ra‘ulated for his success this goal. wommending this place get tasty light lunches best dinners cooked by ind efficient chef's. Who: y a Leading role costume of the an or woman are his store, as we}?! "hildren, that fit fort and style. 9 Store in Peter- is capably man- J. B. Clark is ‘ribution to the ance and satis- rds to anything (I has certainly 19 of the area to in life, and are igh recommendaâ€" .1 years of experience I: and preparing meals. only the best ingerdi- reparing the meals, we you will be more than and will follow the Llar atfention is given rateh repairing. Ex- 1 suggest what can be will do the job of a at a moderate price. the official impection r ONE and CPR em- July 23, »y, . their patrons in ’they have the best 'building materials. :etli‘er with geoa p assures the pair ngs of permanence tSt consistant with ’f today. ' not go ahead with for remodelling or 3 step in. at this: firm and see how net you in this velopments in pro- .,ods they are able EgiOn with prompt I is so essential to industry of today ised to give eonâ€" ‘ation to this firm, s. Chiropractic may 'er to your problem . erside 5-4751 today onsultation or write information regard- >articular condition est of your good cally Timed. :ot hesitate to suggest ' pay this firm a .is store is Jewellery ‘ers in Peterborough, re pleased to recom- 5 fine store to our IROPRAOTORS PHONE RI 5-4751 rd to find out whe- : you are an accept~ practic patient. If >t, you are referred ber health sen-vice. ’1', you have not tried un‘il you have tried de every effort. to {Dds of each custo- finest quality and times. They de~ 'hone RI 2-0494 n patronizing ,The Restaurant. any time 9 in Peterborough. ecommend their our readers. Phone RI 55171 Phone RI 5-6126 All w‘ atahes CARLEY, STANDISB, CLARK] OAKLEY LEcn Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO 'l‘. J. Carley QC. (1896â€"1956) R. o; Standish Q.C'. T. E. Clarke B.A. R. n. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech BA. Grace Church, NflIDrOOk Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.m 9 . 45 a . m .â€"D1’vine Worship . Centreville Church 10.00 a.m.â€"Chm'ch School 11.00 a.m.-â€"â€"Divine Worship PRESBYTERIAN CentreVille and Millbrmk Rev. Gerald E. Graham, B.A Minister Sunday School children with- draw during second Hymn of church service. Supervised Nursery during church service. Dr. Neal will conduct the' 'road account ...... 2 SQTVIOG . rt“. David Mwasters spray- Sunday School will meet with iny weeds ...... church service at 11.15 and Lloyd Arms‘trong, spray- Proceed to class rooms just be-' ing weeds . . . fore sermon is preached. KWm Sheen, cleaning 11.15 a. m. â€"â€"Divine Worship. Dr. Neal will conduct the' The United Church of Canada. .Millbrook â€" Gavan Hr. Stan Northrop, organist and chair director. Minister: The Rev. §tan1ey E. Snowden, BA. B.D. in charge. A member of St. Thomas’- Woman’s Auxiliary will be in I attendance at all morning ser-_' vices at St. Thomas’ in thel Parish Hall to look after chi1~ dren" 1 years of age and under I of parents wishing to attend the services. I Saturday July 25, St. James Day. There will be a Celebra- tion of Holy Communion in St. Thomas’ Church at 10 a .m. “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. St. J ohn‘s, Ida 9.30 a.m.-â€"Matti~.ns. St. Thomas’ Church, Millbrook 11.15 a.m.â€"M‘a.tt7ms. Christ Church, Bailieboro 7.30 p.m.â€"Evensong. er and Bible Study. 8.00 p.m.â€"â€"Friday, Ymmg Peo- ples Meeting. MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Pastor. Sunday Services 09. m. â€"Sun~day School 1. 00 a. m. â€"â€"Worship Service 30 p. m. â€"Ev enino Service 00 p.m.â€"â€"Wedne-sda.y, Pray- <7)qu Zion Pentecostal Church 43% THE SALVATION ARMY Captain D. McNeill’y 3.“) p.m.â€"â€"Slmday School in Ninth Sunday aftEr Trinity. PARISH OF CAVAN Anglican Church of Canada Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrey Rector Be‘hany, 01113., July 7, 1959‘. 'ed ,on m ,The regular monthly meeting’ Malcolm. of the Municipal Council of The fol the Township of Manvers, was 'tions were ï¬eld on the above date with Th‘e Equal all 1m.;iu_}n-1'5 present .and 'the. law for to Reeve in the chair. l-County 19‘ The minutes .of .the June ‘0. Becker meeting “'91'9 read and aPPr-OVï¬ Dominion Legion Hall. “A Welcome Await; You. †The Churches SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1959 Pentecostal Assemblies of GA'AN The regular mee‘ing of Grace Prmbyterian Church W . NI . S . was held at the home of Mrs Howard Henry on \ 'duesday July 15th with seventeen mem- bers and five visitors present. GRACE CHURCH W.M.S. MEETING AND PICNIC for sprayer ....... 3.2.0 Village Haï¬ings, May I ,reIief change-back .. 19.47; Twp. of Pelhmn, May 5 relief charge-back 8.45 ROSS Davidson, on ac- 5 count 150.00 Moved by McG‘ill, seconded‘ by Brown that the meeting ad-' journ to Augus‘. 4th at 7.30‘ p.n1., d.s.t. Carried. g Ross; Davidson, Clerk. 0 Bernard N eals, spray material Geo. Smith gas and oil Win Phillips, clean ing grass etc. Mirror-Repor er, print trucking, 111mb..er Wm. Jordan, labour «4.... .5“ L. Argiie, 13.50111“. .E. McQuade, labour Joe Waganese, labour Road Voucher No 7 to Moved by Malcolm, secoded by McGill, that the following accounts be paidâ€" Harold Morton, sheep claim ........$ 25.00 Alf J oHn-sfton, 0n asses- ors~ salary ........ 200.00 Fred Fallis, cemenf, lab~ our, etc. 200.90 Thos. Ward, labour, of Municipal Affairs re first ,payment received of uncondi- Itional grant in the amount of §$2,973.99; several accounts and. lfour sheep claims. ii Moved by Brown, seconded {by Malcolm that the accounts ‘ of W. 0, Becker Equipment Co. ! and Dominion Road Machinery ICo. be returned unpaid and a Eletter attached advising that: .the grader was under War- ‘rantee at the time the accounts 1' were contracted. Carried. l The Treasurer presrenfed a financial report of the state of the tax arrears as of June 18th, 1959, and there was $26,778.96 oufstanding of principal and interest. Moved by Jakeman, seconded. ‘by Malcolm that the Township hall and ‘ office be given a “house cleaningâ€. Carried. On motion of Jakeman and BrOWn a By-law to license trail- ers within the Township of Manvers in excess of 30 days Was given the. first and second reading. Carried. ‘ On motion Malcolm and Me-‘ Gill the trailer license By-lawl was given the third reading and finally passed with the Cox-porn ante, Steal 'attach'ed. Carried. I The following comm tions were received and Th'e Equalization Coun‘ [law for to be use for th I County levy was receive The mee‘ing was opened by 1-1...‘wu- UV. 'dllil Dominion R o a d Maehiuery Sales Co. re accounts for re- pairs {for grader which had previously been rejected by the local Council; NV. and D. Heaal‘h Unit, monthly report; W. K. Cooke; Oshawa re account. ow~ ing; Dept. of Public Welfare enelosingchteque for $771.64. being the grant re Children’s Aid; Dept. of Travel and Pub- licity re new regula‘ions re- garding tourits establishments; Consumers Gas Co. re approval-1 to share expense regradingl hill; One application for care-l taker re Township Hall: Dept. ! Ac Mn» : - ' ed 011 motio n of McGill Mall 01m. Carried. zauon Uoun‘y B)" be use for the 1960 V was received; W. Equpment Co. and cuuuLS IOI‘ 1'6- er which had 'ejected by the and D. Heaal‘h communica- and read: 87.50 32.00 39.55 33.00 80.00 3.20 b: Spripture passages from 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 4, verses 00‘ 1 to 18 and Phillipians Chapter ied' 4 verses 8 to 13 were read by ad- Mrs. K. Moncrief and Mrs. 3‘ Gerald Armstrong follow ed by pray er by Mrs. Donald Graham. IMrse. Clifford Larmer, vice- 5president, reading the cal] to I worship. A short paper on Lot 5 Wife was giV en byi \IIs. Marshall Larmer, being the second in a series of diqcustsions on ~the Women in the Old Tesflament. 003551}; 611$}; 7i,7efsé§l Accounts odrered Paid by the Millbrook Publis Utili- 1 to 18 and Phillipians‘ Chapter: Millbrook Council on motion tleS, COHDGGtTl-g‘ water 4 verses 8 ‘0 13 were read bfby Councillor Gibson, seconded wafer main at WR. .. 120.00 Mrs. K. Moncrief and Mrs. ;.1)y (3301111011101. Thornton at the Mirror-Reporter, adv. Gerald Armstrong followed by. July 611 meeting. {and stationery ...... 41.50 prayer by MI'S- Donald Graham} Council fees ......... $ 56.00 King White, la.b0ur.. 47.50 Mrs. John Thompson took'Cioulter Bros. ........ 4_53 Harvey J Orr, dozer the first part of the chapter of Scott’s Garage ....â€"â€"â€".. 20.40 and gravel .......... 42.40 the S’udy Book dealing with; Lloyd Fallis, truck .. 40.00 Millbrook Public Utili- The Church’s Witness to of Russell Reid, labour, gties, (Municipalities Changing Canada. fplumbing ...... . 1075 Share of water main). 1118.00 A short paper on’VLothWifefl. C. Dawe, salary, ' {Cliff Scott, salary... 216.66 was given by Mrs. Marshall’petty Gash .......... ‘ 116.20: Talbert Kelletst, labour. 174,03 Larmer, being- the second in a D. R. Fowler, olean- {Ken S'kitch, labour†16,00 series of diqeustsions on ~the ing uniform . . . 1.35 Registrar of deeds... 20.00 Women in the Old Tes‘ament. ,S' Sloan, caretaking. 10.00; m-~â€"â€" After the business a. picnic Durhain Telephones†15.50. Remember, every time y-ow lunch on the lawn was very M- S'mlth, bond prem- ,break a record You make a much enjoyed by all. éium . . .. 3.10 new one, 3'33 MIRROR-REPORTER. MILLBBOOK, ONTARIO You get more out of life when you get the most out of -electriCity. ‘ Or is that you on the right†.a man who sleeps in air- conditioned comfort. .who knows that an electric room air-conditioner is the secret of cool, blissful Slumber. the reamn you wake refreshed and smiling? An electric air-conditioner Will blend with any type of decor. .costs only a few cents a week to operate. Is that you on the left. .still tired and worn out after a ï¬tful night’s sleep m a hot, muggy bedroom? m: 1% <Oflumnmm r__<_m .054: mrmnqn_0>rr< Accounts Passed at Millhrook Council ‘ id by the Millibrook Publis Utili- moï¬on- ties, conneotng water seconded» wafer main at WR. .. 120.00 11‘ at the Mirror-Reporter, adv. {and stationery ...... 41.50 King White, la.bour.. 47.50 '$ 52?; Harvey J Orr, dozer 20.40 and gravel .......... 42.40 40.00 Millbrook Public Utili- ties, (Municipalities 10.75 share of water main). 1118.00 . [Cliff Scott, salary. . . 216.66 116.20? Talbert Kelleï¬st, labour. 174.08 {Ken Skitch, labour.. 16.00 1.35 Registrar of deeds. .. 20.00 I ‘ 7 IN THE MORNING? To freshen a refrigerator which has not been used for some time, wash out with baking soda In warm water. 1118.00 216.66 174.08 16.00 630% W BUTTER GRANITE CO. LTD. Monuments and Family Memorials 73 Ontario St., Port Hope, Ont. Phone Turner 5-52-16 Water-borne oargo ihroug-h Canada’s major seaports in. creased by more than 400,000 tons in 19548, to¢aHing more than 47,000,000 tons. J . H. Barnngcr, Publisher. Mirror-Reporter (f? RAGE m