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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 24 Aug 1893, p. 5

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Few of the prices n Bargain Day RE EYELL.. mufflerbsaRools Prunerhes nfwmth ersau known. vsuensaa. Sour 53mm szSS ONTO. but we can for..... minion. MACHINE . . OIL. .. dealers in the country Fsteam to make ply irresistible; air. We carry l we make 'ain Day :TIONS. WILL of the [0 613 SPECIALIST â€"Mr. W. Turner is home from Tor- onto for a. few holidays. â€"â€"Mr. NV. J. Gardiner visited Peterâ€" boro on Monday last. â€"Miss Annie Booth is home from Toronto for a. short vacation. â€"Miss Jennie Winslow of Belleville‘ is the guest of Mrs, Geo. Fowler. ‘ â€"Miss Jennie \Vilgar of Toronto ‘has been visiting at Mr, Carveth’s. â€"-Mr. J. W. Coe, Barrister, of To- ronto is spending a. few days in town. -â€"â€"Miss Addie Lee of Peterboro is visiting at Mrs. A. J ohnston’s. â€"Mrs. Scott of Ottawa. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. H. A. Turner. â€"Mr. \Vm. Leach is camping with friends from Peterboro at Lee’s Point â€"â€"Mrs. Hillier and children of Peter- boro, are spending a few days at Mr. Needler’s. - --J.H. H. Jury, t e e ' specialist, will be at A. T. Elli 1 . â€"If you are troubl .wi indis- tinct vision consult Mr. ‘ . -â€"â€"Miss iWallace of Toronto is the guest; of Miss Dean. â€"Miss Troupe of Port Hope is visit- ing Mrs. H. Argue. EYE FREDAY, SEPT. 8th. Miss Burton left on Friday for a. visit with her sister, Mrs. A. Smith, Kingsville. --Miss May O’Brien is visiting in Peterboro, the guest of Miss Nellie McKee. Misses Ann and Mollie Kells have returned from their visit to Elizabeth, â€"-Miss Elena Eyres has returned from a pleasant trip to Kingston and Peterboroj -â€"Mr. A. Ferguson, rceve of Millâ€" brook, has been in Hastings for a. few days on county business. â€"Mrs. Geo. \Vintei'botham and daughte1 of Toronto are wisiting Mrs. R. E. Stanton. ~ -â€"Mr. Oscar "Mo-Bean of W'innipeg formerly of this place, is at present visiting friends here. â€"Mr. W. S. Hambley of the Toron- to JIail is spending a. few days with Mr. M. Henry. â€"â€"Rev. W. A. Hunter of Toronto preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. â€"-Misses Alberta. and Flossie- Thex- ton are spending their holidays with their uncle in Toronto. ' â€"Mrs. 'W. Thexton returned last week after a. pleasant visit with friendé in Lindsay, Omemee and Mariposa. “my- -â€" eneral irate is the same as last yearâ€"â€" 4 8-10 mills on the dollar. No other business of importance wu transacted. â€"-At. the last meeting of the Gavan council the by-laws for levying th‘? different rates were introduced. The --Friday Sept. _ 8th A. T. ELLIOTT, THE TOWN TALK EETERBUBO BUSINESS The Druggist. BULLEGE Should be consult eclif your EYES «he you any in- :comfenience. If iyou have I.‘ {(1 dif- BCRiLy in gretuing classes to "ix e you satisfiaction call at A; T. Elliott’s drugstore, Sept. 3th, and consult Jno. H 'H. Jury, the Graduate Op- tician. ‘ Difficult and cosaplicated cases 3. argecialty. ~Buggy for sale cheap: early as good as new. Further 1 cuiars from A. T. ELLIOTT. 31 -â€"â€"The country scholls opened last Monday morning. The school here will resume work next Moniw-y. â€"â€"Miss May Richardson 49f Peter- boro has been visiting friends in towy and is now enjoying the freéh air of Manvers. . ' ’ Wâ€"Owing to the absence of the Rev. ..C Allen on his holida"s, Jae se'vice was held in St. Thomas’ church last Sunday evening. â€"-Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood and Mr. T. G. Kells and Miss Kells have “been viewing the sight-s among the Thousand Islands this week. â€"This is our civic holiday. Ehe annual excursion of Court Ivanhoe, I. U. E, takes place to-day. The romte chosen is a most enjoyable one. â€"The directors of the Gavan agrir :ultural societv are having the enlarg- ed giounds put in condition for L118 fair. The makinfr of the half-miie track and other work IS going on at a rapid rate. â€"â€"\Vhile in Buffalo last week Mr. Harry Skitch says he met several old Millbrook boys, but does not give a very bright account of their prosperity, some of them being out of employâ€" ment, as are thousands of others in the same city. â€"-Next \V eek W ill be om holiday season, and THE REPORTER will there- fore not be issued next Thursday, but will appeal full of news and c1isp as ever on September 7 th. â€"â€"R. J. Doak offers the following seasonable goods in large assortment Grain Cradles, Scythes, Snaths, Forks, Fork Handles, Turnip Hoes. Car load of Binder TWine at rock bottom prices to cash dealers. Perfection Machine Oil and pure English Paris Green are his specialties. 27 â€"On Tuesday, ,Sep' mber 5, there will be offered for sale by public aucâ€" tion under the provisions of the last will and testament of the late \Vm. Reynolds, at the Dominion hotel, Mill- brook, the west half of lot number tweny-txw o, in the sixth concession of the township of Gavan, containing one hundred acres. The sale will take place at three o’clock, p.111. For fur- ther particulars see bills, or apply to R. Ruddy, vendor’s solicitor, Millbrook. - -Mr. John Gillott is always up to the times, and invariably seasonable. Last Saturday when so large a quanti ty of bail was lying,r around from the previous night’s storm he gathered up a pailful of the largest of the stonesâ€"â€" none of them smaller than ordinary marblesâ€"and made a can of delicious ice cream with their aid. Mr. Gillott favoured THE REPORTER with a bowl of the cold delicacy, for which he has the hearty thanks of our staff. â€"On Friday afternoon last we were Visited by a most terl 1119 st01 In of rain and hail. For half an how the sluice gates of raindom were left wide open and the water pou1 ed down upon the streets in a pe1fect sea. Then hail beâ€" gan to fall and shouly it, too, came down In sheets of hail stones, each of which were fully as large as marbles. In some places the stones piled to a heighth of fully a foot and so hard did they freeze together that they were not all thawed out till Sunday. â€"The Manvers Central Fair will be held at Bethany on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, October 3rd and 4th. The directors and officers are putting forth every effort to make the exhibition of 1893 a grand success. and are offering one thousand dollars in premiums. Thorough and competent judges are being chosen for the various depart- ments and they are determined that awards shall only be made on the merits of the articles exhibited. En- tries are required to be made by the 25th of September, after which date extra charge will be made. may see the business in full blast. The advantage of such a. factory in this town can hardly be fully estimat- ed for every person would in some way or other deriye bemfit from it, in as much as it would bring many thous- ' ands of dollars annually into the place â€"-A movement for the establishâ€" ‘ ment of a canning factory has been fairly started, and we are pleased to know that it is meeting with the most gratifying success. Mr. Ruddy, we understand, has charge of the matter and is pushing it with such vigor, that already some $2000 of the. necessary captial has been subscribed. It is pro- posed to start with a capital. of $5,000, which is deemed quite sufficient for the purpose, and the operations of the concern will include the canning of fruits of all kinds indigenous to the soil of this vicinity as well as the various vegetables usually put up. We sin- cerely trust the promoters of the en- terprise may be entirely successful in "their project and that the next season 511 ‘1 ,L Pet'..-boro, Dr. Bell; Norwood, Rev. Wm. Buchanan. Mr. G. \V. Green will represent the Court at Drayton. There is likely tobe in the neighborhood of 500 delegates in attendance at the High {Court}. for distribution among our residents and farmers in the immediate Vicinity. â€"â€"On Saturday next the delegates to the High Court of the Independent Order of Foresters «leave for the meet- ing of that body at Sarnia. The dele- gates from this district are as follows : Millbrook, R, R. Elliot ; Centreville, Dr. Montgomery 3 Garden Hill, A. Callender ; Manvers Station, W. G. Reaburn; Omemee, Dr. Dradd 3 Lind- say, S. \V. Clarke ; Dohnygeon, J. A. Vance ; Fenelon Falls, A. '1'. Elliott ; â€"â€"Notice to farmers ! Buy only the ’Wi‘kinson Plough. The registered trade mark, letter is on the face of the mouldboards of all the plows 1 they make. Do let be deceived .asmany other ough manufacturers aretryi g tt mitate the \Villdnson. Mr. I. e ham has just received a. large co gnment of these celebrated ploughs, and is offering them this seas- on at a. small advance above cost. Sewing machines and organs at prices to suit the times. Do not place your order with any person else until you have consulted M r. Needham, and you will profit thereby. . The world is full of religion that did not come from Christ. Joy that isn’t shared with somebody else soon becomes mouldy. â€"Get a. box of Dr. Root’s Red Regulat- ors, the best blood builder. Price 500. For sale by A. LEACH. 16- â€"Call at Leach’s drug store and get. a bottle of Harpers Arabian Balm. Best liniment sold 16- No woman can be a good housekeeper who does no: hate dirt. Whén a. §0ung man takes his first drink, he gives the dexvll an ironclad mostgage on himself. â€"Ha.ve you seen Epldermia the great skin cure, for Eczema, Salt Rheum, c. For sale by A. LEACII. 16- Saladin drew a 43 pound Frazer sulky when he made his record of 2.0535. â€"Dr. Root’s Red Regulators cure to stay cured. Ask A. LEACH for a box. 16- Mr. Platt, the English turfman, paid $94,- 500 for Kendal. His OWJGI‘ has taken the precaution to insure his new purchase. Strong nerves, sweet sleep, good appetite. heartv digestion, and best, of all, PURE BLOOD, are given by Hood’s Sarsaparilla â€"â€"Epidermia as a. beautifier of the com- plexion has no equal. Try in. At A. LEACH’S. 16- The estimated yield of wheat in Manitoba. is a trifle oxer 22 bushels to the acre, oats 40, barley, 31, flax 16. --Dr. Ruot s Red Regulators are the best pills for a. blood tonic. A. LE ACH sells them. 16- \Vhy is it that the man who takes up the collection insists on wearing musical boots ‘3 â€"Itch on humans, horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Warranted by A. LEACH. 11-13 When certain individuals put on these new style white shoes they shed a. kind of incandescent li ht upon the question of their having any visi le means of support. A Toronto poet-artist recently finished a charmiug little study in varnish and kero- sene, founded upon the poem “ Beautiful Snow,” and it is said that on the hottest day in summer visitors are obliged to put on their heavy overcoats and ear-pads to avoid catching cold while looking at this rare work. â€"â€"Neuralgia. must; go ! $5.00 reward for a. case that; “ Harper’s Arabian Balm ” will not relieve at once. Warranted by A. LEACH. 16- The rockville Times says: “A story is going the rounds at the expense of a Grand Trunk railway conductor. On the down trip the other morning he had a number of emptyipassenger coaches attachedlto his train and While passing through them discovered a tramp hiding under the seats. He asked the gentleman of leisure what he was doing there, and he replied that he was stealing a ride, and thinking that the conductor was one of his own class, judging from his seedy appearance, added that if he kept on talking so durned loud the conductor would hear : him and put them both 01?.” â€"English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishe: from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. ' Save$50 by the use of one bottle. \Varranted by A. meu. 11-1 The warship Victoria, lying seventy futhoms deep under the blue. Mediterranean, off the coaet of Tripoli the hidden tomb of many gallant British sailors, may 300:: be brought back to the outer world with all its 7 - - - - A A 'r 1:,,_ T _____ ‘A_ L-.. I)“; B'JLLTUVV Vv~--»- ___ _ and so the one di‘ficulbjr atfendiné the undertaking would be conquered. The the King of Italy is said to have witnessed the workings of the model of the invention, and to have expressed a hope that the at- tempt would succeed. , â€"-Rheumatism 'Cured in a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. radically cures in l to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by A. LEACH, Druggist The Plalnficld, N. J ., Press says : The J 01) Male estate has been finally settled and the executors have apportioned the property among the heirs. The total value of the es- tate was fixed at $467,400. , Sarah Delaney of Cobourg, 0m“, and John Delaney of 01‘- illia, Ont, got. $77,900 each. Mrs. Gertrude Fenno, 0t" Plainfleld, who was housekeeper for the deceased «ax-mayor, and Robert Male and Mrs. Strathdee, both of Albany, got $51,933.33 each. Mrs. Tarbuck, of Eliza.. beth, Pa.., and Job Maze, Chas. Male, Am- brose Male and Mary Brown, all of Cobourg, Ont” received $25,966. 66 each, The remain- der was divided among \V. Batty of Cobeurg, L. Batty of Lakeport, and Annie Batty of Plainlield. Malarial and other atmospheric influence are best. counteracted by keeping the blood pure and vigorous with Ayer’s Saraparilla. A little caution in this respect may prevent serious illness at this season. Ayer’s Sar- sapmilla is the best: all- the- “year mound med- icine in existence. Iiss Sweetlyâ€"“I bought one of the veils that are so thickly dotted I can scarcely see, and I look like a fright in it don’t I?" Miss Tardyâ€""Oh, no: it al- most conceals your face.”-â€"Chicago Inter-Ocean. you told me yesterday about a. donkey, Mr. Griyzgs!” Heâ€"“Do you think so?” Sheâ€"“Yes, indeed. After this, when- ever I see a donkey it will remind me of you.”â€"Judge. ‘ Dr. ThirdIyâ€"“\\’hen you go to bed do you say the beat-iful hymn about ‘If I should die before I wake?, ” Little Hypatia (of Boston)â€"-“O‘n, no; its verbal inaccuracies "rate upon me. If I should die during sleep, how could I wake?”â€" Truth. Came to the premises of the undersigned. lot 8, 4th Con. Cav an on July 3rd, a ewe. The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and remove her. 30-3t HENRY HUBBARD. Heâ€"Is there anything I can do to prove my affection so that. you wiil not doubt it ? Sheâ€"There is. Marry sister. She is older than I, and mamma is de- termined not let me marry: till sister is LL; Llilll.\u lav. A». --.v -._... v.-- . disposed of. â€"Indianapolis Journal. Mrs. Meadowlotâ€"W’hat sort of a thing is a magazine rifle, anyway, Ebenezer. Did you ever see one? Mr. Meadowlotâ€"No; but it's some new- fangled contraption for them editors to shoot poets with, I supposeâ€"Buffalo Courier. Strayed to the premises of the undersigned on Thursday, July 27th. a two year old helfer. The owner will please prove property, pay charges and take her away. 31-3 ISAAC FALLIS, ' Lot 1, 4th Con. Gavan. If you want a. neat. nobby and endurable set of harness you should call on the under- signed. I use nothing but the very best ma- terial and as the work is entirely under my own supervision you can rely on getting a first-class article. Whips, Combs, Brushes and everything else usually kept in a. first- class harness shop always on hand. Make no mistake in placing your order, I lead the trade with popular prices. Shopâ€"Kingst, next to R. Deyell’s grocery. To the Citizens of Hill= brook and Vicinity! Sheâ€"“That was such a funny s_tory THE undersigned wishes to draw your at- tention toithe faqt, may he has qpqned 79713} I u; ' ultuvbvne-nvu ..-.,_--- -_ ___, ' , 1 tention to the fact that he has opened out amerchaut-tailor stock in the stand formerly occupied as a. photo raph gallery, oppOSite the Donumon hotel, Mil brook, where heis prepar- ed to receive orders and execute Work in the latest styles. Having had a large experience in some of the largest shops in the United States and Canada. and as all work entrused to him will be done under his own supervisxpn, satisfaction is guaranteed. Those furnishing their own goods will also receive 'every atten- tion. He will also do cleaning and mending. A call solicited. WANTEbQâ€"Two tailoressesâ€"On pants and 8 ts. ' S c. SPEARS, _ CITY BARBER sum): STRAY SHEEP One'door East of Mrflang’s store STRAY HEIFER. HARNESS ! ‘ Embalmer. 1:! Best of Testimonials can be given. Amom: the vain thew 9W1 xom we meet, The vainest'one’ht’ 311‘ Is he who boastvs‘ot his little feet, When his head is justs as anal]. Undertaker and Practical 33-1m JOHN GILLQTT, Desires to return thanks to his many customers for past favors and to if.- form them that he has removed; tc new quarters, one door east 01 77.- 1.... J11 La; ’ggenerel’ store, where‘hIe will be p eased to meet them; ' and at- tend to their tonsorialreqturements. An Estate Setilcd. . H. BRYANS W. STRAIN. Aie'rchanc’ r‘ailor. â€"-Puck. of ' IALLA ”Abllvcu mwua- r--" r""* ‘ - _ _ Jâ€" of aged clean wool. 1 have 3181‘ e assorv men't of Earns. Tweed. Flannnels, R0 5 c. 11 1' exchange. Agent for «P. Parkcrs 8: Co.. Dyer» Toronto, and Betcrboro’ Steam Laundryâ€"gocnl- sent; Tuesday of each week. D. CHAMBERS. THE highest cash price paid for any quantity of good clean wool.“ 1 have; 3. 331139 £80,“ Being the south quarter of l Cavan, containing50acr good clay . under an xcellents of cultivation. '. ; is on the premi a. good brick house. go frame rn -th stable underneath. :1‘40 :1 Good youn orchard and fin" ' TARSS watera the year roun . I will sell u; easy terms or rent foramoderatc rental to :1 good tenant. For further particulars apply In THOMAS KINSMAs. 334$ lamorgazw. RU. To the PublEcE 2 53:5 Gabinetmaker ’ Undertake? , It has become an estab- lished fact that S. BJI‘E- SON sells the best sing: e harness in this district. By using that far famed “ Union Oak Tan” Leather he defies competition. As he is the only one here handling- this wonderful harness leather yo 1}. will consult your own interests by plaéing your order with him. BATESON’S harnesw en-- popium, Millbpook. > Kee s on hand a Irv-go stock of COFFIHS. CA KETS and all kinds of Undermkuw‘ Goods. Bedroom. Parlor and all other Rims of Furniture. hand-made, at lowest pricds. 1735’ Do no WELL 2 Has your well got a good pump i not, why not? The Mill‘arook manufacturer, can supply you with any design of pump 3mm. want and at prices to suit the times. Amung those of his own manufacture or that ‘9' {my other make he holds the EUREKA pump to the front, as it- is the only pump on the market that can be regulated so as to throw eizh'er a. light or heavy stream. THOMAS GILLOTT: Next door to the Dominion Hotel, Millbrock- If you require a. pump givr him a call he will suit you. ‘ - He handles a pump spc-ciidly designed for gardeners and fruit gz'xm'crs. It is a spray pump without either plunge or valve, so that there is no danger of it getting out. of order in using poisonous 1i~' ' G. W. GREEN, Millbrook, - - Ontario marinas, “ Xs‘JFiGUNS, lARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Alex. Ferguson THE FINEST IN THE DOMINION. THE BAm wanna“ Is the lightest running. and is a general favor- xte. It 13 amodel of rtffisngth and durability. 1ts gears are soaked in Emi‘dng nil. expelling all moxsture and impartin; great toughness to the wood. The atent tI"‘..‘a' axle ands greatlyw $119 value of t e waggnn. I control the sale or 131115 waggonin the Townships or Gavan Manvers. All Kinds cf Repairing CARRIAGE PAINTING. WOOL ! WOOL 2 Brantford Carriage Co.’s and they are ofi‘ert-d at low prices t fail to call and see him, mam. Ammos has arranged to sci! the AND OARTS. Buggies, and Carts . GREEN and

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