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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 8 Aug 1957, p. 4

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I. i‘w ‘ PAGE FO’C'R It Takes More Than Good Intention .. . . TO BE A GOOD EXECUTOR’ IT TAKES “KNOW HOW” â€" TRAINING: EXPERIENCE AND SKILL. ' WEDDING Moffatâ€"Bristow afternoon when the Rev. R. ‘ Bristow, daughter of Mr. and A trust company does not die-or HOMBRE-BBS TO STRATFORD EN MASSB 'â€" andâ€"Compensation to a. Trust? Mofilat, son of Mrs. Moffat and Company for handlingauestate Elie lat‘ll Dennis Moffat ‘ or . basis aservli e. B allowed 0.“.the same. as The bride chose a waltz to an. Individual pnvato- ox- , length gown of white satin, cantor. with fitted bodice and overskirt of nylon net. A headdress trimmed wth sequins held her VHGTQ’RlA AND GREY fingertip veil of embroidered TRUST COMPANY tulle illuson, and she carred a cascade of red roses. 437 GEORGE STREET PETERBOBDUGH Her bridesmaid was Miss Leona Moffat sister of the 'groom, who wore a waltz length :and the Billy Holiday-Ron Col. dress of yellow taffeta and net 'Iier Jazz 0011,1911 with matching accessories and The excursion is being spon- a nosesay 0f yellow and _Whlte - sored by the Artistic Societf of; 111111115. Montreal, Augustâ€"It mu be‘ the 1 niversity of Montreall The groom was attended bv Montreal‘fls Weekend at 0311*" Student Council. But it’s avail-l Mr Bruce Feel of Peterbor- d3 5 Stratford Shakespearean able to the general public as ough. . . Festival August 10th and 11th VV ell as the student body. l bollowmg the wedding a 1'9 Two hundred people will The trip will mark the big- ceptaon for about forty guest s k h 450 miles t'l'l in gest single excursion to datel was held at the home 0f Ml‘ “la et e . l p spe from Montreal in support of 'and Mrs Ernest Lamb. clal Canadian Nat1onalRa11- the fiiVe year old festival andJ Receiving the guests the ways coaches to attend perform- 11;, student spongopg plan tol bride s mother Mrs. Bristow, ances of Hamlet Twelfth Nightmake it an. annual affair. l‘f'as wearing a "OW'H 0f white â€"»â€"-.-â€". an“- lacceesories and a corsage of WWWWHWWW ‘lwhite camatwons The groom ’s Week End Specials [moth-er, Mrs. Moffat. also re- isausage or Wieners .. . .35c lb! 1 ce1v1ng. was wearing blue glazed cotton dress with white WEEK Smoked Plcmc .Hams.. . . .436 lb accessories and corsgae of white carnations. WEEK _ . Later the couple-left on their END Boneless Picm’c Hams. . .458 11’ END wedding trip, motoring through SPECIALS Bacon 653 lb SPECIALS the. United States. the bride """""""""" I travelling in a pink taffeta Bologna ............... 3001b, dress with mat<h1nrr hat and _ ; accessories ‘ ‘ . I They willmake their home (u mmer’s Store, (avan Eat 748 Water Street in Peter- rnonn 225-142 MILLBnoox 1 borough --Examii-nier- WWWWWWVWWWWWWW IF EVERYONE .â€"â€".â€"‘â€" -,uâ€"â€".-â€" _â€"_.._â€"_â€"â€"___fi_â€"â€" ,â€" "â€"31:13"...nanun-nnun-nnnnu-m.I Leq u i re Plumbing Heating Furnace 8nd Oil-Burners By Seymour Taylor If €VP!I_\OD€ who drives a car (‘onld lie 21 month in bed, VV ith broken bones and stitch- ed-up wounds. Ur fractures of the head; And there endure the agonies 'l hat many people do, They‘d never need preach safety Any more to me or vou. Eavestroughing and Pump Repairs Trenching and Digging The bed of Some close friend \\d hear .the Doctor say “No HAVE YOUR Gas and Fuel Oil Delivered by Lemaitre Fuels Phone Bailieboro 30 Phone Millbrook 87-j = IIIBIIljâ€"SIIIIIIIREDI:lIEEEREEIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -~_â€"_ â€" uâ€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" Hope” Before that fatal end. And see him there unconscious Never knowing what took place, The laws of rules and traffic I am sure we’d soon embrace. If every one could meet The wife and children left he- hind ' a GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII’II_ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Destroy These Weeds! And step into the darkened Sow Thistle Hawkweed Common Milkweed Bindweed Wild Lettuce Bladder Campion , hom‘“ Canada Thistle Docks Tumbling Weed X 11 me once the sunlight shined, Wild can-0t Wild Mustard Comm Burdock 11d look upon the V acant Dodder Stinkweed Pepper Grass W} Chest,1 .. , . Chicory White Cockle Common Ragweed I pier“, f‘Nl-‘f usfd (to 91h .- Ox-EYe Daisy POison Ivy Russian Thistle “3.111131%: 9‘ .o’dth ”out?“ d-“Vm' Blue Weed Spurges Cinquefoids, Etc. 011 e ION ed to flunk a bit. If eV cryone VV he takes the wheel NOTICE TO TOWNSHIPS OF VV ould say a little oravei CAVAN MANVERS AND ...... \nd 1.1in in mind those in the l ’ (“(H' D (l g l". ‘ , SOUTH MONAGHAN Aaron... THE WEED comm. scar SAYS: . himself Clause 5: hover to take a chance. Every occupant of land, or if the land is unoccupied, the T1,“ mat Crusade for Saff‘t." owner 511311 destroy all weeds designed noxiOus by the regula- Vi ould suddenlv advance. tiqns as often 1n every year as 3 sufficient to prevent the ripe- ‘NebraSka Issue. ning of their seeds: '- Clame 23: The revival of railway build. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this mg has been 0119 Of the ‘Slgm' Act or refuses to obey my lawful order of an Inspector, given ficent features of Canada s under authority of this Act, shall incur a penalty of not 183. post-war progress. Since 1946, than $10119, nor more than $50. 00 for every such offence. :mtoml . 0f 580 "“195 0f 119W ‘ Weeds have no lpaoe in a progrefie community Hell lines have been con- n. YOUR SHARE to prevent their w :fffififigngfi. 0mm" Na‘ tell: 11. Bentley, Clerk of Gavan Township ‘ mum Clark of m m 1.1mm mot 801$]: MW .. Attend the Church-of your choice on Sunday. THE MIRROR-REPORTER, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO A quiet wedding took place crowds highlighted the bewc- 11 ‘1‘ 1c parsonage of the United 193’ Regatta last Wednesday Church, Bethany, on Saturday afihernoon July 315* 1 as top R. Bonsteel officiated for the double ring ceremony, uniting iin marriage Miss Gayle Marth al Mrs. Hilliard Bristow of Beth- move away. or so on holidays; any, and Mr. Allan Dentzel floral taffeta with matching family ViSit‘ed With their par- Th9 populatlon 0f “19 91W Pm- lf everyone could stand beside ‘ , Thursday August 8. 1957 l BEWDLEY REGATTA manna-.99.- .mm- .aaamavammm l DRAWS. LARGE NUMBER i lbom r: i Speed, spray and cheeiing 3 Etiquette is the art of knowing which end of a match should be used as a. tooth-pick. H. MLLETTE GENERAL INSURANCE MIDI-BROOK outboard racers swimmers and; canoe experts competed in the many events featured in the Community Board of Trade proa iram Boys and girls, {women and men, experts and amateurs took part in a varied well organized . regatta, sponsored by the‘muni- CANADA’S GROWING cipal merchaniiso providing a CITIES ,VVam edâ€"Man fErKQEâ€"tl‘m C‘ay ofimuch entertainment for NIetrcpcnliLan Toronto isupaps' among consumers in TO'Wn [the thousands of local and idly overtaking Montreal aSi ships Cavan Cartwriohf and visiting spectators. Canada’ s largest city. Census} Manvers. l’ermanenct con- Open‘ing feature in the iregat- fioruros for 1956 release (1 by the. nection with large manu- ta was a Parade through the Dominion Bureau of Statistitsl factnlr-er. Onlyh reliable main streetc composed of old- show that 'lloronto enioyed al 111151.191. considered Write “1119 CHPS bicycles and bands population increase. of almost; Rawleigh’s Dept. H-283-13] and novelty surprises. ,th’nU- «one P9119nt in ”19 19*] 4005 Richelieu St.. Montreal: A parade of boats, (anoes, five y.ears Montreals gromthl Quebec. 1t cruisers and sail crafts decort- 131 the same peiiod VVas onlyl__ ed with colorful flags introduc- fourteen perm nt. ed the day’s races, which began The population of Toronto in VV 1th the men’s double canoelmidl-1956 stood at 1347 ,905, al race. This event was easilyloain of 2: ,0 43.1 sin(e 195] “11ml won by Perry and. Austin: Tay- the last. decennial census was Mr, with Doug Farr and Dan taken. Metropolitan Mont- SALESMEN WANTED ~- â€"-â€"â€"‘ â€"’~â€"_ N OTICE ~__... For oil tank trucks or used con- struction machinery, contact liffen Truck Equipment Limited 5461 Yonge Street, Mmecliemh coming semnd real’s total was 1,595 ,327, an Willowdale, Ont. 6t T'h‘e day’s regatta was ended increase of 199, 925 in five -- ~ -â€"â€"â€".â€" with a big dance held in the years. WANTED Hamilton ’s metropolitan area - population increased by 25 per. cent since 1951 Ottawa’s by . . . nineteen percent’an‘d Wimds-or’s With all conveniences. Would by seventeen percewnt exchange house near Lindsay. A 1 Box 25 in f The A11 inteirestiio' fact about. pp y care 0 Mr. and MoI‘S Dyas and 'l‘ioronto’ s rapidggrowth is that Reporter Office. 2: eV 011mg in the Bewdley Ho e1. L Wantedâ€"To Buy or Rent, a. house with 3 or 4 bedrooms, NEWS ITEMS FROM BAILIEBORO VILLAGE e‘lfls Mr and MP5 Norman per actually declined by 13 ,6585 FOUND Thompson last W991! during the last fiVe years. I Mrs. Walter “"195 is Wllh Monitrcal’s ,on the other hand. 'A red W001 sweatâ€"ter coat fit 9‘ her mother. Mrs. Mc(‘lung, iumped bv 72928 Torontos Child 5 t0 7 years 01d was who is not Very well at the population stood at 662 096 brought to Reporter Office P9989!“- time. compared with 675, 754 1n 1951. fI‘OmB the playground. Owner MI‘S- J- 119(1‘1i1‘9'3 SiStell‘ Montreal recorded 1,,094448 may get same at this Office. and familV from the West are people as against 1 021520 five. __ . Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. yecrs ago â€"â€"â€"VVa1r Orv FOR SALE Lequire at present. ______________ ___..___________ Miss Betty Song of Peterbor- “W9 For Saleâ€" Two good used ‘ Rangettes $15. 00 each. Ray oug'h has returned from a visit - NOTICE Bothwell, Fraserville. 3t to Miami, Florida. Re Holidays M‘I'S. M. E. Hutchinson is away on vacation to visit her The Office of‘Dr. Ii. J. Stuflwillhom from brother and attend the Walter Mom, August 5th. For Saleâ€"Frame House, with about 14 acre of land. Situ- ated in west. end of Mill. brro'ok. Must be sold to set- tle an estate. For further pantiulars apply A. Roy Willmott, Q. C. law office, Millbrook. 3t .â€" r-eunion in Owen Sound. Mrs. Alf. Jackson meet with a painful accident, being kicked by a. cow while milking. Miss Alice Carver 0C! Peter-' borough is visiting this week ~.,t the home. of Mr. M. E. Hutchinson. Sunday,mAug.18tlI. . Both Days Inclusive. ' Wea- ”a; ,_... Renew Your Subscription. ~â€" aarâ€" WILLMOTT IRV. IKE Barristers, Solicitors, Nata '93 Telephone 9, Millbrook A Roy Willmott, Q.C. James A. Irvine, ILA. SOON TO GRADUATE AS CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS unless the temperature is at. least. (1'2 degrees Fahrenheit. lrasshoppors cannot jump! l l l Renew your subscription. 3â€".â€" Left to right, Frances Begg, Port Hope; Reta Kennedy, Millbrook; Pat Kelly, Lindsay; Sharon Greenfield, Peterborough; who will graduate soon from the Certified Nursing Assistants’ Centre at Toronto. They will receive a certificate from the Ontario Department of Health and will be registered ' ' ' ’ as Certified Nursing Assistants. This is the only MAI l. TH l5 COU PO N TODA Y' auxiliary nursing course officially recognized by , hospltals and health authorities in Ontano. l wig: tfilfimm 53%”! l l 57 W W) - l Toronto, om. l lNlOll NOW for next 10-month course to start September 4th. Requiremenwâ€"Ages 17 to 46. l , - l . Grade VIII Education. Trainees receive $60 per I None. I ! month. Send coupon for full information. I I . - ' I m...... ........... I onumo oaeAamem or HEAlTfl l l a... W also». cu. up. was 1.22.12; .... _....____._...__1 \g . a ceh~.'-~~ . . «1.... ~.~£Z. “Es-4:... Ar... J. H. Barnug’ er, Pu 97th. Year. No. 35. Week > Smoked Pi . Smoked Ba Bologna (UMMER’ IN MEMORIAL! Rossâ€"In loving me 1. our darling daughter Elizabeth. who p -. August 29th, 1956. Lord Jesus picks his flo He picks t'hem fair and ’That’s why He pick Cheryl. In- the early morning 1i Friends might think the forgotten. When at times they see But they little know the . 'That this smile ‘hides while. â€"Sadly missed but alV membered by Mommy. and brother Randall. YOU MAY 33 Carelessness on your - er: may make you le floor, or to keep a w tractor on the More and more fat-me lies through a CIA F policy includes publi» Protection for the inv polled and tractor-d . For helpful informati representative: mas SADIE 00-OPERATO 7 ~ ,â€" VI PORT Fflday Au . 9.1 Fri AUTO I Be SI The International Auq Great Daredevil Show the Port Hope Fair, A the contest is the big I: testants take junk cars leap through space and then crash land into all show, are expected to that will compete arei Maniacs, Billy Green’s 1956 World Champion: SATURDAY Midway e D I mun mam «alumnus-nun!

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