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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 13 Aug 1959, p. 4

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PAGE P003 The minutes of the July meet- ing were read and approved on motion of J akeman and Brow.n Can ied. motion of J akeman and Brown.‘ Moved by Malcolm, seconded 1959 taxation. Carried. Car1ied.iby Brown that the Clerk write By-law No. 1360 was given The. following communica- the Dept. of Highways at Port: the three necessary readings, tions were received and read: Hope regarding the poor job signed, sealed and numbered. Dominion Road Machinery, re 04 resurfacing the main Street The Commercial rate for 1959 notice of credit of account. in Pontypool and that the was set at 34 mills on the dol- Municipality of Millbnook, re (louncil are of the Opinion that lar and the resident and farm notice of three indigent patients the job should be re-done. rate 31 mills on the dollar. at Nu1sing Home and new sys- Carried. i Moved by McGill, seconded tem of making payment. Dept. 9 On motion of Malcolm and by Malcolm that the Clerk in- of Highway,s re acknowledging Brown the Clerk was instructed t1oduce +he By-law dealing reteipt 01' Slgned agreemeni, to contact the Municipal Engm-J with the Public School rates pertaining to Township shed lot eer to discuss the financial ar-I for 1959. Carried. frontage. City .of Barrie, re rangements necessary in order Byâ€"law No. 1361 was given resolution. Dept. of Agricul- to purchaseanew 4-wheel drive the three necessary readings, Bethany, 0nt., Aug. 4th, 1959.--The regular monthly meeting of the Municipal Coun- cil of the Township of Mauvers, was held on the abm e date with all members present and the Reeve presided . Mr. Ernest Colley, a summer, resident at Viewlake called on? the Coxmcil to express his ap- preciation on the behalf of the: t’ure, re Warble grant for $419.-§ 78. N and D. Health Unit monthly report. Three sheep claims and several accounts. { Manvers TWp. Council you can 600k a‘ serving ofbaconqnd eggs “A“ This is only ONE example of the economy you enjoy when you use electricity. In. terms of electric energy, a cent will buy a Elotâ€"a lot of comfort, convenience, time- :saving efficiency, and a lot of entertain- ement, too. Here are three of the many bargains you can enjoy with just one cent’s worth of electricity? a: 3;: b“ “N-fl)“ gr~ w... electrically ‘ 'Cottagers" for the improved the Dept. of. highways was not for. transfer, road acc. $3548.83 condition of the road along the up to the usual high standard Fred Fallis, Pontypool Lake. The Reeve informed the deleg rrao- sidewalk, labour and Moved by McGill, seconded tion that the Council were no cement .............. by Malcolm that the Resolution satisfied with the job and had, Lloyd Armstrong, Ponâ€" of the City of Barrie, calling passed a. motion to try and: typool sidewalk, lab. for brakes on vehicles of four have the situation corrected. {Garry Ward, Ponty- tons or over to have an extra Moved by Jakeman, seconded pool sidewalk, lab..... . method of applying in an by McGill that the Clerk in- H. McDonal,d Ponty- emergency was endorsed. Car- reduce the Bylaw dealixw pool siderwaik, lab” ried. lwith the Township rates for, P. Jakeman Ponty. 234.93? 48.00, 41.003 l 55.00 1 On motion of Malcolm and by Malcolm that the Clerk inâ€" claim . . . 31.00 Brown the Clerk was instructed t1 odvce +he By-law dealing Dav1d Masters, spray- to contact the Municipal Eng1n~‘ with the Public School rates ing weeds and brush. 32.00 eer to discuss the financial ar-I for 1959. Carried. {Donald Armstrong, rangementzs necessary in order Byâ€"laW No. 1361 was given pspraying weeds and to purchaseanew 4-wheel drive the three necessary readings, labour 16.00 truck for snow ploxxing pxlr-;signed, sealed, nmnbered and R. Davidson, on sal. ' poses. Carried. duly passed setting the mill account 150.00 A delegation form Pontypool rates for the various School Total of general ac- called on the Council to voice Sections for 1959. icounts . . ”$1083. 77 their disapproval in regard to M0\ 6d b) Brown,, sec-Oiidedl Moved by Malcolm, second- "he resurfacing of the main by M( G111 that the following ed by Brown, that the meeting street in Pontypool. It was accounts be paid. Carried. adqourn to Sep ember 8,195.9. felt. that the job performed by; Road V oueher N0. 8 iCarried. R. Davidson, Clerk LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY justzg AV“ v--~vvvvuv IV “A“, ...LIAAtr “Movred by Jakeman, seconded pool sidewalk, lab... 41.005 by McGill that the Clerk in- H. McDonald, Ponty- ( «reduce the ByJa“ dealixurgpool siderwaik lab” 55,001 with the Township rates for P. Jakeman Ponty- 1959 taxaiipn. Carried. A ‘pool sidewalk, labour 12.50% By-law No. 1360 was given T. Ward, Foxfiypool the three necessary readings; sidewak lab ......... 94.50 signed, sealed and n11mbered.§Pictonv Porter, maehin- ' The Commercial rate for 1959 ery rental Pontypool was set at 34 mills on the (101- side-walk . . . . . . . 80.00 lar and the resident and farm 4 Frank Cowan Go’y rate 31 mills on the dollar. 7 _iMi1nicipal Liability Ins 288.79 Moved by McGill, seconded Harvey Malcolm, slleelp by Malcolm that the Clerk inâ€" claim , . , ,_ 31.00 t-‘l oduce *he By-laW dealmg David Masters spray- with the Public School rates ing weeds and brush. 32.00 for 1959. Carried. {Donald Armtsftnong, Byâ€"law No. 1361 was given pspraying weeds and "Based on average cost to domestic municipal customers in Ontario. Yeu get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. Keep food fresh in an electric refrigera- tor for 17 hours , Wash two loads of clothes in an auto- matic .washer Watch TV for 41/3 hours TEE ERROR-REPORTER. 311113300X, onnro ofa ceni“ David Masters, spray- ' The death 000111?er on TueS- ing weeds and brush. 32ml day, August 4th 1959311 Peter- Donald Armdtmng, =borough Civic Hospital, of pspraying weeds and Henry Charles Attwooll of this labour 16.00ivi11age. Mr. Attwoou man R. Davidson, on sal. ' iye'arrs of age. He had lived in account 150_00;Millbrook Where With his Total of general ac‘ [nephew Mr. Douglas Shep- counts . . . .$1,083.77i pard, he opreated the grist and Moved by Malcolm, second;- litmbier mill from which the ed by Brown, that the meeting; Village. gets its name, for 49" (I: RUTTER GRANITE co. LTD : Monuments and ’: Family Memorials !' FIG! 73 Ontario St, Port Hope, Ont. Phone Turner 5.5216 1 "lull j The pallbearers were: L. J. ' hâ€"_____.___ {Ryan M. Ball, L. Nat/tress, Wanfedâ€"I‘Jive Poultry: high iA. Jeffrey, Dr. Fowler and prloe Pald- M- Flatt, RR 1, 3R , .2 Fallig‘ . ; fl, [ Bethany, phone 7-r-13 col- 1' lect. le 3O l Mr. Attwooll was a member Mof St. Thomas’ Anglican {Chunk The funeral service Luis held Thursday, at 2 p. m. 'from his late residence Prince | Street The Rev. Gerald E. {Graham of (Mace Presbyterian [Church conduMcIfing' the service due to Rex. Palfrey of St Thoma’ s Ch1M1Nh being o_n his h(u]id_v<. He is survived by his Wife the former Mary Ann Whit- i marsh and two daughters, Mrs. [Howard Lancashire (Ada) of 'Millbrook, and Miss Mae At- twooll of Peterb-orough. Two brothers and a sister prede- ’ ceased him. The funeral took place- from Gram Presbyterian Church on. Wednesday afternoon, August Sf‘h, The Rev. Gerald E.‘ Gra- ham .officiating. Interment was in Maunt Taggart Ceme- ltery. Tottenrha-m, Ontario. A member of Grace Presbyi terian Church, Mrs. Ellis serv- ed there a number of years ago as treasurer of ”the WILLS.l She Was 3130 a member of the Ladies’ Aid. Mrs. Ellis moved to Millbrook LEE AUTO WREGKE’RS with her husband 4] years. ago,’ Have for Saleâ€"4954 Pon’ia'z at the, time of their marrlageusedan Delivery for $350.00. Before that Sh? lived in Burhs119.53 Counsel fer ...... $325.00 Falls. She was the last surylv-- ’49 Hudson Terraplane $123.00 ing member Of her famlly. Also Rebuilt Starters, Generat- Rel'atives surviving are a ors and Fuel Pumps. Spark nephew, the Rev. Nacklem Plugs for all makes of new and Bre‘t. reetor of Grave Chum-'11,. old cars. Rebuilt Transmiss- Sutton. Que, and a brother-m1 ions for $37.50 guaranteed far lam, the R. H. Brett. of Gran-190 days, “P to 1958. Also a by‘ Qllflbf‘c. fnnnnfi‘h' n43 Do;‘n+ The death occurred on Mon- day, August 3rd, 1959, in Civic Hlospital, Peterborough, after a short illness, of Mm. Harry E. Ellis, of Millbrook. Mrs. Ellis was born Janet Wilson in Toftenham, the daughter .of the late John Wilson and the former Janet Semple. Her hus- band. Dr. Harry E. Ellis, pre- deveased her in 1955. 1 years. Interment was in St. Paul’s Cemetery, Cavan Township. He was born in W'iltshire, England, the son of the late William Attwooll and the for- mer Maria Shepherd. When he came to Canada.52 years ago he lived in Primrose, Ontaro, for the first three years, where he operated a mill with his uncle, George Shepherd. He moved to Millbrook from Prim- Mr. Attwooll was ill‘ only since the Sunday previous to his death, although he had been failing for some time be- fore that. Until after his 90th ‘bir‘hday he still went regularly to work in the mill. Mrs. Harry Ellis Obituary . Attwooll Thursday, August 13, 1959, l ors and Fuel Pumps. Spark ‘1 Plugs for all makes of new and " old cars. Rebuilt Transmiss- L‘. ions for $37.50 guaranteed far 190 days, up to 1958. Also a ‘ quantity of Paint. \VVI {rStrayedâ€"Onto the premises of Paul Elson, a. steer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expens- es. Phone Millbrook 183r2. 3t Wantedâ€" Part-time secretary for the Millbrook District High School. Position will require knowledge of typing and general office work; shorthand desirable but not necessary. Send applications to J. Douglas Hodgson, Prin- ‘oipal Millbrook District High Sch-001, Box 504, Haliburton, Ontario. 3t For Saleâ€"Steel Garage 23x40 feet, on Centre Street, to be removed form property. Ap- ply J. Varty, 52 Windsor Avenue, Ajax, Ont. It An Auefion Sale of House- hPold Furniture, Antiques, ete., the property of Mrs Rebecca Dickey, who (has slold; her house, will be held on the premises at village bf Nestleton. on 7A High- way, on Satrday, August 15th, 1959 at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms Cash. No Reserve. R. J. Payne, Auctioneer- For Rentâ€"3 Roomed Apart.‘ ment, possession Sept. lst, Both, hot and cold water. Phone 152 Millbnook.1t F or Saleâ€"One and Half Storey House, 5rooms2 H. D. wiring: 5 Town Lots, $900 dlo'wn bal- ance at $35. monthly. Call Gbrdon Trick at 255, repre- senfing Bowes Cocks Ltd. For Sale-â€" Electric Rangette Stove: Antique Walnut Din- ing Room Table: Kitchen Sink: Gems, 1 qt. an 1/2 gal. Ash Can Sifter: and Electric Heater. Apply at Reporter ngice phone 19. 1t For Saleâ€"Two Storey House on Free. Estimates and Wiring Phone RI 26413, Peterboro or RI 25913 Ellis 8. McLean Anne Street, Bath, Furnace, H. D. Wiring, Garage, 300 ft. deep Lot. Low down pay- ment. Full price $5900. Call G‘ordon Trick at 255, repre- sen‘ing Bowes Cocks Ltd. Plumbing, Heating :1": AUTO WRECKRERS Pone 17r3 Garden Hill FOR SALE WANTED FOUND

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