â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"-â€"â€"_ sandman-am d of a match W TU-W'n- ‘. Cartwright and ii’ermanent eon- li?)l:‘i‘\ Ill large manu- Uni reliable- Lsi‘lt‘l‘ ‘ VVritr~ IIF‘D‘ “-2.5 ;-1:.z {mks or used con- vhinery, contact :ek Equipment 31 Yonge Street, Ont. 6t .uy or Rent, a. or 4 bedrooms, enienees. would so near Lindsay. in care of The ice. 2!; l. I ater coat, fit a rare old. Was l’ eporter Office ground. Owner - at this Office. SALE vo good used .00 each. Ray :serville. 3: 9 House, with ' of land. Situ- t end of Mill. ., be sold to set- For further only A- Roy (3., law office. 3t .g. Subscription. '0, MA. .â€"-...â€"â€".._.â€"_ STANTS TODAY! 3"; . .E I l --flmnw-â€"â€"o~â€"â€"*â€"â€".A._ ....... .. ... ,.. .. . ., W . WWW~w~WWWquWiEmW ~N.v.mw.a . . lerfl’dacï¬ â€˜2-" 7"?"W "."= «1'1"me . .. ‘ A a.“ A. . ~. . MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1957 30an .. PERSONAL Millbrookl’uincS.’ NOTICE ro‘ PARENTS or Weekend Specials Smoked Picnic Ham - 39c lb Smoked Bacon - - 65c|b Bologna - - 30c lb CUMMER’S STORE, (AVAN Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Camp- bell will be at home to their GRADE II. PUPILS friends on Wednesday, Septem- ber 4th, 1957 f o 3.00t 5.00 The pupils of Grade II. will p.m., and firoi'nn’iï¬o “$9.30 be divided alphabetically to p.m., on the occasion of their attend school for the term be- fiftieth wedding anniversary. ginning September 3rd. 0 Th f ll ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Dawson were to e 0 omnng P119115 W111 go . . . t 7 a ‘ ll]. the. Village on Saturday, L633: 110.4111e llet e S reom 1n the conning down to pick up their daughter Dorothy, who just r’eâ€" turned home from Quin-mo~lac Brooks Howard camp, near Madoc, who went Blair, john ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns; Coulter, Marion Agnew, Allan Bremmer, Peggy Lee 1N MEMORIAL! {wangggm coUNGILs Rossâ€"In loving memory of' NEE AH! . ‘ our darling daughter Cheryl! \l'lranvers Townshipéguesday, Elizabeth, who passed aWay Sngnri‘chr 3rd, at . p.m. August 29th, 1956. .‘. . . . Lord Jesus picks his flowers, (Javan TOWDShlp,. were recent guests of their son Challice, Conrad and daughter-in-law. Mr. and 011311109, Larry Mrs. George Burns at the lat Farrow. Edward Wednes- ter’s cottage on Round Lake, Fallis, Nancy He picks t'hem; fair and bright day, September 4th’ at 7'30 Havelock. FGOttit’ Gloria D 1 ‘ , . S th M namhan Townshi , Mr. and Mrs. Ron Buck, Faucett, Deborah ThatCSh Wily He PICked our Tueglday Segteiirber 3rd at p8 Barbara and Bunny, also MISS Gibson, Janice ery . ’ I 1 - 1- ht p m Hess and Mr. Lloyd Olver, of Godfrey, Kirk n the ear y morn-mg 1g , - - . . . , . M'llb k V'llao‘e, Tuesdzav, Hastings, were Sundav visitors Guthrie, Arnold Friends mtlfht thm‘k that .we Ve Septzmï¬g: 3rd: at°8 p.m. " with Mr. and Mrs. Olver Hard, Kathryn orgo en. - . Brock. Hopkins, Douglas When at times they see us smile! h '1. ttl k th ow to her new home with them. . . . while ItaIkS'†left this week for their new}to Mrs. Stuart’s room in the - main bu'ld' :â€" ._sa,d1y missed but. always re- Auctionerï¬â€˜Talks? He’s bee-n home at Bewdlev. Mr. an? Kelleti. £15.“, mmbe-r‘e‘d by Mommy, Daddy bidding. against )VOu the past Mrs. Beatty recentlv SlOld 'thelr ’ ‘ - Larmer Marie -, , a .â€â€"H dro News. house on the corner of King K , , . and brother Randall. b If hour y and Bank Streets to Mr. and Martin, Edlwlard 'â€" Mrs. Westlake. who have been Medd, Steven WWW; living in the Hunter house on Nelson, Temple Man (buying parrot. at auc- “I suppose the bird .â€".â€"__ ‘â€" YOU MAY BE LIABLE ._ . .. A1,... Street. oran, Bryon Carelessness on your part, resulting in inJury or loss to oth- Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Raper Rowland, Rosalyn or: may make you legally liable. Failure to repair a barn g and family left on Tuesday for Sanders, Sylvna - floor, or to keep a well covered, or the stalling of your Cargill to visit with Mr. and Skipp, Margaret tractor on the highway may bring a heavy damage. claim. More and more farmers are protecting themselves and fami- lies through a. CIA Farm Family Liability policy. CIA’s policy includes public and family medical payments, also protection for the. investment in your tractor and self- pro- . polled and tractor-drawn farm implements. For helpful information on the policy, see your CIA Scott, Claudia Thomas, Leon Todd, Bonnie Trick, Donna Marie Tinney, Margaret White, Charles. Mrs. 'lerald Raper. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kinsman and daughter Diane of Fraser- ville. have returned home after a week’s vacation in Washing- ton, D.C., Philadelphia and . New York City. representative: MRS SADIE McBAIN, RR 1, IDA, Agent MF- and MI'S- George .S~l}€d‘ summer holidays will be placed a Phone 31 53079 gewxck and famly of Saskatoon; en- the first day'of‘s‘cliiool. coorEEArons INSURANCE AssoorArmN Sask., are visiting with MPS- ‘ Shod‘gewick’s mother. Mrs. R. W _ H. Edmu-nds. flIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:IIIIIIII Mr. Joseph Burns SpentiVOIce 0f MIIIDI‘OO l Thursday visiting his grandson VISIT THE and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Burns at their Lodge, Friday and Saturday “-Tall Cedars†Pigeon Lake. Friday night AUTO DAREDEVILS! Mrs. Artur Duckworth and recreation? Be Sure and See Mrs. Ii. Stuart'of Peterbor-i What are our boys and girls The International Auto Daredevil Contest in which three Great Daredevil Shows will compete in 33 big events at the Port Hope Fair, August 30. The feature thriller of the contest is the big LEAP OF DEATH when the con- testants take junk cars and drive them up a huge ramp, leap through space and a distance of 100 ft. to 150 feet :hen crash land into old junk carsâ€"3 men, one from each show, are expected to enter these eventsâ€" The shows that will compete areâ€"Dick Roger’s All American Motor Maniacs, Billy Green’s Canadian Aces, and Ward Beam’s 1956 World Champion Auto Daredevils. An Open Letter To The People of Millbrook. ’Join up in: gangs as our sons are doing, going around threat- eninrg decent law abiding citi-‘ zens? Threatening to blow up their property. throwing gar- and Mrs. Olver Brock. COLOURED MAN 5 COMES TO RESCUE I | I have on their porches. calling . - . . 4 a . ‘g l VVhlle motoring from M111-i them dlrtv names"? brook â€[0 Toronto last week, a,. This is only one of their kind [Ear stalled on the highway Out'of recreation, hanging around 5 rom AJax. The druer was at street corners and. the Lord I . L . . , r . "f passers-by for only knows ovhat goes on. the mercy : hi2? 1:1. hiq predietment. Ir‘: What are our daughters to do ltrme ,3 coloured man .came a'.f0r entertainment? They have l 10“}: â€1 a truek- and kindly 0f‘ to go out oil town for any decent to" 'd to tow the car into Ajax. kind of fun. This of‘fer, needless to say was \Vhat is Mill'brook going to accepted. After b91113 to“waldo when all these new families topa garage for repalrs, the be‘lcome in? Wait until after friended man offered the COLChristmas for the arena to Open, oured gentleman a reward fork a place that could be used the his good deed. but this was re-, ve’ar round. such as roller skat- fused With The remark“Imight‘;'ing, etc. But no. it is only be glad to â€a"? someone hielpiu-sed for 2 or 3 months of the me sometime. †, vear. T00 bad “'9 didn’thav-e a . Do we. have to wait untill few more men “Of this type, “new blood comes in to suggest bot-h white, coloured and yel- some form of get-together†to low, if we did we wouldn’t be start something to hold our wasting our time and wasting youngsters together and in our our money on War equlpment town. to blow each other to bits. Surely something could get started before it is known that Engagement .there certainlv is “Nothing in Mr. and Mrs. Allan T. Hen-tMillbrookâ€"it sure is dead dren of Peter-borough announce around here etc.†the engagement of their second (live our youngsters a break, leldest daughter Carolyn Jane we have to try and live up to to Charles Russell HenrySmith this generation whether we like I ’l . son of Mr. Wâ€. ... . SATURDAY: GeneralExhibition Midway and Horse Races DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT AT EXHIBITS BUILDING and Mrs. James-1t or not. or what is going to Russell Smith of Millbrook. happen to them? The wedding to take place on I would like other peoples Saturday, September let at opinion of the. situation. 3.00 p.m. in St. John’s Angli- Yours truly, can Church, Petenborough. Mrs. Reg. Gibbs. I .; l E I E I E E I I I I I I E I I I I I TEE MIRROR-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class mail ll THIS SATURDAY ONLY -- Port Hope Fair P. E. Hamilton, Principal. driving teams from the United States and? Canada, according to Fred Ramsey, president of the Port Hope Agricultural Society. In addition, :the Fair will can have one of the largest midwayk {shows in its- lZT-year historyi MARGARET BATTERSBY What has this village to ofâ€" and an imposing list of entries fer our young people :by way of . from this area for fair competi- THE TALL MEN" Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ont. $1.50 a year in advance; to U.S.A., $2.81 ENJOY THE DRIVE-IN WHILE YOU CAN! THEATRE “our" O or mouwnv 2 FORT HOPE ' C’OBOURG .â€"â€"â€"-â€"-_-â€" -â€"_â€"-_‘â€"_ Tins THURSDAY AND FRIDAY; OPEN AT 3.00 P.M. The Human-Interest Story of Rocky Grazianm ' ' Somebody Up There Likes Me" . With Paul Newman and Pier Angeli ' ,, With TYRONE POWER and SUSAN HAYWARD "RAWHIDE" In Technicolor laughable Nitwits With Spencer Tracy and Jean Peters In a New Comedy “SMART ALECIB†AFTER SUNDAY MIDNIGHT “The Ape-Man†and “The Monster Maker" NEXT MONDAY TO. WEDNESDAY; BIG SPECIAL Pioneer Adventure at It’s Best, in Technicolor With CLARK CABLE and JANE RUSSELL pipâ€" Ithe Fair building. Port Hope, one of Canada’s *â€" oldest Fall Fair, opening at, Other pupils who have come PLO“: Hope F a1rgrounds, Friday] ' to the community during the nrght, August 30’ W111 feature ' taltrill1palcked among three- daredevil auto College, Ltd. 72nd. rm TERM Saptember 3rd- competition MISS Pnn' cipal and President Office Ri 5-4861 Home Ri 2-5313 The annual event will ,. DANCING EVERY FRIDAY! FROM 9.00 P.M. TO ‘2 Round and Square, Millbrook Town Hall a“- . -. WITH TV STAR Jack Bailey and The Rockets EVERYONE WELCOME 6 yrs.T0 60 yrs. Admission 15c. Each : Tenders Called Old Clarke Residence on Reformatory Property Sealed tenders to be in by 1st September 1967 - addressed to the SUPERINTENDENT, ONTARIO REPORMATORY MILLBROOK Terms - Cash Highest or any tender not necessarily acepted. House to be Moved at Purchaser’s own expense by 1:! October, 1951 Pelerborough Business Office open during August for interviews and registration STARTING AT 8.30 P.M. "Broken Lance" 'TheBoweryBoys' wind up Saturday night with .round and square dancing at : . r , ‘ I . , rt K r?l '_â€"â€" ough were recent guests of Mr. if" d“ t‘ â€Trial†Themlelvei IWWWW