Mrs. J. Robinson 96 To-day . Congratulations to Mrs. Jane Robinson, no question but Mill- bnook’s oldest citizen, who is celebrating her 96th birthday today at Fairweather Best Home. Mrs. Robinson fell last fall and broke her hip, but is now able to walk again notwith- standing this great age. 99th. Year. No. 32. was carrying. We know a. man who had he been in his place- would have been :hanging‘ onto the armouries and not. carrying it either, and we are! not looking in a looking-glass. ; Workmen digging a. trench. all around the armouries. Is this for a. moat? It could be,’ its about 2 feet wide, and what 'a. time any army would have to' cross it . I Two or three men putting in! a large plate glass window in! Fowler’s store. It took welli nigh three :hours to accomplishl the chore which only took a few E seconds to break. This makes it] look as though vandals were; much faster workers than skil- led workmen. Seen On King St. During Week OLD PIE SERVER TURNS UP, BURIED 50 YRS. came to light. It was an elaborate piece of silver in its day, although the silver was missing due to the fire it went through over 50 years ago and to the action of the soil in which it was buried. The server was copper and bore the stampings on the handle “Pat. A131. 1894†and also a 1horse’s head and the word “Waldoâ€. The. handle and around the back of the find was very fancy scrollwork. When this pie server was in its prime it was no doubt a dandy, While digging to put in the, water at the Tinney home on King Street, an old pie server is it would, in all probabilty, be silver plated. Weldon Coulter brought the relic in for our inspection. Hang onto it Weldon, put it in your hope chest and if you ever get marred you’ll at least DEAD, om and Mrm‘ A good old-fashioned Barn: IARM STOGK Dance will be held to celebrate; REMOVED \ the completion of a new barn5 FREE OF CHARGE on the farm of Jacob VanDam,'g Imam 24 Hour Service Jr , on Saturday, August, 15th. ‘. ASK YOUR GPERATOR F03: The farm is situate 4 miles east} m'mâ€" 66550» i of Pontypool (1 mile south of: Nb Toll Charge i115 highway). Modern and old time dancing. Everyon. NICK Peconi ’wel'come. Admission 750 per‘ newnmnnnnfl . person . ~ 1 . 3. Bax-ringer, Publisher- 9303mm $â€"â€"â€": Husâ€".4 If you have steady employment and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating cost, please ask-for one of our booklets and fill an application to-day. workman atop the armour- wnging onto a ladder he Farm Service We now have a. plan that shall take care of your PETEBBOROUGH Lequire Plumbing _ flgating Attention Home Builders The MillbroOk Plumbing and Heating 1 person. .â€"_â€"_â€"_.â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"__â€",,- lame Builders 51: shall take care of your Ind Heating â€"! sâ€"â€"-â€"1$â€"â€"â€"1 sent and would like to budget : cost, please ask-for one of bplioation to-day. hing Heating thesmmk-Wfl .. BARN DANCE TO BE HELD SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th. After a. period .of over 21 ,yearsvit would hardly be fair to leave this acknowledged pretty village of Millbrook without a word of appreciation, mo matter how feeble, to every- one. We knbw for certain that had it. not'been for the loyal suppdrt we received from the people of Millbrook and dis- trict, the former residents now living at a distance‘in such places as New Zealamd, Germ- any, Califlornia, Florida, and other places in United States, British Columbia, and Western Canada, etc., .to say nothing of the fine support we received from what might be’called the “flour crossroads†of the muni- cipalities of Millbrook, Cavan, South Monagham and M'anvers, all of which we ihave had the pleasure .of doing their work for practically the Whole of the 21 years we have been here, we would not be in a position to spend the rest of our God given remaining days in peace and comfort, to say nothing ()5 what the Government will do for us in a few years, even if we did not cash in on the baby bonus when raising our family, not the fault of the powers that be, but our own for being born too soon. In the period of time we have been here many changes have taken place, some. for the bet. ter some for the worse, but we are glad to say mostly for the better. The village has made pmogress and is going ahead as a walk around the community will reveal, notwithstanding the opinion of a few to the contrary. Our “Seen on King Street†seem? to have made quite a, hit, and in this bit of sillyness we tried hard not to hurt any- ones feelings, nevertheless we did have a few set-backs which It is not easy to say goodâ€"bye to our many friends which in- cludes everyone, as we did our best not to create any enemies. We pnoba‘bly have some, but with the exception of Satan, we do not know of any. Our Parting Message manoox, ONTAHO, CANADA THURSDAY, AUGUST 13,1959 IS more 84100ch UR: 1n uuu a. 1n yum ‘ 1 Temple than to give large sums incidence? 1 Dedication of the first fruits ‘ of the harvest. The Temple l cleansed. RestoratiOn of the I Temple Services, with the f Priests; and hevites at their apj 1-pointed duties. The worship‘ 1 organized, and people in attendJ L ance. The measure of each ‘personS service depends upon ; the amount of heart we put ‘ into that. service. He was faith-l 1 to God at all times. Sunday Morning At St. Andrew’s liUVVCL' 'vvua.a.\.u VA Hwy- “N, .. _ A Wood condre ation was ° ‘3‘ dr ° g . Th and should seek through prayer 1) 195m“ ‘ un ‘19 morning e and consecration. Outward text, 2nd Chromcles 29 :2â€"4 lprosperity’ without God is 3 “And he, Hezekiah did that sham. Whole- hearted devotion which was rig mht' 1n the sight ofi to God means that all our the Lord and he did it with his works prosper. Whole heart, and prosrpered. ] E.L.H. As King, he could have felt'wee'k, my last 'here after more his national duties left no time than 21 years, my last jeb turn- for religious Observances, but“ ed out to be the same, a Dance not so Hezikah. Iposter for «a, Barn Danee in the led came first in his devo- Ptontypool district, to com- tion. As Christians we should, memrate the eompl'etion of a invite Jesue into our lives as: new barn on the farm of Mr. councillor and guide. iJaeob VanDam Jr., on Setup One talent with heart-service, day, Agust 15th. is more acceptable in God’s; Is this what they ell a “co- 1_.__.- â€a..- :_,.:.J‘..-A07’ m men-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class mail We must confess that it. is no easy matter to pick up and leave thiq neighbourhood after learning to know practically everyone and we know for sure Thanke to The Peterborough Examiner Whose help brought us through a number 05 trials, and Robert Baker their Dino- type expert who did not refuse us his services when needed. Farewell to you all‘, and if any of you wish to give us a. (all at anytime you will be wel- mum and will find us at 9 Brunswkk Street just off of Ontarm Street opposite Mr. and M13. H. D. Bigtlow’ s resi- eme, and only 3 dJOOPS west of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, both former Millbrook residents. As time is fast running out Mrs. Banringer and myself heartily thank everyone for all their kindness; to us, especially Weldon Coulter, 'a mechanic of no mean ability, who helped us out on more than one .oocasion when minor repairs were need- We are going to miss ‘even the youngstems who came in for papers, big a nuisance “and all as they were, and this goes for many who are now fathers and mothers in this village and else- where, who used to give us the same calls. We would like to say for Mr. Armtrqgg, our successor, that from our short acquaint- ance with him we are sure you will like him, as he has a per- sonality all his own, and we ask you to give (him the same loyal support you have given me anfi I am sure if you do that he will make a better success of. The Mirror-Reporter than what I curtailed the use of names to those of whom we were satisfied could take a. “jokeâ€. ed. Also Mrs. Bev Reid who helped us with the mailing each week for a number of years, and the other girls, Misses Gail Gibbs, Grail Lawson and Nancy Powell, without whose help we would have had to work all night. was able to do with my public school education. J. H. and Mrs. Barringer. :anld patronize religion, without actually giving ourselves. 1 Machinery in connection with 'the Church, needs steam, to get power: which Christians need and should seek through prayer I , When my brother Walter and i; Ri 5-4861 ; me took Over The Mirror-Re-iW-W-‘n'm porter from Mr. Basil Richards; in January, 1937. the first jobl- we did after taking possession '“a: a Dance poster for a hop: Ito be held in Cavan Hall. Thiqi week, my last here after more; than 21 years,- my last jab turn-i ed out to be. the same, a Damw' [poster for a, Barn Dame in thoi Pontypool district, to com- i ,memarate the completion of a inegw barn on the farm of Mr. iJaeob VanDam Jr., on Satur~ 00a E St Coincidence Reporter i Engagement | Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kidd [of Bailieboro announce the ‘engagement of their daughter Elsalbella Mangeret to Mr. Ross ! Joseph Thompson of Millbrook . The wedding to take place at Bail‘ie'boro United Church on ISatm-day, September 5th, 1959, l at 2.00 p.-m. mere wul be no issue of The Mirror-Rem on Thursday, August 20121., but hope to be with you on August. 27th. SOCIAL - PERSONAL No Paper Next Week Due to the new owner of The Mirror-Reporter, Mr. Arm- strong moving in and the old Miss E. L. Hetherington is visiting for a Week with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Athol Hetherimgtton, Grimsby Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lunn and family of Montreal were visi- tors with their parents, Mr. amd.Mrs. Howard Lunn, King Street West, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fallis of Buffalo, N .Y., were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allie Fallis and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Todd, last week. owner J. H. Derringer moving out, it will be necessary to pass .up publication of ï¬ne Mirror- Reporter on August 20th. It isquiteachonetoiasueapeper and to try and dothis and make two moves too would be more than Bedlam could stand, hence Mr.‘ and Mrs. J. O. Medd and family accompanied by Elinor-e Motton of Toronto, spent Sunday at Orillia. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our kind friends and neighbours for their lovely floral tributes and many nets of kindness dur- ing our recent. bereavement. It is a. pleasure for us to look after your Wred Trips FOR INFORMATION CALL J. G. Stock, Peterbbrough, Bi 2â€"0965 G. A. (Jerry) Stock, Bailieboro, (collect) mm or 9:5 ‘ 6 Coaches For charter Stock Bros. Bus Lines The Mirror-Reporter . $1.75 a year in advance; to U.s.A. $2.78 ‘ Come out and give the girls .a little moral support, this anmanvill'e team is no push- . over. ‘ Winning pitcher was Eileen Powell who went thn rout-.- for Millbrok issuing 2 walk, 6 hits and 5 strikeouts in 71nnings. Port Hope Girls Show (lass MilLbrook played without regular third baseman Marg Armstrong who is away on holidays, Marg has been Mill- brook’s Home Run Queen this season with 10 home runs and 4 triples in 18 gamse. Lineups: Port Hopeâ€" Hall, Gnould, Stewart, Phillips, Pills- worth, S. Hall, Gustar, Schoon, Slater. Millbrook girls meet Bow. manville girls at the local Fair Grounds tomorrow night (Fri- day) in the fifth and deciding game of their Semi Final Series. Mary McDowell and Eileen Powell were the big hitters for Mill'brook each hitting 3 for 4. Millbrookâ€" D. Grillis, R. Hudson, L. M. Haw, M. Mc- Dowell, L. Guthrie, E. Carl, E. Powell, L. Hogg, B. Raper. In an exhibition softball game played in Bort Hope Monday night Milibrook girls defeated Port Hope girls 6 to 2. Mary McDowell accounted ï¬or 4 of Millbrook’s runs with a 3 run homer in the first and another home run in the seventh with nobody on base. NOTICE Dr.‘J, \W. Wright wishes to announce that his office will be close from August 161: to August 30th, both days in- COMING D‘onkey BaSeball, Friday, August‘ 28th, sponsored by the local Lions Club. Anyone wishing to ship woollens to Fairfield’s for red weaving please contact Mrs. Johnston Rowland, phone Mill- brook 2231*21.‘ lt' Northey’s Beauty Salon omsnn on menus Ops: balance of week. Tuesdays and Thursdays elusive . Im'til 9 . 00 p'. m. For appointment phone 136 Notice