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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 1 Aug 1957, p. 2

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EAGE TWO ‘ m MIRROR-REPORTER, ELI-BROOK, ONTARIO Thursday, August 1. 1957 " Thursday, August 1 (fem THE GANARASKA i . ' GASOLINE m CONSERVATION Ea leson Insurance A gene g LIFE INSURANCE Y AUTHORITY General Insurance, Fire, Public Liagility, HOW THE S’I’OMCU STARTED ‘ Once 1113011 ’3» 111119 a king, Canadians who want. to drive desirous of going on a hunt, consulted the court astrologer, as was custom, to learn what .the more powerful cars of the ‘future must be prepared to pay [more for higher octane gaso- lines the Imperial Oil Review Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness, Wind and Plate Glass. The Authority me v p.111. \Vednesday. .l 1957 in the Council Clegg McClellan . Town Hall, in... no... pected. The seer assured him kind of weather might be ex-i l lwarns in its August iss113. the (121113; gould 1:9 3.11191}, d The article. entitled “They’re Real Estate Members Present e mg an ' a ‘ . his 105;“:th fora, to {PM}? 1119 1:319:11: ii: (335:, 328 WATER STREET, PETERBOROUGH Messrs. 11. R. s. the hunt On the road they- me’ sees I e 1 e 1 00 Phone â€"Riverside 2-3897â€" 2-3898 . more 80011: Hilton I meta peasant ndmo an ass. and more and more power. Instead WANTING TO any. mans AND HOUSES 5- ROS-’5 and D6111"? the king hailed him cheerily: it. foresees a stepping up of the Kindly Contact Others Present "This 13 301113 10,7119 a fin." day. already tremendous research Dl’pal‘tmml’» 01' P13 my good fellow! programand heavy eapial’out- Murray Eaglcson, Ballleboro, Ont. Development; Me: , Th9 peasanlt doffed his cap lay needed to increase gasoline Phoneâ€" Millbrook 209-1‘ 13 crown: SllDQTVl-SC'I‘ 01‘ and bowed low. I humbly quality fast enough to keepWW-HWWMM ficers and R. S. beg your majesty’s pardon” replied the peasant “but on Field Engineer: Dept pace with auto engine require~WWfiWW and Forests, Dalton ments. _.,-- lany letup in the trend toward the 0011th, 1t W111 T3111 b91016 Since ]946, says the Review engines demand.’ CARIJ'Y, STANDISH, ‘; Zone Forester and Cs event1de”_ ‘ Imperial has spent $70 millions It adds that whereas in; was W CABLEY, I Forester E3516?“ 3“ And 10, it did ram! By noon on gasoline quality impove- possible a few years ago to 3m”, Solicitors Etc. araska Forest: Mm. the king and h1s henchmen were ment. The company expects install refinery equipment No 3 Bank 9f Commerhe Block the Port Hope fluid- drenched to the skm. Disgusu- to spend (31059th $50 millions which would increase both the PETERBOROUGH, ONT White for The P"? ed and angry, he returned to over the next six years for the vield and. the qualitv of oasg- Tele hone: 2.0424 A310 Examiner: Mr. J. I.. the court and fired the astrol- sole purpose of raising octane line, the most modern equip- p 8111120425 and the Secretary. oger. Then he sent ‘for the numbers. ment for increasing quality R" 0 Standish, B A . Mr. Ryan took the peasant. he had met. I 511311 The problem grows more actually reduces vield. and the T‘ E Clarke, B-A- called for the readf. make thflt fGUOW my weather complex (with each increase in greater the quality increase, 3 H' 031'10- 3.00111. minutes of the previ prophet. ~ he 19151991“, 1701' octane number, for it costs he lower the yield. 1" '7' 031193: (2.0. ing. These were $131111}? he. has something on The thiree to four times as much to - .-.. . adopted as read. He t _ . ‘ a (1 one octane: point at today’s “Adultery is as bad as mur- ' of MS ”51313111011 3. begienhiilde Kgiasifioaggggrig ‘Just a minute, lady,” sayslpast, for the public’s demand levelâ€"in the high 90’sâ€"as it dero. 'Isn’t that so, Sister! Irmagfiifigzs happy and interestii’; him' :‘Mv ,oood man: you ap- Malto-n alrport. attendant John £01 powerful cars is forcing did when gasoline was eat the" Sn11th?"shouted the evangelist IIMIT'ED “HOD-S “1130):“ as a - . by L3t - o lit H Magill, ‘ this 13 aviation gaso- lr’asoline makers to produce 814-o-ctane mark. . “I don’t know ” replied the Authority “11"“ 1 pear to ea rue pr 1) e _. OW lin here ” B t 1 R 1111-9 'her and higher quality gaso- Comprerssmn ratios are now Sister Smith, “I never killed A. E. RAPER, PRESIDENT ing. HP then inbred did you know it was gomg to -. 9 ,‘ ~ .11 001116 y .on- line- 'at enormous expense for rising by about. half a point a anybody. ”â€"CRHA Reporter. QUEEN ST w J. L. Svlvester,(1.L. rain! . . ” me McLennan is sure her 111 gh- new refining equipment. The year as auto Imanfufayeturrers re- J (At mm Annie) the Corporation of P By my Jackass,‘sn1e, the powered car needs the same Imperial Oil Review warns in spond to public .dem'nd for car had appointed to The - peasant answered. ‘Whe'n h1s gaSOIine as the planes at Mal. its August iss th h with faster oe‘tqaw‘av better During 1957 and 1958 Cana- TELEPHONE Mp no 39681 M P ' "s eti r ears stand up, I know the day ton. Tier rather exaggerated princes are a lik Inc at igher. pick-up powe'; steering “he dian industrys need for en- TORONTO 0M- on 1 r n a1 1' e will be fair, but when his ears demands are not so far from horsepower m: y result 0f the brakes ’ automatic t;én:missl: gineers 15' ‘3meth to increase ,.______' Officers droop, then I know we shall the truth as they were in the Im e . 10m and other 1 . , - at an average annual 1319 Of] . . Moved b-VMY' Clan. have rain”! , peria-l Oil PhOtO. " ' " uxu'rv equ1p- 11.4 per cent Renew your 81Inscription! by NIT Harris. that - _. ment that drains away ad'ded DATES OF FALL FAIRS GEMS FROM horsepower. At present octane ’ . levels, every hlfâ€"pint increases --â€"- . . LIFES SCRAPBOOK 1:11- compzression calls for a fur- humble beast .Of yours the royal The dates of fall fairs listed the, 11/; point increase in octane weather prophet by the Agricultural Societies MuSic number And he did soâ€"thereby sell of the Ontario Department of Mus“ IS diwn" Mind “01 TOdaY S cars. according TO 111% a Igecfldent that bhas bleen Agriculture in this disrict, are #1211119! mdkes music; ano if the R0189“ would kno<k :‘liko O owe ever since y Tu ers Peterboroumh ...... Aug ne uvine tone be lacking, the old jalopies” if they tried to be Chairman. Carrie Ml“. gem”. Tank The on behalf «1‘ 1.13111» members expressed r “Alas!” exclaimed :the king, “so that is how you know?! By my faith I shall appoint that The Churc SUNDAY, AUGUST and those in political authori ity 7- -10 humall tone has no melody for run on 1947 gasoline. At that ' -â€"namely appointing jackasses Belleville """"" Am“ 115] W‘- â€"Mary Baker Eddy time the national average in:: 130 . 09‘”le 1mp011ant pllbllCIOShaWa ........... Aug.15-l7 1' JCanada for premium or solinei Pentecostal Assezn off1ces.â€"CRHA Reporter. Ililacks’c-ock- ..... ’ ..... Aug. 24 115:?) (1:11:13 is whazt aualxelSlwas 84. 7 octaneâ€"four: pom s, Canada â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- "'inmounlt ........... Aug. 311 x . v on vou are rennin 11““ than the an erage today for . JOHN PAYNE Pm Hope ............ A no :11 “‘1 by the ”‘Strumem' . - ””1““ glad“ ,i 1'0" Pgicigdgk Pontypool â€" Ontario SCoe Hill ............ Aug. 31 a: :VValt Whitman BM in 1938 the average 10 00 a. m. â€"Su11r1-'.y . 11. 00 a. n1. â€"â€"W(rship 1onipiession ratio 1701' .a (:9 1' Licensed Auctloneer. Durhamlum,101 .1 mm“ “ m 6.1’ 1 ll 1 1 r 3 0 am lOTSG- ............ S t. 2 . County, is now available to con. 9 .1 Th‘ “'1‘ drama 01' The film Rev. I‘Valter Pattersonl Minister Em I‘ltil.‘ Grace Church. mun 9.45 a.111.â€"l)ivii'.e “'11 1 10.45 a.1n.â€"l‘h1.1ri-h >1 Centa'eville Churcl South Monaghal duct sales anywherein County. EA: 31110115: , P Kim: I: music does not 1118k0;11011'("n. 11’. int after 195:3l 1111131211 \er'dvv Your patro e respectfully f1)" Q -------------- Sept. 1 ‘1“ ‘1 ‘1‘ ‘1 33‘1” ”f ‘1 ”011(1; 1' 'the emphasis was on more 0“ 111g 1 1 Toni}; 1'1.‘ nag Mmden ............... Sept “411010" 111111 and everr 1 . .. , . .. . .» .. 501' 't d , - § 0116‘ pm1e1. Horsepower leaped. bourg A1121». 1. I: 1. 101 e (lz'ono ............... Se t. 7 ("I-‘0 “1 Th“ (101111-1111 les. - - ' ‘ T'“ 1 p h c L 1111: ahead 10 ‘1“ average 201 and If von nave 11w vicar -/â€"- l‘ ((E- .............. sept. 11 “11 all indi\i1dllal: l“ aver-air“ ('(V'I’nlpIMN‘loll ,1 ati(-)S +0‘ "K’e . killCiIK' in\':Tr A. '1, :IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Lgketlf‘ld ----------- 3901- 1-11 â€"C:eorge Jean Nathan-831m lâ€"and the oil industry.‘ Linn Peln‘o‘wlw’nl ('il‘vlf‘l : :1 ?‘.a1i111"'311‘llll - - - ~ - . 1‘. bf’pt.) 30 Tl 1 . " T \1 as (aught in the‘ ‘squeeze” . . Pastor 3 : Dead StOCk! : flu-say ......... Sept. 118-11.} “1"] 1s no truei trhut for higher qualitv gasoline ] ' ‘ ‘ I! . . E T‘inlnlfxllp. .1 ......... Sept, 21% 7, 1.1111111.) bv man than conical “It has been said that the: = CASH for dead 01‘91'1PP1- a if??? f. "I" ------ 59131- 3'? x 1mm" , . 3 . irise in compression ratios has‘ THE UNITED CHI] l ed Horses and Cows. : 1o 1(a.\,3_eon ......... Sept. -8 ' â€"Robert brmvmng' been in "response to public de- , ~ 7 - = T . f ldh II Madoc .............. I..Oct. '2 ’1 '1 1‘ imand and that the publh can.I Millhrook Pastora k I 0 r1 r or s. l '7. . , , r -. :1 ,. l p p ce 0 0 so = >01“ 00d .......... 09.1- ‘11:}; 3 nsix is the fourth great ma.- gtin buy 10“ -conlDI-(Asgion carsi Rev. Pram“ ("hfi‘mld = Telephone collect I f)rttawa .......... Aug. 23- 31,1511? 1‘ ant of our natue â€"f1rs if it wishes” the article savs f B.D.. Minister. = Keene 83W1,ifno answer : 12.01.1‘1011 """ A W??? 9 14 tottththen raiment then shel- ”To this, oil companv officials “0 Come. L='-t l s We = Peterborough Ri-2-4330. 5 :91] out“) ...... “Q‘s PI»): ') Lr en music add that 111059 W110 (10 plvfeTi St. Andrew’s = : kilns, 01%;}. . .F apt. 3-358 :11 a: a -â€"BOVee the high- -(ao-mpression cars 11111515; 11 15 -. 1'“ __} 1:11.11? \1 = Barrett Flll' Farm : it‘d“?! 11-1 91‘ (111‘ (/CtNrâ€"E) t3 ’Vl h b ibe prepared to pay more 10111111913111; ‘ .L'.-11'.'1'e:'.2‘7l . 5 fl 21;. A . NW 111 t 9 Gel SGIISP dOQS- the higher octane gasoline their \~ ,A. . ' K IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Rov al Vlmtei Fair. Nev 10-23 not require novely;n n,ay the' l â€" $113133 ‘ 4 _1 _.__.__. Poi't Perry ........... Sept. 2lolder it is, and the more we: ‘ "‘5 ”â€"â€" TJ‘“ 1"“.‘11‘111W‘ ‘, Markham ........... Oct 3-5la‘re accustomed to it, the! - 1”“ 1,1”)- “"11““ “1"" ‘ This man can give you Brighton ............ Aug. 28} greater its effect. ' ' - 1111‘ 1‘19'}11“"17‘“““ ‘l‘k'i' ’7‘“ dependable Ptidon ........... Sept. 16-18 â€"G0:e.the ’ a ‘ .' d I. f International P1011110 Match, â€"â€" 8 owel op ‘ Gavan 3:13.? Simcoe in Norfolk County Attend the Church of your 945 a.mâ€"Public Wors ., TH - Oct 151-0 18. lChoile on Sunday “LET FLOWERS SPEAK FOR YOU” and Sunda 311001 CHRISTIAN â€"â€"'-" _ " SCIENCE PRESBYTARS' MONITOR Centreville and ' 7 Rev. w. H. Heustin Minister. ‘ Housewives, businessmen, teachers, and students all over the world read and enjoy this international newspaper, pub. lished daily in Boston. World- fomOus for constructive news stories and penetrating editorials. ‘ ‘ Speciol~ features for the whole Q his. G. Muspratt. Org family. y _ 10.00 a. 1n. -â€"Chur(h Rev. H. ham l3 1"; 21 Queen Street ' The Christian Science Monitor , One Norway St, Boston l5, Moe's. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or >1 11.15 a.1n.â€"Di"\ne W l 1. men order 0 o ______‘____,,._ 1.. _ 1...-4 .; ,:°,,,;D ”mm Opposite the Capitol Theatre, Port Hope . Anglican Church of 0’ SUMMER MUSIC 3C radio‘s latest summer 11'o-l 11111 I singers Joan Fairfax andl room is a hreezv 111ml 1y 1111111 i idem 1rd Ioh menu do the lVl‘lt’Sl show called “Music for a S .111- i on this Trans- Canada network; .7‘ mer Sunda) ’. Samllerenhor- program. l l 911 (left) leads his Cl‘Cll‘dSlu‘a % ‘ ' l . . , a l 3 hs 4 ‘ mom 1 s :1 PARISH or (111171 Elbrai?15’ JFIQWQ‘: SbOp Rev. H. 0.3233111: B.Al , . d .- ' after T111 TURNER 52803 NIGHT, GQLPHONE mm 55796 _;DAY 1.110111 7th S“ f3 , _ _; St. Thomas Church. 111; 11.15 a.m.â€" Morning .. m /: international daily In: Name

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