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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 23 Jul 1959, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Jilll‘1 'uok. July 9t,h 959.--: (31112111 “111111 ll met in regular semiou on abme date 111 he Council Chamber at 7.30 p.111. all 1;:e111l)€1‘s present, Reeve L. A. Hooton 111 the Chair. Minutes of last regular and 51.1 ial 111eetings wad, on mn- Inn of Depun Ree\e Bradburn and (‘01111cillo1 Stewart that minutes be adopted as read.L Carried. ‘, Mr. Wilbur Lunn addressed the Coumil re the loss of a heifer due to drinking of water tl1‘at was polluted, due to the b1 idge contractor putting dyna- mi 9 sticks in to blow up the base of meek. \Vhen putting the culvert in the fence was down whi1h allowed the heifer to get out on the roadside, and drank of the polluted water. He also asked the Council about gravel. and he felt sure he had a good 11111 On his farm and ((-Illld supply gran el fer the Township. J1]. . LVLalLuva u vvv .- -“uu. ...7 7011 niotion of Councillors 1 _ Stewart and Burns that we 3.1- ‘ie( ‘ ' low Mr Lun n $50 for heifer The following correspondence lost Carried. gl‘ead Mr Danald Graham addresâ€" F1omâ€"Nozthumb‘erland and sod the Council re a fence that D111 ham Board 0t Heal’h, May (avan Township Council Minutes A. Roy Willmott, Q.c. TORONTO-DOMINION E _IIâ€" â€"- IAAIIC AHFAD Barristers, Solicitors, Nata '93 Telephone 9, Millbrook 8th, 1959.â€"-lwas broken badly by the Bea-‘1 Vex-dale. Construction 00. when they were hired to snow plmv _ w for the Township. He also it "”0 p.111. made. mention of the brush 21-: lle Reeve Ls long the base of the fave, Chair. "wlm-h was a defriment in izoid i 1g the snow in winter. I read, on mm On motion of Counillor Farm row-Burns that the Township rve Bradburn clean fence bottom up, and Stewart that pay half the costs of wire for rd as read. ' fence. Carried. 1 Mr. Archie Matchett addres- sed the Council re a spring on the road side and asked per- ‘missiOn to pipe same info his ‘ field re the watering of his cat- tie. The Reeve asked Mr. Matciiett if any one. else used When putting the spring, Mn. Matehett said ,he fence was no one. else had used same tor , .1 it.“ Lin-n- some time. »t in regular date in the regular and 1‘ 1m addressed the loss of a king of water 1, due to the putting dyna- blow up the WILLMOTT IRVINE Doris likes people On motion of Councillors Burns and Stewart that we grant Mr. Mat-theft {wt-mission to pipe the water from the spring on the NOrth sidle of 1'03 d on Con. 8. Lot 6, {he pipe to be laid under the culvert to Mr. Matchett’s own land. Car- THE BANK people make the dijference at Two brief, but interesting, quotes sum up Doris Quilter’ s ' career with The Toronto-Dominion Bankâ€"“an ' exceptionally capable girl” (from her manager) and, “I thoroughly enjoy my work” (from Doris). Presently master ledger keeper at the Wyandotte and Ouellette Branch in Windsor, Doris first joined “The Bank” in Stratford in 1942. Well-trained, capable and helpful, Doris Quilter is still another nearby braneh of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Drop in soon and see why . . . THAT LOOKS AHEAD {Vi‘ing pri1e Of piping water to Frafik Cowan Co. enclosin-ri 4- . ‘ VD I plopert) line a, the Tcmn Hall ondmsement to Poluy 1\o $120 00 M. P 18572 flcate e u 1 cut. ‘ 01“?an 0011933 Of Education Enclosing egldOLGEeirIEtn to ’re costs of education T311” PolicyM-4393, G. M. 593;, No. I ship of Manvers, re hOSPIaW' 453916505362 also enclosing 121“le 0f Chas Ru‘k Obt' 9 14’ payroll report to be filled_i11. G report of unit. Hydro Power Commission, application for power Jas. McIntyre. Mill. brook Utilities Commission, lad- vising price of piping water to property line a‘. the Town Hall $120.00. Durham Count}r District H. S. Board, re affirming our ap- ‘ proval of school boards plans, re tenative approval for board to request Counties Council for the issme of debentures, per- ‘mission for 'board to engage architects, and_to acquire school :ot' xixmficipali‘iea, enclosing a cheque for $3106.20 first instal- ment on unc0nditi0nal grant. 1958' , i- On motion of ConwailloroI , Secretary 0f l\orth Area Farrow and Burrw that the cor]? mghool Board, re map of north p oration of the Township of area. Gavan endorse the Durham Durham Count}r District H. Coun‘y District High School 3- Board, 1‘8 affirming 0111‘ 39' Boards recommendation to proval of school boards plans, build three new high schools in 1'9 tenative approval for boa-I'd the district. Unanimously car- to request Counties Council forl ried. l David Rmea re infermation of The R99“) and members of land fox “alt; 'm the Townshi') Coumil all felt thev would be (0V9? 300 acres) suitable £01 able to do any cons ruction on rehabilation 01‘ I'Ofmesh‘dtion sa.,mo as it was not on the road VVorkmen 5 Compensation, a- program for this 3.93,. :lmounf of compensation paid. 1\.1,_ Anderson and Mr J. f WillmotHrvine ['9 (late _°f Collins represvntatives of the ? June 25-26 Net for arbitra‘ion l’an‘lior Oil Co. waited on the : hearing 1‘9 Seymour- T(’“'n5hip (‘mmcil re a proparatinn called 0f (favan. Rainsoal which +heir Company I Willmott-h'vnw re award hazl for painting all (-omont sitm . Cl'erk-Treas. of United Coun- ties, copy of By-law No. 1867 equalizing the assessment of the Vail ious municipalities. cheque for $3106.20 first instalâ€"l A delegation consisting of as no foxes were being huntcd‘ ment on unconditional grant. Mr. Morgan Bigel‘ow, Carl at the present time, and if any Dept. of Public \Velfare, en- Smi‘h and Carl Port'eous adjwere killed they could bring Clo-fin: chequc for 95712-90 re. dressed the Council re brush-.S'dme. t0 the Ulerk‘n office. Children’s Aid. ’ inn,»- of road on the quarter line Carried. Cl't’l‘k'T'l'eaS- 0f Ullited C(lun- west. to enable the School 8115' A (liSt-ussioix arose re the die- ties, COPY 0f By-law NO- 1867 to be able to use that road proâ€"i counts and penalties: re taxes. “1113151ng 7-119 aSSG'S'Sant of the. viding the Board approved of, On motion of Councillors vaiious municipalities. ’tha-t route. iFarrow and Burns that a dis- David Rea, 1'9 inf-Orination Of The Reeve and members of. count of ‘2. per cent be allowed land f0? "3‘19 i’“ the Township Council all felt they would be. on currcn’. years taxes, if paid (over 300 acres) suitable for able to do any cons‘ ruction on on or before December 15H . rehabilation 01‘ l't‘fOI'CStl‘iltion- same, as it was not on the road'and a penalty of 1 per cent Workmen’s Compensation. a- program for this year. laddcd after the 15th day of 111011115 of compensation paid. Mr. Anderson and Mr. J.1December to December 315'". Willmott-lrvine re date 0f Collins representatives of the after that rate interest at the JUNC- 25‘2‘6 ’i‘lé‘t for arbitra‘ion l’an‘her Oil Co. waited on t-heE rate of one half of one per cent hearing re Seymour- TOWYLShiP (‘mmcil re a preparation called‘ per month the added. Carried. ma man-momma. MIL r I a - x. Warrendler, mlmstvr made by Judge Miller of $4000. to Carman Seymour covering damages for Land and sever- ances plus $500 costs. On motion of Councillors Fat-J1 row and Stewart that. above] correspondence be received and; filed, the Clerk to answer any: not already dealt with. Car“1 ried. ; ( I C K H-O‘IOI and; On motion of Councillorsg anyt Clerk notify Mr. Howden thatl STANDING ( Car-1 his services would not be re- ! Quired for the present, re foxm,‘ SOFTBALL I 0f as no foxes We'i‘e being hunted ‘1 , __ Carl at the present time, and if any 1' ad_;were killed they c0uld bring“ . .us‘nflsame to the Ulork‘n 0ffic:-_ Mlllbrook line Gal'l'ied- :Bethany ' ' ' . - EBailie or “Us A (“801181011 arose re .he (11%. b .o ,A A I “A“..t.» n..,! “Anni“,m _,‘ #1....7“. ‘ szervlue lblocks etc. and advised same cheques for above accounts. ' for the‘municipal garage, which Carried... vs<uld seal cement, and no: On motion of Councillors J. ‘ dampness; could penetrate Burns and L. Farrow that we l throusrh to the inside. ladjourn to meet August 6th at ‘ Steuart and Burns that the 8 p.111. I On motion of Councillors :Burns and Stewart. that Clerk introduce certain Byâ€"laws. i The Clerk introduced a By- law to raise certain ra‘es fit the 'l‘owmhip. and to raise moniw for the Schools in the Townships. ’4 {)1‘ kih (”d Donald Stvv ...... ens. '3 sheep BT11“ '1'11- $101101? 017.2111d .quaitcr whiting ..... 06. ,Millbmok Public [Jili- ties, water across 81.. 120. W. L. 13116011, 011 3111.. 100. Zvlla M Bentley. sal- arv Clerk Council. fem- $41.). spe- cials $85, mileage 1 1 .4) 142. ' reas. of 1‘ oads. pay- 7 roll and vouchers N0 6 f 1 tranwfer) two dogs. . ......... 24742. 3 Ted Manley. ......... .. . 20. sh ooting . Frank Cowau (‘0 Comp. ? Polii'y 56.75, Municipal uuuuuu 100 . hiability 5 .82 62. (31] motion of Deputy Home lrlradburn and Councillor Far- mw 'hat rule 37 of the stand- ;‘rd rules bf procccdurc be di<- mused with. On motion of Deputy RLK‘W‘ Bradburn and Councillor Far- row that we go into committee of ‘vhv whole for socond reading of the l-iy-law with blanks filled m. L. A. Hooton, expenses to \Vclfarc Conventon (.1. H .. Hutchinson. re- pairs to Gave trough, TOWH Hall . . . . . . . 28.80 N 01'! h umberla nd-Dur- ham Board of Health. permit: 3704-5 ...... 8.00 L. A. Hooton. \Velfare Administration . 44.45 Township of Manvers, hospital, Chas. Rusk. 13.13 V! cm (in motion of Councillor J. Burns and R. Stewart that the Reeve be authorized to Sign 11d Stevens. '2 shoe (1 ”Hr-Revolt. 017. 21nd 'tor m'iutinu ..... 0 .. 3 11mm "W 8 mm a” 1.? o . o u a». H.921 .7 \I 8 KVafl .0.0. m 1 .m Thursday, July 23, 1959 STANDING OF MEN’S SOFTBALL LEAGUE Playoff stars next week, 1st team vs 3rd team; 2nd team V5 4th team. 1‘ will be Bet’y- any or Bailieboro in Millbrook on Monday night, July 27m. Come out and see a good soft- ball game as this league puts up some swell games, ask any- one thal. have. seen some of the games. Millbrook boys lost their first two games, but haven’t been beaten since. We hope they keep it up. July 20th game. Millbrook 8 Bailieboro 4, thus winning 7 in a row. Glen Earl was the winning pitcher. Several contest-s: were held conducted by Mrs. Austin \Vnrr and Mt“. Karl Gillis. QUILTE‘RS CLUB HOLD PICNIC AND DRAW The Gavan Pot Luck Quilters Club held a pienie- on the lawn of Mrs. W. L. Elson on Thurs- day afternoon of last week. There were close to 50 guests present. Mrs. T. J. Douglas and Mrs. \Vilfred Fallis bf Peter- horuug-h. aners. Chas. Doneâ€" T110 draw for a fine quilt on which tickeh had been SUM was won by Mrs. James YOung of I’m-acerville. Mm. J. D. Armstrong: made the draw. 'Wan‘edâ€"Live Poultry; high price paid. M. Flatt, RR 1. Bethany, phone T-r«13 colâ€" lect. My 230 11‘ o 1' For Waleâ€"’l‘hree Home Doors. Phone’ 39‘ Millbrook. 1f For Saleâ€"12 Bass Piano Ac~ wrdian. new: large size Tri- -('-}'(-lei Book ('ase: Set of Dishes and Glassware, new. E. C-OppS. Garden Hill. Ont. F 0r Saleâ€"Csed Water Pressure System. also Steel \V'ater n- Routâ€"Apartment. 5 rooms and bath? heavy duty wiring Posnusion August 18'. Ap- ply I’eeMos' Hardware. 1t CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Telephone collect Keene S3w1, it no answer Peterborough Ri-2-4330. Tank. Telephone 152 or 153 M illb-rook . 1t Dead Stock! Burnett Fur Farm . FOR

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