8 and 9 years, girlsâ€"Rose- ,zuary Richards, 2 Judy Pack. 8 and 9 years, boysâ€"1 David Fallis, 2 Jim Lunn, 3 Fred Van- \Vitsen. 7 yearsâ€"1 Terry Peterson, 2 Elaine Ireland, 3 Judy Park. QAGE ‘IlIIIIII!"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Phope Baiï¬eboro 30 Phone Mfllbrook 87r2 PROBLEMS $â€"â€"â€": $â€"â€"usâ€"â€"â€": If You have steady employment and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating Gust, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application to-day. SiarEet V5533 ?swn 5.5. Picnic Ag gm; “my 6? g $033 , (ava :1, Phone 201 -23 M' Illbro 0k We now have a plan that shall take care of your lequire Plumbing Heating ONE OF THE 7 BIG BESTS CHEVROLET GIVES YOU OVER ANY CAR IN ITS FIELD Other cars claim gas economy . . . Chev- rolet delivers it. That was proved beyond all argument by this year’s Mobilgas Econ- omy Run. A pair of Chevrolet Sixes walked away with the ï¬rst two places . . . and the‘winning mileage was a whopping 26.84 . . . the best of any full-size car! And that’s just the start of Chevrolet‘s ex- tra value. No competitive car near Chevy’s price gives you all these bests . . . just see ‘whattheexpenssay! BEST STYLE Chevrolet is the car that's unmista' ably modem in every flowing line! POPULAR SCIENCE magazine has this to say: “In its price class a new hiOh in daring styling". BEST BRAKES Chevrolet proved its superiority in direct com- petitive :ests carried out by NASCAR“. In repeated stops from high speed, Chevrolet out-stopped the other leading low-priced cars tested by a wide. safe margin. Proof positive that you‘re far safer in Chevrolet! And Chev- rolet‘s Safety-Master brakes save you money on replacements . . . last 66% longer. Make Sure You Get The Most For Your Money â€"Visit Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer! Attention Home Builders Plumbing and Heating WU: ardsr 3 Florence Welbourne, 3' "Wheelbarrow raceâ€"1 Rose- lietiy Kiek. inmry Richards and Phyllis 13e- Men's raceâ€"1 Bob Richards, terson, 2: Margaret Ireland and 2 Lawrence Wiles, 3 Grant Wel- Karen Peterson, 3 Florence and hourne. fliilly Welhonrne. :3-Le::ged race, 8 and underâ€": Water running races, 8 and 1 Dan id Falls and Terry Peter-‘L1nderâ€"â€"l Ron Pack, 2 David son, 2 Ron Pack and Fred Van- Falls, 3 Terr) Peterson. “i 1sen, 3 Karen Welbourne Over 8â€"1 Karen Peterson, 2 and Dianne Bird. i Marian Wilson, 3 Phyllis Peter- 3-L-eg'ged race, older than 8â€": son. 1 Jim Pack and Jim Falls, 2" Swimming, childrenâ€"1 Jim Phyllis Peterson and Rosemary; Pack, 2 Dianne Park, 3 Marian Richards, 3 Margaret Ireland Wilson. and Karen Peterson. Swimming, menâ€"1 Lawrence Sack race, 8 and underâ€"1 Wiles, 2 Glen Richards, 3 Bob EKiek. BEST ROOM Interior dimensions reported to A. M. A. * make this abundantly clear. For instance Chevrolet’ 3 front seat hip-room is as much as 5.7 inches wider than a major competitor. BEST ENGINE Every motor magazine has given Chevrolet 5 stan~ard and Corvette V8 5 unstinted praise As I.li’ORTS CAR ILLUSTRATED puts it: “In ieed this device is surely the most won- derfully responsive engine available today at any price!" BEST RIDE â€National Auocian’on for Stock Car Ad MOTOR TREND magazine calls Cheyy . . . “d R““"’" “the smoothest, most quiet. softest ridmg car ‘Automon‘z-e Manufacturers' Anociation. Dax 1d Falls, 2 Terrv Peterson, AUGUST 3 CIVIC HOLIDAR i I»ill\ \\el‘b01une.. â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" Northumherland 81 Durham Albevt Waxer 31 Walton St. Sole owner Port Hope DIRECT WIRE TO TORONTO Member Brokerâ€"Dealers’ Associa ation of Ontario Lumber Rough or Dressed, also Hard and Soft Wood Slabs PHONE 70-w MEI-BROOK, ONTARIG STAN OLAN Swimming, menâ€"1 Lawrence cgmed Secuï¬ities Phone Tuâ€"5-4588 m men-REPORTER. WK, MARIO The expert who can prove this to you is your Chevrolet dealer. Check him today. You’ll ï¬nd that Chevrolet‘s extra value and quality mean a big. big return on your money at trade-in time. And your Chevrolet dealer can show you a long list of other Chevy advan- tages, besides these 7 big ones . . . be sure to visit him today! â€National Anociation for Stock Car Advancement and Reward). in its price class". You‘ll be able to tell this yourself instantly . . . try a Chevrolet ride at your Chevrolet dealer‘s today! BEST TRADE-IN g The Clerk has been instructed 'to w ite to Mr Cliff Larmer ad-; : vising him that the Municipality: will not be responsible for any‘ repairs to the culvert placed be-; ‘for his lot on the North side of lK‘in‘g Street. This motion made i by Councillor Ridge seconded. by Councillor Gibsoru. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gibson, seconded by Councillor Crouvgh ‘ that we recommend to the Public lUtilities that they join with the Municipality and hire a general foreman and if satisfactory to P.U.C. the Mwnticivp-ality will act- Evertise for such a person. g Moved by Councillor Gibson I and s’econrded by Councillor Thorn- :‘ton that a, light be purchased for ‘the Clerk’s office. A No. 3054 I light to be install-ed immediately. DEAD, OLD and CRIPPLED FARM STOCK REMOVED FREE OF GHARGE Immediate 94 Hour Service ASK YOUR OPERATOR FOR ..(Continued from page 1) Meeting was adjourned: by the Reeve. Editors noteâ€"A number of ac‘ counts were passed, these will be published next week. Nick Peconi ' PETERBOROUGH Farm Service Nb Toll Charge C-3259C !SurviveS. DeeeaSed are two E brothers, Dr E. D. VVashintr-: l ton of Vancouver. and Rex . CI . W. M. S ' The death occurred Monday She was an invalid for the lin Strathhaven Rest Home in last two years same a broken tBowmanville, of Mrs. Herman hip failed to knit. tMcConnell of Millbrook. She‘ The funeral Will be held in. died one month before her 90th St' Andrew-’5 United Church . f ‘ a tOdaV', Thursday, at 2 p m [birthday Be ore her maniac-‘3 with burial in MOunt Nebo ito the Rev. Herman McConnell Cemeterv Slpringbrook _ Ex- 1 l . ms 11 McGONN‘E-LL I ï¬ne was a member of the In 1903 she “as a teacher. aminer. Among the schools in which she 'taught. were Havergal Hall in; WANTED TOrOnto and h'iwa JO Gakko, girls’ residential school in Kofu,’ Japan. For five years prior . ~ B r ' _ to her marriage she served as' leiihdnb phone 1‘ -13 col~ la Missionary in Japan under; ' , _ My 30 the dominion board of the FOR BIB Methodist church. She was a S graduate of Alma College, St. ’ For Saleâ€"'lree House Doors Thomas. ; Phone 39 Millbrook. ,lt \Van‘edQLiV'e Poultry: high price paid M Flatt, RRBI, l Her husband predeceased her last year, as did her only son, Kenneth Washington McCon- nell of Vancouver, in 19-1-3. There are IWU daughters, Mr<.' Bruce Ingham, (DOris) of Millâ€" brook and Mrs. James McNeil, (Marjorie) of Victoria, six, 1 grandsons and two granddaugh-r ’ters. A sister, Mrs. J. R. 7 Standen (Ethel) of Victoria. Mrs. McConnell was born Edith Eliza \Vashingfon in Quio. Qlloboc. the dauu‘hter of the late Rev. \V. C. \Vashing- ton of Bownmm'ille, an the for- mer Catherine Day. Before moving to Millbrook four years 'ago wkh her husband, they lived for thirteen years in Vic- toria, 13.0. During her }1u>3-_' band’s: long ministry in Sasâ€" katchewan among the places she served the (-hurvh with him Any pe‘SS‘On who contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or reï¬nes to obey any lawful order of an Inspector, given under authority of this Act, shall incur a penalty of not lea than $10.00 nor more than $50.00 for every such ofï¬enoe. Weeds have no lpace in a. progressive conmuity 1). YOUR SHARE to prevent t heir spread! 29119. M. Bentley, Clerk of Gavan Township ' ‘ Ross David-son, Clerk of anm Township -' =‘ ‘ '7 J. E. Robinson, Clerk oISouth Meaghan Township Every occupant of land, or if the. land is unoccupied, the owner shall destroy all weeds designed noxious by the regula- tions as often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripe- ning of their seeds: Clause 23: Clause 5: . Roy Willmott, Q.G. James A. Irvine, Sow Thistle Bindweed ' Canada. Thistle Wild Carrot Dodder Chicory Ox-Eye Daisy Destroy These Weeds! n><>z. z>z<mxm >20 85.: zoz>oz>z Obituary Barristers, Solicitors, Note. es Telephone 9, Millbrook 3 Hawkweed Common Milkweed ~ Wild Lettuce Bladder Campion .stle Docks Tumbling Weed 1: Wild Mustard Common Burdock Stinkweed Pepper Grass White Cockle Common Ragweed sy Poison Ivy Russian Thistle Spurges Cinquefoids, Etc. NOTICE“ TO TOWNSHIPS or WILLMOTT IRVINE WEED CONTROL ACT SAYS: This space for good building Lots Town Water and Hydro.) men’r. modern, self contained. oil eatimr. immediate p0:sess« ion. Pone 2071‘14 Millbrook. ~ Relyâ€"2 Bedroom Apar; For Saleâ€"Used Wafer Pressure System, also Steel Water Tank. Telephone 152 or 153 Millbrook. 1t For Freeâ€"About 2 Ton of Hay may be had free for the cutt- ing and taking away. Phone 83-W Millbrook. 1', \Van‘edâ€"Live Poultry high price paid. M Flatt, RRgL Bethan3, phone 7-1-13c01- lect. J 1y 30 were Weyburn, S'haunavon, De- lisle, MortIo-ck, Kennedy and Togo. WATCH was a member of the 3 July 16 1959 FOR RENT Northumberiand DIRECT WIRE T0 BAKING SJ \\"ill be held i Sumo nu Saturday. under auspices of Aid. G rat-o Presbytu: from 3% to 5 n'ul-m-k. Albert Waxer Sole awner Member Brokerâ€"Deal ation of Ont: Lumber Rough or also Hard and Soft ‘ ,J’HONE 70 MILLBROOK, 0 ( .‘oldon Annivemary as we did. hond. who 50 kin cards and gifts. aw would we thank our on Anne Stree": \rh such a beautiful hope that they all < I wish to thank \Vright, Dr. Stowa 91‘s and orderlies of pita]. all frivnd~ hour». and thaw wh Sanderson transpt and from the Huspi cards and gifts whi to Civic Hospital. .9011 (Mare 10 (- heartfelt thanks 1n Millbrook and i1 of Millbruok. His funeral tool Friday afternoon f \V. Haw Funeral } brook with the Rev Graham of Grace 1‘ Chum-h candur‘ing Pallbearers were hours of the (1013934 Strong. “'illmot H vey Challicv. ("'11 George Martin. W strung. Interment (‘eme‘crxn Cavan T He leave< to mod ing his wife the f Jones, also three one sis'er: Armon Rapid-s. Mishigaul Aubrey of Campln Mzs. Robert Man-D of Miubruok. He was, a son Alfred Gilmour a the former Emma Af‘er an illness < months duration 3 mour a well known ed farmer of Cave the Carmel area St brook, passed au day, July 14th. ] age of 59 years. 99th. Year, No. STAN O G. A. (Jerry) Goach1 Stock 9.1 0 Securit Phone Tu-5-4 RICHARD G1 CARD 0? CARD OF Rev. am csire to Obitu Rkap