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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 7 Sep 1893, p. 1

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W’. BLEND, VETERINARY SURGEON, 1 o (Successor to T. H. Hassard.) Registered \"\ and Hon. Graduate of Ontqrio Veterinary Col- -' ‘ c, Toronto. Late Veterinary SurgeOn North est Mounted Pohce. Calgary. Attended Clinical Lectures. Royal Veterinary College, London. Eng. Dentistry 8. specialty. All 0- masticatcd animals treated according to latest scientific methods.. Office on King-st., opposite Dominion hotel. Millbrook. 91y. W. LANG Finest and Best Selected Stocks In Town, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, c. Cheap for cash. All kinds of produce want- ed and the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. DEAFNESS AND NOSIES IN THE HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutely genuine system. The most extraorâ€" ' cases have been successfully treated. Full particulars, with copies of splendid testimonials post free. Herbert Clifton, 51, UpperKensington Lune, London, 8. E. (Hy Desires to inform the public that he has one of the P. . WATFORD, ACCOUNTANT AND assxgnee. Books opened and closed. Ac- counts collected, ASSIgnments taken in charge am: all detzuls completed. Sgecial attention given to book~keeper’s work w ere services of a permargent book-keeper are not required. Commumcatmns troyx’nelghboring towns re ceive prompt attentaon and servwes in such places performed moderatetly and satisfac- ory. Ofl‘Ice: 379 water street. Address, Post office box 125, Peterooro, Ont. 7 -6m T B. COLLINS 00.. BANKERS, MILL- o BROOK. Farmers’ and other good notes discounted; Dg‘afts issued on all points of Can ads. and the! Umtea States at lowest rates. The collection of sale and other notes a. specialty. II odmado on real guts. rNo .comxgistrzion . mnor 5160 Km: at. Balanceâ€"Man Bank of Commerce. _ u w- _ .. v'vâ€"u‘ “VAL-I‘m UHaU AuUB. Pemberton. Professor of Music, and late Band Master 0 R331 School of Infantry, Toronto, is now prepar to receive £upils, vocal or instru- mental, at. his residence, ‘enter Street. Private instruction at. any hour. Orders for music and Musical instruments of any and every class pmmptly attended to. ' . S W. CLARKE. L.D.S., DENTIST SPECIAL o nttentlon given to the_preserva.tio'n of the natural teeth. N1trou3 Ox1de Gas for the pain- less extraction of teeth. Good work vuaranteed. Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th ondays of each month. Pontypool lst and 3rd Mondays. ARENTS AND THE PUBLIC ‘ ' P LY are respectfullv informal ‘E'Hmfifl‘ IDDELL. ARMSI‘RONG 8: NESBITT. I: Barristers, Solicitors, Notames. etc” Co In and Brighton. W R. Ridden, B. A., LL. A. J. fmxstrong ,B. A. W. H. Nesbitc. B. A. First-class loans laced. Money loaned and invested. Mercan o collections made and general law buslness. J \V. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON. o Ofl‘ice and residence, Baillieboro, Ont. Will be at Queen's Hotel, Millbrook, every Saturday. RCHIBALD WOOD, ISSUER OF MAR RIAGE MCENSES. Miilorook, On: N~ C. MCKINNON. M. D,, C. M., (SUCCES o sor to Dr. hiddric) Toronto and Victoria Umversities. Licentiate Royal College Sur- geons, Edinbur h, Member College Ph sicians 3nd Surgeons, ntario. Oflice at A. ’1‘. ‘ liozt's dru store. Alter ofllce hours at Mr. W'm. Ric on's residence, King st., Millbrook, Notaries, c. Onices, Wood 8:. Kells’ block, Mill- brook, Dag... and Bethany on the 2d. and 4th Mondays 1n every month. Money to loan at. lowest rates. 36 A. WARD, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY- at Law, Solicitor, etc. Ofiice in Ontario Block. “'alton Sgrect. Port Hope. Money to lend on the secunty of real estate. Town and tax-m property for sale. JOHN GILLOTT, Free sleepers will be reserved on applica- tion to Ext-11:8 6f #11 kiids. Three lfige shoWRBIfii. N9 grouble to showsooga erps cqnsfgugtJy ‘on hggd a. large stqck of. Far- _. Mihfiiéétiirefbf tfié Eieelsior Washing Machine. The best in the maths. Tickets will be good for return two months from date of issue. Canadian Nort‘h-‘West, at the followmg col- onist class :â€" To Delotaine, Man. and return. . . . . .32: “ Reston, Man. “ 2: “ Esten'an, Assa. “ 2: :Excursions will be run from Mill brook on August 13:11 and 2'an and September 5th, to the follgl'ving paints in \1 anftgba. and th_e Excursions to Manitoba and the :Canadian North-West and Re= 'turn, via North Bay. ‘iVol. XXXVI. ¢¢ 6‘ ‘6 H K‘ t‘ ‘Mz'm _PB_EST0>I “(SUCCESSQBSM . Q MoBsejaw, Assa. Yorkton, Assa. Prince Albert, Sask Calgary, Alb._ Idixionton, Alb. Binscarth, Man. Moosomin, Assa. J-_ ACV; hasty) rlfiriziermmfl SbhciIéxeT MARRIAGE LICENSEE Ube '{llbillbsook . : CABiNET MAKER, PROFESSIONAL , A. LEACH, MUSIC. Agent G. T. R'y, Millbrook. ¢¢ ‘G ‘6 28 00 28 00 ‘28 00 4000 30 00 to which we have id special attention and have personally se ected a. large number of» suit lengths in all the leading colorings. A 1 Value In Worsteds and Pantings. Come and see them before purchasing elsewhere. All the leading lines in all col- ors. See our Spring Dress Tweeds at 37% cts. Are selling fast but a good assort- ment s_till on hand. Spring Goods White and Glfiy Cottons, Shirtings. Ginghams Cottonades, usslinsé Tahtle Linens, Napkms, e c., e c. OUR SPECIALTY THIS WEEK IS Stock Now Complete. PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, Walsh 2% Clarke 32? Don’t fail to sec me before ordering. You can save money by placing your order with me now. All Kinds ofRepdiring Is the lightest running, and is a. general favor ite. It is a model of strepgth and durability. 11's gears are soaked in bmling 011, expelling all moxsture and imparting great tou hness to the wood. The patent truss axle 9. ds greatlyto the value of the wag on. I control the sale of this waggonin tho ownshipa 0! Cam and Mam‘ers. CARRIAGE PAINTING. Buggies, and Carts THE FINEST IN THE DOMINION. was we wacnon Boys Suits at all Prices. Felt Hats in new styles.- Rock-bottom prices The best, time to buy your coal is when the weather is warm, as it is always cheaper then. I have the best coa-l this year that has ever been brought into Millbrook. This may be seemingly loud talk, but an inspection will, I think, convince the most sceptical on this point. Please call and see my coal before placing your order. I have also another car load of shingles to hand this week. They are going fast as the price is low and the shingles are good. @ Office and yard at the railway station. HUGHES, “14301315, Alex. Ferguson Brantford Carriage Co.’s ORDER YOUR COAL NOW 2 July 27th, 1893. COAL 2 and they are ofi‘ered at low prices SPECIAL ATTENTIOX GIVEN TO TWEEDS, A. PAYNE, has arranged to sell the AND OARTS- NEW WlNTER IS SURELY COMING. fiMILLBROOK. ONT... THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1898. Yours respectfully, W. THEXTON. An Universal Beautifier.â€"Harmless, effec- tive, and agreeable, Ayer’s Hair. Vigor has taken high rank among toilet articles. This ma non causes thin weak hair to become abundant, strong, and healthy, and restores grey hair to its original color. rowing was not indulged in to a very great extent, but the ball-room was made merry by those who enjoyed skipping the light fantastic. Mr. Arnott, the proprietor of the hotel, and his assistants, were extreme- ly kind and ,_obliging. Quite a fluttterifi- excitement was notice- able among our young people on Wednesday evening lastâ€"«it being the o¢cesion of a very popular wedding. Alice, third daughter of our esteemed citizen, Johnston Martin, Esq., and Mr. Robert McGrath, druggist, were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock. The young couple are deservedly popular and the occasion was one that seemed to send a thrill of joy through the hearts of their large circle of friends, who showed their devotion by the handsome and costly gifts received by the bride. They are at present spending their honeymoon in far-off green fields and the fervent wish of their multitude of friends is that their enjoyment may be unlimited and that as they pass through lifeis drama may the clouds of sorrow break ere they reach them and appear as waves of sunshine. Fall is Lineâ€"Gavan. One of the most pleasant picnics of the season was that of Saturday, August 26th, when a number of our young people, accom- panied by friends from Millbrook, M anvers and Clarke, drove to the head of Rice Lake and spent an out and out jolly good day. In the morning the Weather promised to be unfavorable and many were the sad expres- sions as to the sign of rain. However, the mists rolled away and everything was love- ly, the lake was as smooth) as glass and as night came on it was as beautiful as a. glor- ious moon could make it. The party left the residence of Mr. W. A. Fallis and reached Bewdley about eleven o'clock. Lunch was served in the pretty grove back of the hotel and was certainly a never-to-be-forgotten meal. Our boys no_t heing skilled oarsmen, Romany. H rvesting is about concluded and al~ though hardlv up to genevall expectations " 3" we can safely congratulate ourselves, as com- pared \xiLh foreign countries we are a. fav~ ored people. Mrs, Porter and daughter of Chatham, who have been vising friends in this vicinity left; on Friday to visit friends at Tremon and Amherst Island. Miss Rose Fallis of the 6th line of Gavan and her friend, Miss E. J. F allis, of Kendal, were visiting friends here on Thursday. A party of young people of this vicinity drove out to Oak Hill on Sunday and spent a. very enjoyable day with their old friend, My Joseph Hornet} _ Fifth Linc. Gavan. Harvest being,r over the people of this vi- cinity have started at their fall ploughing and thanks to the recent. rains the land is in good working condition. We beat the world in Teas. Sugars as Cheap as ever. W. VANCE. Who Is now offering It to you for $1.10 per Barrel comm KnocKEn HIGHER THAN mum’s KITE BY The Leading Smear W. VANCE. â€"â€"Get a box of Dr. Root’s Red Regulat- cm, the best blood builder. Price 50c. For sale by A. LEACE. 16- The farmers of Western Kansas are ap- pealing to the state Government for seed wheat, or money to buy it, their wheat crops have failed. â€"-Ca.11 at Leachfs drug Astorg gnd 83'." n tic. After Breakfast . To purify, vitalize and enrich the blood, and give nerve, bodily and digestive strength, take Hood’s Swrsaparilla. Continue the medicine after every meal for a. month or two and you will feel “like a. new man.” The merit of Hood’s Sasaparilla. is provcn by its thousands of wonderful cures. Why not you try it? ‘â€"Ha.ve you seen Epldermia the great: skin cure, for Eczema, Salt; Rheum, c. For sale by A. LEACH. 16- The Home Rule Bill passed the third reading by 301 to 287. Crops in Illinois have been badly damaged by the heavy frost. â€"Dr. Root’s Red Regulators cure to stay cured. Ask A. LEACH for a. box. 16- The cheese factories in the Madoc dsstrict have contracted for the balance of the sea.- son at 10320. â€"Epidermia ass. beautifier of the com- plexion has no equal. Try it. At A. LEACH’S. 16- The annual flower show under the aus pices of the Galt Horticultural Socioty was very successful. A despatch from Black River Falls, VVis., states that, the cranberry crop has been des- troyed by a. frost. bottle of Harper’s Ara‘lvian Balm. liniment sold Hood’s Pills cure constipation. They are the best after-dinner pill and family cathar- â€"Dr. Root’s Red Regulators are the best pills for a blood tonic. A. LEACH sells them. 16- Mnjohn Best of Peterbéro was in the village on Supday. _ Mi: Wm. Cott'ingham has rented the farm occupied by Mr. Wm. Shield and has begun ploughing thereon, Locusts have done moxe harm here this yea: than the Colorodo beetle would do in five wars. We will require an inspector of insect nuisances next. We are sorry to see Mr. James Smith rc- qu_ire the assistance of a. cane. Mr. C. R. Ruthelford and W. E. Best are making cheege in o_ur_factqry, Mr. John Boyd, jr. and his sister Maggie returned last week from North Dakota, just a dam? previous to their brother’s death. Thei1 welcome home was a. melancholv one indeed. Mr.J J. McIndoo has returned to his business in Caledonia, after a. visit to his friends here. Miss May Mills is home 011% visit from Barrie. The remains of the late Master Harry Boyd were interred iii St. J ohn’s cemetery last Friday afternoon. A large concourse of friends and relatives followed Lhe remains to their last resting place, and his sad and early demise has cast. a. gloom over the vil- lage and neighborhood. The father, broth- ers and sisters of deceased have the heartfelt sympath‘gl of fill. Mr. and Mrs. Parker of Toronto are visit- ing at the parsoqage. Master Percy McLean has just commenced a. two weeks’ vocation. * Miss A. Garlick of Bobcaygeon is visiting the Misses Mills. - Miss lela Thexton has returned from a trip on the back lak_.es Centrevllle. Our thriving village was represented at the World’s Fair last week by Dr. Mont- gomery, who went there from Sarnia, where he was attending the High Court of Fores- ters, _as representative of Court Centrevillc. The doctor is a. gentleman that would cer- tainly represent the locality in its true colors and we hope he may long remain in our midst to enjoy the confidence so deserv- edly placed in him by our citizens. \Ve are pleased to note that Mr, James Bullied who has been very ill is now on the road to recovery. \Ve regret to chronicle. the fact that Mrs. A. Christie is on the sick list, but we hope to hear of _her_ s_p_eedy recgvery. passing through our villego on Monday last. Mr. Bryce, formerly of this district, spent: Sup_day_la§t hegp with friends. , -â€" \Iis's Ella. Egown left for Peterboro t-Tlis week to attend the qulpgiate _1nstit_._ute Mr. 'R. Devell recently went to the North West to spend a. couple of months with his brothers. Special Sabbath school exercises, presided over by Rev. W. H. Cook, were held in the Methodist church last Sunday afternoon. > Dr. McKinnSn and Mr. A. T. Elliott of Millbrook, accompanied by Mr. Best of Mount Pleasant, attended service in our Prcsbyterian church last Sabbath mor11ing._ Our Presbyterian friends had a. congrega- tional meeting here last Monday evening for the purpose of discussing church improve- ment, which they have wisely postponed until next spring. Mount Pleasant. Miss Lottie Smith and Miss Ella Best of Peterboro, have returned home after visiting our town. Miss Aggie Campbell, B. A., of Cobourg returned home last week after spending about ten days very pleasantly in our town, the guest of Mrs. John Byers. W" e noticed Mr. Wm. Leach of Millbrook ”d m 16- Moved by‘ Mr. Barnicutt, seconded by Mr. Porter, that Councillor Evans be ap- pointed to superintend the job on road in front. of lots 8, 9 and 10, Con. 12, and that the Reeve be authorized to superintend the road job oppos11e lots ‘23, 24 and 25, In front; of 14th concession. Carued. Moved by Mr. Barnicutt, seconded by Mr. Porter, that Mr. J. J. Preston, first deputy reeve, be and is hereby appointed and em- powered by this council to act for, on behalf and in the interest of the township of Manâ€" vers, upon a special committee of the coun- ties council appointed for the purpose of thoroughly rex ising the assessment rolls of the minor municipalities comprising these united counties and arriv ing at an equitable and satifactorv basis of equalization before the December meeting of said counties couns cil. Carried. Bylaws to levy and collect certain fates for the present year, to levy and cbllcct trustees rates and to authorize the borrm - ins: of a. sum of money to meet current ex penses was then read a. first, second and third times- signed and sealed. A Bylaw to appoint a. collector of rates and taxes in and for the township of Man- vers was introduced, read first:- and second times and was finally passed on the IOHOWing division :â€"â€" Moved by Mr. Barnicutt, seconded by Mr. Porter, that the more and treasurer be and are hereby authorized and empowered on be- half of this corporation to borrow on e credit of this municipality the sum of ei it hundred dollars to meet; the current, ex n- ses thereof until such time as the taxes fay be collected. Curried. persons for the office of collector : M srs. Applications were read frOm the folltging J. J. Clark, A. Davie and Francis Por gr. Moved by Mr. E vans, seconded b) Mr. Porter, that, Mr. Levi Sis son’s request be granted and thathc be given until Nov.1 to remove the fence. Carried. On motion the application 01 John Sissou was not entertained and the applicatiqn of T. W. Magill was referred to Coun‘cilior Evans. Yeasâ€"Barnicutt, Evans, Preston and Wilson. Naysâ€"Porter. Mr. Levi Sisson then served the council with a. written complaint statin that the allowance for road on the road ivision on. the 8th concession, over which Mr. G. W. Sisson is overseer, is not of the legal width and wishing the council to instruct the clerk to notify the overseer to make all parties re~ move all fences and obstructions from off said part of road allowance. No action taken. ' Communications were received and read from Mrs. R. Porter, requesting the council to make her a. Tmonthly allowance towards her support. From Mr. Boyd refusing to pay the amount of bill of ccsts re submission of railway by-law, but offering to pay the bill for printing in THE REPORTER. And from the trustees of the several school sec- tions in the township requesting the council to levy and collect in the several school sec- tions the following sums less the township grant as provided by See. 109 of the Public School Act of 1891 :â€" Moved by Mr. Barnicuti, seconded by Mr. Porter, that the applications of Messrs. Hamilton and Reynolds be received and that: Deputy Reeve Preston be authorized to have the necessary work performed. Carried. On motion the following orders on the treasurer were signed by the Reeve :-â€" J. N“. J9hnstqn,_deputy returning officer in 101: 9 Con. 12 ................ . ...... John Fowlcrybuilding bridge ........... R. McCullou h, cord wood. Mrs. Porter, W, J. Fallis. alf pay building culvert... BOYDâ€"In Gavan, on Thursday, August 318 1893, Harry W. Boyd, son of J Ohnnoyd, ages. 14 years and 10 months. - ARMSTRONGâ€"At Millbrook, .0n4’Wednesday August 30th. 1893, Archibald Am 5, ’ his90th year. , trong, 1-. JOHNSTON-.19 Millbroek. 011311635”. Aum I 28th, 1893, Margaret Jane Johann, 38 5: Y 031‘s. - LANG-At Brando Mann-"3:; s ' lash. Margaret 31’ ans Smithson, 5 31m 43%. ands: Lang, aged 56 years. ‘ JOHNSTONâ€"1n Miubroox. on Tueflay' Aging In S. ,_ ,, , , u 7‘--- Railwya bylaw ......................... 5 Francis Imry. deputy returning omcer Railway bylaw ........................ Francis Imry haugiay job N. B ............ ‘f buil mg cplverts_ etc” On motion the council adjoimed until Saturday, 23rd September, at the hour of one o ’,clock p. m. The Baiiway Bylaw Costsâ€"School Section Leviesâ€".1111! other lumen-14m! Business. The council of the township of Manvers met, pursuant; to adjournment, in Bethany on Saturday, August; 19th. Members all present, the Reeve in the chair. The min. utes of the pre\ mus meetinrv wexe read and approved. Verbal petitions were then made by F. Hamilton and Chas. Reynolds to have side- walk repaired west of and near Hamilton’s. hotel, and to have culvert built on John street. Bethany, near R. Kennedy’s shop, also by John Sisson, indigent, for extra aid towards his support, and by Levi Sisson to be allowed extra. time to remove his fence, and by T1105. “3 Magill to have a. hill cut; down onrt‘ue road opposite lot 12, Con. 13. “ s 305 00 “ 2o 58 06 “ 9 479 00 ‘ Moved by Mr.- Porter, seconded by Mr. Barnicutn that this council grant the sum of four dollars per month to Mrs. R. Porter, indigent, during pleasure of council, to com- mepce on Sept. 1st. _ Carried. On motion the clerk was instructed to write M r. R. R. Elliot requesting him to forâ€" ward to M. Boyd his bill for printing re sub- mission of railway bylaw. _ IIA 3’ VERS TO "2" SH I 1’ CO UXCIL. 4000 InS.S.No.10$300m 3O 00 " 11 195 00 350 00 f‘ 12 93 50 “Nu- 450 00 The Tomb. No. 35 15 19 é,

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