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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 16 Jul 1959, p. 3

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ie many advantages E at NIL-Cannon Elec~ ‘5 owned and Opel-at- {8" Walker is that Is Quality Merchan- Lthat will certainly dry cleaning, who- Jine thoroughly and re assured the most . painstaking work. .omy of taking ad- a. regular cleaning g service is not con- to the pleasures of :an and spotless ord Shoppe extend; 1readers an invita- p them. You will ing or just looking Ft, pleasing atmos- Lhis very artisfic tere you will be twguest not just a _ e suggest you pular firm the next rrboro'ugh. i also includes the .ervice from each perienced salemmen ad to demonstrate landise for you or telephone, you will hey can assist you problems in the >liance field. ny advantages cer- your inspection, so ’0p in and see for ry McCannan Elec- iance headquarters rough. We are eeommend this firm '3 goal. mending this place- ‘tasty light lunches dinners cooked by efficient chefs, who tars of experience 1d preparing meals. you try their won- Phone 31 5-5945 concern maintains erviee department es them to give 3e possible. It is capable mechanics equipment in order :ustomers will be [Ken care of in the pairs and adjus‘â€" ' also have a com- department and Thing in Auto Set- to Z. 10?; just interested s but to know #hat are completely :ry pleaed 10 recom- ~rvices of Ferguson Dyers, who have .rkmanship above , We suggest you fines and save your- dollars, getting «diandise for less the best ingeu-di- ring the meals, we will be more than will follow the making The Si,1- rill any time you policy has enabled a leading position tealers of the counâ€" ‘ pleased to recom- ;0 sales and service * readers. ‘9 rterborough . PhoneBI5-5363 16 1959 also carry a complete line ofi The basic reason fOr their‘ luggage by Carson, MeBrine,‘ success is that they have con-I Samsonite, Christie; leather tinu-ally maintained a reputa‘fi goods, handbags, and shoulder tion for handling the best bags, billfolds, English Bone quality goods at the most China and figurines, Shamrock reasonable prices. Irish Linen (formerly carried So it is that we suggest to at Fair’s) Coutts Hallmark' our readers to visit The Travel Cards, and a large array of Shop and take advanfiage of beautiful gifts. {the high quality merchandise Establish-ed July 1,1954, The that. they offer. | BERT AUSTIN Jeweller and Watchmaker 194 Charlotte, Phone RI 5-5451 “Where You Buy With Confidence” The Jewellery and Gift Centre supplies the largest amount. to of this area is none other than‘ organizations in the area, and 'everything else that pertains Bert Austin established in 19%i f to a modern and complete stock :110 has. but one ideal T0; of jewellery. HERVE FAITHFULLY. Thelr; Particular attention is given reputation for integrity assures: to fine watch repairing. Ex- This is one of the finest; Travel Shop under the capable leather goods and giftware management of Mr. Ralph Dal- stores of Peter-borough where lin who extends: a cordial wel- quality and price is featured, come to the people from this SERVE FAITHFULLY' Theirg Particular attention is given reputation for integrity assures to fine watch repairing. Ex- You of complete satisfaction. E pens will suggest wh'at can be The management invites you to“ done and will do the job of a come in and look over their specialist at a moderate price. extra large stock. Watches in' We do not hesitate to suggest leading makes in ladies’ and that you pay Bert Austin ’s a men ‘5 styles, are always un diS- visit as this store is Jewellery play, as well as a 1319215ng as: Headquarters in Peterborough, sortment of Quality Diamonds,‘ and we are pleased to recom- Silverware, China, Giftware,‘ mend this fine store to our Trophies, of which this firm rie-aders. PETERBO’ROUGH BUSINESS COLLEGE LIMITED 358 GeOrge Street North Phone RI 5-4861 An institution of our region‘ of he best assurances of accept that has won Wide acclaim ance by the better business throughout this section of On- establishments throughout the province. *ario is the Peterborough Busi.‘ The facilities at this college ness College Ltd Through its are of the finest and those inter- etforts many hundreds of local ested should remember that and out of town people have you can enroll at any time as been launched upon a success-‘final examinations are held ful business career. 1 monthly. At the Peterborough Busi- ness College.» Ltd. they offer courses in secre‘arial as well as regular business courses. Their high standards will lead the graduates into a position of responsibility. In fact the name Peterborough’ Business College Ltd. on your diploma is one L-td: on yburvdiploma is one} learning, 'Firms such as the Muttart building and stop in at this Ltd., have not been serving the' they can assist you in this THE TRAVEL SHOP public without taking an inter-‘ respeC‘t- 131 Hunter Street W. ’ ’ ' , Phone RI 5-4792 This is one of the finest; Travel Shop under the capablel REWARD SHOE STORES l leather goods and giftware management of Mr. Ralph Dal- stores of Peter-borough where lin who extends: a cordial wel-i 346 George Street North Phone RI 240367 Quality and price is featured come to the people frOm thisi Whenever there is mention of styles, that play a leading role at all times. isection and we can assure you, quality footwear, Reward Shoe in the correct costume of the‘ Ladies’ Handbags of every,th‘at you will be served WithiiSt ore, wit‘h stores through out well-dressed min orc woman arfi colour, to suit the lady’s cosg-p courtesy and promptness at, Canada are alwavs associated . on dlsp ay at t is s ore, as w; fume, can be found ‘here. They this friendly store. 1' ’ ' v ‘ ’ £18! shoes f01‘ children, that It also carry a complete line of, The basic reason fOr their goods. handbags, and shoulder tion for handling the best and their ability ’00 8N8 00m~1aged by “Ray” .Homewood is bags, billfolds, English Bone quality goods at the most plete comfort has won many! a. valuable; contribution to the China and figurines, Shamrock reasonable prices. Sfitls’he'd patrons, n0t_ 0111):.111 complete assurance and sam- Irish Linen (formerly carried So it is that we suggest to Peterborough but 1n ““8 sec 10” .faCtlon In regards to anything at Flair’s) Coutts Hallmark' our readers to visit The Travel as. Well- A11 Sh08§ are fitted in footwear, and has certainly Cards, and a large array of Shop and take advantage of With great care, Wthh aSSurPS‘ aided the people of the area to Builders Sup-plies (P-eterborO’) , dependable firm and see how‘ Th’e staff of this store inâ€"f with. great comfort and style. ’ . . ~ . ' ' ' l . ' 4 _ luggage by Carson, McBrine,‘ success is that they have con-I eludes experienced fittersthhl Reward Shoe .Stores in Peer 1 Samsonite Christie; leather timually maintained a reputaâ€"f a knowledge 0f thlS busmess, borough, which 18 capably man- ’ This fine store which is a branch of an organization which has a slogan as “Retailers to Thrifty Canadians” have lived up to their” slogan in every detail. This Shopping Mart in Beterborough serves the people of the County with quality merchandise at everyday thrift prices, with the guidance of a very friendly well chosen staff, working in the interests of the buying public. They carry the Largest selec- tion of items for the family and home in Peterborough- This store displays a very attractive w...- -- H. FLORENCE Ft 204 Charlotte Street Since the first time, many - - ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ fyour a better walk in life and are years 3'00 that this firm was b it f . l the high nah merchandise you 0f complete comfort 0 i . , . c ’ . egnlfluffism- 1 111m mm' m. +1?” 214$an lfootwear. - worthy of hlgh recommenda-f estabhshed, they have 60mm- This firm h'ave built their business and increased their number of friends and custo- mers. through their policy-a good service, courteous atten- tion, and satisfaction above all to all. Fair prices for th'e many hun-1 dreds of pieces of good quality merchandise such as Firestone tires, tubes, power tools, auto accessories, electrical appli: Grace Presbyterian Church Ladies" Aid meeting was held at. the home of Mrs. Tom Skipp on Tuesday, June 30th. Mrs. 1959 REVIEW OF OUTSTANDING BUSINESSES PROFESSIONS, PETERBORO’ GRACE LADIES’ AID MET AT HOME OF MRS. SKIP? 224 Charlotte Street Phone 31 5-5775 Firestone Stores, with branch-1 ances, sporting goods, and many e; in principal cities in North other kmds and types of small America, have a great repma_¢1te«rns necessary and handy a- . _ d f t' f‘ d round your auto and home, as $1011 Wlth thousan S o sa 1s 1e |wtll as a service dept. for brake customers. . . ;and fire service and accessory This firm h‘ave bullt then" installatmn. PETERBOROUGH TILE COMPANY 186 Hunter Street West ’ Phone RI 23743 One of the most complete and Lino Asphal" Cork, Vinyl, and bmsfactcry s9rvices :‘V'cl‘ Offer: Wall Tile. Also Wall Covering- (-d th? communi‘y is providedland all types of Floor Cove: bv this reliable firm which is ings. by this reliable firm which is' directed by Les (“B115”) Mun-‘ den himself. This firm has one‘ lcation only at 186 Hunter W.’ so make no mistake in consult-' uv ing the ~‘exper. ..s This firm which is the Flooring and Tile Centre of Peterborough, has one of the finest showrooms in- his part of the province dis- playing: Linoleum, Congoleum, r, July 16 1959 FIRESTONE STORES We suggest you call upon this firm whom we are pleased to recommend to you for a free esfimate and you will become another of their satisfied custo- mers throughout the region. The facilities at This college are of the finest and those inter- ested should remember than you can enroll at any Time as final examinations are held monthly. cum Lire b‘EI'V'lefe and accessory ins-t allation. We feel that we would be far amiss if we should fail to count Firestone Stores, under of Mr. Ronald McLarnon, the the personal direction of Mr. Jack Heffernan, branch man- ager, as a distinct credtit to Peterborough' and the district. 'With the great multitude of satisfied customers we wish in this review to highly recom- mend this firm. rEss COLLEGE LIMITED Phone RI 5-4861 of the best assurances of accept- ance by the better business 1791/2 Charlotte Street 3 This Area’s finest pet shop is under the capable direction ; friendly owner. Everyone loves 1 Phone 'RI 5-7372 selection of supplies. We sug- gest that you visit this store the next time in Peteraborough, select your pet from their fine stock, and be assured of getting ‘ PMS and the ‘mOSt Of 115 are the best possible pet regardless ithe proud owners of some kind of pet. At this pet shop you ‘will find everything for your 'pet, including a large selection iof Cages, Stands, Aquariums, Puppies, Kittens, Hamsters, Goldfish, Tropical Fish, and all kinds of Exotic Fish and aquar- ‘iuvm supplies and equipment for iwatever kind of pet you may |ghave. They also have a fine of the kind you choose, and you may feel free to discuss your problems with, the congenial owner of this pet shop. He will be pleased to advise you and to show you his stock, which is priced at figures you can afford to pay. So, give yours-elf a rare treat, and visit this fine sh‘op my time you may be in Pet erborou gh . The friendly sales staff are fully trained to discuss your floor problems with you giving proper advice. We believe that Miss Marg- aret Battersby who is past president of Business Education Association of Canada, is de- serving of commendatiOn upon the continued reputation of Pe- teh‘borough Bus'ii‘tss Colleg Ltd. as a true founda‘ion of learning. . .: ; 1 L. Farrow presided over the ute-s of last meeting read and mee‘ing and opened 1n prayer. approved. Treasurer gave Mrs. Eakins gave the Scrip- ture reading of Psalm 64. Hymn “Jesus; Saviour Pilot Me" was sung. The roll wag» called and min- IlUIlC-VL lfLLSIUCSS.“ t‘Acau‘ugb VVJLHI This tog-eth‘er With gOOd the public. With them modern workmanship assures the pub- and complete 51113131195 0f lum-l lie of buildings of permanence her, they are equipped to furn-, and at a cost consistant with ish anything that is available the trends of today. Their in even the largest houses and slogan “Build Right With Bill are sure to be able to supply Dright” is very appropriate. you With’ whatever you may] So, why not go ahead with require. iyour plans for remodelling or Firms such as the Muttart building and stop in at this Builders Supplies (PeterborO) dependable firm and see how Ltd” have not been serving the they can assist you in this public Without taking an inter- respect. MUTTART BUILDERS SUPPLIES (PETERBORO’) LTD. Port Hope Highway . Phone RI 3-3553 This firm enjoys an enviable est in their patrons in seeing reputation by virtue of their. that they have the best lumber honest business- dealings with and huildmg inaterlals' l ThIS Together Wlth good the pulbhc- Wlth‘ the“ modern. werkmans‘hin assures the nub- PETE’RBOROUGH PHOTO PRODUCTS . 1881/2 Charlotte Street Phone RI 2-2062 The photographic centre of gift for any member of your this area is none other than family. Peterborough Photo Products. i This store is capably directed This dependable firm carries a by “Carl Resar” and “Al" complete line of photographic Osbrne and has a very courte- eIQUiPment and supplies, and ous staff Who are well known are specialists in colour photO- to the people of this area. This graphic equipment. They sell store is held in high esteem by 8 mm and 16 mm silent and all who have had the pleasure sound projectors, tape record- of dealing with them. ers and supplies, hi-fi compon- Visit this photographic centre ents, camera and benocluar while on your shopping tour of services, this is the only local Peter-borough. You will be camera service centre in the sure to find something really area. Their stock includes suitable for gifts in beautiful, everything photographic, tested low-priced cameras. This fine and proven - camera supplies business is: recommended to with' advanced scientfic de- readers where you are sure to velopments. A good camera do business with complete will certainly make an excellent satisfaction. ‘ Iv-â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€" â€"-â€"â€"â€"- w â€"â€"v_ 341 George North PhoneRI 5-4944 Remember, for your shopping‘ Craft. and U’r ex Sportswear and! pleasure that in this district] an extensive line of work‘ it - ‘ H the desires and demands of the clothes by Kitchen also. . “Bradshaw ” which assures male ulati r. m th 11‘ ' . . 1 pop on a e ore a . real value for your purchasmgl satisfied at Selkirk Men’s Shop[ dollar. We urge our readers which represent the highest to visit Selkirk Men’s Shop' type 0f goods, WhiCh This firm first. Courtesy and friendly stands behind and will back help makes shopping at this up in every detail. The very store a pleasure. latest vogue and most exclusive Selkirk Men ’5 shop are pre- men’s and boys clothing and pared to serve this community furnishings will be found at with the latest and up to date very attractive prices. [stock the market affords. Sol Nationally advertised lines it. is with pleasure we urge our are featured here, such as readers to visit this very popu- T o o k e ShirtS, Cambridge lar store, which is worthy of Clothes and Sportswear. Also recommendation. Throughout the year our peo- ple have found great values at this progressive store which has become well kown as the lead- ing furniture store in Peter- borough. H. Florence Furniture Co. has a wide experience in the {furniture line and in serving BUTTER GRANITE CO. LTD. Monuments and Family Memorials 73 Ontario St ., Port Hope, Ont. Phone Turner 5-52I6 '-9 ,4 h,â€" CARLEY, STANDISB, CLARKE CARLEY LECH her report. Mrs. L. Farrow welcomed Mrs. Graham to the meeting, also thanks to hostess. Shoes in a wide variety of ;;:\,Cr;i1a;n“.t.ovhemeetmg,‘ attend the church of so thanks to hostess. 1 Meeting closed with Mizpahyour choke on Sunday! m MIRROR-REPORTER, MODE. ammo PETERBOROUGH PET SHOP SELKIRK MEN’S SHOP Reward Shoe Stores in Peter- borouth, which is capably man- aged by “Ray” Homewood is a valuable; contribution to the complete assurance and satis- faction in regards: to anything in footwear, and has certainly aided the people of the area to a better walk in life, and are worthy of high recommenda- non. This store is capably directed by “Carl Resar” and “Al" Oshrne and has a very courte- ous staff who are well known to the people of this area. This store is held in high esteem by all who have had the pleasure of dealing with them. benediction and ’all ladies .en- joyed a social .hour. CHARLOTTE PAINT WALLPAPER REG’D 1821/2 Charlotte Street Phone RI 2-2911 ; The; decorating area of this made, free of charge. f area is none other than Ch‘arlot- Well known as the colour te Paint Wallpaper Reg’ (1. centre of Peterboroug'h, this 'This firm, operated by “Perc; ” dependable concern carries a and “Sadie” Scharf, Peterbor- complete line of Wallpapers, oug’h, provides the finest qual- and International Paints, which iity paint and wallpaper on the gives colours unlimited, also market of today is presenting. i have complete line of painter Consult with' their decorating supplies. A visit here will con- experts who have had years of Vince you that they have the . experience in creating beautiful largest selection of interior de- interiors, harmonizing colour corating service and advice Hones, and coordinating fabrics, made possible by dependable furniture and walls, colour business dealings with the scheming appointments can be public. 1 They Garry the Largest selec- Ition of items for the family and home in Peterborough- This store d splays a very attractive 84 Hunter Strqeet W. Advanced hair stylings, is the answer to the suooess of Lillian ’s”Beauty Salon which is oapably directed by Miss Lillian Weiss, who is a 3rd time award winner. Visit the shop and get that lustrous look for spe- cial occasions as they are 8138- cialists in all the newest meâ€" thods. This hairstyling lounge is amply prepared to serve you in the field of Beauty Culture. A shop of this nature, de- serves the patronage of the W0- men of this district and the The office of A. J. Stencell, Dr. of Chiropractic, is fully equipped to give a complete physical health‘ examination. No stone is left unturned to get CARLEY, STANDISB, CLARKE CARLEY LECH Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PE‘ERBOROUGH, ONTARIO '1‘. J. Carley QC. (1896-1956) 1:. o. Standish QC. '1‘. E. Clarke B.A. R. H. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech B.A. 381 Water Street The Chiropractor’s office of, today is a wonderfully well} equipped “Health” centre. where. approximately 30 mil-j lion people per year on the. North American Continent are! reclaimed from “disease row” and: brought to a peak of health and well-being. BUTTER GRANITE CO. LTD. Monuments and Family Memorials 73 Ontario St ., Port Hope, Ont. Phone Turner 5-52t6 H. FLORENCE FURNITURE COMPANY 20-4 Charlotte Street Phone RI 5-7651 Since the first time, many the public and their knowledge years ago, that this firm was of present day needs places the established, they have continu- modern art of furniture crafts- ally given every consideration manship of beautiful and com- to the public needs in house fortable furniture and lamps at furnishings. ‘the people’s command, with‘ Throughout the year our peo- easy budget. terms. ple have found great values at We are pleased to give com- thus progressive store which has mendable mention to H. Flor- become well kown as the lead-: ence Furniture Co., and wish ing fuuniture store in Peter- them many 3ears of continued borough. success and we know that a H. Florence Furniture 00. visit there will find you becom- h‘as a wide experience in the 'ing another of their many hun- i'furniture line and in serving dreds of satisfied customers. 361 George Street North LILLIAN ’8 BEAUTY SALON . STENCELL, Dr. of Chiroprastic ZELLERS LIMITED to the b0 tom of your health problem and to find out Whe- ther or not you are an accept- Iable Chiropractic patient. If lyou are not, you are referred to the proper health service. part of the operator here. Through their well-chosen treatments they are able to bring out those important quali- ties of youth, dignity, and good- grooming so necessary for, the women of today to at ain. Ladies, Leillian’ s Beauty Salon offers a complete service in beauty culture using the famous Harper Method. We are very pleased to refer their services to you Without hesifation. Phone RI 2-5417 stock which is selected from the foremost manufacturers in the country in large consign ments and are placed before the public at prices which really denote true values. Their many patrons shop here with a fee-ling of confidence. They fully real- ize the value obtainable at this popular store. The entire s‘aff is very competent. and it. is sug- gested that for more pleasant shopping you visit this popular store in Peterborough or any of their branches When you are visiting or sh-Opping in other cities and towns. Remember, you have not tried everything un‘il you have tried Chiropractis. Chiropractic may be the answer to your problem. Phone Riverside 2-2317 today for a. free consultation or write directly your particular condi- tion in the interest of your good health. splendid reputation they have attained is mostly due to the high state of efficiency on the ’IIIIIIIIIIB‘EIIIIIIIIIQ Telephone collect Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborough Ri-2.4330., Burrett Fur Farm renew your subscription CASH for dead or crippl. ed Horses and Down. Top price for old horses. “ Dead Stockf Phone RI 2-2317 RI 2-1830

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