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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 8 Aug 1957, p. 2

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goon mo 1 Doings of Interest Pickering have. had their share of hardships, but now things seem to be on the upward grade. About 8 months ago 6 year old Robert McKenzie was brought to the Ontario Junior Red Cross by his mother, for assistance in buying a pair of corrective boots. Robert had poliio a few years ago and still needs special shoes. It was learned then by the Director, Mrs. O. C. Herring-ton that 5 year old Patsy was in the Tor- onto Sick Children’s Hospital, awaiting an operation to close a hole in ‘her heart. But the doctors were able to do noth- ing. The only place where the operation might be performed would be the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The ex- pense would be prohibitive and the McKenzies were heart- broken. Through publicity in the local press, a. fund was started to which the Ontario Red Cross contributed $1,000 towards the operation. And now Patsy is home again. She arrived last. Thurs- .day at Malton airport, almost as good as new, and able to phy with other children again. And who was on hand to greet her? A good friend of the Me- Kenzie familyâ€"Mrs. O. C. Herringt-orn. ing for Free! J OHN PAYNE Pontypool â€" Ontario Your patronage respectfully solicited Dead Stock! CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Telephone collect Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborough Ri-2-4330. Barrett Fur Farm This man can give you ‘10:? dependable * delivery of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Housewives, businessmen. teachers, and students all over the world read and eniw this international newspaper, pubo llshed daily in Boston. World. famous for constructive news stories and penetrating editorials. Special features for the whole' family. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"---b..- The Christlort-SCIOM Monitor» ~ . Ono Norway St, Boston IS, Mosh. Send your newspopcr for tho tlmol checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. 1“ 1 year $16 [3 6 months $8 0. , 3 months $4 D . Nome The McKenzie family ofI Licensed Auctioneer. 'Durham County, is now available to con- duct sales anywhere in County. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! erg-y to the upper atmosphere} Illllllllllllllllllllli plotted by radio telescopes intolcasting in the stratosphere. Thursday August 8, 1957 '- *' . ' TEE MIRROR-REPORTER, ELI-BROOK, ONTARIO w--. . __ GEMS FROM WWWWAVW U.N. Films TV Program for Latin America LIFE’S SCRAPBOOK I ‘ ' g. . , ,. W ~ Eagleson nsurance Agency WW... G mm mgwgg L. .1, Confidence in another man’s enera surance, ire, u M 13$“ ty, virtue is no slight evidence of AutomObfle’vggftg’éifgdégsand Sickness, one ’s own .â€"M-o‘ntaigne . ’ " ' Clegg McClellan . ?' Trust men and they will be .. 'true to you; treat them greatly Real Em“ and they will show themselves 323 WATER SM fiT’ PETERBOBOUGH to be greatâ€"Emerson . _ Phone â€"- Blvgmlde 2-3897 â€" 2-3898 ‘F * ”" WANTING TO‘ BUYâ€" PARKS AND HOUSES No great deed is done by Kindly Contactâ€"â€" falterers who ask for certainty. ’ . . _Ge,0,g. Bum, Murray Eagleson, Ballleboro, Ont. . - r r 0 Phoneâ€"mock 2094-13 g Fields are won by those who WW believe in winningâ€"T. W.‘ __,_ , The United Nations IRamiro Division recently produced its first tele- Higgmson' . . . ~ Goal . . . . cum, STANDISB, vision program for tin American countries. The program is the . a ARES ARI BY first in a series entitled “United NatiousRound Table,” filmed on SOcicty is built upon trust.- 1 8.9”" my my “0 “wage B . t‘ .0. ’ kinesc0pe, and will be presented on television stations of Mexico, and trust upon confidence in ,W'Jth a pat» noon the. back- amm Matters, Etc. Cuba and Argentina. The participants in the first program were, one anolhdr’s intergritv.-â€"- I spent '10 thousand (1011315 “0- 8 Bank 9f Commerce Bloch; ' ” And govt â€"â€" a quarterback. PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO. from left to right: Miguel Albornou, Alternate Representative of Robert South Ecuador to U.N.; Benjamin Cohen, U.N. Assistant Secretary-General , *' g, ' ,. .. for Public Information; and G. Martinez Cabanas, of Mexico, Deputy B O s“ dish, ' """"""'" . . n ' B.A . Director-General of the U. . Technical Assistance Administration. Our surety is in our confi-~ _ ‘ ‘ dence that we are indeed dwel- it takes only four minutes T- 3- marker EA. 3. H. Carley. 3.00m. -Exposit0r- Telephones 2-0424 and '2-0425 " ‘â€""" A , - ‘ lers in Truth and Love, man’s to refuel a CNR diesel loco-I TEN BILLION HYDROGEN BOMBS PER SECOND NEEDED eternal mansion-Mary Baker motive. with 1% gall.” of r. «7- 081163.00. TO EQUAL ENERGY OUTPUI' OF THE SUN . Edda , : . 051, ’ . | . , ...._......__ ”“ ”" mm o DODDs -W MP“ In the history of mankind may have important effects on DATES OF FALL FAIRS FUNERAL SERVICES there has been no more momen- weather, magnetism, and life. ' _ tous quest than the search for These mysterious particles The dates of fan fairs listed error Reporter LIMITED the secret of the sun. For the may cause the ghostly, dancing, b th A -. w y . - - 5- 3- WEB, PRESIDENT . - . . . y -. 0 arm tural Socretles sun is the. source or all lifeâ€".Aul‘ora Borealrs‘ln the Northern . . ' QUEEN ST. W. ‘ oi the Ontario Department of . (At SI ban Avenue) without it, this planet would belsky, or the fleeting Aurora A , lt _ th' d' _ t - - . _ . ,7, °. erlcu . ure 1n _ ls lsrlc are . a cold, dry stone, floating 1n Australls of the. Antarctic. a 2 TELEPHONE EMpn'e 3-0681 eternal darkness. S‘pecil equipment will record Pet-erborouglh « ----- Aug. 7-10 TORONTO ON'T' For centuries scientists have the intensity, movement, and Belle'ville ......... Aug. 12-15 , .. tried to learn how the sun can duration of the Aurora to see if Oshawa ,,,,,,,,,,, Aug 15-17 _~â€"~~ keep burning and transmitting ift ocurs simultaneously at the , I q . . enormous amounts of energy. extremities of lines of magne- Blackstock """" Aug. ‘4 J- 3- Wet: Publisher. I Renew your subscription! hlnmouanit . .......... Aug. 31 Only a small portion comes toitic flow in the north and south , ‘ earth as light and heart; the re-‘la-titudes. Or perhaps the P011 Hope ----------- Aug. 31 mainder is lost forever in the Aurora will be linked withECoe Hill ............Aug. 31 y . SW. 2 DON 'IHAVE A SINGLE TRACK MIND frigid emptiness of space. Ten atomic storms on the sun or Mal'mora ............ advertised to appear at neigh- haVe to be exploded every sec- lo bourhood fair. Why pay toI0nd TO equal see these when you can. see dare- ‘dletvi'l drivers on King Street almost any early Sunday morn- “Auto Daredevil” drivers billion hydrogen bombs would violent disturbances in the as follows-3 ' nosphere. ~ ' Apsley .............. Sept. 7 ON A DOUBLE TRACK RAILROAD! the energy output The Ionosphere is another Minden ............... Sept. 7‘ ‘of the sun. Yet the sun shines portion of the atmosphere which 01.0110 Sept 7 w as brightly today as it did when lwill receive close attention. Tweed ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ° . . ' ' ' Sept ' 11‘ _ Earth was formed some 4% From 5-0 to 250 miles above the Lakefield """ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ 'Sept. 1-1 . thousand million years ago, and earth, this blanket of rarified, Warkwortli """"""" Sept. 90 gives no indication of burning ionized gases shifts and un‘lljndsav ‘ ' """ Sept 1-8â€"31 out. dulates, changing the strength swing. .......... Sept. i1,“ .......... The sun is believed to be of magnetic fields in he‘dw‘ns‘(ffimpbjnllford .......... Sept. 2583‘" lDurcly gaseous, a giant. atomic and earth. Once again- the sun Bobcayoeon - ...... Sept. 28 'furnace, with temperatures intmay be behind this heavenly Madoc h ' ' 003, 9 the millions of degreesâ€"too phenomena, for scientists bo‘iAV-orwood. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ Oct 111;, E hot for fire to exist .as it is liove the lonosphere 'may be h“, """"" Aw. 9.331) known on Earth. Icaused b solar ultra v" lczt' d\\d """"" 1"" w l , y _ 19 London ........... Sept. 9-14 Great storms, called sun light. Such knowlege wrll lm- ’J‘oronto ..... Aucr 23-Sept. 7 . spots, rage across its. face, im-‘prove communications, for Kinoston ....... ilSept. 24-28 ex. parting intense electrical «en-’l'adio signals are bounced back Ottawa Winter Fair Oct. 28 4,01%... . . . to earth by .L-the Ionosphere. Nov. Zia”: Ell-ares of brilliant ultra VlOlG‘t} “Another strange feature of Royal Winter Fair.N0v. 1523' light and fountains of fliameitnc upper atlllos‘phere ls tilleipofi Perry Sept 2 spurt 100,000 miles into space. ljet streamâ€"a current of air Markham' """"""" ( )0, '35 This solar activity affects and; moving several hundred :milo Bright on """"""" Au; 9.8i sometimes disrupts radio, [tele-lall hi‘ur, which may be, callsedfpigon . ........ Sept “1-6-18! ,,,,,,, vision and wire communica-iby unequal atmospheric heatllntermationald’lowing Match 2 ' , 7 tions. The 18fnlonth periodfin-g. High flying aircraft 'am.Sinlcoe in Norfolk County . chosen for this geophysrcalibeaten back by this tide, or Oct 15 to 18 exercise is one of maximum sun'ride along with it at amazingl ° ' spot, which occur every elevenlspeelds. A better understand- ing of the jet stream will assist It takes from 50 to 100 years years. , The» sun also emits strange global air travel by permitting to produce a tree large enough. energy Signals which can belmore accurate weather fore- for timber. I pictures of- the sun more accur-g Balloons have been used for ate than obtained by visuallyears to study the atmosphere. means. 'Equipped with tiny radio trans. Some Scientists believe the mitters, they send back to earth sun’s activity actually is in-ld-ata on temperature, humidity, creasmg 1n mtensrty so that, solar radiation and atmoshieric millions Of years in the future, pressure. Since 99% of the lts heat may become so intense atmosphere is below 20 miles’ the; the 131$?“ will melt andgigtliltulde’ the height ”0(1). Wfighl va orlze. en, in one, re- oons can rise is lml'ci . .memdous burst of atomic explO-lCanada, along with all par- 'sions, the sun will burn itseltlticipatin-g countries, will in- out and become a cooling, con-itensify meteorological observa- ‘densmg mass of ashes floating tions during IGY. in endless space. â€"Horizons, A. V. Roe Canada‘ While the sun is the source Limited, publishers. of life, no life was possible until t'h ' = or . , - ' e Earth cooled, r,asels con INEW RESTAURANT , den-sod, oceans were form-ed and the atmosphere matcrial- OPEN FOR BUSINESS Weddings, the sick room, funerals. _'â€"â€"â€"n ized to provide a protective . shield from the deadly ingrediâ€" “Vi’s Lunéh” opened to‘thc . cuts of sunlight. "During the . public. on Wednesday, August; _ ., -_. -. ~ ».: ., .. lnternaztional Geophyjsial Year, 7th. this amazing .oceaan Of. .gases, ' This tidy little lunch‘ restaur- ‘ ' ‘ , under which life has evolved ant is located just west of the 21 ueen Street for half a million years, will be, Toronto-Dominion Bank 0”: studied as never before. 'King Street. and: is up-to-date ' ' ° Gigantic streams of PlPtlI‘l-‘lll all departments. The usual! OPPOSIte the capltOI Theatre, Port Hope cally charged particles with‘line of ice cream. soft drinks, . . l . . tremendous energy, flash llrgelzocolate bars. cigarettes, etc,; 1 ‘ ‘9 ' ‘ from outer Space. bombarding““511139-1591111dein abtllldanm. l l a‘nb OW 61 Op ' ’ | ' c‘ Earth’s atmosphere with dead-i, The public are cordially 321â€". I to “S“ “Vi’s Luncb- ”I TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COLPI-IONE TURNER 55796 DAv;LEc'r. 1y charges. These cosmic raysvitcd the are believed to come from the} Rememberâ€"We serve l - sun: and ‘S'Ciep‘ti’s‘i‘s Think theyabe‘m “can“ We buy the b‘eSt- - N (Reprint from Canadi- Thursday August 8. 195 Keeping I'Irar tional Magazine. 3 Every railroad maint- own highwayâ€"a doubt of steel which. on The Ca National System. total than 24,000 miles of mail and more than 9.000 1: secbnidary track in yar. ings, etc. A track, once laid. it pear to be a permaneni lation; but it isn't . Lilo. es, sleeping cars, lOi'l’ and freight cars. it. . maintenance. Bet-Wee; and 1954, an average miles of new rail was la year. Ball is made of high steel and manufactured foot lengths to numerous standards. The heavi used in Canada is 12-12 per yard. In 1954 the Canadian a1 Ina-dc a test inxtal‘r “ribbon rail" (-11 ten . {rank near Brllcville, l This new departure laying practice comics wielding together stanr‘ lenmhs into continmoil 1170 feet long, elimflz joints with obvious sa maintenance and 1 costs. Two factors enier ' (‘lb’dr'P ("vf' weight of 2‘ volume of traffh: and t' of trains. light trafz; ' . -l‘ 7. ~,77.7~~»: . Illlg 3: fits. Slr'N‘LA \\..;l \ rail as quickly a~ heavi- . nlOVlllig lllvl‘t“ S.‘_-'»‘.'::U. 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Sunda}' S 11.00 a.m.â€"W0rsrlip Evening $€l'\":=r" ' v-v owing to Ynlitl. «2..., i-l bourg August -; .. at: . If you have :sz «:h‘ir- we kindly finite 31:- Line Pentevofial ”if; ' Faster, l: Millbrcok Pastoral 6 Rev. Francis Chishclni B.D.. Miristerl “O Come, Let Us W0 St. Andrew’s 11.17) a.m.â€"â€"Fa:z:ily l Junior L":l;.;i'~'gatil XUI‘MIT‘V. ‘ ‘ The 'l‘l‘ai;~:?’igurat in Lord ‘ 7 o Gavan i 9.45 a.mâ€"Public We: and Sunda School. â€",......â€"â€"~â€"’â€"â€"“ PRESBYTERIA 0mm mil Hi] Rev. W. H. Henstin Minister. Rev. Walter Pattersoi Minister Bmeritt Grace Chuck. Mill 9.45 a.m.â€"-Divine W 10.45 a.m.â€"l'f'hurch‘ Centreville ChmJ South Monagh Lbs. G. Muspratt, 0‘ 10.00 a.m.â€"â€"Church‘ 11.15 a.m..â€"â€"Divine ‘ Mr. S. Lotfi. Final \ logical student. Knox will conduct the. xervi‘ _ p...â€" Anglican Church of‘ PARISH OF CA' Rev. E. C. Quinn, B. Rector. 8th Sunday after '1 St. John's, Id 9.45 8.311 .â€"â€":\lfil‘li‘lng St. Thomas’ Church 1 11.15 a.m.â€" Morning

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