'13, 1959 Thursday, m 13, 1959 i ’ m ERROR-REPORTER. WOOL OHM “ f m m w orter ’ lâ€.- . ‘ lid 1'1 . s at I D' t , fPl ' 1’ South Monashan ‘ I , {Si 1... 2.2133: 133 was: :....::::1t2:1! AU GTIOsEEflS i l l l itheir estimation the present so.I attire and progress report ofi \ » . 1ax (OIIEGOI' lcalled emergency brake is in‘.I that department. 1 7 - Y R ' lreality only a parking brake.i Correspondence not. dealt, Stanley Miner 19 rs. eSIgns 1 NO action was recommended in‘i with by Council was ordered tol LICENSED AUGTIONEER’ ‘ this respect. the filed. ‘Farm Stock, Furniture Real l Canadian Mobile Home As-. Adjournment was called on Estate. Sales conducted at x - . ‘mOtlon by Herb Sy'er SGCOHded reasonable rates by experienced. I The, regular meeting .of the; . _ . . . Isoc1a.t10n enclosmg literature, 1 ‘ ' 9 . ‘ A Welcome Aw“ You.’ Council these accounts were hour plus 19c er mile for his passed for payment on motion' truck 7 ' _ p k l Pentecostal Assemblies of by Jay Whittington seconded by A. G. Anderson. Deders’Asoci- um M coupon in the draw for six prizes. Draw at 6.30 pm. prior to the Square Dance Competition. _.Games, Street D amine, 85 L7 .-.m.__w_*_. ( â€unp‘l 0f the Township 9ft land inï¬ormation of-that body.|by RObt. FiShEr to meet again austioneer _ South Monaghan was held Int Northumberland Durham. on AuguSt 17th, at 8.00 p.111. PHONE COLLECT L GAME the Township Hall on Tuesdayï¬ Health Unit, report for month J .13. Robinson, Clerk , . q I' August 4th, 1959, at 8 p.m.,.l l‘Of June. â€"- a.-â€".â€"____._ PBtel‘llomllgh, Rl [#3091 r with all members present, Reeve: Ontario Hydro Electric with OAKLEY. swarms-a, cmumn '____-,__,_ _ won over (3 re D . occu 'ed that [four new contracts which Were CABLE? a LECH , ’ lm-al Fair jigirtie mm p1 { approved. . , Barristers and 80110th LR. JOHN PA. Llay evening The minutes of the revious Uplted Countles Clerk en- 425 Water Street lcensed Anemone“ . . . P . closmg a certiï¬ed copy of 33". PONTYPOOL ONTARIO #1 en mnmss meeting were read by the Clerk new No. 186': being .3, By-law‘ PETERBOROUGE 01mm†Phone Collect Béthan 10-r 211 .1 and Wayne and accepted by the Council On {to equalize the assessments of T. J. Carley 0.0. (1896-1956) Bell An . y . ral battery. motion by Herb Syer seconded the Municipalities within the 3- 0- 5‘8.“ Q-C- Anything, Anytme, .. home game by Jay Whittington. ,United Counties and showing '13- 15- Clarke. B-A- 5 Where v, August 17 Mr. M. Heaslip, Road Supt. ‘South Monaghan listed in this 3- 3- 03"†B~ 0"“- ‘mw ~.__--__,.._ ri‘air (‘roundg, present-ed voucher N0. 7 in the T'PSDGC'C at $834,010. 1 W‘ C. Lech 3" :"nunnflnnnuul ;% .. . ., amount of $7337.16, of which 'l‘h tr . 1n 0 j , M11, . d, tâ€. a 0 t, S -..___,______'______â€"â€"â€"â€"/..._.. I : alhebm" 0r $3,580.00.ng toward construe-l ‘ e . a†n: â€9mm?" on 03‘; 1“ 1 3 in 1‘s â€a 12‘: -c.unr_11e . ..- . : Dead Stock“ I 112‘ on layoff 3 f th 1) do and' Cupational heath, a new killdéâ€"Fr'ance and the I.lllt0(lh111g-. ' " I I 5 ° I " p -' ten 0 e new r1 °e 2 - - 'dom The ihotoora hs showsl : ' . l. = ursday mght, _ ,__. .- ..,_.__ _._ ‘ 0f Ital-mug course, was recently?! members of ilhc seminlarhlookinirl ; I 1‘: CASH for dead or crippl- = Th (.0 h organised .by the v“; orld Health; on as a nurse in the surgery at Z : Street Falr Feature : ed Horses and Cows. = ..-- n ..-- 8 Jan“: es ‘ Iér‘ganlzat1011 to glvc some 25} the Acton Works of the London 2 ; E TOP price for Old horses. : SUNDAY AUGUST 16 1959 I uropean medical officers an Transport Executive removes al I 1 I I I . _Duflmm a ’ ’ v†opportunity .of studying 1n- t'oreign body from an em»: ._~ :- .' This COUPON and 5 cents entitles a. = Telephone collect = 113185 dustrial medlcal services in two pl'oyee’s eye. 5 ' ' I . . : Keene 83w1, 1.an answer = -54533 TEESALVIADTlï¬anflILMY _ ’_ __ _ u . . : ohfld to one ride on the Merry-GmRound I: Pcterborough 31.2.433o = 31 W31 . Ptam - e , 1 l : : 3 - - Pat‘s; ‘ 3 00 â€"â€"Sunda School in1$'3’10%'00 to cover gravel and No. 653 appointing Mr. Melvil- ' Z 1 at the Orono Street Fair, on Wednesday, E Butte“ Fur Farm = - - pm y crushing for this year. After,19H€aq1ip as Road Sn erintend-i 3 August 19th, from 3.00 to 6.00. I '. TO TORONTO Legion Hall. proper examination by the1 k p â€" l t ...---..'..---I---.-II-i ; ent at the rate .of $1.20 per i 2 Sign this qoupon for it may bealuc Department of Municipal | Affairs advising that the Line ADDRES . . . . Canada . OLA" 1' P ntKOStal (hurc lecliiloli'. wjas ï¬resiiirhriid: 23:13:: Fence A“ is out Of print. g BEID’ .. - or Dressed Ion e ed Outstanding taxes for 19581 Clty 30f Barrie, requesting 4 Fun for all. 8 GARAGE, Phone 27 ft Wood 81;“ HUI-BROOK at $4,800.00. Having been ju‘ endorsement .Of their resolution 2 _ __.._.____.__.. 11111 11 11- 1111111 P11111- 1111311311 1111111311.311;stifnizzfgtttst$3255.13 o w d A lemme... e y... ' i ‘ years J. r. errin expresse is ;' ' . :g . . t 19 . ' ONTARIQ 10 aOméing‘gdamzol desire to retire at this time, that all heavy vehicles be equlp- rono, e l' ugus ch01ce On Sunday. “â€" 11.00 a.m.-â€"â€"W0rship Service Whmh. came as an unpleasant _____ 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"Eveming Service surprise to th? (301111011; In‘thls 8.00 p.m.â€"Wednesday, Pray- respect a motion by R. Fisher er and Bible Study. seconded by Herb Sycrapassedl 8.00 p.m.â€"â€"Friday, Young Peo- lhalfl tn“ Clerk . advert-me for , I.A 1' plea Meeting. applicants for th1s posmon stat- . __.__.. , ‘mg education and other quali-l â€"â€"“ em or GAVAN ï¬catiOHS- i . On motion by Jay Whitting- â€311m Churehuof CM ton seconded by A. G. Ander- M. J- Edgar - Emmy $011 the Reeve and Clerk were m . . authorized to sign the interim Twelfth Sunday after Tnmtr- i subsidy forms for the Dept. of St. John's, Ida Highways as soon as same are‘ 9‘30 a.m.â€"â€"Mattins. cor'lr‘lgeleetegllowing general aci "m Chmh’ who", I counts were presented by the 11.30 a.m.â€"-â€"Matt1ns _ [Treasurer for consideration: 8t. Thoms’ Church, mmd‘; Geo. Fletcher, time and p 2.00 p.m.â€"Evensong. mileage .......$ 16.60‘ ‘ r. .- NorthumberlandDur- - . 3:;31;2|1_£.;;.,,, * ' ' 1‘ ' ; ham Health Unit, in- l A member of St. Thomas" spection fees .. ....... 29.00 ‘ Village of MlllbI'OOk, Woman’s Auxiliary will be m. . ' { nursing home care, Irene | Will'an .............. '20 . 50 vices at St. Thomas’ in thel Parish Hall to look after chil-' F. S. Coyle, reï¬und of i gravel tender dep051t.‘. 300.00 dren 7 years of age and under , of parents wishing to attend Clerk 8 salary, July and ' stationery ............ 75.40 the services. These accounts totallingf . $441.50 were passed for pay-5 The 0mm churchof ca1"39"19"-'me'r1t on motion by Robb! “brook â€" 03m Fisher seconded by Jay Whit- Mr. Stan Northrop, organist tington. and Ch“? director. ‘ The following correspondence Minister: The Rev. Stanley E. had been received by the Clerk Snowden, B,A., BB. in charge. and were presented as follows: 1 George Totten, County Road “0 Come, Let U“ Wordlp’. Engineer advising that totali WK estimated cost of the new bridge 11.15 a.m.-â€"-â€"Divine Worship. will be $5,850:00 and suggested Sunday School will meet with Council pass a supplementary! church service at 11.15 and bylaw in the amount of $1.850. I proceed to class rooms just be- to cover this over-expenditure“ fore semon is preached. in this respect Council decided Supervised Nursery during ’50 contact the Dept. Of High- church service. ways for consultation on the} matter. l 01'“ Village of Millbrook advisingl 9.45 a.m.â€"Worsh5p Swim1 Mrs. Irene Willan is an indi-i Sunday School children with- gent patient at Fairweatheri draw during second Hymn of Nursing Home and thereforei church service. South Monaghan will be reSpon-l M..â€" sible for twenty per cent. 0ft PRESBYTEBIAN the cost, the remaining eightyi Gentreville and Millka accepted this respons‘ibil‘ty. i G Church. - lcioncernino size and description ! Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.m . of stop signs. Centrevï¬le Church 3 ways agreeing to transfer of; 10.00 a.m.'-â€"Chm'ch‘ School {five hundred dollars to winteri per cent will be paid by the} Rev. Gerald E. Graham, B.A. Ontario Department of Trans-i 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Divme Worship. i Ontario Department of High-l 11.00‘ spinyâ€"Divine Worship icontrol account. 3 As this business change: hands on or about August 15th, 1959, it would be appreciated if ALL cc- counto and back subscriptions be paid by this time. Thank you. Province of Ontario. Councili Minister . prl‘b advising of regulationsi W -‘ --’-‘- Ontario Department of High- 3 d‘ - _.â€"_' l . ways with approval of By-law; l Renew your subscription.