The regular meeting of the Municipal Council oi‘. the Vil- lage of Millbrook was held on the above date. Members pre- sent as follows: Reeve George F. Harrington Councillorsâ€" Lavern Gibson, C. E. Thornton, Vincent! Crough, Robert- .Ridge. \ The minutes of the last regu-‘ l Every occupant of land, or. if the: owner shall destroy all weeds designed tins as often in every year as is suï¬fic ling of their seeds: Good Reading for the Whole Family Ann?! ï¬rm who contravenes any of we prOVmens uu. um ‘Act or refuses to obey any lawful order of an Inspector, given under authdmy ogE :tqhxs Act, shall incur a penalty of not lea than $10.00,‘nor more than $50.00 for every such offence. Weedshave lpaoe insprogrc-ire omnï¬ty DO YOU! SHARE to prevmt their “mad! Zena. 3!. Bentley, mark of Gavan roundup ,4 , , n mmmmam mwmmu.m i wmwfortheï¬m' Md. mm: mycheckor mad-c.1mfl80 cmwaosmvsou Davidson; our“! WWW“? 1.x. makotsonti Wrmï¬p - Facts .. . Emily Features 01-510 Daisy Destroy These Weeds! NOTICE T6 TOWNSEH’S OF - CAVAN, MANVERS AND SOUTH MONAGHAN Milllnook Village Council Minutes ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIIIII wa is {lie time to get your m WEED CONTROL AGT SAYS: acupant of lam or if the: Land is umoocupied, tihe lestroy all weeds designed noxious by the wk- 1. in everv year as is suï¬ficient to pnevent the ripe- of the 1ar meeting were read by the -.'Clerk and on motion of R. JRidge, seconded by L. Gibson 11 ,were adepted as reafi. ' I Wild Leanne Wild Mustard 'v .0." v'vâ€"â€"v Poison Ivy harm Damian Thistle OinquefOidS, Etc. Rob VV Dbl». Mr. K. Toms presented Cmmeil with a plot plan for‘ subdivision. The plan was ac-i cepted by Council and is to be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board for their approval. This was accepted. on motion by L. Gibson second- ed by Robert‘Ridge . __).mnl‘ The, following corre-sponence was read: Fromâ€"Durham County Dis- trict High School Board. En- closed Wa-s a resolution for our consideration. On motion by of the provisions of :this common Ragweed [IIIIIIIllg W. J. Sheridan (centre), pre-I sident Canadian Public Relaé tions Society, presents a special award to J. D. Nixon,.CBC‘s assistant director of radio net- work programming, at this year’s Annual Canadian Film Awards in Toronto. It was made to the CBC “for its enâ€" couragement of the appreciation ’ i ' ° F , ’ » diator betwe- V111 "ent Crouoh, seconded by to comentlon . . . . 19.00 Mum; 1‘s'the me R. itidge, the DReeve and'CIGrki K. Slkitch, labour. .. 7 .00 en the sp1r1tual and the sensuol ‘ ' -' , ‘ r 82.08'1'1‘ Werie amthomzed to s1gn the T. Kellett, labour 1 4 ‘ 1 e. resolution and ferward it to the! C. Scott, salluary . 216.06‘. fleethoven. Durham County District High;C. Scott, 1111 'eage, over- l. . . ’ School Board. The resolution? time .. . . . . . . . .. . 11.00i‘ Muslc 18’ the fourth great reads as follows: \Vh-ereas the. G. C. Dawe, salary, , amaterlal want of “out! â€ml-(ii... Board of: Trustees of the Dur-Ipetty cash, unemploy- ï¬first foo,d, then‘ rament, 1; en __-____....,.,.,. 11a 0216 -L‘1J»,._ Hum mnqin 3 U IJVHW reads as â€follows: \Vhereas the G. C. Dawe, salary, Board ot Trustees of the Du1- petty cash, unemploy- ham County District has appil- ment insurance. ed to the Municipal Councils J. Vani de Bor on having jurisditctoin in the said accwount District for the issue of debenJ By-law .No 863 we: “a. V 1115 a) u; Au“-v- v--- District for the issue of deben-l By-law No. 863 was read 31 tures in an amount. estimated! first, second and third time, re-i to ‘be $700,000 repayable over peeling any and all By-laws a period of twenty years; to ml'ating to, and setting new provide for the cost of construc- time and date of Nomination! tion of a 400 pupil school in and Election for the offices of? Darlington and a 150 pupil Reeve, Oouzneillors, School manna] in Millbrook. Be it re- Board Trustees, and Public. a period of twenty years; to relating to, and setting I) provide for the cost of construc- time and date of Nominati tion of a 400 pupil school in and Election for the offices Darlington and a 150 pupil Reeve, Gouneillors, Sch school in Millbrook. Be it re- Board Trustees, and Pul solve that the Council of the Utilities Commission. Corporation .of the Village Millâ€"i Dates to be decided by brook being a municipaity in-‘__~ ,â€" eluded in the said Dstrict, hereâ€" ‘â€" by approves the said applicaâ€"“ tion and agrees to assume it51i proper proportion of the aw mounts required to pay for the. l isaid debentures interest there-=5 on and the expenses connected! therewith, to be determined] from time to time in the man-1 ner provided by the Secondary: School Act. Be it further re- solved that the Council of the! Corporation of the Village of‘ Millbrook hereby requests the Council of the Corporation of the United Cunties of Northnm-l berland and Durham to raise, the entire estimated sum of $700,000. required for the pur-i poses aforesaid by the issue ofl debentures of the Corporation» of the United Counties of North: umberland and Durham. 1 Fromâ€"The City of Barrie asking us to accept a resolution? re brakes on trucks and buses,‘ that is, all trucks or busses over 4 tons be equipped with brakes having at least two means of application. Moved by L. Gibson, seconded by E. ;Th'ornton that we adopt this l resolution. .‘~'_â€"- Fromâ€"The )4 \:rthumberland and Durham Health Unit giv- ing their repo t for the med -us , Moved by L. Gibson, second-' ed by 'E. Thornton that corresJ pondenee not already deal-t with should be accepted andu filed. ‘ The following accounts were . read and on motion of V. Crough, seconded by R. Ridge, ordered paid : I F G North, screen. . . .$ 5.00 Bremner’s Garage . . . 8.30 Council Fees . . 29.00 Northu-mberl‘and and ‘ Durham Health nit l plumbing permits. . .. x 33.00 Registrar of! Deeds. . 2/373, Ont. Municipal Bd.. 10.00 ‘V'Stan Sloan, caretak- 1 ing 10.00 i Durham Telephones. . 11.90 I’tilities, lights, street waiting rdom K. \Vhite, labour. . . . Gavan Twp , 50 per cent as» :essor s expenses Special Award For CBC 68.69 14.50 of good film-making over the' years, notably through the pro-% grammes The MOVE Scene and! music and practice it, seldom Music From the Films.†Ger- ._ . . 1 calls on he teacher .or musmlan ald Pratley (left), film criticgt practice it for him . 'o , . ‘ ‘ O . I ‘ . and commentator, lb heard} __Mary Baker EddY- weekly in these radio program-li megs reviewing films and play-g . . . ing music from film sound-i Musm must rank as the hlgh- tracks. ‘est of the fine arts. ' Unmknn+ Q'nnnnp'l‘ Whoever is honestly labour-l ing to learn the prinmple of1 * a: t * 2000.00 HONEY is for use, not for Heat-ding. 1103! of .1 spending our money what money wfll buy more flan money, so we one always unending our money. 8180, most of us do notmake enough SPEND your money money out of this community makes the community poorer won’t help you any. The People in Millbrook Spend Money! 116 .24 ‘0 the; People in and About Millbrook Favor goes to those Who W00 It. ’fm'ther By-Iaw. Moved by L. Gibson, second-E ed by R. Ridge that the polic- 'ing ‘of this Village be under the . supervision of the Streets- Com-K mittee, E. C. Thornton, chair-i man. _. -‘ n1-_1, ‘ lWhich you cannot say a mean 1 or sarcastic thing. 1-1... Umbinp I Life is like music, it must be composed by ear, feeling and linstinct, not by rule. ; â€"Samuel Butler. Gems of Thought Luau .Luv,u., mm“. H... shelter, then music . Attend the Church of your choice on Sunday. Telephone 9, Hilbrook A. Roy-Wiï¬mott, 9.6. James A. Evin, IA. Want To music, it must be Herbert Spencer. . Dawe, Clerk. John ErSkine. WILLMOTT â€"-â€"Bovee . or CAVAN . \ Mirror-Reporter Thursday. August 13, 1959 BOYS WIN BALL MONDAY NIGHT Millbrook lads won over Bailieboro at the local Fair Grounds on Monday evening 18 to to 12 in a seven innings game. Glen Earl and Wayne Hogg were the local battery. Millbrook’s next home game will be on Monday, August 17, at 7 p.m. at the Fair Grounds, either against Bailieboro or Bethany, depending on playoff in Bailieboro Thursday night, August 13th. Northumberiand Durham Securities Phone Tu.54588 Albert Waxer 31 Walten St. Sole owner Port Hope DIRECT WIRE TO TORONTO Member Broker- Lumber Rough or Dressed, also Hard and Soft Wood Slabs PHONE 70-w MILLBROOK, ONTARIB STAN OLAN ation of 011th South Monaghan Tax Collector 19 Yrs. Resigns The regular meeting of ill Council of the Township 1 South Monaghan was held 1 the Township Hall on Tuesda; August 4th, 1959, at S p.111 with all members present, Reel: George Dean occupied I! cliair. j The minutes of the previ< meeting were read bv the Clt and accepted by the Council motion by Herb Sy er sec-om by Jay ï¬â€™hitting’ton. 7‘ , ‘I IV-“ Mr. M. Heaslip, Road 8111 presented voucher No. 7 in ‘ amount of $7337.16. of wh: $3,580 .00~ goes toward consu- 1ion of the new bridge a Waxing†13.1959 Captain D. 3m p,m,â€"â€"SUI lion Pentecostal (I'm Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"Worship Serv 7.30 p.m.â€"Evenir% Sex-vi Slï¬ p.m.â€"Wedll8963y, P plea Meeting. Twelfth Sunday after Tri St. John's, Ida 9-30 a.m.â€"â€"Mattins. The Churches SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 19 Legion Hall . “A Welcome Awaits You 2.00 p.m.â€"Evensong- 11.30 a.m.â€"â€"Mattins 5,,†Q; ..c"".~-- A member of St. Tho Woman’s Auxiliary will 1 attendance at, all mormng vices at St. Thomas’ in Parish Hall to look after dren 7 years of age and u of parents wishing to a the services. THE SALVATION The United Church of Mr. Stan Northrop, or and choir director. Minister: The Rev. Scan Showden, B,A., B.D. in c 11.15 a.m.â€"Divin-e V Sunday School will m n'hnmh service at 11 church service at 11 I proceed to class rooms fr fore set-non is preached Supervised Nursery church service. GAY“ 9.45 a.m.â€"WorshiP 39' Sunday School childre: draw during second HE church serviec. Grace Church. nimm Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"D1vine Wor Centrevï¬le Church 10.00 aweâ€"Church Sch 11 m a.m.â€"â€"Divine Wc Pentecostal Assemblies “0 Come, Let Us W0? Renew Sunday Schoo‘ you: subscrip‘