CARLEY, STANDISB, CLARKE CARLEY LECH Barristers and Solicitors 4'25 Water Street PE’IERBOKOUGH, ONTARIO '1‘ .3 Carley Q C. (1896-1956) K 0‘ Standish Q.C. 'I' E Clarke B.A. R H Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech B.A. BUTTER GRANITE CO. LTD Monuments and Family Memorials 73 Ontario St., Part Hope, Ont. Phone Turner 5-5216 PAGE FOUR are morally reï¬pmï¬sibie for saga driving But your obligation in driving is greater than merely knowing how. You, as a driver, are required to know the Rules of the Road to qualify for a Driver’s Licence. You must also practice safe driving Whenever you are behind the wheel of a car. Remember that you are morally responsible for the safety of everyone with Whom you share our streets and highways. Northey’s Beauty Saion CLOSED ON MONDAYS Ops: balance of week. Tuesdays and Thursdays 4race Presbyterian Church Ladies Aid Baking Sale, Sutur- day, August. ‘29, at 3 p.m. Coulter ’s Store. until 9.00 p.m. For appointment phone 136 Bake Sale " Member Brokerâ€"Dealers’ Associ- ' ation of Ontario f DIRECT WIRE T0 TORONTOI Albert Waxer Sole owner Northumberland 8: Durham i A 111em~er of St. Thomas’ {\anau 5 Auxiliary will be in attendance at all morning ser- -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- ~*!\1(o~ at St. Thomas" 1111113 LAN {P9 1ishH , Hall to 100k afte1 chil- STAN o { dnn‘" 1 man of age and under LumbEr Rough or Dressed, [ of pawnts 1115111113: to attend alsb Hard and SOft Wood Slabsi 1110 servicei. PHONE 70-W I â€"'"†MILLBROOK. ONTARIO 1Tha United Church of Canada - S :23 on 1‘ i ti e 5 Phone Tu-5-4588 TEE ERROR-REPORTER. MILLBROOK, ONTARIO 21 Walton St. Port Hope 8012 ..11 15 a m â€"Di\'ine Worship. 1 Sundav School will meet with! «lunch wemiee at 11.1;)a'|11d proceed to class rooms jusf be-" [fore sermon is preached. I PRESBYTERIAN Centreville and Millbrook Rev. Gerald Ii. (:‘rraham, B.A. Ministvr . Grace Church. Millbrook Sunday Schoalâ€"10.45 a.m 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"â€"D1vine Worship. Centrevihe Church 10.00 a.m .â€"Church School 11.00 a.m.-â€"â€"Divine Worship. CAVAN 9 . 45 a .211.â€"‘Yorship Service Sunday School children With- draw during- second Hymn of church SBl‘X'iEC. Supervised Nursery during church service. flan-null?Ja-n...Inn-nnull-II:-II-IEI-n-cnn-n-n-I-nu-nuunnn-nnun{fl-naeun-nlf-llu-rualllu-u. I Zion Pentecostal ChurchE man-.W MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Pastor. E HOW-“fell Sunday Services 2 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School 1 (3-0 57011 MOW 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service E ONTARIO? 7,31) p.111.â€"-E\'enlng Sermce 8.00 p.111.â€"-\Vednesday, Pray-E Chef}; 3'0!!! knowledge by (3‘1 and Bible S ud; ' Identifying this map 8 .00 p.111â€"I 11da\,Y0ung Peo-E pies Meeting ‘ a Ri 5-4861 Ri 2-5313 0L 2-7098 :: N.‘-"-r‘-'-‘.“-“- 'n'n‘n'u‘n‘n 'n‘.'n'u'uï¬'uï¬ï¬â€˜b'J-ï¬ï¬'u'nfl‘rfl‘.‘Hum-55% The United Church of Canada. Millbrook -â€" Gavan Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. Minister: The Rev. Stanley E. Snowden. HA†RID. in charge. “0 Come, Let Us \Vorship’. MILLBROOK It is a pleasure for us to look after your Chartered Trips FOR INFORMATION GALL J. G. Stock, Peterbiorough, Ri 2-0965 G. A. (Jerry), Stock, Bailieboro, (collect) 1011 or 9r5 PARISH OF CAVAN Anglican Church of Canada Rev. J. Edgar M. Palfrey Rector 14th Sunday after Trinity St. John's, Ida 9 . 2.10 11.1; .â€"Mdtfins. Christ Church, Bailé-aboro 11.30 a .111.â€"Mattins St. Thomas’ Church, Millbrook 21. :50 p. m. Evensong. THE SALVATION ARMY Captain D. McNeflly 1.00 p.111~.â€"â€"Sunday School in. Legion Hall. “A Welcome Awaits You.†The Churches SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1959 Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Goachas Fe? charter Stock Bros. Bus Lines PETERBCRO BUSMESS COLLEGE l'l'D. 74th. FALL TERM September 1, 1959 REGISTER AT ANY TIME Office open during August for interview and registration Miss M. Battersby, Principal and President Mr. Denis Townsley FSCT (En g.) Vice-Principal TELEPHONES Ri 5-4861 Ri 2-5313 0L 2-7098 : Telephone collect i : Keene 83w1, if no answer E = Peterborough 31-2-4330. : E : n R . I? d I Burrett Fur Farm IIIIIIIIIiï¬iflifllIHIIIII! COMING ' Donkey Basebali, Friday, Augusf 28th, <ponsored by the. [oval Linus Club. ! é, 9365 1bomer: CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses amd Cows. Top price for old horses. kw-ï¬um“awm%smmma-.°.-.'.F.-.H.'.-.-.-.-.W§.$........%................u.....a... Post Office Address Name Send FREE Literature and Road Map. However well you know Ontario, you’ll enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern resorts . . . see Ipperwash Provincial Park and the area surrounding shown above. Take the ï¬rst step now, by ï¬lling out and mailing the coupon below; Oniario Department of Travel Publicity Hon. Bryan L. Cathzart, Miniszer Dead Stock: ONTARIO 024,3â€"0 4â€"0)<Mâ€"I. mm†â€"u>z_l_>:m24. WPUOW: 4030240. 024>3_0 Vacant Minds are like vacant 131-6 Both gather rubbish. u... o... a... ....... BETTER KNOW H. QUELLETTE GENERAL INSURANCE MILLBROOK WIIIIIIIIINRHI HHNEHHIIII- REID’S GARAGE, Phone 27 HaVc for Saleâ€"1954 Pon‘ia: Sedan Deliverv fur $350. 0‘3. 19)3 Counsel for ...... $525. 0;! ~19 Hudson Termplane 95125.0() Also vamil: Starters, Generat- 011x~ and Fuel Pumps. $113151 Plug-s £1212 all 111akes of new and 01d ('i!\;.R1l)lli1t Tranqniss- 1( 11K £01 $97.50 guarantmd f0 21 i011s for >5 31.00 guar 90 days. 1p in 1908 \K’antodâ€" Part- time sari-(1.1 x for the Millbrook Dis.1‘ict High Sch-.001 Position wiii require knowledt'i of typing and general office work; shorthand desirable but not necessary. Send appliea‘ions to J. Douglas Hodgson. i rizi- Lip-(11 Mi11brook District. Hign Sch-001, Box 504, Haliburton 0111; trio . 3r \Vau'edâ€"Live Poultry; price paid. M. Flatt Bethany, phone 7-1" lect. I need a pleasant lady begim Hing: from 1] to 2, Monday to Friday, Sept. 8, to get lunch and do light housekeeping. Main street. in Millbrook. Box (LA. Reporter or phone 19 Millbrook. Stravedâ€"Onto the premises of Paul Elston, a steer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expens- es. Phone Millhrook 18312. RIPS LEE AUTO WRECKRERS )aI Ul‘ IVlllg‘ mo 01' Phone RI 26413, Peterboro or RI 25913 Free Estimates Eliis 8: McLean il'den Phone LEE AUTO WRECKERS an Plumbing, Heating .c- Pone 1718 Garden Hui ephon 5'va m. and Wiring arm WAN TED FOR SALE mswsqu -â€" 3-bedrrvom Apt. in, dining room and and cold water, To 1. Lav. Fallis. Mill}. FOUND ant 110 and L-i-h Millbr‘nok am Dron 11’ 3 A11th 21 . ra r 'th Id \ a 1'1 AIS RR 1 01' 2,3 ter . lst 118