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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 27 Aug 1959, p. 1

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()n 'l‘hm‘sday ”William Tkexnail Main Street WhPr expert craftsman Wheels; h'is helper Harbour \P\V York. Th? funeral of Mr Tremain, a wanderful man to_knmva11d a fiam 111117.911 was held from Hawk funeral palrour at 4. 00 oclock 1m Friday, Aug. 21 1212'!) 111211 131111111. 1 D1111112: 11i< active year in 1111111111110k. M1. Tremain sang: in St. ."\11d1933’s 011111111 choir; and w as a member of the;\11r:1- out ([111101' of Forresters. His; 3"1. $.11 Ma13 Irwin predeceased! 11111; 20 years ago 1 For 1119 1a<t 6 months he has! 119911 in hospital at CObQUTQ'.1 He is 11r3'i3'9 by one sister,1 RUN 11â€"1111 S1111T11.(1-fSPCtht' CARD 0]? THANKS We wish to thank all our kind friends and neighbours for their 103'913' floral tributes and man), MR of kindness dur- ing ()"1‘ wien’r 13913033 ement. The At‘m 0011 Famil3. M174 . 113111 V SALE REGISTER 1 The Household effects 01" M13 Richard ( r11111011r Lot 9, Con. 1,1 Gavan T01111xh1p 2 miles‘ SO11 ‘1:1 and 1 111119 W est of \Iillbumk, will be 511111 1)} P1111111 A11ctio11 on Wednesdav. 89111111111191 21111,; at 1. 3p0 111. Terms Ca<11. ' Ja(k Reid, Auctioneer. Phone Ballmboro 30 Phone moroox mm mber BAD, OLD and CRIPPLED FARM STOCK REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE Immediate 24 Hour Service SK YOUR OPERATOR FOR ZENITHâ€" 66550 N5) T011 Charge Nick Peconi PETERBOROUGH P39313315 $__â€"! $â€"â€"â€"1‘5-â€"â€"â€"â€"1 If you have steady employment and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating 0051:, please ask’for one of our booklets and fill an application to-day. Farm Service Harvey J . Armstrong, Publisher. 'Wiliam Trema'in :‘ren. Sml Obituary We now Mn 3. plan that shall take care of your lequire Plumbing ‘8: Eating tht SIN) No. Attention Home Builders I'ljxt In'e Ul‘lgaue. last surviving mem- . Time “f his death. Millbruok who re- e days of carriage memlleot his wood- my all Tupper and V0111 Plumbing and Heating Whm'e Axum» of wagon was the vil- V‘ffls‘ an ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS’ MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS Phone Millbrook 871'2 TILL WE MEET ’ON E'KING 31’." Barringm' has been editing and publishing The Mirror-Re- porter, reflecting the life of the community in his own philos<>~ animal style. Until his brother \Valter‘s death in 1943 they '31-'13 been in partnership, after serving for 25 years or more as printers on The Peterboroug‘h autho serving 1m- ‘1.) years or more as printers on The Perm-borough Examiner. Some. time during recent years Mr. Barringer started the. humorous column, “Seen on King Street", telling: what went on on the main street of the Village as seen frnm his hird’ s-eye V'i eVV'. SeV eral times he left t‘ 19 column out for an issue or twv, but each time there was a storm of protest and the p0puâ€" l‘dl‘ feature appeared again. It added adventure to a trip down town. One never knew when the keen eye of the editor would notice. some. little thing one was doing or wearing- and duly re- port it in the next paper for all the neighbours to read. The humour was always kindly. “I almost did join the Oddfelâ€" lows once. but that night I got thinking it over. If you ever do join one o thoce societies the first thing you know they want to make you secretary or some- thing. and that’s not for me”. Mr. Barringer hav nuever been one to seek the linwlight for himself. Rather he a voile-1 it. When asked why he had never joined a. fraternal order he said, That does not say that he did lot take an active part in the. life of: the community, or that he did not live a full life. He and Mrs. Barringer, who was Minna Ethel Terry of Toronto before their marriage 47 years ago, both Were Baptists and while in Peterborough attended Murray Street Church. As there was no church of that faith in Millbr-Ook, joined St. Andrew’s Fnited Church, both were regular attendants and staunch supporters of it. Mrs. MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, AUGUST 27,1959 Sunday Morning At 3:. Andrew’s Ra‘s. Stanley Snowden was' in his pulpit. Splendid congre- l gation including eiuht- visitols 110111 his former appointment at 13211111011, among them Mr. and Mus. Orville Rowland and chil-l dren. also Mr. and Mrs. N. ~Weatherilt t‘rnm Norwood. The Sunday School children with- drew during; socondi hymn for their own service. in the elass~ roams. Theme -r1f sermon “So near-J and 3' of so far ” based 011 Markf :2 :28- 2’4 “ And one of the scribes; «111119 1:111laske(l..les113 11l1ich isE the first conunandment of all? and Jesus a11s~1vered him, The: first (01111111andme11t iSâ€"â€" Hear, '1 0 feraeli The Lord our God 11 (me Lord: aml thou shalt lovei heart and 11 1111 all thy so11l.and lhp l10r1il. thy TOd. “nth all thy. with all thy strength. And the} ‘ nm‘ml is like. namely Thou" Eclml‘r love H111? neighbour as lthwa: . . . and when Toma '29 1’: 1‘. 31 Re answered discre- ! THE ERRORJREPOPEER Authorized as 2nd class mail He nun? have a, warm spot in his. heart. for shut-ins, because 021011 Week he 11 as donated space for a review of the sermon and morning church service for thowe unable to attend them- selves. Mr. Baminger takes a keen interest in his large stamp and 1-0111 collections, and in old dmumentns. Once when he pre- sented the. old fort 11 Halifax with a conuniss'mh to an army affirm“- dated. 1111 that city in 1821 he earn-ed the gratitude of the citizenx‘. The curator at the fort. said it wm 50 years older than any (1(11'11111911t they had thern. The Mary: 011 bah-- half of the city in appreciation pmwnted Mr Rania-2'91 with (Ilff links hearing)' the crest of Halifax. Mr. Barriuger for years now has handled the giving out of articles from the Red Cross loan rupboard. No matter how busv he 1m; working 011 the paper 1.111" ays 111.61 Time to give 011m 11 111113111 1112111, hospital bed or bedside table, and t0 have t- the 1301‘1'011'01' Sign the bmok for them, to be marked off when the articles were returned. Barringer belonged to the WA where she at’md as pianist for sm 91 1:1 yeah. A native of Uxbridge, Mr. Barringer wa: one emf four sons of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barringcr. (Vfthe finnibrthereis<nfly one other subvivor, .Taek’stwin bro- ther, Charles H., who is a barâ€" her hm Peterborough” The Barringerk have three children, Joan, Mrs. Floyd Abrams of Port Hope: Elva, Mrs. Basil Stephens of Agin- court:aruiliaynmond.ofliachine, (Quebec, a lieutenant in the navy . The whole. community joins: in wishing: them happiness in their new home, and in the hope that in the years to come they still may often be “Seen on King Street”. Mr. and Mrs. Barringer will 11' 4‘30 their home in Port Hope, Au uhiuh fortunately is nOt too far away. cily, he’said unto 111111, Thou! art not far from the kingdom u; Uud. Like th' 15 scribe manv of 0111 wuuu people heme been 12115011] I up 111 good homes? haw 11\ edi fa 1162111 life but 110 great mas-l '111-passiun has smxved 1111 m is into dedi catiOn to the Master 5! is<‘1\ic0.Reliu1ous but \xithâ€"I lout Christ 214 a pclsonal Sav- 1 I 10111' . ‘ ._..___,-,_â€"â€" Tm We a Chri<tian is to know Christ. and to live as one of His followers. NoarneSQ to The Kingdom is‘ not enough. It is a fake securi ! ’tv. Nearness but not in it. W e are called to accept Christ lj Attend the Church of your ‘Choice on Sunday. 93 our personal Saviour and lixe as in God’s Kingdom try- ing to Win others for Jesu; :Ch'rist. Ask God to take your 'iifn and use it in Ais servire. The baskets of beautiful flow- ers in the chancel were pun-ed there to the glory of‘ God, and 111 ”wins: memory a? Mr; Eliza- Hf‘n “70314. and Mr. William “SH-mam . E LII How Many Degrees? ‘he 011iy time “professor" Groz'don Sinclair holds a, degrcc is when he’s got a thermometer in his hand. His national Wea-‘ the? f'ox‘cast is heard in fort)" ritius across Canada each night on CBC redio, in the Dominim mxtwurk’s popular show As<igu~ ment. He‘s also an expert on news events; CBC has just sign- ed him for a two-year (:mztrac-t on television’s Front Page Chai- leng‘c . Dies In Vancouver The death occured in Van- couver on August 21 of the. Rev. Charles Clarke, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. \V. Clarke former 3' of Millbrook. H0 is survived by his Wife and {hm-o (-hildren, also h'o sisters, Laura and Jessie of Moose Jaw, Rusk” and a brother \Vcsley 0f })('f("]'})()r()112'h , 9.. . . a. .25.. .5..._......r.ru.re.~......... ....u.nu.n................§-...n........ ‘ n.-..I’I-IIIIDGDIIIU".I‘I‘KIHHHIDIIJ‘MBH‘I flflII‘NIHflUgflllfllhflhiflflnâ€"fl. I'fqflll-I‘I'IIIIIII Hundreds of gallons of paint have already been s-«Ild ti) many satisfied readers of this 21:-\\'spap(-r. This clear- ance and bankrupt stock is fresh paint and manufactur- ml by C . LL. , Sherwinfi 'illiams, Lowe Bros. Glidden’s: 0T0. l (Our GUARANTEE)â€"- Try 0.1 gallon. tr\ e: hundud. It \011 .111: not completeh conum ed that it is t111 111st then return the emph van or unused portion fox 101n- )lete 100/ refund. Shipped immediately anyuheie in (f‘anada. “side Paint: suitable for steel. cement, “'UOdWUFk, flours. (“(121 be thinned down for shingles. Colours: grey. pearl grey. shutter green, apple green, Chartreuse, barn led. bright red, turquoise, choral, dutch blue, eot- tage brown. Inside Paint: suitable for walk. woodwork, pastor, over wallpaper etc. Colours: flat. white, gloss White, jonq-uil yellow, mint green. bone ivory. sky blue, blos- som pink, shadow grey. fall beige. turquoise. HIMRUM PAINT. . ... . '5 99(la1. ROOF CEMENTâ€"black, contains fibrared asbestos can be applied uith old broom, or rag tied to a stick” ... . $ 99(- Gal. Will leave Baiiiebom For The LEE. on Mrs. Joe Armstrong, Baiiiebom 2-21 Satméay, Sept. 5th,195$ SG‘OCO GALLONS PLANTâ€"82.99 PER GALLON {HARTERED 85$ SHERMAN’S Dept. 9 537 Queen St. West â€"â€" Toronto, Ontario. $1.75 a year in advance; to U.S.A. $2.75 For information call 5 iiecz Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ont. V: ceased. All persons having: claims against the estate of James Loftus Larmer, late of re vil- late of Millbrook, in the County of Durham, deceased, who died on or about the 8th day of May, 1959, are required to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned ad- ministrator of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the 15th of September, 1959, after whie‘n date the assets of the said def-eased will be distrib- uted having: regard only to those elaixm of which notiee has heen received Dated at Mil’lbrook this 26th day of August-1959. ‘Willmott and Irvine, Millhrook, Solicitors for the Estate, T, W, Belch, Millbrook, in the Estate of James Loftus Larmer, late of the village of Millbrook, in the County of Durham, retired (:‘rentleman,.de- Executor, luvsdfl)‘ 0f 139T “'ka SOCIAL - PERSQNAL Dr. and Mrs. Stuart are home. in Millbrook from holidays. Mrs. J. King has returned £10111 a two weeks holiday at S‘rurgwn Point, :1 guest of the Milne cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lam mer Maine and Brenda and MIN. S. E. Hakim. \isited with~ Mr. and Mrs John Black of I7ew1‘sl1a1n Ontario, on Sunâ€" day. Mu. Ilakins remained with her sister for a. short holi- day Mr. [and Mrs. Jen-k Blah-y 0f Lakvficl'd, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blakely and Jauuh‘rer Doreen «If Ednmnmn, \'i~ited Mrs. R. H. Blakely on “'06.- NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS

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