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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Jul 1959, p. 1

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uvalid for the ince a broken ‘ill be held in United Church r, at 2 p.m. Mount Nebo rbrook.â€" Ex- ‘haunavon, De- Kennedy and ’oultry; high . Flatt, RR 1, 3e 7-1213 colâ€" 'ater Pressure Steel Water me 152 or 153 2 Ton of Bay 3 for the cutt- away. Phone ember of the Duty Moifatt r, with match- coal burning - for $30.00. -e-months old s, will sell 9 young Lan- . 1 Pure Bred Phone Peter- room Apart- elf wutained. hate possessâ€" r Millbrook. ouse Doors. bok. .lt ND and Hydro. Mons of this of not lea fly so It RICHARD GILMOUR Af'er an illness of about two months duration Richard Gil- mour a well known and respeet- ed farmer of Gavan, living in the Carmel area south of Mill- brook, passed away on Tues- day, July 14th, 1959, at. the age of 59 years. t 31 - and H -1f (1 kin t *. llness of about two,l 1 . a1 a ozen men wor , gt. 121013th a(Iilulration Richard Gil- 1 Heather . 0f . Searboro- werei llke bees tearing bmck out from} ‘ . « ,fitâ€"t “51150“ 1n Mlllmek On Sun- the. base of the armouries andtl mour a w ell known and respet ‘ f th 1 . . ' .. ed farmer of Gavan living in! day aqd called on some 0 ' 811'; then working llke the same Ill-2+ the Carmel area south of Mill-i 01d friends. lsecta to put them in‘againq brook passed away on Tues- Beatrix Ridge, Bank .Street,‘ We always thought printersj ’ is spending a week With her] were the oniy ones that workei‘ RICHARD umuuu .... m... â€".-~. __-, _‘__, land two daughters Amta ' ' h 1959,. at. the . . ‘ ‘ fifogggvgfs.’ grandmother, Mrs. J. Badge. lhke blazes to tear things dOYVI; He was; a son of the late Mr. Fred McIndoo of Ida,l then work hke blazes to build») Alfred Gilmour and his wife.1 quite capably occupied the? them up again. Looks as thoug f the former Emma Soper. (pulpit at St. Andrew ’s United brick layers were as “nuts” a .2 He leaves to mourn his pass.‘l Church on Sunday. the members of the “fourtli? ing his wife the former Olive Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Thomas. estate ' ~ ! Jones, also three brothers andichildren Mary-Winn and Jane} one sis‘er: Armond of Grand of P-ort Colborne, also Mrs. E.3 Rapids, Mirhiganl Francis and C, Richards of Millbrook, are Aubrey of Campbellcroft; and; rived safely i n England last Mrs. Robert MacDonald (May) week where they will visit. for: of Millbruok. [ a few weeks. A truck with a large oement‘f box on it. with tackle alreadyj attached to lower it in the}, ground. At first glance it’= looked like a safety rough-box} hnf nn nlnnun' [an]: if TOKYDQIAAQ UHe was:â€" a son of the late Alfred Gilmour and his Wife the former Emma Soper. His funeral took place. on‘ Frida) afternoon from the J. 5 W. Ha“ Funeral Home, Mill:5 brook with the Rex. Gerald E. Graham of Grace Presbyterian Church canduefiing the service.! Pallbearers were all neigl'ifi bouts of the deeea<ed. Melville Strong. Willmot Strong. Har- vey Challice. Charles Dew Georoe Martin. Wesley Arm- strong. Interment \V as in Zion (‘eme ery Cax an Township. ! "lléllt’ 1/1.. ~"\rvvâ€"v-~ ses and orderlies of Civic Hos- pital, all friends and neigh- bours. and those who gave Mrs. Sanderson transportation to and from the Hospital, also for card~1 and gifts while confined to Civic. Hospital. [ wish to thank Dr. J. \V. W'right, Dr. Stewart, the n_ur- GA'RD OF THANKS The Rev. and Mrs. Patter- son desire to express their heartfelt thanks to all those in Millbrook and its neighbour- hood, who so kindly sent us cards and gifts. and especially would we thank our neighbours on Anne Street who sent us such a beautiful lamp. We hOpe that they all enjoyed our Holden Anniversary as much as we did. ‘ ‘ Will be held in Coulter’sI m MEMO'RLAM Smite on Saturda: ggfiStd'ISt” Burns â€"In 10V mg memory :1,“ 9E. ”1391;9be 7 Ca leg of our dear son Garnett who “1 trace es xterian hurcn .pa.s_,ted a“ a) Juh 24th, 1956. m7 from 3 to5 0 ’(..1(vck , . . ,YV e do not forget hun we loved Northumberland 8: Durham Securities Phone Tu-5-4688 Albert Waxor 81 Walton St. Sole owner Port Hope DIRECT WIRE TO TORONTO Member Brokerâ€"Dealers‘ Anode ation of Ontario Lumber Rough or Dressed, also Hard and 30ft Wood Slabs «PHONE 70-w MILLBROOK, ONTHIO CARD OF THANKS It is a pleasure for us to look after your Gharfiered Trips FOR INFORMA'EION CALL J. G. Stock, Peterblorough, Bi 2 43965 G. A. (Jerry) Stock, Bmheboro, (collect) 11 or 915 ,-. 1'" iG-IIIIIIIIIIII coaches For charter Stock Bros. Bus Lines Obituary No. The Millbrook Reporter C. D. Sanderson. "“1“ f Rev and Mrs. L. R Po<ock Igiiill; and family of St. Hubert Que," Harâ€" weic guests of Mr. and Mis.‘ ’ Dew Clare VVm-slow. Lou i4 H. Winslow Millbrook, >rm- «1 11 Monday and Tuesday of this in 11011 weak. Master Tom Poeoek is ,hip. i remaining for a two weeks holi- Edays with Mr. and Mrs. (‘laro LB 3 ‘Winslow. J. \Vf \Ii<.s Grail Gibb.»- is spendi1gF Je nurâ€" 'he. 11 eel: 111th he1 sister and ic Hos- Brother-inâ€"lauz Mr. and Mrs. neigh? Elisary at Smithville. re Mrs. 1 \II' and Mrs. Charlie C1‘011e 0“ to me holidaving at (M 211121 a 1d Ida, and MY-S Sinhool Picnic was held at Cm PICNIC, MILLBROOK The St. Andrew’s Sunday bourg on July 8th. A 1 ery em; = iovable time was had by all, t' although the rain cur ailed aome of the sport activities. iThe race results were as fol- [0115: Girls Under 6â€" Jill boottit. Sylvia Hopkins, \Ia11 Ste 1 ens Boys Under 6â€" Br'me Ste1ens, Jack Foottit, S‘ 01 en Fallis Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Regan and son John of Bourlamaque, Quebec, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Larmer on Tuesâ€" A‘JV“\/“ Anny w thvvJ tva-. ~vâ€"-,- a few weeks. _ M nd M . F ank O’Reoa l but. on closer‘look 1t reveale 3 r. a rs. r ' ° n; openings for water pipes, s and son John of Bourlamaque,- Quebec, visited with Mr. and ‘. .’ .. ’ ‘ Mrs. Clifford Larmer on Tuesfi'a 59pm tank, Whifff tha. day. i ST. ANDREW’S 5.8. Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Poe-ock and family of St. Hubert, Que,‘ PIONIC’ MILLBROOK ~ to open and read them. ' Mr.i were guests of Mr. and Mrs“; Th St A d 7. S d l George Totten the C‘ounties’ Clare Win-slow, Ida, and Mrs.; Q 'h .61 P': .(n f‘iwlbl un gyfi road engineer was present and Louis H. Winslow Millbrookfglt 00 “m”: “‘1" 1e d at ""1 discussed the bridge question on Monday and Tuesday of this _onr.g on duly 8th“ A very en}; at. some length. After due eon-i week. Master Tom Poeoek is; ‘10:" able time was .had. by .all,' sideration of all pointsa motion: although the rain Cllr‘.al19d1liy Jay “Vliittingt'on seconded davs with Mr. and Mrs. (‘laro *‘f’m" "f the Sport a‘('t1"?t1°5'iby' Robert. Fisher, carried that ”Winslow. {EISVMW results were as £01-; the Council award the contract- Miss Gail Gibbs is spending Girls Under 6â€" ;to the lowest tender of J. A. - .7 - s .. . . . . . ‘ . . ll’oynton Construction Co. as he. \\ eel. “ 1th hm Slbitr and ”h“ 1‘00““: Sylvia Hopkins, per tendered unit price, the bz'other-in’law. Mr. and Mrs. . ,, . H , . Md” *5“ ‘ “1'5 l estimated total being $3,063.00, Tenders had been received at the Clerk’s office for construe-I we came to the decision it was “011 Of a concrete bridge ini t is.l concession three between lots isix and seven. On motion by. lHenb Syer seconded by A. G." Anderson the Clerk was asked remaining for a two weeks holi- MP- and MW- (,harlie “'0‘” Bruce Qtevens Jack Foottit I - ' - . - - ‘ . . k " " cement pozolith, reinforelng are liolidavmg at 0t awa and gem-en Fallis l 7 , . . - i . 8 ' steel. approaches, backfill, Quebec. this week. Glrls z“; to eiwineerinn‘ and miscellaneous Visitors at the home 0f M”? Templ‘x N95011: Nancy Fallis,= atin c‘s‘iniatecl cost of $2 450.- and Mrs. Clifford Allin were Bonnie Todd. it‘d) Mr (lam-are 'l‘otten will be Mr. and Mrs". Thos. Allin 01 Boys 6 to 8â€" ’ lihe envineer in charge of con " 1. - u .ig'l' ll ’ ‘ J. v ‘ .' . . . , 1. - '3‘ ‘ L.‘011.cirfl..th. M1 5th: BIIaCIule an: . bill) HOPlxll‘Lb, Ra} mond llel lstruetion and expects to have hthel Smith. Town 0, A 1. ant 112+, hilly Stevens. lthe Con‘raetor start immedi- Mrs. ‘Nit'red Robinson of Pl)“ Girls 8 to 10â€" ' lately. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and two daughters Anita and Heafther of Scarboro- were visitors in Millbrook on Sun- day and called on some of their old friends. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allin were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allin of Concord: the Mim‘sos Maude and Ethel Smith, Torvon‘03 Mr. and Mrs. ‘S'ifrcd Robinson of Ply- mouth. B'Iiohigan: Mr. a nd Robert Penshaw. of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Basil Stephens Boys 8 to 10â€" . of Agincpurt spent a couple of' Douglas Hopkins, Barry days with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. i Guthrie. Allan Agnew. W | l’uarringer fhis week. They just- Girls 10 to 12â€" voturns‘d from a, holiday trip: Linda, Nelson, Julie Arm- with their son Terry of Gueplh.‘ to Bar Harbour. On their way home they visited \vi'h Mrs.E Stephen’s brother Lieut. Ray-' mond Barringer and family at Lachino. Quebec. ' him too dearly, For his memory to fade ~from our lives like. a dream. ()m- li'ps need not speak when our hearts mourn sincerely For grief often dwells Where it seldom is. seen. â€"â€"L0viugly remembered ‘by Father and Mother, ME. and Mrs. Joseph H. Burns. Northey’s Beauty Saion (mom) on menus ‘ Open balance of week. Tuesdays and Thursdays until 9.00 p. m. For appointment phone 136 - PERSONAL Mini-BROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA ‘3; like bees tearing brick oht from}; T118. regular moeeung 01. mag The Treasurer presented the [‘1 the base of the armourles apd‘s! Gounod Yof the Townslnp Of‘following aeounns for consider- 1'; then workmg hke the same .lnâ€"si South Monag‘han was held in' ation: lsect" t0 Put them “1 agam'l the Township Hall on July 6th. [Mirror-Reporters second 5! We always thought printersgi «quarter of contract ..$ 37.50 lBeaverdale Construc- r? were the only ones that worke V' at 8 p.m., all members were is; ltion, bulldozing, dump 21.00 l like blazes to tear things dowx' present With Reeve George o When work like blazes to build" Dean Presiding I - .. . p . , J E. Rob , ala srsssssssss. ssssssssssssg WW use??? if? sso i brick layers were as “nuts” a M [or and Spemal meetmgs were Hy $03160 trio, 5 , the members of the “fourth read by the Clerk and adopsedl . H en: El 6 07 n on.- motion sbv Robt. Fisher? Ice, Town all """" ' s. estate ' ' {George Fletch 3r, rime seconded by Jay chlittington.ol _ r d 1 a b .1 d" a ‘. A truck with a large cements“ ' Mr: George Fletcher ”19.3“; 9:33:31“ u1 me 8 "" ~-l box on it. with tackle already’; Bulldmg Inspector was present 1 Jamie; Bell. . '(gleaning . ‘ attaeh d t lowe it in the? and gave lus report for the ’ . ’ t ‘ '~ e 0 1r Townshlp Hall ...... 4.59 r ground. At. first glance It? month of June, anti several J H Qver Council : looked like a safety rough-bog? small matters were dlSCUSSied. gmeetings an d, commitâ€" ! but. on cloer' look it reveale z Tenders had been received at. . p 1' b a the Clerk’s office for construc- tees 3 months """" .’ 35'00 - lbeorge Dean, Councll oopenings for water pipes, s 1’ f t b 'd _ s s .. - - 1011 o a concree m e m; . . “e carne to the derslslon 1t vvalsI concession three betweef lots meetmgs and commut- o.a septu- tank, who ever that 1s.. ', ' tees, 3 months ........ 45.00 (1.“ Ann: hAvrA“ fl... wvn+:nn 1‘17 . . .. ; . L Margaret 1’ rando Roslyn Rowland, Diane Foottit. { Boys 8 to 10â€" Seen On King St; Daring Week The St. Andrew’s Sunday: Sheho-ol Picnic was held at Go; bourg on July 8th. A very 911-; joyable time was had. by all", although the rain curfiailed same of the sport activities. The rare results were as fol- lows: Girls Under 6â€"â€" SALE REGISTER 1 An auction sale due to re- 1011‘ ing of highway. of Garage and Service StatiOn equipment, EtOVV truck ’53 Austin Conv ert- able. tools e e. , the property of C. ‘ Mike" Mum-av, High- Vvav 28 1/3 mile south of the 5- lmile turn Port Hope- Peterbm- 011gh H1011“ d\ V1111 be held on ‘Saturdav July 25t11,af 1.00 10 clock. No reserVe. Terms wash. Stanley Miller, auction- strong . Boys 10 to 12-â€" Engagement l1rdd1109d and gave first read- Mr. and M18. Harold Hub- ing to by-law No. 63. . Second beard wish To annonnc'b the rnading was given 011 11101111 bv engagement of their 31011119;th Herb Sver secnded by Robt. daughter Janet Hazel to I1 an Fiqher. John son of Mr. and Mrs Third and fina1 reading: was 1011120 Clarke of Gavan. The giv en on motion bV JaV' W bif- m: :rriaqe tn take plaw a1 Z1013 tington seconded b1 R. 1 151111- Pentecostal 0111111311 011 AHVHSt thereby appointing Mr. MEL 291111. 1959 at... > p.111. . ville Heaslip as Road Superin- ....,- .__.__â€"â€"â€"â€" jltendem for the Municipality. S‘even Cutmore, Daryl Saun- ders . Boys over 12â€"â€" Gordon Gibrwn, Rodger Chal- lice. ‘ 991' . SAD, OLD and 03.2mm i this will be refered to me uuuw FARM STOCK Etie’s Clerk. REMOVED 3 Northumberland and Durham FREE OF CHARGE gHealth Unit, enclosing report Immediate 24 How Service for month of May. . . SK YOUR 01’ERATOR POE. Departmpnt. of Munmlpal ZENITHâ€" 60559 !Affalt‘3 enclosmg statement. of . ' and cheque for first instalment Nb T0“ Charge of unconditional grimt. an“! Nick Peconi Farm Sérvice m “ROB-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class mail PETERBOROUGH "‘1 n‘ The regular meeting of the igOouncil of the Township of “South Monag‘han was held in :4 the Township Hall on July 6th. 1 at 8 p. m. ,all members were u} pr sent with Reeve George i" Dean presuding. 'ML. Moh'ilie Heaslin pro- muted road \0110‘101‘ N0. 6 in ‘tho 21111101111 of» $4.] 1-1-6. 77 “111111 Eafh‘r propvr 1119119141011 by thu }(‘m1mil \\ as passed for mu ment {(111 mo ion by A. G. Anderson ' seconded b} Herb S3er. South Monaghan Council Minutes The Clerk presented the fol- lowing mrresrpondence which had been 1919'?“ ed. A. G. Anderson seconded bv Jay 'Whittintrton the Clerk in- trodueed and gave first read- ing to by-law No. 63. . Second reading was given on motin by Herb Sver secnded by Robt. Dept. of Public Welfare ad- vising of new application form and enclosing a copy of same. . Dept. of Municipal Affairs enclosing valuation no‘ices for two properties within the Township 011 ' which the Pro- ,vinc-e will pay a grant in lieu of Taxes. ' YT . " nâ€"u - , ---.. AA“ As Mr. Heaslip had served his: three month term of proba- tion in charge of the roads the Council agreed to his appoint- ment as Road Superintendent and accordingly on motion by Ontario Hvrdo, nine new con- . itraots which were approved. l David Rea of Toronto, en- qmriring for information for; land suitable for reforestation, l . this will he referod to the Couu- l file’s Clerk. _ 1 of unoonmmon'ax gram. Department. of Public. V’Vel- fare enclosing cheque in the amount of $30438 which is the \ I 3 ', JULY 23, 1959 19(11 Sunday Morning "1‘ At St. Andrew’ s (j in Township Hall ...... ’J. H. Syer, Council *meetings and commit- tt-ees 3 months ........ sGreonge Dean, Council ! meetings and commit- tees, 3 months ....... . 3Robt. Fisher, Council meetings and commit ;tees, 3 months ........ A. G. Anderson, Coun- cil meetings and com- mitees, 3 months ..... I Jay “Vhittington, Coun- '= (ail and committees and mileage ............ South Monaghan Tele- phone, from tax roll collections .......... u... .nnL\'VA--Du wag“ vw... I mifees, 3 months ..... 40.00% MiHbrOOk Played fairly Jay VVhittington,Coun- l§teady ball for the first six (til and committees and lmmn-gs allowing only 5 runs mileage ............ 38.60!but Courtice took advamage SouthiMonaghan Tele- iofseveral Millbrook errors to phone, from tax roll ;score 4 runs in the seventh. collections .......... 1000.00 Dorothy Gillis was the Winning These accounls. totalling" pitcher, this win gives Dorothy $1346.32 were passed for pay-la perfect-mogul in league play ment on motion by: Jay \Vhi‘r-g‘Vlth 6 “’1‘“ 1n 6 games. tington seconded by Roberfl Big hit‘ers for Millbrook Fisher. :1 were Dorothy Gillis Wi7h 5 for 5 share of moneys for Children ’s Aid purposesl DeparMent of Travel and" Publicity enclosing copy of The? Tourist Establishment Act and information pertaining thereto . g Adjournment was called on motion by J. H. Syer seconded by Robert Fisher to meet again on August 3rd, at 8 p.m. Mr. Fred MeIndoo in carge. Scripture lesson Eph-eSians 3:1- 21, with sermon message based 0n verses 17-19â€"That Christ 2111:1(1111111 in your hear 8 by anv and (‘0111tiee 11111 ham to faith that ve being rooted and 131213 off to decide fourth plate grounded in love, may be able' Wh1(h is the las play off spot. to (om-prehend with all Saints. Millhrook will meet Bowmam “hat is the bredth and length 1ille in the se11.i finals 11111113 and depth and heiO',11t and 111 0110110 will meet either Beth- 1111011 the love of Christ, 11h1(h any or Courtice. passeth knowledge. that 3e‘ might be filled with all the; LEE AUTO WRECKERS fullness of God. "M” ‘_ 1.11“ m 1 pm :9 “'â€" ’â€" Themeâ€"The miracle of Th} presence. St. Paul here is writing to a mixed congregation. Jews and Gentiles. To the Jews 'who had been used to the idea, of Justification by Good Deeds and offeringw of animal sacri- fices. the fact that the Gospel of Justification by Faith was being: preached to the Gen-ties; Who were Salvation which prexiously had} been the inheritance Jews. To the Jews this wasa great mysterv but in the Wis- dom of God, that; Christ may - .IUUJ kULlLLCKL .LUA. . ers- and Fuel Pumps thus sharing the of the?“ Jâ€"VIV ’49 Hudson Terraplaue *17 00 Also Rebuilt Starters Generat- Spark Plugs for all makes of new and old (ars. Rebuilt Transmiss- ions for $3750 . guaranteed for 90 days; up to 1958. Also a quantity of Paint. LEE AUTO WRECKRL’RS Pone~17r3 Garden Hill WATCH This space for good building dwell in your hearts by Faith, Lots. Town Water and Hydro. Lequire Plumbing 8: Heating 3 Phone Bailieboro 30 Phone Mfllbrook 87:2 PROBLEMS $._â€"â€"! $.__.1$_._; If you have steady employment and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application to-day. J. E. Robinson, Clerk. We now have a plan that shall take «ears of your Attention Home Builders Plumbing and Heating $1.75 a year in advance; to U.S.A. $2.75 I Millbro-ok girls played their 4500' last scheduled game in Courtice last Friday night and came home with a 19 to 9 victmy 35 00 which gives them 13 Wins in 16 games and firsfr place in the gfinal standings. and enable you to grow in Grace and a‘tain the full stat- ure of Christian personality, and be filled with all the full- ness of God, and through the guidance and strength His pre- sence supplies, being roofed and grounded in love, may know what is God’s will for us, and grow in Grace, and be filled with all the fullness of God. Recessional hymn was 268: My faith looks up to Thee; Thou Lamb of Calvary Saviour Divine: Now hear me while I pray? Take all my‘ guilt away; 0 Let me from tihs day Be wholly Thine. Next. Sunday, July 26‘, Dr. Neal will be in charge. Big hit‘rers for Millbrook were Dorothy Gillis Wi’h 5 for 5 Mary MCD‘fiwell and Laureen Guthrie with 4 for 5 While Marg Armstrong hit her eighth home run of file season. Millbrook ..... (hon-0 ......... Bowmanville Courtice ....... Be‘hany . ....... According- to our records the final standing is as follows: Won Lost Millbrook . . Q . . . . . .13 3 Courtite ........... 6 10 Be hany . ........... 6 10 This standinw is subject to approval of the league Presiâ€" dent, but if i“ ire correct. Beth- any and Courtico will have to . LEE AUTO WRECKE'RS Have for Saleâ€"1954 Pon‘iacr. Sedan Delivery fOr $350.00. 1953 Counsel for ...... $325.00 ’49 Hudson Terraplano $125.00 Also Rebuilt Starters. Generat- 0m and Fuel Pumps. Spark Plugs for all makes of no“ and old (ars. Rebuilt Transmiss- ions for $3750 . aOguaranteed for 90 days; up to 1958. Also a quantity of Paint LEE AUTO WRECKRL’RS Pone~17r3 Garden Hill GIRLS SOFTBALL E.L.H.

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