILL McGANNON ELECTRIC Using only the best ingeardi- cuts in preparing the meals, we are sure you will be more Than pleased and will follow the crowd in patronizing The Si,l- ver Moon Grill any time you may be in Peta‘borough. Lyda Telford Shoppe extends our women readers an invita- tion to visit them. You will enjoy shopping or just looking in the quiet, pleasing atmos- phere of this very artis‘ic Shoppe, where you will be treated as a guest not just a customer. We suggest you visit this popular firm the next time in Peterborcrugh. the summer. We suggest you see these values and save your- self many dollars, getting quality memeliandjse for less money. These many advantages cer- tainly merit your inspection, so why not sfop in and see for yourself why McCannan Elec- tric is appliance headquarters in Peterborough. We are pleased to recommend this firm to YOU . We are very pleaed “to recom- mend the services of Ferguson Cleaners Dyers, who have placed workmanship above profit. Thursday, July 16 1959 Phone Phone RI 5-5363 Grace Presbyterian Ch Ladies’ Aid meeting was at. the home of Mrs. Tom S on Tuesday. June 30th. ‘ The management. invites 3‘0' come in and look over t extra large stock. Wa‘whq leading makes in ladies‘ men’s styles, are always un play, as well as a pleasing~ sortment of Quality Diamo: Silverware, China, Gift»? Trophies; of which t.hi< GRACE LADIES’ AID AT HOME OF MRS. S The Jewellery and Gift Ce of this area is none other ' Bert Austin established in I who has but one ideal SERVE FAITHFULLY. '1 reputation for integrity ass {on of complete satisfact luggage by Carson, va‘ Samsonite, Christie; lea: goods, handbags, and shou bags, billfolds, English 1 China and figurinas. Shim. Irish Linen (formerly ca: at Fhir’s) Coutts Halln Cards, and a, large array beautiful gifts. Established July 1, 1954. 131 Hunter Street W. This is one of the fi leather goods and min stores of Peferborough w quality and price is feav at all times. At the Peterborough ] ness College. L'td. they 1 courses in sec-re‘arial as we regular business courses. '1 high standards will lead graduates into a positioz responsibility. In fact the 1 Peterborough‘ Business C02 Ltd. on your diploma is Ladies’ Handbags of 6' colour, to suit, the lady‘s < fume, can be found ‘here. 1 also carry a complete lin PETERBOROUGH a 358 George Stneet Kort An institution of our re‘ that has won wide aczj throughout this section oil tario is the Peterbomugh l ness College Ltd. Througj efforts many hundreds of 1 and out of town people 1 been launched upon a 8220 ful business career. This firm have built business and increased number of friends and c merS, through their poli' good service, courteous 31 tion, and satisfa “don abov{ to all. j Fair prices for the many dreds of pieces of good qr merchandise such as Fire tires, tubes, power tools, acceSsories, electrical a 224 Charlotte Street Firestone Stores, with bra es‘ in principal cities in 3‘ America, rhave a great re; tion with thousands of sati customers. 1959 REVI My, July 16 1959 PETERBORO 186 Hunter Street WeSt One of the most compier; satisfactory services chl‘ 0 ed the communi‘y is prox by this reliable firm wizi‘ directed by Les (“Bus") I den himself. This firm hAI lcation only at 186 Hume] so make no mistake in con ing the experts. This which is the Flooring and Centre of Petenborough one of the finest showrooz this part of the province playing: Linoleum, Congo Jeweller and Waxdxnaker tl

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