As designers, they have achieved a well merited reputa- . V .._.e_ H-‘ uh“... ‘xllut/(ALAUJL ura' 1C}J1'L’DCUL'¢1LI\C: which’ i?.â€" {modern appliances, enablin-g for the International Harvestei A monument built of enduring them to produce the finest Company, which has on granite or marble, symbolic in grades of work. abled them to keep increasing design and reverent in purpose, This: firm can mee‘ all the Sales with satisfied customers, resting in surroundings of requirements from the simple whom they have served very peace and beauty, a. tribute of foot stone to the most elaborate faitfully throughout the past respect and honour to the dead, memorial. Their aim is to years. a constant .source of inspiration satisfy and they will figure with This fine concern main‘ains to the living: " ' " ‘you or help you select Some‘h- a comnlete servirm rlpnnrtmnnl- PETERBOROUGH MONUMEN TAL WORKS 894 Monaghan Road South Phone RI 2-2715 In selecting a Family Me- tion, the design being original morial this firm located in Pe-: and artistic, and they are ready t'erborough, can show you me- at any time to submit designs morials built on a bases of . and estimates for all classes of quality and durability. They‘ work. excel in all branches of me-; The proprietor of this firm morial work and adhere strictly. is FRAL'CIS V ERDUYN. They 10 the EIEIVIORIAL IDEAL have \‘erv latest, and flu» mnq+ rï¬_-...... -_-V.., u-x¢¢:.v‘. u. di‘strubutors of paint and varn- which we are pleased to recom- ish products in this area, is due mend to our readers. " "'"v “u“ “mung: w-nauun § 5.5va“ " "" ' â€WU†VVJ‘JJ. panning UUHLI'ELCITOI‘S _ ’ tendenciesijl‘h‘ese famuos paint rear 583 Water Street Phone RI 5-947 dealegs, home owners: and In. products will successfully with-,’ ' 9 i . ' . l gmï¬atgjes ~It'zroughout this sectiOn stand the climate ravages of! There rs a reason Why Orange! batters 10f the famously lmomxl ‘Eï¬pplyi‘ny {hamwijtlg‘tlfe famous summer’s heat and dews and Crush, Mandalay’ and Seven-I Oranges Crush 7"Up his most, i’itfsburg Painf-g, Earmsh and Winter’s rains, snows and. UP and the fact that their 0th? modern and MP'tQ’da'le plant,’ Enamels, also painters; Shï¬ï¬‚lies' storms. {er flavourg hays? met may Y9“ 1 mm mum-meat “WI fluxes! . . ‘.‘.‘A’ . . ., r ‘eme ' [and a complgte glass service.‘ Not 0911mm with â€W pro.’ good taste. , l . .v'. I ï¬ll: gyét.‘ £9: .9 llgalthful! Y‘ , _ , - .' -~~~:i;_, md,.-~ -<.“--":-"“."‘fr“ "" 3"" V-~-â€"= --~~“‘“‘""" {1“"1’ bmparéd undera speCJal‘ Tnegr gymty to déSgn “wallets short 01 . --. -. ‘ "no.1. . i. . '. ‘ ‘r "". '3‘ .. ' . -â€" perfemtlon, (lamp. gave , . , _ G‘orclonls 1‘ GS have. fbrmu]a in :1. Mann aou:.4--___l ’eonstmct modern store fronts dlan Plttghnro mammal rm I _ as? CANADIAN PI‘IfTSBU‘RG INDUSTRIES LIMITED 250 Sherbrooke Street‘ Phone RI 2-4213 This firm with their branch to the determination of its in Peterborough has enjoyed a; founders ‘0 handle 0’11)’ high continuous uninterrupted coanuahty products. that pass .all . . . .1 _ ' 'tests for durabihty and lasrtmg tact. w1th pamtmg contractors : 7 f‘DHAAnnu-M "ILL.-- .9- H u ‘VVL l lluu VV'U This firm have built their far amiss if We s‘hou business and increased their count. Canadian Tire number of friends and cusfo- ion Associate Stor< iners, through their polic 'â€"a the personal directim good service, courteous attenâ€" Hugh Waddell as a ti'on, and satisfaction above all-credit to the great to all. Peterborough and the Fair prices for the manyvhun- With the great mult dreds of pieces of good quality satisfied customers we merchandise such as Firestone this review to highly tires, tubes, power tools, auto mend this firm- CANADA TIRE CORPORATIN ASSOCIATE STORE j 230 George Street North Phone RI 2-4288 [ Few if any business firms accessories, electrical appli-I have attained the prominence ances, sporting goods, and many; that is awarded the new Cana- other kinds and types of small; dian Tire Corporation Associate items neoessary and handy a~9 Store in Peterborough, at 230 round your auto. or home. George St. N., phone RAI 2-4288! : We feel that we would be! In the service department at this store you will find only factory trained technicians to give you the type of service that you will appreciate. Their friendly experienced salesmen 332 GeOrge Street North Branch at 182 Charlotte This fine business features will be g everything to make home mak-il the†T1191“ ing really pleasant. We sag- $111 0:11.? gest that you visit their store “iiith lyiu‘ in Pete-rboro-ugh and see for electric a] yourself, the many labour savâ€"f One of 1 ing devices that are available of slho-ppim for the busy housewife and Company 1 mother. [buy this They feature such Brand djse at pric Name Appliances as Beatty, please you Moffat, Philco, Kelvinator, These my Inglis, Bendix and Frigidaire. f tainly meri- In every item is the best flour, milk, sugar, salt, shortening, and other essential ingredients. These are accurately and .V--.’ r m..- -..._...v...- V-.. v- .AJI. yum LV'AV vv "C uuulyllulrub a food piodmt, Wonder Bake-'the management of this firm Ilf‘ s Limited are providing‘ for their foresight and ingenu- th- , Freshes Tastiest baking ity. We suggest you try the products which has enabled Best Bread in town which is them to uphold the large pat- “WONDERâ€. ronage they enjoy as quality We suggest you avail your-z Bakers. self of the fine prOducts of In eveiyitem is the best flour, \Vonder Bakeries Litd. wh1ch milk, sugar, salt, shortening has met with great flavour by and other essential ingredients. th’e largei population in this; These are accurately and area. 225 Stewart Street PHONE RI 5-9164 The well known products of ‘ scientfically baked by means of the concern are greatly appreci-fthe most modern equipment, ated in this: area. Fully reco-lt under sanitary conditions, byl‘ gnizing their responsibility to skilful‘ bakers. 1 the public, as manufacfurers of I In this review we compliment} man we I. 1959 REVIEW“ 35 OUTSTANDING BUSINESSES PROFESSIONS, 9mm GIBBONS KNOX GO. Io‘us'ewne andr Eompany Limited is that you} This is one place in this sec-' S'kn'ffs, Cabin. Cruisers Inboard . fly thlï¬ Quah‘ty. Merchan-ition that the boating e11th1181i-~q+lBioats Canoes I h†such Brand time at prlces that w 11 t ' 1 I - “W »’ ’ ' 0 nson Out- 1 cer am y 2 can o-btam the besi: in supplies, Ward Motors and everything as as Beatty, please. you . ‘ a ' . wand services ; n: , . a m mrarlne suup lies. ’ Kelvmator, The“? many advan‘ages oer-l a d at reasonably Stop in at HES popular place . ( ‘, ,’ 1dd anldmre' E minly merit your inspection, so? pmes’ always mammining an" avquxain“ youmelf With th . {- - . 3 ~ . 4 t ‘ , " ' “a _ gï¬agfment dâ€: Why not StOP 1n and see for] up to. date buSilIleSs for the am, vices“ facilities and r 3%â€: thh 31d only 9’0“â€9†Why this fine fir-m; commdamn 0f the many pee-'availéble here/k 35d regs-111]†(x Hlblallb.t0 {g the appllamce headquarters: pl'efhey serve. This top rated wï¬e‘ther yoï¬ 17a- 1 *2, ( m We of servme m ppfprhnrnnnr‘h w.‘ “Arbusmpu Hm, 1w. M. 1. - ‘ ' 1“ )uymg 01‘ WONDER ; The proprietor of this firm . is FRAFCIS V ERDUYN. They have very latest and the most {modern appliances, enabling ‘_ J memorial. Their aim is to years. satisfy and they will figure with This fine concern main‘ains yOu or help you select Some‘h- a complete service department ing that meets your desired which enables them to give needs. ffas-test service possible. It is . , - wnicn has a Policy of Goods] lane I'oremosl ion Assocxate Store, under, - the country the personal direction of Mr. ‘ atisfaetory 01' Money Refunded l . . . .mennts andaar Hugh Waddell as a distinct have lived Hp thew pollcy m public at p] credit to the great city oï¬.‘ every detail. Idenote frue y Peterborough and the district? ThiSI fine SJhOPDiILg Mart in patrons shop \Vith the great multitude of; PeterborOugh serves the pelople' of confidence satisfied customers we wish in' of the County with quality, ize the value this; review to 'highly recome-erchandise at. everyday thrift popular store mend this firm, prices, with the guidance of a' is very comm _ _ very friendly well chosen staff,‘ gested that j INDUSTRIES LIMITED J working 1n the mterests of theI strapping you ibuyin'g public. mmm .3. Dan â€LA..- B? to Anna . â€,1, kw (.V(1,uuulc mare, and regaldleï¬a is the appliance headquarteisi ple they serve. T1118 top rated w .. hether you am buying or DONALD G. McNABBâ€"l in Peterborough We are' business ï¬rm has an enviable n . 0t, you will be sum of being 2521/2 Charlotte Street pleased to recommend this firm? record: and has always met mide welcome as David Wil- to YOU .1] with great favoui by th e P00 son and Bob Wals‘h, the friend- '1 "The Chiropractork office 0f ~*â€"----~â€"â€"â€"._____,, n19 N? ‘anc- +unfln tum“. I . Phone RI 33129 1 Phone 'RI 2-1297 : will be glad to demonstrate ‘their merchandise for you or; call on the teleph'o-ne, you will find that they can assist you! with your problems in the! electric appliance field. One of the many advantagmsI of Sihoppin.0 at (wibbons Knox! any Limited is that you! this Quality Melchan-, . prices that will certainly! 1 you. ! 5e many advan‘aees {am--1 ; Al Winslow Motors which "r of this firm is capably directed by “Al†iDUYN. They VVimxlow enjoy an excellent and the most reputation arS' representatives ees, enabling for the International Harvester re the finest Company, which ‘has ens abled them to keep increasing mee‘ all the Sales with satisfied customers, auto. or home. ] hat we would be; We Should fail to Crporat- '. ; er flavours MY? met 1th your! with eQIlrip-ment am mums! DOUG-HT? 001i ..: W1 taste - thé‘gyétwa. 9f. 9 healihMJ Em“? R03! .4t..i-;j_; ..r..‘ s! -- m was -. V- ...';'...‘O~V. . ~ 5- ..-‘_.“Ll‘- I] in t ‘J I ' -‘.'. ‘ J. - . .1‘ V o ‘ 5 -_V a o â€" I w - H - . - . ‘ J G. ' ;. - 'ï¬â€™" ' Km" prepared under a Spï¬cl‘in In this busmess and 1ndustr1a‘l. the latest developments m pro- ! ‘ordon ,s erverages have formula. m a. clean, sanl-tary' . _. ’ d 't' ., th (1 th bl ‘ gain-ed recognition and is irr'plant ‘ . - z. ‘ lnewew 0f the progress and uc 1011 me 0 8’ ey are a. e ’1 demand the year round. ‘ It! 'The firm has established a‘aehievea‘nents of this section? 221.15%: tVlVlil‘Si-Criiorsloweigl 1113:9111? , . _ . . . . 2 . -. ~e 1a 0 ’ ependabyle senr'me to retallers this well establshed ï¬rm d€-' _ : the buildi industrv of toda throu bout a wide area and'serves favourable mention. 1 ng †y . e | g 7 ’ C 1 t: tasty tangy beverage they yOu need only. stop at your] The .. ‘ rfviiy 011131 £30â€; ‘11:: smï¬liscxzï¬, favounltf tfslhOPPm-g Gift†‘2 fOr the ‘prdductimz of Concrete" which has made every effort. to t: 113:: itegtyholxgeyet all times (30:33; 0211816; M2121 daily 012mg]: Blocks and Bricks, to meet the} meet tnehdilmï¬nds of eacin custo- t Gordon’s Beverages a r e 0r 7-Up, your3 favourite, bever~{‘19:}mends 0f therr customers With! gilvizeltattafl £3132: .qufxmlltg; 3;: {auï¬horized processors and_ age. It'he finest servlces. . gliverranywhere and we are 5 M“ I By employmg only experlenc- i AL WINSZLOW MOTORS i a h I ,q k - . . . ; pleesed to recommend the-ir- ‘ ’ ‘ ' P p h an , 'r.‘ â€Anny“... -__. _.,_A has} pr-oveg 1:9 be not mg a: d {sm’miher thirst quencher but a 16 Lansdowne East This firm is Sales and Service for Internatonal Trucks which are an honoured name in the automobile indusf'rv. r ‘ "" 111W demand the year round. ‘lt’ 'T has! proveg 1:9 ~be not ju§t gidep su’miher thirst quencher but a.l thin tasty tangy beverage thatfyou everyone from the small child fav. to the elderly enjoy. It is well get. They carry the largest selec- tion of items for the family and home in Peterbox ough- This ; EATONS or CANADA f 311 George Street N ., Corner of Charlotte This fine store which is a store display branch of an organization’S‘PCk “’hiCh which has a Polk-y of floods the “mums“ . the country atlsfaetery or Morley RefendedI ments and m have hved up then pollcy m public at p] every detail. '11a11n4n 4m‘n m 1’ with great favour by the gpl'e of this trade area. WU son and 1500 “lam-h the friend I we umropractorv’s office of problem and to find out whe- ‘N, I..~ ‘--.v.,... ale 0116 i; v . § , ‘1 -' . V ’ Me of this trade area. 1 l'y owners always extend 5:; today (I: é‘gonliï¬ffuny “:2 “gr 001.131“ 3 Through years of honest cordial welcome to tv peoplelegï¬llgpe .ea til 363611 {1’ a e um . 4m. dealings, they have thus ass'ar-Ed of this area, we are pleased i0 ‘3‘ e19 approxmla e y m1- you are not, 3011 are “W“td the public that they feature recommend this firm to all our flan pfple‘per y e31: on the! tonthe pi‘ï¬frlï¬eaftf‘ser‘lï¬e ‘ only the finest in Runabou-ts,’ people. I orth merlcan Continent are mum on are an accept- practic patien‘i. l't' y“ an UK»- are obviously satisfied with the' was the 1 terms of the five-year contract fion has they have just signed With the long-term “Formerly Dit Clapper Sporting Goods 265 George Street North Phone RI 2-8895 This is one place in this sec-1' S'kziffs, Cabin. Cruisers, Inboard m AL“; Aâ€! ‘ * GORDON’S BEVERAGES .. man-manna, moon, :ommo' dSIervice staffed’ by capable mechanics ks which and modern equipment in order He in the that their customers will be r efficiently taken care of in the rs which matter of repairs and adjus- y “Al†ment'.‘ They also have a com~ excellent plete parts department and LIFT LOCK MARINE T‘his fine policy has enabled ,fi‘hvm to take a leading position am ong au‘o dealers of the coun- try. We are pleased to recom- I They are not just interested in quick sales but to know That all customers are completely satisfied. menfd this truck sales and service centre to our readers. ' mat melr customers will bei Whenever fhereismentioon of efficiently taken care of in the" quality footwear, Walkwell matter of repairs and adj 1153i Shoe Store, with stores through- ment'.‘ They also have a con-£01m Canada, are always associ- plete parts department and ated. feature everything in Aufo Ser- Th'e staff of this store in- ‘dce fronl ‘1‘ to Z, ('1:lean nv-nruu'nmfl,uil £fLL- “a y ize the value obtailiable Eu this: This firm enjoys an enviable! inf l{Popular-store. The entire s‘aff. reputatlon by virtue 0f their! see a' is very competent and it is 8113;; honeet lmsinese: dealings with" lun r,' gested that for more pleasantl the pubhc. With'their modern: 5 3‘ shopping you visit this popular; and complete supphes of Ium-, we: {store in Petenborough or any' '5’", they ere “Implied to fun} lie -, of their branch-es when you are' 33h anythmg th'at is available and _; ï¬siting or shopping in otherf’n even the largest houses and!: the : cities and towns. ’are sure to be able to supply; S _., W- you with Whaa‘ever you may you amass " ' I .. Phone RI 59479 g. mes such as Lanaster Lum.‘ l stone displays a very attractive s“ock which is selected from the foremost manufacturers in the country in large consign i , ments and are placed before the public at p1ices which really : [denote :rue values. Their many,‘ patrons shop here with a feeling' of confidence. They fully real-i ize the value obtainable at this ne CBC. Fergus Mutrie (centre), on director of TV operations, sign- t) ed on behalf of the 030. It 110' was the first time the corpora- .et Hon has undertaken such a1 he long-term talent agreement. I , WARNEI’S CREDIT JEWELLERS ign Fire-"Year Contract 342 George Street North Phone 31 5-5171 CBC- Fergws Mutrie (centre), The Jewellery and Gift Centre of jewellery. director of TV operations, sign-, . of this area is none other than; Particular attention is given led on behalf of the. CiBC. “3 : Way-1113’s CREDIT JewellerSJto fine watch repairing. 'ljx- was the 1911‘“ time the corpora- who has but one ideal TO perts will. suggest What can be hon has undertaken such a, SERVE FAITHFULLY. Their done and will do the job (if a long-term talent agreement. reputation for integrity assures specialist at a moderate priw. .M.“._‘_. you of complete satisfac‘ion. :‘ They are the official imp! 5K MARINE The management invites you to depot for CNR and CPR .pper Sporting Goods come in and look over their ployees watches. All Phone RI 2-8895 extra large stock. Watches in are electrically timed. S'kiffs Cabin. Cruisers Inboardi leading makes in ladies’ and‘ We do not hesxtate to suggest Boats ’ Canoes Johnson Out" men’s styles, are always on dis-3 that YOll pay this lle a beard, Motors ’an d every thine? play, as well as a pleasmg as- v1s1t as this store is Jewellery in marine supplies. °isortment of Bluebird Diamonds, Headquarters in Peterborough, Stop in at this popular place! Silverware, China, (riftware, and we are pleased to recomâ€" acquaint yourself with the ser_qevetryth1ng else that pertains mend this fine store to our vices, facilities and products.I to a. modern and complete SEOCk readers. «'1 Em {3111- watch: 5; RI 5-6645 'RI The staff of this store in- cIudes experienced fitters with a knowledge of this business, and their abili."y to give eon?- plete comfort has won many satisfied patrons, not only in Peterborough but in this sec‘ion as: well. All shoes are fitted with great care, which acsnrc‘s you of complete comfort of your foofwear. By employing only experienc- ed help and by Keeping up with services to Shoes in a wide variety of 377 George Street North The office of Donald G. Mc- Nabb, Dr. of Chiropraxcfic, is 1’11}- ly equipped to give a complete physical health examination. LANCASTER LUMBER LTD 840 Water Street “.er Ltd. ,have not been serving they public with’out taking an Iresm V___v v-A\ ;;Lnulï¬. Taking precautions by the'are sure you will be more 1' highesf use of cleanlines and_p-lease_d and will folkw sanitary methods, the manage-g crowd in patronizing . ment of this popular restaurant; Ch‘ruc'hil‘l Restaurant am' 1} Churchill Restaurant needs to ;I you may be in I)(’l{3l'b(fl‘0‘::g'h In fhis review we feel that a good place to dine while visit} ing Peterborlough needs menr tioning. To this end we have I no hesitancy in recommending!I Churchill Restaruant for the excellence in dining pleasure. ‘ 394 George Street Norï¬h Phone RI Finest Restaurant in Peter- be congza ulat<d for, borough. 'tOWEJX‘dS thlS gOal MW my UL l 0 supply "So, why not you may yOUr plans for CHURCHILL RESTAURANT sty,les that play a. leading role in the correct costume of the . 'we-JLdressed man or 11101112111 are on display at ihis store as well ias shoes for children. that f1: 1 with great comfort and style. Walkwell Shoe Store in Peterâ€" ! borough, which is eapablv 1111111- faged by Mr. J. B. C121 1.1'k is "a valuable» contribution to the complete assurance 111d ~18 is?- faction in regards to anvthinw in footwear, and has :eit:2i111_1 aided the people of the are a 10 a better walk in life, and are worthy of high recommenda- llOll- _-- ‘wmvuvllws U1. [building And step in. at this. -‘ erenda-ble firm and see how mamas mum‘um. ' This together with good ‘ workmanship assares the pub- flic of. buildings of permanence ‘and. at a cost consistant with If tbs trends of today. inferest in their patrons in seeing that they have the best lumber and building materials. you are not, you are referud to the proper health senice. ; Remember, you hawnot tried 1 everything unfil you haw txied ,- ‘that YOU pay this fiiin a :- visit as this store is Jew ellery ,Headquarters in Peterboxough, ‘, and We are pleased to re<0m~ m uuumug auu preparmg mvals. Using only the best ingurdi- cuts in preparing the meals, We are sure you will be mare Than pleased and willrfoHLw the In recOmmending this you will get tasty light 3-11 and the best dinners (300k capable and efficient chefs have had years of exper- in cooking and preparing n Thursday, July 23, 1959 all our readers Phone RI 3-3856 for remodelling or- Phone RI 2-0494 go ahead with. Phone RI 5-6125 chefs, th experience n IS success COUked by unche time place CARLEY, SIANDISB, CABLE? 8: LE 10.00 a.m.â€"-â€"Church 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine chard-h service. church service . 11.15 a.m.-â€"Divine Dr. Neal will u Sunday School will 1: church service at. 1 proceed to class room fore sermon is preack Hr. Stan Northrop: and choir direct Minigter: Th‘e Rm. ____..:1’.1 Snowaen B,A., B..Dq i1 The United Church of A member of St_ Woman's Auxiliary \ attendance at all m0] vices at St. Thomas’ ‘Parish Hall to look a dren 7 years of age a: of parents wishing t‘ the services. Saturday July 25, 1 Day. There will be 1 tion of Holy Commun Thomas’ Church at If 425 Water Street’J PETERBOROUGH, ON I‘. J. Carley QC. (18 R. 0. Standish Q, T. E. Clarke B A; R. H. Carley B 00‘ w. c. Lech n a] Ninth Sunday after St. John's, I 9.30 a.m.â€"â€"Mattins St. Thomas’ Church, 11.153 ..m -â€"Mattmz 7.30 p.m.â€"Evenso “O Come, Let Us er and Bible Stud 8.00 p.m.â€"â€"F"riday, ‘. plea Meeting. Sunday Servi 10 a.m.â€"Sunday S4 11.00 a.m.â€"Worshij 7.30 p.m.â€"Evening 8.00 p.m.â€"Wednes{ Grace Church, mm Sunday Schoolâ€"10. GAY“ Sunday School child: "aw during second ] Manvers Bethany, Oat, J1 â€The regular mont; of the Municipal the Township of M- h'eld on the above all members presen] Reeve in the chair. The minutes of meeting were read 2 PARISH OF C. Anglican Church a r. Gerald E. Grah Minister “A Welcome Awai‘ rm: SALVATIO: The (Jam sUNDAY, my . m .â€"D1\'ine W Captain D. N arse: â€" Ca'