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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 24 Aug 1893, p. 1

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SPECTAOLES fiered in llery. on have d Silver nothing (1 Liver me W. LANG DEAFNESS AND NOSIES IN THE HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutely genuine system. The mvst, extraor- dinary cases have been successfully treated. Full particulars, with copxes of _q lendid timonials pastime. Herbert Cle -, 51, Upper Kensington line, London, S. E. 3, Finest and Best Selected Stocks In Town, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Ca 5, Fresh Groceries, 850. Cheap for cash. A kinds of produce want- ed and the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. Desires to inform the public that he has one of the ocientific methods. Officé on Kin 'st., 0 ite Domimon hotel. Minbrook. 3 9p 1:08 “f. BLAND. VETERINARY SURGEON. o (Successor to T. H. Hafisard.) Registered and Hon. Graduate of Ontamo Veterinary Col- ege. Toronto. Late Yeterinary Surgeon North “ est Mounted Pohce. Calgary. Attended Clinical Lectures. Royal Vetermary Colle e, London, Eng. .Dentxstry a specxalgy. All 0- mestieazed agnnals treated ageordmg to latest or)‘. Office: 379 water’ ’s’ti'é‘eâ€"f. Address. Pagt oflice box 1%, Peterooro, Ont. 7 -6m P. WATFORD, ACCOUNTANT AND assignee. Books opened and closed. Ac- counts collected, Assignments taken in charge am: all details completed. S ecial attention given to book-keeper‘s work W ere services of a. permanent bookkeeper are not required. Communicatlons from fncighboring towns re- ceive prompt attention and sernces m _such places gent-forge; moderatetly angl_ satxsfac- T B. COLLINS 8: CO.. BANKERS. MILL- . BROOK. Farmem‘ and other good notes discounted. Drafts issued on all points of Can Ada. angl ths United. States at lowest rates. The conectxou 09.89.19 and other notes 9. specialty. u 95”“313“ "“1 film-‘5' F‘km’gfim erg . ce. nor 3: e 0 mg 931.. Referenceâ€"Wan Bank of Commerce. ___‘ -..... - vuuAv woman.“ I LY are res ecttull informed that Thos. Pemberton, Pro easor 0 Music, and late Band Master 0 R0 alSchool of Infantry, Toronto. is now prepare; to neceive {upils vocal or instru- mental. at hm resxdencc, ‘enter Street. Private instruction at. any hour. Orders for music and Musical instruments of my and every class promptly attended to. ARENTS AND THE * gr LY are resnecmmv 16??ng gig: 9‘16? Q W. CLARKE. L.D.S.. DENTISISPECIAL Lo nttention giyen to the preservauon of the natural teeph. Litmus Oxide Gas for the pain- less extraenon of teeth. Good work -ua.ra.n teed. “'in be auBethany the 2nd and ah Ionda. s of each month. Pomypool lst and 3rd Mon ays. Ila Barristers. Soiicitqrs. Notgries. etc., Co bonrv and Brighton. W, R. xiiddcll, B. A.. LLB. A. J. Armstrong. B. A. W. H. Nesbitt, B. A. First-classloans placed. Money loaned and invested. Mercantile collections made and general law business. J W'. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON 0 Office and residence. Baillieboro. Ont. \Vili be as Queen‘s Hotel, Milibrook, every Saturday. A. \VARD, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY- at Law. Solicitor. etc. Office in Ontario Block. Walton Street. Port BOpe. Money to lead on the security of real estate. Town and [arm property for sale. Free sleepers will be reserved on applica- ‘tion to MITH 8r. PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .0 _ J. A. V. Preston) Barristers, Solicitors, howl-fies. c.0fiiccs, Wood 8; Kells' block, Mill- brook. Cup. and Bethany on the 2d and 4th Monday: :11 every month. Money to loan at lowest rates. 36 . RCHIBALD \VOOD. ISSUER OF MAR- RIAGE LICENSES; Miilorook, On: Y C. MCKINNON. M. D,. C. M.. (SUCCES o sor to Dr. Mddrie) Toronto and Victoria Umversities. Licentiate Royal College Sur- geons. Edinburgh, Member College Ph “sicians 3nd Surgeons, Ontario. Oflice at. A. '1‘. ‘lliott's dru store. Alter ofiice‘ hours at Mr. W'm. Bic son’s residence, Run; at... Millbrook, JOHN GILLO’I‘T, Keeps constantly on hand alarg-e stock 01 Fur- zfiture of all kinds. Three large showrooms. Nq groutgle to shogv goggs. ' Manfifaétiirer'bt tfi'é Eicelslop Washing Machine. The best in the m Tickets v?‘ 2i! be good for return two months from date of iss ue. '"Excursions will be run from \1 xllbrooL on August 15th and ‘2'2nd and September 5th, to the following points in Maniptoba. and the Canadian North- West, at. the fol 1cm mg col- oniss class: - To Deloraine, Man. and return “ Reston, Man. “ “ Estervan, Assa. “ “ Binscarth, Man. “ “ MoosominLAssa. “ “ Regina, Assa. “ “ Moosejaw, Assa. “ “ Yorkton, Assa. “ “ Prince Albert, Sash “ “ Calgary, Alb. “ > " Edmonton, Alb. “ Excursions to Manitoba and the :Canadian North-“Rest and Re= turn, via North Bay. IQDELL. Amwmoxg a; NESBITT. MARRIAGE LICENSEE (the millbmok . ' CABIN ET MAKER, PROFESSIONAL A. LEACH, MUSIC. Agent G. T. R‘ 3'. Millbrook. ...... $23 00 2s 00 28 00 2s 00 28 00 35 00 40 00 to which we have €816. special attention and havepe rsonally se acted a large number of.- suit lengths 111 all the leading colorings. A 1 Value In Worsted: and Pantings. Come and see them before purchasing elsewhere. Are selling fast but a good assort- ment still on hand. White and Grey Cottons, Shirtings, Gihghams Cottonades, Muslinsé Tabtle Linens, Napkins, e 0., e C. OUR SPECIALTY THIS WEEK IS All the leading lines in all col- ors. See our Spring Dress Tweeds at 37-2; cts. PRINTS, Stock Now Complete. DRESS GOODS, Spring ' Goods Walsh Kg Clarke Boys Suits at all Prices. Felt Rats in now styies. Rock-bottom prices a? Don’t fail to see me before ordering. You can save money by placing your order with me now. Ask 3 our local agent for Through Tickets to any point on N. Y.C 0.. Penn. R.R Lehigh Vallc. ' W est Shore. R. W. 8:. 0.. D. L. 85 W. B. R. P. W. N. P., and llavc Baggage Checked Through. Returning, loaves Charlotte at 11.15 p. m., except Tuesdayat 9.45 a. 111., on arriving at Port Hope at 6.30 a. m., (Saturday at 9.00 p. m.) W'ill call at, Colbornc on Wednesday and Friday at. 4.00 a. m., and Brighton on Monday and \Vedncsday at 2.00 a. m. . C. F. GILDERSLEEVE. Gen. Manager. C. H. NICHOLSON. Kingston. Gen. Pass. Agt., Port Hepc. On and after Monday, May lst, will leave Cobourg at 8.00 a. 111., Port Hope at 9.45 a. m., on arrival of G. T. R. Trains. Arrives at; Char- lotte at 2.30 p. m. NEW, FAST AND ELECTRIC-LIGHTED. DAlLY FORRCHESTER. Lake Ontario Steamboat Company The best time to buy your coal is when the weather is warm, as it is always cheaper then. I have the best coal this year that has ever been brou ht into Millbrook. This may be seemingly loud talk, but an inspection will, think, convince the most sceptical on this point. Please call and see my coal before placing your order. I have also another car load of shingles to hand this week. T hey are going fast as the price is low and the shingles are good. Eff Office and yard at the railway station. ORDER YOUR COAL ‘ NOW E + “ N ORTH' KING ” COAL i July 27th, 1893. TWEEDS, A. PAYNE° STEAMER NEW WINTER IS SURELY COMING. LMILLBROOK. ONT.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 24, 1893. Yours respectfully, W. TH EXTON . For a sluggish and torid liver, nothing can surpass Ayer’s Pills. They contain no calomel, nor any mineral drug, but are com- posed of the active ‘z‘principles of the best vegetable cathartics,\and their use always results in marked benéflt to the patient. The heaviest rain storm of the season pass- ed over this sect-ion last Friday, and al though it was accompanied by hail very llttle damage was done.f 8372?. Mr'. John Thorn and Mr. Alf. Gr'aham gpent- Sunday at the residence of Mr. Wm. Mr._Harry Woods and wife spent a. couple offi'ays'h‘st w'g‘ek with {riqus i_u. _Emjly._ We regretfto learn that Mrs. James Fallis received a fall last week which has left her suffering from a sprained wrist, from which we hope she will sqon recover. “7e are pleased to notice that Mr. W. H. Wood, who has been shelved for the past week with an attack of lumbago, is able to be around again_. I "(In line. Gavan. We are pleased to notice the genial coun- tence at Mr. W. C. Thorndyke, our popular teacher, in our midst again. He resumes his duties here with the good wishes of everybody. Mr. John Moyes of Tyrone has beevn here visiting his brother, Mr. Wm. Moyes. Mr. and Mrs; Thompson of Orono spent. Su‘nrdav, o_f la‘s't week “a5. Mr. MpMuy‘try’s: Mrs. Kirk of Rochester and Mrs. Bashaw of London, Minnesota, have been visiting at; the residence of Mr. James Caldwell. l’crrytowu. Harvest is about over in this section and ourfarmer friends are wearing a. smile of contentment. \I vs Proctox of Toronto IS visit'ng at Mr. E. \V. Ga rd' net 3. Miss Cecelia Caldwell of XVoodstock is vi§i_ting_he5 aqnt, 311?. J aples Dunbar. Mrs. F.11win and daughter have gone to \V arsaw Lo \isit friends. Mia-Joseph Pritcfian‘d, a foFmer resident of this place but now of Montana, is visiting the parental home and renewing old ac- quaintances He is accompanied by his wife and two children. Sickness IS quite prevalent here at pres- ent especially among Lh_e you_n0' peoplei _ Franklin. The harvest is drawing to a. close in this section and the result appears satisfactory although the grasshoppers have been doing their worst for the past three or four weeks. The extent of the damage is not yet known as there has been no threshing done. The following promotions were made in the school this week : To fifth classâ€"Eva Coe and Adah Vance. To sr. fourth classâ€" Winnie Hillier. To jl‘. fourthâ€"Annie Tinny and Lila Graham. To jr. thirdâ€"Gr. Howden, Sadie Hutchinson and Pissie Stuart. (tavanvine. The govemment grant for N o. 5, was $44, instead of $13.60 as quoted week’s issue. We beat the world in Teas. Sugars as Cheap as ever. W. VANCE. Who Is now offering It to you for $3.19 per Barre! comma KnocKEn HIGHER THAN GILROY’S KITE BY The Leading Eraser W. VANCE. Gavan, in last Summer Regulations. Fruit in summer is of great value. Green vegetables are also good in moderation- But any food eaten and undigested is, to a. very large extent, as pernicious 9'- P013011, and very bad results are sure to 911°“ If is here that the occasional use of Membray 8 Kidney and, Liver Cure has prf ' en 3° useful, in reliew ing the irritated Mord"ch 331d 11"“ and preventing summer siv’knm m many, varied forms. It is r! commended to be kept in the house. .‘ Miss Carrie Fair, B. A. ., of \Voodstock, after spending a. couple of weeks at the world’s fair has been enjoying a. visit at the homesfead. Miss Fair speaks very highly of _t_1_1e exposition. The Y.‘P.S.C E. here had a social on their regular night of meeting last week, at which therewas a very enjoyable time. Miss Alice Fanning of Lindsay has been visiting; with the Misses Brown during the past week. Miss Fanning’s many friends here were pleased to meet: lien _ Mr. and-M rs. Ashton of Garden Hill spent Sunday at the home of their uncle, Mr. Hérzry Earla Miss W. Robinson and Mr. Graham have returned after spending an enjoyable summer vacation. The former is teacher of Fairview school, and the latter looks after the welfare of the union school north of here. Their retu. i has been hailed with delight as their 3 "esence in our midst seems to wield an in- fluence of good and especially will their re- turn be appreciated by the Y.P.S.C.E., in which organization they are both active workers. Messrs. Fair Christie Bros. are right-in it with their Waterloo threshing machine. Everybody that has ‘ used this mill speaks very highly of the work done by it. We understand it is the lightest running of any that has ever been in this section. Miss Effie Larmcr left on Monday to take up her duties as teacher of a school near Wesbwood. Centre! ‘T‘e Miss l‘mma. En r1 left on \Ionday last for her new field of labor m Ca1mel,as teacher of the public school. The citizens of this place have arrived at the conclusion that a. nuisance tax will have to be imposed on certain animals and mem- bers of the feathery tribe that, are allowed to run at large, as complaints are numerous. Miss E. Byers of Bailieboro, accompanied by the Misses Mann of Perverbcro, were re- cent guests of Mrs. \V. G. Reabnrn. The young man who drove away without his tea on a recent occasion had better con- sider his health and not deprive his stomach of that which is necessary for existance as he is none too robust. ' Inquiries are being nude as to the desti- nation of the Chestnut horse and cart: that left: here on a. recent Saturday evenmg wfth a couple of young men of our town. Mr. Brown of Lindsay has been visiting at Mr. \V. H. Johnston’s. Manvors Station. The general conversation this week is about the excursion under the auspices of Court Ivanhoe, Millbrook, I. O. F., and many in this section intend taking advantage of the occasion for a day’s outing. We were treated to a. trial of speed a few days ago in which a. number of our local trotters competed. Among the most. prom- inent, was one owned by Mr. Harry Johnston of M illbrook. Bethany pupils held a. foremost place "i the report of the Millbrook high school en- trance examinationâ€"seven out of nine hav- in succeeded in getting there. This speaks v0 umes for the teacher, Miss Tesky, who has had the successful ones under her tuition. - Prof. John Lee has opened a. tonsorial parlor and is prepared to attend to every branch of the business. Our ice cream parlor is booming under_the ableiranagement of Mr. Sid. Preston, as- sisted bya number of the fair sex. Al- though the cream is cool you can rely on getting a warm! smile. Our village is in a flourishing state at pres- ent and the outlook for a. 'good fall trade is good. Every business place presents a good healthy appearance and the proprietors are ready for the rush. Among the visiuors on the Manyers Line on Sunday we noticed Mr. Thomas Connel and wife of North Manve15, Miss Maud Faxrow of Toronto and Mr. J. H. Thorne of Can an Mr. C. Thorndyke, our teacher, has com- menced duties again this week. Miss Maria. Shaw is visiting friends in Millbrook. Miss Annie Kenyon of Milibrook is the guest of Miss Lizzie Syer. F armers in thissection are about through with their harvesfi. The pea crop is the only one unfinished and since the pea. har- vester has been introduced the work is much ensier. The crops are not; as bountiful as was anticipated at the beginning of the season, owing, no doubt, to the recent. dry spell and the grasshopper} _ Miss Locke; of Millbrook is épendiIâ€"lga. feu'! da_y_s1 wig} her aunt, Mrs. J. McCoombe. ‘Miss Anniev Elliot‘tLofr Emily and Miss Tena. Elliott of Peterboro have returned 1103119 affer _a pleaeany visit with friends here. (Ramon-gun. “'hat has become of our regular corres- ponnedt ‘.' We think it necessary for some one to represent the place lest it should pass into the dark shades of _'oblivion. Bethany. While our neighbors to the south of us have been expanding their energies in blew- ing about their own greatness, we on our side have left that to the balmy breezes to do, and are now contemplatin the unmis- takable achievements that a ways result. from honest and persistent labor. â€"Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind., says: “ I had been in a distressed con. ditinn for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indi estion until my health was gone. I bong 1; one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lov remedy. I con- sider it the randest _icine in the world.’ A trial bott 8 will convince you. Warrant ed by A. Luca 11-13% the pleasant flavor, gentle action and sooth- in effects of Syrup of Figs. when in need of a. fiaxative ; and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use, so that it is the best famlly remedy known and every family should have a. bottle. On Saturday morning Miss Cronin, a domestic in the employ of M r. H. LeBrun, returned from the civic holiday excursion to Rochester. On entering her room in Mr. LeBrun’s residence she discov *red that it had been visited and that all her valuables had been stolen; These consisting of pins, bracelets, rings, etc. and including $1.50 in cash, represented a. value of about $15. She an onee apprized M r. LeBrun of the circum- stances and an investigation showed that the house had been ransacked and that the thieves had made a profitable haul. From Mrs. LeBrun’s room jewelery, consistin of diamond pins, rings, lockets and chains an other jewellery had been taken to the value between $300 to $400. The thieves evident- ly did not want to be encumbered with. weight, for Mr LeBrun’s silver plate which was in view was undisturbed. The burglars gained an entrance throu h the pantry window by forcing a thin eiisel or strong knife between the middle juncture of the winbow sashes, and breaking the horizontal fastening that secure them, when their entry was easy. It is not known at what time the robbery was committed, but as the house was slept in by Mr. LeBrun or a male member of his staff of clerks every night, it is possible the robbery was a daylight one. From the position of the window, close to Mr. Mulholland‘s house on the west and screened from View from the street by the projection of the main building, both houses being unoccupied, it would be easy for expert burglars, such as these seemed to be, to do what they did do without being ob- served. That the thieves are no novices may be seen by the fact that, very likely at about the same time, Mr. Mulholland’s house was entered in a manner that showed the skilful cracksman. Vv'ith a. diamonda 1 small circular hole was cut out of the pane 3 near the window fastening which was thus free to give access. There was nothing however taken, Mr. Mulholland on the de- parture of the family (for neither he nor M r. LeBrun’s family was at home) took the precaution to remove all valuables and store them in the vault of the private bank of which he is one of the proprietors. How- ever several locks were broken in the un- successful search for booty, the light finger- ed diletanti evidently scouring anything common or bulky that precious stones and precious metals in the form of article of. bijout-eaie. only 463; Boxes Bearded-A Marked Fall,- inz on‘ In Makeâ€"No Bidding Worth Speaking: ofâ€"The Sale Adjourned. The regulal meeting of the cheese board was held in Pete'rboro Tuesday afternoon. There was a good attendance of sellers, rep- resenting forty-eight factories, who boarded 4634 boxes, first half of August, valued at $30,000. This is a great falling off compar- ed with the corresponding period of last yearâ€"fully fifteen per cent. The following factories boarded the following quantites :â€" Keenc ............... 17 Ormonde ............ 200 \Varminster.........129 Lang ................ 148 Shearer ............ 1.51 :azerville .......... 90 Centre Smith ....... 95 Manchester ......... C0 North Smith ....... 245 North Dummer ..... 80 CherryCrove ....... 38 Bobcaygeon ......... $9 \Varsaw ............. 112: Lakevicw ........... 40 \Vestwood .......... 175 Trewern, ............ (‘6 Oakdale ............. 135 Bensfort ............ 105 Missing Link........l(l Cedarrlaie ........... 48 Norwocd ............ 170 btonr Lake .......... 45 Lakefield ........... 141 Millorook .......... 48 Pine Grove .......... 110 Mount Pleasant.... 70 Petcrboro .......... . 72 Perrytown .......... 65 Maple Leat..........123 Blackstock .......... {'0 Myrtle ............... 57 Burlington Union..240 Fenelon Fa"s ........ 90 Downeyville ........ 31 Reaboro ............. 40 Lorneville ......... 40 0rono..... .......... 55 Newtonvilleuuun I. North Verulam.... 60 Fleetwood .......... 114 Brooklin .......... .110 Dunsford.... ........ 1; Cambray ............ 60 Perryvllle .......... 3o Uptergrovcr ......... 80 Manilla ..... . ........ 3'0 Ida ......... ........62 Slar...., ......... ...3'I The buyers were represented by Messrs; Clnxton, ‘Vrighton, Flavelle. Fitzgerald, jSpense and Cook. The bidding startedâ€" if it may be called startingâ€"slowly, but on ithe question of adjournment coming up, Mr. I’lavelle bid 9:} for selections, which he afterwards raised to 9-1;. He named several factories, of which Manilla, Fleetwood, Derryville and Downeyville accepted. ‘No other bids being forthcoming, in View of the unsettled state m the money market the rate of exchange beingr 7 as against 9 at this time last year, Mr. Cluxton moved seconded by Mr. Cook, that the board adjourn for two weeks, upon which Mr. Sanderson moved that the board adjourn for one week. The two weeks adjournment was agreed to, also a motion to ofi'er the make of August alone at the adjourned sale. ‘ Pcterboro Examiner PE TERBOIA’O CII'EESE MARKET. A Daring Burglary. Children Enjoy No. 34.

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